ZE.!mml: Electsucal, Iimmamd

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10 August 1?51
(See 6.9)




This specification is approved for use by the Deparmnt of tha Navy and
is available for use by all Deparusents and Agencies of the Department
of Defense.


1.1 ~. This specification covers unshielded wire for hookup and lead
wiring of electrical and ●lectronic components and ●quipment so that nik size
and weight are consistent with service requirements. The testpermure rating of
wire included in this specification ranges to a ~ of 260 degrees Celsius
(“C), with potential rating from 250 to 5000 volts root meen square (Vrms).
1.2 ~. Wire is of the following conductor naterial, sizm,
stranding,and insulation color code, as specified (s-e 3.1 and 6.2).

1-2.1 ~. Part numberbs shall be of the following form,

as specified (see 6.2.1):

K16B7am B G 1 *

(see 1.2.2) (see 1.2.3) (see 1.2.4) (see 1.2.5) (see 1.2.6)

1.2.2 ~. The Military specification sheet

number designation consists of a prefix H which indicates a military specification
item, the specification number and the specification sheet number.

Beneficial coawents (recmndations, ●dditions, del*tions) and any pertinent

daeauhich muybeof ueeiniqmovhg this ~t should be 8dd~8SS8d to:
@mender, lhmal Sea Systems Comend, SBA 5S23, Department of the Navy,
Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization ~t
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing ● t the ●nd of this document OK
by letter.

A#!sCN/A FSC 6145

~. Approved f= PUbl~C rel-se; distrib”~~on iS Unlimited. -
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:.- CGRdU~~QY Fa:fTTq~. Corcdu~~orma~eri~] jg as Specitis!d I’SE~~ 1!,
with t’neconductor material designated by a single letter specified as foiiows:

B- Coated copper.
C - Coated copper-clad steel (C.C. Steel).
E- Coated high-strength co~per alloy !F5.C A.}.
E= Coated copper with overall metallic coating.

1.2.h Conductor size. The conductor’s American Wire Ga~e (AWG) size is
designatedby a sin~le letter specified as follows:


32 A 20” G 8 N 00 w
30 B 18 M 6 P 000 Y
28 c 16 J h R 0000 2
26 D 14 K 2 s
24 t 12 L 1 T
22 F 10 n o u

AWG for solid conductor is standard AUC; stranded+wire %s to the cloaemt even-
numbered AUG with normal stranding (7, 19, 37, and so forth) (see 6.1.2).

1.2.5 . The number of strands making up the conductor is

designatedby a letter specified as follows:


1 A 133 L
7 B 168 n
10 259 ~
16 D 665 P
19 E 817 R
26 F 1045 s
37 G 1330 T
41 H 1672 v
65 J 2109 u
105 K

1.2.6 on color c d The tneulation color code %s in accordance

with the identification coding”s;stem of KXL-STD-681, and may ba 1, 2, or 3 digits
depending on the number or absence of strips or bands. The first rnnsboris *
color of tlm insulation, the second number represents the color of the first stxiP .
cm band, the third nuaber, the color of the second strip or band. ksiption of
the color code need net be imprinted on the wire. The colors ●nd their
correspondingnumber are as follows:
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....+- .—

Number Number
Coloc Qesimat o r Colm

Black o Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (purple) 7
Orange 3 Gray (slate) 8
Yellow & White 9

The colors listed are the preferred colors in ●ccordance with FED-STD-595 unless
the contracting ●ctivity specifies alternates (see 6.2).

. ~

2.1 ~t d-nt~ .

2.1.1 ~~ec=cari~s. sta@@s. and handbooa. The following specifi-

cations, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extant
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of theme documents ●re
those listed in the issue of the Departmentof Defense Index of Spaoificstionsand
Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).


QQ-S-571 - Solder, Tin Allby: Tin-Laad Alloy; and Lead Alloy.
ZZ-R-765 - Rubber, Silicone (General Specification).
PPP-F-320 - Fiberboard: Corrugate&and Solid, Sheet Stock
(Oontainer Grade), and Cut Shapes.

?HL.C-S72 - Cords, Yarns and Monofllaments Organic Synthetic
IUL”E-917 - Electrical Power Equipment; Basic Requirements
(Naval Shipboard Use).
HIL-Y-1140 - Yarn. Cord. SleevinE. Cloth, and Tape-Glass.
KIL-C-12000 - cable, Cord, and Wi~e, Elactric; .Pa&aging of.
?IIL-L-19160- Ltmber and Plyuood, Fire-Retardant Treated.


FED=STD-228 - Cable and Wire, Insulated: Methods of Testing.
FED-STD-595 - Colors Used in Governmcm Procurement.

HXL-STD-104 - Limits for Electrical Insulation Color.
MXL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by
NIL-sTr)-45L- Standard General Requirements for Electronic

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(Unless othexwise indicated, copies of federal and milita~ specifications,

standards. and hanobooks are available from ~he Scaridardization Documents Ordc=
Desk, BLDG. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)

2.2 ~on-Government mlblications. The following document(s) form a part of

this document to the extent specified herein. Unless oche-ise specified, the
issues of the documents whjch are DOD adopted are those listed in the issue of the
DODISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the tssues of
documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the
solicitation (see 6.2).


B46.1 - Surface Texture {Surface Roughness, Waviness, and Lay).
(DoD adopted)

(Applicationfor copies should be addressed co the American National

Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.)


B33 - Standard Specification for Tinned Soft or Anw+led Copper
Wire for Electrical Purposes. (DoD adopted)
B 173 - Standard Specification for Rope-Lay-StrandedCopper
Conductors Having Concentric-StrandedMembers, for
Electrical Conductors. (DoD adopted)
B 286 - Standard Specification for Copper Conductors for Use in
Hookup wire for Electronic Equipment. (DoDidoptedl
B 298 - Standard Specification for Silver-Goated Soft or Annealed
Copper Wire. (DoD adopted)
B 355 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated Soft or Annealed
Copper Wire. (DoD adopted)
B 670 - Standard Specification for Bonded Copper Conductors for
Use in Hookup Wire for Electronic Equipment.
B 501 - Standard Specification for Silver-Coated, Copper-Clad
Steal Wire for Electronic Application.
B 559 - Standard Specification for Nickel-Coated, Copper-Clad
Steel Vire for Electronic Application.
B 624 - Standard Specification for H@h-Strmgth, High-
Conductivity Copper-AlloyWire for Electronic
Appllcatlon. (DoD adopted)
D 1248 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding .
and Extrusion Materials. (DoD adopted)
D 2116 - Standard Specification for FEP-Plwwcarbon !40Ming ●nd
Exmxsion Materials. (DoD adopted)
D 4066 - Standard Specification for Nylon Injection and Extrusion
Materials (PA). (DoD adopted)
I)4314 - Standard Specification for General-Purpose, Heaw-Duty.
and Extra-Heavy-Duty Crosslinked Chlorosulfonated
Polyethylene Jackets for Wire and Cable.
D4895 - Standard Specification for Poly!xtrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
::esinProduced from Dispersion.
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G2L. Standard Practice ior Determining Resistance of Synthetic

Polymeric Materials to Fungi. (DoD adopted)

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for

Tes:ing md tl~terials, 1?16 .R=e Strec:, ?hiladelphie, ?A ~0103.)


UC 52 - High-Temperature and Electronic Insulated Wire-Impulse
Dielectric Testing.

(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to the National Electrical

Manufacturers Association, Suite 300, 2101 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.)


MS 3249 - Ethylene Propylene (kPD?l)Rubber Hydrasine-Base-Fluid
Resistant 75-85. (DoD ●dopted)

(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to Society of Automotive

Engineers, Inc., LOO Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096.)
1581 - Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible

(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to Undarwricerslaboratories

Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Norchbrook, IL 60062.)


Publication T-24-380 - Partial Discharge Test Procedure

(Applicationfor copies should be ●ddressed to Insulated Cable Engineers

$woc%ation, Post Office BOX 440, South Yarmouth, MA 026M.)

(Non-Goverrnsentstandards and other publications are noraally available from

the organizations-t prepare or distribute tb documents. These documents also
may be available in or through Libraries oz other informational s*ndw.)

2.3 ~. In the event of a conflict between the text of

this doctment and the references cited herein (axcapt for rc~ted associated
speclfloationsheets), the text of this doament takes precedence. Nothing h
this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and repd.ations unless a
specific exemption has been obtained.

3.1 . The individual item requirements shall be as

specified here$n.and in ●ccordance with the ●pplicable specification sheet. In
the event of sny conflict be~een We requirements of this specification and the
specificationsheet, the latter shall govern.
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~,~ ~]assific~tj~~ Of y~c,~j,~emen~s

, The applicable requirements are
classified as follows:

First article 3.3

Materials 3.4
Construction 3.5
Performance 3.6

3.3 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to
first article inspection (see 6.3) fn accordance with 4.3.

3.& Hateri~. Materials shall be as specified herein. When a mattrial is

not specified, a material shall be used which will enable the insulated wire to
meet the performance requirementsof this specification. Acceptance of any
constituentmaterial shall not be construed as a guaranty of the acceptance of the
finished product (see 4.5.1).

3.4.1 $onductor~. Conductors shall be solid (see 6.1:3) or stranded as

specified in table I, or ●s ●pproved by the contracting act%vity. Each SUad of
the conductor shall be of the same composition. When coated wires are uwd,
individualstrands shall be coated before stranding. Each strand shall have the
same coating. Application of metallic coating shall be permitted after stranding
in accordance with ASTM B 470, type 11. Conductors shall meet the requirements
specified in through before application of insulation.

r c~ . Tin-coatsd copper conductors shall

be in accordance with MIX B 33 for soft, annealed copper. ~ver-coated. c~. Silver-coated, soft, annealed

copper conductors shall be in ●ccordance with ASTM B 298 with 40 nicroi.xdw
(minimum)thickness of silver. pi kel .coated- c m~ctors Nickel-coated, soft. ~aied

copper conductor: shall be in ~ccordance with ~TM B 355 and shall be coated with
50 microinches (minimum) thickness of commercially pure nickel. $il er -coat d. cobwr-c~a d . steel co*m Sllvcr-coatod,

copper-clad steelvconduct~rsshall be in ●ccordance with ciass 40A of AS%N B 501
with 40 microinches (minimum)thickness of silver. el .coated. Nickel-coated, .

copper-clad steel conductors shall be in accordance ~itb A!& B 559 with 50
microinches (minimnm) thicjness of coameercialnickel.

3.A.1.6 ~-stre~. cower ~lov eo@xto~ . Mgh-strmgth, copper ●lloy

conductors shall be in accordancewith ASTM B 624 and table I. The strands shall
be silver- or nickel-coated in accordance with or as applicable.
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NIL-K- 1fJ878F<>’~lPJ”:l

?.4 .1.7 Coared cower with overail metallic ~oati~- Coated coPPer
conductors in which wires in the scran~ are metallically bordad together by the
application of overall tin or alloy coating. Coating prevents strand fraying and
shall be in accordance with ASTM B h70, Type 11

3.6,2 Insulation and iacket nacerti. ?laterialsshall be as specified in

3,L.2.1 through as applicable (see 3.1).

3.&.2.l PolWinvl chloride (PVCI. When specified (see 3.1), the insulation
shall be PVC or its copolymer polyinyl acetate, v“hichconforms to the require-
ments of the applicable specificationsheet. Eolvamide (nvlonl. When specified (see 3.1), polyamide shall be in

accordance with ASTM D 4066 or when used in braid shall be in accordance with type
P of MIL-c-572. “ Fluorinated etiwlcn mroutine (m . b%en specified (see 3.1), FEP

shall be in accordance with ASTM ; 2116.

3.4.2.k X ~Yt trafluoroethvlene {~ . Uhen specified (see 3.1), PTP’E

shall be in •cc~rda~ce With ASTM D 4895. Polvethvlenq. When specified (see 3.1), polyethylene shall be in

accordance with type 11 of ASTM D 1248, except colored material can be used. ~. When spacified (see 3.1), silicone rubber shall be *

in accordance with class 2a, grade 25, 40, or 50 of ZZ-R-765. Chlor sulfon ted vol~ne = When specified (see 3.1),

CSPE shall be in ac~ordancs with ASTM D 4314. - 5thv~-moDvlene die~sr~ When specified (see

3.1), EPDH shall be in accordance with SAEAMS 3249. “ d material. Additional materials shall be acceptablefor

changing the above materials if the crosslhked final product meets the
requirements of the ●pplicable Specification sheet (see 3.1). Other mat-. When other materials are specified,”theyshall be

certified virgin materials containbg no additives, except those required ss
wetting agents, pigmentations for color, and lubricants wed in ext~ion.

3.4.3 ~. When speclfled (see 3.1), braids shall be synthetic textile in -

accordance with type P of ML-C-572, or glass yarn in accordance with MXL-Y-1140,
as specified (see 6.2).

3.5 Cons~tion.

3.5.1 Conductors. Stranding shall be as specified in table I after

insulation. The conductors shall be round in shape, uniform in cross seccion and
free from flaws, scales and other imperfection.s. Unless ozhelwise specified (see
6.2]. the method of stranding for AUG sizes No. 32 (single cmduccor) through No. ~“’
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10 (105 stranding) inclwive, shall be at the option of the contractor. Rope lay
stranding only shall be used for AUG sizes No. 8 (133 strandzng) and Larger.
Length of lay of finished, stranded conductors shall be in accordance with ASTM B
286 or ASTM B 173, as applicable.

3.5.2 Jnsulation, A tight-fitting, continuous coating of insulation shall

be added over the conductor and shall be cured, processed, or maintained to
provide for accurate centering of the conductor (see 3.6.6). The insulation shall
be free from splinters, blisters ●nd other non-homogeneities visible to the normal
eye. The insulation shall be constructed to be readily stripped from the
conductor co that the conductor is clean for soldering or crimping. A clean
conductor shall have no particles of insulation visible to the naked qe.

3.5.3 ~. When specified (see 3.1), a closely voven braid shall be

applied over the insulation. Braids shall be saturated or filled and coated with
fungus-, heat-, flame- and moisrure-resistant lacquers to a smooth finish which
shall minimize fraying at the cut en& under conditions incident to handling while
being installed and during normal sexvice. Coatings shall be sufficiently
translucentso as not to impair the visibility of any underlying color code of the
braid materials when strips are specified. Color carriers used in braM.s shall be
one carrier (minimas) revolting in the same direction and shall be composed of
synthetic textile or glass yarn (see 3.4.3). The braid shall not increase the
outsi& diameter of the finished wire by more then the maximum amount specified in
table II.

Diameter over insulation Diameter f.morease

(inch) (inch, maximum)
0.125 or less 0.015
0.126 - 0.250 0.020
Greater than 0.250 0.03s
3.5.& &ckeq. When specified (see 3.1), a jacket shall be extruded over the

3.5.s ~. colors shall be in accordeaoe withmI.L-sTD-M4; class 1,

●xcept pastel colors shall be •coep~le wham oroealimkiag is dome by irradiation.
When Insulation surfaces have bean oolor ooded wi~ laks or dyes; they shall be
nonconductive, permanently fast and shall not change, fade, rum, or blead WIMn
used in direct sunlight and within the specific temperature rating of the

3.5*5.1 ~. When specified (see 3.1), the length of lay of

colored stripes shall be as specified in table XII.
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TABLE 111, Lenzth of lay of S trin~.

Diameter over finished wire bngth of lay

(inch) (inches, maximum)
0.000 CO 0.083 1.00
0.084 to 0.110 1.50
0.111 and larger 2.00

3.5.6 $Dlices. Splices shall not be ma& in a szrxnded conductor as a whole;

however, individual strands and solid conductors may be spliced. Splices shall be
made by electro welding or brazing with silver composition solder in accordance
with QQ-S-S71. “

3.6 perfo~ e. Unless otherwise specified herein, all requirements (see

3.6.1 through 3.6.16) shall be met on finished wire.
3.6.1 ~ulation flaw~. After application of the primary insulation, the
wire shall withstand the spaxk test or ‘Impuse dielectric test voltage as
specified (see 3.1) without breakdown. Afzer applications of braids or Jackacs,
the finished wire shall withstand the spark test or the impulse dielectric test
without breakdown <see and

3.6.2 The wire shall withstand the

specifiedvoltago for 1 minute (mixdua) wi&iout breakdown (see 3.1 and 4.S.3).

3.6.3 . The insulation resistance shall be not less

than the value ~pecified (see 3.1 and 4.5.4).

3.6.h ~. The conductor resistance of the finished wire

shall be not greater then the value specified (see 3.4.1 and 4.5.5).

3.6.5 ~oldben~. Specimens”shall reveal no readily visible cracks in the

insulation ●nd shall pass the dielectric withstanding voltage requirements as
specified (sm 3.6.2 and 4.5.6}.

3.6.6 Conc~. The concentricity of finfshedwlre insulationend the

primary i.asulationof dtl-leyered Lneulation or jacket, SW be 70 percent
(minimum). The faflure of the concentricf~ of any cross-section shall constitute
failure for the entire speciaen (see 4.5.7).

3.6.7 (w%re ti~ . The surface .

res~s~e (minimum). A surface resistance of 1SSS ~
shall be 5 Dsgoba-i.xIches
1000 megohm-inches shell not change by mora then SO percent from the inicf.al
measured value after the application of the high potential end remeasurementOf
surface resistance (see 3.1 and 4.5.8).

3.6.8 Urariback test (nFE insulation Specimens shall reveal no

cracks when visually examined and shall pass the dielectric withstanding voltage
requirements as specified (see 3.6.2 and A.5.9). .. .

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3.6.9 Heat resist nnce. Specimens shall reveal no cracking or delamination

of the insulation (and jacket when applicable), no ex*tion of we i~~tion
through the braid in constructions incorporating braids, no readily visible
defects in any of the wire component parts (slight discoloration after aging is
considered normal ●nd acceptile) and shall pass the dielectric viths-ing
voltage requirements ES specified (see 3.6.2 and 4.5.10). .

3.6.10 -ablJJ@. Insulation shall not burn for more than the specified
time and the flame shall not travel more than the specified distance nor release
flaming particles that ignite combustible materials in its vicinity (see 3.1 and

3.6.11 SihKhMQ. Insulation shall not flare away from the conductor nor
open up over the bent portion, nor shrink back more tha.nO.125 inch (see 4.5.12).

3.6.12 ~. Insulation elongation and tensile strength shall not

change more than specified (see 3.1 and 6.5.13).

3.6.13 lation tensile strene* ihe minimum tensile screngtb of

insulation shall”be as specified (see 3.1 and 4.5.14).

3.6.14 ~. fie~*uIse longationof insulation shall be

as specified (see 3.1 and 4.5.15).

3.6.15 ~. A“iIIi~ Of 125 cycles ‘f ‘he

mandrel shall not remove the printed marking or color code stripe from the wire
s~le (see 4.5.16).

3.6.16 ~. All nonmetallic materials, including compounded

materials, that are not fungus-inert in ●ccordance with MIL-STD-&54 shall bS
fungus resistantas specified (see 3.1 and 4.5.17).

3.6.17 ulati~ tl~ (PTFEextruded ~on O- .

The circumferentialelongation for m ext~d insuhtim shall not be less than
the average percent for conductor size of y~le IV (sea and 4.5.19).

T=~. ~

Conductor size Percent (Average)

28 to 16 200
14 to 12 1.50
10 to 8 100

3.6-1; ~. Test shall be ma& prior to the ● c and dc

voltage tests on the lead wire. The applied voltage shall be raised to ● value
equal to.20 percent greater than the minimum partial-discharge extinction levnl
but shall not exceed the required ac test voltage for the lead wire. This test
shall be as specified in 4.5.20,

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3.7 Jdentifjcation of mroduc~. Unless otherwise specified {SW 3.1 and 6.2),
finished wire shall be identified by a printed marking applied to the outer
surface of the wire or visible through the outer surface. The printed
identificationshall be at intenals of 9 to 60 inches oeasured from the beginning
of ~ne =oq~ete ~ark~ng to the ~eg~nn~ng of the succeeding complere marking and
shall consist of the following:

(a) K16878/* (* applicable specification sheet).

(b) Conductor material as identified per PIN number.
(c) Conductor size as Identified per PIN number.
(d) Voltage rating
(e) Manufacturer’s supply code designation.

Printing shall be of a contrasting color (black or white is preferable) in a

permanent ink or dye. Idencificacionprinting shall be applied with the vertical
axis of che prinC8d characters either crosswise or lengchwlse on the wire when the
nominal diameter of che wire is greater than 0.050 inch. Identificationprinting
shall be applied with the vertical axis of the printed characters lengthwise on
the wire when the nominal dismecer of the finished wire is 0.050 inch or smaller.
Printed characters shall be complete and legible to the naked eye.

3.8 Uorkmanshi~. Wire shall be free of kinks, abrasions, and cracked or

peeled surfaces. Wire shall be a uniform and consistent product and shall be free
from defects which will adversely affect the serviceability of the product.
3.9 ~. Materiala specified herein for the construction of the
insulatedwire shall be selected to provide maximum resistance to burning. The
combustion of these materials shall not create ● concentration of toxic gases that
exceed maximum concentration levels specified in HIL-E-917, table I (see 3.6.10,
4.5.11 end 4.5.18).

Uith respect to toxici~ levels of wire inspected to this specification, it SS the

Goverment’s intent to accumulate data from the testing of first article samples.
This data will be compiled and evaluated to establish ●ppropriate concentration
levels of toxic gases for future acceptable maximum concentration levels.
Contractors are requested to provide such data with repect to their products
following first ●rticle testing. This date will noc be used for the rejectionof
~ prkct first article testing.

4. wm--=-=~sx~s .

4-1 ~. Unless otherwise specified in the

contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of .
●ll inspection requirements (examinations ●nd tests) as specified herein. Except
es othertrlsespecified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor BSY use
hls own ox ●ny other faciliths suitable for the performance of the inspection
requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The
Gove~ent resezwes the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in this
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and
scmices cmfom cc prescribed requirements.
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4,1.1 ~esnonsfhilftv for comolJ.

ante. All items shsll meat all requirements
of sections 3 and 5. ‘X’heinspection set forth in this specification shall become
a part of the contractor’s overall inspection system or quality program. The
absence of any inspection requirements in ~e specification shall not relieve the
contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies
submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all require-n~ of the
contract. Sampling inspection, as part of the manufacturing operations, is an
acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirements, however, this does
not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual,
nor does it conseitthe Government to ●ccept defective oateri.al.

4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specifisd

herein are classified as follows:

(s) First ●rticle inspection (see 4.3).

(b) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4).

4.3 ~. First article inspection shll co~ist of all

the tests (groups A, B, and C of table V) and examinations of this specification.

4.4 ~. Quality Confoz’ma=t inspection shall

consis~of the inspections Msted in table V (groups A and B) and as specified in
4.5. Quality conformance shall be performed on every lot of wire procured under
this specification.

4.4.1 ~. Unless ofierwise specified (see 6.2), an inspection

lot shall consist of ●ll wire of the same part number, produced under essentially
the same conditions, and presented for.inspection and shfpment ● t one time.

4.4.2 Wt of vro~ . The unit of product for determining lot size .for
sampling shall be the quantity of wire offered for inspection on one coil, O*
reel, or one spool, ● s applicable.

4.4.3 ~. Group A inspection shall consist of the tests

. specified in table V. These tests cannot be performed on the finished wire ● s
submitted for Inspection; therefore, they shall be performed ● t the most
appropria~ stage of th~ manufacturing operation. The tests shell be performed on
every lot of wtre acquired under this specification.
. . . ,-, -------- ... . .. . . . . . . <. Sampling for grk~ A’inepectian shell”b~:aa specified in and ●nd al examina~ (extent f~ Three .

samples representative of the inspection lot shall be selected (see ~. Wire provided under this specification shall be

subjected to the appropriate insulation flaws test as specified in 4.S.2.
Insulation breakdowns resulting from this test and ends or portions net subjected
to the test, shall bc cmked or cut out of the finished wire.
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ML-u- i6876F4NAW)

cion oniyl. .Wire
4.4.3 .1.3 Circumfe rential elon~ ation [extxuded ~FEJJISUL@ .
? y
insulationshall be sub~ected to the circumferential elongation test as spec~fled
in fb.5.19.

&.J+.& ~rouD B . Croup B inspaczion shall consist of the tests

specified in table V. The sample shall be selected from inspection low that have
passed group A inspection.

L.fb.f).l M ecimens. Smples for group B inspection shall be 26 foot

(minim~] lengths for the insulation resistance test. and unless othenfise
specified herein, for all other test shall be the length specified in rhe
applicable test method. Only one specimen for each test shall be taken from any
one sample unit.
. ons.
TABLE V. First r cicIs$
fI anda~w ~i
Requirement I Test Method
Group A

3.1, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.5. 4.5.1

Visual ●nd mechanical
examination 3.5.6, 3.7 and3.8
. 4.5.2
Insulation flaws:
Spark 3.6.1
Impulse dielectric 4.5.19
Circumferentialelongation . 3.6.17

Group B
3.6.2 4.5.3
voltage 4.5.4
Insulation resistance 3.6.3
3.6.4 6.5.5
Conductor resistance 4.5.6
Cold bend 3.6.5
3.6.6 &.5.7
Concentricity 4.5.9
wrap back 3.6.8
3.6.13 4.5.14
Insulation tensile strength f4.5.15
Insulation elongation 3.6.14
3.6.15 4.5.16
liarkingand stripe durabili~
Group C

Surfaoe resistxbce
3.6.7 4.5.4~ -
. 3.6.9” ;.. 4.5.10
Hut r8si8tamce 4.5.11
Fleusaabili~ 3.6.10
3.6.11 4.5.12
Shrinkage 4.5.13
Heat ●ging 3.6.12
3.6.16 4.5.17
Fungus resistance 4.S.18
Toxicity 3.9 4

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TABLE 1’ First artjc~e amd qu~l; tl, conformance immections.

Inspection Requirement Test method Classification

I of defect
Group A .

Visual and mechanical

examination 3.1, 3.4, 3.4.1,
3.5, 3.5.6, 3.7
and 3.8 L.5.1 tlaj
Insulation flaws: 4.5.2
Spark 3.6.1 &.5.2.l Critical
Impulse dielectric 3.6.1 4.5,2.2 Critical
elongation 3.6.17 4.5.19 Hajor
Group B

withstanding voltage 3.6.2 4.5.3 critical
Insulation resistance 3.6.3 &,s.fb Kajor
Conductor resistance 3.6.4 4.5.5 Major
Cold bend 3.6.5 4.5.6 Hajox
Concentricity 3.6.6 4.5.7 Critical
Urap back 3.6.8 4,5.9 Critical
lnaulation tensile
strength 4.5.14 Critical
Insulation elongation 3.6.14 4.5.15 Critical

Marking and strip

durabili~ 3.6.15 4.5.16 Minor
Group C

Surface resistance 3.6.7 4.5.8 nejor

He&t resistance 3.6.9 4.5.10 Major
namebiliq 3.6.10 4.5.11 !linor
Shrinkage 3.6.11 4.5.12 Uajor
Heat Aging 3.6.12 4.5.13 Major
_ ~i%~e 3.6.16 4.s.17 Minor
Toxicity 3.9 4.5.18 “ --Z/ ‘

L/ Crieical defect - A defect likely to result in hazardous or unsafe

conditions for-indivhhals; or is,likely to prevent -
parfomsnce of tie tactical fimction of a major end
item such as an aircraft cormaunicationssystem, or
mul.npart thereof.

hjor defect - A defect, other than critical, likely to result In

failure or reduce materially the usability of the
product for its intended purpose.

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L-W-16878 F<NA~)

Minor defect - A defect not likly to reduce materially the usabiiitY

of the produc~ for its intended purpose. or is a
departure from established standards having little
bearing on the effective use or operation of the

A.4.4.2 $=n~inr Dla The sampling plan shall be in accordancewith

F!IL-STD-105for special in~pection level S-2 (see 6.6.2). The sample size shall
be based on the inspectionlot size from which the sample was selected for group A

b.4.4.3 Re~ected lots. If an inspection lot is rejected, the contractor may

rework it to correct the defects, or screen out the defective units and resubmit
for reinspection. Resubmitted lots shall be inspected using tightened inspection.
Such lots shall be separate from new lots and shall be identified as reinspected
10CS .

L.4.L.4 Disposition of sanlDle un its. Sample units which have passed all khe
group B inspections may be delivered if the lot is accepted and the sample units
are srlll within specified electrical tolerances.

4.5 tiethods f insvectioq. Inspections shall be performed as specified in

6.5.1 through 4.5.~7,

. *
4.5.1 ex~atlon . Finished wire shall be examined to
dete~ine that the materials, physical dimensions, constmction, splices. -rking,
and workaanahip ● re in accorda~e with the applicable requirements (see 3.1, 3.4.
3.4.1, 3.5, 3.5.6, 3.7, and3.8 respectively).

4.5.2 ~. Testing for ix=ulation flaws shall be as specified

in4.5.2.l tttrough4.5.2.2, as applicable.

L.5.2.1 ~. The spark test shall be performed in accordance with

method 6211.1 of FED-STD-228 at ● rate that subjects each point on the tire to 9
cycles (Rinimsm) of voltage at 60 hertz (~) or 12 qc19s (ninkxb) of volt$ge ● t
3000 Hz. l%e tast voltage shall be as specified (see 3.1). ~. Tba impulse dielectric test shall be in

accordance with NEMA UC 52, except tie i~~at~~ sM1 be reaovad or Mentlfied
for subsequent removal fox a ●infmm of 3 inches oneacb side of tiepoi.nt of
dielectric failure. The test voltage shell be as specified (see 3.1).

4.5.3 ~ Vo~. Om * of ilmzlationshll be “

removed from each eml of th. apec~n and the specimen shall be ●t~cbed to an
electrlc lead. The specimen shall be imetsed in ● 5 percent (by weight) solution
of sodim chloride in water at 20 to 25*c, except the uninsulated ends, plus 1.S
inches of fnsulaced wire ● t each ●nd, shall be exposed to the air. ARer
immersion for 1 hour, the voltage specified (see 3.1) at 60 Hz shall be applied
between the conductor and an electrode in contact with the liquid. The applied
voltage shall be unifornly increas~d from zero to the specified peak voltage in 30
seconds, maintained at that voltage for a period of 1 minute and uniformly reduced-.,

Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

to zero in 30 secon&. Wire shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6,2.

4.5.4 ~. The insulation resistance test shall be

performed on the same wire sample used for the Dielectric Withstand Voltage Test
(4”.5.3)and shall be in accordance with method 6031 of FED-STD-228 vith the
following exceptions:

(a) The test voltage shall be 500 +/- 5 volts direct current (Vdc)
applied for 60, plus 5, minus O seconds from the time it is
(b) The specimen shall be at least 26 feet long.
(c) The stf.rrerneed not be used.

Wire shall meet the

. requirements specified in 3.6.3,
4.5.5 Conductor re~ The conductor resistance test shall be
performed in accordance with method 6021.1 of FED-sTD-228. Wire shall meet the
requirementsspecified in 3.6.&.

4.5.6 gold be@. The cold bend test shall be performed in accordance with
method 2011 of FED-STD-228 with the following exceptions:

(a) Specimen length shall be 12 inches, plus length required for

wrapping on the mandrel.
(b) Specimen shall be stripped 1 inch on each end down to the bare
(c) Usmdrel size shall be as spec%f%ed (see 3.1).
(d) Mandrels of less than 3-inch diameter shall rotate ● t ● rate of
1S +/- 3 revolutions per minute (4.0 +/- 0.2 seconds per
(e) Specimens shall be conditioned as specified (see 3.1).
(f) Specimens for which a 3-inch or larger mandrel is specified shall
be subjected to a 180-degree bend over the mandrel, Chen -o-d
and bent 180 degrees in the opposite direction over the mandrel.
Specimens for which a mandrel less than 3 inches in diameter is
specified shall be subjected to at least three close turns of wire
on the mandrel and rewrapped in the opposite direction in a
similar msmrum.
(g) be removed from the mandrel and e~inadwithout
The specimen shall
(h) Wire shall be ilwaersed,except for 1.5 inches on ●ach end, for 1
hour at 30*C (maximum).
(i) After 1 hour, while ieeaersed,wire shall be subjected to the
dielectric withstandi.ngvoltage test specified in 4.5.3.

Wire shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.S.

4*5.7 ~. The concentricig of the insulation shall be messtied

on a cross-sectionof the finished wire at 10X magnification. If the vire
construction includes additional layers over the primary insulation, separate
determinations shall be made tor the primary insulation and finished wire. In
making the determination, the minimum thickness of the primary insulation or
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

finished wire shall be located and measured in the cross-section. The maximum
thickness of the pri=ry insulacior, or finished bi~e wall shali be located ana
measured in the same cross-section. The percent concentricity is 100 times the
ratio of the mi* measurement to the corresponding maximum measurement. Three
cross-seccions shall be measured in each specimen. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.6. The failure of the concentricity of any cross-
section shall comtitute failure of the entire specimen.

h.5.8 . Surface resistance

shall be measured in accordance with method 6041 of FED-STD-228 with the following
exceptiom- and additio=:

(a) Two 0.250 inch electrodes consisting of ring-type metal foil shall
be allowed.
(b) Electrodes shall be attached near che center of the specimen
(c) The maximus potential shall be 200 to 500 Vclc.
(d) Specimen shall be conditioned at 25 +/- 5-C, and 95 percent
relative humidity.
(e) If the initial surface resistance is greater than 1000 megotus-
inches, the test shall be considered complete.

Wire shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.7.

4.5.9 Ura~ back test (mm insulation onlv~. The center portion of a 12-
inch (minimum) length specimen of finished wire shall be t@htly wound back on
i.ts*lffor a minimum of four close turns (see figure 1). The specimen shall then
be placed in an oven and heated for 2 hours at 307 +/- 5°C. At the end of this
period, the specimen shall be examined (without magnification) ●nd subjacted to
the dielectric withstanding voltage-test specified in 4.5.3. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.8.


MCURE 1. UraD back tes~.

4.5.10 Heat resistancq. Specimens of finished wire shall be 12 inches long,

plus the length required for winding on the mandrel. The specimen shall be
subjected to the specified temperature (see 3.1) for the following duration of

. ..
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(a) PE insulation 48. plus 1. minus C)hours.

(b) All (except PE, CSPE, EPDM) 96, PIUS 1, minus O hours.
(c) CSPE insulation 2k0, plus 1. minus O hours.
(d) EPDM insulation 240, plus 1, minus O hours.

The specimen shall then be removed from the conditioning chamber and ●llowed to
return to room temperature. If strmd sealer has been used to make a watertight
construction, the sealing compound shall not drip from the ends of the wire. Me
length of exposed conductor, if any, at each end of the specimen shall be
considered as shrinkage of the Inaulaclon. In no case shall the shrinkage ● t
either end exceed 0.125 inch. Following the oven aging, ●nd unless otherwise
required in the applicable specification sheet, specimens shall be wound tightly
around a mandrel approximately (but not less than) three times the overall
diameter of the wire for five close turns and removed as ● helical coil. No
readily visible defects shall result from this heating and coiling. The coiled
sections shall be Immersed (except for approximately 2 inches ● t each ●nd) for 1
hour in tap wscer at room temperature, and shall then withstand the dielectric
withstanding voltage test specified in 4.5.3 for 1 minute. Wire shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.6.9.

L.s.11 ~ Testing for insulation flammability shall be as

performed in accordance with VW-1 flame test ❑ethod of lJL Standard 1581. Wire
shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.10.

6.5.12 ~. Finished vire shell be tested in ●ccordance with method

8231 of FED-STD-228. Insulation shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.11.

4.5.13 ~. The heat aging test shall be performed inaocordance

with method 4031 of FED-sTD-228 with the following..exceptions:

(a) Temperature shall be as specified (see 3.1).

(b) Duration of hating shall be 96, plus 1, minus O hours.
(c) Specimens shall be left at room tempera-e from 16 to 48 hours
before elongation and tensile strength tests are performed.
Insulation shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.12.

4=5-14 ~. The insulation tensile strength test

shall be performed in ●cco~e W* ~~d 3021 of ~-~-228, ●xcept that the
rate of travel of pmrer ●cwted grip shall be 2 inches (mimimum) amd20imchea
maxima) per minute travel. Insulation shall meet the requirements specified in

4*5*15 ~* The ●longation test shall be ~xfommed in

accordance with method 3031 of ~.STD-228, except that the rate of travel Of
power actuated grip shall be 2 inches (minimum) and20 inches (maximum) per minute
treve1. Insulation shall meet the requirements specified in 3.6.14.

4.5.16 and stri~e durabilitv. ?%1s test shall determine the ability
of printed information on insulating or jacketing meteria]. to remain legible in
the presence of repeated abrasion.

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L. 5.16.1 $neclme~. The specimen shall consist of a piece of completed wire

which shall have suffieienr Aength for use in the test as specified in f+.S.16.3.
This test shall not apply to constructions which have clear jackets or braid over
the primary insulation.

4.5.16-2 ~. Apparatus shall hcl@s an ●bradin~machhe

which shall support and secure the specimen so that it is straight and horizontal,
and which shall abrade the specimen printed identification by means of a motor
driven. crmnsversely reciprocating steel pin. This steel pin shall have ●
diameter of 0.025 ~ 0.001 inch where it ●brades the specimen, and shall have a
surfaco roughness of not less than 2 aicroinches, in ●ccordance with ARSI B66.1.
(A selected sewing needle DSy satisfy these requirements.) The steel pin shall be
horizontal and perpendicular to the specimen axis, shall ride along ~Ae top of the
specimen, and shall be weighted to bear down on the specimen with a force of 1
plus 1/16, minb O pound for wire size number 24 or larger, and 1/2 plus 1/8,
minus O pound for wire size number 20 or less, at all times during the test. This 4
pin shall be reciprocatedat a rate of 60 ~ 2 cycles per minute, so that the pin :..
is drawn ●long the specimen for a distance of 3/8 plus 1/16, minus O inch in each
direction (3/4-inch minimum total excursion) during ●ach cycle. The abrading
machine shall incorporate an automatic counter to total the number of times that
the specimen is abraded by the steel pin during the test.

k.5.16.3 R ocedur~. The specimen shall be wiped with a clean, dry cloth to
remove any lubricant or dirt, and shall be secured in the abrading machine with
the specimen printed identification facing upwards, where it is co be abraded by “
the steel pin. The automatic counter shall be set initially to zero. The
●brading machine motor shall then be turned on, allowing the steel pin to
rec%procmte and abrade the specimen printed ideatlflcation either until the
printed identification is no longer Itgible in &e ibraded region, or until not
less than 125 abrasive cycles (250 strokes) have been completed, whicheveroccurs
first. The number of abrasive cycles completed shall then be noted. This test
shall next be repeated four more times (five times COCS1), subjecting ● fresh
portion of the specimen printed identlficacf.onco abrasion each time. Obsevatl~. Specimen failure shall be const-ed if the median

value of the number of abrasive cycles co~leted during ●ach of the five tests is
less than 125.

k.s.17 r sisu~ The fungus resistance test shall be performed in

accordance with ASTM ; 21. Ui~e shall meet tho requirements specified in 3.6.16.

4.5.18 ~. Toxiciv concentration levels for the finishedwire shall ,

not mxceed the values specified in ML-E-.917, table 1, in ●ccordance with the - ‘
methods apecl.fied(see 6.4). Wixo shall meat tk requirements specified in 3.9. ‘

~lon ~. This test Esthod measures the elongation of ● thin ●lug ofluire
insul~tion in the circumferential (radial) direction. The wire insulationslug is
radially elongated by axial movement of a capered cone through the stationary
s lug. Tho werall test apparatus is shown in figure 2. A 1 to l-1/2-inchslug of
insulation shall be removed from the conductor. Care shall be taken to prevent ./;..

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HZ L-W-16878F(N.%:JY)

+- .OIO-MAX.

(SEEnGmE 29)

A17ACt+MEW ME- —-.

!- 1
I 1“
fmz~ I B 1
L ------ --- -1
cmtnwmmnu -ATl~


? ?J
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com

~c~atchir.g,crirr~lng srretc}lirg or otherk’ise damaging the insulation. me

diameter of the exposed conductor should be measured to the nearest 0.001 inch.
Cut five test specimens 0,125 inch ~.02 inch in length from the insulation slug
using A sharp razor blade or an appropriate sample preparation fixture. Both ends
of the cesr specimens shall ‘becut square, Slide a specimen onto the cone until
it just touches the edges of che cone. The cone should be attached to.a moveable
crosshead as shown in figure 2a. Position the specimen holding block
perpendicular to the cone as shown in figure 2b. Align the cone tip and the
appropriate sized hole of che specimen holding block for the wire size being
tested. Move the cone through the stationary specimen at ● uniform speed of 20
k.2 inches/minuteuntil the specimen ruptures. Determine the length of the cone
that has passed through the specimen causing rupmre. The percent circumferential
elongation (% CE) is calculated as follows:

(2 x J.x Tan@ - CO~

%CE- x loot

L- Cone length required :0 rupture specimen (inches)

CD - Conductor diameter (inches)
# - Measured cone angle taper (degrees)
2 x L x Tan@ - Inner diameter of the test specimen at rupture (inches)

Five specimens shall be tested and the average value of the five specimens
4.5.20 partial disa (Corq@ le ●l test .Sample.of completed Insulatec’
wire shall comply with the minimum dischar~e (coro&) level specified in ASTllD
2802 when tested in accortince with the procedures of ICEA Publication T-24-380.

4.6 Zn snection of Sample packages and packs, and the inspection

of the presentation, packing and marking for shipment and storage shall be in
accordance with the requirements of section 5 and the documents specified therein.


(The packaging requirements specified hdrein apply only for direct Government
acquisition. For the extent of applicability of the packaging requirementsof
referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.5.)
. .
5.1 Gene*.

5.1.1 put-urn. Unless otherwise spmcifiod (see 3.1 end 6.2), the wire shall
be furnished in continuous lengths of 500 to 1000 feet coiled, on spools or reels -
● t the contractor’s option. HO more than 25 percent of the total fooqge of q
one wire part or identifyingnumber (PIN) (see 6.7) shall he shipped in lengths
less than minimum. See appendix B for PTFE length requirements.

5.2 e reuuirementq. The packaging of wire, put-up as specified (see

5.1.1), shall be in accordance with tIIIL-C-12000for che level of preservation (A
or C), the level of packing (A, B, or Cj, including marking and packaging
acquisitioning options therein, as specified (see 6 2). ln addition, for Navy

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zcquisi:ions , tkke fol~owing applies:

(a) Pam ffre .retardant re~uiremenc s.

r and D1vwood . ken specified (see 6.2), all lumber and

(1) J.umbe
plywood including laminated veneer material used in shipping
container and pallet construction, menbers, blocking,
bracing, and reinforcing shall be fire-retardant treated
material conforming to MXL-L-19140 as follows:

Level A ●nd B - Type 11 wmather resistant.

Category 1 - general use.

Level C . Type I non weather resistant.

Categorv 1 - general use.

(2) ~iberboard. Vhen spticified (see 6.2), fiberboard used in the

construction of class-domestic, non-weather resistant
fiberboard and cleated fiberboard boxes including interior
packaging forms shall meet che flame spread index and
specific optic density requirements of PPP-F-320 and
, amendments chereco.

(b) ~ial~ . Unless ochemise specified (see 6.2), each coil

spool or reel, as applicable, in addftion to the MIL-C-12000
marking requirements, shall be marked wi.chthe following:

[:; ~Ncification sheet title and date.

(3) !fanufacturer’s name or logo.
(4) Bar code.


(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that

may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)

6.1 ended USQ. The single conductor wire covered h th~s specification
1s intended for use in lead wire and internal wiring of electrical and electronic
equipment and switchboards.

6.1.1 ~ulatioq. Precautionary considerations should be given

whexasolocting thin wall insulated wire. Wire having thin wall insulation of
0.007 inch thickness or less 1s intended for limited low voltage ●pplications. is -
relatively frag{la, ●asily damaged, and should not be used where mechanical stress
or abrasive ●nvironment nay exist. Use of this wire may not be ●ppropriate in
circuits requiring the highest degree of reliability. In order to appear
consistent, the temperature rating is the same as assigned to heavier walls of the
same dielectric material. However, care should be taken during installation to
avoid damaging zhe dielectric wi:h hot Solderirtg iron or mechanical abuse and to
ieave no residual physical strain cm the dielectric wall, because plastic flow may
result in failures.
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com


6.i.2 ~Lrsndec? ccxk:c: zize desirnat icms . The conduc:or sfzes and the
corresponding size designations of this specification ● re in accortincewith
established usage for stranded. copper conductors for hookup wire in the
electronic and aircraft industries. These Eizes and size designationsare not
identical with AWG sfzes for solid wire and stranded wire. The diameter and
cross-sectional areas of ~he stranded conductors of this specification are, in
most sizes, only roughly approximate to those of AWG solid conductors of the same
numerical size designation.

6.1.2 $alid conductc~. The use of solid conductors should be cautioned.

Usage should be limited to lengths less than 10 inches and is not recommended
where flexing may occur or the wire may be subjected to different vibratory modes
along its length, such as between different chassis.

6.2 Acau~ion reauiremencs. Acquisition documents UIUSCspecify the


(a) Title, number. and date of this specification.

(b) Classification of wire required (see 1.2 and 6.7).
(c) Issue of DoDISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if required,
the specific issue of Indlvidud documencs referenced (see 2.1.1
and 2.2).
(d) Title, number and date of applicable specification sheet (see 3-1).
(e) Conductor coating matarial (see through
(f) Whether braid, if required, is co be made of synthetic textile or
glass yarn (see 3.L.3).
(g) Method of stranding for AUG sizes No. 10 and smaller, if ocher than
specified (see 3.5.1).
(h) Product identification requirements, if other than specified
(see 3.7).
(i) Quality conformance inspection lot, if other than specified
(see 4.L.1).
(j) Length of wire, if other than specified (see 5.1.1).
(k) Form or put-up if other than contractors option (see 5.1.1).
(1) Coil, spool, and reel marking requirements, if ocher than specified
(see 5.2 and 5.2(b)).
(m) Leve2 of preservation, packing, ●nd packaging opciona required
(see 5.2).
(n) Fire-retardant material, when required (see 5.2(a)).
(o) Special or unique storage or time conditions.

6.3 ~. When first article inspection 1s required, the

contracting officer should provide specific guidance to offerors whether tie -
item(s) should be ● preproduccion sample, a first article sample, a first
production item, a sample selected from the first 10 production items, a standard
production item from the contractor’s current inventory (- 3.2), ~ tie ber
of items to be tested as spec$fled in 4.3. The contracting officer should ●lso
inchde specific instructions in acquisition documents regarding arrangementsfor
examinations, approval of first arricle test results, and disposition of first
articles. Invitations for bids should provide that the Government resenes the
right to waive the requirement for samples for firs= article inspection to those ....
bidders offeri!l~ z IIrcduc:Khick tI~S k)~erl
PI”E’JiOUSl-J acquired rIrreseed by the ‘“-
Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com


Government, and that bidders offering such products. who wish to reiV on such
production or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government
approval is presently appropriate for the pending contract. Bidders should not
submit alternate bi& unless specifically requested to do so in the solicitation.

6.& T~~~=if-v ~ ~ticm lev~ of Wi@ respect to

toxicity levels of wire inspected to this specification, it is the Government’s
intent to accumulate data from the testing of first ●rticle samples. Ikis data
will be compiled and evaluated to establish appropriate concentration levels of
toxic gases for future acceptable maximum concentration levels. Contractors are
requested to provide such data with respect to their products following first
article testing. This data will not be used for the rejection of my product
first article testing.

6.5 $ub-cont~ted material and Dartsi. The packaging requirements of

referenced documents listed in section 2 do not apply when material and parts are
acquired by the contractor for incorporation into the equipment and lose their
separate identity when the equipment is shipped.

6.6 Mt acce~ta.mk.md rejection criteria.

6.6.1 Grouv A i.nsoection. Visual and mechanical exafmination(exceDt for s~ . Failure of

any sample to pass these examinations constitutes a failure of the lot (see w?
L.Z.3.1:1). -

6.6.2 f&uD B ~. The acceptance quality level (AQL) b 6.5

percent. Jloncomliunce. If a sample fails to pass group B inspection, the

contractor should notify the cognizant inspection activity of such failure and
take corrective action on the materials or processes, or both, as warranted, and
on all units of the product which can be coirected and which were manufactured
with essentially the same materials and processes, and which are co=idered
s~ject to the same failure. Acceptance and shipment of.the product will be
discontinued until corrective action acceptable to the inspection activity has
been taken. After the corrective action has been taken, group B inspection should
be repeated on ●dditional sample units. (~is includes ●ll tests and examina-
tions, or the test which the original sample failed, ● t the option of the
inspection activi~.) Croup A inspection may be reinstituted; however, final
acceptance and shipment will be witield until group B inspection has shown that
the corrective action wes successful. In the event of failure after reinspection, -
information concerning the failure should be provided to the cognizant inspection

6:7 ~. PINs should be of the following form, as specified (see 6.2):

~878/lJ II G E *

(see 6.7.1) (see 1.2.3) (see 1.2.4) (see 1.2.5) (see 1.2.6)

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6.7.1 !jilIrarw soecjfication st~eetn~ber. The ?l:litary specificat~on sheet

number designation consiscs of a prefix H which indicates an item defined by inch-
pound units, the specification number, and the specification sheet number followed
by applicable dash numbers (letters).

6.8 $xbiect term (V.evword) listil!g.

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene
Conductor, solid
Conductor, stranded
Ethylene-propylene diene ●lastomer
Polyolefln, cross-linked
Pol~inyl chloride
Rubber, silicone

6.9 Chan~es from Drevious issq. ?larginal nocacions are not used in this
revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the
extensiveness of the changes.

Reviewing activity: Preparing activicy:

Navy - AS Navy - SH
(Project 6145-N330)
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~IRE, E~cTRIc*L, lNsu~~EJ)



10.1 ~COD~. This ●ppendix provides a guide for supersession of wire types
defined in MIL-U-16878D to those covered in HIL-U-16878F.


This section is not applicable to this appendtx.


!?IL-N-15876D MIL -W-16878~ MlL-U-16878F


600 VOLT, 105*C PVC TYPE B M16878/1 M16878/1

M16878/17 K16878/17

1000 VOLT, 105’C PVC TYPE C ?i16t378/2 H16878/2

H16878/18 t416878/18

3000 VOLT, 105-C PVC TYPE D M16878/3 H16878/3

H16878/19 K16878/19

600 VOLT, 200-C/260*C TYPE E H16878/4 M16878/4

Pm tt16878/21 U16878/21
M16878/25 H16878/25
!516878/26 !416878/26

1000 VOLT, 200*C/260-C TYPE EE M16878/5 M16878/5

PTFE !06878/22 H16878/22
ri16878/27 tf16878/27
M16878/28 !416878/28
!416878/34 U16878/34
M16878/35 H16878/35
250 VOLT, 200”C/260*C TYPE ET X1687816 K16878/6
PTFE U16878/20 !416878/20
M16878/23 CS16878/23
M16878/24 M16878/24

! ,,
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P!l L.u-16878F(NAm-)


600 VOLT, SILICONE TYPE F K16878/7 316878/7

RUBBER K16878/29 M16878/29

1000 VOLT, SILICONE TYPE FF H16878/8 H16878/8

RUBBER H16878/30 !i16878/30
!116878131 !f16878/31
M16878/32 M16876/32

PE, 75-C TYPE J K16878/10 M16878/10

M16878/33 U16878/33

FEP, 600 VOLT, 200”C TYPE X M16878/11 H1687B/11

PEP. 1000 VOLT, 200°C TYPE I(X H16878/12 M16878/12

FEP, 250 VOLT, 200D TYPE XT M16878/13 M16878/13

XLPE, 600 VOLT, 125°C --- -.-.- M16878/14

XLPE, 1000 VOLT, 125*C .-. --..- 11116878/15

XLPE, 3000 VOLT, 125=C --- ----- K16878/16

XLPO, 600 VOLT, 105*C --- -.-.- F$16878/36

EPDH, 600 VOLT, 150”C -.. ----- H16878/37

EPDH, 5000 VOLT, 125-C --- ----- M16878/38

{ . .

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10.1 scoDe. This appendix establishes the minimum continuous wire lengths
for ~olvtetrafluorethylene (=FE) wire constructions. The information contained
herek is intended for compliance unless there is an alternative specified in 6.2.


Thi6 section is not applicable to this appendix.


30.1 W . UQ Tabu~at ion. Due to the nature of the PTFE wire-forming process,
Table B1 suecifips the minimum lengths and quantity of pieces per spool or reel
that ● re acceptable unless otherwise specified. ~see 6.2)

TABLE B1. Pur -up ciibulacion for PTFP.wire construct ims .

AWG size Percentage of Length (feet) Max. no. of lengths (per spool
or&r one continuous or reel)
500-1000 ft. 1001-1500 ft.

32 to 22 25 50 - 75 3 5
25 75 - 300
50 301 or more
20 to 16 Unacceptable Under 75 4 6
20 75 - 100
50 101 - 300
30 301 or mora
14 to 10 Unacceptable Under 50 5 7
40 50 - 100
. 50 101 - 300
10 301 - more
8 and larger 10 25 - 50 6 8
70 50 - 100
20 100 or more

30.2 ~ Pla~. Each spool or reel shall be marked accordingly with

the length in feet and location of each piece.

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MR. C. Y. LU., SEA 05E23
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S203 MSbUKj P[ke. $Wte ~403,FBIIsChub, VA 22041
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