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Arnold, MO, 4/5/11 Election Guide

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jefferson county tea party voter guide

The Jefferson County Tea Party sent a questionnaire to each council candidate. Each candidate was graded by a panel based upon the Tea Party’s
core principles of Constitutionally Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and Free Markets. A candidate’s previous or current record in office
was evaluated and reflected in their respective grades. A sample of the questions asked are listed below. The entire questionnaire and answers can
be viewed online at www.jeffcoteaparty.com. Candidates that did not respond to the questionnaire received an (I)ncomplete.
Here are five of the thirteen questions we asked each candidate
1. Are you in favor of using Eminent Domain to confiscate property from a private citizen for the purpose of building a shopping center such as Arnold Commons?
2. Will you vote to renew the red-light camera contract with American Traffic Solutions when it expires in June?
3. The City of Arnold purchased Pomme Creek Golf Course in 2006 claiming it would pay for itself. The city has yet to make a single principal payment or
produce any positive net revenue. Do you feel the city should be in the business of operating a golf course using citizens tax dollars? What should be done now?
4. What do you feel the proper role of government is when it comes to private enterprise and economic development?
5. Are you in favor of the city’s tax on rainwater which forces residents to pay for rain runoff caused by gravity? Why or why not? Do you agree with St. Louis
Circuit Court that this violates Missouri’s Hancock Amendment, which requires such taxes to be put to a public vote?

Ward 1 Ward 2
Doris Borgelt Tea Party Grade: B+ Michelle Hohmeier Tea Party Grade: A-
Questionnaire: Answered all questions Questionnaire: Answered all questions
Randy Crisler (Incumbent) Tea Party Grade: I Bill Moritz (Incumbent) Tea Party Grade: I
Questionnaire: Did Not Respond Questionnaire: Did Not Respond
Other Relevant Info Other Relevant Info
Doris Borgelt has never held public office, thus has no prior voting record. In April of 2010 Bill Moritz and Ward 1 Councilman Randy Crisler were caught by
Arnold police illegally hanging political signs on telephone poles in violation of the snipe
In April of 2010 Randy Crisler and Ward 2 Councilman Bill Moritz were caught by sign ordinace they voted for. This kind of arrogance and “do as I say, not as I do”
Arnold police illegally hanging political signs on telephone poles in violation of the snipe mentality is exactly what citizens are sick and tired of. This act alone should disqualify
sign ordinance they voted for. This kind of arrogance and “do as I say, not as I do” him from office. The news story and police report can be viewed on our website.
mentality is exactly what citizens are sick and tired of. This act alone should disqualify
Mr. Mortitz is in favor of renewing the red-light camera contract with ATS even though
him from office. The news story and police report can be viewed on our website.
the recent MODOT study has shown a 14% increase in overall accidents. Red-light
Red-Light Cameras: Mr. Crisler favors renewing the red-light camera contract with ATS violations in Arnold have increased from 5,000 in 2006 to over 9,400 in 2010. Accidents-
even though a recent MODOT study has shown a 14% increase in overall accidents. UP, violations-UP, Revenue - $220,000 per year. Red-light camera’s... PRICELESS.
Violations in Arnold have increased from 5,000 in 2006 to over 9,400 in 2010. Accidents- Sweeney Incident: In Sept of 2010, Arnold residents showed up to speak out against the
UP, violations-UP, Revenue - $220,000 year. Red-light camera’s... PRICELESS. re-hiring of city attorney Bob Sweeney. Mr. Moritz voted yes on a motion offered by
Sweeney Incident: In Sept of 2010, Arnold residents showed up to speak out against the Randy Crisler that Arnold residents not be allowed to voice their opinion before the
re-hiring of city attorney Bob Sweeney. Mr. Crisler showed he was in no mood to hear council voted to re-hire Mr. Sweeney. Regardless of one’s opinion of Mr. Sweeney,
from Arnold citizens. He quickly offered a motion that Mr. Sweeney be voted and sworn residents should never be stripped Stateof their right to voice an opinion to their elected
Rep District 103
in before those attending could voice their opposition. Regardless of one’s opinion of Mr. officials. Video of the council meeting can be viewed at our website under videos.
Sweeney, residents should never be stripped of their right to voice an opinion to their Pomme Creek Golf Course: Mr. Moritz voted to purchase Pomme Creek Golf Course
elected officials. Video of the council meeting can be viewed at our website under videos. for 3.25 million dollars in 2007. The city has yet to make any payment on the principal.
Eminent Domain: Mr. Crisler voted to use Eminent Domain against Arnold residents for With interest, the city now owes over 4 million and the golf course continues to lose
the sole purpose of increasing revenue to the city. Eminent domain should never be used money each year.
to confiscate personal property to enrich government coffers. Altered MO Sunshine Law: In September of 2010 Bill Moritz voted to alter
Missouri’s Sunshine Law (which we believe is illegal) to prevent a criminal investigation
Pomme Creek Golf Course: Mr. Crisler voted to purchase Pomme Creek Golf Course from becoming public which involved city employee’s and possibly a current council
for 3.25 million dollars in 2007. The city has yet to make any payment on the principal. member. The council altered the law one week after a sunshine request was made asking
With interest, the city now owes over 4 million and the golf course continues to lose for documentation of the investigation. To this day, no member of the press has inquired
money each year. about the legality of altering Missouri’s Sunshine Law.
Altered MO Sunshine Law: In September of 2010 Randy Crisler voted to alter
Ward 3
Missouri’s Sunshine Law (which we believe is illegal) to prevent a criminal investigation
from becoming public which involvedDistrict 4 and possibly a current council
city employee’s Stan Willis Tea Party Grade: A-
member. The council altered the law one week after a sunshine request was made asking Questionnaire: Answered all questions
for documentation of the investigation. No member of the press has inquired about Phil Amato Tea Party Grade: D+
the legality of altering Missouri’s Sunshine Law. Questionnaire: Answered most questions
Ordinance requiring permit to replace A/C or furnace: Mr. Crisler voted to require Bob Lindsley Tea Party Grade: B-
any homeowner that replaces a furnace or A/C unit obtain a $65 permit and have the work Questionnaire: Answered all questions
inspected by the city. Requiring a government bureaucrat to inspect work done by a
trained professional is just another excuse to fleece more money from residents, all in
Tyler Baechle Tea Party Grade: I
the name of “safety”. Questionnaire: Did Not Respond
Daniel Bretz Tea Party Grade: I
Ward 4 Questionnaire: Did Not Respond
Gary Plunk Tea Party Grade: C Other Relevant Info
Questionnaire: Answered all questions Willis, Baechle, and Bretz have never held public office.
Eminent Domain: Mr. Amato voted to use Eminent Domain to take property from
Sandra Kownacki Tea Party Grade: I Arnold residents for the sole purpose of increasing revenue to the city.
Questionnaire: Did Not Respond Red-Light Cameras: Mr. Amato favors the use of red-light cameras, even though the
Other Relevant info MoDot study shows an overall increase in accidents of 14% and violations have
skyrocketed from 5,000 in 2006 to 9,400 in 2010. Mr Lindsley has recently stated
To our knowledge neither have been elected to public office. he is against the cameras. Previously he was in favor of a two camera system which
would ID the driver.
Pomme Creek Golf Course: As Arnold councilmen in 2006, Amato voted to purchase
Paid for by Jefferson County Tea Party, Dennis Bryant, Treasurer
the course, which is now losing money every year.

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