S.Y. 2020-2021 A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH I. Learning Competency
S.Y. 2020-2021 A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH I. Learning Competency
S.Y. 2020-2021 A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH I. Learning Competency
Department of Education
Region IV-A Calabarzon
Division of Tanauan City
Tanauan Institute, Inc.
J. Gonzales St. Barangay 4, Tanauan City
S.Y. 2020-2021
A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. determine the different types of cohesive devices;
2. identify cohesive devices in a text;
3. create different types of speech using cohesive devices
Powerpoint Presentation
1. "Cohesive devices and how they affect comprehension, "Keys to Literacy, Last modified
August 19, 2020, https://keystoliteracy.com/blog/what-are-cohesive-devices-and-how-do-
2. Cohesion in text and speech. Accessed on May 12, 2020. Accessed at
A. Daily Routine
"Okay class before we start, let us pray first. (Students will pray)
President please lead the prayer.
"Good morning students!"
Good morning, ma’am!
Classroom Management
"Please pick up all the pieces of trash
underneath and kindly arrange your chair.
Please take your seats."
Checking of attendance
B. Learning Tasks
Preliminary Activity
Task 1: Complete Me
D. Analysis
Directions. Read the paragraph below
carefully, and then answer the following
questions. Kindly write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
I personally believed that libraries are
among humanity’s important institutions for
several reasons.
Firstly, most of humanity’s collective
knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly,
libraries protect and preserve this knowledge.
They also classify or group the materials into
logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials
available to everyone and even provide
librarians to help us find what we need.
Finally, librarians are our link to the past and
our gift to the future. In conclusion, libraries
are important institutions for humanity.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?
E. Abstraction
Directions. Read the following speech
below. Then pick out the cohesive devices
used in the statements. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
Greetings! The Philippines is a country of
7 thousand islands which has the highest
endemicity per unit area in the planet. This
means that 70 percent of the biodiversity
found in the Philippines can only be found in (Students will read the speech and will pick
our country. We have more than 3000 species out the cohesive devices used in the
of marine life and some of which includes a statements.)
snail. Our sponges and shells are effective in
addressing cancer and we are barely
scratching the surface of what there is. This is Cohesive Devices:
not just the wealth of the Philippines - it is the
wealth of all of us together. Should the planet ( and, then, Hence, Yet, because, if, not only,
escalate to more than 1.5 degrees then we lose but)
all of that. The planet simply cannot afford an
indecisive ambiguity about what needs to be
done. The situation is clear - anything more
than 1.5 degrees will destroy possibilities for
quality of life. We do not need to give up
economic growth - from clean energy, to
sustainable transportation, to all facets of life.
Hence, we need to have the courage to change
the way we do things. We cannot and must not
build an economy based on suffering. At an
increase of .8 degrees, we suffered Typhoon
Haiyan, which is the worst storm surge in the
planets history wherein more than ten
thousand died. Ironic. There’s so much to give
yet so much to lose.
As the Secretary for the environment we
will go heavily into mangroves because the
islands with mangroves suffered 80 percent
less damage in terms of lives and property.
This thrust will not only save our islands but
will result in economic zones because of the
resultant increase in fish, shrimps, and other
sea life. If handled well, our people can get out
of poverty.
I propose a dynamic direction of
facilitating climate change models on the
ground that gives the message - it can be done,
and we can do it! The rules of the Paris
Agreement can state what the performance
indicators of these models should be. There is
an integratedness of life. Yesterday, I was in
awe at dynamism and non-negotiable
commitment of the leaders of the Climate
Change movement. If we all imbibe this
consciousness deep in our hearts and manifest
it in ground level reality - humanity faces a
bright future if we continue to bloom this
spirit of working together. The Philippines is
making a commitment to this exciting future.
Source: DENR Secretary Gina Lopez at
COP22, Marrakech, Morocco. November 17,
F. Application
Directions: The class will be divided into
two. Boys Vs. Girls. Each group will
construct an informative speech using
cohesive devices with the topic "The New
I will give 15 mins to finish your work.
Then, the leader of the group will share it to
the class. (Students create an informative speech using
cohesive devices and share it to the class.)
Okay please present your work.
You did a great job. I see how you understand
our topic today based on your activities and
group work.
IV. Assignment
For your assignment please copy this.
Direction: Construct a paragraph with a
minimum of 10 sentences using cohesive
devices about your experience during
Is that all clear?
That’s all for today class. "Yes ma'am!"
Goodbye! See you when I see you.
God bless you all "Good bye ma'am. See you and God bless
Prepared by:
Garbin, Lizabel L.