Madiha Assignment 07
Madiha Assignment 07
Madiha Assignment 07
Assignment 7
Question 1
Explain different groups of Montessori math exercises and how the directress
should efficiently present exercises through sequential and parallel work in
various groups.
The fourth group is the memorization of the arithmetic tables. This work can begin while the
later work of the decimal system and the counting beyond ten exercises are continued.
The sixth group of materials, fractions, can work parallel to the group of making abstractions
and the early work with the fractions can begin with sensorial work.
Question 2
Explain the exercises which enable the child to count till 1000?
Liner exercises helps the child learn to count till 1000, along with getting familiar with the
decimal system relationships, including the concepts of squares and cubes of numbers. Linear
counting is presented in two stages. In the first stage, the child learns to count till 100, and in the
second stage he masters counting till 1000.
To consolidate the child’s knowledge of counting. Up until now, he worked with tens and
hundreds in the decimal system. With these exercises, he becomes familiar with the sequence of
numbers from 1 through 1,000. Counting is a restful activity and tends to become mechanical.
Through repetition, the child establishes the mechanism of counting.
When the two chains are placed parallel to each other, they show in a striking and sensorial
way the difference between the square and the cube of ten. In this way, the decimal system
relationships are further established by the child.
Presentation 1:
The hundred chain consisting of 10 bars of 10.
The hundred squares
Containers having arrow labels:
- Green labels marked 1 – 9
- Blue labels marked 10 – 90
- A red label marked 100
- A large sized mat or runner.
The 100 Chain
Bring the child to the chain cabinet.
Show the child the bars on the shelves and discuss with the child if he has seen bars like these
Begin counting with the child starting from the unit to the 10 bars.
Have the child unroll the runner just a little way.
Show the child how to hold the 100 chain by both ends and have him lay it vertically at the
bottom of the mat.
Have him place the tray below the 100 chain.
Slowly fold the chain together to create the hundred squares.
Notice that it looks like the hundreds square.
Place the hundreds square on top of the folded ten chain to show that they are the same.
Remove the hundred square and have the child gently re-straighten the ten chain.
Take out the unit tickets (green) and tell the child what they are called. Line them in a vertical
line to the left of the ten chain.
Show the child the ten tickets (blue) and place in a vertical line above the unit tickets.
Label the first ten by using the unit tickets and placing them on the left of the chain.
Count with the child 11-20. At the 20 mark, place the ticket that has 20 on it to the right,
counting by units; continue placing the ten tickets until you reach 100. Have the child place the
red 100 ticket next to the 100. Tell the child: “You have just counted to 100.”
Ask, “How many beads are in this chain?” (100) Point to the hundred squares, “And how many
are in this?” (100) Count with the child all of the tickets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40,
50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.
Then count backwards: 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Have the child replace the tickets into their correct envelop and then replace the rest of the
material of the 20 beads.
Presentation 2:
A thousand chain consisting of 100 bars of 10
Ten squares of hundred
The thousand cube containers having arrow labels:
Green labels marked 1 – 9
Blue labels arrowed 10 – 990
Red labels from 100 – 900
A large green label marked 1,000
A large sized mat or runner
Tell the child that today we are going to look at an even longer chain than the 100 chain.
Have the child unroll the runner all the way.
Show the child how to hold the 1000 chain.
The directress carries the chain to the runner, with all of the strands laid out straight.
Have the child bring over the cube and the large box on a tray over to the runner. Also bring over
the hundred squares.
Tell the child that you are going to try to fold the chain just like you did with the 100 chain.
Make a hundred and ask the child what you made. Place a hundred square next to the one you
just made.
Repeat until the whole chain has been folded in hundred squares. (The child can begin to make
them after a while)
Place each of the hundred squares next to the hundred square you have made with the child.
Then place the hundred squares on top of the hundred squares you and the child have made.
Count with the child to see how many hundred squares there are.
Have the child place each hundred squares on top of each other.
Notice that it looks just like the cube. When we have 10 hundred squares, we know that we have
1000 beads.
Place the cube next to the ten hundred squares (placed on top of one another) to show this to the
Have the child gently pull the 1,000 chain straight. (Have him keep the chain near the left side
of the runner).
Have the child lay out all of the tickets.
Count each bead and place the correct ticket when needed as in Presentation 1. When you get to
100, place the ticket as well as a hundred square next to the 100th bead. Repeat this for every
hundred. (Even at the 1,000th bead)
At the 1,000th bead, also place the cube.
Stand at the beginning of the runner and walk all the way to the end. Stand at the end and look at
the work of the child.
Go back to the beginning and count: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900.
Ask the child how many he had at the end: 1000.
Go back to the beginning and count the tens. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, … 100, 110, 120, … 400, 410,
420, … 980, 990, 1000.Then have the child count by tens backwards.
As the labels have to be placed at the end of each bar, the child easily perceives he has made a
mistake in counting.
Then child can then put the material away.
Question 3
Print *Dot Game paper (from the link given below) and send three solved
problems, each carrying four addends.
Dot game
- Squared paper inserted into a frame of ground glass or slate with columns headed 1, 10, 100,
1,000, and 10,000. The columns are divided into small squares so that there are ten in each
horizontal row. At the foot of each column are two spaces, the upper one for carrying figures, the
lower one for the result. There is a blank column at the right side where the problem to be done
is written.
- A good lead pencil
- A purple or orange pencil
- A ruler
Stage A
Invite a child to come and work with you. Introduce him to the new paper and have him bring it
over to the table.
Show the child the different columns on the paper and introduce the child to the new number of
Tell the child you are going to write an addition problem and write one on the right side of the
Have the child choose at least three more 4-digit numbers.
Once all add-ins have been written, draw a line with the ruler and write in a plus sign.
Look at the first number and write a dot in the units column for each unit in the first number.
Repeat for the tens, hundreds and thousands.
Repeat for each add-in until the whole grid is filled with the appropriate amount of dots.
Then count the first row of dots in the units from left to right. When you get to ten dots, cross it
out and make an orange dot in the first bottom large square. As you do so, say: “This represents
one ten.”
Continue counting the units in this same way. (Crossing off each ten units and marking with an
orange dot.)
Write the number of units left in the second bottom square.
Look at how many orange dots you have in the unit’s column. Mark that amount in a number in
the tens column. Tell the child, “I am carrying over 2 tens.”
Also place two orange dots next to the last pencil dot in the ten’s column.
Repeat in this way for the ten’s column, the thousand, and the 10 thousand columns. Always
carrying over what needs to be.
Read the answer with the child, emphasizing the ten-thousand number. E.g. Thirty-two
thousand, one hundred and fifty-two.
Have the child write the answer under the problem on the right side of the paper and show the
child where we place the comma to separate the thousands.
Read the whole problem with the child.
Stage B
This is to be done in the same way as in Stage A, but this time have the child make the dots for
all of the units, then all of the tens, then all of the hundreds, and then all of the thousands. This is
to be done from the top unit to the bottom unit.
- To give the child further understanding of addition in the decimal system and to give him a
sense of an ability to work with large numbers.
- To emphasize the fact that in each category, there are never combinations that come to more
than 9, so that it is just as easy to add tens of thousands together as it is units.
- The making of tens focuses on the child’s attention on the process of carrying.
- To further familiarize the child with the different categories.
- A first abstraction in the decimal System.
Question 4
Explain the presentations of Multiplication board and Division board in your
own words. Also make illustrations.
The multiplication bead board is used for practice with the multiplication tables 1x1 though
10x10. The box consists of a perforated multiplication working with 100 holes in rows of ten
arranged in a square, a box with small plastic cards numbering 1-10 which represent the
multiplicand, a red disc which marks the multiplier and a box of 100 red beads. At the left side
of the board is a window with a slot for the insertion of the cards.
To give practice in multiplication leading to the memorization of the essential multiplication
5 1/2 - 6 years
A perforated board with 100 holes in rows of 10 arranged in a square. At the left side of the
board is a window with a slot for the insertion of the cards.
A red, wooden disc.
Tables of multiplication
A set of cards from 1 to 10
Stamp Game
- Large quantities of wooden squares of equal size about 1 inch square like stamps:
Each stamp of 1 is green marked with ‘1’.
Each stamp of 10 is blue marked with ‘10’.
Each stamp of 100 is red marked with ‘100’.
Each stamp of 1000 is green marked with ‘1000’.
- A pencil and ruler
- Special grid paper
This material is more symbolic, so this work is moving from the concrete to the more abstract.
With this material, we will introduce writing the problem and will therefore introduce the
symbol for writing the problem. This work will be all individual.
Invite the child to come and work with you.
Show the child the material and have him first bring over the paper needed. Then show the child
the material and have him bring over the box of wooden tiles as well as the tray from
Introduction to Quantity.
Show the child the 1 green tile and show the 1 unit to the child. Tell the child that it is the same
as the unit bead.
Show the child the blue tile and have him read the ‘10’ written on it. Tell the child that this is
just like the ten-bar.
Repeat for the tiles of 100 and 1000.
Do a Three Period Lesson with the 1, 10, 100, and 1000 tiles.
Show the child that when we take out the 1 tiles, we place them directly in front of the
compartment where the other 1’s are.
Tell the child that you are going to take out 5. Take out 5 of the 1 tile and place them all in front
of the 1 compartment.
Put them back and give the child a few numbers to take out. Such as make 3 tens, or 5 hundred,
or 2 thousand.
Then give the child a larger number.
Say, “Now we are going to make a larger number. This number will have 3 units, 5 tens, 2
hundred, 1 thousand.
As you give the child each number, have him take out the appropriate tiles.
Count to check the final product and then have the child put the tiles back into their
Presentation 1: Addition
To be done directly following the Introduction.
Static Addition
Show the child the paper on which we write our problems.
Tell the child that the first column is where we write the units. The second column is where we
write the tens, the third column is where we write the hundreds, and the fourth column is where
we write the thousands.
Write a number, such as 1524 and read it with the child as: 4 units, 2 tens, 5 hundred, and 1
thousand. Then read it: 1524.
Have the child create the number using the tiles.
Tell the child that we are going to make another number.
Show the child that you will write this new number below the first number on the piece of paper.
Write: 1241 and read it with the child as before.
Show the child that we will place the tiles for this number a little below the other tiles.
Have the child create this number using the tiles.
Tell him that we will see how much we have all together.
Tell the child that we show this by using the addition sign. Show the child the sign and where to
place it on the paper.
Then draw a line under the last number using the ruler.
Have the child count all of the units: 4 + 1 = 5
Write in 5 under the units on the paper.
Have the child count the tens, hundreds, and thousands, each time writing the answer down.
Read the final answer with the child: When we have 1524 and we add 1241 we get 2765!
Allow the child a turn with another example. Guide him with questions.
Dynamic Addition
Have the child construct and write the first add-in, first the units, tens, hundreds, and then
Have the child write another add in, but guide the child so that there will be a need to change the
Have the child construct the two numbers using the tiles.
Count all of the tiles and notice that you are going to need to change some of the tiles. Have the
child do Chart 1
Show the child the material and have him bring it to the table.
Show the child the numbers along the top of the board. Tell the child, “These numbers tell us
how many times to take a number.”
Show the child how to slide the card (4) into the slot on the side of the board.
Tell the child, “This tells us we will be doing the table of 4.”
Place the little red disc above the 1 at the top of the board.
Say, “This tells us we need to take 4 one times.
Using the red beads, place 4 one times in a vertical line.
Have the child count how many beads there are on the board.
Tell the child, “4 x 1 is 4” Have the child write the answer on the paper next to the equation.
Move the disc over above the 2.
Tell the child, “We now need 4 two times. But we already have 4 one times.”
Have the child place the red beads in a vertical line next to the first four.
Have the child count the total number of beads on the board.
Say, “4 x 2 is 8”.
Repeat in this manner. When the child reaches 4 x 4, have him say the equation with you.
If the child is making the table with ease, when he reaches 4 x 8 show him that 4 x 7 was 28.
Count from 28 up four more. Repeat in this way until he has finished the board.
Have the child read all of the equations and answers written on the piece of paper.
The child can check his work on Multiplication Chart 1.
Control of Error
The child checks his work with Chart 1.
Question 5
How is the stamp game introduced to the child? Also explain how subtraction
problems can be solved with the stamp game.
Stamp Game
Large quantities of wooden squares of equal size about 1 inch square like stamps:
Each stamp of 1 is green marked with ‘1’.
Invite the child to come and work with you.
Show the child the material and have him first bring over the paper needed. Then show the child
the material and have him bring over the box of wooden tiles as well as the tray from
Introduction to Quantity.
Show the child the 1 green tile and show the 1 unit to the child. Tell the child that it is the same
as the unit bead.
Show the child the blue tile and have him read the ‘10’ written on it. Tell the child that this is
just like the ten-bar.
Repeat for the tiles of 100 and 1000.
Do a Three Period Lesson with the 1, 10, 100, and 1000 tiles.
Show the child that when we take out the 1 tile, we place them directly in front of the
compartment where the other 1’s is.
Tell the child that you are going to take out 5. Take out 5 of the 1 tiles and place them all in front
of the 1 compartment.
Put them back and give the child a few numbers to take out. Such as make 3 tens, or 5 hundred,
or 2 thousand.
Then give the child a larger number.
Say, “Now we are going to make a larger number. This number will have 3 units, 5 tens, 2
hundred, 1 thousand.
As you give the child each number, have him take out the appropriate tiles.
Count to check the final product and then have the child put the tiles back into their
Presentation 2: Subtraction
Invite the child to come and work with you.
Write a first number and a second number. Introduce the new subtraction sign.
Tell the child that we are going to take 3 units from the four units constructed.
Have the child move 3 units off to the left side of the table.
Count how many units you have left and write the answer.
Have the child take 2 tens away from the 5 and move them off to the side of the table. Count and
then write how many tens are left.
Repeat for the hundreds and thousands.
Read the answer with the child.
Write a first large number and a second number under it. Make sure that this will lead to
dynamic subtraction
Then have the child take 3 units away from the now 12 units. Place the unneeded tiles off to the
side of the table.
Read the finished problem with the child.
Allow the child a turn with another example. Guide him with questions.
The child works alone, creating his own problems.
Presentation 2: Subtraction
Static Subtraction
Invite the child to come and work with you.
Write a first number and a second number. Introduce the new subtraction sign.
Tell the child that we are going to take 3 units from the four units constructed.
Have the child move 3 units off to the left side of the table.
Count how many units you have left and write the answer.
Have the child take 2 tens away from the 5 and move them off to the side of the table. Count and
then write how many tens are left.
Repeat for the hundreds and thousands.
Read the answer with the child.
Dynamic Subtraction
Write a first large number and a second number under it. Make sure that this will lead to
dynamic subtraction.
Have the child write how many units he has left.
Repeat for the tens, hundreds, and thousands. Change when needed.
Read the final problem with the answer with the child.
The child works alone, creating his own problems.
Presentation 3: Multiplication
Static Multiplication
Invite the child to come and work with you.
Create a problem.
Introduce the new multiplication symbol to the child. “This is a new symbol for multiplication.
It is called the ‘times’ symbol.”
Read the problem with the child: 2123 times 3.
Have the child create 2123.
Read with the child and say, “Yes, this is 2123. But we want 2123 three times. Lets see you
make this number a total of three times!”
Have the child create 2123 three times.
Slide all of the tiles from the same category up together to create only four rows.
Have the child count all the units and then fill in the answer on the paper.
Repeat for the tens, hundreds, and thousands.
Dynamic Multiplication
Read it: 2635 times 5. Make mention that we are going to take this number 5 times!
Take out the skittles and place them in a vertical line with ample space between them.
Have the child create 2635 to line up with the first skittle.
Have the child create 2635 four more times.
Have the child count the total amount of units, changing when needed.
Count the total amount of tens, changing when needed.
Count the total amount of hundreds, changing when needed.
Once done, have the child count what is left and write the answer on the piece of paper.
The child works alone as shown in the presentation
Although there is a limitation in the material, the child may multiply any number he wishes to.
Presentation 3: Division
Static Division
Invite a child to come and work with you and have him bring the material to the table.
Create a problem.
Give each skittle a 10 tile and notice that there are no more left to give.
Give each skittle a 1 tile until there are none left.
Tell the child: “In division, we always look at what one gets, so lets see how many one skittle
Count what one skittle got, writing in the units, the tens, the hundreds, and then the thousands.
Create a problem:
When there are two thousand tiles left but only a hundred tile, change one of the thousand tiles
for ten hundreds. Give the last thousand to the blue skittle and two hundred tiles to the two green
Continue in this manner, giving the green skittles ten times less that what you give the blue
Once all of the tiles that can be shared are shared, remind the child that in division, we always
look at what one person gets. Have the child count the tiles for one of the green skittles, writing
in how many units, tens, hundreds, and thousands one skittle gets and have the child write in the
Dynamic Division: 3 level divisor
This is to be done in the same way as Division with a 2 level divisor. The hundred should be
represented by a red skittle.
Move the circle down before beginning to give out a new grouping of tiles. (The child should
answer that he would get 100 times less than the hundred skittle.) See diagram for finished
Dynamic Division: 3 level divisor with a zero in the units
As above but since there are no units, “keep” the place of the unit by placing a green circle
where the skittle would have gone. Tell the child that this “holds” the unit’s spot. From time to
time, ask the child what the unit would get if it was not a zero.
Move the circle down before beginning to give out a new grouping of tiles. (The child should
answer that the unit would get 10 times less than the ten skittle.) Once the operation is complete,
remind the child that in division we always look at what one gets so you will need to divide what
a ten skittle got into ten unit skittles. See diagram for finished product:
The child can work alone, creating his own division problems to solve as he was shown in the
To give the child the opportunity of carrying out individual exercises in the four operations.
Previously, he needed the collaboration of other children to do these operations with the bead
material of the decimal system.
Long division
As above, and so become more familiar with all the steps involved in long division. The use of
this more symbolic material helps the child to move closer towards abstraction.
Control of Error
The child’s growing knowledge.
To 5 1/2 years for addition, subtraction, multiplication and short division.
To 6 years for long division.