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Summary Sheet i-vi

Main Report
1. Outline of the Ex-Post Evaluation Study 1
1.1 Background and purpose of the study 1
1.2 Evaluation team and study period 2
1.3 Study scope and methodology 2
2. Overview of the Project 4
2.1 Background of the project 4
2.2 Project framework 5
3 Study Results 7
3-1 Sustainability 7
3.1.1 Institutional sustainability 7
3.1.2 Technical sustainability 11
3.1.3 Financial sustainability 13
3.1.4 Sustainability of project effects 14
3-2 Impact 16
3.2.1 Impact attained at the Overall Goal level 16
3.2.2 Impact not anticipated at project completion 19
3.3 Analysis of factors affecting impact and sustainability 20
3.3.1 Factors promoting sustainability 20
3.3.2 Factors promoting impact 21
3.3.3 Factors inhibiting impact and sustainability 21
3.4 Issues and Problems 22
3.5 Conclusion 22
4 Recommendations and Lessons Learned 23
4-1 Recommendations 23
4.2 Lessons Learned 24


Number Title

1 Project Design Matrix for Evaluation

2 Equipment Inventory Sheet
3 Status of Project Counterparts


Number Title

1 Study Methods Adopted in the Ex-post Evaluation

2 List of Ongoing Programs and Projects of BAP\C
3 Ways of Upgrading/Acquiring Skills by Project Counterparts
4 Summary of Annual Budget of BAPC, 2003-2005
5 Assessment of Sustainability of Project Effects
6 Rice Production Trend in Bohol Province, 1996-2004
7 Poverty Statistics for Bohol Province, 1997-2004


Number Title

1 Project Location
2 Map of Project Sub-site
3 BIAPP Project Framework
4 Stakeholders of the Project
5 Current BAPC Organizational Structure
6 Rice Production Trend in Bohol Province, 1996-2004

AT Agricultural Technician
ATI Agricultural Training Institute
BAPC Bohol Agriculture Promotion Center
BHIP-2 Bohol Irrigation Project-Stage 2
BIAPP Bohol Integrated Agriculture Promotion Project
CapIS Capayas Irrigation System
CENVIARC Central Visayas Integrated Agricultural Research Center
DA Department of Agriculture
DAR Department of Agrarian Reform
GMA Ginintuang Masaganang Ani
GOJ Government of Japan
GOP Government of the Philippines
HA Hectare
HVCC High Value Commercial Crop
IA Irrigators association
ICTP In-Country Training Program
IDO Institutional Development Officer
ISF Irrigation service fee
KPA Key Production Area
LGU Local Government Unit
MAO Municipal Agriculturist Office
MOOE Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
MT Metric Ton
NEDA National Economic Development Authority
NIA National Irrigation Administration
OPA Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
PATCO Provincial Agriculture Technology Coordination Office
PDMe Project Design Matrix for Evaluation
PhilRice Philippine Rice Research Institute
PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office
PTTC Project Type Technical Cooperation
RBFS Rice Based Farming Systems
RDE Research Development and Extension
RFU Regional Field Unit
R&D Research and Development
RFU Regional Field Unit
ROW Right-of-Way
Ex-Post Evaluation Summary Sheet

1. Outline of the project

Country: Philippines Project Title: Bohol Integrated Agriculture Promotion Project (BIAPP)
Issue/sector: Agriculture Cooperation scheme: Project Type Technical Cooperation (PTTC)
Division in charge: Total cost: ------ Yen
Period of cooperation: Partner Country’s Implementing Organization:
(R/D): Nov 11, 1996-Nov 10, 2001 Bohol Agricultural Promotion Center (BAPC)-Department of Agriculture
(Extension): 2001 – 2003
Supporting organization in Japan:

Related cooperation:
PTTC, Bohol Agricultural Promotion Center (BAPC) Project, 1983-1988 (extended up to 1990)
1-1. Background of the project:
In early 1990s, the Government of the Philippines (GoP) stepped up its efforts to ensure food security. In line with
this, the Department of Agriculture (DA) embarked on the Key Production Area (KPA) approach aimed at increasing
food production in selected areas of the country including Bohol province being the rice and corn production center
of the whole Region VII (Central Visayas). With this KPA approach, the Bohol Agricultural Promotion Center
(BAPC), which received a technical cooperation from Japan in 1983 through 1990, was expected to play a vital role
in ensuring regional self-sufficiency in rice production. However, it was found out that in order for BAPC to
effectively carry out its new role, there was a need to assist the BAPC in improving its institutional, physical and
technical capabilities in such new fields as water management for irrigation systems, farm mechanization, technology
transfer skills, and improvement of rice-based farming systems for location-specific requirements in the province and
the whole Region VII. Considering this limitation and recognizing the immediate need for capacitating the BAPC,
the GOP requested the Government of Japan (GOJ) in 1995 for an Aftercare program to the previously implemented
PTTC on BAPC project. In response to the request, the GOJ through JICA dispatched several study teams in 1996 to
determine the feasibility of the request and to examine the appropriateness of the After-care program.

As a result of those investigations, JICA concluded that a new Project Type Technical Cooperation (PTTC) was more
appropriate to respond to the request. Thus, the Records of Discussions (R/D) for a new PTTC on the Bohol
Integrated Agricultural Promotion Project (BIAPP) was signed by both GOP and GOJ authorities in October 1996.
The technical cooperation on BIAPP was implemented from November 1996 to November 2001. It was extended for
two years from 2001 to 2003. A Terminal Evaluation study for the project was carried out by JICA in July 2001.

This Ex-post evaluation study was conducted to determine impact and sustainability of the project as well as extract
lessons from the project cooperation and formulate recommendations to improve planning and implementation of
similar projects in the future.
1-2. Project overview:
The project cooperation was aimed at transferring necessary techniques to BAPC counterparts on integrated
agricultural promotion.
(1) Overall goal
The agricultural production and income of farmers in Bohol are increased.

(2) Project purpose

Agricultural productivity is increased by improving management of farming activities in the Project sub-site.

(3) Outputs
1) Baseline survey and monitoring can be conducted by BAPC staff;
2) Improved location-specific technologies for rice-based farming systems are adopted in the project sub-site;
3) Effective management of IA activities are carried out in the project sub-site;
4) Technical capabilities of extension workers and key farmers in Bohol are enhanced; and
5) Agricultural promotion system is improved by enhanced collaborative linkages of BAPC with Local Government
Units and concerned organizations.

(4) Inputs (1996-2001)

<Japanese side>
Long-term experts - 12 Equipment -
Short-term experts - 15 Local cost - 35,774 Yen
Trainees received in Japan - 15 Others -
<Philippine side>
Assignment of counterparts - 36 (including 2 from NIA) Land and facilities -
Equipment - Local cost - 41 million Pesos
2. Evaluation team
Members of JICA-Philippines office
evaluation Commissioned to local consultants from the Center JICA In-house Consultants providing
team for Local Development Studies (CLDS) technical guidance and supervision to the
study: Mr. Nick Baoy and Engr Rey Gerona
Period of October 24, 2005 to December 22, 2005 Type of evaluation:
evaluation Ex-Post Evaluation
3. Results of evaluation
3.1 Summary of evaluation results
(1) Impact
The BIAPP was designed to contribute to the overall increase in agricultural production and income of farmers in
Bohol Province. Towards this end, the project focused on the improvement of agricultural productivity in the Project
sub-site at the Capayas Irrigation System (CapIs) located in the municipality of Ubay. At the Project sub-site level,
the average rice yield increased from 2.8 mt per hectare in 1996 to 4.0 mt per hectare in 2001. This average yield was
sustained during and after the follow-up cooperation period which ended in 2003. Rice productivity in the entire
province likewise improved from 1.96 mt per hectare in 1996 to 2.39 mt per hectare in 2004. This yield
improvement, however, was insufficient to generate significant impact on the Overall Goal considering that the total
paddy production of 150,000 mt recorded in 2004 was still below the highest production of 162,000 mt attained in
1997 and far below the project target of 250,000 mt for the entire province. The delay in completion of Bohol
Irrigation Project-Stage 2 (BHIP-2) which could have expanded the total irrigated area in the province and the severe
drought brought about by the El Nino phenomenon in 1998 and 2004 were identified as key factors that inhibited the
attainment of the Overall Goal. In addition, the total paddy production of 250,000 metric tons targeted by the project
for Bohol province is deemed too high. Historical data for the last 10 years indicate that highest paddy production
level achieved by the province was only 160,000 metric tons. In terms of increasing farmers’ income, farmers who
have adopted the rice-based farming system (RBFS) introduced by BIAPP revealed that their incomes improved as a
result of increased farm productivity. Official income statistics at the provincial level, however, revealed that while
annual per capita increased from 6,993 pesos in 1997 to 11,239 pesos in 2004, poverty incidence in the province
likewise increased from 37.3 percent to 52.8 percent during the same period.

(2) Sustainability
The institutional sustainability of the project is ensured by the integration of the BAPC in the network of research
centers of DA Region VII (referred to as the Central Visayas Integrated Agricultural Research Center or
CENVIARC) in 1999 with the primary task of promoting rice-based farming systems not only in Bohol Province but
the entire Central Visayas Region. Moreover, in recognition of its important role in agricultural promotion, the BAPC
was designated by the DA-Regional Field Unit (RFU) VII as the Provincial Agriculture Technology Coordination
Office (PATCO) for Bohol province responsible for coordinating the agricultural programs and projects of the DA in
the province. The institutional sustainability of project is further ensured by the fact that 36 out of 45 former project
counterparts remain employed at the BAPC, all of whom have permanent employment status. On the other hand, 18
out of the 20 former project counterparts sent to Japan for training are still working with BAPC applying the
knowledge and skills learned from training in their regular functions.

At the Project sub-site, the Municipal Agriculturist Office (MAO) of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Ubay has
assigned three of its seven staff to sustain the extension activities at the CapIS while the BHIP-2 Project Office of the
National Irrigation Administration (NIA) has assumed the responsibility of providing institutional development
support to the irrigators’ associations (IAs). After the project ended in 2003, however, the organizational performance
of the four IAs that were activated and strengthened under the project declined as a result of the suspension of
irrigation service due to the water shortage in 2004 and the inability of NIA to assign a full-time Institutional
Development Officer (IDO) in the area. Key informants at NIA, however, expect the revitalization of the IAs in the
next two years as the institutional development component of BHIP-2 is fully implemented in CapIS.

The “farmer-to-farmer” extension approach whereby BIAPP technologies are promoted through the model farms
operated by seven (7) key or model farmers was sustained after the project ended in 2003. Aside from the seven key
farmers, 12 additional farmers have adopted the rice-based farming systems in the project sub-site at the time of
evaluation. In view of its effectiveness in terms of cost and rate of technology adoption, the “farmer-to-farmer”
extension strategy is currently being applied by BAPC in its technology promotion activities outside the project

The technical sustainability aspect of the project is likewise secured. Former project counterparts continue to apply
and practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the implementation of BIAPP in the ongoing
rice-based farming systems promotion activities of BAPC. Moreover, the BAPC has been able to develop effective
approaches in technology transfer and promotion not only for lowland rice-based farming systems but also for other
types of farming systems. While BAPC staff had limited opportunities to attend trainings and seminars after 2003,
the survey conducted among former project counterparts revealed that they were able to upgrade their skills through
their active participation in BAPC program/project implementation, peer-to-peer sharing, reviewing scientific
literature and pursuing graduate studies. At the Project sub-site, most farmers continue to practice the knowledge and
skills acquired during the BIAPP implementation such as the use of recommended varieties and synchronous planting
thereby sustaining the average yield of 4.0 mt achieved in 2003. The seven model farmers continue to share the
knowledge and skills to other farmers with some of them introducing improvements to the technologies introduced
during the project. While farmers had lesser opportunities for training after 2003, this was compensated by the
continuous technical guidance by agricultural technicians assigned by the LGU of Ubay in the Project sub-site.

The financial aspect of the project is fairly secured. BAPC, as the center for rice-based farming systems in Region
VII, receives a regular budget of 9.9 million pesos every year from the national government through the DA-RFU
VII. In addition, BAPC gets a supplemental budget for operations and maintenance from the national programs
implemented by other government agencies such as the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and DA’s
Ginintuang Masaganing Ani (GMA) rice production program. The shift from the “farmers’ training-oriented” to the
“farmer-to-farmer” extension approach has reduced the cost of BAPC operations in view of the reduced emphasis on
costly trainings. But considering that BAPC is tasked to promote rice-based farming systems not only in Bohol but
also in the entire region, the current financial capacity of BAPC is certainly limited. At the local government level,
the Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) of the municipality of Ubay has an annual budget of 1.9 million, two-thirds
of which is earmarked for the salaries of agricultural extension personnel. In view of its tight operating budget, the
extension activities of the MAO have been limited to farm visits by its agricultural technicians. Technology
demonstration, seed production and other extension-related activities are mostly subsidized by the national

3.2 Factors that have promoted the project

(1) Impact
The adoption of effective agricultural promotion strategy during the follow-up cooperation period, i.e., the
“farmer-to-farmer” extension approach contributed to the wider adoption of improved farming technologies in the
Project sub-site. Moreover, the efforts of BAPC to promote location-specific rice based farming technologies on a
wider scale after the project ended in 2003 outside the Capayas area with the support of the Bohol provincial
government are contributing to the achievement of the Overall Goal of increasing productivity and income of farmers
in Bohol province.

(2) Sustainability
The high priority given to food security in national and local development plans has helped ensure the continuity of
government support to the initiatives of BIAPP to develop location-specific rice based farming systems and effective
approaches to agricultural promotion. This is evidenced by the continuous budgetary support to the activities of the
BAPC by the national government. Moreover, the recognition of the important role of BAPC in rice-based farming
technology promotion by the Bohol provincial government, DA and other national government agencies (e.g.,
Department of Agrarian Reform and PhilRice) has enabled the BAPC to sustain the project activities after the
cooperation ended in 2003. Given its expanded role in CENVIARC and as PATCO for Bohol province, BAPC is
placed in a better position to sustain the activities of the BIAPP and help alleviate agricultural productivity and
farmers’ poverty situation.

3.3 Factors that have inhibited the project

The two-year delay in the completion of the BHIP-2 due to right-of-way acquisition problems and budgetary
constraints coupled with the long dry spell brought about by the El Nino phenomenon are two major factors that
inhibited the attainment of impact and sustainability of the project. The completion of BHIP-2 could have expanded
the irrigated area in Bohol by 5,000 hectares thereby increasing total paddy production in the province. Moreover, the
timely operation of BHIP-2 could have minimized the effects of the El Nino phenomenon in 2004 in CapIS as
BHIP-2 was designed to supplement the water of Capayas Dam. The long dry spell in 2004, on the other hand, did
not only affect agricultural production but also the sustainability of IA activities. The water shortage in 2004 and
early 2005 resulted in the decline in IA performance as evidenced by decrease in ISF collection and poor

participation in IA meetings and activities.

3.4 Conclusion
The BIAPP succeeded in demonstrating the potential of increasing agricultural productivity and farmers’ income
through the promotion of improved location specific rice-based farming technologies and adoption of effective
agricultural promotion approaches. The current effort of BAPC to replicate the BIAPP experiences throughout Bohol
province will eventually generate some impact on agricultural productivity and farmers’ income. Increasing the total
paddy production of Bohol in the near future, however, is largely dependent on the expansion of irrigated areas
especially with the completion of BHIP-2 and the ability of BAPC to sustain the promotion of location-specific
rice-based farming systems in the entire province particularly in farming communities served by irrigation.

3.5 Recommendations

(1) BAPC has to find ways to ensure that BIAPP experience is replicated in BHIP-2 considering that this irrigation
project has a great potential of contributing to a significant increase in rice production in Bohol province.
Strengthening the collaborative linkages between BAPC and the NIA-BHIP-2, the concerned IAs, and the LGUs in
municipalities benefited by BHIP-2 is important in this regard.

(2) There is also need for BAPC to continue providing technical support to the extension activities of the municipal
government of Ubay to protect the gains of the BIAPP in the Project sub-site. Considering that the CapIS was
intended as a showcase of BIAPP, the BAPC should ensure that the positive effects of the project on farmers’
productivity and income are sustained.

(3) Moreover, BAPC needs to increase its efforts in mobilizing external resources in order to accelerate the
rice-based farming systems promotion activities in the province. The current efforts of mobilizing funds from
PhilRice and DAR could be augmented by tapping the financial resources of local governments and donor
organizations. A Program for External Resource Accessing (PERA) may be formulated for this purpose.

(1) As the agency tasked to operate and maintain the CapIS, NIA should ensure the continuity to the institutional
development program in the Project sub-site. Because of the budgetary constraints faced by the Philippine
government, NIA may not be able to hire additional permanent Institutional Development Officers (IDOs) for the
CapIS in the medium-term. However, the on-going process of “personnel rationalization” within the NIA
bureaucracy provides an opportunity for the NIA sub-office in Bohol to advocate for the re-assignment of NIA
regional staff to provide much needed institutional development support to priority projects like BHIP-2;

(2) There is also a need for NIA to provide a role for BAPC to replicate the BIAPP experience in BHIP-2. In
particular, NIA may consider tapping the expertise of former project counterpart staff from BAPC in developing
location-specific technologies for rice-based farming systems and supporting the IDO in improving the management
capability of IAs to be benefited by the project.

(1) To sustain the gains produced by the project, JICA may consider exploring the possibility of formulating an

In-country Training Program (ICTP) aimed at propagating the BIAPP experience among extension agents in the
country. Albeit in limited scale, BAPC has started disseminating technologies in some farm areas in Siquijor and
Iloilo provinces. These technology-dissemination activities will be further strengthened and enhanced if an ICTP
would be implemented by BAPC.

(2) To maximize the knowledge and skills learned by BAPC counterparts, JICA may consider advocating for the
adoption of the successful experiences of BIAPP in its ongoing and future technical cooperation projects in the
agriculture sector. In this regard, BAPC former counterpart staff may be mobilized as lecturers or resource-persons to
training, seminars and conferences organized by on-going technical cooperation projects. BAPC may also receive
visiting farmers, agricultural technicians and extension workers of on-going or future technical cooperation projects
that involve promotion of rice-based farming systems.

3.6 Lessons learned

(1) Proper recognition of the role and mandate of the implementing and cooperating agency at the project planning
stage is key to project sustainability. In the case of BIAPP, there was a smooth transfer of responsibility for
continuing the activities at the Project sub-site as the future roles of NIA and the LGU were determined at the outset.

(2) Timing of project implementation is critical in realizing higher project objectives. In this project, the attainment of
Overall Goal was largely dependent on the expansion of irrigated area through the BHIP-2. The contribution of the
Project Purpose to the achievement of the Overall Goal would have been more significant if the BHIP-2 was
completed as scheduled or when the technical cooperation was about to end.

(3) Formulating realistic target indicators is essential in project designing. In this project, the indicators set at the
Overall Goal level were too high considering that up until 1996, the total annual paddy production in Bohol never
reached 160,000 metric tons and the highest record achieved in poverty reduction at the national level never reached
10 percent. Monitoring key assumptions is, therefore, essential for adjusting project targets during project


1. Outline of the Ex-post Evaluation Study

1.1 Background and Purpose of the Study

Based on the request of the Government of the Philippines (GOP) in 1995, the
JICA and the Bohol Agriculture Promotion Center (BAPC) of the Department
of Agriculture Regional Field Unit VII (DA-RFU VII) implemented the
Project Type Technical Cooperation for the Bohol Integrated Agriculture
Promotion Project (BIAPP) from November 1996 to November 2001. The
BIAPP Terminal Evaluation Study Team dispatched in July 2001 concluded
that the Project Purpose could not be attained within the project cooperation
period. Thus, following the recommendations of the Study Team, the PTTC
was extended for two more years from 2001 to 2003. Two years after the
project ended, JICA selected BIAPP from among the completed technical
cooperation projects to be subjected to ex-post evaluation study for the
Japanese Fiscal Year (JFY) 2005.

With a view towards improving the

quality and ensuring the transparency
of JICA-assisted projects, this ex-post
evaluation study seeks to determine
and impact and sustainability of
BIAPP. The study also aims to extract
lessons from the project cooperation
and formulate recommendations to
improve the planning and
implementation of similar projects in
the future. Figure1. Project location

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 1

1.2 Evaluation Team and Study Period

In order to ensure objectivity of the evaluation, JICA commissioned the

Center for Local Development Studies (CLDS), a local consulting firm, to
undertake the ex-post evaluation study from October 24, 2005 to December 22,
2005. The CLDS assigned Mr. Edgar Kintanar and Mr. Victor Lorenzo to
carry out the study as Team Leader and Survey Assistant, respectively.

The JICA Philippines Office through its In-house Consultants, Engr. Nick
Baoy and Engr. Rey Gerona provided technical guidance and supervision to
the Study Team.

1.3 Study scope and methodology

The study was conducted in Bohol province where the project was
implemented and in Cebu City where the DA-RFU VII is located. In
conducting the study, the evaluation team focused on the impact and
sustainability criteria defined by DAC-OECD as follows:

Impact – the foreseen or unforeseen, favorable or adverse effect of the project

on the target groups or persons possibly affected by the project. The study
team examined the impact attained at the Overall Goal level of the project and
those not anticipated at project completion.

Sustainability – the extent to which

the positive effects, as a result of the
project, will still continue after the
external assistance is concluded.
The evaluation team examined the
institutional, financial, technical
sustainability aspects of the project
as well as the sustainability of Interview with a model farmer belonging to
the IA of Lateral A of Capayas IS
project effects.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 2

The study methods used in the ex-post evaluation are enumerated below:

Table 1. Study Methods Adopted in the Ex-post Evaluation

Stakeholders Respondents Methods

Implementing Agency
BAPC Project Manager (1) Interview
Chief, R&D Unit (1) Questionnaire
Chief, Technology Support Group Discussion
and Promotion Unit (1) Document
Chief, Planning & Monitoring collection
Unit (1)
Key Project Counterparts (20)
Responsible Agency
DA-RFU VII Regional Director (1) Interview
Chief, Planning Division (1)
Chief, Research Division (1)
Beneficiaries – direct
Counterparts from MAO, LGU Ubay (1) Interview
cooperating agencies ATs, LGU Ubay (4) Group Discussion
Beneficiaries at the Model Farmers (7) Interview
Project sub-site Extension Farmers (5) Group Discussion
Farmer-Members of Questionnaire
Beneficiary IAs (20)
Beneficiaries – indirect
Other cooperating Provincial Agriculturist (1) Interview
agencies OPA staff (3) Group Discussion
ATI Bohol staff (2)
Other farmers Rainfed rice farmers outside Interview
outside the project Capayas IS (15) Group Discussion
Note: Numbers in ( ) denote number of respondents.

Focus group discussion with the MAO and Focus group discussion with IA members
extension personnel of LGU of Ubsy of Lateral C1 in Bgy. Casate, Ubay,
B h l

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 3

2. Overview of the Project

2.1 Background of the Project

In the early 1990s, the GOP stepped up its efforts to attain food security. In
line with this, the DA embarked on the Key Production Area (KPA) approach
aimed at increasing food production in selected areas of the country including
Bohol province being the the rice and corn production center of the whole
Region VII (Central Visayas). With the KPA approach, the Bohol Agriculture
Promotion Center (BAPC), which came into existence as a result of a PTTC
assistance from Japan from 1983 to 1990, was expected to play a vital role in
ensuring rice self-sufficiency in Central Visayas. However, it was found out
that in order for the BAPC to effectively carry out its new role, there was a
need to assist the BAPC in improving its institutional, physical and technical
capabilities in such new fields as water management for irrigation systems,
farm mechanization, technology transfer, and improvement of rice-based
farming systems for location-specific requirements in the province and in thye
whole of Region VII. Considering this limitation and recognizing the urgent
need for capacitating the BAPC, the GOP requested the GOJ in 1995 for an
aftercare program to the BAPC Project. In response to the request, the GOJ
through JICA dispatched an Aftercare Study Team in January 1996. Based on
discussions with GOP authorities, the Study Team found out that the request
was not suited for an aftercare but for a new project assistance by the GOJ.
Thus, in May 1996 and subsequently in August 1996, JICA dispatched Study
Teams to assist the GOP in the formulation of new technical cooperation.

Thus, in October 1996, the GOP and the GOJ signed the Records of
Discussions for a new PTTC on the Bohol Integrated Agriculture Promotion
Project (BIAPP). The technical cooperation on BIAPP was implemented from
November 1996 to November 2001 with the BAPC of DA-RFU VII as the
counterpart agency. The BIAPP Terminal Evaluation Study Team dispatched
in July 2001, however, concluded that the Project Purpose of BIAPP could not
be attained within the project cooperation period. Based on the

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 4

recommendations of the Study Team, the PTTC was extended for another two
years from November 2001 to November 2003.

Figure 2. Map of Project sub-site

2.2 Project framework

In line with the Overall Goal of increasing the agricultural production and
income of farmers in Bohol province, the BIAPP aimed at increasing
agricultural productivity in the Project sub-site by improving the management
of farming activities (Please refer to Annex 1 for the Project Design Matrix).
Towards this end, BIAPP was designed to accomplish the following outputs:

(a) Conduct of baseline survey and monitoring by BAPC staff

(b) Development and adoption of improved location specific technologies for
rice-based farming systems in the project sub-site;
(c) Improvement of management capability of IAs in the project sub-site;
(d) Enhancement of the technical capabilities of extension workers and key
farmers in Bohol; and
(e) Improvement of agricultural promotion system by enhancing collaborative
linkage of APC with LGU and concerned organizations.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 5

The overall framework and stakeholders of the Project is described in Figures
3 and 4 below.

Figure 3. BIAPP Project Framework


- PTTC on BAPC 1) Conduct of baseline Overall goal level
- Expert dispatch survey and monitoring > Agricultural production
2) Improved location- and income of farmers
specific technologies in Bohol are increased
BIAPP INPUTS for rice-based farming (rice production is
systems adopted at increased to 250,000 mt
GOJ project sub-site in 2005; poverty
- Long/short term experts
3) Effective management incidence is decreased
- Equipment
- Counterpart training of IA activities are by 20% in 2005)
GOP carried out in project Project purpose level
- Counterpart personnel sub-site > Agricultural
- Physical facilities 4) Technical capabilities productivity is increased
- Running cost of extension workers by improving
and key farmers in management of farming
Bohol are enhanced activities in project sub-
POST-PROJECT 5) Agricultural promotion site (average rice yield
INPUTS system is improved by is increased from 2.8
- Follow-up cooperation enhanced collaboration mt/ha in 1996 to 4.0 mt
(experts, equipment) with LGUs in 2005

Figure 4. Stakeholders of the Project

Counterparts at Counterpart staff



Key farmers at the

Project sub-site

Staff of other Other farmers
LGUs/Partner within project
Agencies sub-site & Bohol

Agriculture Sector & Economy in Bohol Province

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 6

3. Study Results

3.1 Sustainability

3.1.1 Institutional sustainability

Implementing agency

The institutional sustainability of the BAPC, the implementing agency of

BIAPP, is secured by its formal integration in the CENVIARC in 2003, an
integrated network of RDE centers in Central Visayas under the DA-RFU VII,
with the primary mandate of promoting rice-based farming systems not only in
Bohol Province but in the entire region. In addition, the BAPC was also
designated by the DA RFU VII as the Provincial Agriculture Technology
Coordinating Office (PATCO) responsible for coordinating the agricultural
programs and projects of DA in Bohol Province.

In order to effectively fulfill its role as the RDE center for rice-based farming
systems, the BAPC was re-organized in 2003 with two main divisions:
Research and Development Division (RDD) and Technology Support and
Promotion Division (TSPD). (see Figure 6). The RDD is primarily involved in
applied R&D of rice-based farming systems including varietal screening and
selection, crop production practices improvement, farming systems
improvement and technology demonstration. The TSPD, on the other hand,
provides extension support, education and training services to BAPC clients
including LGU extension workers, farmers and other government agencies
(see Table 2 for list of BAPC programs and projects). All projects and
activities of both divisions are aimed at agricultural promotion in Bohol
province with emphasis on developing and disseminating rice-based farming
systems in the province.

In addition, the ownership issue on the land being occupied by the BAPC has
been resolved with the issuance of a Presidential proclamation transferring the
ownership of the land from the military to the DA.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 7

Status of Former Project Counterparts

Of the 45 personnel who served as project counterparts during the

implementation of BIAPP, 36 still remain employed with the BAPC. Of the
nine personnel who left BAPC, seven were transferred to other units within
DA-RFU VII or went back to their mother unit while two have retired from
government service. Seven of the remaining 36 personnel are currently on
study leave completing their masters or doctoral studies.

Eighteen out of the 20 former project counterparts sent to Japan for training
during the project period remain with BAPC, four of whom are pursuing
higher studies abroad. Those who have remained with the BAPC are actively
involved in research and extension activities related to rice-based farming
systems. Meanwhile, project counterparts who did not receive training in
Japan but participated in the implementation of the BIAPP or attended local
trainings and seminars conducted through the project remain employed at

All former project counterparts have permanent employment status. It was

gathered from the survey, however, that almost half of the BAPC technical
personnel occupy positions with salaries that are of the same level or even
lower than those received by LGU extension workers causing some
demoralization among the staff.

Table 2. List of Ongoing Programs and Projects of Bohol APC

Program Projects/Activities
Research and development a) Varietal screening and selection
b) Crop production practices improvement
c) Farming systems improvement
d) Technology demonstration
Production support services a) Collection and monitoring of agromet
b) Soil and laboratory services
Extension support, education a) Staff development
and training b) Training of farmers and key leaders
c) Promotion of BIAPP Rice-based Farming
System Model

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 8

d) Enhancing productivity of rice farmers
through diversified and integrated
farming systems (Palayamanan Model)
e) Promotion of hybrid rice utilization in the
Bohol Province
Policy formulation, planning a) Facility operation and maintenance
and advocacy services b) Planning, monitoring and evaluation
c) Continued support on GMA programs
(GMA Rice, GMA HVCC, etc)
Source: BAPC

Figure 5. Current BAPC Organizational Structure

Regional Executive Director


Regional Technical Director

for R&D


Center Chief

Administrative PMES
Support Unit

Research and Technology Support

Development and Promotion
Division Division

Varietal Screening & Knowledge

Selection Management

Crop Production Soils, Water &

Practices Improvement Fertilizer Lab

Farming Systems & Extension Education

Socio-economics & Training Support

Source: BAPC

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 9

Cooperating agencies

The LGU of Ubay and the NIA-BHIP-2 Project Office served as the
cooperating agencies during the implementation of BIAPP. At the end of the
project in 2003, the provision of extension services in the Project sub-site was
turned over to the LGU of Ubay while the provision of institutional
development support services to the IAs was transferred to the NIA-BHIP-2
Project Office. This arrangement ensures institutional sustainability
considering that the functions turned over to these agencies are consistent with
their mandates. After the project, the MAO of LGU Ubay assigned three of
its seven agricultural extension workers to sustain extension support services
to farmers in the Project sub-site. For its part, the NIA has designated an
Institutional Development Officer (IDO) to provide technical advice and
monitor the activities of the four IAs in the Capayas Irrigation System (CapIS).
After 2003, however, the IDO was changed twice affecting the continuity of
institutional development support to the IAs.

Irrigators’ Associations

The BIAPP was instrumental in activating and strengthening of the four IAs
being served by the CapIS. After the project ended in 2003, however, the
management of IA activities has deteriorated as shown by poor attendance in
IA meetings, decline in ISF collection, and poor O&M of canals. As gathered
from the field survey, this situation was brought about by the severe water
shortage in 2004 and early 2005 which resulted in suspension of irrigation
service in more than half of the irrigation service area and the inability of NIA
to assign a full-time IDO in the CapIS.

Key informants at NIA expect the revitalization of the IAs in the near term as
they strive to improve the irrigation service and intensify their institutional
development activities in the area. The implementation of the institutional
development component of the BHIP-2 over the next two years which covers
the four IAs in the Project Sub-site will be the key to the sustainability of these

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 10

Key Farmers

During the follow-up cooperation period, the project adopted the “farmer-to-
farmer” extension strategy whereby BIAPP technologies were promoted
through model farms operated by model or key farmers. Out of some 557
farmers comprising the four IAs in the project sub-site, seven (7) were
selected to serve as model farming cooperators or key farmers.

As a key farmer, he/she should be: (a) an active and respected member of one
of the four IAs in the Capayas area; (b) willing to offer his/her farm as
technology demonstration site; (c) willing to adopt and apply the BIAPP
technologies in his/her farm; (d) willing to provide the labor requirements of
the rice-based farming system model to be implemented by the project in
his/her farm; (e) capable of sustaining the model farm after the project; and (f)
willing to share his/her knowledge and skills to other farmers within the
project sub-site.

After the project ended in 2003, the key farmers were able to sustain their
model farms and continued to share their knowledge and skills to other
farmers in the area. Recognizing its effectiveness, this extension approach was
sustained by BAPC in its technology promotion activities outside the project
sub-site wherein key farmers and their farms serve as channels for
disseminating rice-based farming systems technologies.

3.1.2 Technical sustainability

The technical sustainability of the project is ensured by the continuous

application by the former project counterparts of the knowledge and skills they
have acquired during the implementation of BIAPP in the programs and
projects of BAPC. Using the BIAPP experience, the BAPC has been able to
develop effective approaches in technology transfer and promotion not only
for lowland rice-based farming systems but also for other types of farming
systems. Currently, the BAPC is utilizing the “farmer-to-farmer” extension
approach in propagating rice-based farming systems in project expansion sites
within Bohol province. Developed during the follow-up cooperation period of
Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 11
BIAPP, the “farmer-to-farmer” technology promotion strategy was found to be
more effective and less costly than the conventional extension approaches. As
claimed by BAPC informants, the “farmer-to-farmer” strategy improved the
technology adoption rate by farmers and reduced the cost of technology
promotion as extension work was focused on few key farmers while the model
farms became the venue for learning new farming techniques by other farmers.

While BAPC staff had limited opportunities to attend trainings or seminars

after the project, the survey conducted among 18 former project counterparts
revealed that they are able to upgrade their skills through “active involvement
in implementation of BAPC programs and projects”, “learning from
colleagues”, “reviewing literatures” and “pursuing graduate studies.”

Table 3. Ways of Acquiring/Upgrading Skills by Project Counterparts

Ways of Acquiring/ Frequency % of total

Upgrading Skills Of responses respondents
a. Active participation in program/project 16 90
b. Learn from colleagues 15 71
c. Literature review (books, internet, etc) 13 67
d. Take graduate studies 6 38
e. Attend seminars/workshops 4 5
Note: Total respondents: 18; most respondents had multiple responses.

The survey conducted at the Project sub-site revealed that most farmers still
practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the
implementation of BIAPP such as use of recommended varieties, synchronous
planting, among others. It was also learned that the seven model farmers
continue to share their knowledge and skills to their neighboring farmers.
Some model farmers have even modified the technologies introduced by the
projects such as the method of planting watermelon, incorporation of lime and
use of organic fertilizer to improve soil fertility, among others.

Due to BAPC’s budgetary constraints, it was observed that follow-up trainings

given to farmer-beneficiaries after 2003 were very limited except for a few
orientation seminars on hybrid rice production for farmer-leaders conducted
by the DA. The lack of follow-up trainings among farmer-beneficiaries in the

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 12

project sub-site, however, is compensated by the continuous technical
guidance by the LGU extension workers assigned in the area thereby ensuring
the project’s technical sustainability.

Utilization and Maintenance of Equipment Provided under the Project

Generally, the facilities and equipment provided by the project to the BAPC
are in good condition and have been very useful in the replication of BIAPP
experiences in areas outside the project sub-site except for some computer
hardware and LCD slide projector which were found to be not working at the
time of the survey (see Annex 2 for Status of Equipment). Because of fast-
changing technology, some of the equipment (e.g. computers and audio-visual
equipment) have become obsolete. Through the supplemental budget provided
by PhilRice, BAPC was able to acquire a new LCD projector in the early part
of 2005. Equipment provided by the project to the model farmers, on the other
hand, are being frequently utilized and well maintained.

3.1.3 Financial sustainability

As the RDE center for rice-based farming systems in Central Visayas, BAPC
receives a regular budgetary allocation from the national budget coursed
through the DA. Since 2002, BAPC annual budget remained at the level of
PhP 9.9 million with about two-thirds allocated to MOOE (see Table 4).
Because of recent financial difficulties of the national government, the actual
MOOE budget releases to BAPC were smaller than the allocated amount. In
some cases, budget releases were delayed thereby affecting the ongoing
projects and activities of the Center. The BAPC gets supplemental MOOE
funds from national programs and/or agencies (e.g., GMA Rice Program and
PhilRice) but these are obligated for special projects like the technology
demonstrations on hybrid rice and orientation seminars for farmers and
extension workers.

Despite its limited operating budget, the BAPC is still able to perform its RDE
functions in rice-based farming systems through collaborative projects with
PhilRice, DAR and other agencies. Moreover, the shift from the “farmers’

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 13

training-oriented” to the “farmer-to-farmer” extension approach has reduced
the cost of BAPC’s operations in view of the reduced emphasis on costly
trainings. But considering that BAPC is tasked to promote rice-based farming
systems not only Bohol but also in the entire region, the current financial
resources are certainly limited.

Table 4. Summary of annual budget of BAPC, 2002-2005, in million PhP

Year PS MOOE GMA Fund Total

2002 3.376 6.544 0.650 10.570
2003 3.376 6.544 - 9.920
2004 3.376 6.544 0.021 9.941
2005 3.376 6.376 0.300 10.220
* Proposed budget; PS – personal services; MOOE – maintenance & other operating expenses
Source: BAPC

At the LGU level, budget allocation to the Municipal Agriculturist’s Office

(MAO) amounts to Php 1.9 million annually, however, about two-thirds of this
budget goes to salaries of agricultural extension personnel. Given its tight
operating budget, the extension activities of the MAO at the Project sub-site
are currently limited to farm visits. A few ongoing extension projects like
technology demonstration and rice seed distribution are subsidized by the
national government. In 2006, the MAO proposed a budget of Php 2.4 million
but even if the proposed amount is approved, it is still limited considering that
the municipality of Ubay is composed of more than 20 agricultural barangays.

3.1.4 Sustainability of project effects

In order to attain the Project Purpose of increasing agricultural productivity in

the project sub-site, the BIAPP aimed at accomplishing the following Outputs:
(a) conduct of baseline survey and monitoring; (b) adoption of improved
location-specific technologies for rice-based farming systems in the project
sub-site; (c) effective management of IA activities in the project sub-site; (d)
enhancement of the technical capabilities of extension workers and key
farmers in Bohol; (e) improvement of agricultural promotion system by
enhancing collaboration linkage of APC with LGUs and concerned

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 14

The field survey revealed that the achievement of project Outputs was
sustained after the project was completed in 2003 except for Output (c)
wherein a significant deterioration in the management of IA activities at the
Project sub-site was noted. Nevertheless, the target average production of 4.0
metric tons per hectare was sustained in the Project sub-site. Key informants
revealed that the average yield could have been higher if not for the long dry
spell in 2003.

Moreover, the survey conducted among model and non-model farmers at the
Project sub-site revealed that the increase in farm production brought about by
the adoption of improved farming technologies resulted in significant increase
in farm incomes. Majority of the farmer-respondents, however, perceive that
the escalating price of farm inputs is gradually eating up on their net incomes.
For instance, the price of fertilizers almost tripled from P400 per bag of urea
in 2003 to Php 1,150 per bag in 2005. The long dry spell in 2004 and early
2005 resulted in crop losses for some farmers or no income at all for those
who were unable to plant due to the water shortage.

Findings on the sustainability of project effects after the project are

summarized Table 5 below.

Table 5. Assessment of Sustainability of Project Effects

Output Assessment Remarks
(a) Baseline survey and Sustained Skills acquired by APC staff on
monitoring can be conduct of baseline survey and
conducted by BAPC monitoring were applied in
staff expansion sites within Bohol where
rice-based farming systems were
(b) Improved location- Sustained Aside from the 7 model farmer-
specific technologies cooperators, 12 additional farmers
for rice-based have adopted the rice-based farming
farming systems are system introduced by the project.
adopted in the Project Moreover, technologies promoted by
sub-site BIAPP in the Project sub-site on use
of recommended varieties, pest
control, synchronous planting,
fertilizer application, water
management, among others, are
being applied by majority of farmers
in the Project sub-site.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 15

(c) Effective Fairly A decline in ISF collection rate and
management of IA sustained poor attendance of members in IA
activities are carried meetings after 2003 were observed.
out in the Project Rate of ISF collection rate went
sub-site down mainly due to the water
shortage resulting from the long dry
spell in 2004. Informants from NIA
opine that IA performance will
improve with the normalization of
irrigation service in 2005 wet season.
(d) Technical capabilities Sustained Enhancement of skills of extension
of extension workers workers and key farmers was
and key farmers in sustained by BAPC through its
Bohol are enhanced. extension support and training
programs and technology
demonstration activities not only on
lowland irrigated rice but also on
rain-fed rice, vegetables and corn.
(e) Agricultural Sustained BAPC’s linkage with LGUs and
promotion system is concerned organizations within
improved by Bohol (e.g., ATI, OPA and NIA) is
enhanced strengthened by the designation of
collaboration linkage BAPC as the Provincial Agriculture
of APC with LGU and Technology Coordinating Office
and concerned (PATCO). Increased participation of
organizations LGUs in promotion of rice-based
farming systems in areas outside the
Project sub-site was noted.
Source: BAPC Annual Reports, 2003-2004

3.2 Impact of the Project

3.2.1 Impact attained at the overall goal level

Based on the PDMe, the overall goal of the BIAPP is to increase agricultural
production and income of farmers in Bohol province. The PDMe implied that
achievement of the Overall Goal is to be measured by two indicators: increase
in total paddy production and reduction in poverty incidence of the province.
Towards the attainment of the Overall Goal, the BIAPP focused on increasing
the average rice yield of farmers in the Project sub-site from 2.8 metric tons
per hectare at the start of the Project in 1996 to 4.0 metric tons per hectare at
the end of the Project in 2001. The follow-up cooperation from 2001 to 2003
maintained the same target level of average rice yield of 4.0 metric tons per

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 16

Impact on total paddy production

Data obtained from the BAPC revealed that the BIAPP succeeded in
increasing the average rice yield at the Project sub-site from 2.8 metric tons
per hectare in 1996 to at least 4.0 metric tons per hectare in 2001 and onwards.
Field survey among model farming cooperators indicated that they even
attained a higher average yield of 4.3 metric tons per hectare in 2003. In spite
of the dry spell in 2004, the average yield of 4.0 metric tons per hectare was
sustained in the Project sub-site.

Table 6. Average rice yield in the Project sub-site in metric tons

per hectare, 2001-2004
Crop year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Wet season 3.5 4.6 4.5 3.9 (4.3) 4.6 4.5
Dry season - 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.5 (4.0) 3.5
Annual average 3.5 3.9 4.0 3.8 4.0 4.0
Source: BAPC; figures in ( ) indicate average yield obtained by 7 farming model cooperators

At the provincial level, rice productivity likewise improved from 1.96 per
hectare in 1996 to 2.39 metric tons per hectare in 2004. This yield increase,
however, was insufficient to generate significant impact on the Overall Goal
considering that the total paddy production of 150,000 metric tons recorded in
2004 was still below the highest production of 162,000 metric tons attained in
1997 and far below the project target of 250,000 metric tons for the entire
province. The lowest rice production output was recorded in 1998 at 60,633
metric tons as a result of the severe drought brought about by the El Nino
phenomenon that occurred during the period. In 2004, an increase in rice
production was noted despite the decrease in harvested area which may be
attributed to the significant improvement in average yield during the same

Table 7. Rice Production Trend in Bohol Province, 1996-2004

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Production in
‘000 mt 158.8 161.9 60.6 139.4 142.9 148.9 144.8 116.3 150.5
Area harvested
in ‘000 ha 80.9 78.9 31.8 78.9 73.9 70.9 70.4 54.2 63.1
Average yield in
mt per ha 1.96 2.05 1.91 1.77 1.93 2.10 2.06 2.15 2.39
Source: BAS

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 17

Figure 6. Rice production trend in Bohol Province, 1996-2004










96 96 98 99 00 01 02 03 04
Production, in '000 mt Area harvested, in '000 ha

Source of basic data: BAS

According to key informants, the paddy production target of 250,000 metric

tons for Bohol province was based on two key assumptions: (i) that the total
harvested area will be maintained at about 80,000 hectares; and (ii) that the
total irrigated area in Bohol province will expand with the completion of the
Bohol Irrigation Project – Stage 2. Considering that total area harvested has
been decreasing in recent years and expansion of total irrigated area is unlikely
to happen in the near term, key informants at BAPC are pessimistic about
achieving the total paddy production of 250,000 metric tons in Bohol province
even if average rice yield of all rice farmers in the entire province approximate
the 4.0 metric tons per hectare.

Nevertheless, the sustained promotion of BIAPP technologies by BAPC to

rice farmers outside the project sub-site may have contributed to the increase
in average rice yield in the province from 2.15 metric tons per hectare in 2003
to 2.39 metric tons per hectare in 2004. Future increase in paddy production is
likely in view of the plan of the provincial government to intensify the
promotion of BIAPP technologies to other rice producing municipalities in the
province. Under the plan, BAPC will provide technical support to the LGUs in
replicating BIAPP extension strategies including the establishment of location-
specific technology demonstration farms. With the adoption of BIAPP

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 18

technologies by farmers outside the project sub-site, further increase in
average yield is expected thereby generating more impact on overall paddy
production in the province.

Impact on Income and Poverty Reduction

Farmers who have adopted the rice-based farming systems revealed that their
incomes have significantly improved not only due to increase in paddy yields
but also because of extra income from cash crops. Official poverty statistics
for Bohol Province obtained from the Bohol Provincial Planning and
Development Office and NEDA Region VII, however, indicate that the
poverty incidence in the province has been increasing from 37.3 percent in
1997 to 52.8 percent in 2004. This is despite the increase in annual per capita
income from PhP 6,993 in 1997 to PhP 11, 329 in 2004. Based on these data,
it is apparent that the increase in income was insufficient to lift the poor from
the poverty threshold. These data also suggest that reducing poverty in Bohol
may require interventions other than increasing agricultural productivity.

Table 7. Poverty Statistics for Bohol Province, 1997-2004

Year Annual per capita Number of poor Poverty incidence

income in pesos families in %
1997 6,993 75,647 37.3
2000 9,125 99,135 47.3
2003 10,759 119,161 51.6
2004 11,239 124,164 52.8
Sources of data: NEDA Region VII and Bohol PPDO

3.2.2 Impacts not anticipated at project completion

Positive impact

Some impacts not anticipated at project completion may be attributed to the

Project. In recognition of their skills and competence developed through the
project, some BAPC counterpart staff are frequently invited as resource
persons in in-country trainings and seminars while one staff was dispatched to
Ghana as “third country expert” on appropriate farm mechanization. Some
model farmers who acted as farmer-teachers, on the other hand, assumed more

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 19

responsible roles in their communities (e.g., some got elected as barangay
officials) as they developed self confidence and gained the respect of other
farmers in the community.

Negative impact

There is no negative impact observed by the study team during the evaluation
period. Also, the study team does not foresee any negative impact arising from
the project in the future.

3.3 Analysis of Factors Affecting Impact and Sustainability

3.3.1 Factors promoting sustainability

High priority given to food security by national and local government

After the project ended in 2003, increased rice production to achieve food
security remained a high priority in national and local development plans. As
such, the government sustained its budgetary support to the agriculture
promotion activities of the BAPC in Bohol province. Considering Bohol’s
potential contribution to food security in Central Visayas, the Government is
expected to continue its support to the BAPC for the development of
location-specific rice-based farming technologies and effective agricultural
promotion approaches to increase agricultural productivity in the region.

Recognition of the role of BAPC in rice-based farming technology promotion

Under the present set-up of CENVIARC, BAPC is identified as the RDE

center for rice-based farming systems in recognition of its superior facilities
and highly-competent manpower. Moreover, the BAPC was designated by the
DA-RFU VII as the Provincial Agriculture Technology Coordinating Office
(PATCO) tasked to provide necessary support to the provincial government in
implementing agricultural programs and projects. Given its expanded role,
BAPC is placed in a better position to sustain the activities of BIAPP and help
improve agricultural productivity and reduce poverty in the province.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 20

3.3.2 Factor promoting impact

Adoption of innovative agricultural promotion approaches

The adoption of the “farmer-to-farmer” extension approach during the follow-

up period of BIAPP contributed to the wider adoption of improved farming
technologies in the Project sub-site. Moreover, the efforts of BAPC to promote
continued location-specific farming technologies in other areas of the province
after the project cooperation ended in 2003 are contributing to the Overall
Goal of increasing income and productivity of farmers in the province.

3.3.3 Factors inhibiting impact and sustainability

Delay in the completion of BHIP-Stage 2

The BHIP-Stage 2 was scheduled for completion in 2005. Due to major

implementation bottlenecks (e.g., ROW acquisition, budgetary constraints of
GOP, etc.), the completion of the project was delayed for two years. As a
result, the projected expansion of irrigated area in Bohol which could have
brought about a significant increase in rice production did not materialize.
Moreover, the CapIS became more vulnerable to water shortage during the
drought period in 2004 and early 2005. Under the overall irrigation plan of
NIA, excess water generated by BHIP-2 will be diverted to the Capayas Dam
during the dry season to avert any shortage of irrigation water.
Long dry spell in 2004 and early 2005

The long dry spell in 2004 and in early

2005 has significantly affected
agricultural production in the entire
province especially in the irrigated areas.
It also affected the sustainability of the A view of Capayas Dam which supplies
irrigation water to 550 hectares of rice land
IAs as shown by the decline of in the Project sub-site.
organizational performance.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 21

3.4 Issues/Problems

3.4.1 Limited budget for technology extension and promotion

While BIAPP was able to transfer the necessary technical skills to BAPC
project counterparts and LGU extension workers, the BAPC and LGU
personnel are unable to fully apply the acquired skills due to limited budget
allocation for technology extension and promotion. Presently, both BAPC and
LGU are dependent on supplemental budgets coming from national programs
such as GMA Rice and Corn Programs and fund transfers from national
agencies like DAR and PhilRice.

3.4.2 Lack of continuity in institutional development support to the IAs

The frequent changes of Institutional Development Officer (IDO) assigned to

the CApIS after the project ended in 2003 somehow affected the performance
of IAs due to discontinuity of institutional development activities in the
Project sub-site. Sustaining the institutional development support to the IAs
will continue to pose as a challenge if NIA is unable to assign a permanent
IDO in CapIS.

3.4.3 Indicators for Overall Goal were too high

The annual paddy production target of 250,000 metric tons in 2005 for Bohol
province was deemed too high considering that historical data from 1996 to
2004 indicate that the highest production level achieved by the province was
only about 160,000. The project’s poverty reduction target, on the other hand,
was too ambitious considering that the highest record in reducing poverty even
at the national level has not even reached 10 percent over the last 20 years.

3.5 Conclusion

The BIAPP succeeded in demonstrating the potential of increasing agricultural

productivity and farmers’ income through the promotion of improved
location-specific rice-based farming technologies and adoption of effective

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 22

agricultural promotion approaches. While the target level of paddy production
and poverty reduction in Bohol province require more time to be achieved, the
effort of BAPC to replicate the BIAPP experiences in more areas of the
province is gradually generating some impact on agricultural productivity as
evidenced by the improvement of provincial average rice yield in recent years.
Increasing the total paddy production in Bohol in the coming years, however,
is largely dependent on the expansion of irrigated areas especially with the
completion of BHIP-2 and the ability of the BAPC to sustain the promotion of
location-specific rice-based farming systems in the entire province particularly
in farming communities served by irrigation.

4. Recommendations and Lessons Learned

4.1 Recommendations

4.1.1 For BAPC

‰ Find ways to ensure that BIAPP experience is replicated in BHIP-2

considering that this irrigation project has a great potential of contributing to a
significant increase in rice production in Bohol province. Strengthening the
collaborative linkages between BAPC and the NIA-BHIP-2, the IAs and the
LGUs in municipalities benefited by BHIP-2 is important in this regard.

‰ Continue to provide technical support to the extension activities of the

municipal government of Ubay to protect the gains of the BIAPP in the
Project sub-site. Considering that the Capayas area was intended as a
showcase of BIAPP, the BAPC should ensure that the positive effects of the
project on farmer’s productivity and income are sustained.

‰ Increase its efforts in mobilizing external resources in order to expand its rice-
based farming systems promotion activities in the province. The current
efforts of mobilizing resources from PhilRice and DAR could be augmented
by tapping the financial resources of other government agencies and donor
organizations. A program for external resource accessing may be formulated
for this purpose.
Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 23
4.1.2 For NIA

‰ Ensure the continuity of institutional development support in the Project sub-

site. Due to budgetary constraints, NIA may not be able to hire a permanent
IDO in the medium term. However, the ongoing process of rationalizing the
NIA bureaucracy can provide opportunity for the NIA sub-office in Bohol to
advocate for re-assignment of NIA regional staff to priority projects like

‰ Provide a role for BAPC to replicate the BIAPP experience in BHIP-2. In

particular, NIA may consider tapping the expertise of former project
counterpart staff from BAPC in development and promotion of location-
specific technologies for rice-based farming systems and supporting the IDO
in improving the management capability of IAs to be benefited by the project.

4.1.3 For JICA

‰ Explore the possibility of formulating an In-country Training Program (ICTP)

aimed at propagating the BIAPP experience among extension agents in the
country. Towards this end, the ICTP can take advantage of the highly-trained
staff and adequate training facilities of BAPC.

‰ Advocate for the adoption of the successful experiences of BIAPP in its

ongoing and future technical cooperation projects in the agriculture sector. In
this regard, JICA can support BAPC in documenting their experiences for
dissemination to planners and implementers of similar projects.

4.2 Lessons Learned

‰ Proper recognition of the role and mandate of the implementing and

cooperating agency at the project planning stage is key to project
sustainability. In the case of BIAPP, there was a smooth transfer of

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 24

responsibility for continuing the activities at the Project sub-site as the future
roles of BAPC, NIA and the LGU were determined at the outset;

‰ Timing of project implementation is critical in realizing higher project

objectives. In this project, the attainment of Overall Goal was largely
dependent on the expansion of irrigated area through the BHIP-2. The
contribution of the project to the Overall Goal would have been significant if
the BHIP-2 was completed as scheduled or when the technical cooperation
was about to end.

‰ Formulating realistic targets is essential in project design. In this project, the

indicators set at the Overall Goal was too high considering that up until 1996,
the total annual paddy production in Bohol never reached 160,000 metric
tons and highest record achieved in poverty reduction at the national level
never reached 10 percent. Monitoring key assumptions is, therefore, essential
for adjusting project targets during project implementation.

Ex-Post Evaluation Study of BIAPP 25

Project Design Matrix for Evaluation (PDMe)
Project Duration: November 11, 1998-November 10, 2001
Target Area (Project sub-site): Land cultivated by Irrigators’ Association (IA) in Capayas
Target Group: IA members (farmer beneficiaries) in CIP
Narrative Summary Verifiable Means of Important
Indicators Verification Assumption
Overall Goal
Agricultural production and Total rough rice Information from Bureau a. Bohol remains
income of farmers in Bohol production in Bohol is of Agricultural Statistics as Central
are increased. increased to 250,000 tons Visayas’s
by 2005 primary
agriculture area
Poverty incidence is Information from b. National policy
decreased by 20% iby Provincial Development on provision of
2005 in Bohol Office physical facility
for agriculture
c. National policy
on rice price
remains stable
Project Purpose
Agricultural productivity is Average rice yield in Survey by BAPC a. Provincial
increased by improving irrigated lowland in the government
management of farming Project sub-site is maintains higher
activities in the project sub- increased from 2.8 priority for food
site. tons/ha (1996) to 4.0 security and
tons/ha by 2001. poverty
b. BAPC remains
the technology
center for rice-
based farming
(1) Baseline survey and 1. One baseline report 1. BAPC publications a. BAPC retains the
monitoring can be and 3 monitoring and records function of
conducted by BAPC reports are research, training
staff. published and extension on
(2) Improved location 2-1 95% of IA members 2-1 Survey by BAPC rice-based
specific technologies for adopt synchronous farming system.
rice-based farming rice production b. Trained BAPC
system are adopted in farming system in staff continue
the project sub-site 2001 their work at
2-2 90% of IA members 2-2 Record by BAPC BAPC
plant recommended c. NIA continues to
rice varieties in efficiently
irrigated area of the operate the
sub-site in 2001. Capayas
(3) Effective management of 3-1 Rate of attendance 3-1 Record of BAPC and Irrigation System
IA activities are carried to meetings related NIA d. Economic
out in the Project sub- with IA activities is condition is
site. over 90% stable in Bohol.
3-2 Irrigation service fee 3-2 Record of BAPC and
Narrative Summary Verifiable Means of Important
Indicators Verification Assumption
collection is over NIA
3-3 Accounting books 3-3 Accounting books
are well kept by all
the four (4) IAs
(4) Technical capabilities of 4-1 80% of extension 4. BAPC record and
extension workers and workers on rice-based report
key farmers in Bohol are farming system are
enhanced trained
(5) Agricultural promotion 5-1 Rate of attendance to 5. Attendance list of
system is improved by liaison officers’ workshop/meeting
enhanced collaborative meeting is over 90%
linkages of BAPC with
Local Government Unit
(LGU) and concerned

Activities Inputs
(1) Formulation of detailed a. There is no social
(Japanese side) (Philippine side) obstruction (land
workplan based on the 1. Long-term experts 1. Counterpart
baseline survey and conduct ownership, etc.) to
1.1 Team leader personnel
of monitoring of Project farmers’
1.2 Coordinator 1.1 Project Manager
achievement participation to the
1.3 Agronomy 1.2 Deputy Project
1) Execution of baseline Project
1.4 Water Manager
survey b. LGU and NIA
management 1.3 Counterpart for
2) Preparation of project actively participate
1.5 Farm the expert (at
activity plan and priority and support the
mechanization least 2 for each)
research subjects project
1.6 Farm management 1.4 Administrative
3) Monitoring of the project c. No severe
2. Short-term experts and other staff to
(2) Improvement and drought affects dam
3. Equipment and support the
dissemination of location water reservation
machinery Project activities
specific technologies for a d. Budget is
3.1 Agricultural 2. Physical facilities
rice-based farming system in available to
machinery, 2.1 Buildings,
the project sub-site implement the
equipment and facilities, office space
1) Improvement of location project
spare parts for the Project
specific technology e. BAPC staff (both
3.2 Vehicles 2.2 Space for
2) Improvement of cropping permanent and
necessary for machinery and
systems casual is fully
TCP activities equipment
3) Development of assigned)
3.3 Teaching materials 2.3 electricity, water
appropriate water f. No excessive
and and communication
management technology incidence of major
communication facilities
4) Improvement of the pests and diseases
equipment 2.4 Other land,
operation and maintenance including audio- buildings and facilities
system of irrigation facilities visual equipment necessary for the
5) Improvement of farm 3.4 Technical project
machinery operations and instrument and 3. Running expenses
postharvest technology equipment All running expenses
6) Improvement of farm 3.5 Other equipment necessary for the
machinery utilization and necessary for implementation of the
management TCP activities Project
7) Improvement of farm 4. Counterpart training 4. Others
management efficiency Training of Philippine Establishment and
8) Enhancement of extension personnel in Japan management of
activity in order to committee necessary
disseminate appropriate for project
technology implementation
Activities, cont’n. Pre-condition
a. Farmers in
(3) Improvement of the CIP are
management capability of IA cooperative in
in the Project sub-site the Project
1) Facilitation of IA activities
organization improvement b. Counterpart
and IA meeting personnel is
2) Facilitation of reviewing assigned for
policies and making rules each
3) Improvement of Japanese
accounting system and experts
financial management c. GOP
(4) Enhancement of training counterpart
1) Training of agricultural fund is
extension workers of LGu available
2) Training of key farmers in d. BAPC
Bohol maintains its
(5) Enhancement of key role in
collaborative linkage to rice-based
BAPC with LGU and farming
concerned organization in system
carrying out of the project e. DA retains
activities of (1) to (4) above physical
1) Enhancement of location of
collaborative linkage of BAPC
BAPC with line agencies and
national institutions
2) Enhancement of
collaborative linkage of
BAPC with LGU and the
concerned local
Equipment Inventory Sheet

Name of Equipment Condition of Frequency of use

Problems Encountered After
Equipment (Regularly,
FY Qty Location Project Completion / Other
Class Description 0: working Occasionally,
X: not working Rarely or Never)
96 Copier Panasonic EP7722 1 BAPC 0 Regularly
Pick-up truck 4WD, 2777cc 4 ditto 0 ditto
Vehicle 4WD Pajero 2800 cc 1 ditto 0 ditto
Cargo truck Mitsubishi diesel 6,577 cc 1 ditto 0 ditto
97 Generator Yanmar LA 100AE 1 ditto 0 Occasionally
Dryer Sakura SD6000 1 ditto 0 Regularly
Combined wind vane L405DT 1 ditto 0 Occasionally
and anemograph
LCD projector LC 4200 1 ditto x No spare parts; model phased
out of the market
98 Bending machine Maxima V-812-6 1 ditto 0 Occasionally
Lathe machine Extron 4164-690 1 ditto 0 ditto
Metal sheet roller Metalex FR66016 1 ditto 0 ditto
Minibus Mitsubishi Rosa 1 ditto 0 Regularly
Water distillation Advantec GS-590 1 ditto 0 ditto
Total station Sokkia Set-2010 2 ditto 0 Occasionally
Evaporation meter ERR-101 1 ditto 0 Regularly
Printing machine Risograph GR3750 1 ditto 0 Occasionally
Printing machine GR 2700 1 ditto 0 ditto
99 Seed storage 1 ditto 0 Regularly
Generator Kubota ASKR 180, 8KVA 1 ditto 0 ditto
Hand tractor Kubota K-120 1 ditto 0 ditto
Generator Olympian 100 kw, 125KVA 1 ditto 0 Occasionally
Tractor Yanmar F-37EX 1 ditto 0 Regularly
00 Vehicle Mitsubishi Adventure GLX Diesel 2500cc 2 ditto 0 ditto
01 Computer Powermac G4 1 ditto 0 ditto CD ROM needs repair
Hand tractor Kubota K-120 1 ditto 0 ditto
Atomic absorption Shimazu Model AA-8200 1 ditto 0 ditto High cost of spare parts
Current Status of Former Counterpart Personnel

Name of Counterpart Position During Current

BIAPP Position Remarks
1 Engr. Eugene C. Project Manager Project Manager,
Cahiles BAPC Center Chief
and PATCO for
2 Engr. Antonio S. Chief, Operations Assigned at
3 Ms. Mary Jean C. Section Head On Study leave at
Du the University of the
Philippines -PhD
4 Mr. Edwin D. Technical Staff Retired; transferred
Palgan to the City
Government of
Bohol City Registry
of Deeds
5 Ms. Concepcion C. Unit Head -Soils Researcher, Soil and
Payapaya Crop Production
6 Ms. Rizalina G. Section Head Researcher, Farming
Cahiles Systems
7 Ms. Ma. Wencisa Technical Staff On Study Leave at
B. Egama the University of the
8 Ms. Efieda B. Technical Staff Rice, Unit Chief,
Castillon Researcher
9 Mr. Felix B. Technical Staff Researcher, Rice AXR
Tubiano Seed Production
10 Ms. Celerina T. Technical Staff Chief, Planning and
Galorio Monitoring
11 Mr. Jose M. Technical Staff Researcher, Hybrid
Bunachita Rice
12 Mr. Florentino M. Technical Staff Researcher, Soil,
Evasco, Jr., Water and Fertilizer
13 Mr. Rolando Alaan Technical Staff Researcher, Vegetable
(PART) Guindulman
14 Ms. Adoracion T. Technical Staff In-Charge, Information
Dela Cruz Technology
15 Ms. Concordia G. Technical Staff Researcher,
Damalcrio Technology
16 Ms. Maria Chona Technical Staff On Study Leave,
E. Maleza PhD in Japan
17 Mr. Felipe T. Apale Technical Staff Officer-in-Charge,
Center Chief, DA
Stock Farm
18 Mr. German M. Technical Staff Researcher, Upland
Makiling Crops
19 Ms. Rosenda R. Technical Staff Planning Officer
20 Mr. Tito L. Canas Technical Staff Training Staff
21 Engr. Rufa O. Technical Staff On Study Leave -
Doria Canada
22 Engr. Edna N. Yu Technical Staff On Study Leave -
23 Engr. Camila A. Technical Staff NIA-PIO staff
Descallar detailed at BIAPP

24 Engr. Saturnino Technical Staff NIA-PIO staff

A. Jamilo detailed at BIAPP

25 Engr. Sergio Section Head Researcher, Crop

Sumaoy Production
26 Engr. Rodrigo R. Technical Staff On Study Leave in
Pechon Japan
27 Engr. Efren Anora Section Head In-charge, GMA
28 Mr. Rico Rommel Technical Staff Researcher, Crop
A. Vazquez Production
29 Mr. Alexander P. Technical Staff Mechanic, Motor pool
Dohig Department
30 Engr. Noel T. Technical Staff Researcher, Farm
Cahiles Mechanization, GMA
31 Mr. Octavio R. Technical Staff Farm Machine
Quipanes Operator/Assistant
Facility Maintenance
32 Dr. Marcial D. Section Head Transferred to BAR
Agad in July 2000
33 Engr. Roxanna B. Technical Staff Resigned
34 Mr. Medardo B. Technical Staff Researcher,
Aparece Technology Support.
35 Ms. Wilfreda C. Technical Staff Researcher, Rice
36 Ms. Aurea M. Unit Head Acting Administrative
Madrio Officer; Head Internal
Control Unit
37 Mr. Erlindo L. Unit Head Chief, Technology
Samblaceno Jr. Support and
38 Ms. Concordia G. Technical Staff Researcher,
Damalerio Technology Support
39 Ms. Maria Corazon Technical Staff On Study Leave,
A. Patindol MS in Japan
40 Mr. Abdel B. Technical Staff Transferred to
Apalisok DARFU7 in Cebu
41 Ms. Marlene C. Technical Staff R&D Chief, GMA Rice
Cubero Coordinator, Acting
Personnel Officer,
Chairman, Inspection
42 Mr. Rogelio B. Technical Staff Transferred to
Davalan DA-RFU7 in Cebu
43 Ms. Grace Len Section Head Chief, Training
Dagala Unit/Coordinator,
Palayamanan, Calape
44 Ms. Barbara O. Technical Staff Training Staff
45 Mr. Hector Eldred Technical Staff AV System
D. Encabo In-Charge/Training

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