Bekele Chala .ENGR/157/09 2. Elias Ayana ... ENGR/320/10
Bekele Chala .ENGR/157/09 2. Elias Ayana ... ENGR/320/10
Bekele Chala .ENGR/157/09 2. Elias Ayana ... ENGR/320/10
1. Bekele Chala…………………………………….ENGR/157/09
2. Elias Ayana……………………………………...ENGR/320/10
Internship program is newly adopted in the educational curriculum of Ethiopia for engineering
students. It is given to students of fourth year and in the second semester. We have done this
internship program for three months at Ambo Mineral Water S.C. we declare that the project work
entitled as ‘Design of manual operated scissor lifting and transporting machine for Ambo Mineral
Water S.C. as required for the three months’ internship semester for the award of ‘Internship eval-
uation’ under the guidance of Our advisor Mr. Gadisa D from June, 2021 to August, 2021.
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First we would like to say thanks to God who makes us powerful and strength during internship
to success our project, then we would like to thanks our mentor Dawit for making us confident and
initiative to do our training on time and give us orientations about the project to do easily and we
would like to thanks our advisor Mr. Gadisa for advising us to be innovator and push us to create
new idea in the daily activities and for the success of our internship practice in brief way also we
would like to thanks all of company employers for their assistant to do our specific section on the
production section of the company, and other workers of the company for their willingness to help
us in the progress of our project and support us by explaining about any job in the company and
told us the working principles of machines. Finally, we would like thanks all our teacher who
thought and enforced us to study and to do some project given in the class which help us during
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Ambo Mineral Water Share Company is one of the oldest factories with its soft and non-alcoholic
beverage factories in Ethiopia. The Ambo mineral water manufacturing plant had two lines which
have a total production capacity of 36,000 per hour. The major benefits that we get from the in-
ternship are classified and stated as, improving practical skill, upgrading theoretical knowledge.
Challenges we have been faced while performing our work tasks are lack of safe, lack of library,
lack of scheduled maintenance, lack of different department together, lack of educated persons.
In the Ambo mineral water, we have seen many problems during internship program, the problems
are: lack of loading and unloading, lack of syrup tank lifter, The problem of washing bottle man-
ually, while design on effective manual operated scissor lifting and transporting that solve problem
of lifting and transporting raw material of production and bottles product or empty glass bottles
with crates in syrup, returnable glass bottle, and PET line rooms that reduce man power. This
project is designed by calculating different calculations and by arranging of the components
properly. There are many results obtained during the design analysis of this machine. The report
contains seven chapters to describe briefly the back ground of hosting company. While the other
part of this report describes the overall internship experience we gained during the practical peri-
ods, the benefits gained from our internship, design with detail design, result and discussion and
finally the conclusion and recommendation.
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CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Back Ground and History of Ambo Mineral Water S.C ....................................................... 1
1.3 Vision Mission and Goal ....................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives of the Company ................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1General objective................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.2 Specific Objective .............................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Main Products or Services of Ambo Mineral Water Factory................................................ 3
1.6 Main Consumer of Ambo Mineral Water Products .............................................................. 5
1.7 Overall Organization Chart and Management of the Company. ........................................... 6
2 CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Overall Internship Experience ............................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 HowWeGot into the Company ........................................................................................... 8
2.2 The Section of the CompanyWeHave Been Working In ...................................................... 8
2.2.1 Section of RGB Line .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Unpacker machine .............................................................................................................. 8
2.2.3 Crate Washer machine ....................................................................................................... 9
2.2.4 Bottle washer machine ....................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Filler and capper Machine ................................................................................................ 11
2.2.6 Labelling Machine............................................................................................................ 13
2.2.7 Packer Machine ................................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Section of PET line ............................................................................................................. 15
2.3.3 Filler (Rinser and Capper ................................................................................................. 18
2.3.4 Labeler machine ............................................................................................................... 20
2.3.5 Shrink Wrapper ................................................................................................................ 21
2.3.6 Stretching wrapper ........................................................................................................... 22
2.4 Utilities line ......................................................................................................................... 22
2.4.1 Water treatment ................................................................................................................ 22
2.4.2 Steam generation (Boiler) ................................................................................................ 24
2.4.3 Chiller ............................................................................................................................... 25
2.4.4 Air Compressors ............................................................................................................... 26
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List figures
Figure 1. 1 Ambo mineral water ..................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1. 2 Ambo mineral water ..................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1. 3 Main consumer of Ambo mineral water products ........................................................ 5
Figure 1. 4 Overall Organization Chart and Management of the Company ................................... 7
Figure 2. 1:-Bottles Washer Machine ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. 2 :-Filling machine ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 2. 3 Labelling machine ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2. 4 Room of general bottling line ..................................................................................... 14
Figure 2. 5 A process flow diagram of the entire PET as general. ............................................... 15
Figure 2. 6 A process flow diagram of the entire PET (polyethylene terephthalate) blowing ..... 17
Figure 2. 7 Stretch blow moulding. .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 2. 8 Blow moulding machine............................................................................................. 18
Figure 2. 9 A flow diagram of operation of filler ........................................................................ 19
Figure 2. 10 Flow diagram of filling process ................................................................................ 19
Figure 2. 11 Water Treatment/Process Flow Diagram ................................................................. 24
Figure 2. 12 Boiler ........................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 2. 13 Flow diagram of chillers ........................................................................................... 26
Figure 2. 14 flow diagram of air compressor ................................................................................ 27
Figure 2. 15 A flow diagram of syrup production process ........................................................... 29
Figure 5.1 Manual bottle washer machine .................................................................................... 43
Figure 5.2 Syrup tank lifter ........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 5. 3 Manual operated scissor lifting and transporting machine ......................................... 45
Figure 5. 4 The force analysis on the linkage assembly ............................................................... 48
Figure 5. 5 The link angle at minimum position ........................................................................... 48
Figure 5. 6 The link angle at maximum position .......................................................................... 49
Figure 5. 7 The force distribution at minimum angle ................................................................... 49
Figure 5. 8 The force distribution at maximum angle .................................................................. 50
Figure 5. 9 The comparing angle of the above two cases ............................................................. 51
Figure 5. 10 Terminologies of power screw ................................................................................. 52
Figure 5. 11 Figure 5. 11 (a) Development of screw. (b) Forces acing on the screw. .................. 53
Figure 5. 12 Design of the screw .................................................................................................. 53
Figure 5. 13 Design of nut bar ...................................................................................................... 56
Figure 5. 14 Force triangle in the linkage ..................................................................................... 58
Figure 5. 15 Design of the base frame .......................................................................................... 60
Figure 5. 16 Design of the Crank handle ...................................................................................... 61
Figure 5. 17 Analysis of human force ........................................................................................... 62
Figure 5. 18 Design of cater wheel ............................................................................................... 62
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List of tables
Table 1. 1The main consumers of Ambo mineral water products. ................................................. 6
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Ambo mineral water factory is one of the oldest factories with its soft and non-alcoholic beverage
factories in Ethiopia. The source of Ambo Mineral Water is a thermo-mineral spring. There are
two line of production those are returnable glass bottle and polyethylene terephthalate line and as
well as utilities line those are air compressor, chiller and ammonia gases, boiler, water treatment,
reverse osmosis, and syrup preparation. There are many machines in Ambo mineral water Share
Company those are Blower Machine, Air Conveyor, Filler Machine, Rinser, Capper, Dryer, La-
beler, Date Coder, Shrink Wrapper, Stretching Wrapper, Unpacker, Packer, Bottle Washer, and
Crate Washer Machine.
The main reason behind the selection of the place by the Imperial Government of Ethiopia was
beautiful climate and also, due to the presence of the thermal spring water. Based on the infor-
mation from the documents, Ambo thermos mineral spring water was bottled and secretly sent to
the palace. “The secret was however, revealed when the water was publicly tabled to ambassadors
and dignitaries who came to celebrate the coronation day of Emperor Haile Selassie 83 years ago,
in 1930,” the documents are written. In a rare natural gift, the mineral water flowed directly from
the source to the plant. “The water has its own natural carbonation. The factory was established in
1941 G.C as public enterprise in Ambo town at the time to produce Ambo mineral water only.
Originally the factory was not placed at Senkele but because of health security, in 1970 G.C the
factory is transferred to Senkele and until 1972 G.C planting factory was going on. The company
covers 93,103msq at Senkele. From the beginning the company was public enterprise, but in 2009
G.C the factory has partially given to the private. Currently, the government has a Share 33% and
67% of the factory’s product is on the hand of the private. To precede its work, the factory has 375
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permanent employees and around 80 other daily workers. The company water product plant was
designed to produce 14,400bottles/hr.
The product of the factory is distributed in local market and export market in Africa, Asian and
European countries. Mainly the company produce Ambo mineral water and recently it begins to
produce sweat drinks like water’ (Orange, Fanta, predator, Apple, Pineapple, Lemon-lime) or jiva
in general. The source of Ambo Mineral Water is a thermo-mineral spring, rich in natural calcium,
magnesium, iron, potassium, bicarbonates and carbon dioxide. The water originates in a volcanic
fissure which then peculates through mountainous terrain eventually being tapped at the springs in
Ambo Senkele.
Ambo comes from the Ethiopian highlands, a unique part of the world. It is recognized as the
leading beverage of Ethiopia, a true ‘Ethiopian Icon’. It is popularly consumed during and after
meals as a digestive, also popularly consumed as a thirst quenching ‘soft-drink’ or as a discerning
mixer, specifically with whiskey. The growing demand for Ambo Mineral water both locally and
abroad has resulted in new investments in capacity and packaging variations. The product and pack
range has been extended to include convenience packaging in plastic bottles, as well as new prod-
ucts, ‘Ambo lite’ (lower carbonation and mineralization) and ‘Ambo flavoured water.
Finally, the Ambo Mineral Water manufacturing plant had two lines which have a total production
capacity of 14,400 per hour. The two old lines were renovated and another new line was installed.
The new line of RGB and PET have a production capacity of 24,000 and 12,000 bottles per hour
respectively. [1]
1.4.1General objective
The general objective of Ambo mineral water factor is to produce and deliver consistent high qual-
ity of Ambo water at regional and international markets whilst behaving in a responsible manner.
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The classic Ambo Originating in the Ethiopian highlands, Ambo is the leading beverage of Ethio-
pia, a true ‘Ethiopian Icon’. Now available in a new redesigned bottle with embossed logo and a
new cork. Available in:
• 475 ML returnable glass.
• 330 ML non-returnable plastic.
Ambo Mineral Water introduces a new and exciting line of flavoured Ambo. Currently available
refreshing fruit flavours: Ambo mineral water, Jiva Fanta, Apple, Lemon-lime and Jiva Predator
Available in:
• 250 ML PET
• 500 ML PET
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Its main service: Basic communication systems, social services and other facilities are available to
facilitate the various activities of the Company. Transportation facility is a satisfactory. Others
infrastructures include:
• A well-built store.
• Comfortable residential houses.
before they come to Ethiopia. They come here with that market access. [1]
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Table 1. 1The main consumers of Ambo mineral water products.
organization and work flow of the company can be shown as follow: [1]
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Finance Manager
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2. Overall Internship Experience
Overcomes of this stoppages is maintained and correct the fault, available input of raw material on
time and make space on conveyor which transport bottle toward bottle washer machine. .
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stoppages is available this shortages on times and identified error formed and solves it. [1]
perature of water and soda ash, on third bath the bottles washing by cooled and fresh water. [1]
Method of operation
From the unpacker, bottles are fed to a bottle washer, which fully washes the returnable glass
bottles to removing any old labels, ink jet coding and small particulates such as sand and dust.
After washing it is necessary to inspect bottles for soiling, chipped necks, residual liquid. Bottles
are fed by conveyor into the washer infeed, where they are channeled into rows and hence into the
washer bottle pockets which are made of either steel or plastic. Bottles are conveyed throughout
the washer in these pockets which are attached to an endless chain. A typical treatment, where the
carrier chains dip in and out of soak tanks (caustic zone), cycle allowing sufficient time to ‘soak’
in each part of the cycle, would be:
6. Rinse the bottles at some (68-72) °C and then empty the caustic solution out.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 at some (73-77) °C.
8. Rinse with warm water at some (68-72) °C and invert the bottles to empty the
9. Rinse at some 50°C and empty the bottles.
10. Repeat step 9 at 30°C and empty the bottles.
11. Final rinse with clean treated water and empty the contents of the bottle.
Pre-wash: Right after the infeed area the bottles are turned upside-down so that the liquid resid-
uals and loose dirty particles fall out of the bottles. Residuals are collected and discharged out of
the machine separately. A sieve-belt conveyor may be arranged in order to take solid dirt out of
the machine. This sieve-belt is at the same time a filter for the waste water. Behind the dirt removal
area an internal jetting pipe can be located is present so to further remove dirty particles from
inside the bottles as early as possible. Bottles are then submerged and filled with warm water.
Water remains within the bottles until they are turned upside-down in the following jet section.
The water running out returns to the pre-soak through a sieve-belt filter. This is the first occurrence
where the bottles are turned upside down and so broken glass and dirt are collected in the lower
part of the tank.
The bottles are then pre rinsed with a set of internal sprayers and external showers and moved to
the heat recovery submerge bath, where heat is transferred from the cooling zone without any
water mixing. The temperature is gradually raised in this zone, exploiting the residual heat of the
water received from the rinsing zone.
Washing: The bottles are then taken to the actual washing zone which consists of a certain number
of identical detergent soaks – the exact number depends on the required treatment time. Bottle
washing is in three essential stages:
First, the bottle is immersed in the soak, where dirt is chemically attacked by the caustic action of
the soda, increased by high temperature.
At the second stage, the bottle is emptied to remove the dissolved dirt and the used solution.
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At the third stage the mechanical action of the internal jet removes the dirt, which had been chem-
ically attacked, so that the remaining dirt comes into direct contact with the detergent solution of
the next soak.
Rinsing: The bottles then move on to the rinsing zone that usually includes an immersion zone
and a set of spraying zones. In this zone the temperature is gradually lowered and the detergent
solution is removed, both from the bottles and from the carrier beams, through dedicated sets of
All the rinsing water is then recovered to the pre-washing zone. Every spraying zone consists of a
set of high pressure internal sprays and an external shower. Before discharging the bottles a final
injection with fresh water takes place and, after sufficient drip-off time, the unloading system
places the bottle on the conveyor belt.
While the bottles are being washed, crates go through a crate washer that removes any debris and
attempts to keep the crates in reasonable condition. After the washer, the bottles are fed by con-
veyor through an empty bottle inspector to the filler and crowner/capper. [1]
The machine is mainly used in the Ambo mineral water filling operations. Suitable for carbonated
water filling machine.
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Filling operation
The bottle is pressed with filling part. In the lifting process, it checks whether there are bottles on
bottleneck board. If there are bottles, the filling process is started; the bottle is filled with water. If
there is no bottle, the valve remains closed. In this factory maximum of 24,000 bottles can be filled
per hour.
Basic position of bottle pressurization filling phase filling complete snifting CIP
Capper machine is a machine that used to fits the corks on the filled bottles or secures the corks
on the mouth of filled bottles. The Main component of the capper is bottle plate, sealing head with
chuck, neck guide, and sensor.
Fits operation
Corks are transferred from cork hopper to sorter by inclined conveyor. Sorter is rearranges corks
and transfer to gripper. Gripper is used to infeed cork into sealing head which punch cork on a
mouth of filled bottle that take from filler machine by transfer star wheel. After that the fits bottle
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Method of operation
The cinematic has two independently operating hot melt gluing units. To being with, the first la-
belling station applies a vertical line of glue to the vacuum drum. The vacuum drum is revolving
as it passes label from label magazine to gripper. The glue on the vacuum drum takes up a label
from the label magazine into gripper. At the same time, the second labelling station is applying
glue to the trailing label edge on rotating gripper, after that gripper transfer label to the bottle and
label is now wrapped once around the bottles and glued together at the overlap.
valve. [1]
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Operation method:
Packer is a machine which picks up bottles filled with Ambo mineral water and put in the washed
crates. For packing, the bottles enter on bottle table and are then distributed to lanes. Then packing
heads grab the bottles, move them to the packing position and place them in their pockets of crates.
The bottles are marshaled on a slat conveyor in a configuration to suit the crate pocket arrange-
ment. At the end of the conveying section, bottles are collected, lifted and placed into the crates
by gripper head which operating by pneumatic valve which controlled by solenoid valve.
crate Bottle
Crate Dirty washer
with bottle machine
Mixer Clean
Date La- Filler bottle
coder ma- beler ma-
chine ma- chine
ma- Product End us-
chine ers
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Un- Palletizer Shrink Date
ing Labeler Full bottle con-
loader (manual Wrap- coder
Wrapper Dryer veyor
by hand) per
clamped between two mould halves and inflated by pressurized air until it conforms to the inner
shape of the mould cavity. Output of blow moulding is plastic bottle that are available in a variety
of shapes and sizes. The preforms are heated (typically using infrared heaters) above their glass
transition temperature, then blown using high pressure air into bottles using metal blow moulds.
Heating system
Heaters: The number of heaters in the heating module is equipped with varies according to the
machine type. Each heater is equipped with eight vertically arranged infrared radiators for heat-
ing performs. The infrared radiator is controllable i.e. can be ON or OFF. The temperature of the
individual heating levels can be adjusted via touch-screen.
Reflectors: To improve the radiation efficiency, reflectors provide opposite to the heaters and on
the base.
Fans: Air is blown in on the back of the heating box in order to cool the preform surface.
Mouth cooling: on the top of the heating boxes there is an air duct. The mouth of the preform is
cooled above this duct.
Working Process of Blow Moulding Machine.
1. Monitoring the machine with monitoring devices during operation. Example: Touch
screen, Control panel, Pneumatic panel, Warning device (signal beacon post Visual and
noise monitoring).
2. Checking that the machine is supplied with processing and operating materials. Examples:
Performs, Compressed air, Power, Water.
3. Quality of bottles checkers.
4. Ensuring malfunction, free transportation of bottles from the machines.
5. Monitoring the machine components.
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Figure 2. 6 A process flow diagram of the entire PET (polyethylene terephthalate) blowing
1. Preform hopper 2. Inclined conveyor 3. Rolling sorter 4. Preform chute
5. Infeed star wheel 6. Conveyor chain 7. Heating modules 8. Infeed star wheel
blowing wheel 9 Discharge star wheel blowing wheel 10 Blowing wheel
11. Blowing station 12. Discharge unit 13. Control panel (touch screen)
14. Pneumatic panel 15. Hydraulic panel 16. Switch cabinet 17. Chiller
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The Component of Filler are star wheel (gripper), infeed star wheel, rinser, intermediate star wheel,
transfer star wheel, vent tube and spindle (filling valve), product tank, capper, discharges star
wheel etc. The fill level is determined by the length of the vent tube that enters the bottle, during
the filling stage. Generally speaking, to change the level in the bottle, the vent tube must also be
changed. In a mechanically operated valve all movements are controlled mechanically. Compo-
nent parts of the filling valve which are inside the filler bowl (the product valve and gas needle)
are operated by a control lever which, in turn, is raised and lowered by cams external to the ring
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bowl. Pressurization and filling phases are controlled by this operation. The snift phase is operated
by the snift button located at the base of the filling valve being activated by an external cam. Air
pickup during the fill process: Pre-evacuation is the process of evacuating the air from the bottles
to be filled with a product, prior to filling the bottles. Basically, the bottles is charged with an inert
gas (mostly CO2) before final filling. This process protects the product filled in the bottles from
the effects of oxidation. Headspace air with a fobbing unit which foams the product in the bottles
using high-pressure hot water jet while travelling from the filler to the crowner or capper. [1]
1. Filler air leakage caused by Fail of connection between filler and air conveyor Misunder-
standing and Misalignment.
2. Filler under fill & leakage problem causes of problem of filler component connection, con-
veyor problem.
3. Filler centering bell problem causes of misalignment (capper not match with bottle).
4. Fault of sensor, and may be if bottle not reached on time and cap is not available by its
order of arrangement.
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Purpose of full bottle conveyor are used to transport the bottles filled with a product and secured
by cap. The main component of the full bottle conveyor is: belt, guide, wear strip, motor, sensor,
full bottle inspection.
buffer, feed roller, film guider, bottle plate, sensor, label cutter (cutting drum), vacuum drum. [1]
Method of operation: The Infeed worm are rotating by a gear and spaces the bottle to the machine
pitch. Stop star wheel installed immediately before the infeed worm. The bottle present sensor
detects if bottles are supplied to the machine and provides a signal to the control system. Thus, a
label will not be supplied until a bottle is provided in the labelling station.
After infeed star wheel the bottles are transferred to bottle plates in the carrousel and clamped
firmly from above by means of centering bells. The bottle plates must rotate to ensure that the
bottle pick up the label correctly from the vacuum-grip cylinder. They are turned by a servomotor
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using a toothed belt. The cut and glued label is transferred to the bottle. The label is cut when the
cutter meets the cutting strip.
Hot glue is pumped from the bowl to the roller. A glue film is provided through the gap set be-
tween the glue scrapers and the roller. Vacuum bars on the vacuum-grip cylinder take the labels
from the cutter drum, through the contact with the glue roller, a strip of glue is applied to the
leading and trailing edge of the label, afterwards the label is transferred to the bottle.
Date coder is machine that used to print expired and production date on bottles. Purpose of date
coder is used to write an expired and production date on full bottle warp with a label paper by
using instruction of the company for date coder with clear visibility and full of color.
Purpose of shrink Wrapper is used to wrapping the filled bottle with a polyethylene film and heat
applied to film through conveyor in heat tunnel to form package. It is used to cover products with
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Method of operation
Bottle order is used to arrange bottle in line and passing into sensor. Sensor is used to detect bottle
present on line and counting. Bottle stopper is used to stop bottle after passed of 12 bottles. Me-
chanical system used to move the packed bottles into film wrapping area and heating tunnel. Heat
tunnel is used to Appling heat to the film by conveyor heat tunnel which catalyzes the film to
shrink tightly around the bottles placed within.
film. [1]
Method of operation
After package of filled bottle run out from heating tunnel by roller conveyor, operator pick up
packages of filled bottle from roller conveyor by hand and put down on the pallet on rotating table,
up to 112 packages of filled bottle out from shrink wrapper, then the operator to be connected film
to the packages on pallet and turn on stretching wrapper machine after that rotating plate are rotate
pallet with packages on it then reel holder moves the film up and down in order to wrapping film
into packages on pallet. Finally fork lift pick up packages of filled bottles on rotating plate with
pallet and put down in storage room.
a) Degassing Tank: The mineral water pumped to degassing tank is purified from some unwanted
gases like CO2, Cl, and Fe etc. in this tank through vacuum suck which operating by motor which
has fan that forward and back ward condition in order to removes out amount of unwanted gas
from mineral water in degassing tank. Then it is pumped to settling tanks. [2]
b) Settling Tanks (Process and Softener Tanks): Dirt particles gain more weight and settle to
the bottom of the water tank. The mud accumulated at the bottom of the tanker is removed using
cleaning mechanism. In Ambo mineral water Share Company there are four tanks which have
volumes 30,000 liter. Tank one used for softener water but tank two, three, and three are used for
process or production water. After suspend particle settle down in sedimentation tank of 2, 3, 4
waters pumped into filter tank such as big sand, manganese green sand, and activated carbon tank
respectively and finally pure water pumped into production tank which contain 50,000 liters. [2]
c) Filtering Tank: In this there are three tanks: Big sand tank, Manganese filter tank and activated
carbon. In big sand filter tank there are two layers of sand, grain size of sand increase from top to
bottom and water pumped from top to bottom, so the remaining suspensions particles are trapped
by the sand. But, softening is used to avoid the calcium and the magnesium carbonates from the
water by using Sodium Chloride (Nacl) and rinse bed in softener water tank in order to reduce
content of CaCo3 from water. After reduced the content of CaCo3 in water less than or equal to
75kg/l, it is used for boiler, bottle washer, crate washer, cleaning, and other activities in order to
reduces or avoid scale and corrosion of machine and boiler. It has to be further purified by Sodium
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Tank 5
Tank 6
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Process of boiler: In fire tube steam boiler, heat and gases of combustion pass through the tube
surrounded by water. When water is heated, it increases in volume and becomes lighter, by in-
creasing the heating surface, more heat is taken from the gases of combustion. This results in a
more rapid water circulation and faster formation of steam bubbles. In internal furnace or burner
the fuel and electrical spark meets to produce fire that pass through fire tube surrounded by water
Fuel pump
fire Burne
Feed water
Figure 2. 12 Boiler
2.4.3 Chiller
Chillers are the Cooling process which done by using ammonia gas a refrigerant (coolant). The
compressed ammonia cools the water (ice water) that cools the machine to avoid overheating and
water which is used for production. The ammonia gas cools the water by heat exchanging. The
water which has been cooled (ice water) by ammonia goes to the carbon-cooler and cools the water
Process of chiller
Ammonia gas charges into high level ammonia tank, while Water directed into chiller through
piping system from storage tank, then the chiller pumping water into high level ammonia tank and
heat exchanger, after that water and compressed ammonia meets on line to cools the water (ice
water), then Cooled water and production water meets in heat exchanger on line and heat transfer
from production water into cooled water, then temperature of production water decrease to15 ℃.
The chiller water used to cools the machine to avoid overheating.
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Water NH3
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In general, the above parts of the syrup preparation have many uses, these are. [2]
1. Sugar box is used to input the sugar and absorb the sugar by pulley gear to belt system in to
2. Motors it used to give an energy (power) and,
3. Dissolving thank is used to dissolve a sugar with water, use different temperature and steam.
4. Mixing thank is used to dissolve or mix a solute with different chemical.
There are two in number in syrup preparation process.
a. The mixing thank at a filter is used to mix a chemical which is called SSF and PPM
with dissolved sugar to clean or filter the carbon.
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b. The mixing thank at storage of end product is used to mix a chemical which is
called citric acid, sodium benzoate, flavors etc. with filtered solution comes from
storage to give a cooler what we want.
5. Steam cylinder is used to store steam comes from boiler and give to the dissolving thank
6. Condenser is used to condense (cool) a solute which is dissolved in dissolving tanker and
give to storage tank, to keep the pressure of tank.
7. Filter is used to filter the solute that means the solute is dissolved with carbon, so the carbon
colour is black, to make this solution colourless and to filter different dirty things. There are
two different filters in syrup preparation process.
a. The filter which is at a first mixer, a big filter using a filtration device.
b. The filter which is small uses cloth to filter the solution.
8. Cooler is used to cool a solution which is filtered by the filter, to keep its temperature for
9. Storage tanker is used to store the solution up to the time of preference. There are three
storage tankers.
a. The storage tank which is at the sugar box is used to store the dissolved solute in
dissolving tank and come to it.
b. The storage tanker which is at the mixer of different chemicals is used to store a
solution that gets mixed with a chemical in a mixer or the end product road that
goes to a PET line. Example: to the filler of syrup
c. The storage tanker which is at the filler is used to store the product of the company.
10. Connectors is used to connect different lines. Example: product line, CIP (clean internal
place) line etc.
Simple syrup:
1. Fill the pre-coating tank with water, 2.856 kgs KENSIL 90 and 2.856 kgs of KENSIL SSF.
2. Dissolve 1750 kg refined sugar and 2 kg activated carbon in to 1908 liters of RO at 75 0c
and heat up to 85 0c up on mixing.
3. After depositing the filter and the pre-coating is clear, circulate the sugar solution to the
filter until the simple syrup becomes clear and meets specification.
4. Transfer the clear solution to simple syrup storage tank.
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Sugar box
mixture of water
and sugar at 85 0c
Coolant (cooled water)
Concentration tank
simple syrup at 35
0c store tank mixer tank (1) mixer tank(2 &3)
3000L 6000L
Syrup for
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Maintenance in every six years can be done with in long time. But weekly, monthly, quarterly
and yearly maintenance are important in a factory to be done with in specific time continuously
Even if there is a program done for maintenance and clearing in the factory.
In AMWF maintenance is applied may be after failures occur we were also able to do weekly and
Weekly maintenance: -
➢ Conveyor belts
➢ Gears
➢ Checking pump seals, pump pressure, piping, pneumatics, lubrication lines and check-
ing motor temperature
1. Monthly maintenance
➢ Machine and machine parts
➢ Jetting units
➢ Control cabinet cooling unit
2. Quarterly maintenance
➢ Pumps, pipes, heating systems
➢ Valves
➢ Jetting units
➢ Electrical system
3. Yearly maintenance
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It is obvious that in order to improve one’s theoretically based knowledge he or she has to be able
to grasp every information that is forwarded during the internship program and being able to inte-
grate this newly acquired knowledge with the previous one and use this information to solve any
problem that may arise on the course of time.
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3.11.1 Conclusion.
Above all the internship program is the crucial or mandatory option to make the compatible Tech-
nology students experience in terms of improving our real practical skills, critical thinking, prob-
lem identification, problem solving, enhancing interpersonal communication abilities, leadership
system, understanding professional ethics.
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We observed the principle operation of different machines in the company. Such as washer ma-
chine, mixer machine, filler machine, labeler machine, unpacker and packer machine, and molder
machine. In addition to develop our skill the company also benefit from our practical application.
We got practical work experiences and benefits at the Ambo mineral water share company some
of the benefits the internship offered to us include:
➢ Allow us to both make and develop professional contacts for our future job search,
➢ Assist me in developing greater understanding of our own strength and weakness,
➢ The company’s work flow, Upgrade our theoretical knowledge at school,
➢ Improves our leadership skill,
➢ Knowing working standards,
➢ Work ethics,
➢ Team playing skills.
3.11.2 Recommendation
Some of the recommendations suggested to the company are as follows:
➢ There is lack of staffs in different department working together. Problem solving will be
much easier department work together
➢ Maintenance is the primary thing in the company, but schedule to maintenance is not in-
troduced in this company. So, we suggest the company to give at least one day maintenance
in week.
➢ There is no library to read different manual needed for maintenance as well as for installa-
tion so we suggest the company to have library with different book and manuals.
➢ Most operators are no educated or not skilled operators we suggest to the company to give
trainer to the operators. And since the company produces soft drinking safety also neces-
sary especially safety closes, but we did not get any safety material and many operator
works on the machine only by experience. Operator must know each part of the machine
and we all information.
➢ The company should improve the man power educational level and give for them full train-
ing capability of the machines maintenance, principle operation, safety and they should
have focused to enhance the maintenance before the failures occur rather than expend time
and money after the huge problem.
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➢ Since the target of university is to build student with various skills, so internship program
should be encouraged to have quality and effectively result.
Generally, the internship program should be expressed in detail and aware for the company
to overcome applicable industrial technology.
Finally, recommendation goes to mentor, supervisor and other who are responsible to internship
during their stay in the organization; to share their knowledge properly and to control the students
on their duty. In addition to this they should be responsible to guide the students as per their interest
and to help them to do what they fill.
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4.1 Introduction
A scissor lift is a type of platform that can only move vertically. The mechanism to achieve this
is the use of linked folding supports in a criss -cross “X” pattern, known as a pantograph or Scissor
mechanism. A scissor lifting machine is a portable device consisting of a screw mechanism used
to raise or lowers the load. The operation of the scissor action can be obtained by hydraulic, pneu-
matic or mechanical means (via a lead screw or rack and pinion system). The hydraulic lifting
consists of cylinder and piston mechanism and the movement of the piston rod is used to raise or
lower the load. While the mechanical lifting can be either hand operated or power driven. The
mechanical screw lifting which raises and lowers the load by applying small force in the horizontal
plane through the screw thread. We have to use lighter but stronger metals; that is to reduce the
force applied by the person that is pushing our machine.
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This lifter consists of two scissor legs one of the legs of each of the scissor will be free to slide
across the length of the base and across the length of the platform. The legs are connected with
connecter rod that is where the hydraulic actuator push and pull the legs; simultaneously the load
moves up/dawn. Main advantage of hydraulic lifter is force multiplication is higher than screw
The only difference with the above mechanism is the position of the hydraulic piston actuation
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Hydraulic piston manufacturing process is difficult due to fluid linkage control valve manufactur-
ing and high-pressure cables needed but those things need high cost so we changed our attitude to
mechanical actuated system.
NOTE: - we chose screw scissor lifter which is consists of less number of components. Due to
material availability, easy to manufacture, less cost, rigidity and easy to access.
• Literature review.
• Reference.
• Different websites.
• By referring design book.
3 Data analysis tools
4.8 Working principle of manual operated scissor lifting and transporting machine
When the power screw rotates to clockwise direction, machines lift to lower position and when
the power screw rotate to direction, counterclockwise machine lift to the maximum position. The
lifter raised and lowered with a Crank handle that is inserted into the screw head. When operator
turns the Crank handle in a clockwise direction the screw rotates that makes the inside threaded
cross bar to push the two side-by-side scissors. One legs of each scissor will be free to slide
across along the base and plat frame. As it does this, the angle between the legs of the scissor de-
creases so legs became get closer, this push up the top plat as well as load. Rotate the Crank han-
dle until the load move up and reaches required level. In order to lower the load; turn the Crank
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handle in the opposite direction (anti clock direction). Due to the threads of screw the input force
is a little bit multiplied. The scissor legs have slider which allows the load to be lifted easily.
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This design concept having a problem manually performed.
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Concept Evaluation
Table 5. 2 Concept evaluation
Value of C1 C2
Number Criteria criteria Gate value Gate value Gate value
by % point point point
1 Loading resistance 27 5 1.35 4 1.08 6 1.62
2 Portability 12 8 0.96 6 0.72 7 0.84
3 Cost 34 7 2.38 9 3.06 8 2.72
4 Welding 13 6 0.76 7 0.91 9 1.17
5 Easily manufactur- 14 9 1.26 8 1.12 6 0.7
Sum 100% 35 6.73 34 6.89 36 7.06
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❖ Lead screw
❖ Nut
❖ Base frame
❖ Top Table
❖ Links
❖ Pin
❖ Crank handle
Design requirements
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5.4 Design and Analysis of mechanical scissor lifting and transporting machine
Part of design are Mechanical system design.
Mechanical scissor lifting and transporting has design of mechanical system design such as;
➢ Design of nut and power screw.
➢ Design of Top Table and base frame.
➢ Design of link and pin.
➢ Design of Crank handle.
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𝜃𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (170) = 𝟔. 𝟕𝟔°
𝜃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 (170) = 𝟔𝟏. 𝟗𝟑°
Now we have sufficient information to check the force on the linkage in both position (case)
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𝑜𝑝𝑝 𝑤⁄4
sin 𝜃𝑚𝑖𝑛 = ℎ𝑦𝑝 = 𝐹𝑙
𝑤 7100𝑁
𝐹𝑎𝑥 = 4𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 = 4𝑡𝑎𝑛6.76° = 14794.5𝑁
𝑤 7100𝑁
Then 𝐹𝑙 = 4𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 4𝑠𝑖𝑛61.93° = 2011.62𝑁
The axial force also can be obtained using a simple trigonometric since all the forces as well as
angles in the force triangle are known.
From the triangle 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝐹𝑎𝑥
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𝑤 7100𝑁
𝐹𝑎𝑥 = = = 946.57𝑁
4𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃𝑚𝑎𝑥 4𝑡𝑎𝑛61.93°
Comparing the above two cases, we see that the axial force is maximum when the angle between
the link and the base frame is minimum. Hence we use this force to calculate the power screw and
the nut. The following figure shows this force in action when the device is lifting a material.
= 2 × 14794.5𝑁
= 𝟐𝟗𝟓𝟖𝟗𝑵
Acme threads are the most common form of the threads. They are used when rapid movements are
required. The disadvantage of these threads includes their low efficiency and difficulty in predict-
ing service. The buttress thread is a combination of both square and acme thread. They are not
mostly used in power screws because they transmit power only in one direction. Square threads
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on the other hand are adapted for the transmission of power in either direction. This thread results
in maximum efficiency and minimum radial or bursting pressure on the nut. [5]
𝑑𝑐 = 𝑑 − 𝑝
7. Pitch diameter (𝑑𝑚 ): it is a theoretical diameter between the major and minor diameter of
the screw. It is also known as the mean diameter of the screw.
𝑑 + 𝑑𝑐
𝑑𝑚 =
𝑑𝑚 = 2
8. Helix angle (α): is an angle made by the helix of the thread with a plane perpendicular to
the axis of the screw. It is related to the pitch and the mean diameter of the screw as:
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛼 =
𝜋𝑑 𝑚
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Figure 5. 11 Figure 5. 11 (a) Development of screw. (b) Forces acing on the screw.
5.5.3 Design of the lead screw
𝜎𝑡(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒) = 100𝑀𝑝𝑎
𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 105𝑀𝑝𝑎
The direct compressive stress is given by:
𝜎𝑐 = 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑐 = 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝜎𝑐 =
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𝑑𝑐 = 14.76𝒎𝒎
Since the screw is subjected to torsional shear stress, to account for this, let’s adopt;
𝑑𝑐 = 17𝑚𝑚.
From standard table basic dimensions for square threads in mm (normal series) according to IS:
4694-1968(reaffirmed 1996) for core diameter 𝑑𝑐 =17mm, the corresponding appropriate pitch is
5mm. Hence the outer (nominal) diameter of the screw;
𝐹𝑅 tan(∝ +𝜃) 𝑑𝑚
𝑇1 =
= 29949𝑁 tan(5° + 9°) ×
= 72804.5Nmm
Now let’s check if the human force applied on the cranked lever of the device can lift the assumed
maximum weight.
i.e. 𝑇1 < 𝑇
72261.92<73500Nmm which is true. Hence assumed load can be lifted by human force.
16 × 72804.5𝑁𝑚𝑚
𝝉 = 𝟕𝟓. 𝟓𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐
The direct compressive stress in the screw;
𝜎𝑐 =
𝜎𝑐 = 𝜋×(17𝑚𝑚)2
𝜎𝑐 = 𝟏𝟑𝟐𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐
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2 1
= 𝑚𝑚 + (√(1322 + 4 × 75.52 ))
2 2
= 𝟏𝟔𝟔. 𝟑𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐
Which is safe or less than 𝜎𝑐(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤) = 175𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
The maximum shear stress,
1 1 𝟏𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝑵
𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (√𝜎𝑐2 + 4𝜏 2 ) = (√1322 + 4 × 75.52 ) =
2 2 𝒎𝒎𝟐
Which is less than the allowable shear stress
𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑒 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 , hence the design safe.
Since the maximum shear stresses are within safe limit. Therefore the design of square thread
screw is satisfactory.
The nut is produced from cast iron with the following material properties.
Bearing pressure, Pb = 26.09N/mm and,
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Allowable compressive stress induced in the nut, σc (allowable) = 570N/mm2. In order to reduce
wear of the screw and nut, the bearing pressure on the thread surfaces must be within limits. As-
suming that the load is uniformly distributed over the threads in contact, the bearing pressure on
the threads is given by:
𝑝𝑏 = 𝜋∗𝑑 Where FR = the resultant axial force =29,949N
𝑚 ∗𝑡∗𝑛
26.09𝑁 29,949𝐍
𝑚𝑚2 𝜋 × 19.5 × 2.5𝑚𝑚 × 𝑛
Solving for n, we get 𝒏 = 𝟕. 𝟓
𝜎𝑐 =
𝜋(𝑑𝑜2 − 𝑑𝑐2 )
4 × 29,949𝐍
𝜋((22𝑚𝑚)2 − (17𝑚𝑚)2 )
= 𝟏𝟗𝟓. 𝟔𝟓𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐
Which is less than the allowable compressive stress for the material 𝜎𝑐(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤) = 570𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 .
Hence the design is satisfactory.
The safety factor for the nut is also calculated by the formula
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𝜎𝑐(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤) 570𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
F.S= =195.65𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 =2.91=3
σc = compressive stress
τ = shear stress
To determine the diameter of the pin first the shear force on the pin, Fs must be computed. This
force can be obtained by applying some simple trigonometric rules on the force triangle drawn
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𝐹𝑠1 ∗4∗𝑠𝑖𝑛6.76°
FL= then substitute FL value in term of 𝐹𝑠1
𝐹𝑠1 ∗4∗𝑠𝑖𝑛6.76°
𝐹𝑠1 = then 𝐹𝑠1 = 1787.43𝑁
1787.43N = 𝐹𝐿 ∗ 𝑡𝑎𝑛6.76°
FL= 𝑡𝑎𝑛6.76° =15079.34N
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑠2 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝑙
𝐹𝑠2 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠6.76°
𝑭𝒔𝟐 = 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟖𝟒. 𝟗𝟏𝐍
We see that both 𝐹𝑠1 and 𝐹𝑠2 tend to shear the pin. But compering the magnitude this two forces
𝐹𝑠2 > 𝐹𝑠1 .
Now considering the shear failure of the pin,
𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 =
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝐴𝑠 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟
𝜋 × 𝑑2
𝐴𝑠 =
Thus, 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 =
𝐹𝑠2 𝟏𝟓𝟏𝟖𝟒.𝟗𝟏𝑵
Now 𝜎𝑐𝑟 = =
𝐴1 300𝑚𝑚2
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Which is within safe limit of 𝜎𝑐𝑟 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐. Hence the design is satisfactory
To determine the width of link “B” let’s consider tearing of side link at section N-N
𝐴 = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = (𝐵 − 𝑑)𝑡
During raising or lowering any load the side link at section N-N is subjected to both tensile and
compressive stress. Since the compressive stress of the material is great than the tensile stress the
calculation is based on this stress. This will yield satisfactory result.
Now, 𝜎𝑐 = 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑠 𝐹𝑐 = 𝐹𝑠2
𝜎𝑐 = (𝐵−20𝑚𝑚)15𝑚𝑚
Considering the carbon content, Mach inability, corrosion resistance and high strength; the mate-
rial selected is:
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• Annealed(hardened) steel
• Tensile strength, 𝜎𝑡 = 394 𝑀𝑝𝑎
• Yield strength, 𝜎𝑦 = 294.8 𝑀𝑝𝑎
Design analysis
The minimum thickness of the base is given by:
, 𝒕𝒃𝒇 = 𝟒𝒐𝒎𝒎
Note: The numbers given in the above formula are the dimensions found from assumption and
from the design of the other components of the machine.
Material Selection
Due to the force exerted on the Crank handle, we select carbon and alloy steel (AISI No
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150mm 150mm
Figure 5. 17 Analysis of human force
Since it is welded with the power screw at its center, it has a reaction force at its center when the
human force is rest on both ends.
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Final product
The overall construction of the machine is subdivided in to three stages.
Stage-I: construction of each machine separately
Stage-II: assembly
Stage-III: finishing operation
In the first stage, the construction of each of the above-mentioned part is going to be implemented.
The first step in this stage is constructing the base frame in which the other parts directly or indi-
rectly connected and mounted to this. The Top Table, link, nut, pin, Crank handle, and lead screw
components are then constructed as per the desired dimension and length.
The second stage is assembling the individual components produced in Stage-I. It is going to be
achieved using:
• Fastening
• Electric arc welding and
• Direct fitting
Once the base frame, lead screw, and Top Table assembly is completed and the links are welded
and connected. The overall mechanical system components are going to be settled.
This process is the most important part of manufacturing process since all the individual parts are
brought as one structure which produce a meaningful and useful effect. Any dimensional error
during the part construction can be corrected at this stage and appropriate reconditioning can also
be made.
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At this stage great care is given to the external appearance of the machine rather than the inside
structure. This stage includes manufacturing activities such as:
• Painting
• Filing and
• Grinding
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There are many results obtained during the design analysis of this machine. Among these results,
improvement of lifting process in terms of proper positioning, proper balancing, reduce time, re-
duce man power, simple operation and control system and other related functions that satisfy the
company needs are the major ones. The result is obtained so:
The design of nut has:
• Diameter= 22mm diameter
• Bearing pressure is 26.09N/mm2
• Allowable compressive stress = 570N/mm2
• Compressive stress induced in the nut is 195.65Mpa
• total number of thread of nut in contact with the screw is 9
• height of the nut is 400mm, and
• width of the nut is 33mm
Design of pin has:
• load 7100N
• diameter is 20mm
Design of link has:
• A=300mm2,
• Thickness 15mm,
• σc =175Mpa (compressive stress),
• σcr = 50.62Mpa (crushing stress),
• Fs= 15184.91N (shear force on the pin),
• Width(B)=30mm,
• Total applied force 245N;
Design of the base frame has
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• S 𝜎𝑐(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒) = 175𝑀𝑝𝑎
• 𝜎𝑡(𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒) = 100𝑀𝑝𝑎
• 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 105𝑀𝑝𝑎
• 𝑑𝑐 = 14.76𝒎𝒎
For the load on the table to be lifted, the turning moment required to rotate the screw is
72804.5Nmm, turning moment induced due to the applied human force is 73500Nmm, shear stress
in the screw is 75.5N/mm2, compressive stress in the screw is 132N/mm2, maximum principal(
compressive) is 166.3N/mm2, 𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑒 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝑵/𝒎𝒎𝟐 , Maximum shear stress is 100.3N/mm2,
Allowable shear stress is 105N/mm2.
We have discussed that almost that have been join out parts of mechanical scissor lifting and trans-
porting raw material of production and bottle product in Ambo Mineral Water Share Company. In
each parts of our machine we tried the best to express each and every component of machine
briefly. we hope that this internship program gives detail information for manufactures about all
parts machine that it contains. Also, we tried to clarify to any reader that introduces our design to
application activities to different aspects of mechanical engineering works. In our design of manual
operated scissor lifting and transporting machine we use 245N maximum man power to lifting or
transporting raw material that used for production and botte product, empty bottle and crate for
different purpose by the help of Crank handle and hallow handle. Using this machine reduces
Damage of crate and glass bottle, Time wastage, Low productivity (according to time), Poor safety
and production quality and, needs great human power to transporting and lifting. By using this
machine company can save its capacity, money which leads the employee to change their status.
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The design of this machine involves efforts to improve every necessary function of the traditional
lifting and transporting method. This manually operated scissor lifting and transporting machine
must have an excellent working principle compared to that of the traditional one. The machine
construction concept is generated by identifying the lifting and transporting raw material of pro-
duction after we made a lot of observation in the syrup, RGB, PET rooms and establishing target
product specification.
In concept selection the concept is evaluated with respect to the company need and other criteria,
comparing the relative strengths and weakness of the concepts, for further investigation. Other
concepts are rated. Final product and specification is then refined according to the chosen concept
before the development of the detail design of this machine.
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7. Conclusions and Recommendation
7.1 Conclusions
As we have seen the process of the Ambo Mineral Water Share Company, there are wastes
generated from mainly four different units. From water treatment units, washing of ma-
chineries, and bottle unit. All of these cause hazards to environment. But the factory does
not treat any kinds of waste generated.
From our design we can conclude that the design of manual operated scissor lifting and transport-
ing machine is initialized with the specification requirement based on standards given on our in-
ternship program. Our design of manual operated scissor lifting and transporting machine mainly
considers on the basic procedures of each and every component designed. Regarding the lifting or
transporting capacity of load for manual operated scissor lifting and transporting system should be
preferred due to its simplicity, better sensitivity, higher reliability, low maintenance, compactness
for the source and similar capacity. The selection of the materials based on ASME standard does
not take more time consuming, complex replacement, more cost etc.
We are so lucky to participate in the qualified internship program because we gained a lot of
knowledge and experiences which probably we may not get when we were in campus and we have
developed what we had learnt before by relating theoretical knowledge with the practical
knowledge. And we gained additional skills which are not in formal education but they are skills
to be learnt. After the manufacturing of this machine the problems will be solved and also the
working conditions will also comfortable, time wastage to lifting and transporting of raw material
of the production and bottle product or empty glass bottles with crates the blank will be reduced
and the production will increase and the company will profitable.
We would like to say that Ambo mineral water share company (AMWSC) is one of the top com-
pany which we were pride to work in. AMWSC is a company which produce different products
which gives our different knowledge and experience. Therefore, this company has a lot of
knowledge to offer especially for the department of Mechanical Engineering.
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The three month internship program has provided a good experience which can change our career
life. It has greatly increased our maturity levels and improved our self- confidence and self-con-
cepts. It has also assisted us the students in developing relationships with experts in fields of strong
interest to us. Many concepts which we have blurred vision towards to understand were clarified
when we relate them with we see in actual world. The paper also encompasses all the procedural
processes followed in the project. Our design and manufacturing knowledge starting from ma-
terial selection to the assembly of the machine. We have tried to make the machine very simple in
7.2 Recommendations
The factory should be build treatment unit for each of pollution sources such as gasses
emitted to atmosphere, strong using for washing purpose and wastes generated from sed-
imentation. The good thing is that the quality control manager told us as they want to build
treatment plant. They should find market for glass waste from abroad for recycling pro-
cess, because of the factory is popular as the World.
We would like to recommend signing up our design project which is used to solve the problems
that exist in our internship program, in addition to this designing some new projects and improving
the existing ones plays a vital role on improving the qualities and quantities of the products. This
could be done by the joint effort of the optimization, planning, financing materials cost and price
and the production schedule estimates of a components and products respectively.
We recommend that designing and making analysis of machine or component is nothing if it is not
translated into a working machine. This project should be continued until it will be manufactured
and observing results checks in fields. We also recommended that this manual operated scissor
lifting and transporting machine is designed for Ambo Mineral Water Share Company. It is further
recommended that the development program be continued. Program Continuation would involve
the detailed design, production and testing of prototype assemblies.
There are lots of problems in the Ambo mineral water share company, its productivity affecting
directly or indirectly to function below its full capacity. So, then the industry shall try to implement
the following solutions. The company should come up with a way to reuse rejected work pieces
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and chips through melting and making them available for applications that does not require mate-
rial properties such as medals. Air conditioning system is necessary because the condition of the
atmosphere greatly affects the performance of the employees. Using the same machines in the day
and night shifts must be avoided. Since most of the machines work continues, the components are
easily subjected to wear and fatigue failure. Since lifting and transporting devices are not available
as the work environment requires, the workers are obliged to exert some unnecessary effort in
heavy jobs loading and unloading.
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[1]. Ambo Mineral Water reference 1923 S.c.
[2]. About Ambo mineral water” An Ethiopian Icon"". Ambo mineral water. Retrieved.
(January 7, 2013).
[3]. D. Gandy, “ASME B31.1. (America Society of Mechanical Engineering,).” New York: March,
[4]. Jonas, A. b. (June 3, 2015). "Export”. Ambo mineral water Retrieved.
[5]. A text book of machine design, R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta-2005
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Figure: 1 Design of manual operated scissor lifting and transporting machine by assembly.
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