Using Semi Circular Bending Test To Evaluate Low Temperature Fracture Resistance For Asphalt Concrete

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Experimental Mechanics (2010) 50:867–876

DOI 10.1007/s11340-009-9303-0

Using Semi Circular Bending Test to Evaluate Low

Temperature Fracture Resistance for Asphalt Concrete
X.-J. Li & M.O. Marasteanu

Received: 25 September 2007 / Accepted: 18 September 2009 / Published online: 14 October 2009
# Society for Experimental Mechanics 2009

Abstract This work presents a repeatable semi circular the two lower temperatures. No clear trend was found with
bending (SCB) fracture test to evaluate the low temperature the fracture peak load from either the effect of loading rate
fracture resistance of asphalt mixture. The fracture resis- or notch length.
tance of six asphalt mixtures, which represent a combina-
tion of factors such as binder type, binder modifier, Keywords Asphalt concrete . Low temperature .
aggregate type, and air voids, and two testing conditions Semi-circular bend . Fracture energy . Fracture resistance
of loading rate and initial notch length, was evaluated by
performing SCB fracture tests at three low temperatures.
Fracture energy was calculated from the experimental data. Introduction
Experimental results indicated strong dependence of the
low temperature fracture resistance on the test temperature. Low temperature cracking is a predominant distress in
Experimental plots and low coefficient of variation (COV) asphalt pavements built in the northern US and Canada due
values from three replicates show a satisfactory repeatabil- to the thermal stress that builds up in the extreme climate.
ity from the test. The results of the analysis showed that These thermal cracks will result in the formation of the
fracture resistance of asphalt mixtures is significantly transverse cracks along the pavement and ultimately
affected by type of aggregate and air void content. accelerate the deterioration of the structure. Therefore, the
Experimental results also confirmed the significance of evaluation and identification of the factors significantly
binder grade and modifier type with relation to cracking affecting fracture resistance is of interest to owner/agencies
resistance of asphalt mixtures. Analysis of result also seeking better performing pavements in these northern
indicated that both the loading rate and initial notch length climates.
had significant effect on the fracture energy at the highest Numerous research efforts based on empirical or
test temperature, whereas the effect was strongly diluted at theoretical methods were made in the past decades to better
understand this distress and to select materials with
improved fracture resistance. As an accelerated perfor-
X.-J. Li (*) mance test developed during the Strategic Highway
ESC, INC; Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Research Program (SHRP), the thermal stress restrained
Federal Highway Administration, specimen test (TSRST) was widely applied to simulate low-
6300 Georgetown Pike,
temperature cracking of asphalt concrete [1–4]. Beam or
McLean, VA 22101, USA
e-mail: [email protected] cylindrical specimens with a length of 250 mm are required
in this test, whereby thermally-induced stress within the
M.O. Marasteanu specimen develops until fracture. These specimens can be
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota,
cored or sawed from slabs, whereas there is difficulty in
500 Pillsbury Drive SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA preparing specimen from the gyratory compacted or field
e-mail: [email protected] cored cylinders. By maintaining the test specimen at
868 Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876

constant length during cooling, the TSRST test loads the tip. This critical value of SIF, KC, also referred to as
specimen with thermally-induced stress through fracture fracture toughness, defines the state of local stresses around
failure, but it does not account for the effects of traffic a crack. KC provides a single parameter characterization
loading and the evolution of cracks over time. The Indirect that includes the effects of specimen configuration, bound-
Tension Test (IDT), which was also developed during the ary conditions and load. KC is qualified as an intrinsic
SHRP, is currently used to evaluate the low temperature material property, describing its ability to resist cracking.
properties of asphalt mixtures [5]. However, this approach However, it should be noted that recent work performed by
does not directly address the crack propagation and the the authors [19] indicates that the fracture process zone in
post-peak behavior of the tested materials as a result of a the SCB specimens is 3–6 mm wide and 20–30 mm in
non-representative fracture test. These effects are best taken length, which indicates that the assumptions of linear elastic
into consideration utilizing fracture mechanics. fracture mechanics are not valid for the size of specimen
As a powerful tool, fracture mechanics has been used in this study. Also, it should be noted that LEFM
successfully used to study crack initiation and propagation conditions likely do not exist for the material under
in all types of materials. This approach has been applied to investigation.
explore the mechanism of fracture in asphalt mixtures as In this study, fracture energy was calculated according to
early as in 1960s [6] and has become increasingly popular the RILEM (Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et
in the research community after 1990s [7–15]. There are Experts des Matériaux) TC 50-FMC specification [27] that
many methods of fracture testing in hot mix asphalt has been extensively used in the study of concrete. Fracture
(HMA), including the Single-Edge Notched Beam [12, work is the area under the load-deflection (P-u) curve and
14, 16, 17], the Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) [13, 18, 19], the fracture energy (Gf) can be obtained by dividing fracture
IDT fracture parameter [20, 21], and the Disc-Shaped work with ligament area. Ligament area is the product of
Compact Tension Test (DCT) [15, 22, 23]. All of these ligament length and thickness of a specimen:
mixture fracture tests have advantages and disadvantages
W0 þ mgd 0
[15]. Due to the restriction by the limited thickness of the Gf ¼ ð1Þ
actual asphalt pavement layer, the specimen geometry is
one of the critical considerations in selecting of the fracture where:
test. Because of the ease in sample preparation from the
W0 fracture work, the area below the measured load-
gyratory compacted cylinders or field cored samples, the
deformation curve
Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) test configuration has been
m weight of the specimen
adopted by many researchers in the asphalt pavement
g acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
community [13, 18, 19, 24–26]. However, very limited
δ0 deformation at the final failure of the specimen, and
material factors and testing conditions were included in
Alig area of a ligament.
these studies.
A method for investigating the fracture resistance of
asphalt materials is presented in this paper. The fracture It should be noted that this method is based on the
resistance properties of six asphalt mixtures, which is a assumption that the whole work of fracture is absorbed by
combination of different factors such as aggregate type, air the cracked faces and nowhere else dissipates energy due to
void, binder type and modification, are measured using the plastic compressive stains. When calculating the area under
SCB configuration. The fracture test is also performed a P-u curve, the seating load can be neglected since it is
using three different loading rates and three different notch very small. The tail part of the P-u curve can be reasonably
lengths to evaluate the influence of the loading rate and obtained by fitting data in the post peak region and this
notch length on the fracture properties. procedure is detailed elsewhere [13]. The SCB specimen
self-weight, which is around 10 N, was included in the
fracture energy calculation as a dead load, though it was
Fracture Mechanics Analysis for SCB Geometry found to have a very slight effect on the result.

For a linear elastic material, the entire stress distribution at

a crack tip can be completely characterized as a function of Materials and Sample Preparation
a stress intensity factor (SIF), K. SIF is related to applied
load and geometry of a specimen. For a specimen under This study was designed to contain a combination of factors
loading, specimen geometry is constant and SIF changes expected to have a significant effect on the fracture
with changing load prior to crack propagation. However, resistance of asphalt mixtures, and the test matrix is shown
SIF will reach a critical value when failure occurs at a crack in Table 1.
Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876 869

Table 1 Mixture identification

and factor combinations Mixture ID Binder & modifier Air voids Aggregate Test temperature

4% 7% Granite Limestone °C

58:P:4:G PG58-28 Plain 1 X X −6

58:P:7:G X X
64:P:4:G PG64-28 Plain 1 X X −18
64:P:4:L X X
64:S:4:G PG64-28 SBS X X −30
64:S:4:L X X

In a recent study [13] mixtures prepared with three two SCB slices with 25 mm each in height. The SCB slice
asphalt binders that are different in low limit of the cut from cylinders was symmetrically cut into two
performance grade (PG) and same in high limit of PG semicircular bend samples with an original notch with
grade were investigated and the results showed the 15 mm in length and 2 mm in width. The schematic of SCB
significant effect of the low limit of binder performance sample preparation is shown in Fig. 1. In order to
grade on the fracture resistance of the mixtures. In this investigate the influence of the notch length on the fracture
study, three asphalt binders with two PG grades 58–28 and properties, specimens with two additional notch lengths of
64–28 were used to investigate the influence of the PG 5 mm and 30 mm were prepared for mixture 64:S:4:L.
grade on the low temperature resistance. PG 58–28 binder Three replicates were tested at each temperature for all
was plain, while PG 64–28 binder was plain or Styrene mixtures. The test temperatures were determined based on
Butadiene Styrene (SBS) modified. Two different types of the PG low limit of the asphalt binder as follows:
aggregate, granite and limestone, known to have different
Temperature level 1 (TL): 12° below TM;
mechanical and physical properties, were used to prepare
Temperature level 2 (TM): binder PG + 10°C;
the mixtures. Granite has a typical coefficient of thermal
Temperature level 3 (TH): 12° above TM.
expansion of 7.0×10−6 to 9.0×10−6/°C, while limestone’s
is 6.0×10−6/°C. The nominal maximum aggregate size is In this study, the temperatures are as follows: TL =−30°C,
12.5 mm. Two levels of air voids, the design value of 4%, TM =−18°C, TH =−6°C. This approach normalized the results
and 7% representing typical as-constructed values, were with respect to the PG of the binder.
chosen to study the effect of air voids on fracture resistance
for further improvement in construction practice and
performance prediction modeling. All mixtures were Experimental Setup and Testing Procedure
gyratory compacted using the Superpave design procedure
outlined in SP-2 [28]. The schematic of SCB test is shown in Fig. 2. A MTS
Table 1 identifies all six mixtures. The first part of the servo-hydraulic testing system was used to perform the
identification is the high limit of the binder PG grade, while tests in an environmental chamber. The samples were
the second part represents the modification: P and S are symmetrically supported by two fixed rollers and had a
plain and SBS, respectively. The third part is the air voids:
4% and 7%. The last part of the mixture identification is the
Table 2 Gradations for all mixtures
aggregate type: G and L are granite and limestone,
respectively. Two aggregate gradations were prepared based Sieve size (mm) Percent passing
on the aggregate type and are shown in Table 2. These two
Granite Limestone
gradations were prepared as close as practically possible in
an effort to eliminate additional factors that can affect the 19 100 100
results. Two design asphalt contents were used in the mix 12.5 95.2 97.2
design: 6.0% for granite mixtures and 6.9% for limestone 9.5 83.5 79.1
mixtures and correspond to an effective binder content of 4.75 65.2 59.6
5.39% and 5.37% for the granite and limestone mixtures, 2.36 47.1 48.6
respectively. 1.18 33.4 38.6
For each of the six mixtures, cylindrical specimens with 0.60 23.8 28.8
150 mm in diameter and 177 mm in height were compacted 0.30 12.5 16.9
in the laboratory. The actual air voids for all mixtures are in 0.15 7.0 9.2
the range of 1% ± target air voids. Each of the cylinders
0.075 5.1 5.4
was cut symmetrically from the middle of the specimen into
870 Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876

temperature for two hours to avoid any temperature

gradient within the sample. The temperature was controlled
by MTS temperature controller and verified using an
} independent platinum RTD thermometer.
In order to study the influence of loading rate upon the
fracture properties, mixture 64:P:4:L was tested using two
additional loading rate (0.00015 mm/s and 0.005 mm/s). In
150mm×177mm 2 slices 4 SCB samples
Cylinder 25 mm in thickness Notch: 15mm×2mm
addition to a notch length of 15 mm, mixture 64:S:4:L was
tested using two additional initial notch length (5 mm and
Fig. 1 Schematic of SCB sample preparation 30 mm) to investigate the influence of the initial notch
length on the fracture properties. All these tests were
span of 120 mm. Teflon tape was used to reduce the friction performed with the same test procedure as described above.
from the two rollers. The IDT loading plate was used to
load the SCB specimens. The load line displacement (LLD)
was measured using a vertically mounted Epsilon exten- Experimental Results
someter with 38 mm gauge length and ± 1 mm range; one
end was mounted on a button that was permanently fixed A total of 90 SCB specimens from six mixtures were tested.
on a specially made frame, and the other end was attached A typical plot of loading versus LLD for three test
to a metal button glued to the sample. Crack mouth opening temperatures is shown in Fig. 3. All six mixtures
displacement (CMOD) was recorded by an Epsilon clip investigated exhibited a similar change in behavior with
gauge with 10 mm gauges length and a + 2.5 and −1 mm temperature and loading. At higher low temperatures,
range. The clip gauge was attached at the bottom of the asphalt mixtures are more ductile and have lower peak
specimen. The CMOD signal was used as the control signal loads and larger displacements. At the lowest temperature,
to maintain the test stability in the post-peak region of the mixtures are brittle and have high peak loads, and small
test. A constant CMOD rate of 0.0005 mm/s was used and deformation ability. At the middle low temperature,
the load and LLD (P-u) were recorded. A maximum contact mixtures exhibited an intermediate behavior.
load of 0.3 kN was applied before the actual loading to Another typical plot is shown in Fig. 4. The three
ensure uniform contact between the loading plate and the replicates, for one mixture at one temperature, have similar
specimen. Testing ceased when the load dropped to 0.5 kN initial compliances, peak loads and softening curves, which
in the post peak region. indicates that the repeatability of the test is reasonable.
All tests were performed inside an environmental Fracture energy was calculated for all mixtures and all
chamber. The desired low temperature was achieved by temperatures using the methods previously described. The
using liquid nitrogen. Prior to testing, the SCB samples mean and coefficient of variation (COV) for fracture energy
were kept in the environmental chamber at the test were calculated and summarized in Table 3, as also lists the
mean and COV for the peak load obtained form the testing.
The data for the loading rate and notch length effect is
shown in Table 4. All COV values for both fracture energy
and peak load were less than 25% and this indicates a
satisfactory repeatability of this type of test.
SCB Specimen TL = -30 ºC
Button 3.5
LLD 3.0

Load (kN)

TM= -18 ºC
TH= 0 ºC
Notch 2.0

CMOD 1.5
Frame 1.0


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Load line displacement (mm)

Fig. 2 SCB experiment setup Fig. 3 Typical plot of loading with load line displacement
Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876 871

3.5 Replicate 1
Replicate 2 energy than the mixtures prepared with limestone aggre-
Replicate 3
3.0 gates. As for the peak load, the mixture with granite has
2.5 Replicate
Peak Load
Energy higher values than that with limestone at the two lower
(kN) (J/m2) temperatures, whereas no significant difference was found
Load (kN)

2.0 1 3.01 269 at the highest temperature. With the aggregate type as the
2 2.84 326
1.5 3 2.64 314 only variable within the above plots, the comparison
implies that aggregate type affects the fracture resistance
and granite shows higher fracture resistance. This is similar
0.5 to a study result that shows the aggregate type has
significant effects on the fracture energy of high-
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 performance concrete [29].
Load line displacement (mm)
Differences between the two aggregate types are also
Fig. 4 Typical plot of loading with load line displacement for three found by visual inspection of the fracture surface after
replicates testing. No obvious differences are observed between the
fracture surfaces at −6°C. The cracking occurred either in
Data Analysis and Discussion asphalt mastic, or at the interface between the asphalt
mastic and no aggregate fractured. However, at the two
Analyses were performed to evaluate the effect of the lower temperatures, visual observations indicate that a
different material factors and testing conditions on mixture significant portion of the fracture passed through the
low temperature cracking resistance. The factors considered aggregate particles in the mixture made with limestone
were: aggregate type, air voids, modifier type, and binder while for the mixture made with the granite the crack passes
type. Testing conditions included the loading rate and initial through the interface between the mastic and the aggregate.
notch length. Figure 7 shows the fracture surfaces after testing performed
at −18°C.
Effect of Aggregate on Cracking Resistance
Effect of Air Voids on Cracking Resistance
Two aggregates were evaluated; granite and limestone. The
plots of the fracture energy and peak load as a function of The testing result from the two different air void levels, 4%
temperature for all four mixtures with only aggregate type and 7%, is shown in Fig. 8. It shows that 4% target air void
changing are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 5 shows results specimens overall resulted in higher fracture peak load and
for mixtures with PG 64–28 plain binder and 4% air voids, fracture energy calculations than the 7% target air void
while Fig. 6 presents data for mixtures with PG 64–28 SBS specimens. This indicates that overall the 4% air void
modified binder and 4% air voids. specimens are more resistant to cracking than the 7% target
As expected, the fracture energy decreases when air void specimens. This agrees with the expectation and
temperature decreases, while fracture peak load increases can be explained by the fact that more strain energy or
when temperature decreases. It can be seen from the above driving force is required to break a more compacted asphalt
two figures that for all temperatures the mixtures prepared mixture. In a previous research investigating the effects of
with granite aggregates have significantly higher fracture asphalt content and air voids content on mix fatigue and

Table 3 Experimental results for all mixtures

Mixture Peak load (kN) Fracture energy (J/m2)


Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV
% % % % % %

58:P:4:G 1.48 13.3 2.61 5.8 3.23 9.6 910 7.3 555 4.7 384 10.2
58:P:7:G 1.06 8.3 2.24 3.8 2.95 0.9 696 21.9 433 4.4 273 4.3
64:P:4:G 1.62 13.3 2.80 6.1 3.40 7.1 889 8.9 418 10.8 277 5.8
64:P:4:L 1.67 3.2 2.41 5.2 2.69 8.6 721 3.2 289 18.5 208 17.0
64:S:4:G 1.48 6.5 3.20 8.9 3.63 3.0 917 6.7 592 5.3 509 7.8
64:S:4:L 1.38 13.9 2.65 12.5 2.96 3.3 822 10.3 421 13.6 303 10.4
872 Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876

Table 4 Experimental results for loading rate and notch length

Peak load (kN) Fracture energy (J/m2)


Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV Mean COV
% % % % % %

Loading Rate (mm/s)

0.00015 1.40 12.0 2.69 2.4 2.51 5.6 1043 16.0 351 8.1 240 16.7
0.0005 1.67 3.2 2.41 5.2 2.69 8.6 721 3.2 289 18.5 208 17.0
0.005 2.57 5.4 2.76 7.4 2.44 5.8 655 5.2 283 17.7 200 5.9
Notch Length (mm)
5 2.15 0.1 2.72 1.6 2.81 5.0 1488 1.8 660 6.1 308 16.9
15 1.38 13.9 2.65 12.5 2.96 3.3 822 10.3 425 13.6 303 10.4
30 0.64 17.0 1.56 5.2 1.48 7.0 537 3.3 471 12.6 254 20.8

stiffness, Harvey and Tsai [30] pointed out that lower air However, the experimental result shows that the effect of
void content creates a more homogenous aggregate asphalt the modifier on the peak load is not as significant as on the
structure with fewer, smaller, and better-distributed voids, fracture energy. Specifically, mixtures with modified binder
resulting in less stress concentration at large voids. have higher peak load only at the two lower temperatures.
At the highest temperature, there is a noticeable decrease of
Effect of Modifier on Fracture Resistance peak load with the use of modified binder.

There is an increasing trend to adopt modified asphalt Effect of Binder on Fracture Resistance
binder to improve the properties of the asphalt mixtures. It
is of interests to investigate the effect of modifier on the It was reported from a previous study [13] that the low limit
fracture resistance of asphalt mixture at low temperatures. of the binder PG grade have significant effect on the
Only one modifier, SBS, was used in this study. The testing fracture resistance of asphalt mixture at low temperature. It
results for the mixtures with modified binder are compared is of interest to investigate if the high limit of the PG grade
with mixtures with plain binder and the comparison is makes a difference for the fracture resistance when the low
shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b). limit is the same. The comparison from the experimental
It is found that the mixtures with modified binder have result is shown in Fig. 10. It should be noted that the binder
obviously higher fracture energy than the mixtures with used in this comparison was plain.
plain binder, when the other variables are the same. This The experimental results show that mixture with high
trend is more significant at the two lower temperatures and PG grade 58 binder has higher fracture energy than mixture
mixtures with modified binder present more than 30% with high PG grade 64 binder, when all other factors kept
increase of fracture energy than those with plain binders. constant. However, the PG 64 binder prepared mixture was

1000 4.0 1000 4.0

3.5 3.5
800 800
Fracture Energy,J/m2

Fracture Energy,J/m2

Peak Load, kN

Peak Load, kN

2.5 2.5
600 600
2.0 2.0
400 400
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
200 200
Fracture Energy
Fracture Energy 64:P:4:G 0.5 64:S:4:G 0.5
Peak Load
Peak Load 64:P:4:L 64:S:4:L
0 0.0 0 0.0
-36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0 -36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0
Temperature, ˚C Temperature, ˚C

Fig. 5 Aggregate comparison for 64:P:4 Fig. 6 Aggregate comparison for 64:S:4
Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876 873

Fig. 7 Typical fracture surfaces

for mixtures with different ag-
gregate. (a) Limestone,
(b) Granite

(a) Limestone (b) Granite

found to have higher peak load than the mixture made by changes with the loading rate. The experimental result
PG 58 binder. This is consistent with the expectation, as the shows much smaller change of the fracture energy with the
PG 58–28 binder is known “softer” than the PG64–28 loading rate at the two lower temperature levels. It was also
binder. Considering that the fracture resistance is not only found that the fracture energy decreases more noticeably
determined by the material stiffness but the ability of with the load rate change from level 1 to level 2 than that
deformation, it can be concluded that the mixture with from level 2 to level 3 at these two lower temperatures. This
PG58 binder is more resistant to cracking than that with can be explained by the fact that the material is more
PG64 binder. ductile when it is at the highest test temperature and the
material properties are more dependent on the loading rate.
Effect of Loading Rate on Fracture Resistance

As described previously, mixture 64:P:4:L was used to (a)

1000 4.0
perform fracture testing using two additional loading rates.
The mean values for both fracture energy and peak load
obtained from three different loading rates are plotted in
Fracture Energy,J/m2


Peak Load, kN
Fig. 11. Loading rate levels 1, 2 and 3 represent a CMOD 2.5
rate of 0.00015 mm/s, 0.0005 mm/s and 0.005 mm/s,
400 1.5
The fracture energy decreases with the increase in
loading rate at all three temperatures and this is consistent 1.0
with a previous study [15]. However, there is significant Fracture Energy
difference among the different temperature levels. At the Peak Load
0 0.0
highest temperature −6°C, the fracture energy significantly -36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0
Temperature, ˚C
1000 3.5
1000 3.5
3.0 800
Fracture Energy,J/m2

800 2.5
Fracture Energy,J/m2

Peak Load, kN

Peak Load, kN

600 2.0
1.0 200
64:P:4:L 0.5
200 Fracture Energy
Fracture Energy 58:P:4:G 0.5 Peak Load 64:S:4:L
Peak Load 58:P:7:G 0 0.0
-36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0
0 0.0
-36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0 Temperature, ˚C
Fig. 9 (a) Effect of modifier on mixtures with granite. (b) Effect of
Fig. 8 Plot for air voids comparison modifier on mixtures with limestone
874 Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876

1000 4.0 1600 3.5

3.5 1400 3.0

Fracture Energy,J/m2

3.0 1200


Fracture Energy,J/m
Peak Load, kN

Peak Load, kN
600 2.5 1000
2.0 800
400 1.5
1.5 600
1.0 400
Fracture Energy 58:P:4:G 5mm Notch 0.5
0.5 200 Fracture Energy 15mm Notch
Peak Load 64:P:4:G Peak Load 30mm Notch
0 0.0 0 0.0
-36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0 -36 -30 -24 -18 -12 -6 0
Temperature,˚C Temperature,˚C

Fig. 10 Comparison for the high limit of binder PG grade Fig. 12 Influence of notch length

The two lower temperature levels represent a more brittle with 5 mm notch length had higher fracture energy values
domain of the material, and the response of the asphalt than those with 15 mm and 30 mm notch length, while the
mixture is less dependent on the loading rate. latter two showed no significant difference. No significant
For the peak load, the values significantly increase with differences were found at the lowest temperature level for
the increase in loading rate at the highest test temperature. all three notch lengths.
However, no clear trend is observed for peak load variation The peak load was found to obviously decrease with the
with the loading rate at the two lower temperature levels. increase of the notch length at −6°C. At the two lower
This indicates that the loading rate has significant effect on temperatures, the peak loads for 5 mm and 15 mm notch
the peak load at higher temperature, but this effect is lengths were found not significantly different, but were
diminished with the decrease in temperature as the mixtures much higher than those from 30 mm notched specimens.
become more brittle. The experimental results shown in Fig. 12 also indicate that
the size effects are present in both fracture energy and peak
Effect of Notch Length on the Fracture Properties load for the test geometry and specimen size used in this
study. It was recently found by the authors that the fracture
The mixture 64:S:4:L was tested with three different initial process zone in the SCB specimens is relatively large
notch length to investigate the effect of notch length on the compared to the ligament [19]. More research is therefore
fracture properties. The mean values for fracture energy and needed to further validate the findings of this study by
peak load that represent the comparison for three different testing specimens with much larger fracture ligaments.
notch length are plotted in Fig. 12. The experimental result
shows that the fracture energy significantly differs with the
notch length at −6°C, and the fracture energy increases Summary and Conclusions
when the notch length decreases. At −18°C, the specimens
This work presents a repeatable SCB fracture test to
evaluate the low temperature fracture resistance of asphalt
1200 3.5
Fracture Energy mixture. The six mixtures included in this study represent a
Peak Load 3.0 combination of different factors such as binder type,
modifier type, aggregate type, and air voids. The effect of
Fracture Energy,J/m2

800 the loading rate and initial notch length was also investi-
Peak Load, kN

2.0 gated. Mixture specimens cut from gyratory compacted

600 cylinders were tested at three low temperature levels based
on binder grade. The fracture resistance parameter of
400 fracture energy was calculated from the experimental data.
Experimental results show strong dependence of the low
200 -6˚C
-18˚C temperature fracture resistance on the test temperature.
0 0.0 Experimental plots and low COV values from three
0 1 2 3 replicates show a satisfactory repeatability with the test.
Loading Rate Level
The comparison analysis shows that the aggregate type
Fig. 11 Influence of loading rate has significant effect on fracture resistance. Mixtures with
Exp Mech (2010) 50:867–876 875

granite aggregates have higher fracture energy and peak 4. Zubeck HK, Zeng H-Y, Vinson TS, Janoo VC (1996) Field
validation of thermal stress restrained specimen test: six case
load than those with limestone, all other factors being
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constant. This difference between two different aggregates 5. American Association of State Highway Transportation Offi-
is also confirmed from the fracture surface observation after cials (AASHTO) Standard TP9-96 (2002) Method for deter-
testing at the two lower test temperatures. While a mining the creep compliance and strength of Hot Mix Asphalt
(HMA) Using the indirect tension tensile test device. Standard
significant portion of the fracture passed through the
specification for transportation materials and methods of
aggregate particles in the mixture made with limestone, sampling and testing
most fracture in mixture made with the granite passes 6. Moavenzadeh F (1967) Asphalt fracture. J Assoc Asphalt Paving
through the interface between the mastic. The analysis Technol 36:51–79
7. Raj D, Sharma MG, Anderson DA (1989) Development of
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