Biodiversity: Nature Matters
Biodiversity: Nature Matters
Biodiversity: Nature Matters
This year’s Green Week will also act as a milestone on the path to the
Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
now planned for 2021, where world leaders will adopt a 10-year action plan for
biodiversity – a new global deal for people and nature.
Nature matters
Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. This web of living things is the heart of
nature, cleaning the water we drink, pollinating our crops, purifying the air we
breathe, regulating the climate, keeping our soils fertile, providing us with
medicine, and providing many of the basic building blocks for industry.
In Europe, the main cause of biodiversity loss is land-use change. Farming and
forestry practices have become more intensive, with more chemical additives,
fewer spaces between fields, and fewer varieties of crops. This lack of variety
means far fewer insects, for example, and consequently fewer birds.
Cities and urban areas have also expanded enormously, leaving less room for
nature. And when farmland and urban developments leave no room for nature,
the result is a loss of biodiversity.
a business issue, because natural capital provides essential resources for industry
a security issue, because loss of natural resources, especially in developing
countries, can lead to conflict
a climate issue, because destroying natural habitats speeds up global warming
a food security issue, because pollinators play a vital role in our food system
an ethical issue, because loss of biodiversity hurts the poorest most of all, making
inequalities worse
an intergenerational issue, because we are robbing our descendants of a vital
a moral issue, because we should not destroy the living planet
a health issue because nature improves air quality, reduces exposure to pollutants,
and cools our cities
Most of the required technologies already exist, but we need to use them more
widely. We need to implement them quickly, use cleaner energy sources, cut
deforestation, manage land better and switch to sustainable agriculture. More
businesses need to realise that they depend on natural resources for food,
fibres, and building material. They need to adopt models for consumption and
production that support the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Go out and enjoy nature! Visit a Natura 2000 site next to you
Contribute to a citizen’s science project
Check out how well EU laws protecting nature are implemented in your country
Watch your consumption of resources. Become aware of the impact of your lifestyle
choices on nature, take up one of the challenges and make a change
Put pressure on policymakers. Call on political leaders to conclude a strong and
ambitious global deal to protect and restore nature in October 2020 in Kunming,