Solfeggio and Applied Piano Reviewer Name: - Score: - Section: - Date

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Name: __________________________________ Score: ___________________

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It indicates the end of the musical piece.
a. Measure c. Staff
b. Double bar line d. Bar line
2. It is the space between bar lines.
a. Measure c. Staff
b. Double bar line d. Bar line
3. These are short lines drawn above and below the staff to provide for notes outside the staff.
a. Bar lines c. Ledger Lines
b. Double bar lines d. Staff
4. It is a symbol that receives one half the value of the notes or rest it follows.
a. Sharp c. Flat
b. Dot d. Double Dots
5. These are musical characters or symbols placed on the staff to indicate tones to be sounded.
a. Rest c. Notes
b. Clef d. Sharp
6. Which of the following notes receive one beat?
a. Whole note c. Half note
b. Quarter Note d. Eighth note
7. Which of the following notes receive a half beat?
a. Whole note c. Half note
b. Quarter Note d. Eighth note
8. Which of the following notes receive four beats?
a. Whole note c. Half note
b. Quarter Note d. Eighth note
9. Which of the following notes receive two beats?
a. Whole note c. Half note
b. Quarter Note d. Eighth note

a. 4 beats c. 8 beats
b. 2 beats d. 1 beat

a. 3 beats c. 6 beats
b. 2 beats d. 1 beat
a. 3 ½ beats c. 6 1/2 beats
b. 2 ½ beats d. 1 ½ beats

a. 3 beats c. 6 beats
b. 2 beats d. 1 beat

14. A dotted half note is equal to ____________.

a. 3 quarter notes c. 4 half notes
b. 3 eighth notes d. whole note
15. What is the value of the dot in a dotted whole note?
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 8
16. Dotted half note minus a quarter note equals ___________.
a. whole note c. dotted quarter note
b. half note d. quarter note
17. What is the sum of four dotted whole notes?
a. 16 c. 24
b. 12 d. 28
18. What is the value of a double dotted half note?
a. 2 ½ c. 4 ¼
b. 3 ¼ d. 3 ½
19. What is the value of a dotted whole note?
a. 4 c. 8
b. 6 d. 9
20. Two half notes and four quarter notes is equal to how many beats?
a. 4 c. 12
b. 8 d. 10
21. Double dotted half note plus a dotted quarter note is equal to how many beats?
a. 5 ¾ c. 4 ½
b. 4 ¾ d. 5
22. What is the value of the last dot on a double dotted half note?
a. ¼ c. ½
b.1/8 d. ¾
23. What is the sum of 3 dotted quarter notes?
a. 5 ½ c. 3 ¼
b. 3 ¾ d. 4 ½
24. Whole note minus the value of dotted quarter note is equal to __________.
a. 3 ½ c. 4 ½
b. 2 ½ d. 5 ½
25. What is the value of 3 sixteenth notes?
a. ¼ c. ¾
b. 2/4 d. ½
26. The value of two tied half notes is equal to_____________.
a. half note c. quarter note
b. whole note d. sixteenth note
27. The value of a double dotted whole note is equal to ______________.
a. tied whole-half-quarter notes c. tied quarter-half notes
b. tied half- quarter notes d. tied whole-half-eighth notes
28-29. Idendify the countings of the following group of notes: quarter-quarter-quarter-eighth-eight notes.
a. 1 n, 2, 3 n, 4 c. 1, 2 , 3, 4n
b. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. n 1, 2, 3, 4
30-31 Quarter-eighth-eighth-quarter-eighth-eighth notes.
a. 1, 2n, 3, 4n c. 1n,2n,3n,4n
b. 1, 2 , 3 , 4n d. 1,2, 3n, 4
32-33 Whole-Half-half notes.
a. 1-2-3-4, 1-2, 3-4 c. 1-2-3, 4, 1-2-3-4
b. 1, 2 , 3 , 4n, 1-2-3-4 d. 1,2, 3n, 4, 1-2-3-4
34-35 Dotted half-quarter- dotted half-quarter notes.
a. 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4 c. 1-2-3, 4, 1-2-3, 4
b. 1234-1234 d. 12-34, 12-34
36-37 Eighth-eight- half -eighth-eight notes.
a. 1n, 2-3, 4n c. 1n, 2n, 3-4
b. 1n, 2n, 3n, 4 d. 1,2 -3, 4
38-39 Whole- eighth-eight- half -eighth-eight notes.
a. 1-2-3-4, 1n, 2-3, 4n c. 1-2-3-4, 1n, 2n, 3-4
b. 1-2-3-4, 1n, 2n, 3n, 4 d. 1-2-3-4, 1,2 -3, 4
40. What are the pitch names of the line notes on the staff?
a. fa-la-do-mi c. re-fa-la-do-mi
b. mi-sol-ti-re-fa d. la-do-mi-sol
41. What are the pitch names of the space notes on the staff?
a. fa-la-do-mi c. re-fa-la-do-mi
b. mi-sol-ti-re-fa d. la-do-mi-sol
42. What is the pitch name on the 5th line on the staff?
a. re c. fa
b. la d. do
43. What is the pitch name on the 1 space on the staff?
a. do c. mi
b. re d. fa
44. What is the pitch name on the 3 space on the staff?
a. do c. mi
b. re d. fa
45. What is the pitch name on the 2 space on the staff?
a. re c. fa
b. la d. do
46. What is the pitch name on the 4th space on the staff?
a. fa c. la
b. mi d. sol
47. What is the pitch name on the 1 line on the staff?
a. mi c. re
b. la d. sol
48. What is the pitch name on the 3rd line on the staff?
a. do c. fa
b. re d. ti
49. What is the pitch name on the 4 line on the staff?
a. do c. fa
b. re d. ti
50. What is the pitch name on the 2 line on the staff?
a. mi c. re
b. la d. sol


Movable Do
1. What is your DO in the Key of G?
a. DO c. FA
b. SOL d. RE
2. What is your TI in the Key of G?
a. MI c. SOL
b. FA d. RE
3. What is your RE in the Key of F?
a. MI c. SOL
b. FA d. DO
4. What is your DO in the Key of F?
a. MI c. SOL
b. FA d. RE
5. What is your SOL in the Key of E flat?
a. RE flat c. TI flat
b. SOL flat d. DO flat
Scale Degrees
6. What is the first scale degree?
a. Dominant b.Tonic c.Mediant
d.Leading Tone

7. On what scale degree is F in the key of C?

a. Tonic b. Subdominant c. Dominant
d. Mediant
8. What is the 5th scale degree?
a. Submediant b. Subdominant c. Dominant

9. What is the 2nd scale degree?

a. Submediant b. Leading Tone c. Supertonic d.Mediant

10. What is the 7th scale degree?

a. Submediant b. Leading Tone c. Supertonic d.Mediant

11. What is the 6th scale degree?

a. Submediant b. Mediant c. Subleadiant d. Supertonic

12. What is the 4th scale degree?

a. Mediant b. Submediant c. Dominant d.Subdominant

13. What is the 3rd scale degree?

a. Mediant b. Submediant c. Supertonic d.Subdominant

14. What is the correct order of the scale degrees?

a. Tonic, Supertonic, Submediant, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Leading Tone
b. Tonic, Submediant, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Supertonic, Leading Tone
c. Tonic, Submediant, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Leading Tone, Supertonic
d. Tonic, Supertonic, Mediant, Subdominant, Dominant, Submediant, Leading Tone

Identiying Primary and Secondary Chords

15. a. C Major b. G Major c. A Major d. E Major

16. a. C Major b. G Major c. A Major d. E Major

17. a. C Major b. C minor c. A minor d. E Major

18. a. A Major b. F Major c. F minor d. F flat Major

19. a. D Major b. D minor c. E Major d. E minor

20. a. A Major b. F Major c. F minor d. F flat Major

Identifying Key Signatures

21. a. C b. A c. F sharp d. B

22. a. C b. A c. B d. E

23. a. G b. A c. F sharp d. C
24. a. B flat b. E flat c. F d. A

25. a. B flat b. A flat d. F

c. E flat

26. a. B flat b. A flat d. F

c. E flat

27. a. A sharp b. B c. C sharp d. F


28. a. A sharp b. B c. C sharp d. F


29. a. A b. A flat c. D
d. E
30. a. B flat b. A flat d. F
c. E flat

31. Identify the triad: mi-sol-ti
a. E Major b. D Major c. E minor d. F Major

32. Identify the triad: ti-re#-Fa#

a. B Major b. B minor c. B sharp Major d. B flat Major

33. Identify the triad: la-do#-mi

a. E Major b. A Major c. E minor d. F Major

34. Identify the triad: la-do-mi

a. E Major b. A Major c. A minor d. F Major

35. Identify the triad: fa-la Flat- do

a. E Major b. A Major c. F minor d. F Major

36. Identify the triad: Do#- Mi#-Re#

a. C# Major b. C Major Sharp c. C minor d. C Double Sharp

37. Identify the triad: Do#- Mi-Re#

a. C# Major b. C#m c. C minor d. C minor Sharp

38. What is the dominant chord in the key of C scale?

a. GMajor b. C Major c. D minor d. D Major

39. What is the subdominant chord in the key of E flat?

a. B flat b. C flat c. A flat d. E flat

40. What is the submediant chord in the key of E flat?

a. B flatminor b. C minor c. C flatminor d. C flat

41. What is the mediant chord in the key of B?

a. F # b. Dminor c. D#m d. F#m
42. What is the dominant chord in the key of B?
a. F # b. Dminor c. D#m d. F#m

43. What is the subdominant chord in the key of B?

a. E m b. E major c. F# d. Cm

44. What is the subdominant chord in the key of A flat?

a. E flat b. D flat c. F#m d. Dm

45. What is the supertonic chord in the key of A?

a. E m b. B major c. Em d. Bm

Identifying Inversions (root, 1st and 2nd)


a. Root Position b. First Inversion c. Second Inversion d. None of the above


a. Root Position b. First Inversion c. Second Inversion d. None of the above

48. RE-FA-LA
a. Root Position b. First Inversion c. Second Inversion d. None of the above

49. FA-LA-RE
a. Root Position b. First Inversion c. Second Inversion d. None of the above

a. Root Position b. First Inversion c. Second Inversion d. None of the above

Prepared by:

Mr. Oliver L. Timbol, LPT, MAEd


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