Short Essay Text Resume
Short Essay Text Resume
Short Essay Text Resume
Genre of
No. Function Generic Structure Language Features
1. Descriptive - Describe what things are as a. Identification (definition and - Use simple present tense or
they are/what things do as classification) simple past tense if it is
they do. b. Description extinct
- Describe something in details - Use attributive verbs (is, am,
- Describe what things are as are, was, were).
the shape, features, sizes, - Use adjectives
habits, behaviours, qualities.
- Hubungan antara bagian dan
2. Report - Give general classification and a. General classification (what - Use simple present tense or
description about something phenomenon under simple past tense if it is
- Range of natural, man-made, discussion is) extinct
social phenomenon in our b. Description (what the - Use action verbs.
environtment phenomenon under
- Penjabaran hasil observasi discussion is like in term of
- Klasifikasi jenis sesuatu parts (and their functions),
bedasarkan kriteria tertentu. qualities, habits/behaviours.)
- Pengelompokan berbagai hal
ke dalam jenis-jenis sesuai ciri-
ciri masing-masing
- Hubungan hirarkis sebuah
kelas dan anggotanya.
3. Recount - Retell past events, usually in a. Orientation - Use Simple Past Tense.
the order in which they - Inroduction that gives - Use material processes.
happened. background info about who, - Focus on specific participants.
- To give audiences a what, where, when - Focus on temporal sequences
description of what occured b. Series of events of conjunctions.
and when it occured - Retell the events in the
order in which they
- Words that show the order
of events: first, second,
next, then, etc.
c. Re-orientation (not always
- A concluding paragraph
that may include personnal
4. Narrative - Entertain the readers, give a. Orientation - Use Simple Past Tense.
amusements (it can be factual - Gives setting of the story: - Use direct sentences.
or imaginer. It can be a myth, who, what, where, when. - Use pecific adverb of time:
a legend, a fabel, a folklore or - Tells the audiences about longa time ago, once upon a
a folktale). who is in the story, when time, in a far away land, in a
- Educate or teach readers by the story is taking place and dense forest, etc.
means of moral value where the action is
- Situasi kejadian peristiwa
yang mendorong terjadinya
b. Complication
- A chain of events that
influences what will happen
in the story.
- The characters face
- The characters attempt to
solve the problems.
c. Resolution
- The characters sold out the
- Containing solving
d. Moral Value / Coda (not
always necessary)
- Can be in the form of
5. Procedure - Describe how to make or to a. Aim / goal - Use Simple Past Tense
do something step by step - Introductory statement that especially imperative
- Consists of a set of gives the aim / goal sentences.
instructions or directions to - Usually it is the tittle of the - Use action verbs (material
show steps or stages. text. processes)
b. Materials and equipments - Use temporal sequences of
c. Steps or stages conjunctions (first, second,
- Sequences of steps in the next, then, finalli, etc.)
order they need ti be done.