Integrative Medicine Research
Integrative Medicine Research
Integrative Medicine Research
Study Protocol
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Introduction: The global COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an urgent search for effective interventions.
Received 25 May 2020 SARS-CoV-2 mortality/morbidity risk increases with age and for those chronic disease co-morbidities,
Received in revised form 16 June 2020 both of which are associated with lower zinc status, as is the risk of infection.
Accepted 18 June 2020
Methods: Rapid review methods will be applied to a systematic review of zinc for the prevention or
Available online 23 June 2020
treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and viral respiratory tract infections in humans. Included are published studies
reporting randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials that compare zinc intervention to placebo
and/or other comparator interventions. English and Chinese language databases will be searched for pri-
Coronavirus mary studies of viral respiratory tract infections and clinical trial registries for SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Rapid review Due to concerns about indirectness, studies evaluating non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections will be
Respiratory tract infection rated down by one level, and non-specific or confirmed non-coronavirus viral infections will be rated
Zinc down by two levels. Review constraints include (1) using Google translate when screening articles pub-
lished in languages other than English or Chinese and limited translation (2) following calibration, only
one reviewer will screen articles, extract data, appraise quality and conduct the analysis, (3) prioritising
data extraction and meta-analyses of SARS-CoV-2 studies and critical outcomes of other viral infections,
followed by high risk groups and (4) reporting important preliminary findings prior to peer review if
Discussion: The application of these rapid review methods and broadening the inclusion criteria to include
other coronavirus-related viral respiratory tract infections aims to enable a timely evidence appraisal of
priority research questions and dissemination of results.
Study registration: PROSPERO CRD42020182044.
© 2020 Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2213-4220/© 2020 Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
2 J. Hunter, S. Arentz, J. Goldenberg et al. / Integrative Medicine Research 9 (2020) 100457
NL63, HKU1) were the fourth most common (4.66%, n = 582/12,502) ing a 2000 review.38 Also withdrawn from the Cochrane library is
and were associated with the highest co-infection rate (47.07%, a 2017 protocol to update this review as it could not be completed
n = 313/665). Adults were significantly more likely than children within the editorial timeline.39 Finally, zinc supplementation is not
to be infected with coronavirus. Rates of coronavirus infection in without potential safety concerns, that includes copper deficiency
other populations and countries have ranged from 2% to 10%.10–15 associated with higher doses and prolonged intake.17
Zinc is a common nutritional supplement that is formulated The primary objective of this rapid review is to assess the effects
as a stand-alone intervention or as a combination nutraceutical of zinc on the incidence, duration and severity of acute upper or
containing other vitamins, minerals and nutrient. Most zinc sup- lower respiratory tract infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection
plements are administered orally either as a single or divided dose, in people of any age and of any zinc status when used as a preventive
in the form of a lozenge, tablet, capsule or syrup. Some products are supplement or as a therapy.
formulated for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The The secondary objectives are to assess the effects of zinc on the
daily recommended dietary intake (RDI) of elemental zinc is around incidence, duration and severity of acute upper or lower respiratory
2 mg for infants up to 6 months of age and gradually increases to tract infections
11 mg for males and 8 mg for females older than 13 years.16 Tol-
erable upper limits for zinc are estimated to be 7 mg for children 1. caused by other coronavirus species, with a focus on SARS-CoV
aged 1–3 years of age, increasing up to 25 mg for adults and females and MERS-CoV infections;
of any age who are pregnant or lactating. The no observed adverse 2. predominantly caused by viruses; and
effect level (NOAEL) for adults is around 50 mg/day.17 3. in subgroups of populations at risk of zinc insuffi-
ciency/deficiency and those with a higher risk of severe
1.3. How the intervention might work acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by SARS-CoV-2
Through several mechanisms, zinc has the potential to reduce
the risk of viral respiratory tract infections, including SARS-CoV-2,
2. Methods
and shorten the duration and severity of illness. In vitro studies
have demonstrated that zinc can inhibit the enzymatic activity
2.1. Study design
and replication of SARS-CoV RNA polymerase and may inhibit
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) activity.18–20
A rapid review of primary studies with meta-analyses will com-
Zinc may also modify the host’s response to an infection as it
mence at the end of April 2020 with the aim of completing the
is an essential co-factor element with a broad range of functions
review by the end of June 2020. The rapid review methods applied
in the body. Many of the beneficial effects of zinc appear to take
were informed by leading methodologists,40–44 including the most
place at the cell membrane.8,21,22 Zinc (Zn2+) reduces the perme-
recent Interim Guidance from the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Meth-
ability of the cell membrane without penetration into or damage
ods Group, March 2020.45
to the cell. Like other astringents, zinc alters the capillary epithe-
Review constraints include (1) using Google translate when
lium, thus inhibiting transcapillary movement of plasma protein
screening articles published in languages other than English or
that in turn may reduce local oedema, inflammation, exudation,
Chinese and limited translation (2) following calibration, only one
and mucus secretion.21,22
reviewer will screens articles, extract data, appraise quality and
Zinc insufficiency/deficiency is known to diminish antibody and
conduct the analysis, (3) prioritising data extraction and meta-
cell-mediated immunity in humans, is associated with an increased
analyses of SARS-CoV-2 studies, followed by other coronavirus
risk of infections, and may only become apparent upon immune
infections and high risk groups and (4) reporting important pre-
system provocation.23,24 Zinc has an essential role in immune and
liminary findings prior to peer review if necessary.
airways function, wound healing and tissue repair that in turn,
may delay or prevent recovery from viral respiratory illnesses.25–31
Other consequences of zinc deficiency include an increased risk 2.2. Protocol registration
of vitamin A deficiency that is also critical for immune function,
due to carrier proteins and activation enzymes being dependant This protocol was registered on 24 April 2020 with PROSPERO:
on sufficient zinc status.32 CRD42020182044.46 Minor edits have been made to improve the
clarity of a priori registered statements. Other changes to the pro-
1.4. Why it is important to do this review tocol are explicitly stated. This includes the decision to expand
the inclusion criteria from only respiratory infections likely to be
The potential role of zinc in preventing or treating SARS-CoV- caused by a coronavirus to any viral infection and to tighten the
2 infections is yet to be systematically evaluated and, along with exclusion criteria to respiratory illnesses that are almost always
other nutritional supplements, was not mentioned in a recent nar- caused by a viral infection. All post hoc changes will be reported
rative review of TCIM for the treatment of coronavirus disease with the published results.
2019 (COVID-19).33 The findings of systematic reviews of related
populations are promising; however, the reviews are limited by 2.3. Criteria for considering studies for this review
population, intervention, or are out of date. A 2016 Cochrane review
that concluded zinc supplementation was effective for the preven- Studies. Included are randomised controlled trials and quasi-
tion of pneumonia in children aged two to 59 months.34 A 2017 randomised controlled trials. Excluded are systematic reviews,
systematic review of zinc lozenges found a 33% (95% CI: 21–45%) non-randomised studies of interventions and studies without a
reduction in common cold duration compared to placebo.35 The concurrent control, such as case series and case reports.
most recent 2013 Cochrane review of all types of zinc formulations Due to the need for expediency, review constraints include:
for the common cold was later withdrawn due to methodological studies reported only as an abstract (e.g. conference abstract), with
concerns that also applied to their earlier 2011 review,36,37 leav- incomplete outcome data or published in languages other than
J. Hunter, S. Arentz, J. Goldenberg et al. / Integrative Medicine Research 9 (2020) 100457 3
English or Chinese will be included, however, the authors will not be specified a priori as outcomes of interest for this review, the
contacted for further data nor clarification. Attempts will be made results will be noted in a narrative synthesis, but not necessarily
to translate studies published in languages other than English or pooled for meta-analyses nor reported in the summary of findings
Chinese, otherwise Google translate will be used to convert the text table.
to English. As per the registered protocol, the outcome measures and their
Population Included are people of any age, gender and zinc sta- rating as critical, important and not important has been updated
tus who are (1) at risk of contracting an acute upper or lower viral and informed by proposed core outcome sets for COVID-1953,54 and
respiratory tract infection, including healthy populations, (2) have other core outcome measures and sets published on the COMET
a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 or other respiratory infection caused by Initiative database.55,56 Any further changes will only be made prior
a coronavirus species, including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and/or to commencing the analysis and will be reported accordingly.
(3) have either a laboratory confirmed viral respiratory tract infec- For studies evaluating the prevention of respiratory tract infec-
tion (any virus) or an acute respiratory tract infection where the tions, the critical outcomes of interest are the incidence and
cause is most likely viral such as the common cold, non-seasonal frequency of respiratory tract infections, and all-cause mortality.
rhino-sinusitis, laryngitis, flu-like illness, healthy people with acute Important outcomes are the duration of illness and progression to
bronchitis, or young children with pneumonia. more severe illness.
Excluded are people with respiratory tract infections or other For studies evaluating the treatment of respiratory tract infec-
upper/lower respiratory illnesses when the cause is confirmed tions, the critical outcomes are the duration of illness, symptom
not to be a viral infection, or a non-viral cause is common. This severity, progression to more severe illness and all-cause mor-
includes adolescents and adults with pneumonia, people of any tality. Important outcomes are duration of respiratory support
age with bronchitis and a concurrent underlying health prob- and adjunctive care (e.g. oxygen) and time taken for absorp-
lem/comorbidity, and people of any age with otitis externa/media tion/resolution of pulmonary infiltration.
infections.47 People with epiglottis or croup-like symptoms are also For all studies, important outcomes also include health related
excluded. quality of life and adverse events.
Studies of eligible and ineligible participants will be included;
however, the certainty of the evidence will be downgraded due to 2.4. Search methods for identification of studies
indirect/nonexclusive treatment effects on coronaviruses. If sep-
arate data are available for the eligible populations, only this The database search has been extended since protocol registra-
information will be extracted for analysis. tion. Along with PubMed, selected EBSCO host databases (Academic
Intervention/exposure. Included are any zinc conjugates such Search Complete, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database
as salts or amino-chelates, either as a single ingredient, in any form (AMED), Alt Health Watch, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Health
(e.g. tablet, syrup, lozenge, spray, liquid), dose and duration, admin- Source, and PsycINFO) and the China Knowledge Resource Inte-
istered via oral, intranasal, sublingual, transdermal, intramuscular grated Database (CNKI), Embase and Cochrane CENTRAL will also
or intravenous routes. be searched and the inclusion criteria for CNKI will be extended
Excluded are co-interventions and zinc administered along- from SARS-CoV-2 to that outlined in the population study types.
side other nutraceuticals, herbs or pharmaceuticals unless both Additionally, the U.S. National Library of Medicine Register of Clin-
the intervention and control groups receive the intervention. The ical Trials (; International Standard Randomised
exception are co-ingredients where the primary purpose is to Controlled Trial Number Register (ISRCTN); World Health Organi-
increase zinc’s absorption or cellular retention and co-ingredients sation International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO ICTRP);
are unlikely to have any additional therapeutic effects on respira- Cochrane CENTRAL and Chinese Clinical Trial Registry will be
tory viral infections (e.g. chloroquine48 ). The a priori list of allowed searched for ongoing trials evaluating 2019-nCoV infections reg-
co-ingredients are sulphur containing amino acids (e.g. histidine, istered in 2019 or 2020. No other restrictions will be applied,
methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, and taurine), low molecular including to publication date and language.
weight acids (e.g. EDTA and citrate) and vitamin B12 (cobal- Review constraints include not systematically conducting bib-
amin, cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin) for liography searches of included articles and with the exception of
intestinal absorption of zinc,49 and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyri- clinical trials registries, not repeating the search prior to the final
doxal, pyridoxamine and their 5 -phosphates) and magnesium for analysis. Minor adjustment to search terms may be made if the
cellular retention of zinc.50 title and abstract screen reveals too few or excessive results. Pre-
Comparators/control. Included are no zinc supplementation, specified terms will then be in/excluded to balance specificity and
placebo, another nutraceutical or usual care active treatment, and sensitivity of the search. Further details of the search strategy and
dose comparators with no control group. terms are uploaded in a separate supplementary file.
Context/setting. There are no limits on the setting (home,
community or hospital), location, nor the country in which the
study was conducted. Studies in which the formulation of zinc 2.5. Data collection and appraisal
was adapted to ensure its prophylactic or treatment mechanisms
of effect will be included, providing the zinc intervention was Screening and data extraction. Review constraints include
intended to prevent and/or treat mechanisms of respiratory viral all reviewers screening the first 30–50 title/abstracts and 5–10
disease.51 Studies investigating zinc for prophylaxis or treatment full papers for calibration and consistency, followed by only one
on mechanisms not associated with respiratory viral infections are experienced reviewer44 independently screening the remaining
excluded. titles/abstracts and full papers. To reduce the risk of missing eligible
Outcome measures. Outcomes will not be used as a crite- studies, a low threshold for inclusion will be applied to screening
rion for including nor excluding studies.52 Studies reporting on decisions and a second reviewer will check the studies excluded at
at least one of the outcomes of interest rated as critically impor- full paper screen.
tant or important, regardless of outcome priority in the primary Additional constraints include:
study, may be included in the meta-analyses. The priority is
to analyse critically important outcomes. If a study reports on • using Google Translate as needed to screen titles, abstracts and
other respiratory tract infection related outcomes that were not full papers not published in English or Chinese;
4 J. Hunter, S. Arentz, J. Goldenberg et al. / Integrative Medicine Research 9 (2020) 100457
• only including potentially eligible trials published in languages viously stated maximum of 7 outcomes, and only reporting critical
other than English or Chinese if it is possible to translate and outcomes in the summary of findings table. Any further changes
extract the data in a timely manner; and will only be made prior to starting the analysis and will be reported
• except for studies evaluating 2019-nCoV, the authors will not be accordingly.
contacted for further information. Critical outcomes for prevention of viral respiratory tract infec-
Any potentially eligible studies where there is insufficient infor-
mation to include them in the review, including those awaiting 1. Proportion of participants with one or more respiratory tract
translation into English, will be moved to the ‘Studies Awaiting infections
Classification’ table and noted in the PRISMA flow diagram. 2. Number of respiratory tract infections (episodes) per person
EndNote57 reference management software and electronic 3. All-cause mortality rate
spreadsheets of piloted forms will be used for screening and
data extraction. One reviewer will extract data about study Important outcomes for prevention of viral respiratory tract
design, participant number and characteristics, interventions, con- infection
trol/comparators, outcomes measures, effect size and direction.
Review constraints include all reviewers extracting 3–5 full 4. Number of symptomatic days per person
papers for calibration and consistency, followed by data extraction 5. Number of symptomatic days per episode
by one reviewer only. For studies published in English, a second 6. Proportion of participants requiring hospital admission
reviewer will check for errors. Attempts will be made to identify
a second reviewer for studies published in languages other than Critical outcomes for treatment of mild to moderate viral respi-
English, otherwise Google translate will be used to convert the text ratory tract infections
to English. Any discrepancies will be resolved by consensus.
Risk of bias. The Cochrane RoB 2.0 tool,58,59 will be used to
1. Symptomatic survival (i.e. remaining symptomatic) up to 14
appraise the risk of bias (RoB) of the outcomes in included studies
days from onset of symptoms
that are critical outcomes of the review. For the remaining stud-
2. Symptom severity score at the time when symptoms most com-
ies, the RoB 2.0 assessment will be applied to the study’s primary
monly peak for the specific viral infection (e.g. day 3 of symptoms
outcome. Review constraints include all reviewers independently
for common cold)
assessing the RoB of 3–5 studies for calibration and consistency,
3. Total symptom severity score during the study period
followed by only one reviewer assessing RoB for the remaining
4. Complication-free survival (not progressing to severe/critical
studies. For studies published in English, a second reviewer will ver-
illness or all-cause mortality) up to 60 days from onset of symp-
ify the judgements and support statements. Attempts will be made
to identify a second review for studies published in languages other
than English. Any discrepancies will be resolved by consensus.
Important outcomes for treatment of mild to moderate viral
respiratory tract infections
2.6. Data synthesis
9. Number of days from study enrolment to negative PCR zinc deficiency/insufficiency. Known risk factors includes older
10. Number of days from study enrolment to absorption/resolution adults,5,6,65,66 people with chronic diseases,3,67–69 residents of aged
of pulmonary infiltration care facilities,6,70 obesity71,72 and possibly some CALD, socioeco-
nomic or restrictive dietary groups.5,73,74
For all studies other important outcomes are
1. Age (e.g. infants, children, adults, older adults)
1. Health-related quality of life score 2. Country/ethnicity
2. Frequency of adverse events 3. Type of illness (e.g. common cold, pneumonia)
3. Frequency of severe adverse events 4. Cause of infection (e.g. SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, any
4. Frequency of zinc withdrawal due to adverse reactions coronavirus, any presumed viral infection)
5. Severity (e.g. mild to moderate and managed at home; mod-
Dichotomous outcomes will be presented as risk ratios (RR) in erate to severe requiring hospital admission; critical requiring
preference to odds ratios (OR). Time-to-event outcomes will be admission to intensive care)
presented as hazard ratios (HR). Continuous data will be calcu- 6. COVID-19 risk factors (e.g. 60 years or older, chronic disease,
lated as weighted mean differences (WMD) or standardised mean obesity, health care worker, aged care resident)
differences (SMD). Relevant 95% confidence intervals (CIs) will be 7. Zinc status such as populations with confirmed zinc defi-
calculated. The number needed to treat for additional benefit or ciency, people with insufficient dietary intake of zinc (e.g.
harm (NNTB, NNTH) will be calculated as appropriate. people with limited access to animal foods,75–77 consume plant
Review constraints may include excluding underpowered out- based diets high in phytic acids e.g. cereals, starchy roots,
comes of interest from the meta-analyses if there are at least two tubers and legumes,74 and older adults6,7 ) and people with
adequately powered studies reporting the same outcome.61 Also, increased biological need for zinc (e.g. pregnant and breast-
the study authors will not be contacted for missing data. The poten- feeding women,74,78 early post-natal infants,78,79 children,80
tial impact of attrition bias/missing outcome data on the outcome people with chronic diseases, 67,81,82 and people with alcohol
of interest will be evaluated in domain 3 of the Cochrane Risk of dependency83 ).
Bias 2.0 tool.58
Quantitative analysis. RevMan 5.362 and R software packages Grading evidence quality. One reviewer will assess the over-
will be used for the meta-analyses. Review constraints include all quality of evidence (certainty of effect estimates) for each of
limiting the analysis to critical outcomes (the exception will be the critical and important outcomes by using the Grading of Rec-
SARS-CoV-2 infections) and one researcher entering the data and ommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
conducting a meta-analysis for an outcome, with verification from approach, in which RCTs begin as high-quality evidence and are
a second reviewer. Any discrepancies will be resolved by discus- rated down by 1 or more of 5 categories of limitations according to
sion until a consensus is achieved. Any subgroup analysis will be risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and reporting
prioritised according to directness of evidence and relevance to at bias.84 A second reviewer will check for consistency and all authors
risk populations and limited to a maximum of 3 outcomes. will review and agree to the final GRADE ratings via consensus.
Clinical methodology and statistical heterogeneity will be con- It is anticipated that due to the recent emergence of the COVID-
sidered in our decisions to pool studies.63 Statistical heterogeneity 19 pandemic, direct evidence for COVID-19 will be sparse. For this
will be assessed using the I2 statistic, and homogeneity assessed reason, evidence from studies evaluating respiratory tract infec-
with the chi2 test. I2 statistics will be interpreted according to tions caused by other viruses including heterogenous populations
guidelines from the Cochrane Handbook51 (0–40%: might not were the vast majority of infections are likely to be viral are
be important; 30–60%: may represent moderate heterogeneity; included. This will necessarily lead to important indirectness issues.
50–90%: may represent substantial heterogeneity; 75–100%: con- To address this, we plan to rate down once for estimates deriving
siderable heterogeneity). If statistical heterogeneity is identified, from populations with non-2019nCoV coronaviruses (e.g. MERS-
we will explore possible explanations using a priori subgroups CoV, SARS-CoV and HCoV OC43, 229E, NL63, HKU1) and twice
(listed below under Subgroups). for heterogeneous viral populations (e.g. studies on the “common
If data of ten or more RCTs can be combined, a funnel plot will cold”, childhood pneumonia) or confirmed non-coronavirus infec-
be created to explore the potential for small study effects (such as tions (e.g. rhinovirus, influenza).
publication bias). Funnel plots will be visually inspected and statis- Data synthesis The findings will be structured around the con-
tically analysed using Egger’s regression for continuous outcomes dition (e.g. pathogen, type/severity of illness), outcome measures
and the Harbord score for dichotomous outcomes.64 (critical, important, other), risk of bias assessment for critical
The random-effects model will be used as it is assumed there outcomes and primary study outcomes, characteristics of the inter-
will be clinical heterogeneity across the included studies. The vention (dose, duration, formulation, administration etc.), control
inverse variance meta-analytic method will be used. Sensitivity (placebo or comparative intervention) and study characteristics
analyses will be conducted by investigating the point estimate (study design, participants, context, funding source). A summary
change if meta-analyses are limited to low RoB studies and by of findings table will be limited to the critical outcomes and up to 3
investigating the impact of outlier studies. critical or important outcomes for any subgroup analyses. Studies
Missing data will not be imputed. The implications will be only reporting important outcomes will be narrated only. Other
considered when appraising the risk of bias and interpreting the outcomes reported will be noted, however, the results will not
certainty of the evidence. be reported. Relevant results from clinical trials registries will be
Sensitivity and subgroup analyses. Where possible, subgroup narrated.
analysis of different zinc interventions according to dose, duration,
formulation and administration and for the following discrete pop- 2.7. Reporting and dissemination of results
ulation groups will be conducted. We will use meta-regression to
investigate dose effects. Due to the urgency of disseminating evidence-based informa-
The most important sub-group populations are those expe- tion, review findings will be reported as they become available
riencing more severe illness and at a higher risk of mortality and in the following order of priority, that begins with studies
from COVID-19 infections and with a coinciding high risk for of populations with SARS-CoV-2 infection, followed by SARS-CoV
6 J. Hunter, S. Arentz, J. Goldenberg et al. / Integrative Medicine Research 9 (2020) 100457
and MERS-CoV infections, and then populations with higher risk Author contributions
of SARS-CoV-2 infections and/or increased morbidity/mortality.
Dissemination may include the use of for exam- Conceptualization: SA. Methodology: JH, SA, JG, JB, GY. Writing
ple, as “preprints” of review findings prior to formal peer – Original Draft: JH, SA, JG. Writing – Review & Editing: GY, JB, DM,
review. SL.
Conflict of interest
3. Discussion
This review was not undertaken as part of a contractual rela-
Rapid reviews respond to time and resource constraints that tionship with any donor or sponsor.
legitimately prevent the full application of the recommended
methods for a high-quality systematic review.45 Notwithstanding Funding
all efforts should be made to optimise the rigour, transparency
and reproducibility of a rapid review, beginning with a protocol This research received no grant from any funding agency.
whenever possible.45
The decision to apply rapid review methods was made in Ethical statement
response to a call from the World Naturopathic Federation
(WNF) for researchers to quickly generate robust evidence sum- This research did not require an ethical approval as it does not
maries abour the potential role of commonly used naturopathic involve any human or animal experiment.
interventions.85 The rapid review method constraints outlined
in this protocol align with in the recently released Interim Data availability
Guidance from the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group.45 Con-
straints include not systematically searching the bibliography The data will be made available upon request.
of all included articles, not contacting the authors for further
information, using automated translation for studies published in Supplementary material
languages other than English or Chinese, a single reviewer screen-
ing the majority of titles, abstracts and full-text articles, a single Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
reviewer appraising the risk of bias and extracting data for analy- the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.imr.2020.100457.
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The authors would like to thank the World Naturopathic Feder- 16. Dietary reference intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium,
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