Establishing Improved Poultry Production Center in Badessa Town

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International NGO Journal Vol. 2 (4), pp.

063-068, April 2007

Available online at http://
ISSN 1993–8225 © 2007 Academic Journals


Establishing Improved Poultry Production Center in

Badessa Town
Ashebir Borena
Wolaitta Development Association Wolaitta Soddo Jan 2005 E-mail: [email protected] web site:-
Accepted 15 March, 2007

Long-term objective of this project is to increase income of households so that these households are
food secured. The specific objectives are to increase the production and productivity of poultry, to raise
the income of households and to increase income from livestock sub-sector. Major activities under this
project are construction of poultry production center, purchase of furniture for the center, purchase of
chicken and purchase of forage (chicken feed). Financial input of the project is 1,813,920 Eth. Birr or
209,459 USD. Beneficiaries are 6,000 farmers per year from Damot Woyde. Time for commencement of
the project is January, 2006 and it will end in December, 2006. Expected outputs are 6,000 farmers per
year obtained improved breed of poultry and their income increased.

Project Identification
Location of Project:
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Southern Ethiopia Regional State
Zone: Wolaitta
Town: Badessa
Project Cost: 1,813,920 Eth. Birr or 209,459 USD
Project Duration: Jan. 2006 – Dec. 2006
Funding Agency: Concern Ethiopia
Executing Agencies:
Wolaitta Zone Finance & Economic Development Department
Wolaitta Zone Rural Development Department
Micro and Small scale Enterprises and Industry Development Department
Implementer: Wolaitta Development Association
Contact Person:
Altaye Ayele - General Manager
Mengistu Arba - Project Coordinator
Tele: - 251-06-512188, 251-06-512474, Fax: 251-06-510037, P.O. Box: 001 Wolaitta Soddo.
Project Beneficiaries:
6000 farmers per year

Profile of WODA

Wolaitta Development Association (WODA) is one of the Agriculture: The activities executed / done are:
indigenous organizations in Ethiopia. The association has
legal license and agreement documents. The association • Assessment of 13,725 ha of land for resettlement
was established in organized form in 2001. Improving the • 878 settlers are provided with oxen
standard of living of Wolaitta people is the major goal it • 1 veterinary post was constructed
stood for. Since its establishment Wolaitta Development • 60 youngsters in fishery cooperatives in Lake Abaya
Association (WODA) has carried out several activities in were given start up capital
agriculture, education, health, capacity building and other • 32,125 seedlings were planted in Mt. Damota
sectors. The following are major past achievements. • 260 cattle were distributed for disabled persons
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• 5000 vegetable seedlings distributed for farmers health posts.

Education D. Capacity Building

• 4 primary schools were constructed in Doge Laroso, • 1 recreation center near Lake Abaya is being
Bakulo Sagno, Ome Bolola and shola Kodo established
• 1 modern public library was constructed in Sodo Town • 1 youth empowerment project is launched that has
• 8 primary schools and 2 secondary school expansions youth recreation center, provides revolving fund on
were carried out in Boditi, Humbo Tabala, Kindo petty trading, sport materials and so on
Halale,Edo Duguna ,Kuto Sorpela ,Obe Jage, Gurumo • 1 woodwork and metal work workshop is maintained
Asse, Soddo, Yukara and Suke bakala • 15 poor households are provided with housing
• 2 primary schools in Harto Burkito and Areka were • 294 grass root level associations were formed
maintained • 15 branch offices of WODA were organized
• 3 teachers residences were constructed in Harto • More than 200,000 WODA members were organized
Burkito,Anka Wocha and Abela Gafata areas • One bazaar was launched
• 2 schools were provided with furniture • 7 community mobilization workshops were conducted
• 535 orphans and poor children are supported in
• 151 students were awarded for their good results in Water
national & college exams
• 84 students are being taught in colleges who were • 1 bore hole drilled in Bilate Eta
sponsored by WODA • 1 water supply project completed in Mundena
• 8 secondary schools were provided with reference
• 22 street children were trained in different technical and Backgrounds and Justification
vocational skills and given seed money
Wolaitta zone is located in Southern Ethiopia Regional
State. This zone has a total population of more than 2
Health million. Total land area is 4380 km Climate of the area is
of three types: lowland, mid highland and highland
• 5 health posts were constructed in Mundena, Afama climate.
Mino, Fango Boloso, Zarada and Bilate Eta The major occupation of the people of Wolaitta is
• 1 health post was maintained in Abaya Chokare agriculture that is subsistence where both crop carries
• 40 home-based care givers were trained to prevent and out production and animal husbandry at the same time.
control HIV/AIDS However, agriculture in the area is characterized by low
• 12 anti-AIDS clubs were established productivity due to numerous reasons. Some of the
• 68 radio programs were transmitted on HIV/AIDS reasons are land degradation due to over cultivation and
prevention and HTP education deforestation, inadequacy of modern agricultural inputs
• 20 community based education programs on HIV/AIDS (such as fertilizer, selected seed and modern breed of
launched at market places and schools animals), use of archaic agricultural implements and
recurrent drought caused by erratic rainfall. Due to these
• 90 peoples living with HIV/AIDS were supported
factors food insecurity is becoming common pheno-
• 80 HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children were
menon of this area.
Damot Woyde woreda is found in Wolaitta zone in
• 2 community sensitization workshops on HIV/AIDS Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Regional
prevention and control were launched State. The woreda has a total population of 210,546 in
• 153 peer educators were trained to handle the activities 2004 while the total land area is 74,832 ha. This gives
of HIV/AIDS prevention and control in 153 kebeles the crude density of population of 281 persons per one
• 38 Youth trained in youth clubs management square kilometer, which is one of the highest in the
• 47 commercial sex workers were trained in peer country. The mainstay of population of the area is
education agriculture. However, agriculture is characterized by low
• 50 community conversation facilitators on HIV/AIDS productivity. Low productivity and production of agricu-
were trained lture is due to several factors. These are erratic rainfall,
• Community conversation launched in 13 kebeles poor soil fertility, land shortage, backward farming
• 5 target health personnel were trained in health service practices and pest attack. Rainfall in Damot Woyde is
• Medical equipment and furniture were provided for five variable and inconsistent in nature and this usually
Borena 065

results in drought and famine. The woreda is character- Specific objectives:

rized by high land shortage with majority of households
having holdings less than 0.5ha. This has led to over - To increase the production and productivity of poultry
cultivation and overgrazing of the existing land and -To raise the income of households
deforestation of the surroundings which causes environ- -To increase income from livestock sub-sector
mental degradation & soil infertility. Farmers of the
woreda use very old and archaic tools that their fore-
fathers used for centuries for farming their land. Besides, Project Description
they have no access to modern inputs such as selected This project is located in Southern Regional State of
seeds and fertilizers. In addition to this there is high pest Ethiopia, in Wolaitta zone and particularly in Damot
attack on crops every year. These all have led to food Woyde woreda. The target beneficiaries of the project per
insecurity and meager production. year are 6,000. Total allocated funds is Eth. Birr
Drought and famine usually hit the population of the 1,813,920. It will begin in Jan. 2006 and end in Dec 2006.
woreda. This has reduced their coping capacity and However, after the first phase it will continue by itself.
destroyed many properties. Majority of the population is
in absolute poverty with very low income to support their
livelihood. This coupled with low agricultural productivity Project Methodology /Approach
has worsened the livelihood of the residents. One way to
alleviate the problem is to make the farmers have This project has its own methodology. Some of these
access to improved agricultural inputs. However, espec- are the following.
ially the access to improved breed of livestock is very
low in the woreda mainly because of lack of production 1. Involvement of the community: - The community is
centers. Even though the government policy supports the nearest partner to the project. Therefore, they will
the introduction of modern poultry breed to farmers and involve in every step of the project such as selection
farmers need for it is very high, the supply has been very of the beneficiaries, monitoring the progress of
low. There is very high unmet need for the poultry sub- beneficiaries and evaluating the impact.
sector among farmers. As mentioned in the preceding 2. Collaboration of government offices:- The
sections there is shortage of grazing land in the area government offices are one of the stakeholders in the
and this has become limitation to breed cattle especially project. They shall to a large extent participate in
in highlands. The recurrent droughts prevailed have overall project cycle for successful completion of the
diminished the grazing pastures and grasses. Cattle project. These offices are rural development depart-
diseases that are common in the area have also made ment, finance & economic development department
livestock rearing difficult. Because of these reasons and small-scale trade and industry development
poultry production can be promoted as an alternative department.
source of income for farmers because it doesn't need 3. Working in line with current state policy: This
much land and it is easier to handle. project is in line with the food security strategy,
To increase production & productivity of agriculture the agriculture development led- industrialization & sust-
introduction of modern inputs very essential. However, in ainable development and poverty reduction program.
Damot Woyde most farmers use local & unimproved 4. Efficient & effective use of resources: The
inputs that no longer give good yield. Most of the farming disbursed resources will be used to the point for
households have no access to improved breeds of stipulated purpose so that the project will meet the
animals. A poultry is one of the livestock that is bred by stipulated goal.
every farmer in Damot Woyde. But the type of poultry
bred in this area is not improved and insignificant yield is
obtained from it. Introduction of improved breed of poultry Target group profile
contributes to food security of the area by increasing
income of the farming households. Therefore, governm- The major targets of this project are farmers in Damot
ental and non-governmental organizations that have Woyde woreda. The beneficiary farmers will come from
interest to work in this area of agriculture are expected to all of the kebeles in the woreda. They will get the impr-
intervene. oved poultry from the center on interest free credit basis,
breed it and sell. This will raise their income and they
shall have resistance to shocks related to food insecurity.
Objectives of the project
Gradually they will be food secured.
Overall objective:
Activities and Targets
- To ensure the food security of households of house-
holds This project has some activities to be carried out to bene-
Int. NGO. J. 066

Logical Framework Analysis

No Objectives Objectively verifiable Means of verification Assumption

1 Goal
To ensure food security of
Purpose by 2009 Reports of WODA, rural -Collaboration
• The productivity of poultry • The productivity of development offices & continues from line
sector increased poultry increased by 20% finance and economic offices,
development department , -Donations available
• The income from poultry sub- • Income from poultry
micro and small scale from donors
sector increased per family raised by 15%
enterprises development
• The income of households • The gross income of department and baseline
raised house-holds raised by 10% survey

Results 6000 households received Reports of WODA, rural -Collaboration

Chicken distributed to farmers chicken every year development offices & continues from line
finance and economic offices,
Farmers received improved 90,000 chicken distributed development department, -Donations available
chicken breed to farmers every year micro and small scale from donors
enterprises development
department and baseline

Project activities breakdown

No Activities Unit Quantity Remark

1 Construction of poultry production center
- Office for workers No of bldg 1
- Place for small chicken No of room 1 8x30m
- Place for growing chicken No of room 2
2 Purchase of furniture and equipment
- Generator No 1
-Office furniture Ls 1
-Other equipment Ls Ls
3 Purchase of chicken No 90,000
4 Purchase of chicken feed Kg 360,000
5 Monitoring, super-vision & evaluation
- Employing the professionals No 2 Animal science specialist and veterinary expert
- Employing supporting staff No 6 2 guards, janitor, 1 driver and 2 feeding
- Purchase of motorbike No 1
- Field monitoring No 6

fit the farmers. The major activities are construction of the center will be run by the income obtained from sale of
poultry production center, purchase of furniture and the poultry.
equipment to the center, purchase of chicken and
Purchase of chicken feed. 1. Construction of poultry production center: - This
The poultry production center will be constructed in center will be constructed in Damot Woyde woreda in
2006.When the construction process is completed poultry Badessa Town. When completed the center will
production process will begin. For the first year fund from include rooms for small chicken, rooms for growing
donors will be used to run the center. But after first year chicken and office for workers.
Borena 067

No. Activities Unit Quantity Remark

1 Construction of poultry production center Birr
- Office for workers “ 119,400
- Place for small chicken “ 300,000
- Place for growing chicken “ 300,000
2 Purchase of furniture and equipment
- Generator “ 150,000
- Office furniture “ 30,000
-Other equipment " 100,000
3 Purchase of chicken “ 90,000
4 Purchase of chicken feed “ 432,000
5 Monitoring, super-vision & evaluation
- Employing the professionals “ 39,600
-Employment of the supporting staff 79,200
- Purchase of motorbike “ 35,000
Administration cost '' 138,720
Grand Total “ 1,813,920

2. Furnishing the center: When the construction of the The budget breakdown of the project is as follows.
center is completed it will be furnished with necessary
furniture. These are office furniture, generator and Organization & Management
other equipment.
3. Purchase of chicken and chicken feed: To begin Wolaitta Development Association has the responsibility
the production process chicken and its feed should be of implementing this project. The same shall also monitor
purchased. the progress of project activities. Finally evaluation shall
4. Monitoring and evaluation: The major activities here take place. WDA will report the physical and financial
are employing professionals, purchasing motorbike accomplishment to concerned offices & donors. The
and monitoring and evaluation. collaborating offices are Rural Development, Micro and
Small-Scale Enterprises office and Finance and Econo-
Project Input mic Development Office. These agencies have the resp-
onsibility of monitoring and evaluation of the project. Any
Total financial input of the project is 1,813,920 Eth. Birr. voluntary organization shall fund the project. The follow-
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Manpower information of WODA is listed as follows.

R. No. Position Level of education Quantity Remark

1 General manager MA 1
2 Project officer B ED 1
3 Health expert Diploma 1
4 Agriculture expert Diploma 1
5 Community mobilization and promotion expert BA 1
6 Administration and finance Officer BA 1
7 Engineer Advanced Diploma 1
8 Auditor Diploma 1
9 Accountant Diploma 1
10 Cashier Diploma 1
11 Secretary Certificate 1
12 Income Collectors Certificate 13
13 Driver 3rd driving license 1
14 Guards 12 complete 3 One is certificate holder
15 Janitor 12 complete 1
16 Archivist 11 grade 1
17 Store man 11 grade 1

Action Plan

No. Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Remark

1 Construction o poultry production center x x - -
2 Purchase of furniture and equipment - x - -
3 Purchase of chicken and chicken feed - x - -
4 Monitoring & evaluation x x x x
4.1 Employing the staff - x - -
4.2 Purchase of motorbike - x - -

ing is simple organizational structure of Wolaitta Expected output

Development Association.
- Poultry production to substantial extent contributed to
Sustainability and Phase out food security

This project will be sustainable because of two reasons. Short-term:

First, in the beginning project will be run using budget - 6,000 farmers obtained new breed poultry every year
obtained from donors and this money will be returned to - 6,000 farmers income increased every year.
WODA through sale of the chicken at low cost to
beneficiaries. The returned money will be used to run the
project after first year. Second, there is high demand for
the improved poultry in the area by farmers that enables
the center to produce poultry continuously.

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