IALA Buoyage Sistem
IALA Buoyage Sistem
IALA Buoyage Sistem
2. Andri Heryana
5. Yogi Wijaya
During the IALA conference in November 1980 two navigation marking systems, the System A
(red colour for the left hand of the ship) and the System B (red colour for the right hand of the ship),
were combined into one - the IALA System
In the IALA System the regional (of the systems A and B) principle of painting of the lateral signs
was maintained. The countries that accepted the red colour for the left hand lateral sings were
included in the region A. The countries that use the green colour for the left hand lateral signs were
included in the region B. In the both regions, the fairway direction is the one leading from the sea
(when a different manner is used than an adequate notice is provided).
Region A: Combined system of cardinal and lateral entering the groove the port, bouy red on left side and
the green on the right side (TAKEN in europe, Africa, Australia, Bodies of Water Indonesian,
Region B: System lateral entering the port bouy red on the right side and green on the left side (TAKEN in
waters north America and southern, Japan, and some parts in asia
Following to the division into the IALA System regions, marine maps contain respective notice, ie
the "IALA System Region A" or the "IALA System Region B".
The IALA System has five types of signs that are used in various associations. The signs have
specific identification elements that make them easily recognizable to the sailors. The lateral signs
in the Regions A and B are different, but the other four signs are common for these both regions.
The lateral buoys and marks are placed according to the direction accepted for marking of the right
and left side of the fairway. In the Region A, during the day and night, the green colour is used to
mark the right side of the fairway, and the red colour - to mark the left side.
In the Region B the colours are reversed, ie the red colour is used for the right side, and the green
colour - for the left side.
When the path is divided on a fairway, then the direction of the main path is shown with a modified
lateral buoy in order to indicate the direction of this main path.
cones with tops up: the black stripe is above the yellow one,
cones with tops down: the black stripe is under the yellow one,
cones with bases towards one another: the black stripes above and below the yellow one,
cones with tops towards one another: the black stripe with the yellow stripes above and
A north cardinal buoy is positioned so that the safest water lies to the north. The top half of the
visible portion is black and the bottom half is yellow. The top mark is two stacked cones, black in
color, both pointing up (like a needle pointing north on a compass). If it is equipped with a light, it
is white in color and operates on either a (Q) 1s quick flash cycle (single flashes one second apart)
or on a (VQ) 0.5s very-quick flash cycle (single flash every half second). If the buoy does not carry
a light, it is normally spar shaped.
A south cardinal buoy is positioned so that the safest water lies to the south. The top half is yellow
and the bottom half is black. The top mark is two stacked cones, black in color, both pointing down
(like a needle pointing south on a compass). If it is equipped with a light, it is white in color and
operates on a ((Q6)+LFl)15s cycle (six single flashes one second apart and one 3-second flash,
every 15s) or a ((VQ6)+LFl)10s (six single flashes one half second apart and one 3-second flash,
repeated every 10s. If the buoy does not carry a light, it is normally spar shaped.
An east cardinal buoy is positioned so that the safest water lies to the east. This buoy is black in
color except for a broad horizontal yellow band around its midsection. Its top mark consists of two
stacked black cones; the top one pointing up, the bottom one pointing down. Its light is white in
color and operates on a (Q3) 10s cycle (three flashes one second apart, repeated every 10 seconds)
or a (VQ3)5s cycle (three flashes one half second apart, every 5 seconds). If the buoy does not carry
a light, it is normally spar shaped.
A west cardinal buoy is positioned so that the safest water is located to the west. This buoy is
yellow in color except for a broad horizontal black band around its midsection. Its top mark consists
of two stacked black cones; the top one pointing down, the bottom one pointing up. Its light is white
in color and operates on a (Q9) 15s cycle (nine flashes one second apart, every 15 seconds) or a
(VQ9) 10s cycle (nine flashes one half second apart repeated every 10 seconds). If the buoy does
not carry a light, it is normally spar shaped.
Cardinal buoys are equipped with white light characterised by a special rhythm. The main types of
rhythms are as follows: flashing (Q) or fast flashing (VQ). The flashing light has 60 or 50 flashes
per minute. The fast flashing light has 120 or 100 flashings per minute.
N quadrant: VQ or Q - continuous.
E quadrant: VQ(3) or Q(3) with a blackout afterwards.
S quadrant: VQ(6) or Q(6) with a long flash and a blackout.
W quadrant: VQ(9) or Q(9) with a blackout afterwards.
The number of flashes - 3, 6 and 9, in the respective quadrants E, S and W facilitates the
identification of the cardinal buoys, as the number can be associated with the positions of the 3, 6
and 9 hours on the clock dial. A longer flash (not less than 2 seconds) just after the VQ (6) or Q (6)
is typical of the S quadrant. There are two other marks with white light, however, their rhythm is
very different and cannot be confused with the rhythm of the white light used in the cardinal buoys.
Marks indicating Isolated dangers are placed directly over minor obstacles around which the
water is navigable. The have shapes of columns, poles or other, however, they are difficult to
confuse with the cardinal buoys. They are black with horizontal red stripes. The topmarks consists
of two black spheres one above the other. The light is white - a group flash light Fl(2) with two
flashes in a group.
Marks indicating Safe water. They indicate that water is navigable around the mark and they do
not show any hazards. They can be used to mark, eg a fairway axis or as approach signs. The safe
water marks appearance is completely different from the one of the buoys that indicate the hazard.
Their may have a shape of a sphere, a column or a pole, with a red sphere as a topmark. These are
the only marks painted in vertical stripes (red and white). When the light is installed, then its colour
is white and its rhythm may be isophase, occulting, long flash or the Morse Code letter "A".
Special Buoys and Marks do not represent navigational aids. They indicate a special area or an
object mentioned on maps or in other nautical documents and publications.
These special marks are painted yellow and have a topmark in the shape of a yellow lying cross (X).
The light (if installed) is also yellow. As in poor visibility it is possible to mistake the yellow colour
for the white, the yellow lights of the special marks cannot have the rhythm adopted for marks with
the white light. The shape of the special marks cannot be confused with the shape of navigational
marks, ie if special marks have been used to mark, eg the left side of the fairway, then they must
have a cylindrical and not conical shape. The special marks may have letters or numbers painted on
New danger. Attention is being drawn to the fact that a "new danger" that has not yet been
announced in nautical documents may be indicated with a duplicating mark being identical (in all
details) with the principal mark. The duplicating mark should stay until the news about the new
danger has been adequately announced. The "new danger" mark should be equipped with a Racon
sending out the letter "D" in the Morse Code.