Electro-Spark Deposition Machine Design, Physical Controls and Parameter Effects
Electro-Spark Deposition Machine Design, Physical Controls and Parameter Effects
Electro-Spark Deposition Machine Design, Physical Controls and Parameter Effects
Stephen Peterkin
A thesis
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulfilment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Master of Applied Science
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Electro-spark deposition (ESD) is a micro welding process characterized by short duration high current
pulses, often generated by capacitors, arcing between a conductive electrode and substrate. The high
intensity, low net power process results in metallurgical bonded coatings or alloyed layers with practically
no heat affected zone. The unique characteristics of this process facilitate the bonding of high ceramic
content cermet materials, as well as heat sensitive high value materials. The process is used to repair
components where low heat input, low distortion depositions are required, as well as apply coatings for
the improvement of corrosion resistance, tribological properties and local alloy content.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of ESD power supply designs on the control of
ESD process parameters. Electrical power supply parameters such as voltage, capacitance and voltage
were examined, along with physical parameters including; application force, movement speed, movement
pattern and shielding gas were explored.
Three different custom power supplies were developed to encompass performance improvements reported
in previous studies and compare advanced circuit and parameter behavior against the traditional ESD
machine. This was done by analyzing the possible voltage and current signals recorded from the power
supply with a data acquisition system. The electrical signals were used to compare advances in voltage,
capacitance, frequency and pulse sequence control.
Key parameters were identified and implemented in a universal power supply as a simplified user
interface. A wider range of electrical parameters were tested in order to meet the needs of a wider variety
of material pairings. The new universal ESD power supply was tested to determine the parameter effects
on the coating quality of titanium carbide nickel sintered electrodes deposited on copper substrates. Pulse
voltage and frequency were identified as having the most significant effect on the coating thickness and
defect formation.
The deposition experiments for relating the electrical parameters to coating quality revealed errors in the
coating measurements caused by variations in the ESD physical parameters. A computer numerical
controlled machine was developed with a force feedback system to control the physical parameters. Using
this system the effect of controlled deposition patterns, movement speed, application force, and argon
shielding gas was tested against the effects of the ESD voltage and frequency.
The experimental data concluded that the physical controls paired with the management of electrical
parameters improved the coating thickness, and lack of defects. Implementation of a physical control
system including movement and force control would be beneficial for future experiments and for some
industrial applications. The combined electrical power effects of varying the voltage, frequency with the
use of shielding gas resulted in improved coating thickness and quality. This demonstrated that testing to
determine the effective parameter ranges for new applications and material pairings is integral to the
deposition of thicker coatings with reductions in the typical pore, crack and oxidation defects.
I would like to thank Professor Y. Norman Zhou and Professor Ehsan Toyserkani for their guidance and
providing resources as academic advisors for my project. Without their broad knowledge base in the
fields of material science, welding, controls and manufacturing I would not have had the background to
attempt a project of this scope.
I would like to thank Nigel Scotchmer, Dominic Leung and Kevin Chan at Huys Industries Limited for
their assistance, providing materials, equipment and power supplies for this project. Their extensive
knowledge in the design and application of ESD technologies was invaluable in the description,
development and testing of experiments during this project.
I would like to thank Huys Industries Limited and National Research Council of Canada for financial
support for this project.
I would like to thank members of the Mechanical Engineering Department Dr. Yuquan Ding, Mark
Griffet and Neil Griffet for their technical support in machine development, electrical safety, and analysis.
A special thanks goes to my colleagues Dr. Joyce Koo, Foss Jiao, Dongwoon Huh, Emanuel Santos and
Richard Liang for their endless support freely lending their time and expertise. Lastly I would like to
thank all of my colleagues in the Center for Advanced Materials and Joining who helped me in the labs,
and provided valuable advice and discussions.
Table of Contents
1.3 Outline............................................................................................................................... 2
2.5.3 Derivative gain ......................................................................................................... 22
4.2.5 ESD Machine #2 summary ....................................................................................... 46
6.1 ESD power supply design ............................................................................................... 85
References ................................................................................................................................................... 88
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................. 93
Transformer 93
Rectifiers 93
Thyristors 96
List of Figures
Figure 4: Rectified voltage outputs for different diode configurations [10] [11] ......................................... 5
Figure 5: High speed images of arc ignition and droplet formation during ESD [6] .................................... 7
Figure 7: Single pulse rotating ESD; Inconel 182 on titanium [18] ............................................................. 7
Figure 11: Cu substrate material transfer to TiC/Ni electrode after ESD [7] ............................................... 9
Figure 12: Ti element map of static ESD crater. Small scattered particles of Ti [7] .................................... 9
Figure 13: Ni elemental map of static ESD crater small scattered particles of Ni [7] .................................. 9
Figure 15: Surface of ESD crater using dynamic control mode [7] ............................................................ 10
Figure 16: Ti element map of the dynamic ESD crater [7] ......................................................................... 10
Figure 17: Ni element map of the dynamic ESD crater [7] ........................................................................ 10
Figure 18: Process efficiency for increasing ESD power for WC and TiC respectively with different
shielding gas [6] .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 19: Weight gain by the Cu substrate during consecutive dynamic depositions [7] ......................... 12
Figure 20: Weight loss by the TiC/Ni electrode during consecutive dynamic depositions [7]................... 12
Figure 25: ESD heat buildup with pulse sequence; a) normally spaced pulses, b) grouped pulses [21] .... 15
Figure 26: Current pulse formation for a voltage output from the power transistor [20] ........................... 16
Figure 27: Schematic detailing pulse arrangements with varying pauses between pulses (t_ps) and pulse
duration (t_p) [20] ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 28: Mass change from the anode and cathode for groups of pulses [20]......................................... 16
Figure 29: Mass change for the electrode in solid dots and mass gain for the substrate versus the pause
between groups of pulses [20] .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 30: Morphology of ESD coating with the first pulse at 200A 300us and the second at 400A 300us
and 75us pause between pulse groups [20] ................................................................................................. 18
Figure 31: Scheme representing the proposed sequence of pulses with the triangular grinding pulses [22]
.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 32: a) as deposited surface roughness; b) mass transfer values versus processing time [22] .......... 20
Figure 35: PID controller response dead time [24] ..................................................................................... 21
Figure 37: Temperature change in the substrate from ceramic depositions on steel relating pressing force
[25] .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 38: Effect of contact force with pulse frequency of 55Hz, traverse speed of 5mm/s and deposition
time 200s [26] ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 39: Effect of traverse speed with 0.12N contact force and 55Hz pulse frequency [26] .................. 24
Figure 40: Effect of pulse frequency with 16mJ pulse energy, 0.12N contact force, 5mm/s traverse speed
and 200s deposition time [26] ..................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 41: Effect of the number of raster scans with 55Hz pulse frequency, 0.12N contact force, 200s
single scan deposition times 5mm/s; and 14s at 70mm/s [26] .................................................................... 25
Figure 47: Single current pulse Hall Effect recorded data .......................................................................... 29
Figure 49: Single Tact Capacitive Sensor and analogue integration board [30] ......................................... 30
Figure 50: Valid data range for capacitive sensor [30] ............................................................................... 30
Figure 54: Arduino Uno microcontroller device [32] ................................................................................. 32
Figure 59: ESD Machine #1 electrical components block diagram [36] .................................................... 35
Figure 60: ESD Machine #1 electrical signals: Current and voltage [36] .................................................. 35
Figure 61: Improved ESD Machine #2 power supply block diagram [37] ................................................. 36
Figure 62: ESD Machine #2 electrical signals: Current and voltage [36] .................................................. 37
Figure 63: ESD voltage behavior and frequency response [36] ................................................................. 39
Figure 64: Voltage and current response from ESD Machine #2 ............................................................... 39
Figure 66: ESD Machine #2 control mode 6 secondary circuit discharge .................................................. 42
Figure 74: Universal ESD machine simplified electrical diagram.............................................................. 47
Figure 75: Universal ESD machine charging speed control mode; 25 charging speed; 135V; 100µF ....... 48
Figure 76: Universal ESD machine frequency control mode; 95 charging speed; 300Hz Max; 50V; 150µF
.................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 77: TiC/Ni on Cu coupon coated substrate; before and after respectively ...................................... 49
Figure 80: Optical images at 10x magnification for low medium and high parameter TiC/Ni coatings .... 50
Figure 81: TiC/Ni on Cu coating thickness versus ESD voltage for varying charging speeds ................... 50
Figure 82: Tic/Ni on Cu coating thickness versus ESD pulse frequency ................................................... 51
Figure 83: TiC/Ni on Cu gouge depth and gap distance (interfacial crack width) versus ESD voltage ..... 51
Figure 84: TiC/Ni on Cu gap distance (interfacial crack width) versus ESD pulse frequency ................... 52
Figure 85: TiC/Ni on Cu gouge depth versus ESD pulse frequency .......................................................... 52
Figure 86: SEM images for low medium and high parameters .................................................................. 52
Figure 87: TiC/Ni experiment test 1 EDX data; surface denoted by vertical line ...................................... 53
Figure 88: TiC/Ni experiment test 6 EDX data; surface denoted by vertical line ...................................... 53
Figure 89: TiC/Ni experiment test 9 EDX data; surface denoted by vertical line ...................................... 53
Figure 90: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment EDX results copper diffusion; surface denoted by vertical line ...... 54
Figure 91: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment EDX results titanium diffusion; surface denoted by vertical line .... 54
Figure 92: Test 1 75V, 100µF, and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame ................................................... 54
Figure 93: Test 2 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame overheating .............................. 55
Figure 94: Test 2 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame molten metal ............................ 56
Figure 95 Test 3 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame using a localized nozzle of
30CFH argon shielding gas ......................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 97: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps initial contact: 100V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95
charging speed ............................................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 98: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps excessive force: 75V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95
charging speed ............................................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 99: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps final contact: 100V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging
speed ........................................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 100: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps; ESD parameters 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging
speed; a) 50V, b) 75V, c) 100V, d) 135V, e) 135V + Ar ............................................................................ 62
Figure 102: Zig zag pattern in x & y direction to increase area coverage .................................................. 63
Figure 103: ESD Scanning Pattern Test number 5: a) Center of the deposition; b) Edge of the deposition
.................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 104: Center and Edge of coating disparity a) 65V 100µF; b) 100V 100µF .................................... 65
Figure 108: Octagon spiral pattern coating average coating thickness results versus the electrical ESD
parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 109: Bending test compressive load data......................................................................................... 69
Figure 111: LabView GUI for capacitive force sensor data collection....................................................... 72
Figure 112: LabView block diagram for capacitive force sensor data collection ....................................... 72
Figure 115: 1mm step-down force; sensor below the substrate .................................................................. 74
Figure 116: Force measurements with sensor below the substrate during a spiral deposition ................... 74
Figure 122: Maximum ESD frequency parameter related to coating thickness ......................................... 81
Figure 124: Tests 1-9; no argon 20x magnification optical images ............................................................ 82
Figure 125: Tests 10-18; 30CFH argon shielding gas; 20x magnification optical images; NB: Test 14 and
17 10x magnification .................................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 129: Diode bridge rectifier [11] ....................................................................................................... 95
Figure 131: Diode bridge rectifier negative half cycle [11] ........................................................................ 95
Figure 132: Full wave diode bridge rectifier with smoothing capacitor [11] ............................................. 96
Figure 135: Hall Effect sensor interaction with magnetic fields [46] ......................................................... 98
Figure 149: Force feedback VI GUI ......................................................................................................... 104
Figure 153: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V, 200Hz, 200µF, 50 passes of 5mm diameter circle; no
argon ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 154: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V, 200Hz, 200µF, 50 passes of 5mm diameter circle; 30 CFH
argon ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 155: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V, 200Hz, 200µF, 200 passes of 5mm diameter circle; 30
CFH argon................................................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 156: PID Control System during ESD Force set at 0.65V ............................................................ 107
List of Tables
Table 1: Comparison between conventional D9130 ESD power supply and improved IGBT design [8].. 14
Table 2: Pulse parameters and mass loss from the electrode [20] .............................................................. 17
Table 11: TiC/Ni on Cu Universal ESD machine experiment parameters; NB: Frequency refers to the
charging speed level .................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 13: Zig Zag steel on steel deposition test parameters, average coating thickness and standard
deviation of coating thickness ..................................................................................................................... 66
Table 14: Octagon spiral ESD Test electrical parameters and coating measurements ............................... 68
Table 18: CNC and force feedback controlled ESD experiment; electrical parameters ............................. 80
Table 19: CNC and force feedback controlled ESD experiment; coating thickness measurements ........... 80
List of Equations
List of Abbreviations
CNC: Computer numerical controls Computer controlled physical location driven marching
DC: Direct current Transformed municipal power for use in charging the
ESD capacitors
RSW: Resistance spot welding Electrical resistance welding process using high
currents and typically copper electrodes
G-Code: RS-274 generic programming Typical programming language used for the
code communication with CNC machines
VISA Virtual Instrument Software LabView serial – digital port emulator and control
Chapter 1.0: Introduction
Electro-spark deposition (ESD) is a micro welding process in which short duration; high current electrical
discharges are used to deposit conductive material from an electrode to the substrate surface. Relative
motion is required between the electrode and the substrate to prevent sticking and deposit continuous
This process has been historically used for the repair of high valued components where there is a
requirement for minimal distortion and heat affected zones. ESD benefits from the metallurgical bonding
of the deposited material while the short duration pulses result in low net heat input, reducing the heat
affected zone. Other applications include electro-spark alloying to treat the surfaces of metallic products
with alloying elements to change the hardness, wear, corrosion and surface properties. Notably ESD has
been used to deposit high melting temperature cermet electrodes onto softer metallic substrates to
drastically change the surface properties of the products.
Different material pairings and end use applications for coatings and alloying operations achieved through
the use of ESD require the selection of optimized parameters out of a wide range of possible variables.
There is a need for the design of a power supply which can meet the needs of various applications while
maintaining control of the key parameters. Understanding the interactions between the ESD electrical
and physical parameters is necessary for the effective use of the ESD process for new applications.
1.2 Objective
Study is needed into the development of advanced ESD power supplies capable of meeting the various
parameter needs of different applications and realizing improvements presented in past research.
Selection of the significant electrical parameters and understanding the effects on coating quality will help
in the development of a procedure for determining the process range for future applications.
The ESD process can be powered by a wide variety of power supplies with a wide range of potential
electrical parameters and settings. Applicators typically provide the required relative motion by rotating
or vibrating the treating electrode. Physical considerations as to the motion pattern, movement speed and
application force can have a significant effect on the quality of the coatings. Figure 1 outlines some of the
different parameters which are relevant to the ESD process, [1].
The various ESD process parameters have varying effects on the quality of coatings and depositions.
There is a need to understand and relate the relevant parameters in order to effectively apply the ESD
process to emerging applications.
1.3 Outline
This study evaluates the performance and contributes to improvements of advanced ESD power supplies.
Design changes are evaluated with a focus on increasing the possible material pairings possible with ESD
and presenting a procedure and results for the effect of electrical parameter on the quality of ESD
coatings and effects on mass transfer mechanisms.
The effects of the ESD voltage, pulse frequency, shielding gas and physical controls are examined versus
the performance of more traditional ESD power supplies and application methods.
Chapter 2 presents the background and literature review related to the ESD process. The studies focus on
the design of ESD power supplies, the effects of ESD parameters and the mechanism of mass transfer.
The theory relating to the controls system developed in Chapter 5 is presented.
Chapter 3 exhibits the analysis and characterization tools and methods used to quantify the performance
of experiments.
Chapter 4 follows the development of advanced ESD power supplies, applying improvements similar to
previous studies from Chapter 2, in order to develop a machine which meets the needs of a wide variety
of material pairings and applications, while demonstrating the accuracy to reduce defects and increase
Chapter 5 presents the need for a physical control system for the ESD process. A preliminary computer
numerical controls (CNC) machine and force feedback system is developed to demonstrate the effect on
characterizing electrical parameters to coating quality, while also exploring the effects of force,
movement speed and deposition patterns on the process.
Chapter 2.0: Background
ESD is a direct current electrode positive (DCEP) micro-arc welding process; see Figure 2, process where
high current, short duration pulses facilitate the flow of electrons from the substrate to the electrode. The
flow of electrons interacts with gaseous ions in the intermediate distance forming a plasma arc. The short
duration high current causes local arcing and joule heating promoting the formation the ESD
characteristic arc, [2-8].
Treating electrodes and substrates require electrical conductivity and are often metal and ceramic alloys.
Material is deposited as molten material from the electrode, impinging on the substrate forming a
metallurgical bond. The material is deposited via a moving applicator and ground, which transfers the
electrical signals and facilitates relative motion through the use of rotation, linear motion or vibration to
prevent the electrode sticking to the surface. See Figure 3 for a schematic of the ESD process, [2-8].
Figure 2: DCEP welding process [4] Figure 3: ESD process schematic [5]
ESD power supplies are typically powered by the principles of capacitors. The electrical component is
used to generate the high current electrical pulses or a power supply with pulses driven by transistors.
Other universal electrical components include transformers, and different rectifier types. More advanced
ESD power supplies use solid state microcontroller managed switching devices to vary the pulse
Different types of rectifiers, such as diode bridge rectifiers, single and full wave rectifiers as well as the
transformer used in the generation of the direct current (DC) power required for charging capacitors can
have a significant effect on the performance of the power supply. See Appendix A: Electrical component
descriptions for a detailed description of the rectifier process, [9] [10] [11].
Figure 4: Rectified voltage outputs for different diode configurations [10] [11]
2.2.1 Capacitors
Capacitors are an integral part of many ESD power supply circuits. The ability to store and quickly
discharge high currents is ideal for the high intensity spark generation that characterizes the ESD process.
The capacitors are characterized by the quantity of electrical charge which can be stored relative to the
change in electrical potential. The capacitance, measured in farads (F) is the ratio of the charge q in
coulombs on the capacitor electrode and the potential difference in volts between the electrodes. Equation
1 represents the mathematical relation between the variables, [12].
Equation 1: Capacitance
The energy stored and discharged by the capacitor is characterized by the work performed by the power
supply, or battery to create the electrical potential difference between the electrodes. The charging
potential of the capacitor is related to the surface area of the electrodes, the spacing between them the
dielectric solution between the electrodes and the applied charging voltage. Equation 2 relates the
electrical energy stored or discharged in joules from a capacitor to the capacitance in farads and charging
potential in volts, [12] [13].
𝐸 = 𝐶𝑉 2 (𝐽)
Electrolyte capacitors are used due to high capacitance relative to the device size. These capacitors
function with an electrolyte solution which acts as the cathode and a thin oxide layer, often from
aluminum or tantalum, which acts as the dielectric, [12]. Equation 2 relates the properties of capacitors
which allows for the high powered, short duration discharges which define ESD processes. The equation
notes that relatively low charging voltages will store and discharge large quantities of electrical energy.
In order to design and develop advanced ESD power supplies, switching components need to be used
along with microcontroller logic, to manage the charging and discharging of the circuit or capacitors.
Thyristors and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) are components used to rapidly control and
switch the current flow during different stages of the ESD signal generation. The use of these components
can alter the pulse frequency, sequence and pauses in order to influence the results of the ESD process.
See Appendix A: Electrical component descriptions for a detailed description of the IGBT and thyristor
switching devices, [14] [15].
Several different mass transfer methods have been proposed for the ESD process. The methods include
solid, liquid and gaseous transfer across the gap between the electrode and the substrate, the transfer of
the molten material accelerated by plasma formed by the arc, and direct contact between the electrode and
substrate molten material. Due to the localized and rapid mass transfer, and degeneration of the arc it is
difficult to characterize the exact mass transfer method, [6].
The process for liquid mass transfer was divided into several process steps. Contact between the electrode
and substrate and the discharge of the electrical circuit causes significant localized joule heating. The
joule heating melts the contact point for the substrate and electrode. Rapid relative motion of the electrode
results in the localized area moving before the electric circuit is completely discharged. The resultant gap
results in thermionic emission forming a plasma arc between the electrode and substrate. The arc melts a
small section of the electrode which is accelerated by the plasma arc to adhere to the substrate. Figure 5
shows high speed images detailing the arc and droplet formation during ESD. This transfer mode has
mechanics similar to the short circuit transfer mode in GMAW, [6] [16] [7] [17].
Figure 5: High speed images of arc ignition and droplet formation during ESD [6]
Research into the appearance and properties of single deposition spots using ESD with a rotating
electrode characterized a splashing of the molten metal when testing certain material pairings. High
pressure interactions with the arc, expanding gases and expulsed solid electrode materials serve to form
the splash morphology in the depositions. The proposed steps for deposition formation, illustrating the
spark initiation, high pressure zone, splashed and transferred material and solidification is seen in Figure
6. A set of different materials were tested to see if different formations would occur, all of the tested
material pairings resulted in the splashed deposition seen in Figure 7, [18].
Similarly researchers have proposed that the mass transfer occurs as the electrode locally bonds to the
substrate, then the relative motion mechanically breaks the weak bond. In this method the joule heating
between the locally heated electrode and substrate forms a bond similar to a micro stud welding process.
Then it is the relative motion which breaks the bond and leaves a deposition, [17].
A study was done to determine the effect of the electrode position relative to the substrate and the
resulting mass transfer method. The study examined a static deposition mode and a dynamic deposition
mode, relating to the relative motion of the electrode. Figure 8 and Figure 9 detail the stages of the ESD
process for the different control modes. Depositions were made with the pairing of a titanium carbide
nickel ceramic metal composite sintered electrode and a copper substrate, [7] [17].
Figure 8: Static deposition mode ESD stages [7] Figure 9: Dynamic deposition mode ESD stages [7]
The static mode depositions resulted in the formation of an elliptical crater in the substrate showing signs
of the splashed liquid substrate material caused by the arc. Figure 10 shows the surface of the ESD crater
from the static control mode discharge, highlighting the splashed substrate material. Figure 11 highlights
the substrate material, molten Cu, which transferred to the composite electrode. Localized melting was
observed on the electrode, however no significant amount of the electrode material was transferred to the
substrate. Figure 12 and Figure 13 quantify that there was little material transfer from the electrode to the
substrate, and rather a somewhat localized contamination of the substrate surface with small
concentrations of Ti and Ni, [7].
Figure 10: Crater from static ESD [7] Figure 11: Cu substrate material transfer to TiC/Ni
electrode after ESD [7]
The dynamic mode depositions, where the electrode was allowed to continue to move forward after initial
contact resulted in significant depositions. This experiment supported that the majority of mass transfer
occurred when there was physical molten metal to molten metal contact between the electrode and the
The mass transfer rate was again increased when an additional discharge was permitted, so that there were
two nearly instantaneous capacitor discharges. The initial discharge followed the static model, and then
the electrode moved into the substrate crater discharges again increasing the volume of molten metal
transferred to the substrate. The data graphed in Figure 14 clearly shows how the capacitor discharges
twice, related to the movement of the electrode following the initial discharge. Figure 15 highlights the
difference to the static mode, as there is now a visually significant amount of deposited electrode material
on the substrate surface, [7].
Figure 14: Dynamic deposition current and voltage Figure 15: Surface of ESD crater using dynamic
data [7] control mode [7]
The difference between the element maps for the static and dynamic mode depositions highlights that the
dynamic mode significantly increased the molten metal to molten metal interactions and locally
transferred more electrode materials to the substrate. Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the concentration of
Ti and Ni respectively when compared to the elemental maps for the static mode depositions, [7].
Figure 16: Ti element map of the dynamic ESD Figure 17: Ni element map of the dynamic ESD
crater [7] crater [7]
Consensus is that the majority of the mass transfer for ESD is achieved through molten metal to molten
metal interactions, be it through the detachment of a molten droplet from the electrode to impinge on the
substrate surface, or the mechanical transfer of molten metal from the surface of the electrode to the
molten pool on the substrate. The method of liquid transfer would depend on the material pairing,
atmospheric interactions and ESD parameters. Using multiple pulses can increase the mass transfer
efficiency, [6] [7] [16] [17].
2.3.1 Erosion losses
It has been established that the liquid erosion from the ESD process accounts for the effective mass
transfer. Concurrently changes in the substrate and electrode material, as well as ESD parameters will
affect the negative losses from the solid, liquid and gaseous discharge from the process, [16].
Notably certain materials which have high levels of interactions with atmospheric elements, or lack a
stable liquid phase will have difficulties with the ESD process. Materials such as graphite have difficulties
being deposited using ESD, as well as the metallic materials bismuth telluride and chromium silicide have
seen little success due to excessive losses during deposition. [19].
Erosion losses are defined by the phase in which they escape the electrode or substrate. Vapor
components typically are lost to the atmosphere, a small amount of vaporized substrate material may
condense on the adjacent electrode, however the majority of mass lost to vapor is not recovered. Particles
eroded during the physical stress of the spark typically do not adhere to the surface of the substrate and
are thus not considered in the substrate mass gain. Liquid material which splashes from the electrode or
substrate during the spark will likely not properly adhere to the substrate due to surface oxides and
contaminants. Only those materials which interact with the cathodic etching action of the spark, and the
molten substrate material are considered to effectively form the metallurgical bond which characterizes
effective ESD processes, [7] [16].
Increasing the ESD electrical parameters serves to increase the erosion rate of all phases. Tuning of the
ESD parameters is key to achieving high mass transfer rates as well as reducing erosion losses. Figure 18
reports data showing the limitations of increasing the ESD electrical energy on the process efficiency of
the mass transfer. A threshold of pulse energy results in a plateau of the process mass transfer, [6].
Figure 18: Process efficiency for increasing ESD power for WC and TiC respectively with different shielding
gas [6]
Additional depositions on previously deposited layers are often desirable to increase coating thickness.
However it is widely accepted that many tested materials have a limit for maximum consecutive coating
thicknesses, often for high ceramic content coatings where the substrate resistance increases due to the
deposition of highly ceramic electrode materials. Figure 19 compared to Figure 20 demonstrates the
difference in the electrode erosion and the substrate mass gain when increasing the number of consecutive
depositions with the TiC/Ni electrode. The electrode erosion remains higher than the weight gain of the
substrate due to erosion of the substrate, and losses in the gaseous and solid phase. Additional depositions
past 80 did not increase the mass of the substrate, [7].
Figure 19: Weight gain by the Cu substrate during Figure 20: Weight loss by the TiC/Ni electrode
consecutive dynamic depositions [7] during consecutive dynamic depositions [7]
ESD power supplies are characterized by high current short duration pulses, different methods of creating
the electrical signals have been explored. Different methods have been tested to improve the electrical
parameter control of the systems as well as use different pulse shapes and sequences to improve the
deposition quality and mass transfer rates.
Initial designs for ESD machines often employed electrically simple transformer, rectifier charging
circuits which supplied the discharging capacitors. With this power supply the discharge frequency is
controlled by the intermittent contact determined by the vibrating or rotating electrode. The diagram in
Figure 21 illustrates the simplicity of this design.
Figure 21: Conventional ESD power supply [8]
While electrically simple and easy to apply this setup has several drawbacks. The process frequency of
the ESD process is entirely charged by the oscillation frequency of a vibrational applicator or the breaks
in contact from a rotating applicator. In the case of a rotating electrode or high frequency vibrations there
may be instances of constant discharging where the power supply discharged faster than charging. This
results in much lower than expected output voltages and potentially insufficient electrical energy to
deposit material, [8].
This study proposed to improve the typical ESD circuit by adding IGBT controlled switches to ensure
that the capacitor was fully charged to the desired voltage before discharging. In this way the process
frequency is determined by the desired capacitor voltage level and the intermittent contact by the
applicator. However in instances where there is constant contact the capacitors will still fully charge
before discharging. A schematic of the proposed improved power supply is illustrated in Figure 22, [8].
Control of the capacitor discharge voltage with IGBT switches results in accelerated coating rates, near 3
to 4 times, related to the deposition of WC-8%Co tungsten carbide cobalt composites onto ASI 1045 Steel
substrates. Table 1 details the electrical parameters for the two power supplies and the results of coating
thickness, roughness and coating rate. It was noted that increasing the coating rate resulted in an increase
in the surface roughness of the depositions, [8].
Table 1: Comparison between conventional D9130 ESD power supply and improved IGBT design [8]
Experiments were done with varying electrical parameters to evaluate the effect on the coating thickness
and the wear resistance. The pulse energy was varied in a measure of joules, the pulse frequency in kHz
was varied and the total deposition time. Figure 23 and Figure 24 graph the results of the experiments for
the coating thickness and wear resistance respectively. Notably there was an increase in the coating
thickness with increases in the output energy and pulse frequency; however there was a decrease in the
coating thickness after depositions longer than 3 minutes. This supports other research that for certain
material pairings there is a limit to the number of beneficial sequential depositions. Increases in the
parameters all resulted in increases in the wear resistance of the coatings.
2.4.2 Pulse sequence
A different ESD power supply can employ a power transistor to control the duration of the current pulses
out of the device. A study to determine the effect of pulse width and the pause between pulses, effectively
the frequency ran experiments by treating steel 35 with a WC-8%Co electrode, [20].
Increasing the frequency is in an effort to increase the average current, such that the new heat transient
process of the next pulse is affected by the previous pulse. Figure 25 demonstrates how pulse sequencing
and the gap between pulses can drastically increase the heat input from the ESD process, [21].
Figure 25: ESD heat buildup with pulse sequence; a) normally spaced pulses, b) grouped pulses [21]
Increasing the heat of the process simply by increasing the overall frequency would increase the heat
input into the substrate and could reduce the beneficial effects of the ESD process. Figure 26 details the
current buildup when a series of voltage pulses are sent in sequence. The aim of the experiment was to
group different sets of current pulses so as to keep the overall energy level equal, but allow the heat
transient effect to accumulate heat in the electrode so that the mass transfer rate would increase. Figure 27
details the different experimental conditions, where the pause between pulses is modulated, as well as the
pulse duration and energy magnitude, [20].
Figure 26: Current pulse formation for a voltage Figure 27: Schematic detailing pulse arrangements
output from the power transistor [20] with varying pauses between pulses (t_ps) and pulse
duration (t_p) [20]
Initial experiments tested square pulses with currents of 200A, durations of 100µs and pulse energy of
0.268J. Groups of 1, 2 4 and 8 pulses with the maximum pause in between were tested. Figure 28 shows
the difference in the mass change between the different groups of pulses. Notably groups of two pulses
resulted in the most mass gain by the substrate with the least electrode erosion and energy input for the
majority of the pauses, [20].
Figure 28: Mass change from the anode and cathode for groups of pulses [20]
The resultant best combination was determined to be a group of two pulses, where the first pulse had
lower energy than the second. Experiments testing different energy values for the two pulses and pauses
between the groups of pulses were done. Figure 29 details the experiment for one of the two pulse energy
levels, where the first pulse is 0.443J and the second is 1.05J. The graph demonstrates that the maximum
gap and minimum gap are not the ideal levels for depositions, the variable gaps results in higher mass
transfer rates. Table 2 reports the 7 experiments with different pulse energies for the first and second
pulses and the resultant erosion loss from the electrode, [20].
Table 2: Pulse parameters and mass loss from the electrode [20]
Figure 29: Mass change for the electrode in solid dots and mass gain for the substrate versus the pause
between groups of pulses [20]
It was noted that for conventional ESD systems in order to achieve the same erosion rates without pairs of
pulses significantly higher energy would be required. The paper concluded that through the use of
different pulse durations, groups of pulses and pauses between groups of pulses the mass transfer rate of
the typical ESD process can be improved. Pairs of pulses where the second pulse has higher energy than
the first resulted in the highest mass transfer rates and significantly lower energy levels than those
required from traditional ESD power supplies for the same erosion rates. However significant increase in
the mass transfer rate resulted in vaporization of the electrode material forming significant defects. Figure
30 images show the porosity and defects caused by high energy with the pairs of pulses, inferring that
subsequent high energy pulses vaporize some of the previously deposited material. Finally the paper
concluded that a longer pause than this system allowed, near 1ms would allow for the deposited material
and electrode to cool sufficiently that higher energy pairs of pulses could be used, [20].
Figure 30: Morphology of ESD coating with the first pulse at 200A 300us and the second at 400A 300us and
75us pause between pulse groups [20]
Previous research has shown, that due to the small scale and locality of depositions, increasing the
deposition rate often accompanies an increase in the surface roughness, and often additional defects,
[8][20]. A study aimed to join the effects of electro-spark machining with the traditional depositions, [22].
A base pulse was applied for to power the typical ESD process and erode the electrode material onto the
substrate. Then a series of high current triangular pulses were applied, ideally with a short duration peak
current to promote the grinding of the deposited material and the substrate rather than erode additional
material from the electrode. Figure 31 details the plan for the base deposition pulses and the triangular
grinding pulses, [22].
Figure 31: Scheme representing the proposed sequence of pulses with the triangular grinding pulses [22]
Table 3 details the parameters for the experiments, noting that the triangular pulses, while intended for the
grinding of the depositions add significant amounts of additional electrical energy, [22].
Figure 32 graphs the results from one of the experiments in the study. The Base 1 parameters were square
wave pulses at regular intervals as the baseline for normal ESD mass transfer rates and surface roughness.
Base 2 was a deposition with only the grinding triangular pulses, which still developed sufficient energy
to form depositions. Combinations of the Base 1 and triangular pulses can be seen from the other charts,
demonstrating that the combination of the square and triangular pulses both increased the deposition rate
and decreased the surface roughness, in opposition to the previous studies, [22].
Figure 32: a) as deposited surface roughness; b) mass transfer values versus processing time [22]
The study concluded that there is a benefit to mixing the square pulses with the triangular grinding pulses.
Issues arose when adding the triangular pulses resulted in overheating of the coatings or electrode and
added defects to the coatings. Coatings comprising of more than 2 ESD layers resulted in little benefit
from the grinding pulses. Such that a careful selection of parameters paired with the chosen material so as
to not generate excessive heat would increase the mass transfer rate and reduce surface roughness, [22].
Proportional-integral-derivate (PID) control is a mathematical control algorithm used for closed loop
feedback response. The system operates by sensing a feedback from the active system, then calculating
the appropriate output to the plant to achieve the desired output. The feedback is factored by calculating
the proportional, integral and derivative response and adding the components to predict an output. The
error between the last recorded data point and the desired input setting is used by the controller to
determine the magnitude of the output response. Figure 33 shows a block diagram detailing the closed
loop feedback system, [23] [24].
Tuning of the PID gain values serves to affect the efficacy of the controller, typically measured by
comparing the effects on rise time; percent overshoot, settling time and steady state error. Figure 34
graphically details how a PID system controls the real response in red to the set point of 1, [23] [24].
Equation 3 states the generalized equation for a PID controller output. The variable e(t) is the real time
error, representing the quantified difference between the set value r and the output value y. Kp, Ki and Kd
represent the proportional, integral, and derivative gain values which modify the inputted error value in
order to generate the control signal u.
𝒖(𝒕) = 𝑲𝒑 𝒆(𝒕) + 𝑲𝒊 ∫ 𝒆(𝒕)𝒅𝒕 + 𝑲𝒅
Equation 3: General PID output equation in the time domain
Depending on the complexity of the system to be controlled, additional variables such as dead time,
where the system is not responding. This is often due to slow cycle times in the PID closed loop system or
a relatively slow action to be performed by the plant. Fast cycle times and reduced, or accounted dead
time is required for more complex plant systems where there is a smaller margin of error, [24].
Each gain value of the PID controller contributes a different effect to the modified output. Different
control situations call for a different combination, and varying magnitudes of each gain type. The PID
algorithm detailed in Equation 3 is illustrated as a sequential block diagram for the closed loop control
system in Figure 36, [24].
Figure 36: Block diagram of PID control algorithm [24]
The proportional gain contribution to the control system is to factor the magnitude of the error, as a
measurement between the set point and the process variable. The ratio between the output response and
the error signal is determined by the proportional gain. Increasing the proportional gain will increase the
reaction time of the system, thus reducing the rise time. Significant increases in the proportional gain will
increase the steady state error and may cause the error to increase every cycle, [24].
The integral gain responds to the accumulated error over time, using the integral to add the area between
the real response and the set point. This term will cause reactions even to small error values over time.
This results in the integral gain serving to reduce the magnitude of the systems steady state error, [24].
The derivative gain considers the rate of change in the process variable, in an effort to reduce the response
if the increase is too extreme. Increasing the derivative term serves to modulate the output response based
on the error, reacting more rapidly when the error signal is changing. Typically the derivative gain is set
very low as the response is susceptible to noise, or if the loop cycle speed is too slow. Applying derivative
control under these conditions can result in an unstable response, and a very slow reaction, as the
derivative gain may dampen controller output with low cycle speed systems, [24].
Feedback control is relevant for controlling the application force and movement speed during the ESD
application. Traditional ESD setups involve manual operation of the applicator where the skill of the
operator directly affects the result of the coating. Creating complex coatings and patterns may also be
advantageous when implementing ESD with a CNC system.
A study has linked the effect of ESD application force to the heat generated in the substrate. Additional
force tends to reduce the heat generated in the substrate. At a local level the additional force closes gaps
and reduces the distance between small protrusions. Reducing the gaps and resistance serves to more
easily allow the passage of current and voltage, lowering the joule heating effect. Figure 37 relates the
effects of the ESD force on the resulting substrate temperature for experiments in this study with ceramic
coatings being deposited on steel substrates, [25].
Figure 37: Temperature change in the substrate from ceramic depositions on steel relating pressing force [25]
A subsequent study used a typical capacitor ESD pulse generator and a CNC system with an optical
feedback sensor to measure the force. A spring load was applied to a rotating applicator to maintain a
constant application force and alter the force if needed. A scanning pattern was used to deposit an
aluminum electrode onto stainless steel with a range of ESD electrical parameters and argon shielding
gas. Experiments were done to determine the effect on the mass change from the anode to the cathode and
the process efficiency when considering the contact force, traverse movement speed, pulse frequency, and
number of raster scans, where results are graphed in Figure 38, Figure 39, Figure 40 and Figure 41
respectively, [26].
Increasing the contact force resulted in a continuous drop in process efficiency and the range of contact
forces was already very small, between 0.25 and 0.8N. Increasing the traverse speed resulted in a decrease
in process efficiency; with the same electrical parameter moving quickly will reduce the thermal input
into a given area which will reduce the deposition rate. Increasing the pulse frequency increased the mass
gained by the substrate, but more rapidly increased the erosion by the electrode, thus slightly reducing the
process efficiency. Increasing the number of scans results in a slight increase and then plateau of the
process efficiency, most likely due to the warming of the electrode and substrate to an optimal level, [26].
Figure 38: Effect of contact force with pulse Figure 39: Effect of traverse speed with 0.12N
frequency of 55Hz, traverse speed of 5mm/s and contact force and 55Hz pulse frequency [26]
deposition time 200s [26]
Figure 40: Effect of pulse frequency with 16mJ pulse Figure 41: Effect of the number of raster scans with
energy, 0.12N contact force, 5mm/s traverse speed 55Hz pulse frequency, 0.12N contact force, 200s
and 200s deposition time [26] single scan deposition times 5mm/s; and 14s at
70mm/s [26]
The study concludes that the contact force is an integral parameter to the effective control of the ESD
process. Low contact forces serve to increase the potential gaps and reduce the resistance of the
protrusions, this is said to promote spark breakdown and promote lower substrate erosion and cratering.
The lower forces also resulted in lower surface roughness, allowing for higher electrical energies to
increase the coating thickness to be employed, [26].
Chapter 3.0: Experimental Setup
ESD Machine #1 is a traditionally designed power supply, similar to the design presented in section 2.4.1
Figure 21. The machine operates by transforming and rectifying the alternating current (AC) municipal
power to directly charge a high powered fixed capacitor. Depositions are applied with an eccentrically
vibrating electrode powered by a cam and electric motor. The fixed electrical parameters were designed
specifically for the application of depositing high ceramic content coatings on metallic substrates.
ESD Machine #2 controls two ESD circuits with 2000μF and 200μF fixed capacitance, a range of 20 to
40V with varying pulse sequencing control modes. The same vibrating applicator as ESD Machine #1 is
used. See Figure 42 for an image of the ESD power supply.
The universal ESD machine power supply is managed by a microcontroller with the option to control the
capacitance from 10-300μF, voltage from 10-135V, maximum frequency from 10-500Hz and charging
speed from 10-95% of maximum capacitor charging speed. Figure 43 exhibits the front panel for the
Universal ESD machine. The system uses a rotating applicator which maintains a more constant contact
with the substrate.
Figure 43: Universal ESD machine #3
Cross sectioned samples were prepared with standard grinding and polishing techniques, with various
etching procedures depending on the appropriate characterization method and material.
Optical microscopy used an Olympus BX51M System metallurgical microscope with magnification
lenses for 5x to 100x magnifications. Integration with a digital camera allowed for the digital post
analysis of microstructure images.
High magnification images and quantified analysis of elemental composition used a Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) Jeol JSM 6460 with EDX analysis employing an Oxfords Instruments INCA-350.
3.2.3 Materials
Typical materials used in the following experiments often include, but not exclusive to the pairing of
TiC/Ni sintered cermet electrodes with approximately 75% TiC to 25% Ni with Copper resistance spot
welding (RSW) electrodes and pure copper substrates. As well as evaluating the buildup capabilities of
DP-980 grade steel substrates with carbon steel electrodes.
3.3 Sensing devices
Recording data from the ESD process and electrical signals from the power supplies is necessary for
characterizing the performance of the systems.
3.3.1 NI-DAQ
Collecting sensor data, and controlling the force feedback system was done using the National
Instruments data acquisition system 6003 (NI-DAQ USB 6003), see Figure 44. This equipment integrated
with the NI LabVIEW software via a USB serial connection to a laptop. The equipment has 8 analogue
inputs with 16-bit resolution at 100,000 samples per second. 2 analogue outputs at 16-bit resolution and
5,000 samples per second per channel, 13 toggle control I/O lines, 1 32 bit counter and 5V output power
supply from the USB computer interface. High sampling speeds allows for the recording of the ESD short
duration current pulses and capacitor voltage degeneration, [27].
Voltage measurements were recorded by the NI-DAQ by stepping down the voltage from the ESD power
supply and directly connecting to an analogue input from on the NI-DAQ device.
A Hall Effect sensor, seen in Figure 45, functioning based on the Hall principles of electromagnetic
conversions, as detailed in section 0, was used to measure the real current output from the ESD power
supplies. The Hall Effect sensors detected current flow ±10V, integrating with the NI-DAQ system. The
Hall Effect sensor is a solid state device, whose sampling speed is related to the recording speed of the
DAQ system. Typical data resolution is set at 30kHz, 50kHz and 100kHz for recording ESD power
supply current. Figure 46 illustrates the capability of the Hall Effect sensor setup to record over 15 data
points for the often less than 5ms current pulses generated by the ESD process.
Figure 45: Hall effect sensor in ESD machine Figure 46: Single current pulse Hall Effect recorded
Capacitive force sensors measure the electrical potential between two conductive plates a Single Tact 44N
capacitive force sensor was used for integration with the NI-DAQ and force feedback system. The
sensors, depending on the setup can be used to measure both the shear and normal forces. Arrays of
electrodes are spatially separated by dielectric materials, when force is applied the potential between the
two conductors registers as a change in the force, [28].
The single tact 45N capacitive force sensor with a calibrated analogue output board was used to measure
the ESD process force. See Figure 48 for a reference image of the sensor and the calibration and analogue
output board. [30] The range of 45N was ideal to manage higher than ideal force ratings, in order to
achieve the low force values, below 5N, reported in literature, [25].
Figure 48: Single Tact Capacitive Sensor and analogue integration board [30]
The sensor operates from the USB NI-DAQ 6003 operating off the 5V output power and reading from an
analogue input connection at ±10V DC. The sensor system outputs a range of 0 to 2V DC where the valid
readings are between 0.5V and 1.5V, values under 0.5V can represent damage to the sensor or suction on
the contact patch, values above 1.5V are invalid and represent over pressure of the sensor see Figure 49,
High speed images were recorded using the FASTCAM Mini UX50 model, see Figure 50. The equipment
has a maximum frame rate of 160,000 frames per second, and a 1.3 Megapixel CMOS sensor which
relates to an example resolution of 1280x1024 pixels at 2000fps. The system detects ISO 10,000 in
monochrome and 5,000 in colour. Suitable with filters for recording low wavelength radiation from
welding applications, [31].
Figure 50: FASTCAM Mini UX50 [31]
3.5 CNC
The CNC is comprised of three controlled stepper motors each powering one of the CNC physical axis,
see Figure 51. The applicator interface on the z-axis uses a spring suspension system to reduce the
application force during the ESD process, see Figure 52.
Figure 51: CNC machine Figure 52: CNC machine z-axis mount and
The CNC interface with the laptop was facilitated through the use of the Arduino Uno microcontroller
device, see Figure 53. The device employs an ATmega328P microcontroller chip, with an operating
voltage drawing 5V, 6 PWM out I/O pins, 6 PWM in I/O pins, 20mA DC limit for I/O pins and 50mA
limit current for 2 3.3V pins. The system has an internal clock speed of 16MHz, and internal memory of
32kB. See Appendix B: Arduino Uno Schematic Figure 135 for the schematic diagram for the Arduino
Uno device, [32].
Figure 53: Arduino Uno microcontroller device [32]
Integration from the Arduino Uno microcontroller to the CNC machine is facilitated through the use of
the Synthetos gShield V5, see Figure 54. The gShield is designed for integration with the Arduino Uno,
and allows for the interpretation of rs274/ngc gcode standards also employed by the popular Linux CNC
software. The shield manages the control of 3 axis, x, y and z with support for arc motion, acceleration
and deceleration management as well as predictive actions.
The system outputs 8x micro stepping bi-polar stepper motor pulses, with 2.5A per winding 12V-30V DC
power input powering TI DRV8818 stepper drivers, and importantly independent current chopper
controllers per axis.
GRBL V0.9 is the open source software used for integrating the computer and G-Code to the CNC
machine. The controller is written in C and compatible with the Arduino Uno Atmega 328
microcontroller chip. The software allows for management of a CNC system through the simulated
parallel port connection created by the Arduino Uno. The software is compatible with standard gcode
conventions supporting arcs, circles and helical motions. The software includes acceleration management
with predictive planning up to 18 commands in the future to allow for jerk reduced direction changes,
Rather than employ the Arduino Uno IDE interface with a serial monitor function an open source
graphical user interface (GUI) was used, called the Universal G-Code Sender. The software is a Java
based interface with the GRBL software using the Arduino serial USB connection. The software provides
a 3D gcode visualizer with real time tool positioning feedback, along with metrics and macro functions
for the CNC operation. See Figure 55 for an example of one of the interface pages from the GUI of the
Universal Gcode Sender, [35].
Chapter 4.0: ESD Machine design and coating experiments
All the ESD power supplies presented function off the principle of the spark energy generated by a
discharging capacitor. Depending on the electrical parameters and pulse control systems in general the
capacitor is charged, and then when the electrode contacts the substrate there is a rapid discharge resulting
in a current spike. Figure 56 illustrates the voltage reading at the capacitor, characterizing the rapid
charging and discharging. Figure 57 presents the capacitor voltage drop from 140V, causing a 600A
current pulse, over a time frame of less than 0.2ms. The period of pulses with these settings was
approximately 18ms, which can be altered with the electrical power supply parameters.
Figure 56: Capacitor charging and discharging Figure 57: Capacitor discharge pulse behavior
Study into the effects of different ESD power supply configurations aims to improve the range of
potential applications while improving the coating quality and efficiency. Application of the
improvements presented in background sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 provides the basis for improvements to
traditional ESD power supplies.
4.1 Machine #1
Machine #1 is the first generation of the ESD machines with a similar performance to the traditional
power supply design presented in section 2.4.1. This was the simplest power supply with only a positive
and negative port for the integration of the ground clamp and applicator. The machine used a vibrating
applicator which utilized a rapidly spinning cam to create the vibrating motion.
Figure 58 illustrates a flow detailing the initial ESD power supply. With this system the AC power from
the typical 120V 15A power supply is transformed and half wave rectified to the desired maximum
discharge voltage. A high powered constant capacitance is charged and discharges based on the contact
frequency developed by the vibrating applicator.
Due to the fixed electrical parameters this power supply is not effective at working with different material
pairings, as there is no control of the electrical parameters. In Figure 59 the output current from the power
supply changes significantly with every subsequent pulse, as well as the discharge voltage. With this
setup the ESD sparking is also contingent on the frequency of the applicator vibrations as there is no
microcontroller or switching functions. Operation of this power supply would regularly see different
voltages and currents if contact is at a higher frequency than the full charging of the capacitors, this is
similar to the issues detailed in the typical ESD power supplies in section 2.4.1.
Figure 59: ESD Machine #1 electrical signals: Current and voltage [36]
The fixed electrical parameters may not be effective for other material pairings and coating conditions.
Uncertainty in the output power of the machine, and the discharge conditions depending on the contact
with the vibrating electrode makes the performance of the power supply difficult to predict, and renders
the machine unsuitable for ESD research into the coatings of a wide array of materials and applications.
4.2 Machine #2
ESD Machine #2 was developed as a culmination of many of the different beneficial effects from the
research into ESD power supplied summarized in section 2.4.
The first improvement to the ESD circuit is to control the charging power, and when the circuit
discharges. This was achieved with the implementation of a microcontroller which allowed for the tuning
of the charging voltage, and discharge frequency.
Notably this system employed solid state switching devices, IGBTs in a manner similar to the research
presented in section 2.4.1. The integration of the IGBTs and microcontroller allowed for the full charging
of the capacitors and controlled discharges allowing for voltage, and frequency control for different ESD
applications. Further electrical performance was realized through the use of a diode bridge rectifier with
smoothing capacitor, to maintain constant charging current to the capacitors. See Appendix A: Electrical
component descriptions for comparisons between different rectifier types.
Multiple concurrent discharges were realized with the addition of a secondary parallel ESD circuit with
lower capacitance and voltage. Figure 60 details the final block diagram for the final iteration of the ESD
Machine #2 power supply.
Figure 60: Improved ESD Machine #2 power supply block diagram [37]
Using IGBTs to manage the discharge and charging of the capacitor the discharge can now be maintained
at a constant controlled energy level versus the random performance supplied by the ESD Machine #1.
Management of the pulse discharge voltage and frequency allows for the relation of performance to the
electrical parameters. The consistent electrical signals seen in Figure 61 are in contrast to the performance
of Machine #1 demonstrated in Figure 59 above.
Figure 61: ESD Machine #2 electrical signals: Current and voltage [36]
Control of the discharging circuit allowed for sophisticated control of the ESD pulsing behavior. Beyond
the typical control of the ESD spark energy through varying the voltage and current the advanced pulsing
behavior can realize fine adjustments in the heat input, mass transfer rates and cooling behavior of the
process. The addition of multiple pulse arrangements, as well as potential changes in the pulse energy
supports the need for characterization of the effect of pulse sequences and metallurgical effects on
Table 4 summarizes the range of parameters, pulse sequences and circuits available in the ESD Machine
#2. The main circuit controlled the pulse sequence through the use of a high and low powered pulses with
the parameter range detailed in Table 4. A secondary circuit or arc circuit was parallel to the main circuit
and allowed two simultaneous capacitor discharges, where the higher voltage of the main circuit would
pulse first followed by the secondary circuit. These pulse sequences were in an effort to harness the
improvements to the traditional ESD pulses detailed in section 2.4.
Management of the different possible pulse sequences and circuit discharges was managed through the
use of a control mode parameter in the ESD Machine #2 microcontroller. The different possible control
mode combinations are detailed in Table 5. An experiment recording the voltages for the two circuits was
performed to test the real performance of the control modes, the results are summarized in
Appendix C: ESD Machine #2 Control Modes Experiment, Table 20 and Figure 136 to Figure 146.
Selection and setting of the different parameters was effected through interface with the display panel and
control board. Interface with the machine and selection of parameters is achieved through the interface
with the ESD Machine #2 control panel seen in the Experimental Setup section Figure 42.
4.2.2 Frequency
The pulse frequency output from the ESD power supply Machine #2 is dependent on the interaction
between several other parameters, and is not controllable as an independent variable. The frequency is
altered through the relation between the capacitance level, set voltage, charging speed as a percentage,
holding time and recharge delay. Previous studies into the effect of ESD parameters explored in section
2.4 demonstrated that control of the ESD pulse frequency is necessary to the proper management of heat
generation and effective coatings. The voltage data, representing the pulse frequency is detailed in Figure
Figure 62: ESD voltage behavior and frequency response [36]
The charging speed related to a percentage of the maximum voltage slope for the capacitor to reach
maximum charge. Depending on the set voltage level and the charging rate there will be a different
maximum potential frequency. A hardcoded minimum holding time referred to as the discharge delay also
affects the maximum possible frequency. Figure 63 demonstrates the real electrical signals representing
the time response of the capacitor voltage and corresponding current spike from the capacitor discharge.
In order to experimentally quantify the pulse frequency the DAQ setup was used to record the voltage and
current signals, then the number of current pulses, or voltage degeneration was measured in the time
40 Recharge delay
The recharge delay was intended to be a parameter related to a set pause between ESD pulses.
Experiments to determine the effect of this parameter resulted in a contrary conclusion. The control of
this parameter is varied by the selection of a numerical value between 0 and 5. An experiment was
designed to measure the effect of the recharge delay on the real output frequency of the ESD power
supply, in order to effectively characterize the effective parameters for depositing materials. The general
parameters for the experiment are stated in Table 6.
Six tests were performed with varying recharge delay settings to monitor the effect on the gap between
the pulses. Several experiments were done at every setting while attempting to short circuit the applicator
and electrode to determine the maximum electrical output. The results are summarized as averages and
errors in Table 7 and graphed in Figure 64. The average time values in ms are reported for each recharge
delay setting, along with the associated values along a linearized average of the experimental values.
Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6
Recharge DLY 0 1 2 3 4 5
Frequency (Hz) 134.1 136.8 356.0 140.5 140.1 129.6
Recharge Delay (ms) 0.357 0.791 1.010 2.075 1.975 2.480
StDev (ms) 0.053 0.242 0.227 0.399 0.729 0.747
Error (%StDev) 15.0% 30.6% 22.5% 19.2% 36.9% 30.1%
Maximum (ms) 0.433 0.980 1.309 2.798 3.017 3.756
Minimum (ms) 0.296 0.447 0.696 1.575 1.012 1.625
Linear Value (ms) 0.360 0.795 1.230 1.666 2.101 2.536
Linear Error (ms) 0.78% 0.55% 21.86% -19.75% 6.39% 2.25%
Figure 64: Machine #2 recharge delay millisecond response
The recharge delay experiment resulted in a semi linear behavior; the deviation from the linear trend for
test number 3 could be affected by a change in the electrode contact. Test 3 was found to be aberrant
when the voltage and current levels were evaluated. Table 8 denotes the change in the average voltage
and current values for test number 3.
Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6
ESD Voltage (V) 45.48 46.22 28.44 46.09 45.47 45.56
Current (A) 653.57 670.44 378.09 658.03 649.68 641.74
Figure 64 clearly shows the increase in the delay time between pulses, however there is a
significant increase in the error, as the recharge delay setting increases. This increase in the variability of
the recharge delay contributes to uncertainty in a predicted frequency value with different recharge delay
settings. Furthermore this experiment does not conclusively determine the time value related to each
recharge delay setting due to the non-linearity of the results and the increasing error.
Pulse control was managed through the selection of one, of the 8 possible control modes comprising
different high and low voltage pulses varied with the secondary circuit pulses. The high and low settings
were sequential pulses from the main ESD 2000μF capacitance circuit with independent charging speed
settings. The secondary circuit was a parallel circuit with 200μF with independent charging speeds. The
secondary circuit, depending on the selected control mode, was designed to discharge at the same time as
the main circuit, the lower secondary voltage and capacitance results in a second capacitor discharge from
the electrode, practically simultaneous with the main pulse. Figure 65 illustrates the high speed discharge
and interactions between the two circuits. The primary circuit voltage rapidly degenerates indicating the
discharging of the 2000µF capacitor. There is a corresponding high current pulse near 450A, followed by
a smaller <50A pulse caused by the subsequent and immediate, within 2ms of the initial pulse, discharge
of the secondary circuit.
In order to relate the electrical output of the main parameters an experiment was designed to relate the
effect of changing the voltage, charging speed and recharge delay to the measured pulse frequency. Table
9 summarizes the range of parameters tested for the design of experiment. The resulting electrical signals
were processed to evaluate the maximum current levels from the ESD pulses and the frequency of the
pulses, cross referencing the electrical parameters with the Taguchi method. In order to ensure the
electrical signals represented the power supply output the applicator was short circuited to the substrate
without using the vibration function or relative motion.
Figure 66: ESD Machine #2 voltage response Figure 67: ESD Machine #2 current response
The results summarized in the charts displayed in Figure 66, Figure 67 and Figure 68 demonstrate that
altering the charging speed and recharge delay did not affect the output voltage or the peak current of the
ESD process. All three variables had a varying effect on the pulse frequency, thus the ESD energy per
pulse is known but not the power output of the machine. Calculating the frequency without recording the
electrical data would require knowledge of the interactions between all parameters. The effect of the
recharge delay parameter demonstrated an increase in frequency, contrary to the increase in the delay
between the pulses. The increase can be attributed to the increase in the error due to increasing recharge
delay represented in Figure 64. As a result of the interactions seen from this experiment and the
increasing error conclusions presented in section the recharge delay parameter will be removed as
a user operated parameter and will remain effectively at the 0 setting for future experiments to reduce the
effect of the increasing error.
The use of the vibrating electrode adds further uncertainty and error to managing the pulse frequency of
the ESD process. Regardless of the ability of the power supply to manage pulse frequencies, the circuit is
only available to discharge at the vibrational frequency of the applicator if a moderate force is applied.
This results in difficulties predicting the ESD power without knowledge of the frequency interactions
from the power supply with the contact frequency generated by the applicator vibrations.
The energy range of the machine calculated from the parameters detailed in Table 4 fed through Equation
2 results in the energy levels reported in Table 10. The capacitance is limited to a fixed 2000 µF for the
primary circuit and energy is varied through the selection of different voltages. This high energy level is
typically associated with the deposition of high ceramic content materials. The arc circuit does not
provide sufficient energy to effectively deposit ESD coatings.
Several experiments with the power supply Machine #2 were performed. The variability in the control
modes proved difficult to characterize with a single experiment. The relation between the different control
modes and the pulse power parameters were not accurately quantified. The improved power supply was
shown to be able to manage the electrical parameters and provide advanced pulse sequences. A deposition
experiment testing the performance of the power supply by depositing TiC/Ni cermet material on Cu-Cr-
Zr RSW electrodes was performed.
The potential for the deposition of high ceramic content coatings on metallic substrates is demonstrated in
an experiment. A sample of the microstructure images of ESD coatings made using the Machine #2
power supply are presented in Figure 69 to Figure 72.
Figure 69: TiC/Ni on Cu RSW electrode tip optical Figure 70: TiC/Ni on Cu RSW electrode side optical
image image
Figure 71: TiC/Ni on Cu RSW electrode tip SEM Figure 72: TiC/Ni on Cu RSW electrode side SEM
image image
The resulting microstructure images proved that effective ESD parameters can be used to improve the
coating quality of TiC/Ni on Cu depositions. However the quantitative analysis of ESD parameter effects
proved difficult due to the erratic contact nature of the vibrating electrode and the undefined relationship
between the various possible control modes, charging speeds, and voltages. Additional difficulties with
the geometry effects of the RSW cap resulted in differences in the coating quality of the tip and edge of
the electrodes. This is highlighted in the resulting interfacial cracks between the TiC/Ni and Cu in Figure
69 and Figure 71 compared to Figure 70 and Figure 72.
4.2.5 ESD Machine #2 summary
Experiments examining the interaction between the ESD parameters which effectively determine the
pulse frequency excluded the recharge delay parameter as a useful variable with the ESD power supplies.
Increases in error resulted in unpredictability in the effects on the pulse frequency. The pulse frequency is
mainly determined by the voltage and charging speed settings.
Tests show that the pulse energy and frequency is well controlled with the use of the various control
modes. The use of the vibrating electrode is detrimental to the power supply controlled frequency.
Lessons learned from the characterization of the Machine #2 parameters and an effort to meet the various
electrical needs for a variety of material pairings. The universal ESD power supply was developed with a
wider variety of parameters including a microcontroller bank of capacitors. Microcontroller memory
limits, as well as the added complexity demonstrated from some ESD Machine #2 parameters saw the
removal of the High and Low pulses, recharge delay and secondary circuit parameters. Initial experiments
did not demonstrate significant increases in coating quality with the implementation of the additional
The Universal ESD machine was produced with some changes to the electrical circuit. The transformer
stepped up the AC input power to 170V to improve capacitor charging time, a diode bridge rectifier with
smoothing capacitor supplied the charging energy for the capacitor bank 10-300µF controlled by an
IGBT. Integration of the microcontroller with more control over the electrical parameters allowed for a
power supply with a wide range of applications. Figure 73 is a simplified electrical block diagram
detailing the major components of the universal ESD power supply.
Figure 73: Universal ESD machine simplified electrical diagram
The potential energy output of this power supply related to Equation 2 results in an energy range of
0.0005J to 2.734J. This range can be altered with the addition of further capacitance added to the bank.
The system operates with a rotating applicator, rather than the vibrating applicator used by machines 1
and 2. This increases the contact time and heat generation, but allows more accurate frequency control
through the power supply, as opposed to relying on the intermittent contact of the electrode through
vibrations. The interface with the ESD parameters have been simplified to setting the control mode, the
capacitance, one voltage setting and depending on the control mode a maximum frequency setting. See
Figure 43 in experimental setup section for an image of the Universal ESD machine user interface.
The Universal ESD machine uses two control modes to define the frequency output from the power
supply. The charging speed control mode works in the same manner as the machine #2, where a
numerical value relates to the slope of the rising voltage, and the frequency is related to the capacitance,
voltage set value, charging speed, discharge and recharge delay. The final frequency is dependent then on
the constancy of the spinning electrode contact. Figure 74 is a chart of the electrical signals from the
power supply, demonstrating the charging speed control. The parameters are set at 135V, 100µF, and 25
charging speed, the resulting pulses will discharge as soon as contact is made, as fast as the capacitors can
Figure 74: Universal ESD machine charging speed Figure 75: Universal ESD machine frequency control
control mode; 25 charging speed; 135V; 100µF mode; 95 charging speed; 300Hz Max; 50V; 150µF
The frequency control setting considers both the set charging speed as the maximum slope for the voltage
of the charging capacitor as well as a maximum frequency value. This maximum value limits the total
number of discharges under a certain duty cycle, and thus if the electrode contact is constant the power
supply will pause until the next cycle period. Figure 75 is an example of the electrical signals from an
experiment with the frequency control mode, where the voltage is set at 120V, capacitance is 150µF, the
charging speed is 95 and the maximum frequency is set at 100Hz. Thus the system performs at the 95
charging speed until the 100Hz setting has been met for the 0.1 duty cycle time. Tuning of these two
parameters can be used to alter the heat buildup during the process, and is similar to the groups of pulses
and pauses proposed in section 0.
Depending on the interaction between the set frequency and charging speed, the frequency control mode
can be used to use lower ESD energy parameters, voltage and capacitance, to generate similar heat levels
and mass transfer rates.
To quantify the effects of the electrical parameters an experiment was performed with a range of voltages
and frequencies depositing TiC/Ni coatings on a Cu substrate. Depositions were made manually in
approximately 30 seconds covering a 3x3 mm area. See Table 11 for the electrical parameters used in the
test, and Figure 76 for an image of the copper coupon and coated substrate.
Table 11: TiC/Ni on Cu Universal ESD machine experiment parameters; NB: Frequency refers to the
charging speed level
Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Voltage 50 50 50 100 100 100 135 135 135
Frequency 25 55 90 25 55 90 25 55 90
Figure 76: TiC/Ni on Cu coupon coated substrate; before and after respectively
Figure 77 and Figure 78 are a sample of the electrical signals demonstrating the difference in frequency,
output current and voltage for the two test parameters.
Figure 77: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment test 1 electrical Figure 78: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment test 9 electrical
signals signals
Qualitative analysis of the coating cross sections reveals some signs of oxidation and significant thermal
stress cracks due to the thicker coatings deposited at higher voltages and frequencies. Figure 79 shows
images of a sample of the experiment parameters from a lower, medium and high power levels. Even at
the high energy levels of test 9 there is little evidence of heat effects in the substrate microstructure.
Test 1: 50V; 25% charging speed Test 6: 100V; 90% charging speed Test 9: 135V; 90% charging speed
Figure 79: Optical images at 10x magnification for low medium and high parameter TiC/Ni coatings
The optical cross sectional images were evaluated to determine the effect of the frequency and voltage
levels on the coating thickness. Figure 80 summarizes the increase in the coating thickness related to the
ESD voltage. As the ESD voltage increases there is a nonlinear increase in the coating thickness. As
Equation 2 summarizes the voltage has an exponential factor on the ESD energy output, furthermore
increasing the voltage increases the possible arc gap during discharge, where the longer plasma arc would
produce more heat. It is logical and supported by prior research that increasing the ESD voltage would
correspond to increasing coating thickness, without taking into consideration the negative increase in
thermal cracking, oxidation and other defects due to excessive heat input. Figure 80 at the 25 charging
speed setting exhibits a minor decrease in the coating thickness with increasing ESD voltage, contrary to
the results from the other charging speeds. This is attributed to the variability in coating thickness in local
areas, and disparity in movement speed and application force when manually applying the ESD process.
At all frequency levels the very large range in ESD voltages should correspond to significant increases in
the coating thickness, with a potential limit for the ceramic electrode material as proposed in section 2.3.
Figure 80: TiC/Ni on Cu coating thickness versus ESD voltage for varying charging speeds
Figure 81 summarizes the same coating thickness data, instead relating the recorded ESD frequency.
Since the experiment parameters employed the charging speed control mode with varying voltages,
specific frequencies were not tested, rather the resulting frequencies of the confluence of parameters was
recorded. The results show that a pairing of the frequency and voltage output from the ESD power supply
can have a drastic effect on the coating thickness of the depositions. Again the results are skewed by the
manual operation of the experiment, notably at the lower voltage level, increasing the ESD frequency
should result in an increase in the coating thickness.
Figure 81: Tic/Ni on Cu coating thickness versus Figure 82: TiC/Ni on Cu gouge depth and gap
ESD pulse frequency distance (interfacial crack width) versus ESD
Some coating defects were also quantified to be evaluated against the voltage and frequency parameters.
Through evaluation of the optical cross section images the erosion of the initial substrate surface was
evaluated as a gouge depth level relative to the un-treated surface, and the average thickness of the
interfacial crack between the TiC/Ni coating and Cu substrate was measured. Increases in the power level
of the ESD input through increases in the voltage and frequency will increase the heat generated by the
process. Increases in coating thickness and thermal input exacerbate the effect of thermal expansion
mismatch between the cermet coating and metallic substrate. Figure 82 summarizes the voltage effect on
the substrate gouge depth, or substrate erosion and the gap distance, or interfacial crack width averaged
across all frequencies for the different voltages. Increasing the voltage, and potentially the arc gap
significantly increases the arc forces, heat generation and electrical energy produced by the ESD spark.
The experiment showed a corollary increase in the erosion damage to the substrate. The interfacial crack
width showed less of a definitive correlation to the ESD voltage.
Analysis of the effect of the ESD pulse frequency on the substrate erosion and the interfacial crack width
is summarized by Figure 83 and Figure 84. The graphs show that the experiment did not detect a
relationship between these defects and the pulse frequency. It is possible that the erratic relationship of
these defects to the pulse frequency is skewed by the variance in the manual operation process. However
it is logical that the pulse frequency would have a lesser effect on these defects when compared to the
ESD voltage. Notably for the gouge depth, once the sparks have eroded the substrate and deposited an
initial layer of TiC/Ni the subsequent sparks serve to erode the previously deposited coating. Effects on
the interfacial crack width would relate the frequency to the total heat generated by the process which
may contribute to the negative effects of thermal cracking due to thermal mismatch.
Figure 83: TiC/Ni on Cu gap distance (interfacial Figure 84: TiC/Ni on Cu gouge depth versus ESD
crack width) versus ESD pulse frequency pulse frequency
SEM analysis was used to evaluate the material composition of the coatings and the elemental diffusion
of electrode elements into the substrate using EDX analysis. Figure 85 shows SEM images highlighting
the EDX analysis points used to quantify the elemental composition and diffusion.
Test 1: 50V; 25% Charging speed Test 6: 100V; 90% Charging speed Test 9: 135V; 90% Charging speed
Figure 85: SEM images for low medium and high parameters
The SEM analysis of Tests 1, 6 and 9 were used to evaluate the effect of the parameters on the
quantitative EDX analysis. Figure 86, Figure 87 and Figure 88 show the graphs of the Ti, Cu and Ni
elemental composition at points relative to the coating, substrate interface, denoted as point 0 of the µm
offset surface scale. The diffusion related to the ESD parameters is important for a diverse range of
applications. The TiC/Ni coatings on Cu-Cr-Zr are used as protective coatings for the RSW process. The
Cu diffusion is important as one of the coatings functions is to prevent brass formation when welding zinc
coated steel sheets. Cu diffusion to the surface of the coatings and Ni alloying with the Cu can affect the
coating performance. As the power of the ESD process was increased for Test 1 to Test 9 the copper
content at the surface of the TiC/Ni coating is reduced, likely due to the increase in the coating thickness.
The Ti and Ni content increases with the same correlation into the substrate, as the ESD power increases.
Figure 86: TiC/Ni experiment test 1 EDX data; Figure 87: TiC/Ni experiment test 6 EDX data;
surface denoted by vertical line surface denoted by vertical line
Figure 88: TiC/Ni experiment test 9 EDX data; surface denoted by vertical line
The effect of the electrical parameters can be displayed quantitatively as a function of the movement of
the two main elements in the substrate and electrode, titanium and copper. Figure 89 and Figure 90
demonstrate the difference in elemental diffusion and the blocking effect the coating related to the
deposited coating thickness on Cu diffusion. Test 9 demonstrates a lower copper content in the ESD
coating versus the thinner Test 1 coating. Test 9 also exhibits a significantly lower titanium penetration
into the substrate, where Test 1 has titanium content near 0%wt at the coating interface Test 9 penetrates
near 35µm before reaching a 0%wt titanium content.
Figure 89: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment EDX results Figure 90: TiC/Ni on Cu experiment EDX results
copper diffusion; surface denoted by vertical line titanium diffusion; surface denoted by vertical line
Using a high speed camera, images were taken of the arc discharge in order to better characterize the
mass transfer methods, and the close up visual effects of different electrical parameters. Images were
taken at 10,000 frames per second with an aperture setting of 16 and no filters. Experiments were done
with a stainless steel electrode, un-pointed with a diameter of 3mm, depositing onto carbon steel. Figure
91 shows the high speed images over a 0.4ms time frame. Clearly observed is the arc formation from the
electrode to substrate contact, followed by the ejection of solid and molten electrode material. As the
electrode continues to spin the physical molten metal transfer is observed. The medium high electrical
parameters used for this experiment resulted in overheating, seen as the glow of the electrode. From
Equation 2 these parameters result in an electrical energy output of 0.28J per pulse.
1 2
3 4
Figure 91: Test 1 75V, 100µF, and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame
High speed images were taken with the maximum electrical parameters from the universal ESD power
supply. The electrical output per pulse is calculated as 2.73J, 9.72 times greater than the previous test
without considering the effect of pulse frequency on thermal buildup. At these parameters the electrode
rapidly overheats seen in Figure 92 as the overexposure of the electrode material. The images highlight a
larger quantity of ejected material from the electrode in solid and molten form, corresponding to lower
transfer efficiency as this material will not form an effective coating.
1 2
3 4
Figure 92: Test 2 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame overheating
Figure 93 highlights a significant issue with using these high ESD electrical parameters. The images show
that there is a molten metal interaction from the electrode surface to the deposited material on the surface.
In the background of the image it is clear that there is significant deposits, however they appear rough and
un-uniform. The long duration molten metal interactions promote the formation of defects in the coating
including porosities, thermal stress cracks and oxidation. If there is significant conductivity between the
electrode and the substrate through the molten metal bridge the electrode will not spark, rather the pulse
current will be passed through the liquid material, preventing the effective transfer of material through
ESD. While previous experiments demonstrated that the coating thickness can be increased with
increasing the ESD electrical parameters defects were often the compromise of the faster material
transfer. These images relate to the negative effects of overheating the ESD electrode through increasing
the electrical energy.
1 2
3 4
Figure 93: Test 2 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame molten metal
Further experiments were performed using a local shielding nozzle to flow argon shielding gas at 30CFH
during the ESD process. Figure 94 images demonstrate the significant improvement to the arc behavior as
well as a lack of overheating in the electrode as only the arc is overexposed. It is concluded that the
cooling effects, in addition to preventing reactions with the atmospheric elements, can significantly
convectively cool the ESD process when the electrical parameters are high.
1 2
3 4
Figure 94 Test 3 135V, 300µF and charging speed 95; 0.1ms per frame using a localized nozzle of 30CFH
argon shielding gas
Results from the TiC/Ni on Cu experiment and the high speed video tests resulted in data which matches
typical ESD performance. However the quantitative analysis of the effect of ESD electrical parameters is
skewed by the effects of manual operation of the applicators. Variance in the number of passes over an
area, the movement speed and applicator force have a significant effect on the thickness, quality and
uniformity of the coatings and is a major cause of the error in the quantitative results from the
Increasing the voltage and frequency supports the findings from previous studies and the machine #2 tests
as the most significant parameters affecting coating thickness and heat generation. Effective selection of
parameters and potential use of shielding gas can result in effective coatings even with manual ESD
Chapter 5.0: ESD Physical Controls
ESD is historically a hand operated coating method, where the considerations for the physical process
parameters are constantly adapted to by a skilled operator. The control and understanding of the electrical
parameters has resulted in repeatable results with consistent pairings of materials and physical deposition
styles. The limitations of a human operated ESD process is evident in the difference between coatings
produced by different operators. Constantly changing deposition angle, movement speed, application
force and other considerations between coatings made by different operators or coatings made at different
times establishes the need for automated production with ESD as well as controlled experiments to
determine the effects of parameters when both the electrical and physical considerations are constrained.
In order to meet the requirements for physical control of the ESD machine during these experiments a 3
axis CNC machine was custom built to meet the unique requirements of the ESD process.
The CNC machine employed commercially available stepper motors to control the motion of the x, y and
z axis. The rotating applicator integrated with the Universal ESD Machine was mounted on the
suspension platform on the z-axis. Figure 95 shows an image of the ESD process integrated with the CNC
machine. The system is operated with the use of the Arduino Uno microcontroller and G-Shield motor
controller as presented in the Experimental Setup section 3.5. The system is interfaced with the use of the
Universal G-Code sender program. G-Code is the positioning and movement code RS-274 protocol for
interface with numerical control systems.
Figure 95: Image of ESD application using CNC control
The CNC equipment allowed for controlled deposition patterns, movement speeds and electrode step-
down. A spring loaded suspension system allowed for some rough force control paired with the z-axis
With the use of the x, y, z control system the high speed images can be better focused on the deposition
area. Further mass transfer images were recorded to examine the arc formation from the universal ESD
machine without a rotating electrode. The electrodes were plunged down 0.1mm from the zeroed surface
and then retracted to examine if the electrode will still spark under higher application forces, and if the
electrode will continue to spark once contact to the substrate surface is broken.
The initial sparking from the ESD process occurs when local contacts between points on the electrode
reach the substrate. Joule heating and potentially very small gaps cause the formation of the spark. After
the initial contact, if the electrode continues to move forward, and there is still point contact additional
sparks may occur. Figure 96 shows images of a 6ms period at initial contact. Arcing continues for another
four frames, for a total of 10ms.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Figure 96: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps initial contact: 100V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging
After the arcing from the initial contact as the electrode continues to descend, the normal force reduces
the resistance between the electrode and the substrate, and closes potential arcing gaps. As the electrode
in this experiment is not perpendicular to the substrate surface the additional force may allow the
electrode to slide on the surface as the electrode bends along its length. Smaller low intensity arcs may
occur as demonstrated in Figure 97.
Figure 97: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps excessive force: 75V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging
The experiment had the electrode plunge down 0.1mm from the detected initial contact, then the electrode
would retract to a 1mm safe position. As the normal force between the electrode and the substrate was
reduced and the unloading of the system cause small lateral movements from the electrode bending
another set of sparks were produced. A series of arcs proceed as the electrode is retracted, there is a
possibility that the sparks are produced when there are small gaps between the electrode and the surface,
the distance of which would be determined by the ESD voltage. A gap cannot be detected in these images.
Figure 98 shows image of the retracting electrode sparking for a set of electrical parameters. These
images represent the entire sparking time during the electrode retraction, 6ms.
1 2 3
4 5 6
Figure 98: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps final contact: 100V, 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging
A range of parameters were tested to observe the arc intensity and ejected material. Figure 99
demonstrates the increasing intensity and ejected material from the spark as the ESD voltage is increased
from 50V, 75V, 100V and 135V (a, b, c and d respectively). The final image (f) shows the effect of Ar
shielding gas on a single spark at 135V, when compared to the violent arc and overexposure of the
previous image (e) at 135V in atmosphere.
a b c
d e
Figure 99: Plunging ESD test high speed images 1000fps; ESD parameters 300µF, 400Hz, 95 charging speed;
a) 50V, b) 75V, c) 100V, d) 135V, e) 135V + Ar
The movement speed of the electrode across the substrate surface affects several important effects during
ESD. Notably, depending on the design of the ESD applicator the lateral motion of the electrode could
serve as the detachment force required for the ESD electrode to not permanently stick to the substrate
surface. Many ESD applications use rotary, eccentric or vibrational motions of the electrode to prevent
sticking and promote the detachment of the molten electrode material onto the surface. However without
any additional motion the relative motion of the electrode can serve to prevent the electrode from sticking
during the ESD process.
The relative motion will affect the deposition quality of the process. In relation to the electrical
parameters, high travel speeds can promote smooth coatings, or gaps with no depositions. Low travel
speeds can promote excessive coating in localized areas, leaving bare substrate areas with no coating.
Depending on the severity this buildup can be a severe defect preventing future coating layers from
bonding with the substrate and requiring grinding of the area to allow for subsequent recoating.
Heat transfer during the heat transfer process can be heavily affected by the process movement speed. In
order to achieve effective coatings there needs to be a reduction in the heat input into the substrate to
prevent the negative effects of the heat affected zone, as well as other precipitation effects. Higher
movement speeds reduce the heat input into the substrate with the same ESD electrical parameters.
Higher movement speeds will increase the possible covered area in the same amount of time. Reducing
the total deposition time is a major factor to reducing the negative effects of overheating the ESD
5.1.4 Movement Pattern
The movement pattern and step over of the electrode becomes relevant once a computerized control
system is employed. Depending on the electrode to substrate material pairing as well as the electrode
diameter and the interaction of the other physical and electrical parameters will affect how the deposition
pattern influences the quality of the coatings. Considerations need to be made for the limitations of the
CNC machine and potential undesired effects of different patterns.
The different patterns used were various scanning lateral motion patterns and spiral patterns. Initial issues
with the scanning patterns revealed the effects of the CNC in the form of acceleration rates, maximum
movement speeds and complete changes in directions. Beginning from the first point the CNC would
accelerate to its top speed, only to need to decelerate, make a small step over and re-accelerate in the
other direction. While this deposition pattern is intuitive the time spent for acceleration and deceleration
resulted in lower movement speeds at the edges of the scanned area. As a result there were thicker
depositions at the edge of the desired level coating area. Subsequent coating layers had significant issues
with the varying heights of the deposition and further material was localized to the edge of the coatings.
Changes to the scanning patterns to reduce the number of direction changes and acceleration and
deceleration events would improve the uniformity of the coatings.
With this issue in mind consideration needed to be given to ensuring the coatings covered the entirety of
the deposition area. Different step overs as well as changing the deposition pattern was explored.
Figure 100: Standard scanning pattern with a square Figure 101: Zig zag pattern in x & y direction to
step-over increase area coverage
64 Square Scanning Pattern Steel on Steel Deposition Test
To test the effects of the CNC control on the ESD coatings a test was done with the square step over of
0.2mm see
Figure 100 for reference. The coating was deposited over a 5x5mm area with a constant linear step-down
in the z-axis of 0.001mm per line of code. This resulted in a total step-down of 0.25mm per directional
scan and 0.5mm for the total coating an initial step-down of 0.1mm was added to initially start the
deposition. A pass was made scanning in the x-direction followed by a 5 second pause, then a scan in the
y direction.
Table 12 states the parameters used for the different tests, with the aim of determining the effect of the
electrical parameters when paired with the CNC control.
The cross sectioned images in Figure 102 demonstrate the buildup effect on the edge of the coatings when
using this deposition pattern. The increase deposition time at the edge is due to the small step-over
movement between each pass compounded by the need for deceleration and acceleration.
Figure 102: ESD Scanning Pattern Test number 5: a) Center of the deposition; b) Edge of the deposition
The difference between the center and the edge of the coatings is increased when the deposition rate rises
due to higher electrical power output. Figure 103 demonstrates the difference in the average coating
thickness between the edge and the center of the coating, as well as the 65V and 100V parameter tests.
a b
Figure 103: Center and Edge of coating disparity a) 65V 100µF; b) 100V 100µF
Figure 101 results in half the acceleration and deceleration motions as the square pattern and covers the
same area in less time. Here the step-over remained at 0.2mm between each pass. The step-down was
initially 0.1mm and each scan had a step-down of 0.15mm, the total step-down for the x & y direction
scans and initial step-down was thus 0.4mm. The test was done with a range of parameters to compare the
effect of the electrical parameters with the CNC control to those tests done by hand. See Table 13 for the
tabulated electrical parameters and coating thickness measurements.
Table 13: Zig Zag steel on steel deposition test parameters, average coating thickness and standard deviation
of coating thickness
Max Average Coating
Voltage Charging StDev
Test # Frequency Frequency Thickness
(V) Speed (μm)
(Hz) (Hz) (μm)
1 45 40 275 240 18.1 1.4
2 45 65 426 359 50.2 11.3
3 45 90 492 285 101.3 36.8
4 75 40 178 159 154.8 23.2
5 75 65 307 278 201.3 6.3
6 75 90 405 340 207.2 75.2
7 105 40 151 136 274.0 26.1
Comparing the Zig Zag pattern to the Square pattern, showed that reducing the number of direction
changes helped to mitigate the buildup effect at the edge of the coatings. Figure 104 illustrates a cross
section image of a coating with the zig-zag pattern; the image shows that there is limited deviation of the
coating thickness across the width of the image, ~1.2mm of the total 5mm coating.
Analysis of the coating thickness with different electrical parameters resulted in more predictable results
than those tests performed by hand. This supports the use of the CNC to maintain consistent coating
thicknesses and quality. Figure 105 relates the effects of the voltage and the frequency versus the
deposition rate, as the coating thickness during ESD. The frequencies were not constant for these
experiments as the ESD power supply had yet to be upgraded to the Hz based frequency control.
Figure 105: Voltage and frequency effect on coating thickness
The spiral deposition patterns mitigate some of the acceleration issues by maintaining a relatively
constant angular velocity with direction changes dispersed evenly within the circular arc. Initial spiral
pattern used an octagon spiral pattern with 8 direction changes per revolution see Figure 106. This pattern
removed the localized area for acceleration and deceleration as was present in the previous two patterns.
A range of electrical parameters were used to test the effect of voltage and frequency and the performance
of the new pattern. Table 14 states the electrical parameters used and the results of the coating
measurements from the cross sectioned samples.
Table 14: Octagon spiral ESD Test electrical parameters and coating measurements
Test Voltage Set Frequency Capacitance Average Coating Standard Deviation
Number (V) (Hz) (µF) Thickness (µm) (µm)
1 35 150 100 8.71 1.70
2 70 150 100 25.57 2.61
3 90 150 100 113.39 18.59
4 35 250 100 12.71 1.00
5 70 250 100 73.27 21.85
6 90 250 100 181.08 30.37
Figure 107 demonstrates predictable results with a different trend to the zig-zag pattern. As the deposition
patterns produce increasingly stable results and predictable coatings the coating thickness measurements
will better reflect the effect of the voltage and frequency.
Figure 107: Octagon spiral pattern coating average coating thickness results versus the electrical ESD
Applications for ESD of metallic coatings often apply to buildup and repair applications. In order to test
the performance of the ESD coating with different electrical parameters on the mechanical properties of a
repaired object an experiment was performed with a bending test. The bending test served to test if the
coatings would delaminate while subjected to extreme, tension, compression and shear stresses. This
experiment also highlighted the difficulties in applying larger area coatings with a constant step-down
pattern. In order to maintain a consistent coating pre-experiments were performed to ensure that the step-
down would be sufficient to maintain contact for the duration of the experiment, coating a 20cm diameter
area with the spiral pattern. Table 15 reports the ESD parameters used, the differences in the step-down
per line, the total step-down and the measured material loss from the electrode. Material loss often
exceeded the total step-down, as long duration coatings, approximately 12.35 minutes, and excessive
overheating exacerbates electrode erosion.
The bending test was performed with an Instron tester with a three point bending apparatus, maximum
displacement of 20mm. Figure 108 graphs the displacement and load data from the compressive bending
test. The uniform loading profile, the lack of physical damage and the qualitative lack of cracking noises
during testing supports the effective metallic bond forming the ESD coating. Considering the excessive
overheating due to the high electrical parameters and high rates of electrode erosion the coatings should
contain the defects exhibited in previous sections. With this considered all of the coatings slightly
improved the loading performance versus the uncoated substrate, test 0, and did not present evidence of
shear failure or delamination.
Table 16 reports the increase in maximum load as with the increasing ESD electrical power output. This
relates that the ESD coatings did not weaken the performance of the initial steel sheet substrate; rather the
ESD coating provided mechanical reinforcement. These findings support the use of ESD as a repair
method for high value mechanical components, as it has been reportedly used.
Test Number 0 1 2 3 4 5
Maximum Load (N) 407.66 427.79 429 441.62 452.89 447.92
Application force during ESD is a major concern during both automated and manual operations. Some
small applied force is required to maintain intermittent and localized contact of the ESD electrode, while
excessive force will result in the short circuiting of the electrode and the cessation of the arcing process.
With the CNC patterns different methods of increasing the force as the ESD electrode is consumed are
considered. Initially depositions were made with a linear increase in the z-step-down. This resulted in
coatings that contacted near the beginning of the patter, but as the electrode warmed, the deposition rate
increased the linear z-step-down rate proved ineffective.
When used with the spiral and octagon patterns the linear step-down rate was ineffective when the radius
of the spiral increase, as the step-down rate between G-Code commands remained the same, whereas the
linear distance between points increased.
In order to mitigate this issue an initial step-down rate was determined, and then a further exponential
increase in the step-down rate relative to the line number in the G-Code was applied. This attempted to
mimic the increase in deposition rate from electrode warming, as well as account for the increases in
linear distance in the spiral patterns. Small coatings worked well with this method; however larger
coatings had greater disparities between the material deposition rates and linear distances between points
and exact increases in step-down rate were difficult to determine.
The step-down rates were also affected by the electrode size, materials for the electrode and substrate, as
well as the electrical parameters. The most effective z-step-down rate was determined to be one that
looked at the arc length of the spiral and accordingly applied a certain z-step-down rate per mm of arc
length. This method required a higher force at the beginning of the coating to account for the increase in
deposition rate later in the coating pattern. See Figure 109 for an illustration of how the different z-axis
step-down rates affect the z-position over time, with the same actual final step-down.
Over large areas issues with high heat input to the substrate or un-level substrates compound so large
areas of the deposition area have no coatings.
Force feedback was proposed using the ESD CNC system integrated with a capacitive force sensor,
detailed in the experimental setup section. Data collection from the capacitive force sensor was facilitated
via the NI-DAQ 6003 USB device, which detected the voltages 0.5V to 1.5V which can be interpreted as
corresponding force measurements in Newtons. Due to the use of the NI-DAQ device the data collection
and initial processing was done via a LabView graphic user interface. Several considerations were added
to mitigate the effects noise detected by the sensor to achieve a more realistic force reading. See Figure
110 and Figure 111 for the developed GUI and block diagram program respectively for force sensor data
Figure 110: LabView GUI for capacitive force Figure 111: LabView block diagram for capacitive
sensor data collection force sensor data collection
Despite the validity of the capacitive sensor setup several issues arise with the ESD and CNC system
which prevent accurate force measurements. Mechanical noise adds vibrations from the ESD applicator
electric motor and electrode rotation, oscillations in the z-axis suspension system, lack of rigidity in the x-
y stage, and reaction forces from the ESD sparks. Significant levels of electrical noise are produced by the
high current pulses produced by the ESD process as well as interference from electrical components
which comprise the ESD and CNC power supplies.
The high sensitivity of the capacitive sensor and potential damage to the system has resulted in constant
oscillations of the force data. Depending on the sample frequency the oscillations have a different period.
See Figure 112 and Figure 113, the high frequency noise from the low frequency force readings have a
standard deviation of 0.0157V which corresponds to 0.7N. This level of noise is acceptable for the control
of the ESD system, considering all of the other noise sources.
Figure 112: Force Sensor Measurements No Lab Noise 5Hz
In order to mitigate the effects of the force sensor oscillations a moving minimum can be used to filter the
data from the high frequency force sampling. Figure 113 illustrates how increasing the sample size of the
moving minimum begins to accurately represent the force under no load, where 0.5V is 0N. With this
filter the high frequency noise has a standard deviation of 0.0195V which represents 0.88N an acceptable
noise level.
The relatively lower frequency oscillations appear to have maxima of 0.62V under a no load condition.
This level of noise represents approximately 28N an unacceptable level of uncertainty for the effective
control of the ESD process.
5.2.3 Open loop response
Positioning the force sensor below the substrate gets good results when the force is being applied straight
down, see Figure 114. This position allows for the force sensor to detect the normal force between the
electrode and the substrate without noise effects from the suspension system or bearings in the z-axis
affecting the readings.
This position proves to be a negative when the singular position detects oscillations in the force
measurements due to actual ESD patterns. Figure 115 shows the force readings during ESD with a spiral
pattern. As the electrode completes the arcs of the spiral the force measurement fluctuates.
Figure 115: Force measurements with sensor below the substrate during a spiral deposition
In order to mitigate these effects the force sensor was mounted on the suspension system for the ESD
applicator. In this position there is an increase in the mechanical instability as the effects of the spring,
bearing movement and bending of the electrode are more severely present. However the following force
measurements show that this position removes the artificial oscillating effect of the ESD patterns.
LabVIEW is used for recording of the force, voltage and current measurements in real time from the ESD
CNC system. The LabVIEW VI was altered to parse the G-Code saved as sequential commands to be sent
through the LabVIEW NI DAQ interface.
A proportional-integral-derivative or PID controller was used to generate the rate of z-axis change
responses from the force data. The PID system functions by feeding back the error from the last recorded
operation to alter the future response.
Relating to the plant system illustrated in Figure 33 with CNC force feedback system the desired force is
set as the input r, the current force is fed into the PID controller from the data queue as y, and the control
signal is the position change from the current z-axis position. The control signal is added to the parsed G-
Code commands and sent to the GRBL controller via the Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
(VISA) serial connection.
The pre-packaged VISA was used to communicate through the USB serial connection to the GRBL
software loaded on the Arduino Uno. This built in interface allows for the LabVIEW program to mimic
all of the functions of the Universal G-Code Sender software and while running background operations
with the force sensor, see experimental setup Figure 55. The LabVIEW VISA function allows for the
reading and writing functions to the GRBL serial port.
The command structure was based off the open source visual interface titled GRBL-GUI developed to
connect to the GRBL Arduino software via a USB serial port. This LabView program intended to mimic
the basic functions of the Universal G-Code sender in order to form a connection and send the GRBL
syntax G- Code commands. This software lacked the significant functions characterizing the Universal G-
Code Sender software. See Figure 116 for the LabView block diagram for the simplified GRBL
Figure 116: GRBL-GUI LabView program
The LabView VI was designed to parse a pre-made G-Code program, and cut in z-axis commands
generated from the force sensor feedback loop.
Appendix D: LabView force feedback program details the development of the LabView VI with two
different attempted loop structures.
In order to determine the PID gains the CNC was set up with a compression spring to simulate the normal
force exerted by the ESD electrode onto the substrate surface. With this setup the parsing software could
be run for extended periods of time and allow for an auto-tuning process to determine the appropriate PID
gains for the effective output response of the controller.
The LabVIEW Auto tuning PID sub VI was used for the PID force control system. This sub VI uses the
Ziegler-Nichols heuristic tuning method in order to determine the gain values for the PID controller. With
this method initial PID gains are estimated or guessed and the system is run over a long period of time.
Once the system is stable oscillating about the set force the noise from the sensor is estimated by the
system. Upper and lower limits on the simulation are chosen along with a general response speed. The
program then proceeds to change the set force to the upper and lower limits to test the system response
and tune the gains. [38] Figure 117 illustrates the tuning process over a long period of time, as the PID
gains are altered the z-position becomes more stable, and the force is able to maintain a stable oscillation
about 0.8V.
The proportional gain is tuned to achieve the desired response time between the upper and lower force
limits. Once the system has settled and is oscillating about the new set point the derivative and integrative
gains are changed in order to reduce the overshoot and steady state error.
Using the auto tuning method controllers were evaluated to determine whether the added control of the
integral and derivative gain values improved the response from the system. Each controller type was
iterated for at least three cycles of a 0.1V amplitude about a set point of 1V.
The response time of the PID controller was noted to be slower than desired when the controller was
applied to the real world CNC controlled ESD application. In order to determine whether the
proportional, integrative, derivative, or any combination of the controllers would be more effective the
auto tuning process was repeated for different types of controllers.
The auto tuning function returned the PID gains for the different types to improve the settling time and
reduce steady state error. For this experiment the different controllers were evaluated by the amplitude of
the steady state error, as well as the time required from 0.75V, approximately no load at the time of the
test, to 1V force.
Figure 118 illustrates the force response, and z-axis position for the tuned PID controller. With the force
preset to approximately 0.75V from the force sensor the controller required near 500 seconds in order to
achieve the set point of 1V. The steady state error with this controller proved to be erratic with large
random amplitude oscillations. Even after allowing the controller to settle for 1000 seconds, well beyond
the deposition time for most of the ESD tests there remained significant error.
Figure 119 illustrates the controller test for the auto-tuned PI gains. This controller demonstrated
significantly faster settling time, near 35 seconds. The response from the raw force values and the z-axis
position show that the response from the controller reduces the rate of step-down well before the set point
of 1V. The PI controller reduces the effect of overshoot and resulted in a much lower steady state error
than the PID controller response.
Figure 119: PI Controlled Force Test Figure 120: P Controlled Force Test
Figure 120 illustrates the controller output for the P controlled system. Clearly seen by the reaction of the
z-axis position the output rapidly reacts to the negative error input, resulting in the maximum output for
each step. This results in the fastest settling time near 18 seconds. The steady state error appears to be
constant oscillations about the set point, with little issues with overshoot.
Table 17 reports the results of the different controllers evaluating the settling time to 1V from 0.75V, the
steady state noise about 1V and the deviation between data points during the steady state. The comparison
of the values clearly shows that the P controller is the most effective in controlling force feedback system,
the quick response time, and low steady state error will be critical when the ESD process is added to the
control system.
With the proportional controller gains determined the force feedback system can be used to control the
CNC machine for ESD coatings.
The PID control system tuned with the auto-tuning process can now respond to limited changes in the
ESD force during operation. The initial closed loop response of the control system resulted in promising
results for the force control versus the open loop response where just the force sensor had difficulties in
reading stable results.
Employing the force feedback system, and CNC controlled spiral patterns the physical considerations for
the ESD electrical parameters can be kept constant. An experiment was done with steel electrodes,
depositing on DP980 steel. A range of electrical parameters were tested as well as the effects of the argon
shielding gas. See
Table 18 for the range of tested electrical parameters, the set of experiments were repeated for Tests 10-
18 with 30CFH local argon shielding gas. The universal ESD power supply was operating in frequency
control mode, with a charging speed of 95, and varying maximum frequency settings. The depositions
were applied to a 5mm diameter circular area with a stopover of 0.1mm per spiral pass, and a CNC
federate of 800mm/min. The force feedback was maintained at 0.65V with an unloaded reading of 0.55V,
resulting in a constant force approximately 4.4N.
Table 18: CNC and force feedback controlled ESD experiment; electrical parameters
Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Voltage (V) 50 75 100 50 75 100 50 75 100
Capacitance (µF) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Max Frequency (Hz) 100 100 100 200 200 200 300 300 300
Cross sections were processed and examined with optical microscopy. The 10x magnification images
which presented a 1385mm width sample of the coatings were measured to relate the effects of the
electrical parameters to the ESD voltage and frequency settings. 13 equally spaced coating thickness
measurements were taken from the coating substrate interface to the surface of the coatings. The results
were averaged and reported in Table 19 with accompanying standard deviations, comparing the argon
shielded and non-shielded experiments.
Table 19: CNC and force feedback controlled ESD experiment; coating thickness measurements
StDev Ar (µm) 18.46 39.95 35.10 StDev Ar (µm) 29.91 42.55 21.06
The average coating thicknesses and standard deviations are summarized in the charts in Figure 121 and
Figure 122. The coating thickness curves for the experiments done in atmosphere show a decrease in the
average coating thickness with the increase in the ESD frequency. The argon shielded experiments show
the opposite with a significant increase in coating thickness with the increase in frequency, and the
resulting total ESD power output.
Figure 121: Maximum ESD frequency parameter Figure 122: ESD voltage parameter related to
related to coating thickness with Ar shielding gas coating thickness with Ar shielding gas
The coating thickness curve related to the ESD voltage shows a steady increase in coating thickness, with
increasing voltage, and ESD energy output. The argon shielded experiments show an initial increase,
followed by a drop in coating thickness.
Uncharacteristic behavior of the electrical parameter experiment can be attributed to a small sample size,
or the need for further improvements to the CNC force feedback system. The experiment was done using
the data queue force feedback CNC integration LabVIEW program. During depositions lags in the
command predictions, typically characteristic of the GRBL program were observed. Implementation of
the newer feedback control system and, or optimization of the CNC pattern to facilitate force feedback
could rectify the coating thickness results with the hypothesized conventions.
The cross section images were evaluated qualitatively for the frequency and voltage effects on coating
defects. The typical defects include transverse and interfacial cracking, pores, and oxidation.
The optical cross section images at 20x magnification are detailed in Figure 123, with increasing
frequency in with increasing row reference and increasing voltage with increasing column reference. The
experiment done in atmosphere revealed that the low power parameters, test 1 and 2 at 50V and 75V and
100Hz resulted in coatings with little or no oxidation. Test 3 which had an ESD voltage of 100V with a
frequency of 100Hz and Test 4, with a voltage of 50V and frequency of 200Hz both exhibited oxidized
coatings due to overheating during the ESD process. Notably Test 3 has a thick layer, near equal to the
thickness exhibited in Test 1, covered by oxidized material. This relates to the low step-over distance of
0.01mm per spiral pass, meaning that the coatings overlap significantly. The increase in voltage at low
frequency of 100Hz resulted in a very significant increase in the coating thickness, but at the cost of
oxidizing the deposited materials.
Experiments in the first column, with the ESD voltage of 50V and increasing pulse frequency exhibit the
most consistent surface conditions with a smaller standard deviation in the coating thickness. Increasing
the Test number, and primarily increasing the ESD voltage increased the defect density, mainly pores and
decreased the surface uniformity.
100Hz; 50V
300Hz Increasing pulse voltage
The argon shielded experiments are in Figure 124, reporting the optical cross section images at 20x
magnification, with an exception for Tests 14 and 17 which coatings were too thick to be captured in the
20x magnification image. Test 1 revealed a coating which is near imperceptible to the base metal,
increasing the voltage from Test 10 to Test 12, resulted in an increase in the coating thickness and an
increase in the defect density. Increasing the frequency from down column one, Test 10, Test 13 and Test
16 demonstrate the effect of increasing frequency, and heat generation on the oxidation of the deposited
coating, even with the added cooling and shielding effects of the argon gas.
Test 14 and Test 17 at 75V and 200Hz and 300Hz respectively are the highest powered parameters which
demonstrate un-oxidized coatings. The average coating thicknesses for these parameters were 267µm and
303µm respectively. Further increase in the ESD pulse energy in Test 15 and 18 resulted in overheating,
causing excessive oxidation of the coating and large defect densities.
100Hz; 50V 75V
10x magnification
Figure 124: Tests 10-18; 30CFH argon shielding gas; 20x magnification optical images; NB: Test 14 and 17
10x magnification
This experiment concludes that there is a significant relationship between the coating quality, related to
the material pairing, and the ESD pulse voltage and frequency. The use of argon shielding gas can be
employed to convectively cool the ESD process, allowing for the use of higher ESD parameters and
corresponding to higher effective mass transfer rates. The shielding effect of the argon gas improved
oxidation prevention during the ESD process. The use of low voltage and frequency parameters can also
produce low oxidation coatings without the use of shielding gas.
Chapter 6.0: Conclusions and Recommendations
The development of advanced ESD power supplies were evaluated versus the typical simplified ESD
circuit design in Machine #1.
1. A power supply was developed and evaluated with the addition of a microcontroller and solid-
state switching devices so that the capacitor discharge can be controlled.
2. The implementation of a logic based interface allowed for the development of high and low
voltage pulses, sequences of groups of pulses, pauses between pulses, a secondary parallel circuit
which discharged simultaneously and charging speed control.
3. The advanced electrical parameters allows for the fine tuning of electrical power, relating to heat
generation for potential new applications.
1. To meet the needs of a wider variety of material pairings a capacitor bank was implemented with
a greater range of voltage settings.
2. The use of a rotating applicator increased the frequency of electrode to substrate contact, reducing
the effect of the previously used vibrating electrode on the pulse frequency.
3. A constant charging speed control mode and a frequency control mode were implemented which
allowed for the variation of heat generation through the grouping of discharge pulses followed by
pauses. Previous studies and deposition experiments showed that lower electrical energy
parameters can be used when higher heat is generated through the grouping of pulses.
4. Voltage and frequency were determined to have the most significant effect on the coating
thickness and quality.
6.2 Mass transfer effects
1. A high speed camera was used to observe the spark behavior during the ESD process.
2. The high electrical parameter experiments demonstrated molten metal interactions at the surface,
relating to the prevalence of defects and oxidation in the deposited coatings. The images proved
that overheating of the electrode significantly reduces the quality of the coatings.
3. Argon shielding gas when locally applied reduces the overheating of the ESD process when using
the same electrical parameters. Convective cooling paired with preventing atmospheric
interactions with the molten metal are attributed to the benefits.
1. Variations in the movement speed, pattern and application force during manual application of the
ESD process have been shown to affect the uniformity of coatings. In order to determine the
isolated effect of the electrical parameters a CNC machine and force feedback system were
2. Experiments revealed issues with the deposition patterns executed by the CNC machine were
noted, where the coating thickness increased near the edge of depositions where changes in
direction were made. Optimized patterns were developed to reduce the effects of direction
3. The physical controls system was used in an experiment comparing the effect of the electrical
parameters and shielding gas, when the physical parameters are more consistent.
a. Management of the voltage and frequency revealed a range of parameters where
oxidation, pores and cracks were kept to a minimum, while the coating thickness was
substantial. Increases beyond this range resulted in rapid increases in coating thickness,
with an accompanying increase in oxidation and defect density.
b. The use of shielding gas to convectively cool the process, as well as shield from
atmospheric interactions served to increase the range of effective voltage and frequency
6.4 Recommendations
The experiments, procedures and developed equipment used in this study can be used to determine the
effective parameter range for new applications and material pairings. Notably the effect of the ESD
parameter on the electro-spark alloying process and elemental diffusion is possible.
The beneficial effect of controlling the physical parameters shown in this study can be improved with the
use of more accurate, and faster reacting robotic systems. A major deficiency in the force feedback
system presented in this study is the slow interaction between the force controller and the CNC machine.
The implementation of purpose built and optimized robotic solutions would improve the physical controls
and expand the potential experiment conditions and industrial applications.
The advanced ESD power supplies evaluated present further possible combinations of pulse sequences,
with electrical and physical parameters to improve the ESD coating performance as is presented in some
of the studies examined in the background section. A combination of the improved power supply circuits,
control logic, and a transducer managed pulse generator can present even more improvements in ESD
power supply performance.
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Transformers are common electrical devices used to step up or down incoming voltage to meet the
requirements of the application. The voltage is altered through the process of electromagnetic induction
where the initial voltage passes through a set of coils, and the output voltage is received by a different set
of coils. The ratio between the coils determines the factor by which the voltage was altered; see Figure
125 for an illustration of a typical transformer. [9] For ESD a transformer is used to modify the municipal
power, often 110-120V 10-15A 60Hz alternating current (AC) to the levels suitable to power or charge
the capacitors for the ESD process. [39]
Rectifiers are electrical devices used to convert the AC power from the transformer to DC power. This is
required for the charging of the capacitors for the use in ESD power supplies. ESD is a direct current
electrode positive (DCEP) process and thus requires a biased polarity to function. Furthermore switching
the polarity of the charging current for the capacitors will result in negating the stored charge and
potentially damaging the component. Typical and efficient rectifiers are comprised of varying
configurations of diodes. Diodes are two terminal semiconductor devices which function off varying
impurities, geometries and the polarity biasing conditions to provide positive and negative junctions. The
diodes are used in rectifiers to control the flow of current, biasing the polarities by presenting a high or
low resistance. [40] Depending on the number and orientation of diodes the rectifier will either convert
one, or both polarities of the AC power. Figure 126 illustrates the electrical components and output from
a half wave rectifier, which represents the simplest rectifier circuit. This setup is used to convert only the
positive or negative polarities of the AC power into half period pulses of DC power. [41]
Figure 126: Half wave single diode rectifier [10]
Figure 127 illustrates the full wave double diode rectifier, this more complicated circuit employs two
diodes which take turns in supplying power to the resistive load. This configurations has the benefits of
retrieving more of the electrical power from the AC input, and creating more consistent DC output. [11]
A more efficient rectifier circuit is the diode bridge rectifier, which employs a loop of diodes to produce
full wave DC power from the AC input. Figure 128 illustrates the diode orientation to produce a full wave
positive DC output from AC input. [41] [11]
Figure 128: Diode bridge rectifier [11]
The current flow illustrated in Figure 129 and Figure 130 demonstrates how the diodes act as high and
low resistance gates to produce a full wave DC output from an AC input. The advantage of the diode
bridge rectifier is the lower cost and footprint of the additional diodes versus the transformer required for
the two diode design of the full wave rectifier. [11]
Figure 129: Diode bridge rectifier positive half cycle Figure 130: Diode bridge rectifier negative half cycle
[11] [11]
Smoothing capacitors
Once the AC current has a single polarity, regardless of the use of a half wave or full wave rectifier there
are periodic pulses of DC current with the same shape as the AC amplitudes. Smoothing capacitors
employed after the rectifiers serves to maintain the DC current, with smaller fluctuations, near the
amplitude maximum of the pulses. Figure 131 illustrates the effect of a smoothing capacitor on the DC
output of a diode bridge rectifier. [11]
Figure 131: Full wave diode bridge rectifier with smoothing capacitor [11]
Thyristors are devices similar to transistors, but comprising four layers of semi-conductors, resulting in
three sets of P-N junctions. The resulting component is like a unidirectional controllable diode which has
three interfaces, the anode, cathode and gate. Figure 132 illustrates the symbol and interfaces used for
wiring thyristors, it is represented as a unidirectional diode controlled by the gate input. The gate
interface controls the state of the thyristor between a high resistance with low current or off state, and a
low resistance high current or on state. In this way the thyristor can be used as an electronically activated
switch. [14] [15]
Insulated gate bipolar transistor
The IGBT is an effective semiconductor switching device, notably combining the high current carrying
capability of bipolar junction transistors and the high state switching speeds of field effect transistors
(MOSFETs). This device is voltage controlled via the gate input to act as a bipolar transistor and switch
current and resistance states. Figure 133 illustrates the electrical symbol for an IGBT, represented as a
bipolar voltage controlled MOSFET. [43] [44]
Hall Effect sensors measure the electromagnetic effects caused by a current passing through a
perpendicularly oriented conductor. Figure 134 illustrates a Hall Effect sensor disturbed by an external
magnetic field representing the electromagnetic force of moving electrons. The Hall Effect dictates that
the magnitude of the detected magnetic force is directly related to the magnitude of the passing current.
The sensor is then designed to amplify an output signal in volts which represents the current magnitude.
[45] [46] [47]
Figure 134: Hall Effect sensor interaction with magnetic fields [46]
Appendix C: ESD Machine #2 Control Modes Experiment
Table 20: ESD Machine #2 control mode experiment parameters
High Low Sample
ESD 1 (V) ESD 2 (V) ARC (V) Frequency Frequency
Pulses Pulses Rate
(%) (%)
35 20 13 40 20 2 2 33000
Figure 136: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 0 Figure 137: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 1
Figure 138: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 2 Figure 139: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 3
Figure 140: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 4 Figure 141: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 5
Figure 142: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 6 Figure 143: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 7
Figure 144: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 8 Figure 145: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 9
Figure 146: ESD Machine #2 Control Mode 10
Appendix D: LabView force feedback program
With the GRBL-GUI program as initial design a LabView program was developed with additional
functions to facilitate the force feedback and automated G-Code sending. The program initially reads in
the G-Code sequence from the specified .txt file. The length of the file sets the number of iterations in the
for-loop. This loop parses the G-Code commands and splices in real time commands containing the
change in the current z-axis position. A parallel while-loop records the current force data and queues it for
transfer into the for-loop.
Two different force sensing hierarchies were tested. Initially in order to allow the force sensor to operate
near the sampling speed of 200Hz it was nested in its own parallel loop structure to facilitate the different
cycling speeds. The force sensor loop operated on a waiting timer to operate the force sensor at a real time
rate. This was very effective to record the real time force data from the CNC ESD operations.
This programming hierarchy functioned on the principle of data queues which rapidly send data between
parallel running loops in an ordered sequence. In this data setup the loops act as producer and consumer
functions, where the while loop with the Force data produces data on demand to be sent to the for-loop to
operate the PID Control function and generate a change in z-position to send to the GRBL controller.
Without the buffer from the data queue each loop would need to complete its operations in order to pass
data in another loop. This function allows for the parallel operation of the loops and subsequently the
feasibility of the force control of the ESD process. See Figure 147 for the LabVIEW VI diagram and user
interface used for the data collection and G-Code transfer.
Figure 147: LabVIEW VI and User Interface
Due to the consumer or slave loop being the force sensing loop, data was only requested on demand from
the parsing loop. This resulted in the force sensing loop only operating at the frequency of the code
parsing sequence, which operates at the computing speed of the GRBL program on the Arduino program.
This sequence only loops once the ok command is received that the previous G-Code command has been
understood and completed by the CNC machine. This low cycling frequency resulted in a large delay in
the force feedback system and resultantly delayed responses from the controller.
In order to improve the response time of the force feedback controller a different loop hierarchy was
explored. Operating the slave loop at a higher frequency than the master command loop would result in a
buildup of force data and the feedback would be reacting to force data from the previous G-Code
command. It was deemed possible to nest the force feedback loop within the cycling structure of the
command loop. The new structure did away with the queue structures, and functioned off the principle of
a moving minimum in order to manage the high frequency noise from the capacitive force sensor. The
difference in operation speed of the two loops allows for 20 data points to be filtered as the first action of
the processing loop, this action operated at the maximum speed of the force sensor, the loop then
proceeded with the rest of the parsing and communication actions. This proved to provide a more real
time force data monitoring for use in the PID feedback. Figure 148, Figure 149, Figure 150,
demonstrating the design changes to the program versus Figure 147 detailing the GUI, block diagram part
1, block diagram part 2 and the program hierarchy respectively.
Figure 149: Force feedback VI block diagram part 1
Appendix E: Force feedback circle experiment
In order to demonstrate the effect of the force control an ESD experiment was designed to create
continuous concentric circles of 5mm diameter. Each circle was defined by a single line of code, as a
result the system only recalculates and sends new force data every one revolution of the CNC machine.
With the set parameters the force was recalculated approximately once every second. With this slow
refresh rate and high deposition rate the effectiveness of the force feedback system can be appropriately
tested. Each circle command requires approximately 1 second to send back an ok response to the system.
At this rate the force system cannot respond to sudden changes in force which appear at different areas of
the circle.
Figure 151: Force Controlled CNC test No ESD Figure 152: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V,
200Hz, 200µF, 50 passes of 5mm diameter circle; no
Figure 153: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V, 200Hz, 200µF, 50 passes of 5mm diameter circle; 30 CFH
Figure 154: Force Controlled ESD Test; 100V, 200Hz, 200µF, 200 passes of 5mm diameter circle; 30 CFH
Changes in the relative level of the stage as well as aberrations in the smoothness of the substrate can
have drastic effects on the applied force. The normal force changes along a single movement serve to
create a large disparity in the standard deviation of the force sensor readings. The slow reaction time of
the force sensor with the CNC commands also results in a compounding effect on the noise levels in the
system. Increasing the number of G-Code commands for a certain action will result in an increase in the
complexity of the G-Code, but may serve to allow for faster convergence, and reaction of the force
Figure 155: PID Control System during ESD Force set at 0.65V
A significant limitation of the feedback system is that the force may change rapidly due to CNC moves,
however the parsing control system only allows for force measurements and adjustments at the end of
every line of code. Thus the system cannot react to sudden drastic changes in the application force.