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FS - MM-RP-080 - XYZ Analysis - Value Report - V0.3

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Functional Specification

Functional Specification
<MM-RP-080_XYZ Analysis - Value Report>

Functional Specification

Document History

Section I: Object General Information
Title (RICEF No): MMRP080 Date: 16.05.2012
Short description: XYZ Analysis - Value Report

SAP Module/Team: MM
Functional Contact: Haimanti Das
Technical Contact

Priority: High
Complexity Level Low
Program type Report
Status InProgress /Finished / Released


Role Name Signature Date

Accenture Umesha Guntaga


Role Name Comments Received Date

JSW Core Team Uday

Functional Specification

Table of Contents
1. Overview and Scope 5
1.1. Functional Description 5
1.2. Assumptions 5
1.3. Transaction Volume 5
1.4. Frequency & Timing 5
1.5. Processing Type 6
1.6. Output Time 6
1.7. Retention Requirements 6
1.8. Audience and Distribution 6

2. Detailed Functional Requirements 6

2.1. Functional Specification for Reports / Forms 7
2.1.1. Report / Form Layout 8
2.1.2. Report / Form Fields 10
2.1.3. Selection Criteria 10
2.1.4. Other Information 11
2.1.5. Existing Sample Reports / Forms 11
2.2. Functional Specification for Data Conversions 11
2.2.1. Conversion Data Processing 11
2.2.2. Mapping 12
2.2.3. Initial Data Setup / Conversion Requirements 12
2.2.4. Extract and Load File Layout 12
2.3. Functional Specification for Interfaces 12
2.3.1. Proposed Transfer Method/Program 12
2.3.2. Target / Source Data Layout 12
2.3.3. Mapping SAP Fields to Source/Target 12
2.3.4. Transaction Screen Sequence 12
2.3.5. Post Interface Activities 13
2.3.6. Legacy System Extract/Load Procedure 13
2.3.7. Network Integration 13
2.4. Functional Specification for Enhancements 13
2.5. Error Handling 13
2.6. Security and Authorization 13
2.7. Processing and Operational Considerations 13
2.7.1. Performance 13
2.7.2. Batch Requirements 14
2.7.3. Others 14

3. Test Script 14
3.1. Testing Pre-requisite 14
3.2. Test Case 14

Functional Specification

4. Appendix 14
4.1. Glossary of Terms 14
4.2. Additional Reference Documentation 15

Functional Specification

1. Overview and Scope

1.1. Functional Description

 In JSW business process, they require a report which will categorize the materials based on
inventory value contribution in percentage basis. The three main category will be X,Y,Z .
Fixed value for XYZ is 70%, 20% & 10% respectively. Also they want to segregate there
stock as per value bucket. For value bucket H,M,L (High, Medium, Low)will be three main

 Based on the new report user department from stores will be able to segregate the materials
based on inventory value contribution in percentage basis under XYZ category. This will be
the input for cycle counting of Physical inventory process in SAP. In JSW the cycle counting
indicator will be fixed in Material Master. From the program output users will have the option
to change the CC Indicator in the material master.

 User department will carry out standard SAP transactions to carry out Physical inventory
process using Cycle counting.

1.2. Assumptions

1. User has given some input parameters and based upon those inputs the report will be
2. The input parameter must be proper. E.g. Plant, Material Type, Material etc.
3. For HML value bucket, value must be proper.
Actual criteria is H> M,L
M>L .

1.3. Transaction Volume


1.4. Frequency & Timing


Functional Specification

1.5. Processing Type


1.6. Output Time

Real time

1.7. Retention Requirements

Not Applicable.

1.8. Audience and Distribution

[Please indicate who the intended audience is for the reports, and if known, the expected number of
users and distribution methods employed. Also include any security / access restrictions]


Audience Group Use/Distribution Estimated Number Users

Store People Report execution

2. Detailed Functional Requirements

In JSW business process, they require a report which will categorize the materials
based on inventory value contribution in percentage basis. The three main category will be
X,Y,Z . Fixed value for XYZ is 70%, 20% & 10% respectively. Also they want to segregate
there stock as per value bucket. For value bucket H,M,L (High, Medium, Low) will be three
main category.

Based on the new report user department from stores will be able to segregate the
materials based on inventory value contribution in percentage basis under XYZ category.
This will be the input for cycle counting of Physical inventory process in SAP. In JSW the
cycle counting indicator will be fixed in Material Master. From the program output users will
have the option to change the CC Indicator in the material master.

Functional Specification

For Example:
Within a plant total stock value is 1Lac. Now in selection screen fixed value is 70%, 20% &
10% for XYZ respectively. Now this report will segregate material as per there stock value in
descending order. In output screen report will show X indicator for those material, which is
contributing 70% of the total inventory value (sum of total value of these material must be
70thousand). The same way it will show Y indicator for those materials which is contributing
20% of the total stock value & Z indicator for those materials which is contributing 10% of the
total inventory stock value.

As per XYZ value one material has X indicator in material master, but after 3months when
user running the same report for that particular material it’s showing Y as a new indicator.
Now from this report user can directly update the material master data & can replace X
indicator with Y indicator. Because as per current stock value Y is the correct indicator for
that particular material.

2.1. Functional Specification for Reports / Forms

Selection Screen


2.Material Type


% Value

X 70 %

Y 20 %

Z 10 %

Inventory Value (INR)




Functional Specification

Please refer the attached excel file for other details of selection screen.

File Name: XYZ selection screen.xlsx

XYZ Selection

Data Flow

Please go through the data flow logic for the input parameters for which the XYZ analysis
Report will be generated. There are some factors which are to be considered to fetch the
correct output data.

The below input field numbers denote the input parameter for the selection screen;


MARD table will be selected by

a) WERKS in Plant selection

MARA table will be selected by

a) MATNR that matches MARD selection …

MARA table will be selected by

a) MTART in Matl. Type

Factors to be considered to remove the inconsistent data from the output report:

 Fixed value for X,Y,Z is 70%,20% & 10% respectively.

 In selection screen, HML range value should be correct.

 In range value lower limit value must be less than greater limit value.
 For user dependant value in selection screen user must be able to create their own

2.1.1. Report / Form Layout

Please refer the attached excel file for the output. The detail column names and some
formula for the column are also described.

File Name: XYZ output screen.xlsx

Functional Specification

XYZ output

Data Flow

 From table MARD fetch value of Plant, Storage Location, total stock qty.
 From table MARA fetch Material, Ext. & Material Type.
 From table MBEW fetch value of Unit price value for material.
 From table MARC fetch value of old indicator.
 Link all the table with field MATNR.
 Multiply “Unit price Value” of MBEW table with total stock qty of MARD table to get total stock

Calculation of X,Y,Z
 Find out the corresponding amount from previous step , multiplying by % bracket as
mentioned in the i/p selection( x , y , z fixed value 70%,20% & 10% respectively.)
 Rearrange the materials based on Inventory value(Descending order).
 Sum up the inventory values of individual  materials until the Value as mentioned in XYZ
 Categorize those materials & show as per the corresponding percentage value bracket

Calculation of H, M,L

 Find out the amount VALUE bracket as mentioned in the i/p selection( H,M,L)
 Rearrange the materials based on Inventory value(Descending order).
 Sum up the inventory values of individual  materials until the Value as mentioned in H,M,L
Categorize those materials & show as per the corresponding percentage value bracket

Update Indicator

 Find out the % value of Inventory based on i/p field. (As per XYZ fixed value).
 Once user selects the records and Press Update, new X,Y,Z indicators will be updated in the
material master. Use  Structure BAPI_MARC under BAPI_MARC
BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to update the respective MARC- ABCIN values for the
material and plant combination.

 For field wise details- Please refer attached excel file (File name- XYZ Output screen).

2.1.2. Report / Form Fields

[Please provide the fields and their descriptions in the report layout]

Functional Specification

Report/Form SAP Table SAP Technical Field Rules/Notes

Field ID Name

Functional Specification


Total Stock Qty MARD Sum of below fields-
Per Unit Stock MBEW MBEW-VERPR OR Depending on
Moving Price Or
Value MBEW-STPRS Standard Price in
Material Master
Total Stock Value Multiply Per Unit
Stock Value with
Total Stock Qty
Old Indicator MARC
New Indicator Depending on
bucket value new
material indicator
will come in report
Inv. Value Based on H,M,L
input value.

2.1.3. Selection Criteria

Input parameter screen design

Name Table field / Select- Comments Default

Check Box / Option(S) or Value
Radio Button Parameter(P
Plant MARD-WERKS S (Selection)
Material Type MARA-MTART S (Selection)
Material MARA-MATNR S (Selection)

X Fixed Value 70%

Y Fixed Value 20%
Z Fixed Value 10%

Functional Specification

H User Input R (Range)

M User Input R (Range)
L User Input R (Range)

2.1.4. Other Information

1. Heading information – Inventory XYZ Analysis Report

2. Sub Heading information
3. Totaling or other calculation requirements
4. Sorting
5. Page breaks
6. Stationary details ( layouts, paper size, etc)
7. Logo(s)
8. Interactive capabilities

2.1.5. Existing Sample Reports / Forms

[If an existing program is available to be enhanced, provide details in this section]
Not Applicable.

2.2. Functional Specification for Data Conversions

Not Applicable.

2.2.1. Conversion Data Processing

Not Applicable.

2.2.2. Mapping
[Insert the conversion data mapping document here. Include all SAP table/field definitions.]
Not Applicable.

2.2.3. Initial Data Setup / Conversion Requirements

[Describe the conditions to meet for roll-out so they may be conveyed to the data conversion team.
Include requirements for initial data set-up.]
Not Applicable.

Functional Specification

2.2.4. Extract and Load File Layout

Not Applicable.

2.3. Functional Specification for Interfaces

Not Applicable.

2.3.1. Proposed Transfer Method/Program

[Please specify the proposed load method (e.g. IDOC, batch transaction processing), and the
proposed transfer program name and the inbound/outbound file format (e.g. .txt, .xls)]
Not Applicable.

2.3.2. Target / Source Data Layout

[Please supply details of the Non-SAP Source/Target Data]
Not Applicable.

2.3.3. Mapping SAP Fields to Source/Target

[Please provide details of the expected mapping between the Source / Target system and SAP
fields. This can either be done within a table in this document or as an attached Mapping

Specifications for the following elements should be present on the Mapping document (where


2.3.4. Transaction Screen Sequence

Not Applicable.

2.3.5. Post Interface Activities

Not Applicable.

2.3.6. Legacy System Extract/Load Procedure

[Indicate the procedure in brief]
Not Applicable.

Functional Specification

2.3.7. Network Integration

[Please provide details of any network integration considerations]
Not Applicable.

2.4. Functional Specification for Enhancements

[Please provide details of the objects used for enhancements, the trigger point, etc]
Not Applicable

2.5. Error Handling

[Include potential errors, notification procedures, and contingency procedures.]
Not Applicable.

2.6. Security and Authorization

[List all Security / Authorization group and checks that should be included for the Report.]
Not Applicable.

2.7. Processing and Operational Considerations

Not Applicable.

2.7.1. Performance
[Please highlight any performance considerations that should be considered during the design, such
as restrictions to expected execution time]
Not Applicable.

2.7.2. Batch Requirements

[Include details required for batch processing (e.g., variant set-up, reconciliation requirements, etc.).]

Not Applicable.

Functional Specification

2.7.3. Others

3. Test Script

3.1. Testing Pre-requisite

[Indicate the pre requisite conditions to use to verify successful operations of the conversion.]

Pre-requisite Type Data Element Details

(Master data, Config,
Other Development)
Master Data Material Master is created / Changed / Display

3.2. Test Case

Test Test Step Description T Code Input Data Expected Results Results Obtained
1 Material Master Created with CC indicator in MM01 All mandatory Material Created with
Plant data/ stor. 1 View. data for material CC indicator.
master with CC
2 Change Material Master with CC indicator in MM02 Change CC CC indicator Changed
Plant data/ stor. 1 View. indicator, put a
new CC indicator.
3 Display Material. MM03 Display material with
new indicator.
4 Test Materials- 2000000360, 3800000120,

4. Appendix

4.1. Glossary of Terms

Term Definition

4.2. Additional Reference Documentation


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