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Does The Self Exist Chapter Five

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Does the Self Exist?

Is the Self viewed differently in different cultures?

Who are you? See Betty White Superbowl Ad 2010 http://youtu.be/uA7-


The Self Concept :

The attitude a person holds towards her/himself; the beliefs about

your own attributes; composed of many attributes; can be distorted

Self Esteem

The positivity of one's attitude towards oneself; marketing can alter

by triggering social comparison

Ideal Self

Ideal Self is a person's conception of how

they would like to be; partially based on
elements of one's culture

Example:  I want to be different, Apple

The Army says they can make you into a better

self http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkKF4ZcqW14

Actual Self

Actual Self-A person's realistic appraisal

of his/her qualities
Maybe this is me?

Reebok: Where your couch is out to get

you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U2F2msyG3w

Fantasy Apeeal

A self-induced shift in consciousness,

often focusing on some unattainable or
improbable goal; sometimes fantasy is a
way of compensating for a lack of
external stimulation or for dissatisfaction
with the actual self.

Yeah, that's me!

Today everybody can be famous..be in a reality show, create an ad

Axe makes commercials that appeal to

fantasy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzSQtMhC_Xg

Our aging population and affluence fuel demand for fantasy-status

conscious- youth oriented

Virtual Identity

Online people
assume a virtual
identity. One
example could be the
use of an avatar in virtual world's or video games. Sherry Turkle
in Rethinking Identity through Virtual Community  discusses how
people online become the authors of a text about themselves.

People can filter how they appear and filter how others see them
through selected sharing of experiences.

Online in social networks people can reflect an image of themselves

that may be less like their actual self and more like their ideal self.

The Looking-Glass Self

The process of imagining the reaction of others towards


You think I'm sexy, don't you?

Symbolic Self-Completion Theory

The Symbolic Self-Completion Theory is the
perspective that people who have
an incomplete self-definition in some
context will compensate by acquiring
symbols associated with desired social

Example:  If I own one (an Apple), I will

be like them

The theory argues that many activities people partake in are to

prove their definition of themselves. When people are unsure of
themselves, they may use possessions to show who they
are. Individuals demonstrate materialism (success as having wealth
and possessions) when definitions of themselves are uncertain or

Advertising targets consumers feelings of "incompleteness" by

showing how products will make up for their incompleteness. The
products symbolize some missing quality or qualities. Old Spice uses
phrases such as "smell like a man, man." The brand promises
masculinity. The user feels more confident how others see them.
Apple wants consumers to think different, be unique. Consumers
buying the product may see themselves as different, unique,
creative. You can think of the product as a kind of crutch to prop
you up

In other words, if people feel less than complete they buy products
to feel more complete. Consider Dr. Evil of the Austin Powers film
series, who says to Mini Me, "You complete me." That's symbolic

The picture that a person portrays to the world on facebook may be

an example of symbolic self-completion theory. We see a filtered
view. Perhaps they look to be eternally having fun in a perfect
relationship. In fact the truth could be the opposite!

Self-image Congruence Models

Self-image congruence
models are approaches
based on the prediction
that products will be
chosen when their
attributes match some
aspect of the self
Example:  I'm unique

Self Image congruence models show that a consumer rates himself

to match perception of their car, sometimes we are like the product
we consume; we may describe an object and then that description
may match ourselves.

Click here for Scale to measure Product Images and Self-

Images (inside link)

Who are we? Are we more than one person to different

people and in different situations?

What different roles do you play in your life?

We are like actors playing roles in different situations-"role


Symbolic Interaction Theory

Symbolic interaction stresses that relationships with others play a
large part in forming the self; meaning is attached to symbols; we
have shared meanings for signs; assessing who we are is in
constant change.

We tend to pattern our behaviour on perceived expectations of

others in a self-fulfilling prophecy

We are affected by self-consciousness to different degrees; some

are concerned with their image and are high self-monitors who
evaluate products on the effect they will have on others
People act based on symbolic meanings they find within any given
situation or object. People interact with the symbols, forming
relationships around them. The goals of interactions with one
another are to create shared meaning. Our culture helps us to
identify meanings in objects.

Products have more use than just their stated one. They act
as symbols. There is meaning attached to our possessions.
For example, the Nike swoosh signifies something more than a
running shoe; it is a kind of cultural currency that represents a value
related to design and its celebrity endorsers.The swoosh is
immediately recognized and has value and a rich meaning. When a
person buys the brand, they also become advertisements for the

As we have mentioned we are like actors playing roles in different

situations. We have "role identities"

According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, each

person potentially has many social selves. Who we are or
which self we activate is continually evolving as we respond
to new people and situations.


Some products are so important to the role we play that they

become part of the extended self

The Extended Self

Extended Self -the definition of self created by the external objects

with which one surrounds oneself
This is part of my extended self: my extended bank account!

or maybe Great Grandma's locket

Four levels of Extended Self

1. Individual level: personal possessions; jewelry,

car, clothes
2. Family level: residence, furnishings house as body
for family
3. Community level: in terms of your neighbourhood,
town, city,
4. Group Level; social groups, landmarks,
monuments, sports teams

Some products are so important to the role we play that they

become part of the extended self

Another part of the extended self is our pets...see some ads that
show pets who appear quite similar to their owner's self. Cesar Pet
Owner Ads (inside link)

Loss of Self can be experienced when things are stolen or

possessions no allowed: prison wear, school uniform

People use an individual's consumption behaviours to make

judgments about them; example-a person who eats a salad versus a
person who eats a big burger; person who wears jeans versus suit-
even the type of jeans

Name a valued possession that you are wrapped up in. How much
like you is it?

Marketer's make it easy-Want to make a model of yourself and try

on clothes? Check out http://modelmyoutfit.com/ Companies now
are using 3D augmented reality mirrors to let you see how a product will look on you.
See this example

Does your gender determine the cereal you buy or the soda
you purchase?

Do we conform to the cultural expectations of our gender?

Society's assumptions about proper roles are communicated to us in

many ways including advertising. Unlike maleness and femaleness
masculinity and femininity are not biologic

Sextyping of products is perpetuated by advertising- What products

can you think of that are masculine/feminine?  Ads can perpetuate
cheesecake role of woman or beefcake role of man. Stereotyping -
JC Penny: Beware the Doghouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?

Gay and lesbian consumers are noticed by marketers more today.
Many couples have dual incomes without dependents.

See this early European example the Boy Toy

Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdTyISEM-D8

Some researchers (Ruth Malone, PhD) believe that the tobacco

industry has unethically targeted the gay community which in turn
relates to increased smoking in gay men (Gay Health website found
48.5% of gay and bisexual men reported smoking versus 28.6% for
straight men)

Advertisers today target gays and lesbians with 6.8% of the US

lesbian, gay or bisexual and with $641 buying power, marketers are
realize it's takes more than using a rainbow flag in an ad.

For an interesting overview of LGBTQ advertising see The

Commercial Closet:The World's Largest Collection of Gay
Advertising The organization now is also known as AdRespect
Can you think of recent ads that are more inclusive?

Ad Age has a great list of 2015 Top LGBT themed ads that you can
see here.

Read about LGBTQ best practices on the Human Rights Campaign

website LGBTQ Marketing and Advertising Best Practices

Men: Gender Roles and Stereotypes

The Metrosexual

Marketers are constantly on the lookout to identify new trends and

to label any new target market; in the last decade marketers paid
attention to the Metrosexual market defined as a man tough on the
inside but soft around the edges: He loves designer clothes, but is
comfortable competing in sport but he's not gay. David Beckham the
British soccer player is often used as an example- he wears nail
polish, changes his hairstyle regularly is married to Posh Spice and
doesn't mind being admired by either sex.

Creating a category of metrosexual, created the opporunity to create

all sorts of products that men formally did not use.

in 2005 some marketers started to reject the metrosexual pitch for

a more politically incorrect pitch with sex, wacky humor and "bad-
boy" attitude. Carl's Jr Burger chain has Paris Hilton in their ads and
Axe uses the over the top male pitch

In this commercial Bud Lite helps women exchange their

metrosexual for a Bud man http://vimeo.com/16700138

2009-10-11 MEN- When men are Men?

According to Ad Age (Sept 21, 2009) Alcohol Advertising began

taking a new approach. Ads began to ask men to live by "the Code"
of chivalry and say things like, "Damn right your dad drank it" and
"Guys never Change" In a rejection of the metrosexual, it is
harkening back to the era of Mad Me . People were going out less
and drinking at home more. Consumers also were downgrading to
lower price. This trend was about "Man Laws." Timeless masculinity
is comforting in unstable times. In a recession caused by greed,
brands want to be selfless and workmanlike read
more http://adage.com/article?article_id=139126

in the 2010 Superbowl Dodge Charger created Man's Last

Stand..telling everything a man might do and all for a
Charger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPmYxLUoZVc

2015 Trend The Dad Bod

Today we even see the Dad Bod."He's not 'beach body ready', he
eats too much and he hasn't been to the gym recently, but the
'dadbod' is the internet's new favourite male stereotype, says Chris
Mandle" See this Australian ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Stereotyping men?

For years women have complained about being stereotyped. There

has been a backlash with organizations --Society for the
Prevention of Misandry in the Media - fathersandhusbands.org
(this one didn't last) and Standyourground.com -- coming out
complaining about the recurring image in ads of "men as idiots"
There's even a blog dedicated to stupid men
commercials http://stupidmancommercials.blogspot.com/

Men's Standard's of Beauty Around the World

Male Stereotypes


Body image is the subjective picture or mental image of one's

own body. A person's satisfaction of self is linked to their culture's
idea of beauty. Physical appearance is a large part of a person's self-
concept. Our body image is not always correct; man may feel he is
muscular; woman may feel she is fat. Marketing strategies often
exploit a consumer's tendency to distort themselves increasing the
gap between what is real and imagined

A 2015 report from Common Sense Media found that children as

young as 5 are worried about body image. Over 50% girls and 30%
of boys 6 to 8  years old think their ideal weight is lower than their
current weight.

What products appeal to our fears of body image?

Campaigns can be sneaky-In 2005 a mysterious campaign started

appearing with the line  "I am Julie"- In the first ad, Julie is floating
in gently rippling water: "Last vacation was the first time I ever
dared to wear a bikini!"  The ads end with  "Ask your doctor about
Julie's story. Medical treatment options available." What was it all
about? It was an ad for a diet drug.

See About Face (outside link) to read about and see examples of

stereotyping , objectification, and offensive ads

Stereotyping Women

Female Empowerment
The Beginnings of Femvertising (defined as advertising that employs pro-
female talent, messages, and imagery to empower women and girls)

in 2004-5 Dove started a campaign celebrating real women with a

Dove website and in August 2005 Nike introduced a campaign also
saluting real women and their "big butts, thunder thighs"

See Dove campaign https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=iYhCn0jf46U and Dove
Onslaught https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zKfF40jeCA  

Does Dove really care or is it marketing? What do you think?

See a parody here http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=SwDEF-w4rJk

Read what CMO magazine has to say about the above

campaigns Real Beauty- Real Sales?
Ad Age reported in Oct 2009 that German magazine Brigitte as of
2010 they would no longer use models in its pages. Instead they will
use real women from various areas, their staff, women readers -see
the article http://adage.com/globalnews/article?
article_id=139485 The article also talks about French politicians
writing legislation that demands that air-brushed photos be
identified as such, and as notes that in Spain there is a minimum
body-mass index for models.

Wonderbra: Woman
Thinness: An
as object  
Obsession!! Violence


Femvertising is the trend for brands to sell female empowerment. Dove was early on
with the movement, but there are now numerous others, that often include hashtags like
#unstoppable, # LikeAGirl, #ShineStrong, #InspireHerMind, etc. Joh St., a Toronto
agency has parodied the genre.

"To cater to the increasingly popular trend of femvertising, john st. has opened jane st.,
an agency that specializes in empowering women through advertising. Visit
www.janest.ca to discover how your brand can leverage girlpower to help boost
women’s self-esteem, and most importantly, your bottom line." (source: John St video
"Jane St")

Caution: The parody below contains some racy content.

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGJlrbpFa4k

What do you think of the parody? How do you feel about femvertising?

Is beauty universal? (balance. waist hip ratio)

To read about the amazing appearances of the peculiar number
1.618... in nature, the arts, and psychology. See The golden ratio
and aesthetics (http://plus.maths.org/issue22/features/golden/ )

For an interesting read on the Myth of universal beauty see this BBC


Has the ideal beauty changed over time?


Women's Ideal Body Types Throughout

As consumers try to match to an ideal, much effort is put into
altering the body; diets, surgery, clothing. All these alterations
involve spending money, usually buying something or buying into

What preconceived ideas do we have about hair? What ways do

cultures decorate the body? What is acceptable in our culture? How
has it changed over the years?

Body decoration may serve functions of separating group members

from non members, mark individuals or provide sense of security.

How have marketers influenced these ideas? Is it good or bad?  Can

we really just be who we are and feel good about it?

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