Paper 2 - Option A - Databases SL/HL Core: Annotated Student Work Paper 2: Example 1

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Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

Paper 2 – Option A - Databases

SL/HL Core

A1. A company has a division called Technical Services. This division is organised into departments.
The following chart shows how the various staff are organised.

The Human Resources Department maintains a flat file database to store information about all the
staff members for salary, holiday and promotion purposes. A sample of the stored information is
shown below.

Staff Surname Forename Job Title Line Manager Salary


948 Kent McKenzie Head of Planning Adrienne Mathis 90875

156 Barker Rae Head of Administration Adrienne Mathis 30465

815 Riddle Kevyn Development Control Officer Kent McKenzie 34768

580 Figueroa Rina Policy Manager Kent McKenzie 45078

871 Mathis Adrienne Director of Technical Services Russell Z. Harrell 45800

457 Neal Paul Head of Environmental Protection Adrienne Mathis 80670

297 Oliver Ralph Principal Engineer Daria Gilmore 50796

51 Gilmore Daria Head of Engineering Adrienne Mathis 90655

The Human Resources Department is experiencing many errors when compiling reports of personnel
and has been advised that it should change to a relational database.

Computer science teacher support material 1

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

(a) (i) Define the term database. [1 mark]

A database is a store of digital information that is kept in an organized way for simplified retrieval of

(ii) Describe the difference between a flat file database and a relational database. [2 marks]

In a relational database data is organised into relevant tables and refers to other tables for the full
meaning. In a flat file database all information relevant to a row is stored in one table, in the row
Benefit of doubt given – could be expressed a bit more clearly.

(b) (i) Identify two problems caused by data redundancy. [2 marks]

Data redundancy is when data is duplicated in a database. It makes errors more likely as it is possible
that data could be left in an inconsistent state when records are updated or deleted.

(ii) Outline using examples how data redundancy in this database could lead to errors. [2 marks]

In this database the name of the line manager is stored for each relevant row. If the name of a line
manager changes, e.g. through marriage or the employee being replaced, then the name will also
need to be updated for anyone under the supervision of that particular line manager and it is
possible that the name will not be changed in every instance and so leave an employee with the
wrong line manager.

Computer science teacher support material 2

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

(c) The departments usually have many ongoing projects that occupy their team members. The
Human Resources Department needs to produce lists showing who is involved in current projects.

The following information has been provided:

Project: Project_Ref, Project_Name, Budget

Department: Dept_Ref, Dept_Name,

Staff: Staff_Number, Forename, Surname, Job_Title, Salary

The projects are owned by a department.

Each member of staff is a member of a department.

(i) Construct an Entity Relationship Diagram to show how a relational database could be designed to
make this possible with the least chance of producing errors caused by data redundancy. [4 marks]

Project Department Staff

1 1
Project_Ref Dept_Ref Staff_Number
Project_Name Dept_Name Forename
Budget Surname
Dept_Ref n Job_Title
n Dept_Ref

(ii) Identify the steps to create a query that could be constructed to produce a list of staff members
whose salary is greater than $50000 who are involved in the project called “Relocation_2012”. [4

Select the following fields: Forename, Surname, Salary from Staff, Project_Name from Project
Join the tables: Staff to Department, Department to Project
Where the criteria are met: Salary > $50000, Project_Name = “Relocation_2012”

The steps are clearly indicated and there is no requirement to use SQL.

Computer science teacher support material 3

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

A2. A bank wants to transfer money from one account to another. Both accounts are held in the
bank’s database management system (DBMS). The account DBMS carries out a series of separate
operations in order to achieve this transaction. These include removing of money from one account
and adding it to the other. An error may occur if this process is interrupted, for example due to a
power failure. This could compromise the integrity of the account database.

(a) (i) Identify two characteristics of a transaction in terms of a database. [2 marks]

An indivisible action performed on a database and is performed independently of other transactions.

The use of a list for this type of question is preferred. 2

(ii) Distinguish between a database schema and a database state. [2 marks]

A database schema is the definition of the structure of the database whereas the state of the
database includes the data contained within the database as well as any constraints placed on the

(iii) Explain why the interuption described above could compromise the integrity of the account
database. [2 marks]

The databases state includes the total amount of money, specified across accounts. If one account is
debited and the relevant account isn’t credited then the database is left in an inconsistent state
because the overall amount of money has changed.

Clear explanation. 2

(b) Identify the steps that should be taken by the software in order to maintain the integrity of the
account database. [4 marks]

The state of the database should be checked before the changes by the software.

The transaction should then take place.

The software should then check the state of the database again

If the changes have resulted in an inconsistent state, then the changes should be undone.

If this happens then the change should either be attempted again or flagged for human intervention.

The use of a list for this type of question is preferred.


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Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

(c) The bank account data is shared between various applications, such as the bank's internal
accounting systems and the transaction system. Explain how problems of concurrency can arise
and how they can be avoided. [6 marks]

If the data is duplicated between multiple applications then at some point the data must be
synchronized between the applications, there will be some latency involved with this synchronization
and so different applications will have slightly different versions of the data. If a transaction occurs
before the data is updated then an account could be debited with funds that have also been debited
elsewhere. Also, if two transactions occur at the same time then a race condition occurs and the final
value of the data will depend on which transaction occurs last.

In order to avoid concurrency issues any transactions should take place as soon as possible so that
any future transactions are based on the correct current values, also, while a transaction takes place
the data should be locked so that other processes cannot edit the data or get incorrect values.

The data should be stored in a single location rather than different applications having their own
individual local copy as the presence of local copies gives rise to the possibility of different copies of
the data existing and as many transactions will be based on current data values this will lead to
incorrect values being used as the basis of transactions.

The response shows a good understanding of concepts and presents a clear description of the types of
errors that could occur and explains how they can be avoided.

Computer science teacher support material 5

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

A3. (a) (i) Identify two functions of a database management system (DBMS). [2 marks]

A database management system is responsible for the creation and the use [too vague] of a
database, or set of databases.

A list would have been preferable.


(ii) List two tools usually provided with a DBMS. [2 marks]

A query construction tool

Data import/export tool 2

(b) Database management systems allow data sharing and multiple views. Explain why these features
are important to an organisation that uses databases. [4 marks]

Within an organisation there are likely to be many people employees who need to access the same
data, this makes data sharing important so that employees can easily and simultaneously access
needed information. Having multiple views is important so that only the relevant information is
presented to people accessing the data. There is likely to be information in the database that is either
irrelevant or confidential for some employees and so this information should be hidden from viewers
that do not need to, or shouldn’t, see the data.

A well explained response. 4

(c) Explain why it is important for data to be independent of the application software that manipulates
it. [6 marks]

The same data could be used in many different within an organization and so different applications
would be used in order to view and edit the data. If the data is only compatible with a particular
piece of software then all interaction with the data must occur through that software. Also, software
can have a limited lifespan and if support ends for a particular piece of software or a new feature is
needed then it may not be possible if there is a heavy reliance between the software and the data.

If, however, the data is stored independently then it will continue to be valid despite different
software being used. Also, the converse is true as if the structure of the data is changed, for example
by adding another column to a table then the independence of data and software will ensure that
the change will not break the software.

This was awarded 6 marks.

Although the response is brief, the student presents a clear and detailed explanation.

Computer science teacher support material 6

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

HL extension

A4. Meubles de France is a large company that manufactures and sells furniture. It maintains a large
factory and offices in Provence and over a hundred retail outlets. It employs hundreds of workers. It
holds huge amounts of data on separate computer systems to handle:

customer orders
sales data
production data

All these systems have been acquired from different software suppliers. The management of Meubles
de France has been advised that a data warehouse would be of great benefit to the business.

(a) (i) Identify two characteristics of a data warehouse. [2 marks]

A data warehouse provides a way to aggregate information from different sources within an
organisation. It also provides relevant views and reports based on the data.
A list would be preferred.

(ii) Identify four features of Meubles de France's business that indicate the need for a data warehouse.
[4 marks]

Multiple sources of data.

Data from different computer systems which may contain unlinked but related data.

As the operational systems come from different software vendors it is not likely to be
possible to simply combine the data without the assistance of a data warehouse to interpret
the data.

A data warehouse would also provide a central location to generate reports on the business to
give better indications of the state of the company.

The use of a list for this type of question is preferred.


Computer science teacher support material 7

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

(iii) Identify four transformations that may be necessary in order to produce usable data in a data
warehouse. [4 marks]

Data from different systems will have to be converted so that any symbolic information is in
the same form.

Certain parts of the data will need to be merged

Any duplicated columns will need to be removed to stop redundant data being present.

The data may also need to be validated

The use of a list for this type of question is preferred.


(b) Meubles de France uses data mining to uncover patterns of consumer spending so they can
optimize their marketing for future products and services.

Contrast the use of association and cluster analysis for this purpose. [4 marks]

Association looks at the way that events are connected. For example, it could look at the
typical products that are purchased together and inform the management of Meubles de
France on methods of marketing these products in the future. For example, finding that
customers who buy garden furniture are also likely to buy garden plants.

Cluster analysis can organize the consumers of Meubles de France into particular groups or
clusters from the complete dataset held in the data warehouse based on a number of variables.
For example, a cluster of people who shop in the garden centre are also found to be over 50
years old and provide the majority of the lunchtime revenue in the restaurant during
weekdays. These groupings can to be used by the managers to move the restaurant close to
the garden centre.

Clearly and concisely explained. 4

Many organizations such as Meubles de France use data mining to build a complex profile of its

Computer science teacher support material 8

Paper 2: Example 1 Annotated student work

(c) Explain why civil liberty groups may be concerned about Meubles de France having such detailed
information. [6 marks]

Data mining can allow Meubles de France to build up a complex data profile of the customer.
However, once the data has been collected it could be used by other companies in a way that
the customers of Meubles de France did not think about when they provided the data
originally. Civil liberty groups may also be concerned that other companies who may access
this data may use it for purposes that may lead to unexpected issues for the customers of
Meubles de France, for example, if information may be passed from the third party to other
organizations which could lead to increased costs in healthcare insurance or to Government
agencies that may infringe the customers privacy.

Clearly and comprehensively explained.


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