Forms of Ownership Summary
Forms of Ownership Summary
Forms of Ownership Summary
OWNERS 1 2 or more
CAPITAL Owner provides Partners provide
Business function with
or without owner's
28% & Tax on Net Profit 28% & Tax on Net Profit 28% & Tax on Net Profit
15 % on personal income earned 15 % on personal dividends earned 15 % on personal dividends earned
Simplicity Easier to raise capital No limit to number of owners
Flexibility Suitable for capital-less entrepeneurs Large amount of capital can be raised
Members can participate in management & Shares are freely transferrable
control of business
Registration is easy and cheap Small investors can become part of large
Obtain funds easier than sole prop
More than 1 person can make decisions
Consensual decisions take time Number of shareholders are limited to If company fails, it may lead to large
number of shares unemployment
The more members, the more likely May not transfer share to public Required to publish certain information
conflict is that competitors might use against them