Let Me Show You How To Produce Satin/Silk Paint. It's Very Simple
SATIN PAINT FINISH. Satin is slightly less lustrous than semi-gloss, and can appear to be both flat and
glossy, depending on the lighting in the room. Satin has a slightly higher sheen than eggshell, meaning
that it is more reflective and more durable.
Water: water is the backbone of almost everything especially in paint production. In Producing 20ltr of
Satin paint, you will need to add at least 2ltrs of water.
Acrylic/PVA: it's in liquid form that serves as the gum, and also serves as the quality of the paint. The
more the PVA the more the quality.
Calgum: Calgum is in powdered form, and can be gotten in the market where they sell paint or painting
Titanium Oxide: it's also in powdered form. This is usually used when producing white paint, but it's not
only used in white paint Production, as it's the chemical that add quality to the paint.
Kaolin: Kaolin is another chemical in powdered form, it is used to make any color of paint as it serves as
the main chemical responsible for the coverage of the paint. When added, any color you Produce will be
obvious, including white.
Silicate: it's in powdered form, it's the secret behind pure white paint. It can only be used in white paint
Antifungal: It's in liquid form that serves as anti fungal and anti algae. You might notice a greenish
substance appearing in some painted wall, this is due to the lack of this chemical.
Formalin: this is another chemical in liquid form that serves as preservatives, sometimes, when you
open an old Paint, you notice a kind of smell coming out, this is due to the lack of this chemical. It's the
chemical that add lasting to the paint.
Geniple: it's in liquid form that add elasticity and make the paint draws further. It also add some good
scent for the paint.
Nitrosol: this is the chemical in powdered form that serves as thickener. It make the paint thick and high
Ammonia: this is the one responsible for integrating or joining and diluting all the chemicals you added
in your Production.
>Add Quarter kg of Nitrosol/Bamacork :Note (You are to dilute it with little water and stir first before
you pour it into the solution) remember it's the paint thickener.
>Add just a little ammonia (Use Protective Measure eg facemask in through out the process.
What you should always keep in mind is you need someone to help you in stirring the solution through
out the process, delaying might result to block or wrong Production. You must keep stirring especially
when you add nitrosol. The more you stir up the best results you obtain.
On my next article I will teach you how to Produce Gloss Paint, Texcoat,Sandtex and many other things.
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