Social Work MCQs (Oxford Uni Press)
Social Work MCQs (Oxford Uni Press)
Social Work MCQs (Oxford Uni Press)
Chapter 17: Use of Groups in Policy, Advocacy, Management and Community Practice
1. All of the following are necessary for practice with non-clinical groups, EXCEPT:
a. Knowledge of how groups work (cause-effect)
b. Ability to use moral reasoning and ethics to assess the group"s behavior and
desired end-goals
c. Knowledge of curative factors and mutual aid
d. Skills (theory-based) needed to manage group dynamics specific to each area
of non-clinical practice.
2. To promote social justice, macro practitioners use groups to do all of the following
a. Raise consciousness
b. Challenge discriminatory institutional practices
c. Advocate for reform through legislation
d. Engage in armed conflict
3. Understanding group dynamics is important for management practice for all of the
following reasons EXCEPT:
a. Organizations are themselves group entities
b. Groups facilitate the work of agencies and organizations
c. Dysfunctional organizational cultures reflect inappropriate group dynamics
d. All of the above are reasons for understanding group dynamics in management
4. All of the following are types of groups found in management practice EXCEPT:
a. Consciousness raising groups
b. Boards and cabinets
Zilly Mazari
[email protected]
c. Deliberative meetings
d. Committees and task groups
5. Which one of the following theories best explains how boards are formed and how they are
a. Power-Conflict theory
b. Social Exchange theory
c. Bureaucracy theory
d. Human relations theory
6. The beginning stage of deliberative meetings requires all of the following EXCEPT:
a. A quorum
b. An agenda
c. Rules to govern interactive behavior (Robert"s Rules of order)
d. A method of validating the groups decision (voting)
e. All of the above
7. All of the following are indicators that a meeting has become a forum for the enactment of
organizational politics, EXCEPT:
a. Decisions on actionable items have been made prior to the meeting
b. Participants have formed power alliances and have scripted each other"s dialog
and participation
c. Well-documented position papers with alternative perspectives are presented
for the group"s consideration.
d. Procedural rules are used to foreclose discussion
8. All of the following are indicators that the deliberative meeting is focused on the common
good, EXCEPT:
a. Moral argument is used to advance a higher moral order
b. Subgroups view the discussion in terms of self-interest and personal gain
c. Opposing views are presented in well-argued position papers
d. Complete and undistorted facts are presented
9. All of the following are procedural tactics designed to interfere with rational discourse in
deliberative meetings EXCEPT:
a. Items are discussed in principle and in detail
b. Items are discussed in principle only- details are left to the administer
c. Procedural rules are used to limit time and prevent substantive discussion of
the issue
d. Procedures are used to defer decisions to other bodies that are composed to
produce a pre-determined outcome
10. Coverdale seeks to meet all of the following goals through its approach EXCEPT:
a. Cooperative team work
b. A pre-determined outcome
c. Maximum use of individual talent within each the task group
d. Ownership and by-in of the product
11. All of the following are TRUE about organizations EXCEPT:
a. Organizational dynamics have little in common with group dynamics
b. Organizations are themselves group entities
c. Organiztions engage in governance and decision making
d. Organizations are composed of smaller subgroups
e. Organizations permit members to influence their policies and procedures to
some extent
12. All of the following are sources of organizational discontent EXCEPT:
a. Competing interest of members of the organization
b. Irreconciable differences over positions and prerogatives
c. Differences over deeply held values and beliefs related to organizational goals
and programs
d. Polarization and the formation of power alliances
e. All of the above are sources of organizational discontent
Zilly Mazari
[email protected]
13. Groups have relevance to community practice in all the following ways EXCEPT:
a. Interactions between one community and another involve group dynamics;
distribution of goods and services
b. How subgroups within a community interact with each other involve group
dynamics; tolerance vs. divisiveness
c. How a subgroup interacts with the community as a whole is a matter of group
dynamics; public good vs. minority rights
d. All of the above are reasons that groups have relevance to community
14. All of the following are premises on community held by Etizioni, EXCEPT:
a. Order and chaos is inherent in the quest for community
b. Community values are valid if they are determined locally by consensus
c. Even if locally determined by consensus community values must be subject to a
universal ethical screen
d. The tyrannical potential of community must be weighed against the anarchical
danger of desiccation of community.
15. According to Etizioni all of the following are potentially TRUE about traditional
a. Traditional value-based communities may be authoritarian
b. Traditional value-based communities are by definition moral.
c. Traditional value-based communities can lead to particularistic evils such as
intolerance, oppression, group egotism, atavism
d. All traditional value-based communities need to be scrutinized against a
universal ethic.
16. Social goals organizing seeks to alter the relations of power through campaigns. All of the
following are organizing campaigns, EXCEPT:
a. Election campaign
b. Educational campaign
c. Fund raising campaign
d. Issue campaign
e. All of the above campaigns are designed to alter the balance of power in
17. Social action goals (direct action organizing) does all of the following EXCEPT
a. Seeks incremental change within the system
b. Seeks radical and structural change
c. Uses small and large groups tactically to provoke conflict and polarization
d. D Tries to disrupt equilibrium and the status quo
Chapter 18:
1. Systematic reviews have all of the following in common EXCEPT:
a. Systematic reviews are focused on a single topic
b. The author(s) of a systematic review must document the criteria used to
include or exclude studies from the review.
c. Only studies related to clinical social work are included in systematic reviews.
d. Systematic reviews differ from narrative reviews in that they attend to the rigor
of the research design
2. All of the following are TRUE statements about the limitations of Empiricism EXCEPT:
a. Empiricism is necessary but not sufficient to build knowledge
b. No array of statistical techniques produces cumulative knowledge
c. Empirical data become knowledge when referred to theory for its
d. Empirical significance is equivalent to clinical significance.
3. All of the following are TRUE about science as a way of knowing EXCEPT:
a. It is based on trust in reason (rules of discourse)
b. It builds on previous knowledge and is self-corrective
Zilly Mazari
[email protected]
c. It adheres to standards that allow for comparative analysis
d. All of the above are true
4. In science, knowledge is stated in such a way as to
a. Make it non-comparable.
b. To prove or disprove it
c. To integrate it
d. To generate and test new knowledge.
5. Which of the following are characteristic of qualitative research designs
a. Power-Conflict theory
b. Social Exchange theory
c. Bureaucracy theory
d. Human relations theory
6. The standard of scientific rigor consists of all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Multiple studies
b. Replicated studies
c. Values-determined outcomes
d. Experimental, control group studies
7. In addition to science (theory and research) all of the following factors influence decision-
making in macro practice.
a. Moral philosophy " helps determine the desired-end goals of social work policies
and programs
b. Public and political opinion- both influence support for or funding for programs
c. Competing economic interests among population subgroups
d. All of the above influence decision-making in macro practice.
8. All of the following statements argue for evidence-based practice EXCEPT:
a. Treatment choice is now a condition of competent practice
b. Evidence-based practice guarantees a successful treatment outcome
c. Clients benefit when they are aware of theoretically sound and empirically
verified diverse treatments
d. Knowledge of what is the matter and possible solutions add to the client"s
ability to make an informed decision.