ZE.!mml: Electsucal, Iimmamd
ZE.!mml: Electsucal, Iimmamd
ZE.!mml: Electsucal, Iimmamd
10 August 1?51
(See 6.9)
This specification is approved for use by the Deparmnt of tha Navy and
is available for use by all Deparusents and Agencies of the Department
of Defense.
1.1 ~. This specification covers unshielded wire for hookup and lead
wiring of electrical and ●lectronic components and ●quipment so that nik size
and weight are consistent with service requirements. The testpermure rating of
wire included in this specification ranges to a ~ of 260 degrees Celsius
(“C), with potential rating from 250 to 5000 volts root meen square (Vrms).
1.2 ~. Wire is of the following conductor naterial, sizm,
stranding,and insulation color code, as specified (s-e 3.1 and 6.2).
K16B7am B G 1 *
(see 1.2.2) (see 1.2.3) (see 1.2.4) (see 1.2.5) (see 1.2.6)
:.- CGRdU~~QY Fa:fTTq~. Corcdu~~orma~eri~] jg as Specitis!d I’SE~~ 1!,
with t’neconductor material designated by a single letter specified as foiiows:
B- Coated copper.
C - Coated copper-clad steel (C.C. Steel).
E- Coated high-strength co~per alloy !F5.C A.}.
E= Coated copper with overall metallic coating.
1.2.h Conductor size. The conductor’s American Wire Ga~e (AWG) size is
designatedby a sin~le letter specified as follows:
32 A 20” G 8 N 00 w
30 B 18 M 6 P 000 Y
28 c 16 J h R 0000 2
26 D 14 K 2 s
24 t 12 L 1 T
22 F 10 n o u
AWG for solid conductor is standard AUC; stranded+wire %s to the cloaemt even-
numbered AUG with normal stranding (7, 19, 37, and so forth) (see 6.1.2).
1 A 133 L
7 B 168 n
10 259 ~
16 D 665 P
19 E 817 R
26 F 1045 s
37 G 1330 T
41 H 1672 v
65 J 2109 u
105 K
Number Number
Coloc Qesimat o r Colm
Black o Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (purple) 7
Orange 3 Gray (slate) 8
Yellow & White 9
The colors listed are the preferred colors in ●ccordance with FED-STD-595 unless
the contracting ●ctivity specifies alternates (see 6.2).
. ~
2.1 ~t d-nt~ .
QQ-S-571 - Solder, Tin Allby: Tin-Laad Alloy; and Lead Alloy.
ZZ-R-765 - Rubber, Silicone (General Specification).
PPP-F-320 - Fiberboard: Corrugate&and Solid, Sheet Stock
(Oontainer Grade), and Cut Shapes.
?HL.C-S72 - Cords, Yarns and Monofllaments Organic Synthetic
IUL”E-917 - Electrical Power Equipment; Basic Requirements
(Naval Shipboard Use).
HIL-Y-1140 - Yarn. Cord. SleevinE. Cloth, and Tape-Glass.
KIL-C-12000 - cable, Cord, and Wi~e, Elactric; .Pa&aging of.
?IIL-L-19160- Ltmber and Plyuood, Fire-Retardant Treated.
FED=STD-228 - Cable and Wire, Insulated: Methods of Testing.
FED-STD-595 - Colors Used in Governmcm Procurement.
HXL-STD-104 - Limits for Electrical Insulation Color.
MXL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by
NIL-sTr)-45L- Standard General Requirements for Electronic
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3.3 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to
first article inspection (see 6.3) fn accordance with 4.3.
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NIL-K- 1fJ878F<>’~lPJ”:l
?.4 .1.7 Coared cower with overail metallic ~oati~- Coated coPPer
conductors in which wires in the scran~ are metallically bordad together by the
application of overall tin or alloy coating. Coating prevents strand fraying and
shall be in accordance with ASTM B h70, Type 11
3.&.2.l PolWinvl chloride (PVCI. When specified (see 3.1), the insulation
shall be PVC or its copolymer polyinyl acetate, v“hichconforms to the require-
ments of the applicable specificationsheet.
3.5 Cons~tion.
10 (105 stranding) inclwive, shall be at the option of the contractor. Rope lay
stranding only shall be used for AUG sizes No. 8 (133 strandzng) and Larger.
Length of lay of finished, stranded conductors shall be in accordance with ASTM B
286 or ASTM B 173, as applicable.
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3.6.10 -ablJJ@. Insulation shall not burn for more than the specified
time and the flame shall not travel more than the specified distance nor release
flaming particles that ignite combustible materials in its vicinity (see 3.1 and
3.6.11 SihKhMQ. Insulation shall not flare away from the conductor nor
open up over the bent portion, nor shrink back more tha.nO.125 inch (see 4.5.12).
T=~. ~
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3.7 Jdentifjcation of mroduc~. Unless otherwise specified {SW 3.1 and 6.2),
finished wire shall be identified by a printed marking applied to the outer
surface of the wire or visible through the outer surface. The printed
identificationshall be at intenals of 9 to 60 inches oeasured from the beginning
of ~ne =oq~ete ~ark~ng to the ~eg~nn~ng of the succeeding complere marking and
shall consist of the following:
4. wm--=-=~sx~s .
4.4.2 Wt of vro~ . The unit of product for determining lot size .for
sampling shall be the quantity of wire offered for inspection on one coil, O*
reel, or one spool, ● s applicable.
ML-u- i6876F4NAW)
cion oniyl. .Wire
4.4.3 .1.3 Circumfe rential elon~ ation [extxuded ~FEJJISUL@ .
? y
insulationshall be sub~ected to the circumferential elongation test as spec~fled
in fb.5.19.
Group B
3.6.2 4.5.3
voltage 4.5.4
Insulation resistance 3.6.3
3.6.4 6.5.5
Conductor resistance 4.5.6
Cold bend 3.6.5
3.6.6 &.5.7
Concentricity 4.5.9
wrap back 3.6.8
3.6.13 4.5.14
Insulation tensile strength f4.5.15
Insulation elongation 3.6.14
3.6.15 4.5.16
liarkingand stripe durabili~
Group C
Surfaoe resistxbce
3.6.7 4.5.4~ -
. 3.6.9” ;.. 4.5.10
Hut r8si8tamce 4.5.11
Fleusaabili~ 3.6.10
3.6.11 4.5.12
Shrinkage 4.5.13
Heat ●ging 3.6.12
3.6.16 4.5.17
Fungus resistance 4.S.18
Toxicity 3.9 4
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withstanding voltage 3.6.2 4.5.3 critical
Insulation resistance 3.6.3 &,s.fb Kajor
Conductor resistance 3.6.4 4.5.5 Major
Cold bend 3.6.5 4.5.6 Hajox
Concentricity 3.6.6 4.5.7 Critical
Urap back 3.6.8 4,5.9 Critical
lnaulation tensile
strength 4.5.14 Critical
Insulation elongation 3.6.14 4.5.15 Critical
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L-W-16878 F<NA~)
L.4.L.4 Disposition of sanlDle un its. Sample units which have passed all khe
group B inspections may be delivered if the lot is accepted and the sample units
are srlll within specified electrical tolerances.
. *
4.5.1 ex~atlon . Finished wire shall be examined to
dete~ine that the materials, physical dimensions, constmction, splices. -rking,
and workaanahip ● re in accorda~e with the applicable requirements (see 3.1, 3.4.
3.4.1, 3.5, 3.5.6, 3.7, and3.8 respectively).
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to zero in 30 secon&. Wire shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6,2.
(a) The test voltage shall be 500 +/- 5 volts direct current (Vdc)
applied for 60, plus 5, minus O seconds from the time it is
(b) The specimen shall be at least 26 feet long.
(c) The stf.rrerneed not be used.
4.5.6 gold be@. The cold bend test shall be performed in accordance with
method 2011 of FED-STD-228 with the following exceptions:
finished wire shall be located and measured in the cross-section. The maximum
thickness of the pri=ry insulacior, or finished bi~e wall shali be located ana
measured in the same cross-section. The percent concentricity is 100 times the
ratio of the mi* measurement to the corresponding maximum measurement. Three
cross-seccions shall be measured in each specimen. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.6. The failure of the concentricity of any cross-
section shall comtitute failure of the entire specimen.
(a) Two 0.250 inch electrodes consisting of ring-type metal foil shall
be allowed.
(b) Electrodes shall be attached near che center of the specimen
(c) The maximus potential shall be 200 to 500 Vclc.
(d) Specimen shall be conditioned at 25 +/- 5-C, and 95 percent
relative humidity.
(e) If the initial surface resistance is greater than 1000 megotus-
inches, the test shall be considered complete.
4.5.9 Ura~ back test (mm insulation onlv~. The center portion of a 12-
inch (minimum) length specimen of finished wire shall be t@htly wound back on
i.ts*lffor a minimum of four close turns (see figure 1). The specimen shall then
be placed in an oven and heated for 2 hours at 307 +/- 5°C. At the end of this
period, the specimen shall be examined (without magnification) ●nd subjacted to
the dielectric withstanding voltage-test specified in 4.5.3. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.8.
. ..
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The specimen shall then be removed from the conditioning chamber and ●llowed to
return to room temperature. If strmd sealer has been used to make a watertight
construction, the sealing compound shall not drip from the ends of the wire. Me
length of exposed conductor, if any, at each end of the specimen shall be
considered as shrinkage of the Inaulaclon. In no case shall the shrinkage ● t
either end exceed 0.125 inch. Following the oven aging, ●nd unless otherwise
required in the applicable specification sheet, specimens shall be wound tightly
around a mandrel approximately (but not less than) three times the overall
diameter of the wire for five close turns and removed as ● helical coil. No
readily visible defects shall result from this heating and coiling. The coiled
sections shall be Immersed (except for approximately 2 inches ● t each ●nd) for 1
hour in tap wscer at room temperature, and shall then withstand the dielectric
withstanding voltage test specified in 4.5.3 for 1 minute. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.9.
4.5.16 and stri~e durabilitv. ?%1s test shall determine the ability
of printed information on insulating or jacketing meteria]. to remain legible in
the presence of repeated abrasion.
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k.5.16.3 R ocedur~. The specimen shall be wiped with a clean, dry cloth to
remove any lubricant or dirt, and shall be secured in the abrading machine with
the specimen printed identification facing upwards, where it is co be abraded by “
the steel pin. The automatic counter shall be set initially to zero. The
●brading machine motor shall then be turned on, allowing the steel pin to
rec%procmte and abrade the specimen printed ideatlflcation either until the
printed identification is no longer Itgible in &e ibraded region, or until not
less than 125 abrasive cycles (250 strokes) have been completed, whicheveroccurs
first. The number of abrasive cycles completed shall then be noted. This test
shall next be repeated four more times (five times COCS1), subjecting ● fresh
portion of the specimen printed identlficacf.onco abrasion each time.
~lon ~. This test Esthod measures the elongation of ● thin ●lug ofluire
insul~tion in the circumferential (radial) direction. The wire insulationslug is
radially elongated by axial movement of a capered cone through the stationary
s lug. Tho werall test apparatus is shown in figure 2. A 1 to l-1/2-inchslug of
insulation shall be removed from the conductor. Care shall be taken to prevent ./;..
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HZ L-W-16878F(N.%:JY)
+- .OIO-MAX.
(SEEnGmE 29)
? ?J
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Five specimens shall be tested and the average value of the five specimens
4.5.20 partial disa (Corq@ le ●l test .Sample.of completed Insulatec’
wire shall comply with the minimum dischar~e (coro&) level specified in ASTllD
2802 when tested in accortince with the procedures of ICEA Publication T-24-380.
(The packaging requirements specified hdrein apply only for direct Government
acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging requirementsof
referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.5.)
. .
5.1 Gene*.
5.1.1 put-urn. Unless otherwise spmcifiod (see 3.1 end 6.2), the wire shall
be furnished in continuous lengths of 500 to 1000 feet coiled, on spools or reels -
● t the contractor’s option. HO more than 25 percent of the total fooqge of q
one wire part or identifyingnumber (PIN) (see 6.7) shall he shipped in lengths
less than minimum. See appendix B for PTFE length requirements.
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6.1 ended USQ. The single conductor wire covered h th~s specification
1s intended for use in lead wire and internal wiring of electrical and electronic
equipment and switchboards.
6.i.2 ~Lrsndec? ccxk:c: zize desirnat icms . The conduc:or sfzes and the
corresponding size designations of this specification ● re in accortincewith
established usage for stranded. copper conductors for hookup wire in the
electronic and aircraft industries. These Eizes and size designationsare not
identical with AWG sfzes for solid wire and stranded wire. The diameter and
cross-sectional areas of ~he stranded conductors of this specification are, in
most sizes, only roughly approximate to those of AWG solid conductors of the same
numerical size designation.
Government, and that bidders offering such products. who wish to reiV on such
production or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government
approval is presently appropriate for the pending contract. Bidders should not
submit alternate bi& unless specifically requested to do so in the solicitation.
~878/lJ II G E *
(see 6.7.1) (see 1.2.3) (see 1.2.4) (see 1.2.5) (see 1.2.6)
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Chlorosulfonated polyethylene
Conductor, solid
Conductor, stranded
Ethylene-propylene diene ●lastomer
Polyolefln, cross-linked
Pol~inyl chloride
Rubber, silicone
6.9 Chan~es from Drevious issq. ?larginal nocacions are not used in this
revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the
extensiveness of the changes.
10.1 ~COD~. This ●ppendix provides a guide for supersession of wire types
defined in MIL-U-16878D to those covered in HIL-U-16878F.
! ,,
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P!l L.u-16878F(NAm-)
{ . .
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10.1 scoDe. This appendix establishes the minimum continuous wire lengths
for ~olvtetrafluorethylene (=FE) wire constructions. The information contained
herek is intended for compliance unless there is an alternative specified in 6.2.
30.1 W . UQ Tabu~at ion. Due to the nature of the PTFE wire-forming process,
Table B1 suecifips the minimum lengths and quantity of pieces per spool or reel
that ● re acceptable unless otherwise specified. ~see 6.2)
AWG size Percentage of Length (feet) Max. no. of lengths (per spool
or&r one continuous or reel)
500-1000 ft. 1001-1500 ft.
32 to 22 25 50 - 75 3 5
25 75 - 300
50 301 or more
20 to 16 Unacceptable Under 75 4 6
20 75 - 100
50 101 - 300
30 301 or mora
14 to 10 Unacceptable Under 50 5 7
40 50 - 100
. 50 101 - 300
10 301 - more
8 and larger 10 25 - 50 6 8
70 50 - 100
20 100 or more
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b. TaEP’Mq4E (- Ama -J
(2) Mnc7vcm
● . NAME
(703) 602-3124 8-332-3124 .:. :““
MR. C. Y. LU., SEA 05E23
, ATT ~:
COMMAM)ER (!5Q42, NAVU SEA SYSTDfS oetwne OualitYWI Standardizatm Otke
S203 MSbUKj P[ke. $Wte ~403,FBIIsChub, VA 22041
COMMAND , 2531 NATIONAL CENTER 3 ~der)twe(703)7%-z3~ AuToWN 28%23@
C . 20362-5160
L__ Previous ditlon.f @r@ ObSO&@
cM3 Form 1426, OU 89