Seybold Et Al GRL
Seybold Et Al GRL
Seybold Et Al GRL
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H. J. Seybold, Computational Physics, IfB, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland (hsey-
Computational Physics for Engineering
4 balance in the distributary channel system and the local evaporation and seep-
6 and compare the results with the Okavango Delta and with a laboratory ex-
9 sediment transport than coastal deltas, especially vis a vis deposition asso-
Institute of Environmental Engineering,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Institute of Geodesy and
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade
Ceará, Brasil
12 inland delta with distance from the apex that follows a power law with ex-
14 on the contrary, the slope increases toward the end of the deposition lobe.
1. Introduction
15 Inland deltas like the Okavango and coastal deltas like the Mississippi are morpho-
16 logically distinct because their deposition patterns are influenced by different dominant
17 fluvial processes. Coastal deltas are dominated by wave and tide action and coastal cur-
18 rents that separate the subaerial and subaqueous parts of the delta lobes. Inland deltas, on
19 the other hand, experience none of these flows, but are dominated by evapotranspiration,
21 Inland deltas are less well studied than their coastal counterparts. We investigate
22 geomorphological features of inland deltas, which we compare with coastal ones. We focus
23 on the Okavango Delta as a case study, and we compare its topography with computational
24 simulations using a new reduced complexity model [Seybold et al., 2007, 2009], as well as
27 strongly influenced by the dynamics and transport capabilities of its constituent chan-
28 nels, where interactions with the local slope and properties of the alluvium and surface
29 vegetation play an essential role. Additionally, tectonic movement of the surface can play
31 In recent years several field measurements and hydrological models of the Okavango
32 Delta have been produced, including measurements of sediment rating in the delta chan-
33 nels and groundwater fluxes [Bauer et al., 2004; McCarthy, 2006; Gumbricht et al., 2005;
34 Brunner et al., 2007]. The models constructed so far, however, are only capable of short
37 velopment of the delta, new models must be developed that reduce the complexity of the
38 hydrological and sedimentary equations while maintaining the essential physics [Brasing-
39 ton and Richards, 2007; Crave and Davy, 2001]. In particular, the model proposed by
40 Seybold et al. [2007] has proven to describe coastal delta formation successfully, and we
41 extend this model here to include evaporative water loss and seepage for the study of
45 formation have been carried out in several laboratories, notably the Earthscape Experi-
46 ment laboratory in St. Anthony Falls and the Exxon Mobil laboratories [Hoyal and Sheets,
47 2009; Martin et al., 2009]. Also recently, the formation of alluvial fans caused by rapid
48 water release has been studied by Kraal et al. [2008]. However, experimental work on
49 inland deltas including evaporation is new. We use these experiments as a verification for
50 the modeling and as a tool to understand the interplay between the dominant sedimentary
51 processes.
52 The paper is organized as follows: first we show how the computational model of Seybold
53 et al. [2007, 2009] was modified to include evaporation. Then we describe our experiment
54 mimicking inland delta formation. We then discuss results and analysis in two subsections.
55 First we compare the model results with topographic data of the Okavango, topological
56 structure of the channel system and the influence of evaporation on the sedimentation
57 process. Second, we study the delta slope distributions in both modeled and observed
2. Computational Modeling
To simulate inland delta formation, we extended the model of Seybold et al. [2007, 2009]
to include evaporation and seepage in the conservation equation for water mass, as follows.
The landscape is discretized on a square grid where the elevation of the topography Hi
and the absolute water level Vi are defined on the nodes. The water flux Iij on a bond
is related to the average water depth σij and the pressure drop Vi − Vj by the following
Vi − H i Vj − H j
Iij = + (Vi − Vj ). (1)
2 {z
2 }
Vi = Vi′ + δt (Iij + Ei ) = 0, (2)
where Ei defines the loss of water due to evaporation or infiltration and the sum runs over
the von Neumann neighborhood of a given cell. The evaporation rate is modeled by the
Ei = di Ê (3)
59 where Ê defines the maximum evapotranspiration rate and so determines how far the
60 delta progrades into the domain. The increase of seepage in distal parts of the delta is
61 modeled by the normalized distance of the cell from the inlet, di.
Boundary and initial conditions are needed to close the problem. The landscape is
conditions are applied at all boundaries except in the nodes closest to the inlet where no-
flow boundaries are applied to keep the water flowing into the domain. Water and sediment
are injected into the system by defining an input flux I0 of water and sediment s0 at an
entrance node. The landscape is initialized with a given water level below the ground,
and runoff is produced when the water level exceeds the surface. The sedimentation-
constant c for erosion and deposition [Seybold et al., 2009]. The deposition-erosion law
62 and a threshold I ⋆ which determines whether erosion or deposition occurs between nodes
64 outflow directions according to their relative magnitudes of the corresponding water flux,
65 e.g. Jkl = Ikl / i Iil . Sediment transport and topography update is done in the same way
67 Two types of channel ends need to be included in inland deltas: newly forming channels
68 where dI = I(t + δt) − I(t) > 0 do not show sedimentation at the front, and channels
69 that are drying with high deposition rates at their terminal ends. These are included by
70 distinguishing ends with dI > 0 and dI < 0. If dI < 0, deposition is applied according to
71 Eq.4, while if dI > 0, no deposition is applied in the final node of a channel end.
3. Experimental Modeling
74 that is fixed at an inclination of about 6 degrees running along the basin diagonal. An
75 initial surface is created using a uniformly sloped sediment layer with an height of 5cm at
77 As sediment, we use crushed glass with diameter 50 to 120 microns, with a bulk density
79 impeller in an upstream tank, and is injected steadily into the basin using a peristaltic
80 pump. The volumetric sediment concentration was approximately 0.05 and the inflow
81 was 1000ml/h. Water is continuously pumped out of the basin at the bottom so that no
82 standing water accumulates. Water is evaporated by an array of fifteen 300W heat lamps
84 The experiment was run as follows: a water/sediment mixture was injected into the
85 flume over 45 minutes, followed drying over 2:15 hours. In the following we will call one
86 period of injection and drying an “epoch”, where epoch 0 stands for the initial condition.
87 A photo of the initial setup is shown in Fig. 1b. After complete drying, the surface
89 is necessary to avoid specular reflections produced by wet Sand that would disturb the
91 in which regular fringes are projected onto the surface and the stripes’ deformation is
92 measured using a CCD camera. From the deformation of these lines the topography can
93 be reconstructed with an accuracy of 100 microns [Burke et al., 2002; Akca et al., 2007].
94 Due to the limited field-of view of the scanner (40cm × 31cm), several scans are combined
95 into a co-registered mosaic of the entire surface, using a least square matching method
96 described elsewhere Gruen and Akca [2005]. We use an invariant reference point outside
97 of the sedimentation domain to co-register the different sediment layers so that we can
99 The total deposited volume of each epoch including pore space can be obtained by
100 subtracting the co-registered surfaces of two successive topography scans. For the four
101 injection periods we obtained V0,1 = 573cm3 , V1,2 = 904cm3 , V2,3 = 614cm3 and V3,4 =
102 740cm3 , where the indices denote the epochs before and after the deposition run.
103 To compare with the wet delta case, we remove the heat lamps and change the boundary
104 conditions at the downstream end of the flume to preserve a constant water level, while
106 Although the experimental results cannot be directly compared with natural Deltas due
107 to large scale variations, the deposition processes and the resulting patterns are similar
109 Visually, the computational inland delta model produced deposition structures and
110 channels similar to natural deltas. The topological similarities of the different delta chan-
111 nel systems are quantified by estimating the fractal dimension of simulated and observed
112 networks with the box counting technique [Feder , 1989; Turcotte, 1997].
113 A least squares fit of a power law, N ∼ s−D to the data yields a fractal dimension of
114 D = 1.85 ± 0.05 for the Okavango Delta, as compared with the simulation result of D =
115 1.84 ± 0.05. The pattern of the flooded area of the Okavango was extracted through the
116 vegetation by a combined analysis of high resolution aerial photos from GoogleEarthTM and
117 NOAA satellite measurements. The added processes of evaporation and infiltration lead to
118 complex dynamics of channel extension by erosion and contraction due to deposition at the
119 channel heads during low flows which we could not observe in wet deltas. Furthermore,
120 the model reproduces the development of bank levees by lateral deposition on channel
121 margins (Fig. 1c). The natural formation of bank levees by overbank deposition occurs in
122 the Okavango and in many natural dryland rivers [McCarthy et al., 1988] due to processes
123 such as vegetation that are notoriously difficult to simulate. This riparian vegetation
124 [McCarthy et al., 1992] modulates overbank deposition in the Okavango delta and affects
125 not only deposition but also evapotranspiration and infiltration rates. In the model,
126 natural levee formation is due to lateral topographic gradients and the balance of sediment
A useful topographic metric to quantify the shape of a delta is the mean slope as a
function of downstream distance from the delta apex. We define the mean topographic
slope S(d) averaged over circular arcs at a distance [d, d + dr] from the delta apex. In
order to compare the different observed, numerical and experimentally modeled slopes,
S(d) = hSid+dr . (5)
128 The averages are computed over a spatial domain which contains the whole delta surface.
129 S(d) is a useful measure of the delta form for two reasons. First, it is an integral measure
130 (over the whole domain) of the processes of deposition in space at an equal distance from
131 the apex. Second, topographic slope is a fundamental variable for sediment transport in
Most landscape evolution models relate sediment transport capacity Qs and the ero-
m and n are fundamental exponents which reflect the erodibility of the surface and the
erosivity of the flow (e.g., Davy et al. [2009]; Niemann et al. [2001]. Delta distributary
systems are conduits without an increase in drainage area, and it is therefore reasonable
to assume that the specific sediment transport rate will scale as,
Qs ∼ S n . (6)
133 Therefore, S(d) is an indication of the radial distribution of the potential sediment
134 transporting capacity of the delta system, where the specific water q and sediment Qs
135 transport rate and the downstream change in total distributary channel width W (d)
136 together determine the total sediment transporting capacity of the system.
137 In order to compare Okavango and simulated topography more directly, we rescaled
138 the horizontal extents of the simulation to fit the experimental domain. A comparison of
139 S(d) for the modeled surface, the experiment and the Okavango DEM surface [Gumbricht
141 The modeled surface shows a gradual decrease in S(d) downstream as the sediment
142 transporting capacity in smaller (but more numerous) channels decreases, and the delta
143 becomes flatter as a consequence. Furthermore the transport capacity decreases due to the
144 loss of transporting water by evaporation and seepage. Local variations may be associated
145 with the varying heads of individual distributary channels which may be actively eroding
146 and so can be expected to have a higher local slope. Fig. 2a displays the statistical average
147 over nine simulation runs with the same evaporation rate and boundary conditions, but
148 different random perturbations to the initial surface. The errorbars indicate the statistical
149 variability. The parameters for this simulation have been chosen to be I0 = 1 × 10−3 , I ⋆ =
150 −7.5 × 10−6 , s0 = 0.0025, c = 0.1 [Seybold et al., 2009], and the evaporation rate in this
152 As shown in the inset of Fig. 3, the local slopes obtained from the dry delta experiments
153 as well as from model simulations clearly follow power-law behavior, S = a(d − d0 )α .
154 As one would expect, the least-squares fit to the data sets of this function indicates
155 that both the a and d0 depend on the particular experimental/simulation conditions. In
156 particular, the parameter d0 assumes negative values in the two cases, which is consistent
157 with the physical condition of divergence-free slope profiles for positive distances. More
158 strikingly, however, is the fact that we obtain identical power-law exponents α ≈ −0.69
160 As shown in the main plot of Fig.3, this is corroborated by the data collapse obtained
162 The Okavango surface shows a more complex behavior affected strongly by local geology
163 and tectonics. During the first 100km the Okavango is confined between the fault lines
165 Outside the Panhandle the delta surface is almost totally flat with only small local
166 variability around the constant slope of the fan. The increase in mean slope at the
167 bottom end of the delta is a consequence of the Kunyere and Thamalakane fault lines.
168 The downstream distribution of slope also highlights the fundamental difference between
169 wet (coastal) and dry (inland) deltas. The Mississippi Delta Balize Lobe profile from
170 bathymetric data in [Seybold et al., 2009; Divins and Metzger , 2006] shows that in coastal
171 deltas the mean slope increases downstream as the distributary channels enter the ocean
172 and sediment deposition becomes limited by the settling velocity of particles and their
173 advection by currents and tides (Fig. 4). In the DEM data of the Balize Lobe the slope
174 is increasing exponentially with a characteristic inverse length of τ = 0.026 at the head of
175 the delta (Fig. 4b). Furthermore it can be seen that with time the Mississippi River has
176 adjusted the average slope of its fluvially accessible area to the optimal transport capacity
177 of the stream and therefore we observe a constant slope on the coastal plain.
178 A strongly increasing slope toward the end of the lobes is also observed in the reduced
179 complexity model simulations of Seybold et al. [2009] but the functional behavior of the
180 increase at the delta head could not be verified from the data (Fig.4a). The average slope
181 of the birdfoot delta simulation presented in Fig. 4a is averaged over 5 different samples
182 with the same set of parameters but different random noise in the initial conditions of
183 the surface. The parameters have been chosen similar to Seybold et al. [2009], namely
184 I0 = 0.00017, I ⋆ = −4 × 10−6 , s0 = 0.00025, c = 0.1. In the simulation the river first
185 adjusts the slope imposed by the initial conditions to its transport capacity (Fig. 4a-I)
186 until it flows at an almost constant slope in the newly formed lobe (Fig. 4a-II between
187 d = 80 − 120km). The decay of the slope in the initial part can be fitted by a power law
189 The same phenomenon is observed in the experiment (Fig. 4c). We find a decreasing
190 slope in the initial part of the flume where the stream adjusts the base slope due to erosion
191 and deposition (Fig. 4c-I). In a middle part (Fig. 4c-II), the coastal slope is adjusted to
192 the stream transport capacity and this is constant over a certain range. Toward the head
193 of the delta the slope increases strongly again and then drops to the base slope of the
194 basin (Fig. 4c-III). Although the average slope for the experiment is noisy, the three parts
195 can be identified. The functional behavior of the increasing part could not be determined
196 from the data. We have removed the very initial part of the flume from the average slope
197 calculation because this section is strongly influenced by details associated with the slurry
198 injection.
5. Conclusions
199 In this paper we adjusted and applied a reduced complexity model which was originally
200 developed for coastal deltas [Seybold et al., 2009], to an inland delta, using elevation- and
201 slope-based metrics to describe its shape and change. The Okavango Delta was used as a
202 reference to compare with the model, together with a small-scale laboratory experiment
203 to verify the modeling results and understand the time evolution of the delta system.
204 The chief finding of this study is that water loss through evapotranspiration and in-
206 water and sediment transport compare to coastal deltas. In particular, the expansion-
207 contraction dynamics at the channel heads and the deposition associated with these dy-
208 namics lead to a consistent decrease in the mean topographic slope in inland deltas with
209 distance from the apex. The decrease of the slope in the experimental as well as the mod-
210 eled systems shows a clear power law behavior. By rescaling the variables it is possible to
211 collapse the two curves on a single power law with exponent α = −0.69.
212 Inland deltas are transport capacity-limited systems. The systematically decreasing
213 topographic slope from the delta apex is indicative of a drop in specific sediment trans-
214 porting capacity along the delta channel system, which, combined with the number and
215 width of the distributary channels, governs the sediment transport capacity of the delta
216 as a whole and the sedimentation within the fan. This simple topographic measure also
217 highlights the difference between inland and coastal deltas insofar as topographic slope in
219 Acknowledgments. This work was funded by the Swiss National Foundation Grant
220 NF20021-116050/1.
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Pump 1
where the sediment is kept in suspension using an electric mixer. The sediment-water suspension
then is injected into the basin using a peristaltic pump (Ismatec ecoline, pump 1). At the end
of the flume remaining water is pumped out of the basin (pump 2). (b) Initial condition of the
experiment. The flume is mounted on an inclined concrete base and an initial conical landscape
of sediment is created in the first third of the domain. (c) The photo shows the deposition
pattern of the dry delta experiment after several cycles of delta formation with braiding streams
2 1
1 0.75
(a) (b) (c)
0.5 0 0.5
25 50 75 100 125 0 50 100 150 200 250 25 50 75 100
d [cm] d [km] d [cm]
Figure 2. Plot of the slope S(d) (a) for the simulation averaged over 9 samples, the errorbars
indicate the statistical error, (b) the Okavango derived from DEM data and (c) the experiment
(initial condition, epoch 3 and 4). Both experiment and simulation show a similar decreasing
slope with distance to the apex. The detailed analysis of the decrease is presented in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. The inset shows the decay of the slope for both experiment (epoch 5, black
diamonds) and model (red crosses) in dry deltas together with the corresponding least-square
fits of a power-law of the form S = a(d − d0 )α . The fit parameters are a = 17.4 and d0 = −9.9
for the simulation (black dashed line) and a = 23.5 and d0 = −47.4 for the experiment (black
solid line). We obtain the same value for the exponent, namely, α ≈ −0.69 in both cases. In the
main plot we confirm that, by rescaling the slope data of the experiment and the simulation and
plotting S ∗ = S/a against d∗ = d − d0 , both curves can be collapsed onto a single power-law (a
straight line in log-log plot) with exponent α ≈ −0.69 (black solid line). Red stars indicate the
rescaled values of the simulation and black circles are used for the rescaled experimental data.
We also show that the slope of the Panhandle region of the Okavango delta (blue squares) follows
a similar behavior.
4 0.6 7 1 1.15
log (S)
3 5
0.2 −0.4 0
4 1.05
2 0 −0.5
−0.2 −1 1
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 0 50 100 150
log10(d) 2 d [km]
(b) 0.95
(a) 1 (c)
0 0 0.9
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 25 50 75 100 125
d [km] d [km] d[cm]
Figure 4. Plot of the slope S(d) from Eq. 5 for wet deltas: Simulation (a), the Mississippi (b)
and the wet experiment (c). The average slope for wet deltas is different from that of dry deltas
in Fig. 2. Simulation and experiment show an initial part with deceasing slope (I) where the
stream adjusts the inclination to its transport capacity followed by a part of almost constant slope
with free flow (II) and a strongly increasing part at the head of the delta (III). The inset of the
simulation (a) shows that the initial slope decreases like a power law with exponent α ≈ −0.4.
In the real DEM data (b) the Mississippi already adjusted its fluvially accessible area in the
coastal plain to its transport capacity and we observe a constant slope at the beginning and an