":ffij: Depertment @lucstion

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Eepubtic of tre SriliDlines

Depertment of @lucstion

No. , s. 2O2l

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Division Chiefs
All Others Concerned

1. In line with the upcoming implementation of limited face-to-face (F2F) learning

modality, the Depa-rtment hereby directs the following Central Ofhce (CO) bureaus and
services to operationalize the Department of Education (DepEd)-Department of Health
(DOH) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. Ol, s. 2021 titled Operational Guldellaes
o! the lEpleEentatior of Litrit€d tr'ace-to-Face Learnlag Modeuty through
providing appropriate support to the participating schools. The following roles and
responsibilities of bureaus and services shall facilitate the transition to tJ.e new normal-
from pilot implementation to the expansion of F2F classes.

2. All oflices, as well as development partners, are directed to coordinate with

DepEd CO bureaus and services and concerned DepEd regional oflice (RO) or schools
division oflice (SDO) relative to the conduct of activities related to the implementation
of li:rrited F2F classes.

3. Below are the specific support and preparations from the bureaus and services
in line with the aforementioned JMC:


Office of the UndersecretarJr a tead the preparations for the
and Chief of Staff implementation of the Pilot
Implementation of Limited F2F classes
a Closely coordinate with DOH to address
arising issues in the preparations for the
pilot implementation
a Coordinate with the Department of
Interior and [oca] Govemment (DILG]
regarding the partnership with concerned
local government units (LGUs) in the
conduct of pilot implementation
a Closely coordinate with DOH on the risk
assessment levels of the participating
o Facilitate internal coordination with
DepEd Pilot F2F Composite Team and
other concerned offices

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600

p 4633-7 2Oa I A$3 -7 224 / 4632 - 1 36 | * a636-4a761a637 -6209
q www.deped.gov.ph
Office of the Undersecretary Coordinate with concerned ROs and SDOs
for Field Operations regarding concerns on t]le preparations
for pilot implementation. This includes
convening RO and SDO composite teams
to discuss implementation status
a Provide guidance to held olfices in
addressing preparation and
implementation issues
a Coordinate with LGUs to facilitate
securing of support for participating
Office of the Undersecretar5r o Facilitate the release of available funds for
for Finance the implementation of limited F2F classes
o Secure funding to augrnent resource
needs for the preparation and
imp lementation of limited F2F classes
Bureau of karning Delivery a Provide capacity building activities and
(BLD) technical assistance in preparing for
blended learning modality such as but not
limited to preparation of class program,
blended learning shategies, formative,
and summative assessment, arnong
a Provide guidance in addressing issues
and challenges in teaching and learning
deliv durin the F2F classes
Bureau of Learning Resources o Review the appropriateness of learning
(BLR} materials for F2F and distance learning
modalities during the Pilot
a Facilitate the provision of appropriate
learning materials for the F2F classes
Indigenous Peoples (IP) a Provide support to identified CO offices in
Educalion OIfice (lPSeO) formulating mechanisms and processes
that are culturally appropriate to IP
communities for the initiative
Provide technical assistance to Regionai
and Division IPEd Focal Persons in the
preparation and conduct of the Free,
Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC)
a Coordinate with NCIP at the national level
about the initiative and the FPIC TOCCSS
National Educators Academy o Facilitate tl.e provision of training and
of the Philippines (NEAP) capacity building activities for teachers
and school personnel in line with the
standa-rds set by BLD on blended learnin
Bureau of Human Resource o Provide technical assistance on concerns
and Organizational regarding Alternative Work Arrangement
Development (BHROD) (AWA) during the F2F Pilot
o Provide assistance in hiring Learning
Support Aides (LSAs)
o Provide guidance and technical assistance
on the support to employee welfare
needed by teaching and non-teaching
staff of I schools
o Facilitate coordination matters with t}re
Philippine Health Insurance Company
(PhilHealth) about health claims and
Bureau of Learner Support Coordinate with relevant CO oflices to
Services (BLSS) ensure that health and safety protocols
are appropriately embedded in
mechanisms during the conduct of F2F
pilot implementation
o Provide capacity building and technical
assistance on health and safety protocols
in coordination with DOH
o Coordinate with DOH on the
immunization programs for learners to
support our schools in vaccinating our
leamers against other diseases
a Facilitate the acceleration of the
vaccination of teachers and other
vaccination-related concerns
Disaster Risk Reduction and a Provide trainings necessary to
Management Service (DRRMS) operationalize the health and safety
protocols such as, but not limited to the
following: contingency planning, Basic
Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH),
mental health and psychosocial support
(MHPSS) and psychological frrst aid (PFA)
to focal persons of schools
a Coordinate with DRRM Focal Persons in
the concerned ROs and SDOs to ensure
that Schools DRRM Teams are organized
Planning Service (PS) o Prepare monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
plan to assess the pilot implementation
o Coordinate with key DepEd offices and
stakeholders in finalizing the M&E plan
. Maintain the database of the SSAT results
of the participating schools
o Serve as the overall technical secreta-riat
Administrative Service (AS) a Provide technical assistance on setting up
the classroom to ensure physicat
Provide guidance and technica-l assistance
on maximizing open air areas within the
school if classrooms do not have adequate
a Provide technical assistance on ensuring
the construction and setting up of water,
sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities
based on the standards set by BLSS-SHD
o Provide technica.l assistance on heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems in coordination with BLSS-SHD
arld DOH for the HVAC standards
Public Affairs Service (PAS) a Develop information, education, and
communication (lEC) materials on F2F
and health and safety protocols
a Coordinate with DOH on the relevalt and
updated advocacy campaigrrs on
prevenLing COVID- I9 such as vaccination
and health and safety standards, among
a Provide access to RO and SDO on IEC
materia.ls on F2F ard health and safety
External Partnerships Service a Spearhead the resource mobilization and
(EPS) management of support for participating
schools and held oflices
a Provide technical assistance to ROs and
SDOs on partnerships based on the
requirements of tJle F2F pilot
a Link schools with partners/ organizations,
which are willing to support the pilot
implementation based on t1le needs of the
a Facilitate the regular status reporting of
support for participating schools and field
Private Education Office (PEO) a Serve as the overa.ll in-charge for the
preparations of private schools
a Coordinate with private schools
organizations regarding the participation
of selected private schools in the pilot
a Establish communication lines and
monitor issues and challenges
experienced by private schools in their
participation in the limited F2F classes
Information and a Provide appropriate technolory and
Communication Technolory connectivit5r support to participating
Service (ICTS) schools
o Provide technical assistance to facilitate
information dissemination arrd data
collection and management

4. For clarifications and inquiries, please contact the Planalng Service-Oflice ofthe
Director, Depa.rtment of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue,
Pasig City through email at [email protected].

5. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


Reference: DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular (No. 01, s. 2021)

To be indicated in t.l.e Perpetua-l Index
under the following subjects:


JDMC/ SMI,trAlMPC, DM Accountabilitv Map for the Preparations for the lmplementation of the Limited F2F
0304 October 15,2021

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