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Sample/Pre-Board Paper 17 Class X Term 1 Exam Nov - Dec 2021 English Language and Literature (Code 184)

The passage discusses the benefits of having hobbies. It states that hobbies help people grow, provide enjoyment and refreshment. They allow people to develop skills and confidence over time. Hobbies provide opportunities for socialization, stress relief, and overall well-being through reduced risk of health issues like high blood pressure. While the type of hobby does not matter, it should be a diversion and passion. Hobbies may also help enhance life and prepare people to handle future challenges better through rejuvenation.

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Sample/Pre-Board Paper 17 Class X Term 1 Exam Nov - Dec 2021 English Language and Literature (Code 184)

The passage discusses the benefits of having hobbies. It states that hobbies help people grow, provide enjoyment and refreshment. They allow people to develop skills and confidence over time. Hobbies provide opportunities for socialization, stress relief, and overall well-being through reduced risk of health issues like high blood pressure. While the type of hobby does not matter, it should be a diversion and passion. Hobbies may also help enhance life and prepare people to handle future challenges better through rejuvenation.

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Sample/Pre-Board Paper 17
Class X Term 1 Exam Nov -Dec 2021
English Language and Literature (Code 184)

Time Allowed : 90 Minutes Maximum Marks : 40

General Instructions :
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific instructions for each
3. Section B-GRAMMAR & WRITING has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

READING V. Hobbies may provide an opportunity for you to socialize

with people and that can be an additional benefit for
I. Read the passage given below. your overall well-being. You can connect with people
I. Hobbies help us grow as a person. The best way to who enjoy doing the same things that you do. You can
have a new hobby is to try something new. All of us meet new people, discuss your hobby and get connected
are unique, and this is the reason why our hobbies to a bigger circle that may even help you turn your
and interests are different. Once we find an activity hobby into your profession. The internet provides
we are passionate about, we can explore that activity numerous groups and forums to connect with people
more. When you get hooked, you will realize that that enjoy doing the same things that you want to do.
your hobby has become an integral part of your life. VI. Some hobbies require creativity and if you develop
Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and creativity through your hobby, it can be beneficial.
refreshes us. Hobbies help us to manage our leisure Creativity can help you experience new things at
and unplanned time more productively. It also affords school and work. The skill of being creative is essential
you the opportunity to learn new skills in your work. in today’s world.
But these are not the only benefits of having a hobby. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer
II. It feels great to be skilled and good at something, any eight out of the ten questions by choosing the
doesn’t it ? And this is what that makes you confident. correct option.
It can take some time to develop your hobby so that
you may be able to tell that you are skilled. But, the 1. When a person gets hooked on a hobby, he realises that
journey of experiencing your hobby is very rewarding (a) it has become an integral part of our life.
in itself. With the exposure to different types of (b) it has much more benefits than we realised.
activities these days, it doesn’t matter which activity (c) it is much more enjoyable to have a hobby.
you choose. Whether you are pursuing a craft, sports, (d) it is quite essential for us to learn some skills
puzzles, or skill development, your hobby should be a through our hobbies.
diversion and a passion. Simultaneously, if your hobby
gives you a sense of purpose, then you will be more Ans : (a) it has become an integral part of our life.
confident about challenging yourself in your hobby 2. No matter which sort of hobby you are pursuing, be
and help you prepare for learning new things at work. it a craft, sports, puzzles, or skill development, your
III. Hobbies give you an opportunity to enhance your life hobby should be :
Hobbies allow you to de-stess yourself while remaining (a) useful for you in the long run.
mentally productive. Having hobbies promotes better (b) a skill that improves your present circumstances.
health and may lower the risk of having high blood (c) a diversion and a passion.
pressure. Enjoying a few hours of your hobby a week can
(d) followed through till the end.
also reduce the risk of depression and dementia. Hobbies
refocus your mind on to something that you enjoy doing. Ans : (c) a diversion and a passion.
Hobbies that include physical activities create chemical 3. The journey of experiencing a hobby is quite :
changes in your body that help to reduce stress. (a) challenging for a person.
IV. Even if it doesn’t involve physical activities, you can
(b) rewarding in itself.
still reap the benefits of having a hobby. Getting a short
break from work and doing something you are passionate (c) demanding in itself.
about can rejuvenate your mind and help prepare you to (d) inspirational for a person.
handle challenges in the future in a better way. Ans : (b) rewarding in itself.

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4. Which of the following is not a way through which 10. If your hobby gives you _____ , then you will be more
hobbies enhance your life? confident about challenging yourself in your hobby and
I. may lower the risk of having high blood pressure help you prepare for learning new things at work.
II. reduce the risk of depression and dementia (a) confidence to move forward
III. distracts the mind from other useless problems (b) a sense of purpose
IV. promotes better health (c) a reason to develop yourself
V. reduces stress
(d) skills that help you in your work
VI. manages the regular balanced exercise
(a) I, II, II and IV Ans : (b) a sense of purpose
(b) I, III, IV and VI
II. Read the passage given below.
(c) I, II, IV and V I. People in only 12 out of 35 States (Figures are for
(d) I, III, V and VI undivided Andhra Pradesh) and Union Territories
Ans : (c) I, II, IV and V had overwhelmingly chosen Hindi as the first choice
for communication. Among the rest, while a few
5. Choose an option that is not a benefit of having a chose Hindi as their second or third language of
hobby. communication, a majority of them chose English,
(a) Provides an opportunity for us to socialize with according to the results of the 2011 language Census
people. released in 2018. About 43.63% of the total population
(b) Gives us an opportunity to enhance our life. said their mother tongue was Hindi.
II. Which Indian States are primarily Hindi-speaking
(c) Help us to manage our planned time more according to the language Census?
beneficially. III. The 2011 Census data shows that most Indian States,
(d) Makes us more confident in ourselves. apart from a handful of States in northern and central
Ans : (c) Help us to manage our planned time more India, do not primarily speak Hindi but have adopted
beneficially. the language as a secondary language. Most southern
and north-eastern States are not Hindi-speaking and
6. Choose an option that is clearly a synonym of the have adopted English as their secondary language. The
word ‘hooked’. given map shows the State-wise percentage of people
(a) opposed (b) indifferent who stated that Hindi was their first, second, or third
(c) willing (d) captivated choice of language. Most of the 12 States and Union
Territories that chose Hindi as their first choice were
Ans : (d) captivated located in northern and central India - over 96% of the
population in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, and
7. Choose an option that can be considered as an Himachal Pradesh speak Hindi.
appropriate title for the passage. IV. The share of Hindi-speaking people in Gujarat is
(a) The Importance of Having a Hobby significantly lower than most States. The southern
(b) The Usage of Hobby and north-eastern states, apart from Arunachal
(c) The Advantages and Disadvantages of Having a Pradesh and Sikkim, have the lowest proportion of
Hobby Hindi-speaking population among all states.
(d) The Correct Usage of Free Time- A Hobby
Ans : (a) The Importance of Having a Hobby

8. Hobby provides you with an opportunity to socialise

with people by making :
I. you get connected to a bigger circle that may even
help you turn your hobby into your profession.
II. you meet new people with whom you can discuss
your hobby.
III. you connect with people who enjoy doing the
same things that you do.
IV. you get together with people of your own age and
(a) I, III and IV (b) II, III and IV
(c) I, II and III (d) I, II, III and IV
Ans : (c) I, II and III

9. Which of the following option is not similar in meaning

to the word ‘beneficial’ ?
(a) advantageous (b) favourable
(c) rewarding (d) worthless Based on your understanding of the passage, answer
any six out of the eight questions by choosing the
Ans : (d) worthless
correct option.

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11. About how much percentage of population said that 18. According to the map, which state has the highest
their mother tongue was Hindi? percentage of Hindi speaking population in India?
(a) 50.27% (b) 32.93% (a) Tamil Nadu
(c) 43.63% (d) 45.69% (b) Uttar Pradesh
Ans : (c) 43.63% (c) Sikkim
(d) Kerala
12. Which states have adopted English as their secondary
Ans : (b) Uttar Pradesh
language of communication?
I. Southern states of India
II. Northern states of India GRAMMAR & WRITING
III. North-Eastern states of India
IV. Central states of India GRAMMAR
(a) I and II (b) I and III
III. Answer any five out of six questions by selecting the
(c) III and IV (d) I, II and III
most appropriate option for each.
Ans : (b) I and III
19. If they _____ early, they would have caught the
13. Choose a state/union territory from the options given train.
below that does not have Hindi as its first language of (a) left (b) have left
communication as chosen by the people. (c) had left (d) would have left
(a) Sikkim (b) Uttarakhand Ans : (c) had left
(c) Delhi (d) Himachal Pradesh
Ans : (a) Sikkim
20. The chief along with his family _____ involved.
(a) are (b) has
14. Hindi speaking population in Arunachal Pradesh is :
(a) lowest among the north-eastern and southern states. (c) is (d) have
(b) higher than other north-eastern states. Ans : (c) is
(c) lowest among the north-eastern states.
(d) higher than other north-eastern and southern states. 21. We _____ drink in a public place. It is a crime.
Ans : (d) higher than other north-eastern and (a) must not (b) should not
southern states. (c) would not (d) could not
Ans : (a) must not
15. Which state has a more lower share of Hindi speaking
people than any other state? 22. These cheques can be cashed at _____ branch of
(a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu the bank.
(c) Kerela (d) West Bengal (a) any (b) some
Ans : (a) Gujarat (c) few (d) either
Ans : (a) any
16. People of most states and union territories located in
northern and central India :
23. Which option displays the correct change of the
(a) speak their own mother tongue rather than
following to reported speech?
English or Hindi to communicate.
Gita said to Dinesh, “Why are you looking so sad ?”
(b) speak English as their first language of (a) Gita told Dinesh why was he looking sad.
(b) Gita asked Dinesh why he was looking sad.
(c) chose Hindi as their first choice of language for
(c) Gita asked Dinesh why was he looking so sad ?
(d) Gita asked Dinesh if he was looking so sad.
(d) are divided in the usage of English and Hindi in
Ans : (b) Gita asked Dinesh why he was looking sad.
their daily life for communication.
Ans : (c) chose Hindi as their first choice of language 24. Which option displays the correct change of the
for communication. following to reported speech?
The Principal said to the peon, “Go away at once.”
17. According to 2011 census data, most Indian States, apart
(a) The principal asked to the peon that he go away
from a handful of States in northern and central India,
at once.
(a) primarily speak Hindi and the rest have adopted
it as a secondary language (b) The principal ordered the peon to go away at
(b) primarily speak Hindi
(c) The principal said to the peon to go away at once.
(c) have adopted English as a secondary language
(d) The principal requested to the peon to go away at
(d) do not primarily speak Hindi but have adopted it once.
as a secondary language
Ans : (b) The principal ordered the peon to go away
Ans : (d) do not primarily speak Hindi but have at once.
adopted it as a secondary language
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IV. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting This section has sub-sections - V, VI, VII, VIII &
the most appropriate option for each.
IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section.
25. _____ letter is the reply to complaint. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V
(a) Collection (b) Sales to IX.
(c) An inquiry (d) Adjustment
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that
Ans : (d) Adjustment
I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the
26. When a person receives a message, it is their
old Dakota near the control tower. I went and asked
responsibility to provide the sender :
a woman in the control centre where I was and who
(a) non-verbal clues (b) self concept
the other pilot was. I wanted to say Thank you:
(c) perception (d) feedback She looked at me very strangely, and then laughed.
Ans : (d) feedback “Another aeroplane? Up there in the storm? No other
aeroplanes were flying tonight. Yours was the only
27. Which of the following should be included in a one I could see on the radar.” So who helped me to
complaint letter? arrive there safely without a compass or a radio, and
(a) Ask for a response within a reasonable time. without any more fuel in my tanks? Who was the pilot
(b) Include key dates. on the strange black aeroplane flying in the storm,
(c) Describe the problem and the outcome we want without lights?
(d) All of the above (Two Stories About Flying)
Ans : (d) All of the above
31. ‘I’ here refers to:
(a) Robin Klein
28. You are writing a complaint letter demanding
compensation for the damaged furniture and other (b) Liam O’Flaherty
household items. Where should you write the details (c) Frederick Forsyth
about complaint? (d) Fl Bsor Ester
(a) Before complimentary close. Ans : (c) Frederick Forsyth
(b) Before designation and address of the receiver.
(c) Between receiver’s address and salutation.
32. He asked the woman in the control room:
(d) After the address of the sender.
(a) who the other pilot was
Ans : (c) Between receiver’s address and salutation.
(b) who was on the runway
29. A part of a letter is given below: (c) where he was
“The music system worked properly for first seven days (d) where she had been
but it has not been functioning properly for the past Ans : (a) who the other pilot was
two days. The sound breaks while the songs are being
played and the system hangs multiple times. Coupled
with this, the songs stop playing abruptly and require 33. He wanted to meet the other pilot to say:
the system to be restarted. Since the music system is (a) ‘sorry’ to him
still in the warranty period of one year, I wish to get (b) ‘thank you’ to him
it replaced at the earliest.” (c) ‘thank God’ to him
This letter is a type of : (d) ‘please’ to him
(a) complaint letter (b) official letter
(c) business letter (d) letter to editor Ans : (b) ‘thank you’ to him

Ans : (a) complaint letter 34. The word ‘compass’ means:

(a) an instrument that collects money
30. “I suggest you look into these matters carefully as
(b) an instrument to judge ‘pass’
they will help to improve your service and ensure a
better experience for the customer. Moreover, it would (c) an instrument that shows planes
be better if you could mention the correct information (d) an instrument that shows directions
about the facilities, which you are willing to provide Ans : (d) an instrument that shows directions
on the partner websites.”
What do these lines of letter show? 35. The woman at control centre looked at him:
(a) Introduce the problem or issue (a) mockingly
(b) Summarise the main issue dealt with (b) laughingly
(c) Show relevant details about the topic (c) very strangely
(d) Provide solutions or suggestions to problem (d) angrily
Ans : (d) Provide solutions or suggestions to problem Ans : (c) very strangely

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VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that 42. How many predictions does the poet make for the
follow: ending of the world?
Wanda did not sit there because she was rough arid (a) One (b) Two
noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely (c) Three (d) Four
said anything at all. And nobody had ever heard her
Ans : (b) Two
laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into
a crooked sort of smile, but that was all. Nobody knew
43. What does ‘Fire’ symbolise according to the poet?
exactly why Wanda sat in that seat, unless it was
(a) Desire (b) Avarice
because she came all the way from Boggins Heights
and her feet were unusually caked with dry mud. But (c) Greed (d) All of these
no one really thought much about Wanda Petronski, Ans : (d) All of these
once she sat in the comer of the room.
44. What is the rhyme scheme of first stanza in Fire and
(The Hundred Dresses I)
36. Wanda sat in that corner of the room which: (a) ABAB (b) ABAA
(a) had a carpet on the floor (c) ABBA (d) ABBB
(b) had a velvety bench Ans : (b) ABAA
(c) had a cosy comer
(d) had the most mud and dirt on the floor 45. Which literary device has been used in the first two
Ans : (d) had the most mud and dirt on the floor lines of Fire and Ice?
(a) Assonance (b) Anaphora
37. Wanda was a very quiet girl who: (c) Alliteration (d) Enjambment
(a) rarely had an angry mood
Ans : (b) Anaphora
(b) rarely said anything at all
(c) rarely laughed VIII.Read the given extract to attempt the questions that
(d) rarely had a gossip follow:
I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next
Ans : (b) rarely said any thing at all to the one where the other dogs slept. For two days I
kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of
38. Wanda sat among rough and noisy boys because:
water. At the end of the second day he started to show
(a) her feet were awkward
some interest in his surroundings and of the third he
(b) her feet were full of wet mud began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the yard.
(c) her feet were caked with the dry mud
(d) her feet had no socks (A Triumph Of Surgery)

Ans : (c) her feet were caked with the dry mud 46. What does the word ‘Whimper’ mean?
(a) Whine
39. The word ‘unusually’ means: (b) Sit silently
(a) strangely (b) clearly
(c) Eat a lot
(c) definitely (d) sparsely
(d) Barked at the humans
Ans : (a) strangely
Ans : (a) Whine
40. Wanda twisted her mouth sometimes into:
(a) a childish tone 47. What was given to Tricki for eating?
(a) A lot of food
(b) a crooked sort of impatience
(b) A lot of meat
(c) a crooked sort of anger
(c) Nothing except water
(d) a crooked sort of smile
(d) All of these
Ans : (d) a crooked sort of smile
Ans : (c) Nothing except water
VII.Read the given extract to attempt the questions that
follow: 48. Where is Tricki residing now?
Some say the world will end in fire (a) At Pumphrey’s home
Some say in ice. (b) At doctor’s home
From what I’ve tasted of desire (c) At his servants’ home
I hold with those who favour fire.
(d) Alone in the kennel
(Fire And Ice) Ans : (b) A doctor’s home
41. Which literary device has been used in ‘I hold with
49. How long did it take Tricki to be normal?
those who favour fire’ ?
(a) Simile (b) Assonance (a) 1 day (b) 2 days
(c) Alliteration (d) Enjambment (c) 3 days (d) 4 days

Ans : (b) Assonance Ans : (b) 2 days

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50. When did Tricki start to show some interest in his 58. The dogs at the clinic took no interest in Tricki
surroundings? because he was:
(a) At the end of the first day (a) dull and boring
(b) At the end of the second day (b) not of their race
(c) At the end of the third day (c) of small size
(d) At the end of the fourth day (d) more powerful than them
Ans : (b) At the end of the second day Ans : (a) dull and boring

IX. Attempt the following. 59. In the chapter “The Thief’s Story”, what was the
name of the thief boy?
51. The story “A Letter to God” is all about an
(a) Anil
(a) Love (b) Enmity (b) Ajit Singh
(c) Hari Singh
(c) Faith (d) Dependence
(d) Chander
Ans : (c) Faith.
Ans : (c) Hari Singh
52. What is the dream of Nelson Mandela for the future
60. For what did Griffin enter the big London store?
of South Africa?
(a) for coldness
(a) Free from all selfishness
(b) for warmth
(b) Free from all love and emotions
(c) for money
(c) Free from poverty and discrimination
(d) all of the above
(d) None of these
Ans : (b) for warmth
Ans : (c) Free from poverty and discrimination

53. Mrs. _____ was the headmistress of Anne’s first

(a) Sink (b) Smith
(c) Kuperus (d) Thomson
Ans : (c) Kuperus

54. What did Mr. Petronski’s letter say?

(a) his daughter would not come to school any more.
(b) to appreciate the school.
(c) regarding poor performance of his child.
(d) None of these
Ans : (a) his daughter would not come to school any more.

55. In the poem “ Dust of Snow”, dust of snow means

(a) big particles of snow
(b) tiny particles of snow
(c) Snow that has become dirty.
(d) small drops of rain and mist.
Ans : (b) tiny particles of snow

56. According to the poem “A Tiger in the Zoo”, where

should the tiger be snarling?
(a) at the jungle’s edge
(b) at the cage’s edge
(c) in the cage
(d) all of the above
Ans : (a) at the jungle’s edge

57. In the poem “The Ball Poem”, where was the boy
staring down?
(a) the sea
(b) the ocean
(c) the harbour
(d) the lake
Ans : (c) the harbour

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