Kerala State Electricity Board LTD.: Notice Inviting Tender (Re-E-Tender) Re-e-TENDER No.: CEPED/04/2020-21
Kerala State Electricity Board LTD.: Notice Inviting Tender (Re-E-Tender) Re-e-TENDER No.: CEPED/04/2020-21
Kerala State Electricity Board LTD.: Notice Inviting Tender (Re-E-Tender) Re-e-TENDER No.: CEPED/04/2020-21
All communications shall be addressed to the Chief Engineer (Generation & Projects-Electrical
Designs) only. The tender documents and other details may be downloaded from the website The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty
Five Lakhs Only) may be remittted ONLINE by State Bank of India Multi Option Payment
System (SBI MOPS Gateway) OR as Bank guarantee from any bank specified in the tender
documents. The Bid document fee of Rs. Rs. 17,700/- (Rs. 15,000/- + GST 18%), which
is non-refundable shall be remitted to the account number given in the remittance form
provided by the e-procurement system for the particular tender.
If the EMD is remitted as ONLINE instead of B.G, the total bid security amount (EMD) of
Rs 25 Lakh, and a non-refundable Bid document fee of Rs. 17,700 /- (including GST)
totalling to ₹ 25,17,700/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lakh Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred
Only.) shall be remitted as one single transaction into the account number given in the
remittance form provided by the e-Procurement system for this particular tender. Bidders
are advised to visit the “Downloads” section of the website also.
Only SBI Multi Option Payment System(MOPS) gateway remittance is allowed. Account to
Account transfers or Cash payments are not allowed and are invalid mode of payments. Hence the
remittance form provided by e-Procurement system is to be used only for payment.
The SBI MOPS Internet Banking facility for online payment may be exercised atleast 72
Hours before the closing date of the bid to ensure that payment towards tender
doument fee and EMD are credited and a cofirmation is reflected in the e-procurement
The Bid security amount of Rs.25, 00,000/-(Rupees Twenty Five lakh only) should be submitted in
the form of Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised/ Scheduled bank, as specified in the tender
document, if EMD is remitted as B.G.
While remiting the EMD ONLINE by SBI MOPS internet banking, the Bidder should ensure that bid
document fee and EMD are remitted as one single transaction and not separate. Separate or split
remitance for tender document fee and EMD shall be treated as invalid transactions.
The scanned copy of bid agreement in the prescribed format and scanned copy of BG against EMD
in the prescribed format and EMD exemption certificate (if applicable) shall be submitted online.
The hard copy of the bid agreement in original, hard copy of EMD BG in original and copy of proof
of successful remittance of EMD through e-Procurement portal in sealed cover superscribing e-
tender number and “Cover-1 - Bank Guarantee and Bid Agreement in Original” should
reach the office of the Chief Engineer (Generation & Projects-Electrical Designs) after the last date
for on-line submission of bid but on or before the due date for opening the PQ Bids. Failure in
submission of Cover-1 in original before the bid opening time will lead to the rejection of bid.
Cover No.-1 will be opened online and on verification of the Cover No.-1, the hard copy of the
Original Documents, such as Bank Guarantee and Bid Agreement submitted by the bidder in Cover
No.-1 will be opened thereafter. If any discrepancy is noticed in the tender submitted by the
bidder through online and the hard copy, the bid will be summarily rejected and further covers will
not be opened. Otherwise the Cover No.-2 will be opened thereafter.
The pre-qualification/technical bids of all eligible bidders shall be opened online at the office of
the Chief Engineer (Generation & Projects-Electrical Designs), Vydyuthi Bhavanam
,Pattom in the presence of the bidders/ their representatives who wish to attend at the above
address, on the date and time mentioned above or the date modified and communicated through
the corrigendum. All other existing conditions related to the bids of KSEB Ltd will be applicable to
this bid also. Tender document can be downloaded from 23.06.2020,17.00 Hrs onwards. The
bidding authority reserves the right to modify/cancel any or all bids without assigning any reasons
for such decision. Such decision will not incur any liability whatsoever on the part of KSEB Ltd,
consequently. KSEB Ltd will not be responsible for any errors like missing of schedule, data etc.
while downloading by the bidder/non receipt of document/delay, if any. Bidders are advised to visit
the “Downloads” section of the Government of Kerala’s e-Procurement website also.
All Bidders Participating in the Bid should have a valid Class – II or above Digital
Signature Certificate procured from any Registration Authorities ( RA) under the
Certifying Agency of India. Details of RAs is available on More details about
the e-tendering procedure is available from e-procurement support desk of Kerala State IT Mission.
( Phone No.0471-2577088, 2577188,25577388 or 0484-2336006, 2332262, 0497-2764788, or
0483-273294 or through e-mail:[email protected] or [email protected] )
Further details can be had from the O/o the Chief Engineer (Generation & PED) on all working days
during office hours at the following address:
Dated: 23.06.2020