MM103 Lab 1 (s11199858)

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Date: 26/08/2021

Experiment no. 1

Name: Kirsten Falakika Jang (S11199858)

Title: Support Reaction of a Simply Supported Beam and a Continuous Beam


The aim of this experiment is to prove the basic beam equilibrium equation RA + RB = W and the Principle of
Moments by finding the beam reactions of a simply supported beam and to analyse the reactions of a two span
continuous beam with three supports [ CITATION DrD21 \l 3081 ].


Experiment 1

Moments is the turning effects of force, or the measure of the tendency of force to cause an object to rotate
about a specific point [ CITATION Lue98 \l 3081 ].

Moments=Force × Perpendicular Distance

The Principle of moments states that when a beam is balanced the sum of moments clock wise = sum of
moments anticlockwise [ CITATION BBC21 \l 3081 ].

∑ m cω =∑m acw

A balanced beam is said to be in static equilibrium, and will not turn or accelerate.

Static equilibrium occurs when the total moment clockwise equals the total moment anticlockwise (total
moments acting on the beam is equal to 0) and the sum of the forces acting vertically upward is equal to the
sum of forces acting vertically downward (Equations of equilibrium) [ CITATION Ten08 \l 3081 ]. This
experiment will be verifying the basic beam equation:


RA and RB – Reaction Forces upwards (N)

W- Load downwards (N)

Experiment 2

A simple beam has supports on both ends and is subject to two reactions. These beams are statically
determinate as the reactions can be found using the equations of equilibrium, whereas a Continuous beam is
one said to have more than two supports not necessarily positioned at the ends and more than two reaction
components. These beams are statically indeterminate as the reactions cannot be determined using the
equations of equilibrium alone [ CITATION Uni07 \l 3081 ].

Reactions can be found separating the beam into simply supported beams and using the formulas:

1 W 1 lC l D W 2 lE lF
M= (
2 ( l A +l B ) lA
( l A +l C ) +
lB )
( l B + lF ) eqn(2.1)

W 1 l D−M
RA= eqn(2.2)
W 1 lC + M W 2 lD + M
R B= + eqn ( 2.3 )
lA lB
W 2 l E −M
RC = eqn( 2.4)

Equipment: VDAS (Versatile Data Acquisition System)

Experiment 1


1. The VDAS software was opened and the “STS13 Continuous and Indeterminate Beams” experiment
was chosen from the drop down list.

2. From the application screen the “Simply Supported Beam – Point Loads” experiment option was
selected. The default parameters corresponded with the experiment nomenclature where;
Length of the beam, L - 850mm
Supported length of the beam, l - 500mm
Overhang on either sides of the supports, x - 175mm
Applied mass, m - 500g

3. The tabs were switched from “Data Acquisition” to “Simulation Tab”. Only W1 was required as it was a
single point load, which was found by using the applied mass.
4. From the simulation tab the readings were recorded for the reaction forces RA and RB for
( l1−x )=50 mm which was increased by 50mm until it reached a total distance of 450mm. This was
documented in table 1.

5. Using the Principle of static equilibrium and moments the theoretical values of RA and RB were found.
These were then inserted in table 2.


Table 1: Results for Experiment 1

Table 2: Theoretical Results for Experiment 1

Figure 1: Graph of Reaction force (RA and RB) against Distance (x) (Simulation values)


As per Figure 1, it can be seen that reaction forces RA and RB both form linear graphs when compared to the
distance from x along the beam at which the load (W) was applied. However, reaction force A (RA) formed an
inversely proportional linear graph where the reaction force decreased with increase in distance whereas
reaction force B (RB), made a directly proportional graph with the distance, RB increased as the distance (x)
along the beam increased.

There is very little discrepancy between the theoretical values obtained using the formulas RA + RB = W and
the Principle of moments and the values obtained from the simulation, a factor that might have led to the
discrepancy is the rounding of figures in the calculations.

The following questions taken from the MM103 lab manual will be used to discuss the results [ CITATION
DrD21 \l 3081 ].

3. If you were conducting this experiment using the physical experimental apparatus, what would be the
potential sources of error?

Using the physical experimental apparatus to conduct the experiment could result in errors such as
instrumental error, due to the instrument not being calibrated properly, human error when taking
down measurements, data like lengths along the beam could be recorded incorrectly (transcriptional
error) or error in calculations due to estimations or rounding off values.

4. Does static equilibrium predict the value of the support reactions, explain?

An object at rest is said to be in static equilibrium, this refers to a system where the sum of the forces
and torque acting on an object is equal to 0 [ CITATION Ten08 \l 3081 ]. When the value of the force
(load) acting on the top of the beam is known the total reaction force at the bottom of the beam can
be found, using the equations of equilibrium thus by finding torque ( T =F × d ) and applying the
principle of moments the reaction force for each support can be determined.

Experiment 2


1. The VDAS software was opened and the “STS13 Continuous and Indeterminate Beams” experiment
was chosen from the drop down list.

2. From the application screen the “Continuous Beam” experiment option was selected.

3. The supports A and C were of equal distant from Support B, each 0.15m apart, for the initial simulation.
The Applied loads W1 and W2 were then applied in the middle of the supports AB and BC.

4. The results were then taken from the VDAS “Results” section and recorded.

5. The simulation was repeated 2 more times, varying the masses and positions for each respective span.
Specifically, W1 and W2, LC and L E were changed and the beam reactions RA, RB and RC were
recorded in Table 3.

6. The theoretical values for RA, RB and RC for the W1, W2 and the beam geometry values chosen were
calculated using the equations 2.1 – 2.4.


Table 3: Simulation Results for Experiment 2

Table 4: Theoretical Calculations for Experiment 2


As can be seen in Table 3 and 4 the reaction forces increased and decreased respectively as the loads and
distances changed. It can also be seen that RC, being in the middle had the highest reaction force as compared
to RA and RB, as the load was increased. Consequently, also having the highest moment as some of the
moments from RA and RB is shared by the middle support.

The following questions taken from the MM103 lab manual will be used to discuss the results [ CITATION
DrD21 \l 3081 ].

1. Do your simulated values agree with the theoretical values?

The theoretical values obtained using the formulas eqn(2.1) – eqn(2.4) corresponded with the RA, RB,
RC and M values found using the simulation as can be seen in Table 3 and Table 4. This means the
experiment was conducted successfully with minimum errors.

2. What would happen to the reactions RA and RB if the centre support were to sink?

If the centre support RC were to sink RA and RB would act in a downwards direction to resist sinking.
This is because the beam at the centre would also start to go down with the support, resulting in a
curvature of the beam. This will cause the ends of the beam to try to move upwards thus the reaction
forces at RA and RB would be downwards to overcome this movement. Moreover, as the beam sinks to
right of RA this would create an anticlockwise moment, and to left of RB would create a clockwise
moment, to balance moment the couple produced by the reaction forces should be in a clockwise
moment and anticlockwise moment respectively, this can only be produced by a downward force at
the supports RA and RB.

3. Imagine the continuous beam used in the experiment was a bridge. What sort of ground would be most
suitable to build the footings on? Why is this not always possible?
Dry and firm ground would be the most suitable to build this bridge on using a spread foundation as it
is sufficient enough to support the loads supplied, however this is not always possible as it also
requires hard soil to be at most 3m below the river bed [ CITATION Dai21 \l 3081 ] and dry soil is not
always assured, riverbeds can also be made of soft clay and silt, in this instances pile or raft foundations
are recommended.


In conclusion, Experiment 1 shows that since a balanced beam is in static equilibrium, the basic equilibrium
equations RA+ RB=W and the Principle of Moments can be used to find reaction forces, this was verified
through the simulation and theoretical calculations which was able to find reaction forces when the load acting
on top was known and that to find the the reaction forces of a two span continuous beam more than just the
equations of equilibrium is required. It was also found that highest reaction force occurs from the middle
support which increase with an increase in load and that factors like distance along the beam affects the
magnitude of reaction force. Therefore, the aim was achieved.

[1] D. D. Wood, "MM103 Engineering Mechanics Online Lab," USP, 2021. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 27 August 2021].

[2] C. H. Luebkeman, "What is a Moment?," 1998. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 September 2021].

[3] BBC, "Effects of Forces," 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 September 2021].

[4] Tennese Tech, "Static Equilibrium," 28 12 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 4 September 2021].

[5] University of Washington, "Beams: Strain, Stress, Deflections," 2007. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29 September 2021].

[6] Daily Civil, "Types of Bridge Foundation," 2021. [Online]. Available:
foundations-suitability/. [Accessed 4 September 2021].

[7] The Physics Classroom, "Equilibrium and Statistics," 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 29
September 2021].

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