Guidance For Higher Study - Scholarsip - Research

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How to Write: International Journals & a

standard email to foreign professor for

scholarship; and top scientific contributions from
Prepared and Presented By
Mahdy Rahman Chowdhury (Mdy)
Assistant Professor (joined in Spring 2017)
North South University, ECE dept., Bangladesh.

North South Univ Profile:


Facebook Profile:

Research gate profile:
If you are really interested in higher study (MSc, PhD…) and need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me

1 thanks
Topics of the Presentation
First part: Background Discussion (Shorter discussions)
1. Why do students (from Bangladesh) require to publish international
Papers (Confs and Journals)
2. Few examples of notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students
3. Few examples of previous international publications by NSU students
4. How to recognize the top journals
5. An incomplete short list of top Scientists from Bangladesh and their
contributions (probably most important part of this presentation)
6. How to write a foreign professor for scholarship
Second part: How to Write a journal article (Longer discussions)
1. Important things for international journal submission
2. An example of cover letter
3. How to write a decent abstract
4. How to write a decent introduction
5. Other parts of main journal article If you are really interested in Research and
6. Additional extremely important issues need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me
7. Eight reasons why your paper rejected … thanks

2 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

PART 1: 
Background Discussion

3 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

(1) Why do students (from Bangladesh) require to publish 
international Papers (Confs and Journals)
1. Thousand Applications are handled by the abroad professors
2. Funding/scholarship is very limited
3. Professors’ mind (s): Which student is more appropriate for
4. A lot of applications with high CGPA holders. But who is the
exceptional candidate?
An incident described by Mamun Molla sir, Associate Prof in NSU: ‘ One of my
students in NSU had CGPA 3.48 but two top publications. He got admission in
PhD (with full scholarship) in a top Univ in Australia. It is not only high CGPA
which determines …… A single international journal (even if one’s CGPA is
moderate/simple one) can be the most important factor for full scholarship ’

**** Few other important factors for full scholarship: (1) A very good
recommendation letter from a top researcher/ Professor (Assistant to full
Prof.) (2) Moderate score in IELTS exam (Univ requirement)
If you are really interested in higher study (MSc, PhD…) and need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me
… thanks
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students:
Sample of recommendation letter for a student who applied in MIT
with BUET CGPA: 3.53 (bad CGPA in BUET where 80 marks =A+)
*** He has got admission in
PhD with full scholarship in a
MSc in 2017.
”The eight institutions of Ivy
League are Brown
University, Columbia
University, Cornell
University, Dartmouth
College, Harvard University,
the University of
Pennsylvania, Princeton University,
and Yale University. The term Ivy
League has connotations of academic
excellence, selectivity in admissions,
and social elitism.” (from Wikipedia)

*** He published five

peer reviewed
international journals in
his BSc ( I was the
corresponding author in
all five). I was one of his
recommendation letter
providers for his PhD.
5 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 5
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students (continued):
Sample of recommendation letter for a student who applied in MIT with BUET
CGPA: 3.53 (bad CGPA in BUET where 80 marks =A+)
*** He has got admission in
PhD with full scholarship in a
MSc in 2017.
”The eight institutions of Ivy
League are Brown
University, Columbia
University, Cornell
University, Dartmouth
College, Harvard University,
the University of
Pennsylvania, Princeton University,
and Yale University. The term Ivy
League has connotations of academic
excellence, selectivity in admissions,
and social elitism.” (from Wikipedia)

*** He published five

peer reviewed
international journals in
his BSc ( I was the
corresponding author in
all five). I was one of his
recommendation letter
providers for his PhD.
6 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 6
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students (continued):
Sample of recommendation letter for a student who applied in MIT with BUET
CGPA: 3.53 (bad CGPA in BUET where 80 marks =A+)

7 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 7

(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad
students (continued): Cover Story in Annalen Der Physik
by BUET undergraduate students

8 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 8
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students
(continued): Cover Story in Annalen Der Physik by BUET
undergraduate students
(a) News of Cover story in Annalen Der Physik (on trator beam) covered by
Daily Prothom Alo:
Detail News link (3rd January, 2016):

9 Faculty of Electrical
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 9
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students
(continued): Publishing in Scientific Report (Nature Publishing
Group, most famous journal publishing) by BUET undergraduate

10 Faculty of Electrical
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 10
(2) Notable contribution from Bangladesh by undergrad students
(continued): Publishing in Scientific Report (Nature Publishing
Group, most famous journal publishing) by BUET undergraduate
(b) News of publishing in Nature Publishing Group (scientific report) covered by
Daily Prothom Alo:
Detail News link (21st August, 2016): http://www.prothom-

11 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 11
(3) International Journal publications by ex-NSU students
[only partial story]

12 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 12
(3) International Journal publications by ex-NSU students
(continued) [only partial story]

13 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 13
(3) International Journal publications by ex-NSU students
(continued) [only partial story]

14 Faculty of Electrical
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 14
(3) International Journal publications by ex-NSU students
(continued) [only partial story]

15 Faculty of Electrical
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Institute National
of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 15
(3) International Journal publications by ex-NSU students
(continued) [only partial story]

International top Journal publication from NSU in recent time: Most probably only by
Prof Mamun Molla sir and his students (even when undergrad thesis is off in NSU)

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 16

(4) How to recognize the top journals
High Impact Factor: i.e. For optics- Nature Photonics (impact factor 27.07),
Light Science and Applications (impact factor 13.61)
*** Impact factors are usually always written in the webpage of the international journals
Never submit a journal article without knowing the impact factor and review time of a jou

17 Faculty of Electrical
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Khan Engineering,
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 17
Impact factor over ten (10) journals from BUET and North South
During my PhD time, Nature, LSA (IF 13.66) After Joining NSU: my 1st one in LSA (
Probably the 1st journal in Nature Publishing Group
With the affiliation of NSU)

After Joining NSU: my 2nd one in ACS NANO (IF 13.33) As per I know, so far three journals (those crossed IF 10) have
been published with the affiliation of BUET in around 50 years
(all by BUET CIVIL dept.)

(1) BUET CIVIL with MIT in 2002 (in

(2) BUET CIVIL with MIT in 2010 (in
(3) BUET CIVIL with MIT in 2010 (in

18 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 18

(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
"১৯৮৪ সােল সায়া লাখ টাকা বতেনর চাকুরী, কমি জ িব িবদ ালেয়র অধ াপক,
স ােনর লেভলটা বুঝেত পেরেছন তা ?
এই চাকুরী অবলীলায় ছেড় িদেয় এই দেশ চেল এেসিছেলন। যাগ িদেয়িছেলন চ াম
িব িবদ ালেয়র গিণত িবভােগ, মা সােড় িতন হাজার টাকার চাকুরীেত। ভাবেত পেরেছন তা
আপিন িকংবা আিম হেল এই লাভনীয় সুেযাগ হাতছাড়া করেত পারতাম? কন িফের
এেসিছেলন এমন ে র জবােব িতিন বেলিছেলন, আিম িনজ দশেক ভােলাবািস, এ জন
এখােন চেল এেসিছ। আিম আমার দশেক ভােলাবািস, আিম এখান থেক িনেত আিসিন আিম
িদেত এেসিছ।
ি েফন হিকং এর নাম েনেছন তা? বতমান িবে র সবেচেয় নামকরা জীিবত িব ানী। যার
চিরে র উপর তির করা িসেনমা িথওির অব এি িথং সম িবে সাড়া ফেলেছ। এই মানুষটা
িছেলন ছা জীবেন ি েফন হিকং এর ব ু আর মেমট। লেভলটা বুঝেত পেরেছন তা ?
১৯৮৩ সােল কমি জ িব িবদ ালেয়র স থেক কাশ কেরন আি েমট ফইট
অব দা ইউিনভাস। তাবৎ দুিনয়ার রিথ মহারথীেদর দৃ একিদেক িনেয় আসেত পেরিছেলন এক
বই িদেয়। তার গেবষণার উপর িভি কেরই গিণত ও পদাথিব ােনর নতন অধ ােয়র সূচনা হয়।
তার অবদােনর কথা অকপেট ীকার কেরন নােবল িবজয়ী িব ানী ওেয়ইনবারগ।
িতিন বেলন, ‘‘we are particularly indebted to Jamal Islam, a physicist colleague now living in
Bangladesh. For an early draft of his 1977 paper which started us thinking about the remote
Jamal Nazrul Islam sir ভাবেত পেরেছন? িক বড় মােপর মানুষ িছেলন িতিন?
নােবলজয়ী িব ানী আ স ু সালাম বেলিছেলন, এিশয়ার মেধ আমার পের যিদ ি তীয় কােনা
ব নােবল পুর ার পায়, তেব স হেব েফসর জামাল নজ ল ইসলাম।
এই মানুষটার মৃত বািষকী আগামী ১৬ই মাচ। গতবােরর মত এবােরা হয়ত কউ তােক রণ
করেব না। করেব না তার কােজর উপর আেলাচনা। আমরা পািরও বেট। য জািত ানীেদর
স ান িদেত জােন না, সই জািত খুব ত ু ই িন হেয় যায়।
ও হ াঁ, এই মানুষটাই িক সব থম ১৯৭১ সােল ি েটেনর ধানম ীর কােছ িচ ঠ িলেখ
বাংলােদেশ পািক ানী বািহনীর আ মণ বে র উেদ াগ িনেত বেলিছেলন।
ভাল থাকেবন স ার, পারেল আমােদর মা কের িদেয়ন..."
Courtesy: Aarong

19 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 19
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
above) [continued]


20 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 20
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
above) [continued]
(1) Jamal Nazrul sir er kono research gate profile nai ... onar wikipedia page tai share kora holo:

(2) A.A. Manun sir (JU):

(3) Badruzzaman sir (BUET):

(4) Arshad M Chowdhury sir (NSU):
**** He has 15 US patents [ The only person, living in Bangladesh now,
who has more than 10 US patents]

(5) Ashraf Ali sir (BUET):

(6) Sohel Rahman sir (BUET):

(7) Kaykobad sir (BUET):
21 Faculty of Electrical
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Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 21
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
above) [continued]
(8) Anisul Haque sir (BUET + EWU):
(9) Khosru sir (BUET):

(10) Arshad Momen sir (DU):

(11) Idrish sir (CHUET):

(12) Razzak sir (RUET):

(13) Ruhul Amin sir (EWU):
22 Faculty of Electrical
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Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 22
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
above) [continued]
(14) Mohammaed Nayan sir (BAU):

(15) Feroze Ahmed (BUET):

(16) Shariff E Kabir sir (JU):

(17) Golzar sir (DU):

(18) Kazi Azam sir (JU):

(19) Jiban Podder sir (BUET):
23 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 23
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Physicists and
Engineers in Bangladesh (Impact factor around 50 and
above) [continued]

(20) Shahdat Hossain Sir , JU Biochemistry

(21) Ibrahim Khalil Sir JU Biochemistry

(22) Sohel Ahmed sir JU Biochemistry

(23) Harun Ur Rashid sir (DU):

24 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 24
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Contributors in
Medical Science in Bangladesh (Impact factor above 100)

Dr. Shah M. Faruque

25 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 25
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Contributors in
Medical Science in Bangladesh (Impact factor above 100)
(1)Dr. Chisti sir :

(2) Dr. Bhuyian sir:

(3) Dr. Ansaruzzaman sir:

(4) Dr. Faruqe sir:

(5) Dr. Shah Faruque sir:

(6) Dr. Siddique sir:
26 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 26
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Contributors in
Medical Science in Bangladesh (Impact factor above 100)
(7) Dr. Munirul Alam sir:

(8) Dr. Rashidul Haque (icddrb)

(9) Dr. Dinesh Mondal (icddrb)

(10) Dr. Kaisar A. Talukder (icddrb)

(11) Dr. Rubhana Raqib (icddrb)

(12) Dr. Shams El Arefin (icddrb)
27 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 27
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Contributors in
Medical Science in Bangladesh (Impact factor above 100)
(13) Dr. Zeba Islam Seraj (DU)

(14) Dr. Haseena Khan (DU)

(15) Dr. Chowdhury Rafiqul Ahsan (DU)

(16) Dr. Anwarul Azim Akhand (DU)

(17) Dr. Firdausi Qadri (icddrb)



28 Faculty of Electrical
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 28
(5) An incomplete Short List of Top Contributors in
Medical Science in Bangladesh (Impact factor above 100)








29 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 29
(6) How to write a foreign professor for scholarship
: sample of a good email
This is a real story: One of my friends had a very good profile in BSc. But he continuously failed to manage
any foreign professor (no reply from the profs). Finally he told me his this ‘strange’ problem. I found: his
previous emails were ‘extremely’ long. Professors are very busy people. They did not get enough time to
read his ….. emails. Then I helped him to write an email given below. God promise: he got the positive
reply with in one day and later he went there for higher degrees with full scholarship in 2012 ………. We are
still very good friends … Please check this sample:

3 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 30

How to Write a decent version
of peer reviewed international

31 Faculty of Electrical
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of Engineering University
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& Technology, Singapore 31
(1) Important things for an international journal
1. Cover letter to the editor

2. Main article of the journal

(a) Abstract (around 200 words)

(b) Introduction (around 1000 words)
(c) Theory and Proposal of the work
(d) Results
(e) Discussion If you are really interested in Research and
(f) Experimental method (if any) need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me
(g) Conclusion … thanks
(h) References

3. Supplementary article
** additional derivations, simulation results and

32 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 32
(1) Important things for an international journal
submission (continued)
Plagiarism Problem

33 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 33
(2) Example of a decent cover letter

34 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 34
(3) How to write a decent abstract

1. ‘Only’ the technical things (total around 200 words)

2. Starting line: May be main problem
3. After the starting line: your solution (very shortly)
4. Then: More elaborate description
5. Last line: some very attractive final statement

35 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 35
(3) How to write a decent abstract (continued):
An example of good abstract
Tractor beam for fully immersed multiple objects: Long distance pulling, trapping, and
rotation with a single optical set-up

36 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 36
(3) How to write a decent abstract (continued):
An example of good abstract (continued)
Photon momentum transfer in inhomogeneous dielectric mixtures and
induced tractor beams

37 Faculty of Electrical
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Khan Engineering,
Institute National
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& Technology, Singapore 37
(3) How to write a decent abstract (continued):
An example of moderate abstract (not so good)
Tunable slow light with graphene based hyperbolic metamaterial

38 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 38
(4) How to write a decent Introduction

1. Total size: maximum around 1000 words

2.Starting: Literature review/ Background review by citing
previous similar works (specially the most related works along
with the most recent works).
3. Then: Defining the problems which are still not solved
4. Then: Your proposed solutions/developments
5. Then: Why your solutions/proposed developments are better
than previous works
6. Last part: how you have organized your article.

39 Faculty of Electrical
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Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 39
(5) Other parts of main journal article

These parts differ from article to article. However, the figures

of the main article should be very attractive. Specially, if one
submits journal to any journal of Nature Publishing Group,
editor may ask you several times to provide figures of top
quality. Otherwise, the article will be halted from final
publication even after its acceptance.

40 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 40
(6) Additional extremely important issues (courtesy:
"Six things to do before writing your manuscript
1. Think about why you want to publish your work – and whether it's

Writing a paper starts well in advance of the actual writing. In fact, you must to think about why you
want to publish your work at the beginning of your research, when you question your hypothesis. You
need to check then if the hypothesis and the survey/experiment design are publishable. Ask yourself:
• Have I done something new and interesting?
• Is there anything challenging in my work?
• Is my work related directly to a current hot topic?
• Have I provided solutions to some difficult problems?
If all answers are "yes," then you can start preparations for your manuscript. If any of the responses
are "no," you can probably submit your paper to a local journal or one with lower Impact Factor.
When responding to these questions, you should keep in mind that reviewers are using
questionnaires in which they must respond to questions such as:
• Does the paper contain sufficient new material?
• Is the topic within the scope of the journal?
• Is it presented concisely and well organized?
• Are the methods and experiments presented in the way that they can be replicated again?
• Are the results presented adequately?
• Is the discussion relevant, concise and well documented?
• Are the conclusions supported by the data presented?
• Is the language acceptable?
• Are figures and tables adequate and well designed?, are there information duplicated? Are they too
41 • Are all references
Faculty ofcited
Ghulam in the
Ishaq text
and included
Khan ofinEngineering
the references
Institute National list? & Technology,
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
Singapore 41
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

2. Decide what type of the manuscript to write.

You have at least three options on the type of manuscript:

a. Full articles, or original articles, are the most important papers. Often they are
substantial completed pieces of research that are of significance as original research.
b. Letters/rapid communications/short communications are usually published for the quick
and early communication of significant and original advances. They are much shorter
than full articles (usually strictly limited in size, depending on each journal).
c. Review papers or perspectives summarize recent developments on a specific hot
topic, highlighting important points that have previously been reported and introduce no
new information. Normally they are submitted on invitation by the editor of the journal.
When looking at your available information, you must self-evaluate your work: Is it
sufficient for a full article, or are your results so thrilling that they should be shown as
soon as possible?
You should ask your supervisor (if you are a PhD student) or a colleague for advice on
the manuscript type to be submitted. Remember also that sometimes outsiders – i.e.,
colleagues not involved in your research – can see things more clearly than you.
Whatever type of article you write, plan to submit only one manuscript, not a series of
manuscripts. (Normally editors hate this practice, since they have limited space in the
journals and series of manuscripts consume too many pages for a single topic or an
author/group of authors)
42 Faculty of Electrical
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& Technology, Singapore 42
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

3. Choose the target journal.

A common question is how to select the right journal for
your work. Do not gamble by scattering your manuscript
to many journals at the same time. Only submit once and
wait for the response of the editor and the reviewers.
The most common way of selecting the right journal is to
look at the articles you have consulted to prepare your
manuscript. Probably most of them are concentrated in
one or two journals. Read very recent publications in
each candidate journal (even in press), and find out the
hot topics and the types of articles accepted.
Also consider the high rejection rates of the journals
(e.g., Nature, Science, The Lancet and Cell are >90
percent), and if your research is not very challenging,
focus in more humble journals with lower Impact Factors.
You can find a journal's Impact Factor on its webpage or
via Science Gateway.
43 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 43
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

4. Pay attention to journal requirements in the

Guide for Authors.
After selecting the journal for submission, go to the
web page and download the Guide for Authors, print
out it and read the guidelines again and again!
They generally include detailed editorial guidelines,
submission procedures, fees for publishing open
access, and copyright and ethical guidelines. You must
apply the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even
the first draft, using the proper text layout, references
citation, nomenclature, figures and tables, etc.
Following this simple tip will save your time – and the
editor's time. You must know that all editors hate
wasting time on poorly prepared manuscripts. They
may well think that the author shows no respect.

44 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 44
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

5. Pay attention to the structure of the paper.

More and more journals have new types of structure for their articles, so it's crucial to consult the
Guide for Authors. However, in general, most of them follow the same structure:
• A section that enables indexing and searching the topics, making the paper informative,
attractive and effective. It consists of the Title, the Authors (and affiliations), the Abstract and the
• A section that includes the main text, which is usually divided into: Introduction, Methods,
Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
• A section that includes the Acknowledgements, References, and Supplementary Materials or
The general structure of a full article follows the IMRAD format, introduced as a standard by the
American National Standards Institute in 1979, which responds to the questions below:
• Introduction: What did you/others do? Why did you do it?
• Methods: How did you do it?
• Results: What did you find?
• And
• Discussion: What does it all mean?
I will discuss structure in more detail in a subsequent article.

45 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 45
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

6. Understand publication ethics to avoid violations.

One of the worst things in science is plagiarism. Plagiarism and

stealing work from colleagues can lead to serious consequences,
both professionally and legally. Violations include data fabrication
and falsification, improper use of human subjects and animals in
research, and using another author's ideas or wording without proper
attribution. It's also possible to commit ethics violations without
intending to.

46 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 46
(6) Additional extremely important issues (continued)

6. Understand publication ethics to avoid violations.

One of the worst things in science is plagiarism. Plagiarism and

stealing work from colleagues can lead to serious consequences,
both professionally and legally. Violations include data fabrication
and falsification, improper use of human subjects and animals in
research, and using another author's ideas or wording without proper
attribution. It's also possible to commit ethics violations without
intending to.

47 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 47
(7) Eight reasons why your paper rejected (It happens to
everyone. Don’t worry please) [courtesy: Elsevier]
When a manuscript is submitted to a high-quality scholarly journal, it goes through
intense scrutiny — even before it's seen by the editor-in-chief and selected for peer
As Editor-in-Chief of Carbon, the international journal of the American Carbon Society,
Dr. Peter Thrower experiences this situation first-hand. His advice to authors: "By
avoiding these pitfalls, you will save reviewers, editors and staff time and frustration,
and ensure that your work is judged by its scientific merit, not mistakes."
1. It fails the technical screening.
Before they even go to the editor-in-chief, articles are checked for technical elements.
The main reasons they are rejected are:
• The article contains elements that are suspected to be plagiarized, or it is currently
under review at another journal. (Republishing articles or parts of articles, submitting
to one or more journals at the same time or using text or images without permission is
not allowed. See our ethical guidelines.)
• The manuscript is not complete; it may be lacking key elements such as the title,
authors, affiliations, keywords, main text, references and all tables and figures).
• The English is not sufficient for the peer review process,
• The figures are not complete or are not clear enough to read.
• The article does not conform to the Guide for Authors for the journal it is submitted
• References are incomplete or very old.
48 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 48
(7) Eight reasons why your paper rejected (It happens to
everyone. Don’t worry please) [continued]
2. It does not fall within the Aims and Scope.
• For the journal Carbon, the material studied may contain carbon,
but is not carbon.
• The study uses a carbon material but the focus is on something
• There is no new carbon science.
3. It's incomplete.
• The article contains observations but is not a full study.
• It discusses findings in relation to some of the work in the field but
ignores other important work.
4. The procedures and/or analysis of the data is seen to be defective.
• The study lacked clear control groups or other comparison metrics.
• The study did not conform to recognized procedures or
methodology that can be repeated.
• The analysis is not statistically valid or does not follow the norms of
the field.

49 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 49
(7) Eight reasons why your paper rejected (It happens to
everyone. Don’t worry please) [continued]

5. The conclusions cannot be justified on the basis of the

rest of the paper.
• The arguments are illogical, unstructured or invalid.
• The data does not support the conclusions.
• The conclusions ignore large portions of the literature.
6. It's is simply a small extension of a different paper, often
from the same authors.
• Findings are incremental and do not advance the field.
• The work is clearly part of a larger study, chopped up to
make as many articles as possible.

50 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 50
(7) Eight reasons why your paper rejected (It happens to
everyone. Don’t worry please) [continued]

7. It's incomprehensible.
• The language, structure, or figures are so poor that the
merit can't be assessed. Have a native English speaker
read the paper. Even if you ARE a native English speaker.
Need help? We offer language services.
8. It's boring.
• It is archival, incremental or of marginal interest to the
field (see point 6).
• The question behind the work is not of interest in the field.
• The work is not of interest to the readers of the specific

51 Faculty of Electrical
Ghulam Ishaqand Computer
Khan Engineering,
Institute National
of Engineering University
Sciences of Singapore,Pakistan
& Technology, Singapore 51
If you are really interested in Research and
need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me …

If you are really interested in higher study (MSc, PhD…) and need guidance, do not hesitate to knock me
… thanks

52 Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Pakistan 52

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