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Research Sample Chap 1 3

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A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High Schooll Program of


Manila, Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the RESEARCH PROJECT




The Problem and Its Background


Teaching profession is the most demanding and affecting job among other jobs.

Successful teachers by all means play a major role in shaping and formulating their

students’ thought, personality, and values. It is a complex process and lifelong learning;

this study came to answer the following questions: Are there any significant differences

among science teachers’ perceptions concerning their pedagogy in teaching? Are there

any significant differences among science teachers’ perceptions concerning learners’

characteristics? Are there any significant differences among English teachers’

perceptions of their professional development? Results showed that English teachers

characteristics made salient through the participants’ responses can be considered as a

framework for judging the efficiency of any teacher in general and English teachers in

particular. This framework includes general characteristics of the English teachers and

specific characteristics of subject matters teachers. These include that English teachers

should be, Values flexibility, identifies examples of collaboration, develops effective


English is one of the major subjects that must be learned by each student

because of it is very useful in humanity. It is done through observation of natural

phenomena, and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes

under controlled conditions. This is one of the most useful and fascinating divisions of
human knowledge. It helps us in many areas of study, and has the power to

understand everything in the universe. However, despite introduction of varied

strategies, innovation and techniques in English instruction, students have still low

learning performance and understanding because of lack of scientific attitude and skills.

Like any field, education is in need of distinguished teachers who drive the educational

process towards the better, especially that education is the base of other disciplines. It

might be better to compare the role of teacher in the classroom. Whatever role played

by the teacher, it would affect students’ performance. A teacher has the power to take

decisions that either positively or negatively affects his students’ behaviors. It is useful

to distinguish between teaching competencies and teacher competencies.

Teacher competencies were defined by many researchers are something that can

be demonstrated to certain level of achievement along a continuum. The ability to meet

complex demands, by drawing on and mobility psychosocial resources in Context. The

combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and personal characteristics,

empowering the teacher to act professionally and approximately in a situation,

deploying them in a coherent way. Thus, their effects shape and reform the whole

community either positively or negatively. If we ask ourselves: “What are the successful

teacher competencies? What characteristics and skills does he possess? What actions

does he perform? And most important what effects does he have on his students?” So

this study came to elucidate the most important competencies among English teachers.

Since we prepare them for participating in building the community from their position in

any school he is going to work.

To sum up, English teachers should know how to achieve the changes desired

and influence the whole around him in order to build the society. He should find

effective pathways towards their hearts before their minds because when the love and

respect him they would not but accept what he tries to convince them of. The science

teacher should consider that he is the agent of the change in the community and work

to achieve this change through empowering himself with characteristics of the

influential effective teacher.


This research was mainly anchored on the (CB- PAST) Competency Based

Performance Appraisal System for Teachers, pursuant to the CMO No.30, series 2004.

This CB-PAST functions as a frame for both the pre-service, in-service education and

training program. It is the touchstone that confirms the ongoing reaction to the

changing needs of the teaching-learning process. The training program for teachers

are being formed using this frame to linger and develop their personal and professional


In addition, through the CB-PAST, the early experience of teachers in the actual

learning environment will guarantee improved preparation and appreciation.

Conceptual Framework

The study is guided by a system approach to further assess the research

process of this study. The researcher will utilized the Input, Process, and Output model

as reflected in Figure 1.

The INPUT box contains the assessment of the school Administrators, master

Teachers and teachers in the areas of Instructional Competence: Diversity of Learners;

Curriculum Content, Pedagogy and planning, assessing & reporting; Supervisory

Competence and social Growth and professional development.

The PROCESS box includes Assessment of School Administrators, Master

Teachers and teachers in the areas of Identification of the constraints being

encountered by the master teachers and Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The OUTPUT is the acceptable proposed Development training program.

Conceptual Paradigm

 Assessment of
School  Assessment of
Administrators, School
Master Administrators,
Teachers and Master Teachers
teachers in the and teachers in
areas of the areas of

I. Instructional
Competence  Identification of PROPOSED
the constraints
-Diversity of Learners being DEVELOPMENT
-Curriculum content encountered by
-Pedagogy the master TRAINING
-Planning, teachers
II. Supervisory
 Statistical Analysis
and Interpretation
-Learning Environment
-Community Linkages of Data
-Social regard or
_Social growth &


Figure 1

This study is guided by the conceptual model that includes the INPUT, PROCESS, and

OUTPUT shown in Figure 1.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the assessment of the school administrators master

teachers and teachers identification of the constraints being encountered.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of competency of the Public Elementary English Teachers as

assessed by the school head themselves in terms of :

1.1 Technical Competence

1.1.1 Diversity of Learners

1.1.2 Pedagogical Skills; and

1.1.3 Planning, Assessing and reporting

1.2. Supervisory Competence

1.3. Social Competence

2. Is there significant difference in the proposed assessment of the respondents in the

above mentioned variables?

3. What constraints/limitations are encountered by the school heads and teachers in


4. Based on the results, what proposed development training may be advised?

5.How acceptable is the proposed training program as assessed by the school

administrators and master teachers?


There is no significant difference existing between the assessments of the two

groups of respondents on the level of competency of public English Elementary School


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will determine the competency needs of teachers in the areas of;

Teaching Learning Process: Curriculum content and Pedagogy ; Diversity of Learners,

Planning and Assessment, Social Competence and Professional Growth and

Development. the Division of Paranaque for the School Year 2019-2020.

The respondents of the study were composed of ten (10) School Heads and

coordinators and 60 english teachers or more to participate in the said study.

Significance of the Study

This study is was undertaken with the main purpose of developing a proposed
training program for teachers and master teachers.

Hence, the researcher sees to it that this study will be beneficial to the following people

and group of people:

Secondary School Administrators. It will be a big help for them in adapting effective

strategies and some remedies to be addressed the needs of the teachers and students.

This will make them aware of their present capability and will help them to strive for

improvement. The development of proposed training Program will help them to be

upgraded in terms of skills and strategies and be fully equipped, effective and

successful teachers.

Master Teachers/Teachers. It will be a big help for teachers in teaching topics that

involved solving problem. It will help teachers speed up the teaching-learning process. It

will help teachers solve the problem of pupils having lack of interest in Science subject.

They will be able to exercise their expertise on the given job related to their skills and


Students. They will develop the value of patience and confidence in coping and

learning science. It will help them lessen their worries and negative attitude in science

learning areas. It will help them find Science subject interesting.

Curriculum and Policy Makers. Results of this study would serve as bases to

curriculum planners as well as policy-making bodies for proper curriculum changes and

refinement to be relevant in terms of educational needs.

Other Researchers. Lastly, this study would serve as a guide for graduate students
and other researchers for further study and encouragement to work on producing

development training programs for better and effective instruction and learning.

Definition of Terms

For a better and clearer understanding of this study, the following terms are

operationally defined, while others were taken from other sources:

Administrators: A person responsible for the performance or management of administrative

business operations. Administrator of the Government, in various Commonwealth realms and


Assessment is an appraisal of the respondents of the study with regard to the

relevance of contexts of the learning modules with respect to objective, introduction,

content and activities. Likewise, level of acceptability of the learning modules with

respect to the language and style, presentation and innovativeness.

Communications is to convey message from one point or place to another. It is

associated with machine to machine communications,

Competence. Competencies are defined as “the set of knowledge, skills, and

experience necessary for future, which manifests in activities”

Content is operationally defined as topics or lessons covered in the enrichment


Educational assessment: The process of documenting, usually in measurable terms,

knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs. It is a tool or method of obtaining information

from tests or other sources about the achievement or abilities of individuals. Often used

interchangeably with test.

Experts are the Master Teachers, Science Coordinator, and the Science Principal


Innovativeness is an adaptation of modern strategies or approaches in teaching


Instructional Competency: Refers to the teachers' mastery of the subject field,

teaching skills, classroom management and evaluation skills. ... Teaching Effectiveness

refers to the potency of the instruction which goes along with effective learning of the


Instructional Material-tools used in educational lessons which includes active

learning and assessment.

Language and Style is a medium of instruction and comprehensibility of words on the

proposed enrichment activity.

Objective is the specific instructional objectives, expected outcome of students’

learning achievement at the end of the lesson.

Teacher: means a person employed in an official capacity for the purpose of giving

instruction to students in an educational institution, whether public or private

Usefulness is activities in the proposed training program approved in developing the

skills and level of performance of the teachers and students.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that have close

bearing with the present study. The reviewed literature and studies provide the basic

information and procedures, which will guide in the pursuance of the study.

Related Literature

Local Literature

Prime Sarmiento ( 2013 ), More than just changing the curriculum, the

government needs to invest in teachers and facilities to improve the competency of

Filipino students and encourage them to enter science and technology professions,

according to education reform advocates. This is in line with the new K to 12 Basic

Education Curriculum (widely known as K-12), which was enforced in the school year

that started June 2012 and adds two more years to the country’s basic education


Accoding to Salandanan, Gloria G. Elements of Good Teaching. Lorimar

Publishing Incorporated. Quezon City. 2005. The teacher’s academic advancement and

professional upgrading activities contribute to an enjoyable and productive teaching.

Partylist Representative Antonio Tinio said that more than the curriculum itself,

there are other factors that contribute to science comprehension in Filipino students.

“We have a lot of problems in the country's science education. One of them is the

shortage of teachers who have a background in science.

Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO V, said, to be able to achieve effective teaching and

productive learning, teachers should see themselves as capable of achieving the

dimensions of good teaching. Classroom teachers think about a balance teaching

activities in the classroom with crucial professional upgrading activities. They also think

which skills to teach, what teaching strategies to use, what enrichment activities and

what learning experiences to provide.


Effective teaching research (Brophy & Good, 2010; Gage, 2011) and value added

research (Hanushek, 2012) endeavor to describe principles of effective teachers and

effective teaching as linked with student results. Bearing in mind the distinction

between teacher competences and teaching competences described before (OECD

TALIS, 2009), we can then consider coming from literature review on effective teacher

characteristics which provide a list of characteristics of teacher professionalism, Teacher

Professionalism thus includes attitudes such as (commitment, confidence,

Trustworthiness, respect), reasoning such as (analytical and conceptual thinking),

expectations such as (drive for improvement, information-seeking, initiative) and

leadership such as (flexibility, accountability, passion for learning) (Anderson, 2011;

Hay McBer, 2010); it also stresses the importance of an individual and collective sense

of self-efficacy (Geijsel et al., 2010; Goddard, Hoy & Hoy, 2010). Among the principles

of effective and from literature review on effective teaching characteristics which

describe features of effective teaching on which there is broad consensus. Among the

principles of effective teaching (Brophy, 2001) there are principles to classroom climate,

scaffolding, practice activities, coherent content, cooperative learning, and goal

oriented assessment, strategy teaching, and achievement expectations. While effective

teaching variables can be categorized of six broad concepts: curricular dimension,

teacher-orchestrated classroom management dimension, teaching strategy dimension

(structured teaching; teaching strategies; teaching metacognitive strategies), climate

dimension, evaluation/feedback dimension (Scheerens, 2010). Effective teaching

studies showed the effectiveness of combining constructivist and direct instruction

features. This implies restructuring and scaffolding, combined with self-regulated

learning and guided reflection on learning processes. This showed the effectiveness and

importance of classroom organizational and teaching skills.

Moreover, the gathered literatures and studies helped and guided the researcher

in making the research design, especially on specific questions to be researched on,

formulation of the framework, application of the appropriate research method,

preparation and validation of research instrument for data gathering and analysis.

According to De Bueger-Vander Borght C. (2010): “competence refers to a state

of being well-qualified to perform an activity, task or job function. When a person is

competent to do something, he or she has achieved a state of competence that is

recognizable and verifiable to a particular school or community of practitioners. A

competency, then, refers to the way that a state of competence can be demonstrated

to the relevant community”.

In such definitions the notion of competency is confined to the ability to perform

a discrete task or “discrete workplace requirement”. The notion that tasks and

workplace requirements can be discrete from knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and

context is problematic.

A parallel evolution of a more complex view of competency from many

researchers in the last decade recognizes a concept which incorporates “the ability to

transfer skills and knowledge to new situations and environments” as well as the

performance of tasks expected in the workplace. This “broader” concept can include

among others: the performance of tasks, the management of a series of tasks, the

ability to respond to irregularities and contingencies, the capacity to deal with the

complexities of the workplace including taking responsibility and working with others,

the ability to put one’s knowledge, skills and attitudes to new tasks and to new

situations, not putting aside respect of others human beings or tolerance of other


Pellerey (2011) has reconstructed the evolution of the competency concept

during the last years; now it means not only the mastery of knowledge and methods,
or the ability to manage them, but also the ability to integrate different kinds of

knowledge, and to use them synergically. Therefore to be competent in a certain area

implies the ability to mobilize one’s own knowledge and to transform it into concrete

doing: competency is an individual characteristic and is built (through self-experience

and formation) in a given field and in a given area of problems. It includes the content

of the learning process as well as the context where it happens and the ability to apply

the grasped content (Coggi, 2012).

A “competence” has been defined as a collection of resources (knowledge,

know-how, knowledge to be) mobilized to solve problems in a particular context.

(Roegiers 2010, Jonnaert & Vander Borght 2010).


In the research study of Gerry Pontillas, (2017) trainings held by the

administrators and teachers to enhance their abilities to uplift or a higher level of

competency. The administrators and experts must address the constraints and

limitations that are encountered by the teachers in teaching with the best suited

trainings/ programs needed in the field of teaching. Encouragement the teachers and

researchers to continue to study for the teacher’s growth and development to meet the

21st century quality teachers.

Daquipil (2003) stated that the finding of Doong that the length of teaching
experience is one of the factors that hold teachers to stay in the teaching profession.

He stated that further that long years of service could be an indication of deep

satisfaction for a teacher. He believed that the teachers who have stayed long in the

service perform better than those who are new.

Doong shared his thoughts about teachers new to the service. He said that the

new teachers are often engrossed with discipline problems of the children in the

classroom. They have more routine tasks like checking of attendance but less activity

period which considered to be more beneficial for the pupils.

Educational Administrators should create favorable conditions necessary to

enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the faculty members and which in turn

produce tremendous influence on the students. Moreover, the teachers show some

degree of satisfaction and high performance is recognized and appreciated, when they

can established congenital relations with everybody in any working place, when they

are properly compensated, they will definitely show some degree of satisfaction and

high performance. In this sense, teachers’ performance lies on the performance of the

school administrators as well as the interpersonal relationship between them and

among superiors. ( Castillo 2003)


Bearing in mind the distinction between teacher competences and teaching

competences described before (OECD TALIS, 2009), we can then consider coming from

literature review on effective teacher characteristics which provide a list of

characteristics of teacher professionalism, Teacher Professionalism thus includes

attitudes such as (commitment, confidence, Trustworthiness, respect), reasoning such

as (analytical and conceptual thinking), expectations such as (drive for improvement,

information-seeking, initiative) and leadership such as (flexibility, accountability, passion

for learning) (Anderson,2004; Hay McBer, 2000)

(Scheerens, 2007). Effective teaching studies showed the effectiveness of

combining constructivist and direct instruction features. This implies restructuring and

scaffolding, combined with self- regulated learning and guided reflection on learning


It also stresses the importance of an individual and collective sense ofself-

efficacy (Geijsel et al., 2009; Goddard, Hoy & Hoy, 2000). Among the principles of

effective and from literature review on effective teaching characteristics which describe

features of effective teaching on which there is broad consensus. Among the principles

of effective teaching (Brophy, 2001) there are principles to classroom climate,

scaffolding, practice activities, coherent content, cooperative learning, goal oriented

assessment, strategy teaching, and achievement expectations. While effective teaching

variables can be categorized of six broad concepts: curricular dimension, teacher-

orchestrated classroom management dimension, teaching strategy dimension

(structured teaching; teaching strategies; teaching metacognitive strategies), climate

dimension, evaluation/feedback dimension.

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