Prep and Admin Summary
Prep and Admin Summary
Prep and Admin Summary
Follow aseptic technique. Perform hand hygiene before Inject 1.8 mL 0.9% sodium chloride
vaccine preparation, between patients, when changing (normal saline, preservative-free) diluent
gloves (if worn), and any time hands become soiled.† into the vaccine vial.
Using a new, sterile alcohol prep pad for each vial, wipe
off the stoppers of the diluent and vaccine vials. Using a Keep mixed vaccine between 2°C and 25°C
21-gauge (or narrower) needle, withdraw 1.8 mL of 0.9% (36°F to 77°F), minimize exposure to room
sodium chloride (normal saline, preservative-free) into light, and avoid exposure to direct sunlight
a mixing syringe. Discard diluent vial and any remaining and ultraviolet light. Administer within 6
diluent every time. Do NOT use bacteriostatic normal 1.8 ml hours. Discard any unused vaccine after
saline or other diluents to mix the vaccine. 6 hours. Do not return to freezer storage.
* For more information, please see Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States at
†Gloves are not required unless the person administering the vaccine is likely to come in contact with potentially infectious body fluids or has open lesions on the
hands. If worn, perform hand hygiene and change gloves between patients.
08/20/2021 CS321570-F
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine Preparation and Administration Summary
Assess recipient status: Remove any significant air bubbles with the needle
• Screen for contraindications and precautions. still in the vial to avoid loss of vaccine. Use the same
• Review vaccination history. needle* to withdraw and administer the vaccine.
• Review medical considerations. Ensure the prepared syringe is not cold to the touch.
Choose the correct equipment, including the Bring the dose of vaccine from the designated
correct needle size. preparation area immediately to the patient
• Use a new, sterile needle and syringe for treatment area for administration.
each injection. Use low dead-volume syringes/
needles to extract 6 doses from a single vial.
Ensure staff has the correct PPE before
If sufficient low-dead volume syringes are
administering vaccines and implement policies
not available, withdraw vaccine using a
for the use of face coverings for vaccine recipients
combination of low dead-volume syringes
older than 2 years of age (if tolerated).
and non-low dead-volume syringes per vial (e.g.,
4 low dead-volume syringes and 2 non-low
dead-volume syringes). Administer the vaccine immediately by
intramuscular (IM) injection in the deltoid muscle.
Cleanse the stopper on the vial of mixed vaccine
with a new, sterile alcohol prep pad. Withdraw Observe recipients after vaccination for an
0.3 mL of mixed vaccine into the syringe. immediate adverse reaction:
• Regardless of the type of syringe used, ensure the • 30 minutes: Persons with a:
amount of vaccine in the syringe equals 0.3 mL. Ů History of an immediate allergic reaction of any
• If the amount of vaccine remaining in the vial severity to a vaccine or injectable therapy
cannot provide a full 0.3 mL dose, discard the Ů Contraindication to Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
vial and contents. who receive Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
• Do NOT combine vaccine from multiple vials to Ů History of anaphylaxis due to any cause
obtain a dose. • 15 minutes: All other persons
*It is not necessary to change needles between drawing vaccine from a vial and injecting it into a recipient unless the needle has been damaged or contaminated.
Scheduling Doses
vaccine product cannot be determined or is no longer available, any available mRNA COVID-19 vaccine may be administered at least 28 days after the first dose.
§Administer the second dose as close to the recommended interval (21 days) as possible. If the second dose is not administered within 42 days of the first dose,
the series does not need to be restarted. Doses inadvertently administered less than 21 days apart do not need to be repeated.
¶Consider an additional dose (i.e., third dose) 28 days after the initial 2-dose primary series for moderately to severely immunocompromised people.
08/20/2021 CS321570-F
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine Preparation and Administration Summary