Filipino Society and Culture Topics To Discuss: "Enculturation"
Filipino Society and Culture Topics To Discuss: "Enculturation"
Filipino Society and Culture Topics To Discuss: "Enculturation"
Culture – complex whole which includes The belief that one’s culture is superior to the other
knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, custom acquired cultures. It is the tendency of people to used their own
by humans as member of society. culture as the basis for evaluating the culture of others.
Extreme ethnocentrism can lead to “Culture shock” or
In its broadest sense, culture may be defined as:
the feelings of stress that people experience when faced
Way of life, a design for living with other cultures whose ways of living are different
from their own culture. It can give rise to social and
Shared patterns of behavior and meaning, of political conflict because it encourages the development
expectations and responses of derogatory stereotypes and denial of equal rights
Shared system of vital ideas about the world against people whose culture are different.
*FOLK CULTURES – are the beliefs, The basic element of Filipino social structure:
values, traditions and works of art,
The kinship Group. This is the system of social
dance, music and other material
relations based on blood, marriage, or affinal
things made by the ethnic
and ritual or the Kumpadre
It is through the kinship group that much of the
*POPULAR CULTURES – are the beliefs, local authority, rights, and obligations and
practices and material objects that are modes of interaction are expressed, defined,
mass- produced and mass-consumed ordered, and systematized.
by the significant number of people in Kinship determines the interpersonal and
a society. intergroup movements of people in and out of
the barrios and towns. This accounts sometimes
*HIGH CULTURES – are the desirable
for the lack of civil consciousness among
beliefs, practices and material objects
Filipinos, for generally, a Filipino feels that one’s
that cater to the artistic needs of the
help and support should be centered on one’s
elite and the middle classes.
kinship group.
*COUNTERCULTURES – are subcultures The kinship group is organized into a distinct
that reject openly and conspicuously horizontal or generational divisions. Central in
the most important beliefs, the kinship system is the nuclear family.
values, traditions and customs of the On account of the existence of a collection of
dominant group in the society. isolated and fragmented kinship communities
brought together under the domination of an
ON FILIPINO SOCIETY AND CULTURE… alien culture, we failed to develop national
Filipino culture is a blend from East (Oriental) consciousness, or the people sense of
and the West (Occidental) nationhood.
Political parties in the Philippines essentially
Filipino Culture is a product of our own history alliances of followers organized by family
experiences from pre-Spanish times up to the dynasties.
present. The Philippine rural communities has always
Out of this has developed a distinct and unique been described as a “bayanihan” society.
Filipino culture with an indigenous core PHILIPPINE CULTURE
embodied in pre-Spanish Malayan setting and
with assimilated elements and accessories from Senator Shahani describe the Philippine culture
the Spanish and American culture. openness to foreign influences and also believes
that the Filipino images of the self is not based
Basic Feature… on a deep core of Philippine history and language
The Philippines is a spectrum of social and these vagueness and weakness made the
organization ranging from the nomadic food
Filipinos highly susceptible to the total b. Blended/reconstituted Family
assimilation of western mass culture.
Rules of Descent
According to Fernandez, Philippine culture is
multi-layered and westernized, and is the result
of the synthesis of numerous highland and traces the ancestry from either male or
lowland multi-linguistic groups. female line.
Fernandez asserts that the popular culture of the Matrilineal
Filipinos is both colonial and neocolonial. It is
colonial because it is a product of colonial Bilateral
mentality and the xenocentric belief that foreign traces ancestry from the maternal and
culture is better than the local culture. It is neo- paternal side that is common in
colonial because the popular culture is basically agricultural and advanced societies
copied and assimilated by Filipinos because of
their desire to be modern and updated.
Rules OF authority
Family Structure
• Patriarchal family
• Matriarchal family
A social group related by common residence,
economic cooperation, and reproduction • Equalitarian family
Functions of Family Rules OF Residence
Regulates sex and reproduction Patrilocal
Enculturates the new members of society Matrilocal
Designates status and roles Neolocal/ Bilocal
Provides security and protection Problems OF the family
Classifications of Families • Domestic violence
Family Size the use of force to control the members of the family
Nuclear Family • Infidelity
Small group composed of married Extramarital relations of either spouse
couple and their offspring
• Teenage pregnancy
Can either be a family of procreation, or
a family of orientation Pregnancy of teenage girls caused by premarital SEX
a. Modified Extended