Assignment No. 3 (Keaven Rold D. Formilos)
Assignment No. 3 (Keaven Rold D. Formilos)
Assignment No. 3 (Keaven Rold D. Formilos)
DIRECTION: In a letter-size bond paper, do the following activities and submit it online on our Google
Classroom on the prescribed submission date.
Direction: In a letter size paper, write your answer to the following questions:
1. Check and discuss your personal growth against the stages of moral development.
Moral development is the process through which a person or a children develop proper attitudes and
behaviors toward other people in society, based on their social and cultural norms, rules, and laws. So in
my personal growth against the stages of moral development, it takes time to be morally developed
individual or person. As according to Lawrence Kohlberg, an American psychologist, stated that moral
development was a slow process and evolved over time. Therefore, in order to develop my personal
growth, I already encountered or I need to encounter some stages of moral development, and those are
the stages in Kohlberg’s Theory.
4. Look for stories from news clips (or the news online) that highlight emotional and rational responses.
Discuss your emotional and rational responses to the news.
The news that I’ve found online was about the “Cop shoots unarmed mother and son over 'boga' in
Tarlac”. Which has a report that in a Christmas week in the Philippines began with stains of blood. A
policeman shot and killed a mother and son in Tarlac province, north of Metro Manila on Sunday,
December 20, local police confirmed. Sonya Gregorio, 52, and her son Frank, 25, were shot by Police
Senior Master Sergeant Jonel Nuezca on Sunday evening. The shooting was captured on video and has
gone viral on social media with netizens using #StopTheKillingsPH and #JusticeForSonyaGregorio.
In this scenario or news you tend to use and realize your emotional or either rational response, by
which the police man shot the unarmed mother and her son. Your strong emotional responses may
include hurt, anger, and fear. Here we react to strong emotional responses by which some may helpful,
and others not. Also in terms of your rationality, we tend to use our reason or logical thinking out of a
problem, in which, why the police man kill the two people over what so called “boga”? or why he didn’t
tend to have a sincere talk so that this will not led to a heinous crime? By these we can recognize which
response we tend to use in terms of a story or a problem we encounter personally or either by reading
news and articles.
B. The list below describes a wide variety of satisfactions that people obtain from their jobs. Look at the
definitions of these various satisfactions and rate the degree of importance that you would assign to
each, using the scale below:
1 – Not important at all
2 – moderately important
3 – important
4 – very important
4 Help Society: Do something to contribute to making the world a better place in which to live.
4 Help Others: Be involved indirectly helping other people, with individuals or small groups.
3 Public Contact: Have a lot of day-to-day contact with people.
4 Work with Others: Have close working relationships with a group; work as a team toward common
3 Competition: Engage in activities that put my abilities against others in a situation where there is clear
win-lose outcomes.
3 Make Decisions: Have the power to decide courses of action, policies, etc.
3 Work Under Pressure: Work in situations where time pressure is prevalent and/or the quality of my
work is judged critically by supervisors.
3 Power and Authority: Control the work activities or (partially) the destinies of other people.
3 Work Alone: Do projects by myself, without any significant amount of contact with others.
3 Intellectual Status: Be regarded as a person of high intellectual prowess or as one who is an
acknowledged "Expert" in a given field.
3 Creativity (general): Create new ideas, programs, or systems not following a format previously
developed by others.
3 Supervision: Have a job in which I am directly responsible for the work done by others.
2 Change and Variety: Have work responsibilities that frequently change in their content and setting.
2 Precision Work: Work in situations where there is very little tolerance for error.
3 Security: Be assured of keeping my job and a reasonable financial reward.
3 Recognition: Be recognized for the quality of my work in some visible or public way.
3 Excitement: Experience a high degree of (or frequent) excitement in the course of my work.
2 Profit, Gain: Have a strong likelihood of accumulating large amounts of money or other material gains.
3 Independence: Be able to determine the nature of my work without significant direction from others;
be my boss.
4 Moral Fulfillment: Feel that my work is contributing significantly to a set of moral standards that I feel
are very important.
4 Location: Find a place to live (town, geographical area) that is conducive to my lifestyle and allows me
the opportunity to do the things I enjoy most.
3 Community: Live in a town or city where I can get involved in community affairs.
4 Time/Freedom: Have work responsibilities that I can work at according to my schedule.