Kings Montessori School
Kings Montessori School
Kings Montessori School
S.Y. 2017 – 2018
I. MULTIPLE CHOICES : Choose the letter of the best answer on the given option. Write the
CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer on the blank space provided before the line.
______ 1. Malpractices in baking result to poor quality baked product. These should be prevented or totally
eliminated in order to profit in one’s endeavor in baking. Some of the common malpractices in baking
A. Use of appropriate tools and equipment
B. Methods of mixing ingredients
C. Proportion of baking ingredients
D. Buying cheap or low quality ingredients
______ 2. These are the characteristics of a well made crust EXCEPT ONE.
A. Flaky with a surface that has blisters
B. Tender and crumble when it is served
C. Lightly and evenly browned
D. Has a pleasing flavor and aroma
______ 3. A form of sugar which comes in dark, coarse, and sticky crystals because of the presence of
A. Lump sugar C. Granulated sugar
B. Muscavado sugar D. Brown sugar
______ 4. A kind of mesuring tools that test the temperature of frying fats and sugar syrups.
A. Measuring spoon C. Thermometer
B. Measuring cup D. Candy thermometer
______ 5. Oven are maybe electric or gas operated. This is a type of oven that contains fans that circulate the
air and distribute the heat rapidly throughout the interior.
A. Convection oven C. Microwave oven
B. Conventional oven D. Revolving oven
______ 6. The size and shape of a baking pan have standard measurements which are needed for specific
recipe. This is a kind of pan that is use in baking loaf bread and butter type cakes.
A. Loaf pan C. Jelly roll pan
B. Pie pan D. Muffin pan
______ 7. This is a form of flour called graham or entire wheat flour. This is made up by grinding the entire
wheat kernel including bran and germ.
A. Bread flour C. Whole wheat flour
B. All purpose flour D. Quick mixing flour
______ 8. A kind of shortening that is made from various hydrogenated animal and vegetable fats with
flavoring ingredients, emulsifier, coloring agents and other ingredients.
A. Liquid fat C. Butter
B. Lard D. Margarine
______ 9. It is usually an alcoholic solutions of the natural oils and other substances contained in the actual
A. Natural flavoring C. Flavoring emulsions
B. Flavoring extract D. Artificial flavoring
______ 10. These ingredients are widely used in the making and finishing of cookies, cakes, pies and pastries.
A. Coffee C. Chocolate
B. Milk D. Tea
______ 11. A kind of pastries with a round pastry shell filled with sweetened whipped cream or with custard.
A. Cream puff C. Tart
B. Turnover D. Barquette
______ 12. This enhances the flavor of bread and controls the growth of the yeast to prevent over rising of the
A. Salt C. Sugar
B. Eggs D. Butter
______ 13. one of the causes of poor quaality yeast bread is because of improper shaping of loaf that could
result to.
A. Too pale C. Too small
B. Too dark D. Uneven color
______ 15. A kind of pie which contains chopped apples, currants, raisins, spices, suet and mutton or poultry.
A. Mincemeat pie C. Pizza
B. Cobbler D. Sheperd’s pie
______ 16. This form of sugar is prepared at early stages of sugar redefining.
A. Muscovado C. Brown
B. Panutsa D. Lump
______ 17. A form of milk which remained after removing the prorein or the butterfat in it during the process
of cheese making.
A. Raw milk C. Skim milk
B. Pastuerized milk D. Whey milk
______ 18. These are actually made of high quality fresh eggs . they come in the form of whole eggs with extra
yolks and whites.
A. Frozen eggs C. Shell eggs
B. Fresh eggs D. Dried eggs
______ 19. This is used for general mixing , stirring, and beating especially heacy liquids.
A. Rotary whisk C. Wire whip
B. Electric mixer D. Wooden spoon
______ 20. The characteristics of a well-made crust will be attained if we follow the pointers below EXCEPT.
A. Mix ingredients as quickly as possible C. Use the largest possible amount of liquid
B. Use hydrogenated fat or shortening D. Roll out the dough immediately
II. TRUE OR FALSE: If the statement is correct write TRUE. If it is false, replace the word(s) with the
word(s) that will make the statement correct.(2 points each)
_______ Tough crust is caused by too much handling of the pastry , too much filling or too moist
_ filling.
_______ Blisters on the crust may appear if the crust was not well-pricked with the tines of the fork
_ or was fitted too tightly on the pie pan.
_______ A tough crust will be produced when it is lack in shortening or the dough was over mixed
_ when the water or shortening was added to the flour.
_______ Poor flavoring is due to the stretching of the dough when it is placed on the pan.
_______ The pale of color of the crust is due to low temperature or by overmixing of the dough.
_______________________ The raw materials that bakers use in making delicious baked
_ 1. products.
_______________________ The preparation tool used to cut-in shortening and flour when
_ 2. preparing pastries.
_______________________ Any form of fat that tenderizes the products by preventing the
_ 5. cohesion of gluten strands when mixing.
_______________________ They add volume to baked products. They constitute half more
_ 6. of the cost of ingredients of the cake.
_______________________ Carbon dioxide is made by the action of yeast and sugar in the
_ 10. process called.
_______________________ This is a baked shells of a pies, pastries and tarts. They serve
_ 11. as a base or support for various kinds of fillings.
_______________________ 14. The tendency of the crust to separate into layers when it is cut.
_______________________ This are indispensable because they function to react with
_ 15. flour protein to form gluten.
_______________________ A whole milk that is heavily sweetened with sugar that acts as
_ 17. preservative.
_______________________ Similar to a small. Shallow. Light sauce pot, but with one long
_ 18. handle instead of two loops handle.
_______________________ 19. Chiffon type cake are usually baked in this kind of pan.
It contains starch that inhibits the lumping, and brings the
_______________________ 20. leavening powder down to a standard.
8-10 what are the three types of crust according to type of filling used?