Does The Self Exist Chapter Five
Does The Self Exist Chapter Five
Does The Self Exist Chapter Five
Self Esteem
Ideal Self
Actual Self
Fantasy Apeeal
Virtual Identity
Online people
assume a virtual
identity. One
example could be the
use of an avatar in virtual world's or video games. Sherry Turkle
in Rethinking Identity through Virtual Community discusses how
people online become the authors of a text about themselves.
People can filter how they appear and filter how others see them
through selected sharing of experiences.
In other words, if people feel less than complete they buy products
to feel more complete. Consider Dr. Evil of the Austin Powers film
series, who says to Mini Me, "You complete me." That's symbolic
Products have more use than just their stated one. They act
as symbols. There is meaning attached to our possessions.
For example, the Nike swoosh signifies something more than a
running shoe; it is a kind of cultural currency that represents a value
related to design and its celebrity endorsers.The swoosh is
immediately recognized and has value and a rich meaning. When a
person buys the brand, they also become advertisements for the
Another part of the extended self is our pets...see some ads that
show pets who appear quite similar to their owner's self. Cesar Pet
Owner Ads (inside link)
Name a valued possession that you are wrapped up in. How much
like you is it?
Does your gender determine the cereal you buy or the soda
you purchase?
Gay and lesbian consumers are noticed by marketers more today.
Many couples have dual incomes without dependents.
Ad Age has a great list of 2015 Top LGBT themed ads that you can
see here.
Today we even see the Dad Bod."He's not 'beach body ready', he
eats too much and he hasn't been to the gym recently, but the
'dadbod' is the internet's new favourite male stereotype, says Chris
Mandle" See this Australian ad
Stereotyping men?
Stereotyping Women
Female Empowerment
The Beginnings of Femvertising (defined as advertising that employs pro-
female talent, messages, and imagery to empower women and girls)
Wonderbra: Woman
Thinness: An
as object
Obsession!! Violence
Femvertising is the trend for brands to sell female empowerment. Dove was early on
with the movement, but there are now numerous others, that often include hashtags like
#unstoppable, # LikeAGirl, #ShineStrong, #InspireHerMind, etc. Joh St., a Toronto
agency has parodied the genre.
"To cater to the increasingly popular trend of femvertising, john st. has opened jane st.,
an agency that specializes in empowering women through advertising. Visit to discover how your brand can leverage girlpower to help boost
women’s self-esteem, and most importantly, your bottom line." (source: John St video
"Jane St")
What do you think of the parody? How do you feel about femvertising?