1. Medium refers to the material used by an artist.
2. Technique is the manner in which the artist controls the medium to achieve
desired effect.
3. Combined arts are those whose mediums can be both seen and heard and which
exist in both space and time.
4. Painting is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of
5. Architecture is the art of designing and constructing a structure.
6. Sculpture is the construction of a figure by putting together module segments of
the material.
1. To familiarize oneself of how artwork is made, put together, or organized.
2. To determine the meaning conveyed by the art and how an artwork makes life
more meaningful.
3. To appreciate the vase of self-trust in producing art.
4. To come up with a simple art presentation.
4. Tempera
known as egg tempera, is a permanent, fast-drying painting medium consis-
ting of colored pigments mixed with a water-soluble binder medium, usually glutinous
material such as egg yolk. Tempera also refers to the paintings done in this medium.
5. Pastel
-A pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of powdered pigment
and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are similar to those used to produce
some other colored visual arts
6. Encaustic
-The term encaustic means “to heat or burn in” from an ancient Greek word.
Encaustic materials are produced through a process which involves heating
to seal in the dyes and clays. Traditional encaustic tiles are made using clay and
powdered glazes, and are fired in a coal or wood-fired kiln.
7. Oil
-Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments with a medium of drying oil as
the binder. Commonly used drying oils include linseed oil, poppy seed oil, walnut oil,
and safflower oil. ... An artist might use several different oils in the same painting
depending on specific pigments and effects desired.
8. Acrylic
-Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer
emulsion and plasticizers, silicon oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps. Most
Most acrylic paints are water-based, but become water-resistant when dry.
9. Mosaic
-A mosaic is a pattern or image made of small regular or irregular pieces of colored
stone, glass or ceramic, held in place by plaster/mortar, and covering a surface.
Mosaics are often used as floor and wall decoration, and were particularly popular in
the Ancient Roman world.
10. Stained Glass
-Stained glass, in the arts, the coloured glass used for making decorative windows
and other objects through which light passes. Strictly speaking, all coloured glass
“stained,” or coloured by the addition of various metallic oxides while it is in a molten
11. Tapestry
-Tapestry is a form of textile art, traditionally woven by hand on a loom.Tapestry is
relatively fragile, and difficult to make, so most historical pieces are intended to hang
vertically on a wall (or sometimes in tents), or sometimes horizontally over a piece
of furniture such as a table or bed.
12. Drawing
-Drawing is a way of making a picture. Drawings are created by making lines on
a surface. Long lines make up the shapes and small lines make the textures.
Drawings can be images of real-life or abstract images showing ideas that cannot
be seen in the real world.
13. Bistre
-Bistre, brown pigment made from boiling the soot of wood. Because bistre is trans
-parent and has no body, it is frequently used in conjunction with pen and ink drawings
as a wash, a liquid spread evenly to suggest shadows, and is especially associated
with the appearance of the typical “old master drawing.”
14. Crayons
-crayons to create colorful, vibrant, realistic, and whimsical pieces of art. Crayola
is a very popular brand of crayons, even for professional artists. When used in the
proper way, Crayola crayons can create stunning pieces of work that rival anything
in a museum or gallery.
15. Silverpoint
-Silverpoint is a traditional drawing technique first used by medieval scribes on manus
-cripts. It is an incredibly sensitive and delicate medium, and drawing with the lightest
and most fluid of touches will make a mark on the page. In exhibitions of Renaissance
drawings you will frequently see the term metalpoint used to describe the technique used.
16. Printmaking
-Printmaking is an artistic process based on the principle of transferring images from
matrix onto another surface, most often paper or fabric. Traditional printmaking
techniques include woodcut, etching, engraving, and lithography, while modern
artists have expanded available techniques to include screenprinting.
17. Lithography
-Lithography is a printing process that uses a flat stone or metal plate on which the
image areas are worked using a greasy substance so that the ink will adhere to
them by, while the non-image areas are made ink-repellent.
18. Sculpture
-Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one
of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving and modelling,
in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials but, since Modernism, there has
been an almost complete freedom of materials and process.
19. Stone
-A Stone sculpture is an object made of stone which has been shaped, usually by
carving, or assembled to form a visually interesting three-dimensional shape. Stone
is more durable than most alternative materials, making it especially important in
architectural sculpture on the outside of buildings.
20. Jade
-Jade was famously used as an ornamental stone in China, as well as other areas
of Asia, and Mesoamerica. In China jade was used to make functional items like
buttons, but also for ceremonial objects of art like carved dragons since the Neolithic
period.Jade was also regarded as precious in other areas of Asia too.
21. Ivory
-Ivory is a type of dentine - a hard, dense bony tissue which forms most of the teeth
and tusks of animals - which has been used for millennia as a material for carving
sculpture (mostly small-scale relief sculpture or various types of small statue) .
22. Metals
-Any art work that is crafted from the 'ores of the earth,' including bronze, gold, tin, l
ead, silver and iron is defined as metal art. It is also common to see metal art created
from various metal alloys, such as aluminum. Metal art can be either purely decorative
or functional and useful.
23. Plaster
-Commonly used to create sculptures, plaster is made by mixing water, lime, gypsum,
sand, and other strengthening materials, such as animal hair. The resulting paste can
be applied to walls, cast, or, once dried, carved.Later, plaster allowed for the easy
reproduction of Greek and Roman masterpieces.
24. Clay
-Clay is a naturally occurring sticky fine grained earth. It is essentially rock dust
combined with water. It can be molded into different shapes. Clay is used to make
bricks, potteries, and ceramics. It is also used to make sculptures and decorative
patterns and designs.
25. Glass
-Glass art refers to individual works of art that are substantially or wholly made of
glass. It ranges in size from monumental works and installation pieces to wall hangings
and windows, to works of art made in studios and factories, including glass jewelry and
1. Music
-Music is the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition through the
elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.It is one of the universal cultural
aspects of all human societies.
-Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a
composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references
the world.
-Symbolism was a late nineteenth-century art movement of French, Russian and
Belgian origin in poetry and other arts seeking to represent absolute truths symbo
-lically through language and metaphorical images, mainly as a reaction against
naturalism and realism.
-Fauvism is the style of les Fauves, a group of early 20th-century modern artists
whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational
or realistic values retained by Impressionism
-Dada or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early
20th century, with early centres in Zürich, Switzerland, at the Cabaret Voltaire.
New York Dada began c. 1915, and after 1920 Dada flourished in Paris. Dadaist
activities lasted until c. the mid 1920s.
-Futurism was an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early
20th century which later also developed in Russia. It emphasized dynamism, speed,
technology, youth, violence, and objects such as the car, the airplane, and the
industrial city.
-Surrealism was a cultural movement which developed in Europe in the aftermath
of World War I and was largely influenced by Dada. The movement is best known
for its visual artworks and writings and the juxtaposition of distant realities to
activate the unconscious mind through the imagery.
-Expressionism is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating
in Northern Europe around the beginning of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to
present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for
emotional effect in order to evoke moods or ideas.
1. What is medium?
-refers to the material used by an artist.
2. What is technique?
-is the manner in which the artist controls the medium to achieve
desired effect.
1. The elements of art refer to the qualities or properties inherent in each work of
2. The elements of visual arts are line, color, texture, perspective, space, form,
volume, light and shadow.
3. Line is the path created by moving points in space.
4. Color refers to the quality or kind of light that reflects from the surface of the
5. Texture is the element that deals with the sense of touch.
6. Perspective deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by
means of which the eye judges’ spatial relationship.
7. Space is concerned with making every part of the artwork functional so that all
parts can contribute to make a complete work of art.
8. Form describes the structure or shape of an object.
9. Volume refers to the amount of space a form occupies.
10. The elements of music are rhythm, melody, harmony, tempo, dynamics, and
11. Rhythm is the variation of length and accentuation of a series of sounds.
12. Melody refers to pitches or tones sounded one after another in a logical and
meaningful series.
13. Harmony refers to the manner of sound combination whenever subordinate
sounds are added to enhance the quality of the main sound.
14. Tempo refers to the speed of a certain musical piece.
15. Dynamics refers to the amount, strength, or volume of the sound.
16. Timber refers to tone quality.
1. To explain the relationship of the elements of the different
fields of arts.
2. To explain how elements are presented in the different
3. To determine the characteristics and psychological-effects of
line, form, texture, perspective, color, space, volume, and
other elements in visual arts.
4. To determine the elements of music and literature as
performing arts.
2. COLOR Color refers to the quality or kind of light that reflects from the
surface of the object.
3. TEXTURE Texture is the element that deals with the sense of touch.
Answer the following questions. (10 points each)