Big Picture

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The key takeaways are that this book provides guidance for teaching children about Christianity through structured lessons and activities.

The purpose of this book is to provide teachers with guidance and resources for teaching foundational Christian truths to children.

The main sections covered in the book include lessons on creation, God, Jesus, salvation, and a biblical story, as well as guidance for teaching and leading children to faith.


The Big Picture


Foundational truths for today’s children

Use with

Author: Jennifer Haaijer

Artist: Stephen Bates
Design team: Brent Hautle TAB LE O F CO NTE NT S
Thomas Bates
How to use this book������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Publisher: CEF of Europe
Kilchzimmer Master planning chart����������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
4438 Langenbruck
Switzerland Lesson 1—Designer made
(Creation and the fall) ������������������������������������������������� 8
Copyright © 2016 Lesson 2—Amazing God
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Europe.
(God shows what He is like)������������������������������������ 18
All rights reserved
Lesson 3—He can do it!
(The authority of Jesus)�������������������������������������������� 27

. Lesson 4—Something which changes everything

Version 1. (Jesus is alive)�������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Scripture taken from the New King James Lesson 5—Back where he belonged (Onesimus) ���������������� 45
Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights Templates for photocopying ������������������������������������������������������ 55
Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is a
How to lead a child to Christ�������������������������������������������������������� 63
Bible-centred, worldwide organisation How to help a saved child have assurance of salvation������ 63
composed of born-again believers
whose purpose is to evangelise boys
and girls with the Gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) The visuals for this series can be purchased from most
them in the Word of God and in a local
church for Christian living CEF offices and online shops.
CEF develops, produces and distributes For a list of CEF offices and online shops in Europe,
a variety of publications for the purpose
of helping you evangelise children. please visit and click on "Locations".
For more information about
CEF ministries, contact your national
office or write to CEF of Europe
(address above) or visit our website at

The Big Picture

How to use this book • Scripture—Key Bible passage(s) the lesson

draws from.
G E T R E ADY! • Memory verse—Bible verse, taught with the
lesson, for children to memorise.
Trust and pray—As a teacher you play an important
role in the lives of children. Our prayer and hope is • Central truth—The central truth of the
that the Holy Spirit will work through you and that Bible lesson stated simply on a child’s level.
the children will come to know, love and follow Jesus Make sure that you do not get so engrossed in
Christ. Trust and pray that the Holy Spirit is already the narrative that you do not teach Bible truths.
preparing the heart of each child. As you present We fall short of our responsibility as teachers if
God’s Word to the children, pray that the Holy Spirit we only tell children Bible stories. These stories
would speak to them and change their hearts. have been written down to teach us and it is
essential that children learn these truths. Take
Personalise—Each lesson you teach should be them a step further by showing what that truth
personalised to suit your children’s needs. There means to them in their daily lives. Of course,
will be a mixture of saved and unsaved children in it is not possible in one lesson to cover all the
your club. Getting to know each child will help you teaching any particular story would provide,
personalise the lesson and application. so one central truth has been chosen for each
Model—One of the best ways the children in your lesson. The teaching of the central truth has
club will learn is by watching you. You are the one been woven throughout the narrative, but
who will teach and show the children how to know, to help you in your preparation the teaching
love and follow Jesus Christ. They will learn how sections have been marked “CT”. They are also
to be followers of Jesus Christ by knowing you and indicated in the lesson outline.
watching what you do. Spend time talking to and • Application—What God wants children to
getting to know the children during club time, so do or how He wants them to act as a result
that they can both watch your life and see that you of hearing this lesson.
care about them. Share stories with them about how The application of the central truths are marked
God has changed you. Ask yourself, “How is the Holy with a “U” to show they apply to unsaved
Spirit working in the lives of the children and how children. This is also made clear in the text by
can I grow and nurture what He has already begun in using phrases such as, “If you have not trusted
their lives?” the Lord Jesus to forgive your sin …”
G E T SE T! You may feel it necessary to adapt the
applications to better suit the children you
Each lesson includes the Bible lesson, memory teach. For example, the application may use
verse and other activities. Below we have included a boy’s name, yet you have only girls present.
suggestions which will help you prepare and get set It could be that the application given is more
to teach your lesson. applicable to older children, while yours are
very young. Make the changes you feel are
necessary. The important thing is that the Word
BIBLE LESSON of God is applied to their lives.

Prepare before you teach—Begin your lesson

Each lesson begins with two pages which include a
preparation by reading the passage(s) from your
lesson overview, suggested programme and lesson
Bible several times, paying special attention to the
outline. If you wish you can photocopy these pages
characters, places, time periods and story facts.
to use in your preparation and to make notes on your
Reflect prayerfully as you study God’s Word and
lesson. Then, when you are ready to teach, fold the
prepare to teach it. Here are some questions to ask
lesson outline and place it in your Bible to help you as
yourself as you study God’s Word:
teach the lesson.
• What did God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit do in
The lesson overview and outline include the this passage and what does this show us
following: about Him?

The Big Picture

• How does this fit into God’s whole plan?

• What is God saying to me in this lesson?
Present the Gospel—The presentation of the In each series of lessons we include teaching notes for
Gospel may be different in each lesson, depending on a verse(s) which are written to be specifically taught
the topic covered in the lesson. with each lesson. We want to teach and review each
verse in a variety of ways so that the children not only
Make yourself available for counselling—
memorise, but also understand God’s Word and hide
When you present the Gospel message, there may be
it in their hearts. Memory verses are taught using
children who will respond independently. They may
the IPEAR (Introduction, Presentation, Explanation,
or may not tell you later that they have trusted the
Application, Repetition) method. This will help the
Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. There may, however, be
children understand the meaning of the verse and
others who have questions and need help in knowing
how it applies to their lives. You will find this to be a
how to put their trust in Jesus.
simple yet effective way of making Scripture learning
As you teach the saved children, there may be times fun. The repetition part of the method will help them
when they would like advice in a difficult situation; hide God’s Word in their hearts.
they may need clarification on how a particular lesson
applies to their daily lives; they may find themselves
in a situation where they do not know what the FURTHER HELP
Bible says they should do; they may want to share a
difficulty so that you can pray for them, especially if Bible Timeline—The whole Bible tells of God’s plan
you are the only Christian support they have. to rescue sinners, deliver them from sin and death,
and make them new in Jesus Christ by the work of
For these reasons, it is important that the children
the Holy Spirit. One day He will make all things new,
know you are available to talk and that they know
destroying sin and death for ever.
when and where to go to do that. Use wisdom in
deciding where to meet a child and always comply The Bible Timeline will help to show the children that
with the Child Protection Policy of your country. they are part of God’s plan. It will help them see how
Finally, it is essential that unsaved children do not God has actively been present in the world from the
confuse coming to the Lord Jesus with coming to you. time of creation. It is amazing to see that throughout
Always point them to Him. In all cases you should history God has graciously revealed Himself to us so
make yourself available at a different time than when that we will know, love and follow Him. Towards the
you extend the Gospel invitation, so that the children end of the Bible Timeline you could add a picture
never get the impression that they can only come to of the children in your club to show them that they
Christ by coming through you, or that they are saved are part of God’s plan. (The Bible Timeline is more
simply by waiting to speak to you. suitable for situations where you are teaching lessons
• An example for use with the unsaved
child: “Do you really want to live for the The Bible Timeline is available from your
Lord Jesus, but don’t know how to come CEF® national office. If you need an address, contact
to Him? I will be glad to explain it to you the European Headquarters at the address at the front
from the Bible. Come and see me when of this teachers’ guide.
the meeting is over. Remember, I can’t
forgive your sin—only the Lord Jesus can Sidebar—Every lesson has space in the side column
do that—but I will be glad to help you where you can write down whatever is helpful to
understand clearly how you can come to you in teaching God’s Word. If you have background
Him. Come and ask me any questions you information that you want to include in that part of
have.” the lesson, make a note to yourself. If you have an idea
for a fun activity to include in the lesson, jot down
your ideas! This will help you personalise the lesson
for your children.

The Big Picture

Songs—Select three or four songs which you will use taught, while still being fun for the children. You can
throughout the time you teach these lessons. Choose use this time:
songs which reinforce the truths you teach in the • To find out how much the children are
rest of the programme. Simple and short is best and understanding and remembering.
a catchy tune always helps. Explain any difficult or • To help you as a teacher know what you
unfamiliar words but remember songs are for singing! need to emphasise more, so that the
children will remember more clearly what
Practise using the visuals—It is wise to practise
they have been taught.
using the visuals before teaching the lesson to
• To provide a time of fun during the
children. Become thoroughly familiar with them and
programme. The children like competition
know when you need to use them in the lesson.
and look forward to this time. But it is more
Extra visual aids—Print out the words of the than just a game—it is a time of learning.
central truth for each lesson on card. Use lower case
In this teachers’ guide questions on the lesson are
letters, so that even the younger ones can read the
included. It would also be profitable to include
words easily. Ensure that the words are clear and can
questions on the songs, memory verse and any other
be easily read. Display this card at the beginning of
material you teach. In this way the children realise
the programme or when you first teach the central
that every part of the programme is important.
truth in the lesson. If you are using a flannelboard,
you may want to back the card with flannel or pieces
of flocked paper.
Extra visual aids are provided in the resource pack
available from your CEF national office. The craft ideas are suggested for use when the club
takes place indoors. They provide an opportunity to
reinforce the truth and to build relationships with the
REVIEW TIME children. The programme will last longer if crafts are
Some review questions are given for each lesson.
G O!
These can be used immediately after the lesson or the
following week, before teaching the new lesson. Now you are ready and set to go teach the children
in your club. We pray that, as you teach children,
Review time, if conducted in an orderly way, can
the Holy Spirit will change hearts and lives for God’s
be an ideal opportunity to reinforce what you have

The Big Picture | Master planning chart

1 2 3 4 5
Lesson Designer made Amazing God He can do it! Something which changes Back where he belonged
(Creation and the fall) (God shows us what He is like) (The authority of Jesus) everything (Onesimus)
Genesis 1—3. Jonah 1—4. Luke 4:31-41 and Mark 1:29-31. (Jesus is alive) The book of Philemon,
Luke 24:13-49. Ephesians 2:12‑13.

Lesson visuals Flashcards 1-1 to 1-6. Flashcards 2-1 to 2-6. Flashcards 3-1 to 3-6. Flashcards 4-1 to 4-6. Flashcards 5-1 to 5-6.
(See also lesson overview.) (See also lesson overview.) (See also lesson overview.) (See also lesson overview.) (See also lesson overview.)

Central truth The Bible tells us what is in our hearts. In the Bible God shows what He is like. Jesus Christ can put right all that sin The Lord Jesus is the Saviour. You can belong to God.
made wrong.

Application Accept and agree with what God says. Believe what God shows about Trust Jesus to forgive you and to make Trust Him to save you. Trust Jesus Christ to bring you into this
for unsaved Himself; turn from sin to Him. you ready for His new earth. special relationship.

Application There is no application for the saved There is no application for the saved There is no application for the saved There is no application for the saved There is no application for the saved
for saved child in this lesson. child in this lesson. child in this lesson. child in this lesson. child in this lesson.

Memory verse John 3:16 (first part). Review John 3:16 (first part). John 3:16. Review John 3:16. Review John 3:16.
Do as I do. Number fun. Washing line race. Take your pick. Balloon pop.
Hearts cover-up. Tag together relay. Test your eyesight. Skittles.
Defeat the leader.

Songs Songs about the Bible; God. Songs about the Bible; Jesus Christ; Songs about God who rules over all; Songs about God; Jesus Christ; Songs about God; the Bible; salvation;
God. the Bible; Jesus Christ; salvation. salvation; the Bible. Jesus Christ.

Review game Catch! Feed the big fish. Jelly bean review. Get back to Jerusalem fast. Discus throw.

Activity Creation pictionary. Captain’s coming. Are you the authority? Sad face/happy face. Don’t get caught!
Created in God’s image. Mini bunting. “Jesus is King” crown; or crown craft. Friendship bracelets.

Closing Announcements, prayer, Announcements, prayer, Announcements, prayer, Announcements, prayer, Give out memory verse awards and
memory verse tokens. memory verse tokens. memory verse tokens. memory verse tokens. Things You Need to Know booklets.
Snack, announcements, prayer and

The Big Picture Lesson

Designer made (Creation and the fall)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

Lesson overview

Scripture Genesis 1—3.

Memory verse “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …” (John 3:16).
Central truth The Bible tells us what is in our hearts.
Application for unsaved Accept and agree with what God says.
Application for saved There is no application for the saved child in this lesson.
Visual aids Lesson • Flashcards 1-1 to 1-6.
• Central truth visual: “The Bible tells us what is in our hearts.”
• Recording of the sound of a human heartbeat (this can be downloaded
from the internet) and CD or MP3 player to play it.
• A heart-shaped balloon (helium-filled is ideal) or a large heart made
from card.
• A marker.
• A picture of a dog and a picture of a person, plus whatever objects and
pictures you plan to use for the activity—eg a sausage, a set of paints,
a T-shirt, a ball, a phone, a Bible, a person praying, water.
• A simple outline of a person made from coloured card.
• Dark chalk or an ink pad.
Memory verse • Memory verse visual: John 3:16.
Hearts cover-up
• Ten brightly coloured paper hearts and sticky tack.
Game • Paper and a pencil for each group of four/five children.
Craft activity • A small mirror, card and a large craft stick for each child.
• Glue, funky foam, craft sticks, coloured card, felt-tip pens, glitter glue,
gems, feathers, stickers, etc.
Truth Catcher • For each lesson the teaching team should include a “Truth Catcher”
who can be dressed as creatively as you wish. The Truth Catcher’s role
is to highlight the truths taught in each lesson. Introduce the Truth
Catcher early on in the programme. It is good to encourage some banter
between the Truth Catcher, the teacher and the children. However, if you
wish to leave out the Truth Catcher this can be easily done.

Suggested programme

Before club Complete attendance record as the children arrive.

Opening Welcome, prayer, snack, establish rules.
Song A song about the Bible.
Use this song to teach briefly that the Bible is a unique book; it is God’s message to us.
Bible lesson Designer made—part 1.
Song A song about God to introduce the children to who God is.
Bible lesson Designer made—part 2.
Song Repeat the song about God.
Memory verse John 3:16. Repetition: do as I do.
Song A song which teaches that the Bible is God’s Word.
Review game Catch!
Memory verse Review John 3:16. Repetition: hearts cover-up.
Game Creation pictionary (or another game of your choice).
Craft activity Created in God’s image.
Closing Prayer, memory verse tokens.

The Big Picture Lesson

Designer made (Creation and the fall)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

You may wish to read from God’s Word the Scripture verses listed.
Genesis 1—3. I. INTRODUCTION
Sound of a heartbeat (or clues about the heart)
1-1 The heart is an amazing part of us
“For God so loved the A. The “heart” in the Bible CT
world that He gave His
only begotten Son …”
(John 3:16).
1-2 B. God creates everything by just speaking
C. God creates man (Genesis 1:26)
Central truth:
The Bible tells us what is
in our hearts.

1-3 D. Man is created in God’s likeness (Genesis 2:7)

Application for unsaved:
Accept and agree with E. God creates woman (Genesis 2:18)
what God says.

Application for saved:

There is no application No visual F. God made you different from the animals CT
for the saved child in this G. “Working it out” activity
lesson. If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.

1-4 H. Adam and Eve live under God’s rule

(Genesis 1:31) CT

1-5 I. Satan tempts Eve to disobey God

J. Eve, then Adam, eats the fruit

1-6 K. Their attitude to God changes (Romans 3:23)

God still loves them and makes them a promise
We will learn more of what God did
Remember the two things in your heart CT

Lesson 1

(Play the sound of a human heartbeat and ask the children to identify the sound. If this is not
possible, use the following questions.)

I will give you some clues about something we all have.

Clue 1: It works day and night.

Clue 2: It is about the size of your fist.
Clue 3: It has four “rooms”.

It is your heart!

Flashcard 1-1 (The human heart)

This is an amazing part of us. It beats about 100,000 times a day, pumping
blood around your body. Each chamber in your heart has a valve (or a
“door”) which opens and closes and sends the blood in the right direction.
When you hear your heartbeat you are hearing those valves open and close.
During your life your little fist-sized heart pumps enough blood to fill
two super tankers—about one million barrels of blood! What an amazing


CT This is a very special book, it is the Bible. (Show your Bible.) It is

God’s book and all the words in it are God’s words, so it is all
true. When I read the Bible I discover that the “heart” is often
mentioned—but it is not about the muscle that pumps your
blood. “Heart” in the Bible means the real you, where you
think, feel and make decisions. When you say, “I wish with all
my heart …,” or, “I love you with all my heart …,” you are not
talking about your blood pump! You mean the real you. That
is the heart we are going to learn about.

(Truth Catcher, releasing a heart-shaped balloon on a string:) I just knew we would be

talking about the heart. I have to make sure I don’t let go of this string or
someone else will get my job. When I hear something very important about
what is in your heart and mine, I will catch it. I am going to write it on the
heart balloon.

Flashcard 1-2

(Teacher:) God knows us better than we know ourselves. He tells us about us

in the Bible, but we need to go back a long way—to the very beginning of
time. The Bible tells us that God created everything just by speaking. He is
so powerful and great He just spoke and everything was there! That is how
He created the sun, the trees, the fish and the animals—He spoke and they
were there.

The Big Picture

But He kept the best for last; when He was going to create a human being
it was different. God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to
Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). (Note to teacher: “Us” in Genesis 1:26 is a reference to the
Trinity.) Human beings were going to be like God in some way. God shaped
a man out of dust. He designed and made every part of the human body,
including the blood pump heart. God is very wise and very clever.

Flashcard 1-3

God then made the man alive, but not as the animals were alive. In the Bible
we read that God “breathed into his nostrils [nose] the breath of life; and
man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). God breathed His life into the
man so he was connected to God in a way that the animals were not.

God saw that none of the animals could be the close friend that the
first man needed. He said, “It is not good that man should be alone”
(Genesis 2:18). He put the man into a deep sleep and performed the first
operation! God took out one of the man’s ribs and from it created a beautiful
woman. The man wakened to a wonderful surprise—God presented him
with a wife! This couple were called Adam and Eve. These two human
beings were the most amazing part of God’s creation because they were
made in the likeness of God. Every person born since, including you and
me, come from Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve are your great, great, great,
great—I don’t know how many “greats”—grandparents. You too are made in
the image of God.

That means that God made people in some ways like Himself. We have
already seen that God is far more powerful than we are. In the Bible
God tells us what He is like. He tells us that He knows everything about
everything, but you and I don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t have to go to
school. God tells us He is everywhere at the same time. We are not like that;
you are here right now, so you are not at home.

No visual

God made you different from the animals and plants He CT

created. Like God you can make beautiful things. Like God
you can solve hard problems and think deep thoughts. God is
kind and loving. He loved Adam and Eve with all His heart.
God made Adam and Eve so they could love Him and each
other. Unlike the animals, humans can know God; they can
talk to Him, listen to Him and enjoy Him. You are very, very
special. You were made in the likeness of God, to be God’s
friend. It is amazing and awesome to be a human being.

(Truth Catcher:)Now that is important. God did not need

friends. He wasn’t lonely. But He chose to make people in
such a way that they could be His friends. I will write “God’s
likeness” on the heart.

Lesson 1

(If you wish to shorten the lesson, you could omit the following activity.)

(Teacher:) So you see, the Bible tells us what is in our hearts.

(Show the central truth visual.) Now we are going to do a little fun
thing to see if we have worked out what it means. I have a
picture of a dog and a picture of a person. (Display these or have
two children hold them.) I will show you pictures or objects and
you decide if they can be linked to both or only to the human
being who is made in God’s image. (If it can be linked to both, place
it between the two. If it is linked only to the human being, place it under the
picture of the person. The following may be used: a sausage—both can eat it;
a set of paints—only a person can paint a beautiful picture; a T-shirt—both
can wear clothes; a ball—both can play with it; a phone—only people can
speak; a Bible—only people can read it; a person praying—only people can
talk to God and know Him; water—both need to drink it.)

It is indeed very special to be a human being.

(If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.)

Flashcard 1-4

God was pleased with His creation. He saw that it was all “very good”
(Genesis 1:31). Adam and Eve were really happy living in and caring for
the beautiful garden God gave them. They loved each other and never
quarrelled. Remember God had breathed His life into them so they were
“connected” to God. They must have thought it was amazing that the one
who made them was also their friend! They loved Him and He loved them.
God, Adam and Eve spent time together and talked together every day.
There was nothing in the world to make them unhappy, sad or lonely.

CT The world is not like that now. There are lots of things to
make people afraid and sad. Can you think of some of those
things? (Give time for the children to express their thoughts.) Yes, there
are many ugly things that spoil the world and our lives.

Where did they come from?

It happened one day while Adam and Eve were in their garden. Adam and
Eve knew and understood that they could eat and enjoy any of the fruit
except from one tree. “You will surely die if you eat that fruit,” God had said.
(From Genesis 2:16-17.) One rule did not seem like a big deal; they had
plenty of fruit and God knew best.

God’s enemy came into the garden. His name is Satan, or the devil. He hates
God and people. He wanted to destroy God’s perfect creation and wreck the
friendship between people and God. He would have to be very crafty if he
was going to get his way.

Flashcard 1-5

Disguised as a serpent he approached Eve and spoke to her. “S­‑s‑so God

s‑s‑said you mus‑s‑st not eat this‑s‑s‑s fruit?”

The Big Picture

“Oh no,” Eve corrected him, “we may eat it all, except from that one tree.”
Perhaps together they moved towards the forbidden tree.

“Go on, jus‑s‑st try it. S‑s‑s‑surely you will not die! Trus‑s‑st me,” Satan

What should she do? Eve reached out her hand and touched the fruit. She
picked it and ate it. Then she gave some to Adam and he ate it too. They
chose to believe Satan’s lie. They chose to disobey their Creator God and
friend. They decided to please themselves rather than God.

Flashcard 1-6

At that moment they lost their special connection with God. They felt very
differently about meeting up with Him. Instead of running to Him, they
tried to hide. They were afraid. Their very special friendship with God was

No visual

(Truth Catcher:) But that happened so long ago. We are supposed to be

learning about us, our hearts.

Be patient, Truth Catcher! In the Bible we read that

(Teacher:) CT
disobeying God is called sin. Sin came into the world on the
day Adam and Eve disobeyed. That is why there are all those
bad and ugly things we talked about earlier. Death came
into the world too—Adam and Eve died years after their
friendship with God had died. It happened just as God had

Since then every baby has been born with a sinful heart. Like
Adam and Eve we all choose to please ourselves rather than
obey God. (Show the outline of a person. As you teach, another helper
should use dark chalk or an ink pad to make a smudge on it every time
Let’s say this is you. Your brother would not
you mention a sin.)
allow you to play with his new phone so you were angry and
called him names. Then you kicked his bike as you went past
it. Your mum happened to see what you did. She opened the
window and called, “Did I see you kick your brother’s bike?”
Quick as a flash you answered, “No, I just tripped.” As she
closed the window and turned away you made a face behind
her back.

The sin in our hearts shows in the things we do.

(Truth Catcher:) Did you say everyone has a sinful heart?

(Teacher:) That is what God says in the Bible: “All have sinned”
(Romans 3:23). (Show the central truth visual.)

(Truth Catcher:) So that means everyone here and I should write

“sin” on this heart?

Lesson 1

(Teacher:)Sadly, yes. And sin spoils God’s likeness in us so we

are not close to Him. It is very important that you understand
what this means to you. You do not have a special friendship
with God—your sin stops you from belonging to Him.

(Truth Catcher, while writing “sin” on the heart:) That is such a loss.

(Teacher:) Yes, if that was the end it would be very sad.

Flashcard 1-6

God still loved Adam and Eve. Although He had to make them leave the
garden for ever, He made them a wonderful promise. God promised to send
Someone who would go into battle against Satan and win. God loves us so
much that He was willing to do whatever it took to bring people back into
friendship with Him.

(Truth Catcher:) Are we going to hear what God did?

(Teacher:) A little more today and more every day! You are going to be busy!
For now, we all need to remember the truth you caught today.

CT The Bible tells us what is in our hearts. (Show the central truth
visual.) The likeness of God is there; we were made to know
Him. Sin is there too and it stops us from knowing Him.

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 1 )
(Teach the memory verse in two parts during the programme.)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”
(John 3:16).

Zac was upset. The teacher said his homework was untidy and that he had
to do it again. He tried to explain why, but the teacher wasn’t interested.
Then some of the boys decided they didn’t want him on their football team.
At home things weren’t much better—he was on his own so much. He
wondered if anybody cared or if he belonged anywhere.

The answer to Zac’s question is in God’s special book, the Bible. Listen
for the answer as I read and then tell me who loves Zac. (Read the first part
of John 3:16 and give time for the children to answer.) Here we have the words so
everyone can see them. (Display the memory verse visual.)

The Big Picture

Intersperse the explanation,
God made the world and He loves it. He especially loves the people He application and repetition.

made. He loves people in every part of the world. You live in the world so
you can be sure God loves you.

Perhaps you are wondering what “John 3:16” means. John was a man
When showing a child the verse
who wrote a part of the Bible, a section called “John”. It has 21 chapters. in your Bible, be sure to comply
These words are in chapter 3. Each chapter is divided into verses and in with the Child Protection Policy
chapter 3 we go to verse 16 for these words. If you want to look at my Bible of your country.

afterwards, I will be happy to show you.

Unsaved: You do not have to do anything to make God love you; He loves
you already. You do not have to worry that sometimes God loves you lots
and sometimes just a little, or not at all. God loves you very, very much all
the time. Most surprising of all is that God loves you, even though there is
sin in your heart.

Do as I do. When I say a few words, you repeat them.

(Teacher:) For God …

(Children:) For God …

(Teacher:) … so loved …
(Children:) … so loved …

(Continue as above with the remaining phrases: the world / that He / gave His / only begotten /
Son / John chapter 3 / verse 16.)

Now you say what I say and do as I do. (You may march on the spot and the children
do the same while repeating the verse after you. You may point upwards when you say “God”,
use your hands to outline the shape of a heart as you says the word “love” and stretch your arms
wide for the word “world”. You may clap for each word or stand up and sit down alternatively
for each phrase.)

Now, for the last time, we will say it all together. When we come to the word
“world” each of us will whisper our first name and family name.

1. The word “heart” has two meanings. What are they? (The blood pump
and the real you where you think and feel and make decisions.)

2. Who designed and created your blood pump? (God.)

3. How is the Bible different from any other book? (It is God’s book and all
the words in it are from God, so it is always true.)

4. How did God create the sun, the stars and the plants? (He spoke.)

Lesson 1

5. Why can God create by simply speaking? (He is all-powerful.)

Review game
6. What was so special about the man and woman God created? (They
• A large lightweight ball, or a were made in God’s likeness so they could have friendship with God.)
beach ball. It is best if it is one
light colour. 7. How did Satan disguise himself when he came to the garden? (As a
• A black permanent marker.
Using a permanent marker divide the
ball into twelve irregular sections.
8. How did sin come into the world? (Adam and Eve listened to Satan and
In each section draw a simple disobeyed God.)
picture, seven of which are related
to what  you have taught and five 9. How did Adam and Eve’s attitude to God change? (They were afraid and
unrelated—eg  a heart, a tree, an
animal, a snake, a piece of fruit, a man tried to hide from God.)
and a woman, a Bible, a sad face, an
ice cream, a car, scissors, an umbrella, 10. What does the Bible say is in our hearts? (Likeness to God and sin.)
a house.
Instructions: 11. What promise did God make to Adam and Eve? (He promised to send
When a child answers a question Someone to deal with Satan and put right the harm Satan had done.)
he gets 100 points for his team. He
then comes to the front and a leader
throws the ball to him. If he catches 12. Name two things you learned about God today. (Various answers.)
the ball he gets a further 50 points.
He should hold the ball as he caught
it and a leader sees where his right
thumb is on the ball. If it is on a
section with a picture of something
M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 2 )
related to the teaching he gets a
further 50 points; if it is an unrelated
picture he gets no further points. If his I NTRO DUC TI O N
thumb is in two sections choose the
one which would be most beneficial You would not love a person who smashed your toys or wrote graffiti
to the team! on your house! But God loves us even though we sin and do things that
displease Him and hurt Him—just as Adam and Eve did.

It says here in the Bible (read from your Bible and then show the memory verse visual)
that God loved us so much “He gave His only begotten Son”.

Remember we learned that God promised to send Someone to bring
people back to Him. Here in the Bible we read who He sent. Thousands of
years after Adam and Eve, God sent His one and only Son—that is what
“begotten” means. He had always lived in Heaven with God, His Father. He
was there when the world was made. God sent Him down to earth as a tiny
baby boy called Jesus. He was the only human being who was not born a
sinner. God gave Him to die when He was 33 years old. He was nailed to a
cross and God punished Him for your sin and mine. God did that for you
because He loves you and wants you to belong to Him. Jesus did not stay
dead. He is alive today.

Unsaved: If you want to belong to God and have friendship with Him,
Jesus Christ can do that for you. He can make things right between you
Be sure to comply with the Child
Protection Policy of your country. and God. You will be learning about Him every day for five days. But if you
already have questions, please ask one of the team.

The Big Picture

Hearts cover-up. Have ten brightly coloured hearts cut from coloured
paper. Ask a child to fix two to the visual and cover some words. Then
repeat the verse. Ask another child to add two more hearts and repeat the
verse. Continue until all the hearts cover words on the visual.

Creation pictionary. Divide the children into groups of four or five. If
possible, have an adult in each group. Give each group paper and pencil.
Explain that each picture drawn will be of something God created. One
child from each group goes to a leader and together they are quietly told (or
shown a picture of) something God created. Each runs back to his group
and begins to draw it, but is not allowed to speak. The first team to guess
what is being drawn gets a point. A different child from each group goes to
the leader to be told what they should draw and so the game continues. The
team with the highest score wins. You may wish to have children of similar
age drawing at the same time so you can grade the difficulty of what they
are expected to draw.

The following are suggestions of what they could draw: a lion, a river, a
butterfly, a zebra, a spider, a man and a woman, a balloon, a breathing mask,
a cactus, a whale, a mouse, galaxies, nighttime.

Created in God’s image. Each child glues a small mirror onto card and
then frames it using funky foam, craft sticks or card. He can decorate the
frame using felt-tip pens, glitter glue, gems, feathers, stickers, etc. When this
is complete, attach a handle (a large craft stick) on which is written “Created
in God’s image”.

The Big Picture Lesson

Amazing God (God shows what He is like)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

Lesson overview

Scripture Jonah 1—4.

Memory verse Review the first part of John 3:16.
Central truth In the Bible God shows what He is like.
Application for unsaved Believe what God shows about Himself; turn from sin to Him.
Application for saved There is no application for the saved child in this lesson.
Visual aids Lesson • Flashcards 2-1 to 2-6.
• Central truth visual: “In the Bible God shows what He is like.”
• Box with something inside which the children are unlikely to guess
(eg a glue stick).
• Bunting flags: 1. God is everywhere.
2. God is the only, real God.
3. God controls nature.
4. God is holy.
5. God is love.
6. God can forgive you.
Memory verse • Memory verse visual: John 3:16.
Number fun
• Various cards numbered from two to five, enough cards that each child
receives one card.
Tag together relay
• A set of memory cards for each team in your group. Each card should
have a word from the memory verse and each set should be on different
colour of card. Punch a hole in the top and bottom of each card.
• A supply of treasury tags (available from stationery shops) for each
Activity • Signs for “bow”, “stern”, “port” and “starboard” (optional).
Craft activity • A set of mini bunting flags for each child. These should have the same
wording as those used in the lesson.
Truth Catcher • During this lesson the teacher will show appropriate flags to highlight
the attribute of God being referred to. The Truth Catcher should
immediately take the flag and create a string of bunting. If the Truth
Catcher forgets, the children should remind him.

Suggested programme

Before club Complete attendance record as the children arrive.

Opening Welcome, prayer, snack, establish rules.
Game Captain’s coming.
Song A song about the Bible.
Memory verse John 3:16. Repetition: number fun.
Song A song about Jesus Christ.
Bible lesson Amazing God.
This is a fast-moving story, best told without a break.
Song A song about God. Point out truths in the song which have already been taught in the lesson.
Review game Feed the big fish.
Song A song about Jesus Christ.
Memory verse Repetition: tag together relay.
Craft activity Mini bunting.
Closing Prayer, memory verse tokens.

The Big Picture Lesson

Amazing God (God shows what He is like)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

You may wish to read from God’s Word the Scripture verses listed.
What’s in the box? CT
Memory verse: A. God tells Jonah, “Go to Nineveh”
Review John 3:16 B. Jonah goes in the opposite direction—takes a
(first part). ship to Tarshish CT (Bunting 1)

Central truth: 2-2 C. God sends a storm but Jonah sleeps

In the Bible God shows (Jonah 1:4)
what He is like.
D. Captain wakens him—“Maybe your God
can do something” (Isaiah 45:5, Jonah 1:9,
Jonah 1:12) CT (Bunting 2)
Application for unsaved: E. Jonah is thrown overboard
Believe what God shows
2-3 F. God sends fish to swallow Jonah
about Himself; turn from
sin to Him. G. In the fish’s belly Jonah talks to God
(Jeremiah 23:24) CT (Bunting 3)
H. Fish spews out Jonah
Application for saved: I. God repeats His command (Jonah 3:3)
There is no application
for the saved child in this 2-4 J. Jonah obeys and preaches in Nineveh
lesson. CT (Bunting 4)
K. Nineveh repents
L. The king joins his people

God forgives Nineveh (1 John 4:8)
CT (Bunting 5)

Nineveh is a changed city
Jonah is unhappy and forgetful (Psalm 86:5)
CTU (Bunting 6)

Lesson 2

Captain’s coming. This is a fun way to begin the programme.

Name each part of the room/playing area as follows: bow (front), stern
(back), port (left-hand side) and starboard (right-hand side). Leaders
holding signs could be posted at each of these.

Everyone is on board a ship and must obey the instructions. Give

commands such as, “Stern!” and everyone must run to that particular place.
You may add other instructions such as:

• “Scrub the deck!” (Players kneel and scrub.)

• “Lifeboats!” (Players get into groups of five and row.)
• “Climb the rigging!” (Players climb on the spot.)
• “Seagull!” (Players duck and cover heads with hands.)
• “Captain’s coming!” (Players line up in the centre in silence and
salute the captain.)

The last person to do so is out and becomes a man overboard, lying on his
back in the “sea”. Play until only one player is left.

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 1 )
(Teach the memory verse in two parts during the programme.)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …”
(John 3:16).

What am I?

Clue 1—I can be pink or black or blue or green or white or multi-coloured

on the outside.
Clue 2—I am old and very up-to-date. (No, it isn’t Truth Catcher!)
Clue 3—Everything I say is true.
Clue 4—I am the most important book.

Yes, the Bible. Well done! I am going to open my Bible and I would like
someone who was here last time to come and read. Don’t be shy; you will be
able to do it. (Open your Bible at John 3:16 and point out the words the volunteer will read.)
Thank you. If you have heard those words before, put up your hand. We
have them here for everyone to read. (Display the memory verse visual.)

Intersperse the explanation,
application and repetition. What word shows us that everyone here can be sure God loves them? (Give
time for the children to answer.) God loves people in any and every part of the

The Big Picture

world. He loves all kinds of people. I will give you a word which describes
some people and you say the opposite: rich people (allow the children to answer
before giving the next one); fat people; old people; city people; healthy people. He
loves people of every colour of skin, He loves refugees, He loves prisoners
and He loves every person here today.

None of us deserves God’s love because we are all sinners. But God loves
sinners, even though He is perfect and cannot have sin anywhere near Him.

God’s Son was very special to Him—more precious than anything else. Yet
God gave Him away, because He knew that only His Son could bring people
back to Him. God gave His Son, Jesus, to come down to earth as a human
being. He gave Him to suffer and die for our sins. Jesus suffered more than
anyone else ever did. He did it for you and for me.

Unsaved: Jesus did not stay dead. He is alive today. He can forgive you
and bring you back to friendship with God for ever. Perhaps there are
M ake yo ur s e l f av ailab le for
things about this you don’t understand. At the end of club I will be happy to personal counselling. (Be sure to
explain more from the Bible. Just come and say you would like to talk, I will comply with the Child Protection
be (designate a suitable place). Policy of your country.)

Number fun. (Give out little cards with numbers from two to five. Everyone should have
a card.) All the people who have a card with “two” say the words with two
letters and the rest of us will say the other words. (Give time for these children to
identify the words they should say.) We will all say where it is found in the Bible.

Now the people with a card with “three” will say all the words with three
letters and the rest of us will say the other words. (Do the same for those with a
card with “four” and then those with a card with “five”. Finally put them all together with the
twos saying their words, the threes saying theirs and so on. The leaders should say any words
not covered.)

I have a box here. Would anyone like to guess what is in it? (Wait for a few
suggestions.) Listen and I will shake it—that might help. (Listen to a few more
suggestions.) How can you be sure what is in the box? You need me to open it
and show you. (Do so and show that their guesses are not right. Something like a glue stick
in the box is unlikely to be guessed.)

It is like that with God. If we guess what He is like we’ll get it CT

wrong. But God has not left us guessing. He shows us what
He is like in this book—the Bible. (Show your Bible.) The Bible
is God’s message to you and me. It is all true, because all the

Lesson 2

words in it are God’s words. In the Bible God tells us what He

is like. (Show the central truth visual.) Today we have an amazing
true story from the Bible.

Truth Catcher, are you ready for action?

(Truth Catcher:) Yes, yes, yes! I really like my job and yesterday you were quite
impressed by how I did it.

(Teacher:) You were good at catching the truth, but you talked rather a lot.

(Truth Catcher:) Oh, I don’t remember that—and I do like to talk.

(Teacher:) Well, from now on today it is silence for you. When I hold up a
piece of bunting you quickly catch it and put it on a string so we get a string
of bunting. You don’t have to talk to do that! Understood?

(Truth Catcher:) I understand. (Truth Catcher zips his lips in an exaggerated way. During
the lesson, when he takes a piece of bunting he sometimes begins to speak but the teacher always
stops him.)

Flashcard 2-1

One day God said to a man called Jonah, “Go to the big city of Nineveh
and warn them. Tell them that I know all the bad things that happen in
their city. Tell them I see all the wrong, evil things they do and I am very
displeased. Tell them that I am going to punish them soon because of the
wrong they keep doing.” (Based on Jonah 1:1.)

Jonah really did not want to do this job. He had his reasons. He thought,
“Those people are our enemies. They are the most cruel people on earth.
And I don’t like them. I know exactly what will happen. When I warn them
about God’s punishment they will take it seriously. They’ll be sorry and
change their ways. And what will God do? He will forgive them and not
punish them. That is what God is like. I don’t want that to happen to those

Jonah hurried to the seaport and got on a sturdy ship headed for Tarshish in
Spain—the opposite direction to Nineveh. He paid his fare and went down
as deep into the ship as he could. In the Bible it says he wanted to get away
from God (Jonah 1:3). Jonah should have known better.

CT In the Bible God tells us what He is like. (Show the central truth
visual.) He tells us He is everywhere (display bunting flag 1) at the
same time. He is invisible, but He is real. Let’s name some
faraway countries. (Encourage the children to participate.) God is
in all those places. He is right here. He is in your home. He
was in the hold of the ship where Jonah was trying to do the
impossible—get away from God.

The Big Picture

Flashcard 2-2

The ship set sail, but before long there was trouble. We read in the Bible,
“But the Lord sent out a great wind on the sea” (Jonah 1:4). The ship lurched
and dipped and creaked. The sailors knew that it could break up any
minute, so they threw the cargo overboard and prayed to their gods. Where
was Jonah? Would you believe it? He was still deep down in the ship, fast
asleep! The captain rudely awakened him. He said something like, “What
do you mean, you sleepy dope? Get up! Call on your God—maybe He can
save us.” (Based on Jonah 1:6.) Jonah believed that his God was the only, real
God—and he was right.

In the Bible (show the central truth visual) God says this about CT
Himself: “I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Isaiah 45:5).
(Display bunting flag 2.)

Surely Jonah was a bit ashamed as he made his way to the deck. Within a
few minutes he was telling his story, probably shouting to be heard above
the storm. “I am a Hebrew; and I fear the Lord, the God of heaven, who
made the sea and the dry land” (Jonah 1:9). He explained that he was
running away from God. “The storm is my fault,” he confessed.

“What are we going to do?” the sailors asked in desperation. The Bible tells
us Jonah’s answer: “Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will
become calm for you” (Jonah 1:12). The sailors really did not want to do
that. They had another go at rowing. It was hopeless, so they picked Jonah
up. One … two … three … splash!

Immediately the sea was calm. The sailors saw for themselves which God
was real: Jonah’s God—the God we read about in the Bible—who sent the
storm and who stopped the storm. But was it too late for Jonah?

Flashcard 2-3

At that very moment an amazing thing happened. God sent a giant fish.
Gulp—the giant fish swallowed Jonah whole. Can you imagine what it was
like sliding down into the fish’s belly? There isn’t a water slide in the world
quite like it! In the fish’s belly it was dark, slimy and stinky. There were
things floating around Jonah. In the darkness he had no idea what that
floating stuff was. Perhaps it was better that way!

Jonah had time to think and at last he began to talk to God, …

… this amazing God who controls storms and fish! (Show the CT
central truth visual.) God shows us in the Bible what He is like.
He tells us that He controls everything. (Display bunting flag 3.)
He says, “‘Do I not fill heaven and earth?’ says the Lord”
(Jeremiah 23:24). God was there with Jonah. He is in every
corner of the universe all at the same time.

Lesson 2

Yes, He was with Jonah deep down in the fish deep down in the sea, so
Jonah could talk to Him. Jonah thanked God for being so kind to him, even
though he did not deserve it.

Jonah was in the fish’s belly for three days and three nights. Of course, he
had no idea when it was day or night.

Then God commanded the fish to spit up. Of course, the fish obeyed and
out came Jonah onto dry land—all sticky and stinky!

God spoke once again to Jonah. Who can guess what He said? Yes, God
said, “Get on your way to Nineveh and tell them my message.” Would Jonah
go? The Bible tells us, “So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to
the word of the Lord” (Jonah 3:3). He had not changed how he felt about the
people of Nineveh, but he knew better than to disobey God again.

Flashcard 2-4

Nineveh was an ancient and amazing city. Three chariots could drive side by
side along the top of its massive 30 metre high walls. When Jonah arrived in
the great city he began to call out God’s message:

“In 40 days God is going to punish this city. He knows what you have been
doing. He has seen all your evil actions. Nothing is hidden from God. He
knows it all. He is coming to destroy you.” (Based on Jonah 3:4.)

Perhaps He said something like this, “You adults, God knows the lies you
tell, the way you gossip and how you hate and hurt people. Children, God
sees every time you disobey your parents—and that’s a lot of times. He
knows when you quarrel with the others you play with. He knows every
mean thought that enters your head.”

CT God is still the same—100% pure, good and just. The word
the Bible uses is “holy”. In the Bible God shows what He is
like (show the central truth visual) and “God is holy” is in the Bible
many times. God wants you to know it. Sin cannot be near
God; even one sin is not OK with Him. What sort of things
are we talking about? (Give the children time to answer.) God cannot
ignore those things—not in your city, not in your life, not in
Nineveh. (Display bunting flag 4.)

Would the people of Nineveh pay attention? Jonah hoped not; he wanted
them destroyed.

The people of Nineveh listened very carefully and believed the message
Jonah brought from God. They knew what Jonah said was true. They saw
how very, very bad they were in God’s eyes and they were truly sorry.

The King of Nineveh heard of the sadness about sin that flooded the city. He
took off his royal robes, put on rags and joined his people sitting in the dust.
They all begged God for forgiveness.

The Big Picture

Was it too late? God saw that they were sorry. He saw that they had turned
away from doing wrong. God had never stopped loving them, that is why
He sent Jonah to Nineveh.

Flashcard 2-5

God’s love is the greatest and the best. We read in the Bible, CT
“God is love” (1 John 4:8). (Display bunting flag 5.)

He gladly forgave the Ninevites and they became His people!

We have learned in our Bible verse that God gave His Son, CT
Jesus Christ, to be punished for sin. Although it was hundreds
of years after Jonah, Jesus took the punishment that the
people of Nineveh deserved. That is why God forgave them.
He treated them as if they had not done all those bad things.
That is what forgiveness is.

Flashcard 2-6

Nineveh was a changed city, but Jonah was not happy. He was in a very bad
mood and he complained to God. “I knew this would happen, that’s why I
didn’t want to come here. I know you are kind to people who don’t deserve
it. I know you are slow to become angry and you are full of love”. (Based on
Jonah 4:2-3.) Jonah was rather forgetful, wasn’t he? He forgot just how much
he had needed God’s love and forgiveness when he was in the fish’s belly.

The Bible tells us God loves to forgive! (Read Psalm 86:5 aloud and CTU
display bunting flag 6.)

We can all be very happy that God shows what He is like

in the Bible. (Show the central truth visual.) He does not change
and He will gladly do for you what He did for the people
of Nineveh. If you are sorry for the wrong you have done
and want to turn from sin, ask God for forgiveness. He will
forgive you and you will belong to Him for ever.

1. How has God shown us what He is like? (In the Bible.)

2. What happens if we just guess what He is like? (We get it wrong.)

3. Why did Jonah not want to go and warn the people of Nineveh? (He
knew that if they were sorry for all the wrong they did and turned
back to God, He would forgive them. Jonah did not want them to be

Lesson 2

4. What happened when Jonah set sail in a ship going to Tarshish? (God
Review game
“Feed the big fish” sent a storm.)
• A large container (such as a 5. Why didn’t Jonah drown? (God sent a great fish to swallow him.)
bucket or waste paper bin) with
a picture of a large fish on the 6. What does this show us about God? (He controls nature; He controls
• A bean bag.
When a child answers a question
7. What did Jonah do in the belly of the fish? (He talked to God and
correctly, his team is awarded thanked Him for being so kind to him.)
100  points. He then stands at a
specific distance from the “fish” and 8. How did Jonah get back on dry land? (The fish spat him out.)
tries to throw the beanbag into the
container. If successful, his team is
awarded another 100 points. 9. Why was God going to punish the people of Nineveh? (The people were
doing wrong all the time and God is so pure and good He cannot stand
sin; He will punish sin.)

10. What did the people of Nineveh do when Jonah went through the
city warning them about what God would do? (They were truly sorry,
turned away from sin and pleaded with God to forgive them.)

11. What did God do? (He forgave them and did not destroy their city.)

12. What does this show us about God? (God is love and He can forgive.)

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 2 )
Tag together relay. Put the memory cards in a pile and line up the teams
at an equal distance from them. The children in the teams take it in turns
to fetch one card for their team according to their allocated colour. The
words should be collected in order and one word fastened to another so that
eventually the verse is complete. When a team completes the verse they hold
it up and repeat it together.

Mini bunting. Provide the children with mini bunting flags (the same wording
as those used in the lesson), ribbon and glue, so that each child can create a string
of bunting to take home.

The Big Picture Lesson

He can do it! (The authority of Jesus)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

Lesson overview

Scripture Luke 4:31-41 and Mark 1:29-31.

Memory verse “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Central truth Jesus Christ can put right all that sin made wrong.
Application for unsaved Trust Jesus to forgive you and to make you ready for His new earth.
Application for saved There is no application for the saved child in this lesson.
Visual aids Lesson • Flashcards 3-1 to 3-6.
• Central truth visual: “Jesus Christ can put right all that sin made wrong.”
• A broken vase (or some other broken item).
• Two large card circles and felt-tip marker.
• Crown for Truth Catcher.
Memory verse • Memory verse visual: John 3:16.
Washing line race
• Ten cards on which the memory verse is written, two/three words per
• Ten clothes pegs and a length of clothes line wire or fine rope.
Test your eyesight
• Four pages on which the complete memory verse is written in
decreasing sizes of lettering.
Game • A 10 cm diameter circle or card with the word “authority” written on it.
Craft activity “Jesus is King” crown
• A “Jesus is King” crown for each child.
• Gold card, glue, scissors, gems, sequins, glitter glue and anything
suitable to decorate the crown.
Crown craft
• A “Jesus is King” crown for each child.
• Gold card, glue, scissors, gems, sequins, glitter glue and anything
suitable to decorate the crown.
• Sheets of craft foam, self-adhesive aluminium foil tape and a ball point
Truth Catcher • The Truth Catcher will emphasise the authority of Christ and should
do so with enthusiasm. He will use a crown cut from gold card. His
contribution to the lesson is clearly indicated in the lesson text.

Suggested programme

Before club Complete attendance record as the children arrive.

Opening Welcome, prayer, snack, establish rules.
Game Are you the authority?
Song A song about God which emphasises that He rules over all.
Memory verse John 3:16. Repetition: Washing line race.
Song A song about the Bible.
Emphasise that the Bible is all true and it is very important to know what it is about.
Bible lesson He can do it!—part 1.
Song A song about Jesus Christ.
Memory verse Review John 3:16. Repetition: Test your eyesight.
Bible lesson He can do it!—part 2.
Song A song about salvation.
Review game Jelly bean review.
Craft activity “Jesus is King” crown; or crown craft.
Closing Prayer, memory verse tokens.
The Big Picture Lesson

He can do it! (The authority of Jesus)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

You may wish to read from God’s Word the Scripture verses listed.
Luke 4:31-41. I. INTRODUCTION
Mark 1:29-31. A broken vase CT
A. God promises to send Someone to make
Memory verse: things right CT
“For God so loved the 3-1 B. Jesus teaches in the synagogue
world that He gave His - People are impressed by His authority
only begotten Son, that (Luke 4:32)
whoever believes in Him
should not perish but - An evil spirit challenges Him (Luke 4:34)
have everlasting life”
(John 3:16).
3-2 - Jesus commands the spirit to leave the man
(Luke 4:35)
Central truth: - The evil spirit obeys CT
Jesus Christ can put right - The people are amazed CTU
all that sin made wrong.

3-3 C. Jesus goes to Simon Peter’s home

Application for unsaved:
- His mother-in-law is ill
Trust Jesus to forgive you
and to make you ready
for His new earth.

3-4 - Jesus heals her

Application for saved:
There is no application - She is 100% well and serves a meal CT
for the saved child in this

If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.

3-5 D. Jesus’ enemies want Him dead

E. Jesus dies to pay to make things right
(Hebrews 9:26) CT
F. Jesus rises from the dead CT

No visual III. CLIMAX

God will make a perfect world
Jesus can make you ready (John 3:16) CTU

The Big Picture

Are you the authority? (Use the game early in the programme. Its purpose is to
introduce the concept of authority.) Explain that the person who has the authority
“badge” is in charge—he or she decides what the rest of the group should do.
Ask one child to turn away from the group, then give the authority badge
to a child who conceals it. That child then begins an activity (eg clapping,
running on the spot, jumping, patting his head) and everyone else does the
same. When the “authority” changes activity everyone else does the same.
The child who does not know the identity of the leader watches to see who
is in authority. When he thinks he has identified the leader, he asks, “Are
you the authority?” If he is correct the child shows his authority badge
and he becomes the person to identify the next “authority”. If the guess is
incorrect the child may have one more chance to identify the authority in
the group. If still unidentified the child with the badge shows it and says,
“I am the authority.” (This is an adaptation of the well-known “Who started it?” game.)

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 1 )
(The teaching of the memory verse is divided into two sessions. This part should be done before
the lesson and the second after the lesson.)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

(Truth Catcher:) I am worried. I’m very worried.

(Teacher:) That’s not like you. You’re always happy. Catching truth makes you
happy. Did you miss your breakfast or fall down the stairs? Those two things
always upset me.

(Truth Catcher:) No! Nothing as silly as that.

(Teacher:) Tell us what’s wrong. We all want to know, (to the children) don’t we?

(Truth Catcher:) You have all been learning John 3:16.

(Teacher:) I thought you would be happy about that!

(Truth Catcher:) Of course—but you’ve left part of it out and it is very, very,
important. I can’t bear it if you leave it out.

(Teacher:) You don’t have to worry a minute longer; we’re not leaving it out.

I am going to read it from my Bible now. Anyone who knows the first
part may say it with me as I read. (Read John 3:16.) We have added 12 more

Lesson 3

important words (check the number in the Bible version you use) and now we have
the whole verse for you all to see. (Display the memory verse visual.) Truth Catcher
is right, these are important words.

Intersperse the explanation
and repetition. “Perish” means to be separated from God and punished for ever for your
sin. That is what you and I deserve because we are sinners.

The opposite of perish is “everlasting life” or “eternal life”. That means you
have God’s life in you. Adam and Eve lost their friendship with God, but
when God gives you eternal life you get it back! You belong to God and
live every day with Him and, when you die, you live with Him for ever in

(This will be given in the second section.)

Washing line race. Ask Truth Catcher to peg the cards with the words
from the memory verse on the “washing line” in the correct order while you
and the children see how many times you can say the verse before he has
finished. Then challenge another leader to do it faster and again see how
many times you and the children say the verse. Ask the children if one of
them wants to have a turn. Keep the memory verse visual on display while
the verse is being repeated.

Look at what I have with me—a vase. It used to be very pretty but I dropped
it. I can’t repair it and I don’t think you can. We would need an expert to
make it as good as it used to be.

That is how it is with the world and us—it has been spoiled by sin. It is still a
beautiful place but there is sickness and death, pain and sadness. Let’s think
of all the bad things that spoil the world and we will write them in this big
circle. (Allow time for the children to suggest bad things that spoil the world and our lives and
for a leader to write them in the circle.)

CT Sin has spoiled and broken our lives too. We are not what
God made us to be—perfect people who love Him. Perhaps
you try to fix your own life by doing kind things or by being
better behaved than others in your school class. But that won’t
work because it does not take away your sin. Can anyone fix
the brokenness?

The Big Picture

God promised to send Someone to make everything right.
It was an impossible job for anyone living on earth. Can you
think why? (Give time to reason this through.) All the people on
earth were part of the problem! God Himself came to live on
earth; God the Son became a human being. He was born as
a baby—we remember that at Christmas. For about 30 years
He lived in what is now Israel. In the Bible we read lots about

(Truth Catcher:) Please may I talk today? Everybody here thinks I should talk,
(to the children) don’t you?

(Teacher:) You need to catch truth about how powerful Jesus is. When you do,
stand up, show this crown (give the crown to Truth Catcher) and tell us what you
caught. So, catch and tell.

(Truth Catcher:) You have made me very happy. I may talk.

Flashcard 3-1

One day Jesus was in a town called Capernaum. It was by a lake and many
fishermen lived there. Jesus went to the synagogue where the people went to
pray and worship God. He began to teach and the people were “astonished
at His teaching, for His word was with authority” (Luke 4:32). There we
have our word from the game. Remember how the person who had that
badge should be obeyed? People could see that Jesus should be obeyed.
Everyone was listening to Him carefully and quietly.

(Many children are confronted by evil in their everyday lives and need to know that Jesus has
authority over it. This part of the lesson has been carefully written to focus on Christ, rather
than the drama of the incident. The purpose is to inform without frightening children. If you feel
that your children are too young for this teaching, you may leave it out.)

Suddenly the hush was broken as a man who had been sitting quietly among
the others began to shout. This is what he yelled: “Let us alone! What have
we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know
who You are—the Holy One of God!” (Luke 4:34). One of Satan’s servants,
an evil spirit, was in this man. The evil spirit knew who Jesus was and he
made the man shout at Jesus.

Flashcard 3-2

Jesus loved the man and spoke very sternly to the evil spirit, “Be quiet, and
come out of him!” (Luke 4:35). Did Jesus have authority over evil? Everyone
watching probably held their breath and waited. Who would win this
contest? The evil spirit threw the man on the floor, unhurt, and then he left
him. He did not want to, but he had to obey Jesus. The man was set free.

(Truth Catcher, jumping up and showing the crown:) So Jesus Christ CT

has power and authority over Satan and evil. (Truth Catcher sits

Lesson 3

(Teacher:) Yes, He is the one—the only one—who can make

right all that went wrong when sin came into the world. (Show
the central truth visual and read it together.)

The people gasped in amazement. Jesus had the authority to command evil
spirits and the power to make sure they did what He said.

CTU When you see evil—and it may even be scary—please

remember that the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is more
powerful and He has authority over Satan and all his
followers. Perhaps you see wrong and evil in your own life.
You tell lies and more lies; you just cannot stop. Perhaps
you watch violent or horrible things on your computer or
TV—you just cannot stop. That does not mean that you
are like the man we have just heard about and an evil spirit
lives in you. It means that you do things that Satan likes. You
cannot stop. If you really want to be free and live God’s way,
Jesus can set you free.

Jesus freed the man in the synagogue and everyone who saw it happen
spread the news. Jesus was the talk of the town!

Flashcard 3-3

The next place Jesus went to was the home of his friends Peter and Andrew.
Probably He was invited for a meal, but Peter’s mother-in-law (his wife’s
mother) was sick. She was in bed and had a high fever. How do you feel
when you have fever? (Allow time for the children to respond.) She felt very poorly,
so her family told Jesus about the problem. Perhaps Peter said, “My wife’s
mother is ill. She has a high fever. Please can you do something?” Jesus went
and stood beside the sick lady, gently took her hand and told the fever to
leave her. The Bible does not tell us what Jesus said. Perhaps He said, “Fever,
go away!”

Flashcard 3-4

It left at once!

(Truth Catcher, jumping up and showing the crown:) That’s great! Jesus has power over
sickness too!

(Teacher:) Sickness came into the world when sin came. Jesus showed that He
truly could make everything right again. (Show the central truth visual.)

The lady who had been so ill got out of bed feeling 100% well! She was not
pale or weak. She was even able to start serving their meal. Can you imagine
how happy all the people were as they sat down to lunch? They probably
talked together about the authority of Jesus. When He gave the command,
the sickness left.

CT He had the authority to put right all that had gone wrong
since the time Adam sinned. (Show the central truth visual and say

The Big Picture

Perhaps you are thinking, “Then why didn’t He

it together.)
do it? He didn’t fix the world when He was here. Why not?”
That’s a very good question. Let’s think again about the vase.
It would be very expensive to fix. It was going to cost a lot
to make right all that had gone wrong in the world. Jesus
would not pay with money to fix it. All the money in the
world could not make it right. Even these amazing miracles
could not make things right. Jesus knew that He had to do
something nobody else could do; something so, so difficult
that sometimes He dreaded it.

(If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.)

Flashcard 3-5

You would expect everyone to love Jesus, but He had enemies who wanted
Him dead. Jesus chose not to use His power to escape from them, for He
knew the time had come for Him to pay.

Soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross to die; He looked so weak and helpless. His
enemies mocked Him saying, “Ha! He saved others but He cannot save
Himself!” (Based on Luke 23:35.) Jesus knew that if He saved Himself He
could never put right all that sin had done to people and the world. We read
in the Bible that as Jesus died on the cross He “put away sin by the sacrifice
of Himself ” (Hebrews 9:26). He was putting away the whole cause of the
problem. As Jesus was on the cross He took on Himself the punishment of
sin. That was the only way sin could ever be put away. That was how Jesus
paid to “fix” this broken world and broken lives.

So only Jesus had

(Truth Catcher, jumping up and showing the crown:) CT
the power to pay for sin by dying. If someone else had died it
would not have helped. Only Jesus, the Son of God, had no
sin of His own.”

No visual

(Teacher:) But Jesus was dead and dead people cannot do anything for anyone.

Three days later Jesus showed that He was more powerful CT

than sin and death. He came back to life!

(Truth Catcher, jumping up and showing the crown:) The Lord Jesus is
even stronger than death!

(Teacher:) People saw Him; they touched Him; they talked with
Him; they ate with Him and they wrote about it in the Bible.
It is true. Jesus is alive for ever. He is alive today, so (show the
central truth visual and say it together) Jesus Christ can put right all
that sin made wrong.

But the world is still not fixed. No, the next step in God’s plan is to forgive
people and set them free from sin. One by one God is getting people ready
for something truly amazing.

Lesson 3

At the end of time Jesus will come back to earth as King. He will finish what
He paid for on the cross: there will be a new earth that is perfect. All the bad
things will be gone for ever and the world will be much more beautiful than
anything we have ever seen. (Show the circle on which you wrote all the things that spoil
the world.) None of these sad or bad things will be in the new, perfect world.
(Ask a child to draw a huge “X” across the circle.) What would be in a perfect world?
(Take another large circle of card and write down the children’s suggestions. They may need
some help. Include beauty, love, Jesus, perfect people, laughter, God, life for ever, singing, music,
animals, birds, trust, kindness, peace, joy.)

Flashcard 3-6

Who will live in the new, perfect world? All the people who have trusted
Jesus Christ to make right what sin has done in their lives. Those are the
people who are forgiven and have eternal life. It will be a huge number
from all countries and all time. They will enjoy being with God in this new,
wonderful earth for ever and ever.

CTU God cannot, and will not, allow people into His perfect world
who have not been made ready. Can you think of the word in
our Bible verse which tells us what happens to those people?
(Give time for the children to think and find the answer—“perish”.)

So you see, it really is true that Jesus puts right what sin
spoiled. (Show the central truth visual and read it together.) He loves
you and wants to do that for you. Our Bible verse tells you
what you must do. Let’s say it together. (Say John 3:16 together.)
“Believing” is more than just believing it is true that Jesus is
God’s Son who died for you and came back to life—it means
that you also trust Him to forgive you and give you eternal
life. Won’t you trust Him to do that for you now? Then you
can live every day knowing He is with you, until you get to
live with Him for ever in His perfect, new world.

1. Why didn’t God choose one of the people living on earth to put right
all that sin had made wrong? (All people are sinners and part of the

2. Who did God choose to put right all that sin and Satan had made
wrong? (His only Son.)

3. What shows us that Jesus has power over evil? (When He told the evil
spirit to leave the man, it had to obey.)

The Big Picture

4. What shows us that Jesus has authority over sickness? (He healed Peter’s
Review game
mother-in-law.) “Jelly bean review”
5. How did Jesus pay to fix broken people and a broken world? (By dying • An egg carton (12 eggs).
on the cross and being punished for the sin that caused it all.) • Blue, red and purple permanent
felt-tip markers.
• Coloured jelly beans.
6. How do we know Jesus is stronger than death? (He came back to life.) • Only one white jelly bean.
7. When will Jesus finish what He paid for by His death? (When He comes Colour six sections in the egg carton
back as King.) blue (500 points). Colour three
sections red (1,000 points). Colour
8. Who will live in His perfect, new world? (All the people He has made three sections purple (lose points). Fill
each section with jelly beans; include
ready; people He has forgiven and changed.) the one white jelly bean. Close lid.
9. Name three things which will not be in the new, perfect earth. (Various Divide the children into teams. When
answers.) a child answers correctly his team is
awarded 1,000 points. He then gently
10. Name three things which will be in the new, perfect earth? (Various shakes the egg carton and opens
the lid. The team is awarded the
answers.) additional score from the section in
which the white jelly bean lands. If the
11. What is everlasting life? (Having God’s life in you and living with God cup is purple the team loses all points
earned so far.
for ever.)

12. What is the opposite of everlasting life? (To perish.)

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 2 )
Intersperse the application and
Test your eyesight. Let’s test how good your eyesight is! For a last time repetition.

have a look at our Bible verse. (Display the memory verse visual.) Let’s read it
together. Well done! Here it is in much smaller print. I wonder how well you
will get on reading it. (Say the verse together and continue to show the verse in decreasing
sizes of print.) Now for the big challenge! I am opening my Bible at the page
where these words are found. I will point to them as I show them to you in
the Bible. Will you be able to read them? (The children repeat the verse.)

Unsaved: Who will not perish? (Encourage the children to find the answer in the
verse.) “Whoever believes in Him.”

“Him” is Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.

“Believe” is to know that what you have learned about Jesus is true and that
you can depend on Him to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
You cannot forgive your sin and you cannot get eternal life yourself, so you
depend on Him to do that for you.

What word shows that anyone here today can believe? “Whoever” is a great
word. If you believe and trust Jesus you will have everlasting life. That is a
promise from God—and He always keeps His promises.

Lesson 3

Option 1: “Jesus is King” crown. The children glue the crown to the
reverse side of the gold card and cut it out. They then turn it over and
decorate the gold crown.

Option 2: Crown craft. (This is a more challenging craft than option 1.) Beforehand
cover sheets of craft foam with aluminium foil tape, being careful to avoid
wrinkles. The children use the “Jesus is King” crown as a template and draw
around it on the side of the craft foam that has not been covered with foil.
They then cut out the crown. Using a ball point pen, they deboss “Jesus is
King” on their foil crown and then decorate it with further debossing and

The Big Picture Lesson

Something which changes everything (Jesus is alive)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

Lesson overview

Scripture Luke 24:13-49.

Memory verse Review John 3:16.
Central truth The Lord Jesus is the Saviour.
Application for unsaved Trust Him to save you.
Application for saved There is no application for the saved child in this lesson.
Visual aids Lesson • Flashcards 4-1 to 4-6.
• Central truth visual: “The Lord Jesus is the Saviour.”
• Pairs of “danger/rescuer” cards which depict situations where a rescuer
is needed and the appropriate rescuer, one card per child. Suggested
• Swimmer in difficulty; lifeguard.
• Person in a house on fire; fireman.
• Broken-down car; pickup vehicle.
• Sad-looking dog; boy with a lead.
• Lamb caught in a bush; shepherd.
• Boat in storm; life boat.
• Mountaineer hanging on to a rock; rescue helicopter.
• Cat on top of a high wall; man with a ladder.
• Toddler climbing out of a high chair; mother.
• Person lying beside a bicycle; ambulance.
• A photo of yourself (optional).
• A Bible for Truth Catcher to use.
Memory verse • Memory verse visual: John 3:16.
• Card with the letters “LEIBB” written on it.
• A set of cards with various instructions, one instruction per card.
Craft activity/ • Two plain biscuits for each child, icing and small sweets to use as
snack decorations. Before the club prepare two as examples, one with a sad
face and the other with a happy face.
• Provide suitable alternatives for children with dietary needs or allergies.
Pieces of fruit on paper plates can be used to create smiley faces and sad
Truth Catcher • At the point indicated in the lesson text, Truth Chaser takes a Bible and
studies it. At the end of the lesson he explains why he did so.

Suggested programme

Before club Complete attendance record as the children arrive.

Opening Welcome, prayer, establish rules.
Song A song about God.
Memory verse John 3:16. Repetition: Take your pick.
Bible lesson Something which changes everything.
If you have the children’s attention, teach parts 1 and 2 without a break.
Song A song about Jesus Christ.
Memory verse Review John 3:16.
Song A song about salvation.
Review game Get back to Jerusalem fast.
Song A song about the Bible.
Craft activity/snack Sad face/happy face.
Closing Prayer, memory verse tokens.

The Big Picture Lesson

Something which changes everything (Jesus is alive)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

You may wish to read from God’s Word the Scripture verses listed.
Luke 24:13-49. I. INTRODUCTION
Game with danger and rescuer cards CT
Memory verse: A. The women tell that Jesus’ body is gone
Review John 3:16.

Central truth:
The Lord Jesus is the 4-2 B. Cleopas and friend leave Jerusalem, talking of
Saviour. recent events

Application for unsaved:

Trust Him to save you.
4-3 C. A stranger joins them and asks about their
Application for saved: conversation
There is no application D. They explain and He says these things had to
for the saved child in this happen CT
lesson. E. At Emmaus they invite Him to stay

4-4 F. They recognise Him and He disappears

No visual G. They hurry back to Jerusalem CTU

If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.
No visual H. They join their friends

Jesus comes into the room and they are terrified
(Luke 24:36)
He eats to show He is real
He explains His death had to happen (Luke 24:46)
The Good News is for everyone CTU, CT

The Big Picture

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

I have a word here and the letters are mixed up. (Show the card with “LEIBB”.)
Who can figure out what it is?

Yes, it’s “Bible”! (Show your Bible.) We have been learning these wonderful, true,
words from the Bible. Remember, all the words in the Bible are God’s words.
In the Bible we have everything God wants to say to us. That is why it is
such a special book. (Read John 3:16.) I don’t think you need to see the words,
but we will put them up anyway. (Display the memory verse visual.)

Intersperse the explanation,
(As the children select the word you are thinking about, briefly review the explanation and application and repetition.

application of the verse.)

I’m thinking of a word in the Bible verse. It means many, many people.
What is it? (World.)

I’m thinking of the man who wrote these words in the Bible. (John.)

I’m thinking of Someone whose love you and I don’t deserve. (God.)

I’m thinking of the saddest word in the verse. (Perish.)

(If there are new children in the group, add some explanation to the answers to these questions.)

Unsaved: I’m thinking of a word I need when I feel too bad to be forgiven.

I’m thinking of a word that means I must depend on Jesus to forgive me.

I’m thinking of what I have when I believe in Jesus. (Everlasting life.)

Take your pick. When a child answers one of the questions under
“Explanation” or “Application”, he chooses one of the instruction cards to
determine who should say the verse. (He should not be able to read the
instruction in advance.)

Lesson 4

(The introduction could be used earlier in the programme and then the lesson would begin with
Flashcard 4-1. Distribute the “danger/rescuer” cards. It is important that each child has a card.
The aim is that the children match the dangerous situation with the appropriate rescuer.)
Who had a a card showing danger or the need to be rescued? Did you know
that we could add lots more pictures?

CT Your picture and mine could be there too. (You could show a photo
of yourself.) We need to be rescued. We need a Saviour because
we do not want God; we want to run away from Him. That is
why we do wrong things, things which spoil our lives. On our
own we cannot get back to God, so we are in danger of being
far from God all through our lives and then for ever and ever.

God had a rescue plan, but it did not seem to be working out.

Flashcard 4-1

On the third day after Jesus’ death—it was Sunday morning—some of the
women went to put spices on the body of Jesus. They came back with a story
that Jesus’ body was not in the grave and angels had told them He was alive.
This was surely a nonsense story!

Flashcard 4-2

Cleopas and another friend of Jesus decided to leave Jerusalem and head
home. It was all over. Their teacher and leader was dead. Their hopes and
dreams died with Him. They had believed that Jesus was God’s Promised
One who would rescue the Jews from the Romans and become King in
Jerusalem—but He had died on a cross like a criminal. These were the
things they talked about as they walked with heavy feet and sad hearts
back to their home in Emmaus. We don’t have a name for the other person.
Perhaps it was Cleopas’ wife or a friend. We’ll just call this second person
“No Name”. (Although the visual shows two men, the second person may have been Cleopas’
wife—the Bible doesn’t tell us!)

As they walked and talked, another man caught up with them.

Flashcard 4-3

They did not feel like having company, but they had to be polite.

“What is all this sad talk about?” He asked them.

“You’re probably the only person in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard these
things,” answered Cleopas glumly.

The Big Picture

“What things?” the stranger persisted and they told Him the whole sad
story. What do you think they told Him? (Give the children time to review what they
know about the death and burial of Jesus and about the women going to the tomb.)

He listened and when He spoke they were surprised by what He said.

“Oh, you foolish people! Can’t you just believe what God has told you?
In the Scriptures it is clear that these things had to happen.” (Based on
Luke 24:25‑26.)

(Truth Catcher very conspicuously picks up a Bible and until the end of the lesson he seriously
studies it, sitting at the side so as not to distract the children.)

The stranger reminded them of words they had often read CT

in the Bible. About 700 years before He sent His Son, God
had clearly said that He would suffer and die. God had said
He would put the sins of many people on Him and punish
His Promised One for those sins. (Based on Isaiah 53.) We
are talking about lies, stealing, hatred, murder, selfishness,
pride, bad language and a whole lot more. Jesus never did
any of those things, but He was punished by God as if He
had. That is why He can rescue you from the punishment
you deserve for your sin. He is the Rescuer, the Saviour. What
happened to Jesus was not just the wicked schemes of His
enemies—it was God’s great plan. It is really important that
you understand this.

It was important for Cleopas and No Name too. They needed to know that
Jesus came to rescue them from sin, not from the Romans.

They really enjoyed listening to this stranger and talking with Him.
Somehow their sadness melted away and they almost felt happy. All too
soon they reached their home in Emmaus and the stranger was going to
leave them. “Please come and stay with us,” Cleopas and No Name invited
Him. “It will soon be dark.”

Flashcard 4-4

So He came to their home and joined them for a meal. He thanked God for
the food and then broke up the loaf of bread. At that moment Cleopas and
No Name gasped! Now they knew who the stranger was. It was Jesus! He
was alive! And then He disappeared—one minute He was there and the
next He was gone!

Cleopas and No Name looked at each other in astonishment and talked

excitedly. “Didn’t you feel good as He explained the Scriptures?” asked
No Name.

“Absolutely. It was as if my cold, sad heart was warmed up.”

“We’ve got to tell the others! Let’s go back to Jerusalem. I can’t wait to tell

Lesson 4

No visual

So they headed back down the dark road. Happy feet can travel fast, even
for 11 kilometres! Jesus had come back to life.

CTU Jesus is still alive and He is the one you need to rescue you
from the wrong way that leads away from God. His name,
Jesus, means Saviour—He is the one who came to rescue us
from our sins. He is alive, so He can do it. He is the Saviour!
(Show the central truth visual and say it together.)

(If you are teaching this lesson in two parts, you could split the lesson here.)

Cleopas and No Name just knew that this good news changed everything.

Before long they were knocking on the door of the house where Jesus’
closest friends were. It was bolted shut. Can you think why? Yes, Jesus had
been arrested and killed and nobody knew who might be next.

“Come on, open up!” Cleopas and No Name must have urged. They simply
couldn’t wait to tell their friends the news! The door was opened, but before
Cleopas or No Name could say a word someone inside shouted, “The Lord
has come back to life. He’s alive! Simon saw Him!” Cleopas and No Name
went in and told their story. The room buzzed with excited questions and

Flashcard 4-5

Then there was silence—a terrified silence. Why? I’ll read the answer in the
Bible. “Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, ‘Peace to
you’” (Luke 24:36).

He hadn’t opened a door to come in, He was suddenly there. His friends
were terrified and even thought He was a ghost. “Don’t be afraid.” He spoke
so kindly to them. “Look at My hands and feet. Touch Me.” (Based on Luke
24:38-39.) What did they see when they looked at His hands and feet? Yes,
the marks of the nails. This really was their Lord, back from death.

He wanted them to be absolutely sure so He asked, “Do you have any food
here?” They gave Him a piece of cooked fish and watched. I think there was
a twinkle in His eye as He ate the fish. Ghosts don’t eat!

Now they knew for sure that Jesus was real. In some ways He was different
from before—that is why He could come and go suddenly and not use
doors! It was better than before because He could never again die. The Lord
Jesus showed that He is even more powerful than death. Can you think of
anybody else like that? No, there is nobody like Jesus.

He reminded His friends of things written in the Bible about Him and
He helped them to understand at last. “Then He said to them, ‘Thus it is

The Big Picture

written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from
the dead the third day’” (Luke 24:46).

Flashcard 4-6

He had something very important to say, “Now, because of what I have

done, people all over the world need to hear that I can turn their lives right
round and forgive all their sins.” (Based on Luke 24:47.)

(Show some of the cards from the game.) Remember we had our CTU
“danger” cards and our “rescuer” cards. We had to make sure
we found the right rescuer. We could add our photos to the
“danger” cards. Our sin puts us in danger, because it keeps us
from God. Jesus is the Saviour, the Rescuer. If you are sorry
for your sin and you really want the Lord Jesus to rescue you,
just ask Him to do that for you. You don’t need to speak aloud
for Him to hear. Remember our Bible verse tells us that when
you believe in Jesus you will not perish. You are out of danger.
You will have everlasting life—you will belong to God for
ever. (Pray or sing an appropriate song.)

Truth Catcher, is this your day off? You have done absolutely nothing. You
have not said one word. We’ll have to look for someone else to do your job.

(Truth Catcher:) I thought you liked it when I didn’t talk! Remember yesterday.
And as for doing nothing, I had my best catch today. I caught all the truth
I’ll ever need!

(Teacher:) Impossible! You just sat there reading something. This is not good.

I was reading the Bible. Jesus explained from

(Truth Catcher:) CT
the Bible that He had to die and come back to life to be the
Saviour. I found out for myself that it is in the Bible. Like you
said, the Bible is all about Jesus and He is the Saviour. (Truth
Catcher holds up the central truth visual and everyone says it together.)

(Teacher:)You are full of surprises and, yes, you’re right. The

Bible is about Jesus and it is all the truth you’ll ever need.

(Truth Catcher:) So I still have my job? (He turns to children for their answer.)

1. Why were the friends of Jesus so sad? (Jesus had been killed; Jesus was

2. What wrong ideas about Jesus did His friends have before He died?
(They hoped He would rescue them from the Romans and become King
in Jerusalem.)

Lesson 4

3. Why did Jesus have to suffer so much and die? (He had to do that in
order to be able to save us.)

4. How did Cleopas and No Name feel as the stranger explained things?
Review game
“Get back to Jerusalem fast” (Their sadness began to disappear and they felt almost happy.)
• Two paper plates. 5. When did they recognise the stranger? (When He stayed to eat with
• A marker. them and broke up the bread.)
• Two small, different mats.
Preparation: 6. How could Jesus come and go suddenly without opening a door? (His
Write “Emmaus” on one paper plate
and “Jerusalem” on the other. Place
back-from-the-dead body was in some ways different and this was one
the plates about eight metres apart. of the differences.)
Divide the children into two teams. 7. Where did Cleopas and the other person go that Sunday evening after
When a child answers a question Jesus had disappeared? (They went back to Jerusalem to tell their friends
correctly he stands at “Emmaus” and
jumps forward, feet together. Place that Jesus was alive.)
a mat on the spot where he landed.
When a child from the second team 8. Why did the followers of Jesus keep the door locked? (They were afraid
answers he too stands at “Emmaus”,
jumps forward and the second mat that they too might be arrested, just as Jesus had been.)
marks the spot where he landed.
The next child to answer goes to his 9. Why were they all suddenly terrified? (Jesus appeared in the room and
team’s mat and jumps forward and
the mat is moved to the spot where
they thought He was dead.)
he landed. Continue with the quiz
until somebody reaches “Jerusalem” 10. How did He show them He was not a ghost? (He ate fish to prove He
or all the questions have been asked, was alive.)
in which case the team nearest to
“Jerusalem” wins.
11. Why is it so important that Jesus is alive? (If He were dead He could do
nothing for us; Jesus is the only one who can bring us back to God.)

12. “Jesus” means “Saviour” or “Rescuer”. Why do we need to be rescued?

(Our sin keeps us from God.)

Sad face/happy face. Cleopas and No Name were very sad until they saw
that Jesus is alive. Then they were very happy. So we will make one sad face
and one happy face using the icing and sweets. Then we will enjoy our snack
together! (It is important to provide suitable alternatives for children with dietary needs or
allergies. Pieces of fruit on paper plates can be used to create smiley and sad faces.)

The Big Picture Lesson

Back where he belonged (Onesimus)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

Lesson overview

Scripture The book of Philemon, Ephesians 2:12-13.

Memory verse Review John 3:16.
Central truth You can belong to God.
Application for unsaved Trust Jesus Christ to bring you into this special relationship.
Application for saved There is no application for the saved child in this lesson.
Visual aids Lesson • Flashcards 5-1 to 5-6.
• Central truth visual: “You can belong to God.”
• Four Junior Truth Catcher certificates (copied onto card).
• Suitable clothing for two leaders to dress as Paul and Onesimus
Memory verse • Memory verse visual: John 3:16.
• Memory verse prizes and booklet (eg Things You Need To Know) for each
child. (These booklets are produced by CEF of Europe and are available
from your CEF® National Office. If you need an address, contact the
European Headquarters—address at the front of this book.)
Balloon pop
• Balloons on which the memory verse is written with permanent marker
(a few words on each balloon).
• Two sets of the memory verse cards for John 3:16, one word per card.
• Two balls and six skittles (or plastic bottles).
• A beach ball, with six sections drawn with a permanent marker and
numbered from one to six.
Defeat the leader
• The words of John 3:16 numbered. (“For” = 1, “God” = 2, “so” = 3, etc.)
• Paper and pen for score-keeping.
Craft activity • A pipe cleaner for each child, coloured straws and scissors.
Truth Catcher • In this final lesson the Truth Catcher’s role is different. As indicated, he
participates before and after the lesson. He should have certificates
ready for his Junior Truth Catchers.

Suggested programme

Before club Complete attendance record as the children arrive.

Listen to memory verses and note those who get a prize.
Opening Welcome, prayer, snack, give a brief reminder of rules.
Game Don’t get caught!
Song A song about God.
Memory verse John 3:16. Repetition: balloon pop.
Song A song about the Bible.
Bible lesson Back where he belonged.
This lesson is best taught all at once but if necessary have an action song to divide it.
Song A song about salvation.
Review game Discus throw.
Song A song about Jesus Christ.
Memory verse Review John 3:16. Repetition: skittles; catch; defeat the leader.
Song Favourite song—children’s choice from the songs sung during the week.
Craft activity Friendship bracelets.
Closing Give out memory verse awards and Things You Need to Know booklets.
Snack, prayer and goodbyes.

The Big Picture Lesson

Back where he belonged (Onesimus)

This page has been designed for you to photocopy and place in your Bible as a ready reference.

You may wish to read from God’s Word the Scripture verses listed.
The book of Philemon. Truth Catcher
Ephesians 2:12-13.
Does your name have a meaning?
A. Introduce Onesimus—“useful”, useless and
Memory verse:
Review John 3:16.

Central truth:
You can belong to God. 5-2 B. Onesimus runs away from Philemon
(Ephesians 2:12) CT
C. Life “on the run”
Application for unsaved:
Trust Jesus Christ to
bring you into this
special relationship. 5-3 D. Onesimus reaches Rome CT

Application for saved:

There is no application
for the saved child in this
lesson. 5-4 E. Onesimus meets Paul
F. Paul shares the Gospel (role play) CT
G. Onesimus trusts Christ and now belongs to
God (Ephesians 2:13) CTU

No visual H. Life is the same—but different CTU

I. Paul says Onesimus should return to
5-5 J. Paul writes to Philemon

5-6 K. Onesimus leaves with Paul’s letter

Will he be welcomed?
The Bible does not tell us, but we can be sure he
is welcomed
A different life—a life of belonging
Day 1—friendship with God lost
Day 5—friendship with God found
(Ephesians 2:13) CTU
Truth Catcher appoints Junior Truth Catchers
The Big Picture

Don’t get caught! One person is the Roman soldier and everyone else is
a runaway slave. The soldier’s job is to capture the slaves. Once a slave is
tagged he links arms with the soldier and helps tag other slaves. Play until
all but one of the slaves is captured. The one who remains untagged is the

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 1 )
(If there are some new children in the group, use the teaching outlined below. If you have
the same children as on previous days, ask more questions to review and deepen their

What is the best gift you ever received? (Give time for the children to share.)

Those are wonderful gifts, but they are only tiny compared with what I will
read about from the Bible. Listen and tell me what it is. (Read John 3:16 from
your Bible and give the children the opportunity to tell you what the gift is.) Today we have
these words written on balloons. (Involve children who know the verse in holding the

God’s gift is special because it was His Son and because of the very, very
difficult thing He came to do. He came to put away our sins by dying on the
cross. We have learned what God is like. Who can tell me something about
God? (As the children answer say, when appropriate, “His Son, Jesus is also like that.”)

God gave His Son because He loved us and was willing to do everything
necessary to bring us back to Himself. He wanted to save people from
perishing. That means to be cut off from God and punished for your sin
for ever.

Instead of being separated from God—perishing—you can have everlasting
life. That is life with God for ever.

“Whoever” means that nobody can say, “This is not for me.” Whoever
means you. If you trust yourself to the Lord Jesus, believing He died for your
sins, you will have everlasting life. You will belong to God for ever. Even
after you die you will be with God—in Heaven for ever. Jesus is alive so you
can tell Him today that you are sorry for being bad and sinful. Thank Him
for dying for you and just hand yourself over to Him.

Lesson 5

Balloon pop. When the children have repeated the verse, ask a child to
choose a balloon to burst. The child may burst it or a leader may do so. If
some children are likely to be upset by the popping, you may make a slight
incision at the neck of the balloon and it will deflate more quietly. After
a balloon is burst, all the children repeat the verse. Continue until all the
balloons are burst.

(Truth Catcher:) I have been very impressed with the people here!

(Teacher:) You mean us leaders, of course?

(Truth Catcher:) Well, no, not really … I have been impressed by everyone else!
I am almost sure there are some Junior Truth Catchers here—people who
listen well, catch truth and hold on to it. I have a few little certificates for
Junior Truth Catchers that I’m going to give away.

(Teacher:) How will you know who to give them to?

(Truth Catcher:) I’ll ask some hard questions. Just go ahead and talk and then
I will come with my questions.

(Teacher, to the children:) Does your name have a special meaning? (Give time for
some children to share the meaning of their names.)

Flashcard 5-1

This man’s name had a meaning. His name was Onesimus. Let’s say it
together (o-NES-im-us). “Onesimus” means “useful”. But did he live up to
his name? He was a slave in the Roman Empire around the year AD 55.
He had a good, fair master called Philemon. When Onesimus was sent to
fetch something he walked as slowly as he dared. When he cleaned a room,
he was ever so lazy and did not do a good job. Did he live up to his name?
No! Surely some of the other servants said to him, “Useful, Onesimus? No,
you’re useless!”

Onesimus was unhappy. He wished he was not a slave. He watched his

master and his master’s wife and family and felt an outsider. “They have
everything. I have nothing,” he may have muttered. Every week people
came to Philemon’s home and sang, prayed and were taught from the
Bible. Some slaves belonged to this group and seemed happy in it, but not
Onesimus—he did not belong there. He probably grumbled and complained
as he did as little as possible. Other slaves may have told him, “We are well
off here. Philemon is a good man. If you were with another master he would
have killed you.”

The Big Picture

Onesimus decided he would do something to solve his problems and make

him happy. “I’ll run away,” he thought. “A new life away from here is what I
need.” As far as we know, he stole some of Philemon’s money or possessions.
“That will keep me going until I find work,” was his idea.

Flashcard 5-2

He sneaked away from Philemon’s place without being noticed or caught. It

was probably at night so he could travel quite a distance without being seen.
Life was exciting—it might even be fun because he had money to spend!

Onesimus did not know that, although he had run away from CT
a place and a job he hated, he had taken his biggest problem
with him. His biggest problem was Onesimus. Like you and
me, God made Onesimus for Himself. We were created by
God to belong to God and to have a close relationship with
Him. But we are sinners and instead of wanting God we
turn away from Him. In the Bible we read that, rather than
belonging to God, we are outsiders and strangers “having no
hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12). Even
going to live in the place of your dreams does not change
that. Running away did not change it either.

Mixed in with the excitement there was real danger. If a runaway slave was
captured he would be severely punished—perhaps even killed. Runaway
slaves had already caused big trouble for the Romans and they were not
going to allow that to happen again. Onesimus never felt safe and it was not
much fun sleeping in deserted buildings. Once he had spent all the stolen
money, he had to be willing to do the dirtiest and hardest work … or did he
steal again?

Day after day the runaway slave trudged on. His hopes were high, because
he knew where he was going. Rome was a wonderful city where life would
be good! So many people lived there it would be easy to hide. It would have
taken a long time to get there on foot because it was over 2,000 kilometres
from Philemon’s place. (Give a comparison with places the children know. For
information, Philemon lived in Colossae - see Philemon 1, Colossians 1:1-2, Colossians 4:7-9.)
It would be worth it—at least Onesimus hoped so.

Flashcard 5-3

Rome at last—and what a place! Buildings were big and beautiful and
the city was crowded with people. There were chariot races and gladiator
contests and even the possibility of snacking on snails fattened on milk!
Onesimus could not, however, have fun all day. He was too busy trying to
survive. He had to take any work he got. He could not really trust anyone
with his story, for even in Rome runaway slaves were arrested. Among all
those people he felt very lonely; he did not belong. Probably the memories
of his thieving made him more miserable, alone and lost.

Lesson 5

CT Have you ever felt like that, even in a very nice place? The
Bible tells us that God is our true home and away from Him
we are lost. (Based on Psalm 90:1.) The sad thing is that on
your own you cannot find your way back to God and sin
makes you not even want to. People are not like pigeons!
For hundreds of years pigeons were used to carry messages
because they are so good at finding their way home. People
do not make their way home to God on their own. We learned
in our memory verse that you can know God and belong to
Him for ever. (Show the central truth visual.) There is Someone
who can bring you home to Him. If only sad Onesimus could
have known this!

Flashcard 5-4

Somehow Onesimus met a prisoner in Rome. The prisoner’s name was

Paul. He was not a criminal; he was in prison for telling people about Jesus
Christ. Onesimus remembered the people who used to meet in Philemon’s
home—they too believed in Jesus. Paul was kind to the runaway slave and
Onesimus trusted him enough to tell him his story. We do not know exactly
what they said to each other, but perhaps it was something like this. (Two
leaders may role‑play this dialogue.)

CT (Paul:) Onesimus, your problem isn’t simply that you

have run away from Philemon your master.

(Onesimus:) What do you mean?

(Paul:) The real problem is that you are running away

from God, the one who made you for Himself.

(Onesimus:) How do you know?

(Paul:) I did the same myself. I fought hard against

God. Then one day Jesus Christ Himself
showed me who He is and what He did for me.

(Onesimus:) Tell me more.

(Paul:) Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He came from

Heaven to earth to bring people back to God.
There was only one way to do that—He was
nailed to a cross and died for your sins and
mine. He came back to life—I know, for He met
me. He can bring you to God; you can be close
to God and belong to Him for ever. Onesimus,
your Creator can be your friend!

(Onesimus:) How can that happen to me—a slave and a


The Big Picture

(Paul:) If you are truly sorry for going against God,

depend completely on Jesus to make things
right between you and God. Then you can have
a close relationship with God.

(Teacher:) It was probably after a number of discussions with Paul that

Onesimus put his trust in Jesus to bring him home to God. From that
moment Onesimus belonged to God. Paul wrote parts of the Bible and this
is how he described what happens when people trust Jesus Christ: “But now
in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the
blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13).

You too can belong to God. (Show the central truth visual.) When CTU
you trust Jesus Christ, you come home to God and belong
to Him for ever. Instead of being a stranger and far off from
God, you are His friend and close to Him.

If you really want to belong to God but you are not sure how
M ake yo ur s e l f av ailab le for
it can happen to you, I will be happy to explain more from the personal counselling. (Be sure to
Bible. Just come and speak to me after club. I will be (designate comply with the Child Protection
an appropriate place). Policy of your country.)

No visual

Back in Rome nothing had changed for Onesimus. It was as hard as ever to
find jobs and enough food. He was still a runaway slave who had to be very
careful—but Onesimus was different. He was no longer alone, for God was
with him. Even though he still didn’t feel he belonged in that great city, he
belonged to God. The guilt that had troubled him was gone, for Jesus had
taken his sin and guilt and put it away when He died on the cross.

It can be the same for you. You can belong to God (show the CTU
central truth visual), just like Onesimus!

Onesimus visited Paul as often as he could. He had so much to learn about

life with God. Also he really wanted to help Paul in any way he could. At last
he wanted to be useful! He and Paul became very close friends.

One day Paul said, “Onesimus, you have become like a son to me but I think
it is time you went back to your master.”

Onesimus did not like the idea. He was afraid he would be punished when
he went back. Paul explained, “I will write a letter to Philemon. I know him
well—actually I was the one who told him about Jesus Christ.”

Flashcard 5-5

Although his eyesight was very bad, Paul took up his quill pen and carefully
wrote a letter to Philemon. In it he asked Philemon to welcome back
Onesimus “no longer as a slave but more than a slave—a beloved brother”
(Philemon 16). Paul assured Philemon that Onesimus would now be useful
to him and even offered to pay anything Onesimus owed.

Lesson 5

Flashcard 5-6

It was hard for Paul and Onesimus to say goodbye, but soon Onesimus and
another man (who also believed in Jesus) left Rome carrying the letter. The
runaway slave had plenty of time to think about what Philemon might say
or do. I am sure he talked to God about it too. Now that he belonged to God
he could share every problem with Him—and so can you when you have
put your trust in the Lord Jesus.

At long last they arrived at Philemon’s home. What a shock it would have
been for Philemon to see his useless runaway slave at his door! And he had
a letter from Paul, Philemon’s dear friend. This made no sense. What would

We are not told in the Bible! But we can be sure Philemon welcomed him,
just as his friend Paul had asked. Philemon would have been very, very
happy to hear that Onesimus now belonged to God—just like him. That
made them brothers.

Life was so different from before because Onesimus was different. He was
useful to Philemon and he joined the group who believed in Jesus. That is
where he belonged because, like them, he had come home to God.

CTU We are back where we started on our first day here.

Remember how Adam and Eve lost their close friendship
with God? Today we have learned how to have it back. Is
that what you want for you? Like Onesimus, depend on Jesus
Christ to make things right between you and God, to bring
you close together for ever. Remember how Paul wrote about
it: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have
been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13).
You can belong to God! (Show the central truth visual.) And it is for
ever, because even when your life ends dying does not end
the belonging. God will take you to live with Him for ever.

(Truth Catcher:) I am so excited about what we learned today! I almost forgot

to think up hard questions! But, no, I didn’t let you down. I have four hard
questions. The person who gets the right answer first will be appointed
a Junior Truth Catcher. (Truth Catcher asks the following questions and gives out the

• How are people not like pigeons?

• Why does it say in the Bible that we are brought near to God “by
the blood of Christ”?
• What difference would it make to you every day if you belong to
• For people who trust Jesus Christ, why does dying not end the
belonging to God?

The Big Picture

(Teacher:) Those were hard questions! Well done Junior Truth Catchers!

(Truth Catcher:) And well done me for thinking them up. I now have a
question for the leaders to see if anyone knows enough to take my place.
Here is your question: name the man who went with Onesimus back to
Philemon. (Leaders suggest different—wrong—names.)

(One of the leaders:) Truth Catcher, you don’t know either.

(Truth Catcher:) Oh yes, I do. I have studied God’s book of truth. It was a man
called Tychicus. (Colossians 4:7-9.) (The leaders are amazed.) Not one of you
qualifies—the job is mine for keeps!


“Discus throw”
1. What does Onesimus mean? (Useful.) Materials:
• 2 or 3 paper plates.
• A small mat.
2. What did Onesimus do to make things better for himself? (He ran away • A tape measure.
from his master.) Instructions:
When a child answers a question
3. Why didn’t running away solve his problems? (His biggest problem was for his team he becomes a Roman
himself.) discus thrower! He stands on the
mat and throws a paper plate as
far as he can (in a safe direction).
4. What was Onesimus’ biggest problem? (His sin separated him from Measure the distance between the
God.) mat and the “discus”. The thrower’s
team is awarded one point for every
centimetre. At the end of the quiz the
5. Why was life so dangerous for Onesimus when he ran away? (It was a team with the highest score wins. You
crime for slaves to run away; if caught they were punished and perhaps may also wish to acknowledge the
even killed.) individual who achieved the longest

6. What city did Onesimus go to? (Rome.)

7. How was life for him in Rome? (Unsafe, lonely, etc.)

8. Who was Paul? (A prisoner in Rome—imprisoned for telling others

about Jesus.)

9. What good news did Paul tell Onesimus? (The Gospel—the children
will express this in their own words.)

10. What great change happened in Onesimus? (He trusted Jesus Christ to
bring him back to God; he had friendship with God.)

11. What did he take from Paul when he went back to his master? (A letter
from Paul asking Philemon to welcome him as a brother.)

12. Fill in the missing word: “But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far
off have been brought near by the ___ of Christ.” (Blood.)

Lesson 5

M E M O RY V E R S E ( PA R T 2 )
(Divide the children into three groups according to age. Three leaders will each be responsible for
a review activity lasting 3-4 minutes. The children move from one leader to the next at a given
signal. If your group is small, keep the children together for each activity. Before beginning the
competition in each activity, display the memory verse visual and repeat the verse together two
or three times. The leaders may choose whether or not to leave the memory verse on display.)

Activity 1—Skittles. Mix up each of the two sets of cards with the words
(but keep the two sets separate). Divide the group into two teams. Each
team has three skittles and a ball. The first child in each team rolls the ball
towards the skittles. If it knocks down a skittle he gets a word from the
memory verse, if he knocks down two skittles he gets two and if all fall he
gets three. Continue with the children taking turns until a team has got
all the words, put them in order and repeated the verse together. Younger
children will need help to put the words in order.

Activity 2—Catch. The children and the leader stand in a circle and throw
the ball to each other. When a child catches the ball the section on which
his right thumb is indicates the number of words from the memory verse
he should say before throwing the ball to another child. That child in turn
says the next words of the verse according to what his right thumb indicates.
You may add a competitive element by seeing who gets their thumb in the
highest score section of the ball each time the verse is repeated.

Activity 3—Defeat the leader. The leader numbers the words of the
memory verse—“For” = 1, “God” = 2, “so” = 3 and so on. (Only the leader
sees this information.) The leader calls out a number and the children say
which word corresponds. For example, if the leader calls, “Nine,” the correct
word is “gave”. If they get it right first time, the number is the score they get
for their team. If they get it wrong first time, the leader gets that score. The
children will learn not to answer too quickly and to confer. At the end count
up the scores to see who has won.

Friendship bracelets. Cut the straws into bead-size pieces. Each child
strings beads onto his pipe cleaner using whatever colour he chooses. When
he has enough to go around his wrist and over his hand he joins the pipe
cleaner and trims off any that is not needed.

Remind the children that this is not a friendship bracelet to give away. They
keep it to remind them that through the Lord Jesus they can have friendship
with God.

(Lesson 2—Lesson)

Fold flap over string or ribbon.
God is the only,
real God.
God is
Bunting flags

The Big Picture

Fold flap over string or ribbon.
Fold flap over string or ribbon.

God controls
is holy.

Fold flap over string or ribbon.


The Big Picture

Fold flap over string or ribbon.
God can
forgive you.
is love.

The Big Picture

Fold flap over string or ribbon.
1 3
Fold flap over string or ribbon. Fold flap over string or ribbon.
Mini bunting flags

God is God controls

everywhere. nature.

real God.
God is the only,

Fold flap over string or ribbon.


The Big Picture

(Lesson 2—Craft activity)
The Big Picture
4 6
Fold flap over string or ribbon. Fold flap over string or ribbon.

God God can

is holy. forgive you.

is love.

Fold flap over string or ribbon.


Crown template 2 (Lesson 3—Craft activity)

60 The Big Picture

Crown template 1 (Lesson 3—Lesson)

Take your pick (Lesson 4—Memory verse)

Say the verse alone

The leaders say the verse.
and get a treat.

Truth Catcher and the

Everyone runs on the spot
children who are six years old
and says the verse.
say the verse together.

Everyone makes himself

Everyone who likes
as small as possible
ice cream says the verse.
and whispers the verse.

The Big Picture 61

Junior Truth Catcher certificates (Lesson 5—Lesson)


62 The Big Picture
How to lead a How to help a saved child
child to Christ have assurance of salvation
Make sure the child understands about: The importance of
having assurance of salvation
There are many reasons why a child may lack
• Who is God?
assurance of his salvation. He may be wondering,
• God made us. He speaks to us through the Bible.
“Did I believe enough? Did I pray enough? Was
• God is holy and pure. He loves us.
I sincere enough?”
Sin Salvation is a gift from God and is based on what
• What is sin? Jesus did, not on what the child did. It is therefore
• Sin is disobeying God‘s commands. It is against important to help him focus on what God has
God. said and done, and to help him see that both
• Speak about specific sins. salvation and assurance of salvation are based on
• The child is a sinner by nature and act. (We sin the promises given in God’s Word, not on feelings
because we are sinners.) (Romans 10:17).
• Sin deserves punishment.
The Saviour Speak about assurance of salvation
• Who alone can take away your sin? • Question the child about his salvation, giving him
• God the Son died on the cross for sinners. opportunity to confess Christ to you. If he does not
• The Lord Jesus rose again from the dead. show clarity, go over the steps given for leading a
• He is Lord of all. child to Christ.
• Read a Bible verse together. (1 John 5:12,
Explain how the child can be saved 1 John 5:13, John 10:29, John 10:28, Acts 16:31,
• Explain what the Lord wants us to do, and what He Romans 10:13 or John 1:12.)
will do.
Use a Bible verse. (John 1:12, John 3:16, • Help him to see that the person who truly trusts in
John 6:37, Acts 16:31, Romans 6:23 or Christ can know that he is saved.
Romans 10:13.) • Remind him that God always keeps His promises.
What does the Lord want you to do?
What will the Lord do? • Ask questions, such as, “Have you repented of your
• Warn about difficulties. sins? Do you believe that Jesus died to take the
• Ask, “Do you want to trust Christ, or would you punishment for your sins and that He rose again?
rather wait and think about it?” Have you already trusted Him for salvation?”
• Encourage the child to pray audibly (if ready). Encourage him to tell you about when he was
saved and help him to see that if he can answer
“yes” to these questions he is saved.
Speak about assurance of salvation
• Speak about a changed life. A saved child should
• Go back to the Bible verse you used.
display changes in behaviour and attitude, even
• Speak about a changed life.
if the changes happen gradually. It may help the
• Tell him what the person who is truly trusting in
child if he can identify a change which has already
Christ can know.
happened in his own life.

Give the child (later) some advice • Help him to see that Christians do sin and that
when he does he should ask God to forgive him.
about the Christian life Point out that he does not need to be saved again.
• Read and obey your Bible.
• Talk to God, your Heavenly Father.
• Tell others what the Lord has done for you. Give the child some advice
• Ask God to forgive you when you sin. about the Christian life
• Meet with other Christians. • Read and obey your Bible.
• Remember the Lord promises, “I will never leave • Talk to God, your Heavenly Father.
you” (Hebrews 13:5). • Tell others what the Lord has done for you.
• Ask God to forgive you when you sin.
• Meet with other Christians.
• Remember the Lord promises, “I will never leave
you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Black Sea

• Rome

Ionian Sea
ç Tarshish Sea

• Colossae

• Nineveh

Mediterranean Sea
Sea of Galilee
Joppa • Jordan River
Jerusalem •

Dead Sea

Nile River

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