Colicin V Plasmid

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MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1991, p. 437-450 Vol. 55, No.

Copyright C 1991, American Society for Microbiology

Colicin V Virulence Plasmids

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon 97201

INTRODUCTION ................................................... 437

HISTORICAL OVERVIEW ................................................... 437
PROPOSED VIRULENCE-RELATED PHENOTYPES ................................................... 439
Colicin V ................................................... 439
Aerobactin Iron Uptake System ................................................... 440
Increased Serum Survival and Resistance to Phagocytosis ................................................... 442
Intestinal Epithelial Cell Adherence, Hydrophobicity, and Motility ............................................... 444
MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF COLV PLASMIDS ................................................... 445
Genetic Maps of pColV-B188 and pColV-K3445 ................................................... 445
Mobility of the Aerobactin System Genes ................................................... 446
CONCLUDING REMARKS .................................................... 447
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................... 447
REFERENCES ................................................... 447

INTRODUCTION tions, including the following. (i) Which virulence factors are
ColV virulence plasmids are a heterogeneous group of encoded by which particular ColV plasmids? (ii) Are these
large plasmids of the IncFI incompatibility group which virulence properties associated with particular clinical con-
encode the production of a colicin known as colicin V. ditions? (iii) How do the various virulence properties con-
Colicins are antibiotic substances that are produced by tribute to the overall pathogenicity of the bacterial host? (iv)
certain members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and that What controls the expression of these properties? (v) How
have lethal action against related sensitive strains (41). As important are plasmid copy number, plasmid replication,
the name implies, colicins were originally thought to be incompatibility group, and host range in the expression of
produced- predominantly by Eseherichia coli strains (43). these virulence properties? (vi) Could ColV plasmids be
Other bacteria were later found, however, that produce used as a model system to study the epidemiology, evolu-
similarly acting substances, requiring the broader term "bac- tion, and molecular biology of other large virulence plas-
teriocins." Among the colicins so far described are colicins mids? Studies which have begun to address these questions
V, A, B, Ta, Tb, K, N, and El (84). Like F factors, are reviewed herein.
colicinogenic factors were described before it was recog- In the past it has often been assumed that observations
nized that these factors were encoded by extrachromosomal derived from one ColV plasmid could be applied to all ColV
DNA molecules, or plasmids (40). Unlike other colicin- plasmids. More recently it has been found that the ColV
encoding plasmids, ColV plasmids are found primarily group is a diverse assortment of IncFI plasmids (114). All of
among virulent enteric bacteria and have been shown to these plasmids by definition encode colicin V, but may or
encode several virulence-related properties in addition to may not encode other properties related to virulence. The
colicin V. How ColV plasmids contribute to the virulence of contribution of ColV plasmids to virulence is a complex
enteric bacteria is the subject of this review. issue, owing to their diversity and size, since they range
The colicin V phenomenon was first described 66 years from 80 to 180 kb (Table 1), and also to the complexity of the
ago (48), but strains carrying ColV plasmids are still being individual factors. Properties that have been associated with
isolated from clinical specimens. ColV plasmids have thus ColV plasmids include colicin V, plasmid transfer-related
survived the changing selective pressures of the past 66 functions, the aerobactin iron uptake system, increased
years, an era including the advent and widespread use of serum survival, resistance to phagocytosis, change in motil-
antibiotics. Indeed, the use of antimicrobial agents may have ity, hydrophobicity, and intestinal epithelial cell adherence.
selected for plasmid carriage of the virulence-related prop- (In addition to conjugal mobility of the entire plasmid is the
erties encoded by ColV plasmids, since these plasmids are in potential for genetic mobility of some of the individual
most cases transferable and could be spread from an antibi- plasmid-encoded properties.) The ColV plasmid properties
otic-sensitive strain to a resistant strain in vivo, providing have distinctive but complementary roles during the infec-
"quantum leaps" toward virulence (34). The low copy tion process. ColV plasmids thus present a unique transfer-
number of ColV plasmids may also have played a role in able package of virulence properties for the study of invad-
favoring ColV plasmid carriage of virulence factors that ing organisms which must pass through different
cannot be tolerated in high gene dosages. Such issues are environments of the vertebrate host.
incompletely understood at present. Systematic studies of
ColV plasmids are needed to address these and other ques- HISTORICAL OVERVIEW
In 1925 Andre Gratia first described the colicin V phenom-
Corresponding author. enon (48), calling it "principle V." It was named after a
t Present address: Division of Infectious Diseases, University of "colibacillus" strain which was virulent for animals and
California San Diego Medical Center, University of California San which Gratia called coli V. These cells "appeared normal"
Diego, 225 Dickinson Street, San Diego, CA 92103-1990. but were capable of causing the lysis of other cells, suspi-

TABLE 1. Distinguishing characteristics of ColV plasmids

Size (kbp) of HindIll fragment carrying: Known phenotypes
Plasmid Size
(kbp) No.IS]ofelement
of copies IS1 sequence
upstream from Downstream ISA
and aerobactin Aerobactin Other(s)
aerobactin genes genes system
pColV-P72 137 3 8.6 15.5 +
pColV-B188 80 2 8.6 45 + Adherence,' Tra-b
pColV-292 150 4 8.6 14.5 + Serum resistancec
pColV-H247 137 3 8.6 15.5 +
pColV-CA7V 98 3 15.8d NAe Tra-
pColV-K30 144 5 8.6 16.3 +
pColV-F70 150 4 8.6 14.5 + Serum resistance
pColV-F54 150 4 8.6 14.5 + Serum resistance
pColV-K229 180 7 8.6 14.5 +
pColV-K311 130 2 8.6 45 +
pColV-K328 140 2 8.6 45 +
a Plasmid-associated bacterial adherence to intestinal epithelial cells (21).
Transfer deficient (54, 97).
c Plasmid-associated bacterial growth in rabbit serum (see the text and reference 79).
d In pColV-CA7V, all three copies of ISI are contained within this 15.8-kbp HindlIl fragment, but the copy which is linked to REPI sequences is partially
eNA, Not applicalbe since pColV-CA7V is genotypically and phenotypically negative for the aerobactin iron uptake system.

ciously similar to the lysis caused by bacteriophages. Gratia ColV plasmids. Williams showed that the enhanced viru-
began characterization of the substance responsible for this lence associated with a ColV plasmid could be neutralized in
lysis of sensitive cells. He found that, unlike phages, this vivo by coinjecting iron with the bacterial inoculum into
substance did not regenerate and that it did not produce animals, and that the enhanced in vitro growth rate obtained
localized plaques typical of phages (48). He was able to with ColV-carrying cells over plasmidless cells in media
obtain resistant cells from a sensitive population, and he containing transferrin could be abolished if iron was also
noticed that this "antibiotic" substance diffused readily (this added to the media (117). These two observations indicated
property distinguished the coli V principle from similarly that the ColV plasmid was responsible for an iron uptake
acting substances), it passed through membranes imperme- system. Spectrophotometric data indicated that the iron
able to bacterial cells, and it was stable in chloroform and chelator was distinct from enterochelin, commonly pro-
serum (48). Later called colicin V (43), the activity appeared duced by strains of E. coli and other enteric bacteria (117).
to be specific for certain E. coli, Shigella, and Salmonella The ColV iron uptake system was found to encode an
strains (43, 96). Fredericq and Joiris surveyed a number of hydroxamate iron-chelating siderophore identified as aero-
these strains and found that pathogenic cells produced bactin (12, 113), the siderophore first discovered in culture
colicin V at about twice the frequency of nonpathogenic cells supernatants of "Aerobacter aerogenes" 62-1 (46). At this
(42). This observation raised the question of the potential time, the concept of a virulence property which facilitated
role of colicin V in virulence. bacterial growth under conditions of iron stress (117), such
It was demonstrated in 1962 by Nagel de Zwaig et al. that as in serum, was a novel concept. The concomitant discov-
the colicin V phenotype was transferable (74). The concept ery of an analogous plasmid-mediated iron uptake system in
of genetic transfer preceded the characterization of plasmids highly virulent strains of the fish pathogen Vibrio anguil-
as extrachromosomal self-replicating genetic elements. In larum (23) gave credibility to this concept, since in both
1965 DeWitt and Helinski, using cesium chloride density plasmid-mediated systems the loss of the relevant plasmid
gradient centrifugation, demonstrated that the similar factor greatly reduced virulence (23, 91, 97).
ColEl was an autonomous genetic element (31). This type of The plasmid pColV,I-K94, which does not specify an iron
experiment had also been performed with the F factor by uptake system but nonetheless affects the 50% lethal dose
Falkow et al. (35). In 1967 it was shown that ColV factors (LD50) of the bacterial host, was shown to encode a property
were F-like in that were rapidly and efficiently transferred in correlated with enhanced bacterial survival in fresh rabbit
exponentially growing cultures, and that the cells harboring serum and called iss (for increased serum survival) (10). In
these ColV factors were sensitive to "male-specific" RNA 1981 another virulence-related phenotype was attributed to a
phages (65). In 1976 Smith and Huggins confirmed that most ColV plasmid: increased in vitro adherence by ColV plas-
ColV plasmids were transferable; they also presented data mid-containing E. coli cells to mouse intestinal epithelium
from mixed-infection studies suggesting a role for colicin V (21). Eventually, eight phenotypes were attributed to ColV
in bacterial virulence (97). Smith had previously shown that plasmids. Since 1981, most investigators of ColV plasmids
67% of E. coli strains causing bacteremic infections in poultry have focused their attention on the aerobactin iron uptake
produced colicin V (96). However, in 1979, Quackenbush system. The distribution of the aerobactin system in E. coli
and Falkow used transposon mutagenesis to show that isolates from humans and the virulence of avian E. coli
bacteria carrying a ColV plasmid with a mutated colicin V strains as a function of aerobactin production were investi-
structural gene were as virulent to mice injected intraperito- gated (16, 62). In these studies, the presence of the aerobac-
neally as the nonmutant ColV plasmid-carrying bacteria (89). tin system was often presumed to indicate the presence of
The implications of these findings will be discussed below. the ColV plasmid. The risk of this practice became clear
Another work appearing in 1979 shifted the focus away when the aerobactin system was found to be chromosomally
from the study of colicin V as the primary virulence factor of encoded in E. coli Kl (108), enteroinvasive E. coli (66), and
VOL. 55, 1991 ColV PLASMIDS 439

a b
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P 0 R S T A B C D E F G l I J



FIG. 1. Electrophoretic profiles of ColV plasmid DNA digested with restriction enzymes HindIII and HindIII-BamHI. (a) Lanes: A and
K, pJHCP1, a cloned derivative of pColV-K30 (85); B and L, pColV-P72; C and M, pColV-B188; D and N, pColV-292; E and 0, pColV-H247;
F and P, pColV-CA7V; G and Q, pColV-K30; H and R, pColV-F70; I and S, pColV-F54; J, pJHCP1 restriction enzyme digested with XhoI
and lambda DNA digested with HindIll as molecular weight standards; T, lambda DNA digested with HindIlI. Lanes A through I are
HindIII-digested samples, and lanes K through S are HindIII-BamHI-digested samples. (b) Lanes: A and F, pJHCP1; B and G, pColV-K229;
C and H, pColV-K311; D and I, pColV-K328; E and J, pColV3-K30. Lanes A and E are HindIll-digested samples, and lanes F through J are
HindIII-BamHI-digested samples.

Shigellaflexneri (63). In 1983, the genes for the enzymes that all of the ColV plasmids studied. Except for the aerobactin
make up the biosynthetic pathway for the siderophore aero- iron uptake system (114), the distribution of the other
bactin, as well the structural gene for the outer membrane phenotypes among prototypic ColV plasmids is largely un-
receptor for ferric aerobactin, were cloned from the plasmid known. Thus far, it appears that most ColV plasmids carry,
pColV-K30 (8). In subsequent years several groups charac- in addition to colicin V, the virulence determinant aerobac-
terized the aerobactin systems operon (9, 13, 17, 27, 29, 52) tin, and some are known to carry other virulence determi-
and the flanking genetic regions (66, 85-87, 114) in terms of nants such as for serum resistance (Table 1). In compiling
genetic structure, function, and regulation. these data from clinical isolates, investigators have faced
Questions related to the plasmid biology of the ColV problems in identifying ColV plasmids. Only in recent years
plasmids have only recently been addressed. Using pColV- has there been some convention in nomenclature; without
K30, investigators in our laboratory have begun to charac- molecular fingerprints in the form of restriction enzyme
terize the primary replicon of ColV plasmids, REPI, as well digests (Fig. 1), some plasmids received more than one
as the genetic loci responsible for plasmid incompatibility designation or the designation of the host strain, and some
and partitioning (45, 85-87). As members of the IncFI distinct plasmids were given the same designation.
incompatibility group, ColV plasmids were considered en-
tirely F-like in their replication and incompatibility proper- Colicin V
ties (59, 60, 65), but important differences have been found
(45). The genetic linkage of the aerobactin system and Most characterized colicins range in molecular mass from
universally conserved replication region REPI found in a 27,000 to 80,000 Da and are inducible by conditions which
collection of ColV plasmids (114) raised the issue of the activate the SOS DNA repair response (54, 61). Colicin V,
suitability of these IncFI plasmids in carrying the aerobactin on the other hand, is a small molecule and is not SOS
system, especially since this "ColV-aerobactin genetic sys- inducible (56); it is therefore unusual among colicins. Fur-
tem" (115) (see below) has never been found on a non-IncFI thermore, colicin V is not released from the bacterial cell by
plasmid. Postulated mechanisms for genetic mobility of the means of cell lysis (the typical mechanism for most colicins),
aerobactin system should incorporate this genetic linkage. but rather appears to be exported (47). Because of these
The suitability of the IncFI ColV plasmids in relation to the properties, colicin V could be classified in the newly de-
plasmid carriage of the other properties has not been ex- scribed group of lower-molecular-weight bacteriocins called
plored, although colicin V also appears to be carried only by microcins (3). However, there are historical reasons to keep
such IncFI plasmids. the original classification. Colicin V was the first colicin to be
described, in 1925 by Gratia. At that time Gratia reported
PROPOSED VIRULENCE-RELATED PHENOTYPES that colicin V was stable for 30 min at 120°C (48). Years later
colicin V was believed to be an unstable protein, but an
It should be emphasized that the virulence-related pheno- effective method of stabilization was developed by using
types ascribed to ColV plasmids are not held in common by steam treatment of culture supernatants (122), which appar-

ently inactivated proteases attacking colicin V. Unfortu- colicin V was considered to be an antibiotic, with lethal
nately, colicin V could not be further purified from this activity against certain enteric organisms, but it was also the
stabilized preparation, but the partially purified substance focus of attention in attempts to explain why ColV plasmids
was used to show an inhibition of active transport across the were carried by virulent invasive E. coli strains. Indeed,
membranes of colicin V-sensitive cells and a lack of inhibi- there has been a renewed interest in colicins, in some cases
tion in colicin V-resistant cells (122). This was demonstrated because they mimic activities of other toxic entities such as
by a failure of the cells to take up radiolabeled proline. It was bacteriophage, diphtheria toxin, and antibiotics (84). Two
found that colicin V-treated cells could not generate a studies were reported in 1979 that examined the possibility
membrane potential, in contrast to the colicin V-treated cells that colicin V is a toxin affecting eukaryotic cells. Quacken-
carrying the colicin V immunity genes. It is believed that the bush and Falkow obtained mutants with Tnl transposon
effect of colicin V is not to induce increased permeability by insertion mutations in the colicin V structural gene of the
ion channel formation, the effect seen with the pore-forming ColV plasmid pColV-B188 (89). These mutants, when in-
colicins A, B, El, Ta, Ib, and K (84), since solute accumu- jected intraperitoneally, killed mice as efficiently as the
lation was not observed in colicin V-treated cells. Rather, parent ColV plasmid-containing strain. The authors specu-
the specific target of colicin V is thought to be the inner lated that some other genetic determinant for virulence
cytoplasmic membrane, where the membrane potential is enhancement could be closely linked to the colicin V-related
disrupted by an undefined mechanism (122). Colicin V does genes. Soon thereafter, Binns et al. presented evidence that
not lyse erythrocytes in solid or liquid media (18). this was in fact the case in pColV,I-K94 (10). Using clones
By maxicell analysis of E. coli carrying cloned colicin V and deletion derivatives of this plasmid, they tested patho-
and immunity genes from the plasmid pColV-B188, it was genicity by intramuscular injection of chickens to obtain the
concluded that the colicin and immunity peptides have LD5. Loss of about 20 kb of this plasmid increased the LD50
molecular masses of 4,000 and 6,500 Da, respectively (44). from i0s to 107, regardless of whether the colicin V struc-
Subsequently, minicell analysis of clones from the plasmid tural gene was also deleted. The critical region linked to the
pColV-K30 showed the colicin V and immunity peptides colicin V genes was found to encode a property which
migrating at 6,000 and 7,000 Da, respectively (47). In both increased the survival of E. coli in chicken serum (10).
studies, TnS transposon mutants of the relevant clones were Neither of the above studies addressed the role of colicin
obtained and the genes were localized to approximately the V in enhancing bacterial survival in a mixed population. In
same genetic region, 900 bp upstream from a BglII site. DNA such a physiological niche as the mammalian intestine,
sequencing of this 900-bp region should resolve the molecu- bacterial survival must involve successful competition with
lar mass disparities. The mechanism of colicin V immunity is diverse bacteria: a successful pathogen must first be a
unknown, although it is known that the immunity is specific successful parasite. Early studies by Smith and Huggins
for colicin V and does not protect against other colicins such demonstrated the enhanced survival of colicin V-producing
as colicin Ta (122). (In general, colicin immunity involves a E. coli strains in the colonization of human volunteers (99).
protein, encoded by the colicin-producing plasmid, which A mixture of E. coli organisms was consumed orally on the
interacts with the colicin to prevent its action.) first day. Of these organisms, 10% produced colicin V by
In addition to the genes for the colicin V structural and virtue of a nontransferable plasmid and 90% did not produce
immunity proteins, two plasmid genes are required for the colicin V. Of the two cell populations, only the colicin
export of colicin V. Thus, a total of four plasmid genes are V-producing E. coli strains were recovered by day 7. This
required for colicin V synthesis, export, and immunity. An experiment suggests that colicin V enhances intestinal sur-
E. coli chromosomal locus, cvpA, is also required for colicin vival of the host bacteria and thereby acts at the level of
V production (36). The plasmid genes have recently been colonization. However, the role of colicin V remains in
defined within a 4.2-kb region of DNA cloned from pColV- doubt for lack of the critical experiments: determining the
K30 by Glison et al. (47). They designated the immunity survival and colonization of ColV+ wild-type and ColV-
determinant cvi, the genes required for colicin V export derivative strains by using specifically mutated ColV genes
cvaA and cvaB, and the structural gene for colicin V cvaC. in mixed infections via oral inoculation. The potential com-
By minicell analysis of the TnS derivatives, the export petitive advantage conferred by colicin V could not be
proteins were estimated to be 43,000 and 27,000 Da, and it assessed in experiments involving intraperitoneal injection
was suggested that their encoding genes are overlapping of pure cultures; also, the specific role of colicin V in
(47). In studies with iron chelators and fur regulatory mu- colonization and invasion following oral administration, the
tants, it was found that colicin V synthesis is induced under normal route of E. coli acquisition, has not been evaluated.
conditions of iron limitation. Mutants with mutations in the The recent finding that the colicin V genotype was pre-
cir, tonB, and exbB genes are resistant to colicin V, suggest- dominantly chromosomal in diarrheal isolates and predomi-
ing that these gene products are involved in colicin V uptake nantly plasmid encoded in bacteremic isolates is circumstan-
(18). The cir gene product is the outer membrane receptor tial evidence for the greater importance of colicin V in the
for colicins Ia and Tb; it has also been suspected to be the gut (37). For a bacterium to persist in the gut, possession of
receptor for colicin V, but direct evidence is lacking. Cir is colicin V appears advantageous; for the bacterium to invade
involved in the transport of iron-chelating catechols and beyond the gut, additional phenotypic traits appear to be
analog compounds (78), and its production is regulated by required.
cellular iron content as well as by temperature (50, 51).
Other colicins use receptor pathways involving either tonB Aerobactin Iron Uptake System
or the tolQRAB gene cluster and therefore seem to parallel
bacteriophage entry pathways (84). The demonstration that the genotype for the aerobactin
In considering colicin V, it is important to make the iron uptake system was carried on the ColV plasmid linked
distinction between its possible role as a toxin against two points: (i) the free iron concentration in the vertebrate
eukaryotic cells and its possible role in enhancing the host, at less than 10-12 M, is too low to sustain bacterial
survival of the bacteria producing it. From its early history, nutritional needs, which are approximately 10-7 M (67, 76,
VOL. 55, 1991 CoIV PLASMIDS 441

pCoIV-K30 Aerobactin Region:

A,Sm A, Ps


63 ...0 33...0 62 ... 53

pSMN1 Aerobactin Region:

(no internal sites for Bam Hi or Sal I)
A, Sm
Ps A,Pi A Ps
H Bg Pll Bs EV PU ;g BsBg PI \E Bg/g EVFIE PR B
. . I I II I lips I I
K ..
. .-- I I II

I 62.5--- 33 ... 62.5* *-- 60 74

1 kb
FIG. 2. Restriction enzyme maps derived from aerobactin system clones of E. coli 1315 pColV-K30 and K. pneumoniae ("A. aerogenes")
62-1 pSMN1. The numbers beneath the maps indicate the sizes of the encoded proteins in kilodaltons. The asterisks refers to the putative
synthetase subunit molecular weight (115). Enzyme abbreviations: H, HindIII; S, SaII; PI, PvuI; PvII, PvuII; A, AvaI; Ps, PstI; Sm, SmaI;
B, BamHI; EV, EcoRV; Bg, BglII; K, KpnI; Bs, BstEII; and E, EcoRI.

77); and (ii) the correlation between ColV plasmid carriage efficiently removes iron from transferrin but not from lacto-
and invasiveness of E. coli could be explained on the basis of ferrin (68).
a factor which provides the organism with the ability to cope We surveyed a number of prototypic ColV plasmids and
with this restrictive free-iron concentration (49, 119). The found that most do encode the aerobactin iron uptake system
aerobactin iron uptake system was initially explored by (Table 1). Aerobactin, a hydroxamate siderophore of 565 Da,
using three ColV plasmids: pColV-K30 (9), pColV-K311 is the product of a biosynthetic operon encoding enzymes for
(13), and pRJ100 (102). In 1979, Williams designed an a four-step pathway (76). On the basis of field desorption
experiment which added the dimension of iron to the mixed mass spectroscopy, the siderophore aerobactin produced by
infection-type studies described above. Strains with and ColV plasmid-carrying E. coli strains was found to be
without pColV-K30 were used to inoculate pairs of mice identical to the molecule produced by an "Aerobacter
intraperitoneally. One animal of each pair also received iron aerogenes" plasmid (115), the organism from which aero-
(117). Without the coinjection of iron, the results were bactin was discovered (46). The "A. aerogenes" plasmid
similar to those of Smith and Huggins (99) for oral inocula- pSMN1 is neither a ColV nor an IncFI plasmid (116a). Also,
tion of humans: the colicin V-producing strain was recov- when we compared the DNA sequences encoding the aero-
ered at a much higher proportion than that in the adminis- bactin system from the two plasmids, we found that the
tered dose. However, with added iron, there was no siderophore-specific genes and enzymes differed signifi-
enhanced recovery of colicin V-producing E. coli. Williams cantly, although the gene and protein for the ferric aerobac-
also presented data to show that colicin V-producing cells tin receptor were conserved (Fig. 2) (115). The "A. aero-
grew normally despite addition of the serum iron-binding genes" 62-1 strain has recently been reclassified as
protein transferrin to media, whereas cells lacking the ColV Klebsiella pneumoniae 62-1 (ATCC 25306). On the basis of
plasmid had a significantly decreased growth rate, as mea- restriction enzyme site maps and Southern hybridization
sured by the mean generation time (117). Although most E. experiments, it appears that this second aerobactin genotype
coli strains produce the iron chelator enterobactin, the is the one carried by virulent Kl and K2 strains of K.
aerobactin siderophore has been found to be better suited to pneumoniae (75, 115). A third, genetically distinct aerobac-
compete with serum transferrin for nutritional iron (24, 30, tin system genotype has also been identified in our labora-
38). Unlike enterobactin, aerobactin is recycled after the tory, in a clinical Enterobacter cloacae strain (25). The
iron is released into the cell (14, 118), and, interestingly, it occurrence of these different aerobactin genotypes and en-

zymes appears to be due to the diversity of bacterial species, in animal feed and in the treatment of veterinary disease.
perhaps as a result of constraints imposed by the different Other factors may include species-specific activities of cer-
inner membrane environments where initial steps of aero- tain plasmid virulence determinants such as iss (see below).
bactin biosynthesis take place (111). Among the Salmonella, The study of the aerobactin system was stimulated by the
Shigella, and E. coli strains, the observed aerobactin geno- discovery of this system on the plasmid pColV-K30 (113).
type has always been the "ColV genotype" (63, 66, 108, The aerobactin iron uptake system genes were originally
114). In a recent survey with pColV-K30 radiolabeled cloned in the laboratory of J. Neilands (8). In our laboratory,
probes, the observed homology to the aerobactin receptor Perez-Casal and Crosa obtained a cosmid clone which con-
probe in E. coli strains lacking homology to the siderophore- tained large regions of DNA upstream and downstream from
specific genes may actually have been the result of homology the aerobactin region (85). From this clone came two impor-
to the 75 bp of IS1 DNA flanking the receptor gene included tant observations: (i) inverted copies of the insertion se-
in the particular receptor probe that was used (37). quence IS] flank the aerobactin system genes; and (ii) two
Since the discovery of the genes for the aerobactin iron distinct replication regions designated REPI and REPII
uptake system on the chromosomes of E. coli (66, 108) and surround the ISI-bound aerobactin system genes (Fig. 3).
Shigella flexneri (63), estimates of the prevalence of colicin The former observation suggested that the aerobactin sys-
V, aerobactin production, and other properties have been tem genes could be genetically mobile by means of transpo-
made more carefully with regard to genetic location. Plasmid sition or recombination via the IS] sequences. This might
carriage of the aerobactin system has more often been found explain the ubiquity of the aerobactin system, found en-
in veterinary isolates, whereas human isolates more often coded on both plasmids and chromosomes among E. coli,
contain the chromosomally encoded aerobactin system Shigella and Salmonella species. The existence of the genet-
genes (16, 107a, 110). Similarly, it has been noticed that ically linked replication regions likewise suggested a role for
alpha-hemolysin-producing E. coli strains isolated from an- either or both regions in the preservation of the aerobactin
system genes on ColV plasmids (see below).
imals more often have plasmid-encoded genotypes, whereas
the isolates from human infections often have chromoso-
mally encoded hemolysin genotypes (73). Increased Serum Survival and Resistance to Phagocytosis
Two studies have been done to analyze these phenomena. After establishing residence in the gut, pathogenic enteric
Valvano et al. found that 75% of the E. coli Kl human bacteria must overcome numerous host defense mechanisms
neonate isolates producing aerobactin carried the genes on before they can invade extraintestinal spaces. Once an
the bacterial chromosome (110). This contrasted with the organism penetrates the intestinal mucosa and gains access
earlier studies of septicemic E. coli infections of livestock, in to the blood, it confronts the bacteriostatic and bactericidal
which 67% of the poultry isolates were carriers of ColV properties of serum. Immunoglobulins and nonspecific fac-
plasmids (96) (ColV plasmids commonly isolated from poul- tors such as lysozyme, transferrin, and complement can lead
try were later found to encode aerobactin [114]). With the E. to phagocytosis and/or bacterial killing. Resistance to serum
coli Kl strains, there was an association between the pro- killing is multifactorial and complex and has been attributed
duction of aerobactin or hemolysin and the outer membrane to various bacterial cell surface components, such as lipo-
pattern of the strain, such that the membrane pattern clonal polysaccharides, capsules, and surface proteins, most of
group could be used to predict the probability of aerobactin which are chromosomally encoded. Plasmid-mediated fac-
or hemolysin production. In a study of bacteremic human tors have been identified which increase serum resistance,
urinary tract infections caused by E. coli, 27% of aerobactin- but their characterization is complicated by host bacterial
producing human strains had plasmid-mediated aerobactin factors such as the K and 0 antigens and even by bacterio-
whereas 73% had chromosomally encoded aerobactin (58), phage lysogeny (4, 19, 100).
similar to the aforementioned 75% of the E. coli Kl isolates. ColV plasmids have been implicated in both increased
The authors of this study speculated that plasmid association serum survival and resistance to phagocytosis. Some sus-
of the aerobactin system was coselected with antibiotic pected plasmid determinants are components of the plasmid
pressure, since the strains with plasmid-mediated aerobactin DNA transfer apparatus, including F pili, the surface exclu-
production were often antibiotic resistant and isolated from sion protein TraT, and perhaps others, since the transfer-
compromised patients. It was not determined, however, specific genes span about 30 kb and encode many functions.
whether the plasmids that carried the aerobactin system In plasmid pColV,I-K94, the iss serum resistance locus is
genes were the same plasmids that carried the genes confer- linked to the colicin V genes but unlinked to the plasmid
ring antibiotic resistance, nor was the incidence of colicin V transfer region, which could include traT (10, 19). This
production surveyed. Valvano et al. (110) found that colicin distinction of genetic loci has been confirmed (11, 88) and is
V production paralleled the plasmid-encoded incidence of important, especially in light of the recent finding that the
aerobactin production in the E. coli Kl isolates. These data cloned iss genes product also mediates surface exclusion
thus document that ColV plasmid carriage of virulence (19). Nilius and Savage investigated the possible role of
factors such as the aerobactin system is clinically significant, transfer-related functions such as F pili in serum resistance
in this case in association with neonatal bacterial meningitis, (79). They used pairs of ColV plasmid-carrying strains which
even though isolates with chromosomal aerobactin system were repressed or derepressed for transfer, assayed by
genes were more prevalent. Factors determining the plasmid sensitivity to F pili-specific bacteriophage. Plasmid-free and
or chromosomal localization of virulence genes remain ob- phage-resistant (repressed for transfer) E. coli K-12 strains
scure, but a higher incidence of plasmid carriage among carrying pColV-F54 were rapidly killed in 5% rabbit serum,
animal strains and antibiotic-resistant human strains, whereas the derepressed strain grew. Similar results were
throughout the world and especially in endemic areas, obtained with pColV-F70 and constitutively derepressed
appears to be an emerging pattern. The higher incidence of pColV,I-K94, but no such growth resulted in the dere-
plasmid carriage of virulence factors in domestic-animal pressed strain carrying pColV-H247. These results suggest
strains is thought to be related to the liberal use of antibiotics that serum resistance is not a function of plasmid transfer
VOL. 55, 1991 ColV PLASMIDS 443

.. ..,_, _s RE;P It IJ
E E H H ISi E HS E 15 S HE
pCol V-K30 L. I
p -K
I~~~~~~. . . . BB LE1 1IJE I
I LP._
-3K 30
pColV-292 l I1 I l I I
.- IT, TV B E H
pColV-B188 L l. AB1[vLk I II -
IT 45 Kb
pColv-H247 L[ I I I I 11
-P72 11
pColV-K229 [ .1.._. II
Ba B

-K328 IT AKb....
....- - -- B
42 Kb
NP 101 1 .l.... VIm..u- 1I

rP 181
B plasmids FI
n,_ ,, ,r , ---


ColV plasmids
Salmonella Region Variable Region
R plasmids
0: 10 20 30 40

FIG. 3. Summary of the mapped regions of ColV plasmids (114) and of the Salmonella drug resistance plasmids pZM111, NTP101, and
TP181 (22). The genetic regions held in common by all plasmids are described as the constant region, and the regions which vary among the
plasmids are described as the variable region. The cleavage sites for restriction enzymes are abbreviated: H, HindIll; B, BamHI; E, EcoRI,
S, SaII. The enzyme site location which coincide with those of pColV-K30 are indicated without letter designations.

status alone. It is of interest that the plasmids demonstrating in rabbit serum, whereas bacteria carrying clones without
increased serum resistance do so under conditions which the iss region progressively lost viability. (Subsequently it
derepress the cell for plasmid transfer, suggesting that envi- was found that such increased survival in serum could be
ronment signals, perhaps as found in serum, induce both demonstrated with 50% rabbit and guinea pig serum, but
bacterial conjugation and serum resistance. only with dilute [<l%] human serum [11]). In a recent study
The increased serum survival locus, iss, was identified by of 346 human E. coli isolate, from diarrheal and bacteremic
Binns et al. (10) and localized to a 5.3-kb HindIII-BamHI patients, it was found that 96% of the ColV+ blood isolates
fragment of plasmid pColV,I-K94. Because we did not contained DNA homologous to iss (37). If this population
include pColV,I-K94 in our molecular survey of ColV plas- includes a variety of ColV plasmids, such a frequent occur-
mids, and because of minor disparities in DNA molecular rence of iss-homologous sequences would be unexpected,
sizes as determined by electrophoresis in different laborato- but could be due in part to cross-hybridization to the
ries and under different conditions, we suggest that this homologous membrane protein gene bor carried by strains
5.3-kb iss-encoding fragment may be analogous to a 5.5-kb which carry lysogenic lambda phage. Indeed, this locus has
HindIII-BamHI fragment found as a doublet only in ColV recently been shown to also result in increased survival in
plasmids (of our survey) that engender serum resistance in serum (4).
host strains. Biological assays with specific clones and The TraT proteins are highly related (20, 57) membrane
Southern blot hybridization experiments could test this lipoproteins encoded by plasmids of incompatibility groups
postulate. In our molecular survey of ColV plasmids, we IncFI, IncFII, IncFIV, and probably others. TraT and TraS,
found HindIII-BamHI fragments of approximately 5.0 kb encoded by genes within the transfer region of plasmid F,
conserved in all aerobactin-producing plasmids, doublet mediate surface exclusion (1). In plasmid conjugation, the
HindIII-BamHI fragments of approximately 5.5 kb con- bacterial cell becomes a poor recipient in matings with a
served in pColV-F5470 and pColV-292 (Fig. la, lanes N, R, donor cell carrying the same or related plasmid by virtue of
and S), and single 5.5-kb fragments in pColV-K30 and surface exclusion. Cloned derivatives of traT also confer
pColV-K229 (Fig. la, lane Q; Fig. lb, lane G). In their upon certain E. coli strains the ability to resist killing by
analysis, Binns et al. found that deletion of the 5.3-kb fresh rabbit or guinea pig serum (70). In a survey of 680
fragment in recombinant derivatives resulted in a 100-fold clinical E. coli isolates, the traT gene was correlated with the
increase in the LD50 of the host E. coli (10). Clones carrying presence of ColV plasmids, the Kl antigen, and R plasmids
this region enhanced bacterial survival and allowed growth (71). However, only 58% of the serum-resistant isolates were

traT+, suggesting that the TraT outer membrane protein New York subway. Fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins have
plays a minor or supportive role in the defense against serum been implicated in the colonization process, and ColV
killing. The importance of this plasmid factor appears to be plasmids may encode factors, in addition to colicin V, which
a function of the host strain (see below); however, the TraT increase the ability of the host strain to compete. In 1981
of a Salmonella typhimurium plasmid has been shown to Clancy and Savage performed in vitro experiments that
increase serum resistance in both E. coli HB101 and S. correlated the adhesion of E. coli cells to mouse intestinal
typhimurium (90). The 26,000-Da TraT protein appears to be epithelium with the presence of the ColV plasmid (21). They
expressed abundantly and independently of other transfer examined laboratory strains of E. coli K-12 with and without
functions (57). a ColV plasmid, by using two different assays in which disks
Resistance to complement-mediated serum killing may of intestinal tissue were exposed to bacteria. In both assays,
involve interruption of the binding of complement compo- the strain carrying the plasmid pColV-H247 adhered to two-
nents prior to C5b or the formation of an incomplete or to threefold-greater numbers than the strain without the
inactive membrane attack complex. The activities of the traT plasmid. The authors suggested that the pili seen in electron
and iss gene products were compared under conditions in micrographs of the ColV plasmid-carrying bacteria were
which they increased serum survival by 50- and 10-fold, analogous to the F-plasmid pili. Just as F pili promote cell
respectively (11). No additive effect was seen when both aggregation in bacterial conjunction, and the K88, K99, type
genes, cloned on high-copy vectors, were in the same strain. 1, and P bacterial fimbriae promote colonization of mamma-
However, an additive effect was seen when low-copy dele- lian cells (105), it was suggested that the ColV plasmid-
tion derivatives of the native plasmid were compared (19). mediated "F" pili augment surface interactions between
Since complement components C6, C7, C8, and C9 were bacteria and mouse intestinal epithelial cells (21).
equally bound by bacteria with and without either of the One approach to testing this hypothesis would be to
plasmid genes, it was suggested that the iss and traT prod- perform in vitro intestinal tissue adherence experiments with
ucts blocked the functioning of the terminal attack complex, the added parameter of transfer repression and derepression.
not its formation (11). A similar mechanism of serum resis- In 1987, Darken and Savage performed such experiments.
tance has been shown for the rck locus (53, 55) of the S. They observed a time-dependent bacterial adherence that
typhimurium virulence plasmid (55). Since iss has recently was twofold greater with the F pili-repressed (phage-resis-
been associated with surface exclusion (19), an understand- tant) pColV-H247-carrying E. coli strains and threefold
ing of the phenomenon of surface exclusion may give insight greater with the F pili-repressed pColV-F54-carrying E. coli
into both traT- and iss-mediated serum resistance. It has strains (26). These results suggest that the expression of F
been proposed that TraT interacts with the outer membrane pili does not augment but may actually interfere with adher-
protein OmpA to bring about surface exclusion by prevent- ence to intestinal cells.
ing F pilus binding to OmpA, which would stabilize mating Given the numbers of Fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins that
pairs (57). Alternatively, TraT could accomplish this desta- have been implicated in the attachment of urinary and
bilization by binding to the F pilus tip or by causing steric intestinal tract pathogens to the different cell types in the
hindrance in a manner suggested for Salmonella 0 side upper and lower urinary tract, adhesins other than the F phli
chains (103a). However, studies with mutant TraT suggest could indeed mediate the colicin V-specific adherence effect.
that the phenomena of surface exclusion and serum resis- Some of the E. coli adhesins implicated in intestinal epithe-
tance may be functionally separable (104). lial cell attachment include type 1 fimbriae (120); the entero-
Reduced phagocytosis of host E. coli by macrophages (83) pathogenic E. coli adherence factors EAF and LA (93); the
has also been attributed to the TraT lipoprotein. Aguero et enterotoxigenic E. coli fimbriae F18 (112), 987P (94), and F41
al. counted the numbers of encapsulated or unencapsulated (72); and the K88, K99, and CFA colonizing-factor antigens
E. coli cells ingested by macrophages and tested the effect of (105). To date, plasmids encoding colicins B and I, but not
tra T as cloned by using vectors of different copy number (2). colicin V, have also been found to encode the K88 antigen
The protective value of TraT was readily apparent in the (39). Potential candidates for ColV-mediated adhesins would
unencapsulated strain, when cloned traT was used in either include the ColV-specified outer membrane proteins of mo-
high- or low-copy vectors; in the encapsulated strain there lecular masses 119, 50 33, 28, and 26 kDa (TraT) and, less
was much less phagocytosis in all cases, and only with a likely, the 74-kDa ferric aerobactin outer membrane receptor
high-copy traT clone was there a noticeable protective (7, 57, 80).
effect. With fluorescein-labeled anti-C3, an irregular pattern Since the observed colicin V-specific adherence effect is
of C3 deposition was seen, so it was concluded that antag- low level, it could be mediated by a nonspecific factor such
onism of opsonization was responsible for the effect on as increased hydrophobicity. Tewari et al. correlated ColV
phagocytosis (2). These studies suggest that the host strain plasmid carriage with increased hydrophobicity of the host
and copy number of the traT clone are critical in determining E. coli strain as measured by a threefold increase in adher-
the impact of TraT on complement-mediated opsonization ence to octyl-Sepharose (106). Shearing, which removes pili,
and killing and on subsequent phagocytosis. Although the and low temperature, which represses pili formation, re-
native IncFI plasmids are low-copy plasmids, clinical strains duced hydrophobicity, so it was concluded that conjugative
often bear such inhibitors of phagocytosis as capsules. Thus, pili were responsible for the effect. In another study, in-
TraT-mediated serum resistance and antiphagocytic activity creased adherence to hydrophobic surfaces by enteropatho-
may be secondary in clinical invasive strains, but show genic E. coli strains was correlated to the presence of
dramatic effects in susceptible laboratory strains. mannose-resistant pili and to in vitro binding to rabbit
intestine (32). The pilus-related increase in hydrophobicity
Intestinal Epithelial Cell Adherence, Hydrophobicity,
has been attributed to divalent cations such as zinc and iron,
and Motility which apparently bind to pili (103). Studies with conjugative
pili mutants could resolve whether the ColV-mediated in-
Competing with the resident flora to establish colonization crease in adherence and in hydrophobicity is due to pili or to
in the intestinal tract has been likened to finding a seat on the other factors. Such mutants could also be used to address
VOL. 55, 1991 ColV PLASMIDS 445

Aerobacwin system


VRS tra


FIG. 4. Maps of pColV-B188 and pColV-K30, drawn to scale, such that the circumference of the pColV-K30 map is 1.8 times that of
pColV-B188 (116). Indicated on the inside border of the pColV-K30 map are the boundaries of the clones used in mapping: 1, pJHCP1 (85);
2, pJHCP519; 3, pJHCVW26. The location of copies of the insertion sequence ISI is shown in cartoon fashion by black boxes which are not
representative of the relatively small size of IS]. The arrows indicate the orientation of copies of IS] where known. The IS] copy which is
believed to be partial, according to Southern blot hybridization, is labeled in parentheses. Dotted lines indicate that a particular phenotype
location is approximate, within the limits of available restriction enzyme sites. The asterisks refers to a region containing five to seven small
Hindlll fragments in the bracketed area.

the role of these pili in ColV-mediated loss of motility, which With these maps in hand, other ColV plasmids should be
was correlated to the autoagglutination (and perhaps to more easily mapped, and the questions outlined in the
hydrophobicity) of ColV-bearing cells (107). The role of introduction of this review may be more easily addressed
motility in the pathogenesis of invasive E. coli strains has not molecularly.
been determined; S. typhimurium mutants lacking flagella or
motility have recently been found to be virulent in mice (64). Genetic Maps of pColV-B188 and pColV-K30
MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF COLV As the smallest known ColV plasmid, the 80-kb pColV-
PLASMIDS B188 plasmid (114) was the logical choice for the cloning and
subsequent studies of colicin V. However, it was observed
The most extensively studied ColV plasmids include that the production of colicin V as encoded by pColV-B188
pColV,I-K94, pColV-F54, pColV-H247, pColV-B188, and was reduced relative to that of other ColV plasmids (10).
pColV-K30. The last four encode the aerobactin iron uptake (The letter B in B188 means that the original E. coli strain
system, as determined in a ColV plasmid genetic survey carrying this plasmid was of bovine origin [98].) This E. coli
corroborated by bioassays (114). In this survey we con- strain was of serotype 078:H80, then the most common
firmed the restriction enzyme pattern identity of pColV-K30 serotype among E. coli strains responsible for invasive
and pColV3-K30. (Also, pColV,I-K94 has been called infections of livestock (98), and it was used in the early
pColV2, and pColV-CA7V has been called pColVl.) In virulence studies by Smith and Huggins because it was
extending this study of the aerobactin-related genes and unusual in that the plasmid was not transferable (97). It is
flanking genetic regions, we have obtained the entire genetic conceivable that the loss of transmissibility and, perhaps, a
maps of pColV-K30 and pColV-B188, based on restriction defect in colicin V expression are the result of a DNA
enzyme patterns and hybridization experiments with genetic deletion from an ancestral ColV plasmid (see below).
probes for known phenotypic characteristics (Fig. 4) (116). The plasmid pColV-K30 is the most intensively studied

ColV plasmid. It is a large plasmid, at 144 kb (85), but the that a third replicon of F, repFIC, showed partial homology
focus of studies has been the 40 kb encompassing the with pColV-K30 (6), but the location of this partial homology
aerobactin system genes and the flanking regions. The trans- has not been mapped in pColV-K30. No functional third
fer region appears to encompass about 30 kb, as in the F replicon has been found in pColV-K30 (85).
plasmid, and the colicin V genes encompass about 4 kb,
leaving 70 kb of DNA uncharted. In addition to the aerobac- Mobility of the Aerobactin System Genes
tin iron uptake system and colicin V genes of pColV-K30,
genetic probes have identified regions homologous to traT The discoveries of the inverted copies of the insertion
but not to iss (37). sequence ISI flanking the aerobactin system genes, and the
From our genetic survey came the discovery of the ubiquity of these genes among bacterial chromosomes and
following highly conserved genetically linked unit: the ColV plasmids, raised the issue of the genetic mobility of the
IncFI-correlated replication region REPI, the aerobactin aerobactin system and of whether such mobility would be
iron uptake system flanked by inverted copies of the inser- via recombination, which is recA dependent, or transposi-
tion sequence IS], and a stability locus par which maintains tion, which is recA independent. The existence of the
REPI-driven clones (Fig. 4). This motif is also seen in the flanking inverted copies of IS) has led some to refer to the
IncFII plasmid NR1, in which antibiotic resistance determi- aerobactin system as a transposon, but direct proof of
nants are flanked by inverted copies of IS) and further transposability is necessary. De Lorenzo et al. observed
flanked by the replication region repA and stability locus stb recA-independent replicon fusion in cells containing a target
(121). For NR1, comparative analysis of the G+G percent- plasmid and clones of the aerobactin system carrying one or
ages along the map illustrates the potential incorporation of two copies of IS) (28). The frequency of cointegrate forma-
distinct blocks of genetic regions coming together to build tion was 10-5 to lo-. Duplication of IS] in the fused
the resulting plasmid (121). Whether R determinant or aero- product, which would be expected if IS) had mediated the
bactin system, this genetic layout suggests how the nesting cointegrate formation (81), was not investigated. Occasional
of the determinants between replication and stability func- resolution of cointegrates occurred when aerobactin clones
tions might preserve a central determinant in surviving with two IS) copies were used, but these experiments
plasmid-carrying cells, since deletion events involving repli- involved passage of the cointegrate through a recA+ bacte-
cation or partitioning functions would lead to plasmid loss rial host. These authors speculated that resolution pro-
from the cell population. ceeded by means of a recA-dependent event, similar to the
It is apparent from these studies that many restriction recA-dependent cointegrate resolution seen with ISI-flanked
fragments are held in common among ColV plasmids. Many heat-stable toxin (ST) (28, 101).
of these fragments are within the conserved replication- In the experiments with aerobactin system clones (28), the
aerobactin system genetic unit, but some conserved frag- overall frequency of replicon fusion and resolution was 10'.
ments shared by all of the ColV plasmids investigated remain Such an infrequent event is consistent with the conclusions
entirely cryptic. Some of these conserved fragments are also from our studies comparing the maps of native ColV plas-
shared by IncFI non-ColV plasmids, such as the Salmonella mids, taken from presumably recA+ clinical strains. If
R plasmids (Fig. 3) (22). Awaiting definitive identification is transposition had occurred to spread the aerobactin system
another of these highly conserved regions, tentatively des- genotype among replicons, a variety of flanking sequences
ignated VRS (for ColV repeated sequence) (Fig. 4). Good would be expected to occur beyond the IS) sequences.
candidates for such identification are the insertion sequences Instead, we observed a universal conservation of the up-
IS3 and IS2. stream copy of IS) and of the upstream flanking region
Although plasmid pColV-B188 is defective in transfer, it including replication region REPI (114). The downstream
was found to contain DNA homologous to our traF probe. flanking sequences beyond the downstream IS) had diverged
This probe was made from a self-replicating deletion deriv- in all cases, whereas the downstream IS) either was con-
ative of F created by ligation of EcoRI fragments 3 and 5 served in location or very closely approximated its position
(95). The homologous region was found to be within a large as mapped in pColV-K30. A lack of conservation of flanking
HindIII-BamHI fragment in all ColV plasmids. Obvious size sequences such as IS) and REPI was found in the chromo-
differences of the transfer regions were inapparent until somally encoded aerobactin system of E. coli Kl (109). This
detailed mapping suggested that possible deletion events pattern of conservation and divergence argues against trans-
could have resulted in the transfer-defective phenotype in position of the aerobactin system and is consistent with
pColV-B188 (Fig. 4). In our ColV plasmid survey, we mechanisms for mobility such as recA-dependent recombi-
performed Southern blot experiments with the colicin V nation or cointegration and resolution. However, infrequent
clone pBQ41 as a probe (116). As expected, a highly con- transposition cannot be ruled out. It has been reported that
served 4.2-kb EcoRI fragment hybridized to this probe. This transposition, inverse transposition, and cointegrate forma-
fragment resides within the large (45-kb) HindIll fragment of tion occur at a significantly higher frequency in S. typhimu-
pColV-B188 and within various and generally smaller Hin- rium than in E. coli (15), and the ISI-bound aerobactin
dIII fragments in the other ColV plasmids. These and other system genotype carried by the IncFI Salmonella R plasmids
data were incorporated in the maps (Fig. 4). has been found in the inverted orientation relative to the
The conservation of the replication region REPI among all replication region REPI (22). We never observed such an
the ColV plasmids investigated (114) suggests that this inverted orientation in the ColV plasmids native to E. coli,
replication region is the primary replicon in ColV plasmids. so the host organism may indeed be critical in regulating the
A common heritage of the F and pColV-K30 plasmids is frequency of these ISl-mediated events, perhaps as a func-
demonstrated by virtue of the corresponding homologies: tion of the activity of IS) protein InsA or of the particular
REPI is homologous to the F plasmid repFIB (in EcoRI integrative host factor IHF (123). Also, transposon and
fragment 7), and REPII is homologous to the F plasmid transposon excision may be less frequent in certain sub-
repFIA (in EcoRI fragment 5) (6). Not all ColV plasmids clones than in the native plasmid in natural settings in which
carry the RepII replicon (Fig. 3) (22a). It has been reported conjugation occurs, since transposon excision has been
VOL. 55, 1991 ColV PLASMIDS 447

observed to be more frequent in genomes which replicate via Studies with combinations of virulence factors cloned on
a single-stranded DNA intermediate, such as the single- low-copy vectors (such as a mini-ColV plasmid) could be
stranded DNA phage or conjugating plasmids (33). "One- used to investigate the role of ColV plasmids in the complex,
ended transposition," which is mediated by a single inser- multistage invasive infection process. This comparative ap-
tion sequence as seen in atypical Tn21 and Tnl721 (5) and is proach could also be used to study other families of large
explained by neither the conservative nor the replicative- low-copy plasmids, such as the Salmonella virulence plas-
cointegrative transposition models, could be considered as mids. These plasmids range in size from 50 to 285 kb and
another possible mechanism of spread of the aerobactin could be subgrouped according to restriction enzyme frag-
genes. However, the linkage of this aerobactin system in all ments and phenotypic traits (82, 92). The IncFI aerobactin-
the IncFI plasmids to the replication regions REPI and the producing Salmonella R plasmids discussed in this review
fact that this "ColV genotype" has never been found on a (22) are distinct from these other Salmonella plasmids. It
non-IncFI plasmid suggest that there are characteristics of would be of interest to see whether any of the ColV property
the IncFI replicon essential for optimal expression of the genotypes are identical or related to genotypes of Salmo-
aerobactin system genotype when plasmid encoded. Among nella (or other) virulence plasmids. Finally, genetic mapping
the ColV plasmids, recombination of large blocks of DNA of additional ColV and other large plasmids would help
sequences, including REPI, seems to be the mobility mech- define the genetic relatedness of ColV and other virulence
anism most easily reconciled with the observations to date. plasmids and perhaps would begin to explain the current
observation that ColV plasmids appear to be uniquely car-
CONCLUDING REMARKS ried by the E. coli bacterial species.
The ColV-aerobactin (115) and the colicin V determinants
It has become widely recognized that bacterial virulence is have been found only among plasmids of the IncFI incom-
the consequence of multiple genetic loci. Even in infectious patibility group. Although the specific roles of ColV plasmid
diseases associated with a single dominant virulence factor, loci in virulence remain topics of speculation, most of these
such as cholera toxin, the complexities of the host-parasite speculations are readily testable and the ColV plasmids
interaction require consideration of multiple regulatory and provide a context to explore pathogenesis at a level that is
structural gene elements for an understanding of the patho- more complex than the simple reductionist approach to
genic process (69). The ColV plasmids provide investigators studying clones that has typified these early years of molec-
with an array of virulence factors, encoded in a single ular microbiology. Further experimentation in this field is
self-replicating and transferable plasmid, which appear to likely to yield important new insights into the ColV plasmids
enhance the pathogenicity of E. coli at successive stages of and also into the unifying properties of large plasmids
infection: colicin V provides a competitive advantage in involved in bacterial pathogenesis.
colonization of the gut; changes in hydrophobicity and
bacterial surface proteins facilitate attachment to appropri- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ate host cell surfaces; iss and antiphagocytosis factors me- Helpful discussions with D. Guiney, E. Heffernan, and F. Fang
diate resistance to host defenses; and the aerobactin system and the critical reading of the manuscript by F. Fang and M.
permits the acquisition of iron from serum transferrin, Valvano are gratefully acknowledged.
thereby enhancing growth. Furthermore, transmissibility of J. Crosa is supported by grants from the National Institutes of
the plasmid permits dispersal of these virulence factors Health and the National Science Foundation.
within a host-adapted bacterial population. Molecular link-
age of some of these factors, such as the colicin V genes to REFERENCES
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