NSTP - CWTS 2 Module 2
NSTP - CWTS 2 Module 2
NSTP - CWTS 2 Module 2
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the learners are expected to:
1. Understand and realize the importance of “living and immersing” in a community;
2. Identify fundamental principles for community development;
3. Encourage and help community residents to be actively involved in community
undertakings; and
4. Learn how adapt and situate oneself in the community so that one can exhibit
properly his/her talents.
5. Become catalyst of change by providing service to the underprivileged community
and depressed areas.
Society Distinguished from Community
• Commutative justice from the Latin word commutatio or exchange deals with
relationships between individuals.
• Distributive justice refers to the obligations of society, particularly the State, to share
out the people’s benefits and offices according to merit, and tasks according to
Constitutional Provisions on Filipino’s Right to Equality:
The Congress shall give priority to the enactment of measures that protect and enhance
the right of all people to human dignity, reduce social, economic inequalities, remove
cultural inequalities by equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common
good. (Section 1; Article 13)
Social Responsibility
John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your
country.. You can be socially responsible by:
1. Exercise your night and duty to vote. Vote wisely
2. Pay your taxes regularly
3. Report crimes and other wrongdoings to the authorities
4. Be vigilant and report, expose, corruption and venalities in the government bureaucracy
5. To obey traffic laws or rules;
6. Maintaining sanitation and cleanliness of surroundings;
7. Contributing toward peace and order;
8. Be environment friendly.
Philippine Constitution (Art. IV, Sec. 5)
1. To be loyal to the Republic;
2. To defend the State;
3. To contribute to the development and welfare of the State;
4. To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws;
5. To cooperate with duly constituted authorities
6. To exercise rights responsibly and with due regard for the rights of others;
7. To engage in gainful work.
Character Traits/Personal Qualities of a Community Organizer
1. Integrity
2. Objectivity
3. Flexibility
4. Courage and Initiative
5. Sensitivity and Adaptability
6. Self-control and Discipline
7. Wit and Sense of Humor
8. Vision and Imagination
Community Organizing Continuous and Dynamic Process of:
1. Integration This can be done by living with families for couple of days,
interviewing and conversing with people.
2. Social Investigation Live with the people to determine the issues and real situation of the
or Community Study people
3. Issues Identification The main problem of the community is defined and analyzed whether
and Analysis this problem is the common need of the local community
4. Core Group Identify local leaders who can be formed as core group
5. Ground Work and Done by conducting one to one meeting with individual members of
Community Meeting the community that will lead later to group discussions
6. Role Playing Local leaders practiced how they will conduct dialogue
8. Evaluation or This is where members of the community sit together to discuss what
Reflection are the lessons learned, weaknesses
• Bio-Geography
• History
• Population
• Political or governance structure
• Housing and Planning
• Economic Basis of community life
• Educational, health, recreational, social welfare, religious and other resources
• Community attitudes and relationships, and lifestyles
The Principles of Community Organizing
1. Community organizing is set when people in a community are organized to work together in
pursuing a shared interest and common solutions to their problem and facilities
Effective community organizing is an educational process of action and reflection that
puts participants as active players
Ten Steps/Planning and Strategy
1. Integration
2. Social Investigation
3. Tentative Program
4. Groundwork
5. Meeting
6. Role Play
7. Mobilization or Action
8. Evaluation
9. Reflection
10. Organization
Evaluating your Project Effort
1. Is our strategy achieving the targeted results – are we closer to desired
2. What’s working, what isn’t?
3. Are our tasks (actions) working – are they helping our group’s effort to gain
Samples of Short Term Community Projects
a. Medical/dental missions
b. Tree Planting
c. Sports/Game Festivals
d. Feeding Program
e. Community Clean Up Drive
Long Term Community Projects
a. Community Livelihood Project
b. Building cooperative in the community
c. Continuous Training on Waste Management
d. Lobbying for Community Relocation Site
e. Building Facilities in the Community
f. Community Gardening
g. Campaign to Raise Damayan Funds
Name: ______________________________ Yr. and Course: _________
Instructor: ___________________________
1. Community Organization
2. Community Immersion
3. The community organizer as catalyst
4. The community organizer as enabler