Fastener EurAsia Magazine 74

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International Fastener & Technologies Magazine

March - April 2018 Year: 13

January - February 2021 Year: 16 58 Mart - Nisan 2018 Yıl: 13 74
Bağlantı Elemanları ve Teknolojileri Dergisi

1-2-3 March 2018 16-20 April 2018

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1-2-3 March 2018 16-20 April 2018
Hall10 #1412 – Istanbul, Turkey Booth #15E26 – Düsseldorf, DE

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SINCE 1973

Is anti-dumping the
right decision?

he European Union
announced that it
has launched an anti-
President & Editor-in-Chief
In Europe, there is a need for high quality and high quantity
fasteners for sectors such as automotive, aviation and
defense industry. European importers alone supply more
[email protected] dumping investigation than 130,000 different fasteners and fixings. It employs
into industrial fasteners more than 44,000 employees and its total annual turnover
f ro m C h i n a . T h i s is over 10,000 million Euros. When we consider all sectors,
was done while the world was struggling with the Covid manufacturers and suppliers, the number is quite high.
19 outbreak on the one hand, and on the other hand,
while it was preparing for a Christmas holiday. In fact, an Germany and Italy are the countries with the highest
investigation was initiated against importing companies production capacity of fasteners in Europe. Turkey is the
and associations without any involvement in the decision 3rd country with high capacity with the machinery capable
and without preparation. Importers and global suppliers of producing special and standard products. Investments
in the EU were given a few days to submit information to have been made in this sector in recent years in countries
the investigation. such as Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czechia and Slovakia.
With low cost, proximity to logistics, quality production
Shipping was hampered by the shortage of containers, capacity and Customs Union agreement, Turkey stands
and this was giving the European supply chain a difficult out to be an alternative to China. Poland is a country that
time. The announcement of the investigation had a can become an alternative over time.
negative impact on the supply fueling the raw material
and container price increases. Currently, European suppliers are not prepared for this
anti-dumping. Therefore, this may not be the right time
The European Commission imposed an anti-dumping for investigation. At least, the opinions of the relevant
tax of around 85% in 2009 on fasteners from China. The companies and associations should be taken. Despite the
WTO and the EU's own Court of Justice had decided that cost increases in China in recent years, there is no country
these measures were illegal and the EU had to abolish the that can be a direct alternative to China in terms of price
measures completely. and product variety. However, the recent container price
increases, pandemic problem, flight disruptions showed
This anti-dumping may seem to benefit many us the following: "You have to produce to meet your own
manufacturing firms. However, European Union countries needs, if you cannot produce it, you should supply it from
have been supplying fasteners based on imports for many the nearest possible sources, alternative suppliers should
years. Considering that European fastener manufacturers be ready at all times."
have not invested or expanded their production for a long
time, how will the demand be met?


BİRLİK FASTENERS 1, 18, 20, 40, 81, 83, 85 IDEF 34 PİMSAN Front Page, 2, 24, 52, 56, 60, 62 YAREN WASHER 8


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W ill the pandemic we experience teach us something, or is it just

history repeating itself? Will the effects of liberation together
with restrictions lead to dissociation? Will Asia, America and Europe
remain as close to each other as before? Or will we be able to go back
to the globalization process again? Is everyone trying to complete their
production, meet the needs and come up with the solutions within
their own structure?
Undoubtedly, it is understandable that governments, especially the
European Union, support local producers and take some measures to
keep the capital circulation in their own countries. China's dynamic
production, especially for export, may seem to suffer at this point.
However, it would not be very supportive to suggest that multinational
companies will give up establishing a production center or operationg
with their existing centers in the Far East.
During the pandemic, our business life and commercial activities
were affected as much as our daily life. However, we can see that the
Fastener Industry is not affected as much as some other sectors.
Dispite the fact that trade shows are canceled and the marketing
activities are no more face to face… We cannot suggest that there
is a great loss in the continuity of fastener production and trade. In
fact, many companies made good use of this period for an important
breakthrough and self-improvement process. Company mergers and
important collaborations were made. Online meetings, transition to
e-commerce systems and focusing on digital communication are the
factors that make a great contribution to manage the process. In
promotion and advertising activities, companies focused on expressing
themselves through digital platforms, social media and publishers.
We are also trying to follow and share the developments in our sector
and the activities of the companies. Seeing new investments, new
product launches show that the fastener world continues to function.
After all, many industries such as automotive, white goods, defense
industry, construction and machinery need fasteners. Life goes on,
and naturally needs continue to exist.
In the first period of 2021, we see that many events are postponed
to the second half of the year due to the pandemic effect. These events
will definitely be held with certain measures. Undoubtedly, nothing will
ever be the same. Until then, we will continue to deliver our magazine YENİ DEVİR MATBAASI
to you through print and digital distribution.
In addition, we regret to announce the loss of a valuable member
of our industry. We would like to express our sorrow and condolence
upon the death of Sergio Pirovano, President of the Italian Fastener
Manufacturers Association (UPIVEB).



EU anti-dumping
The European Commission announced an anti-dumping
investigation into imports of certain iron or steel fasteners in
the People’s Republic of China

Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping The complainant claimed that it is not appropriate to use
domestic prices and costs in the PRC, due to the existence
proceeding concerning imports of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b) of
of certain iron or steel fasteners Article 2(6a) of the basic Regulation.
To substantiate the allegations of significant distortions,
originating in the People’s Republic of the complainant relied on the information contained in
China the ‘Commission Staff Working Document on Significant
Distortions in the Economy of the PRC’ dated 20 December
2017 (the ‘Commission Report’) describing the specific

T he European Commission has received a complaint

pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation 2016/1036 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016
market circumstances in the PRC. In particular, the
complainant claimed that the production and sale of the
product under investigation is potentially affected by the
on protection against dumped imports from countries not factors mentioned, inter alia, in the chapters on energy, raw
members of the European Union, alleging that imports of materials and other material inputs and steel sector of the
certain iron or steel fasteners, originating in the People’s report. Additionally, the complainant provided the reports
Republic of China, are being dumped and are thereby ‘European Business in China, Position Paper’ published
causing injury to the Union industry. in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 by the EU Chamber of
Commerce in the PRC, which examine the distortions of
Complaint the market in the PRC, notably in several sectors that are
The complaint was lodged on 6 November 2020 by the users of fasteners. Furthermore, the complainant provided
European Industrial Fasteners Institute. The complaint two reports produced by Think!Desk China Research &
was made on behalf of the Union industry of certain iron Consulting, pointing to the existence of distortions in the
or steel fasteners in the sense of Article 5(4) of the basic Chinese steel sector, which is a major raw material for the
Regulation. production of fasteners.
As a result, in view of Article 2(6a)(a) of the basic
Product under investigation Regulation, the allegation of dumping is based on a
The product subject to this investigation is certain comparison of a constructed normal value on the basis of
fasteners of iron or steel, other than of stainless steel, costs of production and sale reflecting undistorted prices
i.e. wood screws (excluding coach screws), self-tapping or benchmarks, with the export price (at ex-works level)
screws, other screws and bolts with heads (whether or not of the product under investigation when sold for export to
with their nuts or washers, but excluding screws and bolts the Union. On that basis the dumping margins calculated
for fixing railway track construction material), and washers are significant for the country concerned.
(‘the product under investigation’). In light of the information available, the Commission
considers that there is sufficient evidence pursuant
Allegation of dumping to Article 5(9) of the basic Regulation tending to show
The product allegedly being dumped is the product that, due to significant distortions affecting prices and
under investigation, originating in the People’s Republic costs, the use of domestic prices and costs in the country
of China, currently classified under CN codes 7318 12 concerned is inappropriate, thus warranting the initiation
90, 7318 14 91, 7318 14 99, 7318 15 58, 7318 15 of an investigation on the basis of Article 2(6a) of the basic
68, 7318 15 82, 7318 15 88, ex 7318 15 95 (TARIC Regulation.
codes 7318159519 and 7318159589), ex 7318 21 00
(TARIC codes 7318210031, 7318210039, 7318210095 Allegation of injury and causation
and 7318210098) and ex 7318 22 00 (TARIC codes The complainant has provided evidence that imports
7318220031, 7318220039, 7318220095 and of the product under investigation from the country
7318220098). The CN and TARIC codes are given for concerned have increased overall in absolute terms and
information only. in terms of market share.



The evidence provided by the complainant shows that

the volume and the prices of the imported product under
investigation have had, among other consequences,
a negative impact on the quantities sold and the
market share held by the Union industry, resulting in
substantial adverse effects on the overall performance,
the financial situation and the employment situation of
the Union industry.

Having determined, after informing the Member
States, that the complaint has been lodged by or on
behalf of the Union industry and that there is sufficient
evidence to justify the initiation of a proceeding, the
Commission hereby initiates an investigation pursuant
to Article 5 of the basic Regulation.
The investigation will determine whether the product
under investigation originating in the country concerned
is being dumped and whether the dumped imports have
caused injury to the Union industry.
If the conclusions are affirmative, the investigation
will examine whether the imposition of measures would
not be against the Union interest under Article 21 of the
basic Regulation.
Regulation 2018/825 of the European Parliament
and of the Council, which entered into force on 8
June 2018 (TDI Modernisation package), introduced
significant changes to the timetable and deadlines
previously applicable in anti-dumping proceedings.
The time-limits for interested parties to come forward,
in particular at the early stage of investigations, are

Investigation period and period

The investigation of dumping and injury will cover
the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. The
examination of trends relevant for the assessment of
injury will cover the period from 1 January 2017 to the
end of the investigation period.

Additional procedure with regard to

the country concerned subject to
significant distortions
Pursuant to point (e) of Article 2(6a) of the basic
Regulation, the Commission will shortly after initiation,
by means of a note to the file for inspection by
interested parties, inform parties to the investigation
about the relevant sources, including the selection
of an appropriate representative third country where
appropriate, that it intends to use for the purpose of
determining normal value pursuant to Article 2(6a).
Parties to the investigation are to be given 10 days to
comment on the note, in accordance with point (e) of
Article 2(6a). According to the information available to
the Commission, possible appropriate representative
third countries are Brazil and Turkey.

The full notice of the initiation can be found at: www.eur-lex.europa.




EU-UK trade deal:

EU automobile
manufacturers react
T he European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association
(ACEA) welcomes the deal struck between the European
Union and the United Kingdom on their future trading
relations. This agreement is a great relief for European
automobile manufacturers, allowing the sector to avoid
the catastrophic effect of a no-deal Brexit.
“There is no other industry that is more closely integrated
than the European automotive industry, with complex
supply chains stretching right across the region,” explained
ACEA Director General Eric-Mark Huitema.
ACEA however notes that it cannot make a full
assessment of the implications of the deal until all the
technical details have been made public. Only at that stage Indeed, with approximately 30,000 parts used in the
will it be clear if the deal fully reflects the interests of EU construction of a single car – and many more in the
auto manufacturers and their supply chains. construction of commercial vehicles – the automotive
“The impact of a no-deal Brexit on the EU auto industry industry relies heavily on smooth and just-in-time delivery.
would have been simply devastating, so we are first and Compared to today’s situation, the deal struck by
foremost extremely relieved that an agreement was negotiators introduces much more red tape and regulatory
reached before the transition period expired,” Huitema burden for the industry.
stated. Every year, almost 3 million motor vehicles worth €54
“Nonetheless, major challenges still lie ahead, as trade billion are traded between the EU and the UK, and cross-
in goods will be heavily impacted by barriers to trade in the Channel trade in automotive parts accounts for almost
form of new customs procedures that will be introduced €14 billion.
on 1 January 2021.” Source: ACEA

About ACEA • 11.5% of EU manufacturing jobs – some 3.7 million

ACEA represents the 16 major Europe-based car,
– are in the automotive sector.
van, truck and bus manufacturers: BMW Group,
• Motor vehicles account for €440.4 billion in taxes
CNH Industrial, DAF Trucks, Daimler, Ferrari, Fiat
in major European markets.
Chrysler Automobiles, Ford of Europe, Honda Motor
• The automobile industry generates a trade surplus
Europe, Hyundai Motor Europe, Jaguar Land Rover,
of €74 billion for the EU.
PSA Group, Renault Group, Toyota Motor Europe,
• The turnover generated by the auto industry
Volkswagen Group, Volvo Cars, and Volvo Group.
represents over 7% of EU GDP.
• Investing €60.9 billion in R&D annually, the
About the EU automobile industry automotive sector is Europe's largest private
• 14.6 million Europeans work in the auto industry contributor to innovation, accounting for 29% of
(directly and indirectly), accounting for 6.7% of total EU spending.
all EU jobs.



continues to
invest in the
latest high
International fastener specialist TR VIC spa, part of the
Trifast plc group of companies, has made a substantial
investment in the very latest fastening machinery in
response to increasing and evolving requirements from
European customers. The high precision Carlo Salvi cold
automated packaging and labelling machine, a heat
former is the newest addition to its growing portfolio of
treatment line, a high quality pointing machine and
machinery, which further increases manufacturing capacity
laboratory equipment including a high class Keyence
for high level applications within automotive, household
microscope. All of these upgrades have resulted in a sharp
appliances and electrical sectors in Europe.
rise in productivity, in some cases doubling output in half
the time.
High-tech cold forming capability The company has grown considerably by expanding
The advanced Carlo Salvi 1 Die 2 Blow Header provides its workforce, customer base, improving processes and
the highest productivity in cold forming and has been technologies whilst also achieving quality accreditations,
specially developed and designed for the production of most recently the IATF 16949 during the Covid-19
screw blanks as well as solid parts at high speed up to pandemic. It has been business as usual these last few
190 parts per minute. Complementing TR’s application months and TR VIC is responding to the evolving market
engineering expertise, this high-tech header machine by continuing to invest in the company and in newer, faster
enables the technical precision and versatility required in equipment to the benefit of customers.
manufacturing fasteners for evolving applications across Karol Gregorczyk, Director of Sales and Operations at
several different industries into which TR supplies. TR VIC in Italy, said: “Machine capability is an area we are
continually reviewing as part of our on-going improvement
of operational efficiencies. With our on-site manufacturing
Investment and responding to changing we can add real value to our customers by developing
markets bespoke products – our new machine is a boost to our
Since its acquisition in 2014, TR VIC has invested already impressive manufacturing credentials.
significantly in manufacturing equipment, including an “We understand that investment is critical to thrive and
that is why we are committed to the continued growth and
development of our production capabilities and competitive
position. The sectors we work in are extremely demanding
requiring a combination of precision, speed and quality
that only the most advanced machining techniques can
Marco Pizzi, Chief Operating Officer at Carlo Salvi
commented: “We are pleased to support TR VIC in their
continued investment in cold forging machinery, supplying
modern/plug-in machines. Great collaboration between
Carlo Salvi and TR VIC allowed fast commissioning and
the machinery being up and running within 48 hours from


Spacers & Round Nuts Rivet Nuts

Rivets & Pins

Special Screws


Bulten inaugurates new

factory in Taiwan
Bulten has
inaugurated a new
facility in Taipei,
Taiwan through its
subsidiary PSM
Fasteners Taiwan Ltd.
With the
establishment of the
new facility, Bulten
has strengthened its
position as an
supplier of fastener “ Taiwan is a center for fastener manufacturing in Asia and the world,
with great know-how and proximity to necessary infrastructure as a
machine and tool manufacturer. Having a modern manufacturing facility
solutions and created in Taiwan is important for Bulten and is an essential step for our future
growth,” says Anders Nyström, President and CEO of Bulten.
very good conditions The move to the new factory has been carried through according to
for managing future plan. The new facility enables more efficient and sustainable operation
and forms a basis for further expansion.



Fastenal Fined
$650K Over
Fees at

T he company allegedly failed to disclose added shipping

and handling charges to walk-in retail customers since
California’s Monterey County District Attorney announced
Dec. 30 that it has ordered Fastenal to pay $650,000 to
resolve allegations that the company charged undisclosed
surcharges to walk-in store customers across California
over the past five years.
District Attorney Jeannine Pacioni said that prosecutors
alleged that the Winona, MN-based industrial distributor
sold certain in-stock goods to walk-in customers across
its 138 retail facilities in California without disclosing
that it was adding “shipping and handling” surcharges
for those products. Pacioni said that action is in violation
of the state’s Unfair Competition Law and False Advertising
Law. She added that Fastenal failed to provide required
customer-facing screens that displayed the prices of goods
and surcharges as they are scanned.
According to Pacioni, Fastenal committed those
violations while under a permanent injunction levied in
2011 against the company to not willfully engage in those
exact actions within California.
A press release from the district attorney said that
judgement against Fastenal in the new case determined
the company must pay $625,000 in investigative costs
and civil penalties, plus $25,000 in restitution to the
California Consumer Protection Prosecution Trust Fund.
Fastenal is also ordered to form and maintain audit and
employee training programs to ensure future compliance.
A new permanent state injunction against Fastenal from
intentionally committing similar violations is also included
in the new stipulated judgement.
Source: Industrial Distribution



Completion of
Optimas for
Strong Growth
in 2021 and

O ptimas Solutions, LLC (“Optimas”), a leading

global provider of integrated supply chain
solutions, including fasteners and MRO consumables,
announced that it has completed a comprehensive
refinancing of its debt structure which positions the
company well for long term growth. The transaction
was completed on December 30, 2020 and provides
for enhanced liquidity, a five-year maturity, and
significant reductions both in the quantum of debt
and the interest expense going forward for Optimas.
According to Optimas Chief Financial Officer Jim
Japczyk, the refinancing will enable Optimas to
support its operational growth objectives and to
deliver against its Manufacturing Solutions business
strategy announced in August 2020. “This event is
quite transformational for Optimas. We showed strong
execution against our strategy at the close of last year
and this allows us to build on that,” he said.
“This refinancing will improve overall cashflow,
providing more resources to expand and grow the
business. We fully expect this transaction will result
in existing and potential customers entrusting their
business with Optimas with greater confidence as
well as helping new and potential suppliers to engage
more fully as we work to deliver mutually beneficial
relationships,” Japczyk said.
“In August of last year, we implemented our
Manufacturing Solutions strategy which really changed
the trajectory of the company, particularly with strong
performance in Q4,” said Marc Strandquist, CEO of
Optimas. “Now, with this refinancing we can transform
the business over the next few years as we follow
our strategy to deliver more to our customers and
strengthen our relationship with suppliers.”


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Lederer W ith retroactive effect from January 1st, 2021, Lederer

GmbH has taken over all shares in NORMTEC Montage-
und Befestigungstechnik GmbH from Theo Förch GmbH & Co.

GmbH takes KG. The company from Wuppertal with eleven employees has
been successfully selling stainless steel fasteners for seven

The long-standing employee and authorized signatory
Sebastian Ovenhausen will take over the management of
NORMTEC will continue to exist as an independent company
at its previous location in Wuppertal and will continue to operate
as part of Lederer GmbH.

BUMAX installs next

generation manufacturing
equipment in Sweden
Productivity boost
“Our new machines are highly automated, which means
that one operator can manage several machines at the
same time,” continued Sjölund. “They also use direct drives
to provide better control of the production process and are
capable of producing more fasteners per shift as they are
In addition, the next-generation machines have fewer
mechanical parts, which will ensure they require less
maintenance and further reduce production downtime at
the factory.
They are also an investment in securing quality for the
future, and the company’s ability to continue to deliver
fasteners of extremely high quality for customers around
the world.
Safety and incident rates consistently below the industry
average at BUMAX. The new machines further enhance

B UMAX has invested in the latest next-generation

machines to ensure it continues to deliver the highest
quality fasteners, while further enhancing productivity and
safety by reducing risks through greater automation.
BUMAX will continue to invest in its production with a
new thread rolling machine, which will replace two older
safety at its factory in Åshammar. machines, and be able to produce threaded rods and
The multi-million SEK investment consists of three new stud bolts. A pre-study has begun, and the project will
state-of-the-art machines: two bolt pointing machines and commence in 2021.
one flat die thread rolling machine. They were installed in Efforts to improve the workplace and products go hand
October 2020 following approximately a year of planning in hand at BUMAX with a sustainability program that has
and preparation. run for over a decade and that has halved its energy use
“The machines replace five older semi-manual pointing since 2007.
and thread rolling machines and enable us to produce
fasteners even more efficiently and safely,” explained
Anders Sjölund, Manager Service & Maintenance, Project
Manager at BUMAX.




Contract Extension with The
Boeing Company
L ISI AEROSPACE has entered into an agreement with
the Boeing Company to extend its’ current statement
of work. LISI AEROSPACE is excited about the contract
About the LISI Group
LISI is a global industrial group specialized in the
manufacturing of high value-added assembly and
extension as the aerospace market prepares itself for a components solutions for the aerospace, automotive
return to growth following the 2020 market downturn. and medical industries. LISI and its three divisions LISI
Under the contract, LISI AEROSPACE will continue to AEROSPACE, LISI AUTOMOTIVE and LISI MEDICAL employ
provide close to 6,000 different part numbers in support more than 11,000 employees in 13 countries over 4
of all Boeing Commercial programs (737, 747, 767, 777, continents.
and 787).

KAMAX cooperates with

Robert Schröder Group
T he KAMAX Group has taken an important step forward
as part of its new corporate strategy: With the majority
shareholding in the Robert Schröder group of companies,
the international automotive supplier is supplementing its
product portfolio in new areas and applications, particularly opportunity to develop further
in the important e-bike and e-drives markets. together with our new partner.
Robert Schröder is a manufacturer of precision parts KAMAX is thus expanding its
inside and outside the automotive industry and specializes competencies and the range
in the further processing of cold-formed parts by turning, of products offered to our customers in line with our
milling, grinding, gear cutting and assembly. new corporate strategy. Our employees will also benefit
The acquisition is subject to merger control clearance; from this, for example in the further development of the
closing is planned for the first quarter of 2021. production of new formed parts at our Homberg plant,"
The cooperation and exchange of know-how brings says Jörg Steins (CEO, KAMAX Group).
benefits on both sides. "We are excited about the



Würth Group: Multi-channel

strategy remains guarantor for
According to the preliminary annual financial statement, the
Würth Group reports a sales volume of EUR 14.41 billion in 2020
thus being slightly above previous year (2019: EUR 14.27 billion,
+0.9 percent, adjusted for foreign currency effects: +2.0 percent).

The trades, which we supply with fastening

and assembly materials in our core
business, are of systemic relevance, which
had a positive impact on our business.
With our multi-channel strategy, we offer
our customers the procurement options
they need for a supply of materials under
pandemic conditions. With the consistent
expansion of our digital offering, we have Robert Friedmann
the right strategy for us and our customers
Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central
Managing Board of the Würth Group
The Group continues to intensify its innovation strategy
as planned also in times of crisis: The Innovation Center at
the headquarters in Künzelsau is planned to open in 2022.
The Group has maintained its performance at a stable The total amount invested comes to about EUR 70 million.
level by its multi-channel strategy, spreading risks through State-of-the-art laboratories and workshops are being built
its international positioning and diversification across on an area of 15,000 square meters.
various business segments. The development of sales in E-business sales showed above-average growth of
2020 reflects the different effects of the pandemic on 5.8 percent, climbing to EUR 2.8 billion in 2020. This
individual sectors and markets: While the Construction increased the share of this contact point in total Group
Division (+12.3 percent) and also the German Electrical sales by one percentage point to 19.3 percent. Due
Wholesale Unit (+10.8 percent) performed very well to contact restrictions and lockdowns, business has
with sales growth in the double-digit range, sales in the shifted increasingly to digital sales channels as a result
units that directly supply the automotive and mechanical of the COVID-19 crisis. Be it online shop, Würth App or
engineering industries declined. e-procurement solutions: Thanks to the consistent pursuit



of its digitization strategy and its financial stability,

Würth remains a reliable partner and supplier to its
customers even during the pandemic. E-business as
part of the multi-channel strategy has once again
gained in importance.
In Germany, the Würth Group succeeded in
achieving growth of 2.8 percent, while Adolf Würth
GmbH & Co. KG as parent company of the Group grew
by 7.4 percent. Outside Germany, the Würth Group
had to take a sales decline of 0.4 percent.

Operating result
According to preliminary calculations, the operating
result of the Würth Group clearly remained at previous
year’s level with EUR 770 million (2019: EUR 770

In spite of the COVID-19 crisis, we did not reduce
staff—on the contrary: The number of employees
rose by 453, from 78,686 to a new high of 79,139
in 2020. In Germany, the number of employees
amounts to 24,514, corresponding to an increase of
0.7 percent. The Group currently has 33,176 sales
force employees on the payroll.

The economic forecasts are cautiously optimistic.
Also in the second lockdown, German economy is
standing strong, but the volatile situation does not
allow for a clear forecast. Friedmann is pinning his
hopes on the global changes as a whole.
"Vaccinations have begun globally. On 20 January,
the new president takes office in the United States.
This gives hope that important trade relations will
be revived and crucial alliances resumed, displacing
uncertainty and unrest. This should help the global
economy regain momentum, which is already
indicated by the positive economic outlook by leading
economic institutions."
Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Managing Board of
the Würth Group



NORMA Group to Support the

Electricity and Fiber Optic Supply
in the Norwegian North Sea
N ORMA Group is equipping the electricity and fiber
optic connection to an offshore fish farm system in the
Norwegian North Sea with ABA Original SMO hose clamps.
Long-time NORMA Group customer TESS, a Norwegian
provider of services and products for the operation and
maintenance in industries such as oil and fishing, uses
The clamps will be used 40 kilometers outside the coast of ABA Original SMO for subsea cable bend restrictors. At
Tromsø and form a key element of the subsea cable bend the bends of electricity and fiber optic cables, the clamps
restrictor system. The clamps will be used to secure the secure the seal to prevent potential cable kinks. Over the
cable kink protection seal. next 20 years, the ABA Original SMO hose clamps, under

“This order shows that our products can high water pressure, will support the electricity and fiber
be used even under difficult weather optic supply to the offshore fish farm system. The customer
conditions,” said Dr. Michael Schneider, has already installed the hose clamps underwater.
CEO of NORMA Group. “Our hose clamps ABA Original SMO are made of SMO 254 material. SMO
will be used in the North Sea and 254 is an austenitic stainless steel that doesn’t rust and
contribute to the supply of electricity and provides maximum resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion
fiber optic technology. We are particularly and various types of stress corrosion. ABA Original SMO
pleased that we are further expanding a are therefore used especially in extremely demanding
partnership with the customer that has environments, such as sea water plants and plants in the
existed for more than 25 years with this chemical and food processing industries, as well as in
order.” shipbuilding. JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 33






1911 1911








TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015


‹ S TA N B U L Büyükçekmece, ‹stanbul / Turkey

MARKET Ideally situated to serve Europe’s west and
east, north and south, Slovenia does not only
Area:20,273 sq km have excellent communication and transport
Population:2 million infrastructure, high-quality services and the
functioning public administration and the financial
Capital:Ljubljana system, but has people with long business and
Currency:euro (€) personal links in the Western Balkans. Goods are
moved quickly and reliable, clearance procedures
International membership : EU, NATO, OECD are efficient and once goods enter Slovenia via
road, rail, air or see, they are at the doorstep of
the EU market with 500 million consumers and
many more in Europe’s east and southeast.

M ost foreign investors are attracted by Slovenia’s strategic

position at the heart of Europe, its excellent transport and
ITC infrastructure, its value chains, industry clusters and centres
Slovenia's economy is highly dependent on
of excellence. Investors keen on locating their operations at the international trade. The ratio of merchandise
heart of the market with 500 million consumers will find Slovenia’s trade (imports and exports) to GDP is one of the
international commercial contacts and the land-sea-air transport highest in the region. External trade equals nearly
system ideal. 150% of GDP (exports and imports combined).
A corporate culture of transparency and accountability, observance Cross-border trade flows indicate countries
of international technical standards, personal integrity and company generally seen as competitive for investment
loyalty make a foreign manager’s job easy ever since the first big and with adequate supply. Vigorous export growth
international companies established their operations in Slovenia. was as crucial to Slovenia’s economic recovery
Slovenia as a potential host country has balanced class forces, class- when the country gained independence in 1991
based economic disputes are rare and wages are very reasonable for as it is today when despite modest growth in the
the level of education and skills of the local workforce. euro zone countries – Slovenia’s main trading JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 35


partners –no significant adverse impact is expected as the BMW, Daimler, VW, as well as MAN, and Ford in Germany
local exporters are building their presence in high-growth account for some 40% of car component exports, followed
emerging markets.Trade between Slovenia and other EU by France, Italy, Austria, the UK, and the USA. Reliability
member states is based on free movement of goods. Trade of the vehicles that roll off the assembly lines of Renault,
is carried out without customs control, customs duties, PSA, Brosse; Lombardini, Landini, Fiat and Magna Steyr
quantitative restrictions or any other measures. gives credit also to suppliers from Slovenia.
The product composition of merchandise trade, Revoz owned by the French Renault remains Slovenia’s only
still dominated by semi-finished and intermediate car manufacturer and the number one Slovenian exporter,
manufacturing goods, is shifting gradually towards final, employing around 2,000 people.
consumer goods. The shares of textiles, clothing and steel The Automotive Cluster of Slovenia (ACS) is the hub
in merchandise exports are declining slightly, while those for Slovenian automotive suppliers in metal processing,
of automotive products, electronics and pharmaceuticals mechanical, electrical and electronics, chemical, rubber,
are increasing. textile and transport equipment industries as well as
partners from RTD institutions and support services.
Number of companies: 280 MACHINING & METALWORKING
Number of employees: 17,451 Number of companies: 3,280
Revenues (in €): 4.4 billion Number of employees: 62,652
Key export markets: Austria, Croatia, Hungary, France, Revenues (in €): 9.3 billion
Germany, Italy, Mexico, Romania, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA Key export markets: Australia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Rep.,
Source: AJPES, 2020 France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands,
Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA
Source: AJPES, 2020

Key products:
Vehicles and auto parts
Metal fittings and components
Cast and fabricated metal elements
Water turbines and pumps
Various metal products
Metal tools
Truck lifts
Key products: HVAC systems
Seats and seat components
Components and materials for interior furnishing
Car body parts
Components for braking systems
Mechanical and electric/electronic components for engines
Exterior equipment and body lighting equipment
Exhaust systems
Engine and gearbox components
Steering system components
Drive components
Other systems and components
Manufacturing spot welding equipment The companies working in the metal forming and metal
Tooling for automotive industry fabrication industry co-operate in clusters, professional
Research, testing and other development activities associations, universities, research institutes, supporting
fundamental and applied research that address
Many leading players in the automotive industry set technological barriers facing the industry. Designers and
up operating partnerships with Slovenian firms in the manufacturers of tools have been at the forefront of the
electronic control unit (ECU) development area: software industry providing a platform for toolmaking companies
coding, hardware design, the design and testing of entire with CAD/CAM/CAE designed and manufactured tooling.
assemblies and other electrical integration tasks such as Other companies benefit from comprehensive hi-tech
CAD modelling are offshore to Slovenia. solutions to increase productivity and speed delivery.
Slovenia’s automotive industry generates one tenth of These are large, as well as medium and small enterprises,
the country’s GDP and accounts for 12.5% of its exports well-known in the EU working to specifications of leading
of goods. Slovenian companies have achieved compliance manufacturers in the automotive and aviation industry
with all EU green and safety requirements and supply the (Audi, Benteler, BMW, Chrysler, Alfa, Magna, Mercedes,
international industry leaders. German carmakers Audi, PSA Group, VW), and non-metal industry sectors such as
household appliances and IT.



Fastener Export by Slovenia Fastener Import by Slovenia

Fastener Import by Slovenia
Fastener Export by Slovenia

Unit : US Dollar thousand Unit : US Dollar thousand

Exported Exported Exported Exported Exported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported
Importers value in value in value in value in value in Exporters value in value in value in value in value in
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Total 59,775 66,889 70,151 88,472 82,763 Total 78,138 81,312 94,431 113,254 109,553

Germany 25,687 27,823 27,704 33,501 32,033 Germany 28,136 30,032 32,182 36,474 34,581

Austria 18,033 20,529 22,410 28,865 24,858 Italy 8,698 11,736 14,446 14,951 14,698

Italy 3,382 3,778 4,004 5,130 5,022 France 11,547 5,553 9,415 12,033 11,012

Hungary 1,627 2,248 2,639 3,774 3,161 China 3,140 3,768 5,105 7,896 9,073

Croatia 1,321 1,279 1,672 2,207 2,261 Austria 5,995 5,373 5,249 6,427 6,729

USA 2,595 1,227 2,089 2,965 2,088 Taiwan 4,761 4,316 5,575 6,833 6,087

Serbia 1,232 1,498 1,404 1,401 1,723 Croatia 1,723 3,482 2,321 2,490 2,078

Czechia 619 1,176 1,329 1,761 1,584 USA 1,191 1,297 1,432 2,188 1,904

Slovakia 870 1,253 764 968 1,364 Poland 1,074 1,770 1,389 1,833 1,864

Bosnia and Spain 1,190 1,588 1,905 2,146 1,793

883 1,217 1,254 1,401 1,294
Netherlands 703 1,117 876 1,353 1,662
Poland 488 793 1,030 1,162 1,007
Czechia 1,008 942 1,890 1,532 1,583
France 342 262 311 671 934
Turkey 594 938 1,319 1,959 1,169
Switzerland 322 384 404 617 581
Switzerland 783 831 1,115 1,260 1,156
Mexico 6 33 14 36 385
Bosnia and 485 614 761 796 959
Romania 134 245 274 291 383 Herzegovina
Norway 36 18 168 148 370 India 410 445 710 832 842

Egypt 16 66 18 134 359 United 506 533 677 697 749

Estonia 4 4 125 305 339
Vietnam 299 374 429 554 640
China 108 202 171 179 220
Hungary 673 531 723 621 555
Netherlands 100 278 211 127 198
Japan 312 349 258 379 481
Source: ITC


Global IATF
O ptimas Solutions, a global industrial manufacturer/
distributor and service provider, announced it has
completed IATF Certification for its worldwide operations
by adding its center of excellence in Pune, India, and new
distribution sites in Mexicali, Mexico, and Lockbourne,
OH, placing it at a level of quality assurance certification
unmatched in the fastener industry.
IATF Certification comes from the International
Automotive Task Force and represents the highest level of
quality assurance in the automotive industry and beyond.
This coupled with the company’s annual achievement of
ISO 9001 certification is a high-water mark for Optimas as
the first time all its global operations have achieved these
levels of certification.
“As a team, our entire organization around the globe has
worked very hard to achieve the IATF certification, which
represents best in class quality management systems
for both manufacturing and distribution, engineering,
and supply chain management. This is meaningful to our
customers as they expect the highest level of quality from
Optimas,” said Gabriela Gallegos, Optimas Vice President
of Quality. “Less than 15 percent of suppliers in industrial
markets have achieved IATF certification and we are very
proud to be part of that elite group.”
According to Optimas CEO Marc Strandquist, this
achievement opens more doors for securing new business
and working at new levels with existing customers. “We
are one of very few fastener suppliers and manufacturers
that have IATF registration, which is well recognized
outside of the automotive industry as a premiere level of
quality assurance in the business world,” he said. “Our
Manufacturing Solutions strategy announced last August
is once again paying off for our customers and suppliers
In 1999, IATF aimed to harmonize the different
assessment and certification systems worldwide in
the supply chain for the automotive sector with its first
edition of ISO/TS 16949 standards. The IATF 16949
standard provides guidance and tools for companies and
organizations who want to ensure that their products
consistently meet customer requirements, and that quality
and customer satisfaction are consistently improved. The
IATF 16949 standard is a supplemental standard and
is used in conjunction with the ISO standards and is a
common set of techniques and methods for common
product and process development for automotive
manufacturing worldwide. The standards are often used
outside the automotive industry and is a testament to
their high level of applicability across other manufacturing


TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015


Büyükçekmece, ‹stanbul / Turkey


K orea has the 12th largest economy in the world,

with a value of USD 1.6 trillion. Korea’s economic
fundamentals are solid, with its trade volume having
Korea is the 7th largest exporter in the world. Exports
from Korea are led by the manufacturing industry,
reached USD 1 trillion for three consecutive years, ranking and major items of export include semiconductors,
8th in the world, and with the 9th largest foreign exchange automobiles, automobile parts, oil products, and displays.
reserves in the world. Since the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, exports of
The country’s economy is stable and capable of consumer goods, medicine, and medical supplies have
supporting continuous business operation and growth. surged. Korea International Trade Association (KITA) said
Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 pharmaceutical exports as of September in 2020 stood
growth outlook of Korea was among the highest of OECD at over USD746 million, a 93.6% jump year-over-year. The
member countries. figure surpassed USD 700 billion mark for the first time.
Korea ranks the 2nd in the “2020 Bloomberg Innovation
Index”, topping the list for seven consecutive years in Asia.
The country is among the top 5 in the categories of R&D AUTOMOTIVE PARTS
Intensity, Manufacturing Value-added, High-tech Density, The auto industry ecosystem that has been created
and Researcher Concentration. Its infrastructure for based upon Korea’s experience of manufacturing over four
innovation is a primary reason that a number of global million cars annually works as a foundation for continuous
companies have been investing in Korea. growth of the automotive parts industry.
Korea possesses optimal logistics infrastructure As an IT powerhouse, Korea has capabilities to respond
connecting it with major countries and cities around the to making smart cars, which leads to high expectation for
world. continuous growth in the future.
Located between China and Japan, it is the center of Eight Korean companies were included in the 2019 Top
aviation and maritime logistics connecting the Asia-Pacific 100 Automotive Parts Companies Ranking list (based on
region as well as Eurasia and the Americas. sales).
Furthermore, it has the potential to establish a land- The total sales of those eight companies was USD 57
based route penetrating the Eurasian continent. billion, accounting for 6.8% of all 100 automotive parts


zone in Incheon Free Economic Zone, at which aircraft

engines have been tested.

According to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification
(KISC), the machinery industry refers to five types of
businesses: general machinery, electrical machinery,
precision machinery, transport machinery, and metal
products (fabricated metal).
Korea’s machinery industry has maintained price
competitiveness, and an ecosystem connecting related
industries, such as automobiles, aviation, shipbuilding,
The sales of the Korean automotive parts industry in 2019 semiconductors, and displays, is well established.
reached USD 65.4 billion (KRW 76.1 trillion), up 6.5% YoY. Korea ranks 3rd in the global semiconductor market,
Thanks to the growth of front industries, the sales of the 6th in precision equipment production and 7th in exports.
automotive parts industry has grown continuously by 2.9% It is expected that the expansion of smart factories—one
every year on average, starting from USD 51.8 billion (KRW of Korea’s key industries—will help strengthen production
58.8 trillion) in 2010. capacity of the manufacturing system.
OEM accounts for the highest proportion at 66.5%, Korea’s robot density (the number of robots per 10,000
followed by exports at 28.8%, and AS parts at 4.7%. human workers) is the 2nd highest in the world, and Korea
The proportion of automotive parts out of all exports in has introduced the 4th largest number of industrial robots
2019 reached 4.2%, and the surplus in balance of trade in the world.
was also as high as USD 17.1 billion, Export items include The machinery industry, out of all manufacturing
other automotive parts, transmissions, frame parts, and industries, ranked 6th in terms of production, 1st in terms
brake parts. of the number of companies, 3rd in terms of the number
of employees, and 4th in terms of added-value.
Source: Statistics Korea, Korea International Trade Association
The average annual export growth over the past five years
from 2014 to 2019 was 3.0%, and the average annual
AEROSPACE trade balance growth was 15.6%.
The Korean aerospace industry has continued its growth The export of semiconductors, in particular, recorded
since 2017. In 2019, the production of the aerospace USD 5.24 billion, up 9.4% YoY.
industry reached USD 2.8 billion, up 8% YoY. Growth in the
areas of airframes, engine parts, space, and unmanned
vehicles have been singled out as having contributed to
As the global cargo volume increased following the rapid
the increase in production and export compared to the
economic growth of China in the early 2000s, the Korean
previous year.
shipbuilding industry showed continuous growth.
Boeing, the world’s largest private aerospace company,
Among the big three shipbuilding countries (Korea, China,
has established the Boeing Korea Engineering and
and Japan), Korea has shown a competitive advantage by
Technology Center in Seoul, the largest of its kind, and has
receiving orders of ships with high added-value (extra-large
been conducting research on next-generation aerospace
tankers, container ships, LNG carriers).

In its MRO center in Yeongcheon Hi-tech Park in Daegu-
Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone, Boeing has been testing
and repairing avionics parts, such as for the F-15K.
IAT, a joint venture between Korean Air and UTC from the
US, has opened an aircraft engine MRO center in Yeongjong

In 2019, the amount of orders received by Korean

shipbuilders was 9.43 million CGT, taking the lead in the
global market with a 37% share, followed by China (34%)
and Japan (13%).
Source: Invest Korea



Fastener Export byFastener

S. Korea
Export by S. KoreaFastener Imports by S. Korea
Fastener Imports by S. Korea

Unit : US Dollar thousand Unit : US Dollar thousand

Exported Exported Exported Exported Exported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported
Importers value in value in value in value in value in Exporters value in value in value in value in value in
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Total 753,576 902,444 858,265 908,524 880,053 Total 592,040 493,884 513,028 544,545 530,587

USA 189,468 196,124 173,657 189,270 189,519 China 187,909 174,516 190,181 200,391 192,645

China 157,869 239,592 193,100 166,294 131,012 USA 137,405 111,736 129,414 137,394 147,126

India 35,640 59,947 73,096 76,953 86,181 Germany 34,795 30,281 34,267 39,639 35,100

Japan 46,817 47,332 47,221 52,106 70,809 Japan 26,656 44,048 33,562 36,421 29,602

Mexico 24,769 39,997 50,037 58,351 63,435 Taiwan 28,353 27,210 33,240 33,506 28,499

Vietnam 36,520 38,162 38,889 38,375 44,528 France 13,256 14,349 17,121 16,268 16,241

Czechia 27,407 26,933 34,282 39,769 35,354 Thailand 613 1,464 5,886 7,309 10,796

Slovakia 26,397 24,854 25,134 26,244 24,746 Italy 8,801 5,797 6,431 7,777 9,027

Slovenia 17,982 20,213 20,524 22,349 20,603 United 74,668 29,719 7,474 12,508 7,889
Thailand 9,122 11,477 12,660 13,861 20,181
Switzerland 7,061 5,094 5,983 7,586 6,385
Brazil 11,463 11,715 17,162 18,201 20,116
Finland 191 174 292 168 5,332
Poland 7,876 9,601 12,833 18,554 19,600
India 2,556 2,999 4,292 5,807 5,324
Turkey 15,314 15,318 16,069 15,454 17,975
Vietnam 3,873 3,931 4,814 3,515 5,011
Russian 8,676 9,938 13,860 15,901 13,362
Federation Malaysia 8,364 5,744 3,270 6,924 4,677

Germany 9,179 8,584 11,389 16,871 12,177 Sweden 3,800 4,258 6,260 3,782 3,139

Uzbekistan 3,671 4,230 5,067 10,805 11,210 Philippines 5,204 3,902 3,923 3,454 2,953

Canada 10,143 13,955 16,129 10,841 8,388 Mexico 952 2,176 2,647 2,997 2,914

Malaysia 6,919 8,478 7,539 7,269 8,201 Canada 3,024 2,661 2,664 2,352 2,323

United Spain 1,641 1,514 1,369 1,467 2,124

5,841 10,559 5,144 6,136 7,890
Kingdom Turkey 559 1,197 1,483 1,776 1,694
Indonesia 4,449 3,953 7,491 7,119 6,463
Source: ITC


SPIROL Introduces Split Seam

Extra Clearance Compression
CL600 Aluminum and CL601 Headed Aluminum Compression
Limiters, and the CL800 Brass and CL801 Headed Brass
Compression Limiters


manufacturer of a diverse line of engineered components
for fastening, joining and assembly including: Coiled
Spring Pins, Slotted Spring Pins, Solid Pins, Disc Springs,
Alignment Dowels and Bushings, Spacers, Compression
Limiters, Threaded Inserts for Plastics, Precision Shims,
Pin and Insert Installation equipment. SPIROL can be
found on 4 continents within the following 12 countries:
Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, England, France,
Germany, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Spain, and the
United States. Since 1948, SPIROL has been providing
technical expertise in fastening, joining and assembly
to the world's leading manufacturers.


S PIROL introduces the new CL220 Split Seam – Extra

Clearance Compression Limiter to their expansive
product offering. This post-mold installed Compression

Limiter has a flexible diameter to accommodate wide

hole tolerances, while the seam is designed to prevent NYLON FASTENERS
interlocking in the free state.
The spring force generated during installation provides
self-retention of the Limiter within the plastic assembly.
Once installed, the CL220 provides a minimum clearance
of 1mm over the bolt diameter; 0.5mm greater clearance
than provided by SPIROL’s CL200 Split Seam Compression
The larger inner diameter (ID) also accommodates the
protective coating of ArmorGalv®, a zinc alloy thermal
diffusion coating that provides up to 1000+ hours of salt
spray protection for highly corrosive applications such as
marine, automotive, mining and industrial manufacturing.
The benefits of ArmorGalv® include that there are no
insignificant surfaces on the Limiter and the entire ID
receives full coating and protection.
SPIROL offers a variety of formed and machined ®
Compression Limiters to accommodate different
compressive loads, positional tolerances and installation
methods. Standard formed Compression Limiters include:
Series CL200 Split Seam, CL220 Split Seam – Extra
Clearance, CL350 Split Seam – Heavy Wall, CL400 Split BÜLTE GmbH - Kunststofferzeugnisse
D 59348 Lüdinghausen - Germany
Seam - Oval, CL460 Molded-In - Oval and the Series CL500 Te l : ( + 4 9 ) 0 2 5 9 1 / 9 1 9 4 - 0
Molded-In designs. Standard machined options include: Fax: (+4 9) 02591/ 9194-34
[email protected] -



Screwdriving technology
made easy
DEPRAG presents lightweight SFM for lightweight robots

T he increasing diversity of products, smaller batch

numbers and shorter product life cycles all present new
challenges for assembly. Automated processing steps are
often uneconomical for small or medium-sized companies
as they involve high costs. However, with the development
of lightweight robots over the last few years, hopes have
been raised. Manual assembly tasks can now be technically
supported at a reasonable cost, thus utilising previously
inaccessible automation potentials.

Composite mouthpiece including pre-load function

nosepiece ensuring reliable assembly of the screw. The use

of lightweight materials is indispensable in attaining this
Lightweight SFM low weight. Whether components are made of composite
materials such as carbon, aluminium parts from a 3D
printer or light synthetic parts – each gram counts.
Additive production processes can even be used, for
example, to cost-effectively manufacture the required
screwdriver adaptor using aluminium, or the mouthpiece
using hardened tool steel. Carbon fibre tubes or sheets
are lightweight but can bear heavy loads. Integrated robot-
specific attachments are also an option: Consisting of an
aluminium body combined with a carbon fibre sheet – they
eliminate the need for an additional adaptor.
Even in the construction of the Screwdriving Function
Module, fasteners made from aluminium and bonded
components are used to reduce weight even further.
Integrated robot-specific attachment made from composite materials With all these weight-optimised elements, the DEPRAG
lightweight SFM is highly suitable for robots with low load
Entirely new possibilities have opened up for assembly capacities and is also designed to withstand the highest
through the use of lightweight robots. Low investment loads.
costs enable the fast, economical implementation If the function module is equipped with DEPRAG spindle
of applications: Robots with a low load capacity are screwdrivers, a wide range of possibilities is opened up
significantly more affordable and the total size of the with seamless processing data acquisition and the creation
system or machine is substantially reduced when using of up to 1000 screwdriving programs. This clears the
smaller robots. Applications of this kind require assembly path for production which takes all elements of reliable
tools of an equivalently light weight. DEPRAG SCHULZ screwdriving assembly into consideration – even for safety-
GMBH u. CO., renowned for their decades of experience related fasteners. In combination with a DEPRAG screw
in screwdriving technology, have developed an innovative feeding system, this single source solution supplies a
lightweight Screwdriving Function Module which fulfils all comprehensively tested screwdriving unit.
the specifications for integration with a lightweight robot. The lightweight SFM can be used in conjunction with any
The lightweight SFM scores particularly highly with DEPRAG feeding system: They efficiently and accurately
its low weight of just approx. 1.5 kg with a maximum supply fasteners in the desired cycle time. Precisely timed
torque of 4.2 Nm. This already includes mouthpiece and supply is an essential element for the productivity and



reliability of assembly processes. Integration is particularly

simple and convenient. The range includes step feeders,
sword feeders, vibratory spiral feeders, as well as screw
presenters. Fasteners either with or without a head can
be assembled using the lightweight SFM.
The Screwdriving Function Module itself can also be
equipped with optional additional features. A screw depth
sensor, for example, can be used as a shut-off parameter
for assembly to depth with adjustment screws. This results
in greater processing reliability for the relevant production
Processing reliability is further increased by utilising
the most appropriate tightening procedure. Direct screw
assemblies often result in fluctuations, for example due
to varying screw or hole geometries, the structure of the
component material, altering surface qualities, spring-
loaded elements or seating conditions. According to the
application needs and changing framework conditions,
the most ideal procedure for the application can be
realised with the screwdriving system: Choose from torque
controlled or angle controlled screw procedures, friction Lightweight robot with DEPRAG
value procedures or Clamp Force Control to detect seating lightweight SFM
Image source: Deprag Schulz GmbH
point and therefore improve constancy of the pre-load
The lightweight SFM also provides a universal,
collates all assembly-related production data and presents
flexible concept in regards to Industry 4.0 and system
it in a structured, user-friendly format. All screwdriving
communications. The smart tool is supported by the
tasks can be parameterised, visualised, documented,
software solution DEPRAG Cockpit and is particularly
analysed and optimised. The goal: huge cost and time
suited for use in the networked, digital factory. The software
savings in assembly.


Tel: +86-139-29204841 / Fax: +86-769-85161021 / E-mail: [email protected]
Clinching Fastener Specialist Shajue Industrial Zone, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Main Products:

 Self-Clinching Studs, Nuts, Standoffs Strengths:
 Rivet Bushes
 Welding Studs and Standoffs  Producer in China
 Brass Inserts for Plastics  ISO 9001:2008 certificated and aiming to TS16949
 Cage Nuts  PPAP package and MSDS for automotive industry
 Rivet Nuts  Automatic Optical Sorting 100%
 Customized parts via Cold forging, CNC, Turned  Full range
JANUARY for sheet
- FEBRUARY metal
2021 fastenerEURASIA
| FASTENER and 20 millions stocks

Manufacturing of steel parts by

bending, pressing and punching
Clamping of tools with ENEMAC
clamping technology

F lexibility, shorter set-up and production times, increase

of operational safety and efficiency. The conditions and
requirements in manufacturing technology are becoming
increasingly complex. But at the same time users are
looking for simple and cost effective solutions in order to
continue to produce economically and thus competitive.
In the field of mechanical and hydromechanical clamping
elements ENEMAC offers with various power clamping
systems and hydro-mechanical spring clamping systems
flexible and reliable clamping technology at an attractive
The range runs from the controlled clamping with torque
handle ESBS / ESBT with a nominal clamping force of up to
40 kN towards power clamping nut ESB with up to 200 kN
and the type ESD with up to 180 kN. For these products,
relatively low torques are converted by an internal gear
ratio in high axial forces. clamps and brackets as well as to semi-and fully automatic
In case of the power clamping screw ESS the tightening clamping elements with their elaborate power supply and
torque is converted by a wedge clamping system in control systems.
clamping forces up to 250 kN. Therefor available are thread Especially in the manufacturing process of steel parts
sizes from M 36 to TR 100. in presses and punches the clamping elements provide
With the so-called spring clamping cylinders, a a high degree of safety and humanization of workplaces
combination of disc spring and hydraulic, clamping forces through low hand forces during tightening of the necessary
up to 350 KN are available. The hydraulic supply has to tools and equipment.
be present only during installation and removal of these Due to the left out installation costs, the minimum
products, in operation, the axial force is kept purely operating and maintenance costs, as well as the moderate
mechanically by a disc spring assembly. purchase price those clamping systems often represent
This innovative clamping technology offers a real the most economical solution and are suitable both for
alternative to both simple workholding equipment such as original equipment of machines also as a retrofit item.



Silver Lock Fastener

application of the fastener. As all of the
components of the fastener are metal, it
is also ideal for applications in extreme

T he Silver Lock fastener is a permanently environmental conditions.

locking, high vibration resistant fastener, The Silver Lock fastener is available in a
that for maintenance is reversible and locking bolt version and in a bolt-washer-nut
reusable. It employs a mechanical lock, which version. In the latter, the bolt has 2 machined
does not rely on friction. With the engagement flats down to the root of the thread. The inner
of a standard 6-point socket, the fastener is circumference of the washer has the same 2
free spinning, so an accurate preload can be flats, which constrain the washer in rotation,
applied. It is ideal for critical applications, as it and there are circumferential teeth on the
remains locked even with total loss of preload. outer circumference of the washer. There is
In aerospace, the requirement of a self-locking a spring attached to the nut that has teeth at
nut (NASM 1312-7) is to withstand 30,000 the ends of arms. When these teeth engage
cycles of vibration. The Silver Lock fastener the teeth of the washer, the nut is locked, as
withstood 300,000 cycles of vibration without the washer cannot rotate due to the inner
failure. It has also been cycled on and off 250 flats interfacing with the flats of the bolt.
times. A key attribute of the fastener is that it When a 6-point socket engages the nut, the
reduces the time and cost of maintenance. In arms of the spring are deflected inwards.
critical applications, a narrow range of torque This disengages the teeth and unlocks the
will be spec'd for a desired preload. Current fastener. As soon as the socket is removed,
castle nuts only allow for 6 gradations of the teeth again engage, which permanently
torque per revolution. If the mechanic applies locks the fastener.
a castle nut to the prescribed torque, and the In the locking bolt version, the flats on the
slots do not align, the mechanic will try a bolt and the washer are eliminated. Instead
different nut. With the Silver Lock, there can there are axial tabs on the washer that
be 30 - 50 (depending on size) gradations of constrain the washer in rotation. Otherwise
torque per revolution. This greatly improves it functions in the same fashion as described
the chances of success with the first torque above.


D ue to these increasing
requirements, the KVT-Fastening
par tner company Southco has
which the E3 can easily withstand. It is made entirely of
stainless steel and equipped with a high-pressure seal to
prevent the ingress of liquids in order to withstand high-
expanded its successful product line of pressure cleaning processes at high temperatures and to
compression locks with a new version: meet specific hygiene requirements.
the E3 VISE ACTION® compression lock. Just like the standard E3 series from Southco, the E3
The new model corresponds to protection class IP69K with high pressure seal ensures quick and easy access
(German standard DIN 40050-9) and was developed for thanks to a convenient rotary knob or operating handle
areas where additional protection against high pressure and enables a robust, vibration-resistant attachment. This
and temperatures is necessary. The special seal prevents can be a decisive advantage, especially in ambulances.
the ingress of dust and liquids. In addition, the E3 with high pressure seal has the same
This requirement is essential, especially in the medical mounting dimensions as the standard series, so that
field or in the food industry: Special chemicals are often customers do not have any challenges when retrofitting.
used for medical devices or machines for food processing,



Effective long-term
protection from corrosion
A DÖRKEN zinc flake system has been approved by General Motors
for the GMW 14083 specification

A DÖRKEN zinc flake system has once again been

approved by General Motors for the GMW 14083
specification. The spring band clamps fitted in the
manufacturer’s vehicles will thus continue to have effective
long-term protection from corrosion.

Extreme corrosion protection The TOGO Scherdel spring band clamps

requirements fitted in GM vehicles are protected against
corrosion by a highly efficient zinc flake
Metallic spring band clamps are fitted by General Motors system from DÖRKEN.
(GM) in combination with hose fittings and connectors,
for example in the engine compartment. The flexible, self-
tensioning fasteners constantly ensure no leaks despite
varying operating temperatures and pressure levels. Due Zinc flake system impresses thanks to
to enormous temperature fluctuations, to the mechanical numerous advantages
stresses when the vehicle is in use and to the numerous Following revision of the GMW 14083 specification,
chemical demands caused by oil, cleaning agents and even DÖRKEN’s zinc flake system made up of DELTA-PROTEKT®
fuel, the spring band clamps need effective protection from KL 120 base coat and DELTA®-SEAL HC BLACK/SILVER
corrosion. Only in this way can their long-term functional top coat has again been approved as a surface protection
reliability be ensured. With this in mind, the GMW 14083 system for application on spring band clamps.
specification defines the exact demands made of corrosion While the base coat ensures outstanding cathodic
protection for the spring band clamps fitted in GM vehicles. corrosion protection with a comparatively thin coating, the
The surface protection system used has to fulfil numerous top coat safeguards the required functional properties such
requirements: these include top-level corrosion protection, as chemical and mechanical resistance. The evenly applied
high resistance to cracking, knocks and chemicals, top coat also makes it possible to achieve the desired silver
excellent adhesion and the guarantee of an attractive look. / light grey or black colouring.



Hilti Unveils Bim-Enabled

Construction Jobsite Robot

Construction Automation
Solution to Help
Tackle Productivity,
Safety and Labor
Shortage Challenges on

H ilti, an innovator of tools, technology, software

and services to the commercial construction
industry, today introduced its first robot, Jaibot, for
semi-autonomous mobile ceiling-drilling. The Hilti
Jaibot construction robot will help Mechanical,
Electrical and Plumbing installation contractors
tackle productivity, safety and labor shortage
challenges. With this new construction automation
solution, Hilti makes a further step toward the
digitization of construction sites.
The Jaibot executes its tasks based on building
information modeling (BIM) data. The robot is construction projects and their realization with the help of
a completely cordless and easy-to-use system robotic solutions. BIM-enabled robotic solutions also make the
that doesn’t require expert skills. It locates itself construction process more transparent with improved execution
accurately indoors, drills the holes dust-controlled speed, constant performance and fewer errors. Daily progress can
and finally marks them according to the trade. This be reported from the field to the project office via cloud computing.
is what makes the solution ideally suited for the Potential conflicts between the trades involved on a jobsite also
mechanical, electrical and plumbing trade (MEP). can be detected at an early stage and then limited, resulting in
"The productivity of the construction industry more projects delivered on-time and within budget.
has been lagging behind other sectors for years.
Margin pressure and shortages of skilled labor
are already facts of life in our industry and make
Helping workers with the most physically
it increasingly difficult to overcome productivity demanding tasks
shortfalls. But leveraging the opportunities offered Safety played an important role in the development of the Jaibot.
by digitization will compensate for it. We do this It is designed to assist tradespeople in physically demanding,
by intelligently linking processes, teams and data,” repetitive installation tasks such as drilling numerous holes
said Jan Doongaji, Member of the Executive Board, overhead for many mechanical, electrical or plumbing installations.
Hilti Group. “With Jaibot, and in close collaboration It is navigated by the worker via remote control and uses reference
with our customers, we are further stepping toward data from a robotic total station, the Hilti PLT 300. Holes within
realizing the efficiency that digital transformation reach are drilled automatically.
can and will bring to construction sites.” "We looked at which routine work on the construction site is
Paradigm shift in the construction among the most stressful, and that is primarily overhead work,"
said Julia Zanona, Product Manager for Robotics at Hilti. "From the
industry underway beginning, it was important to us to develop a robotic solution that
Time and budget overruns are common, supports our customers where it is most needed. The Hilti Jaibot
especially for large construction projects. Significant takes over the most strenuous and exhausting tasks, working
productivity gains are possible with digitally planned alongside the installation team.”



Welding Studs
and RIVST80

The gun which comes with the tool, works according

to the contact welding system: the centering of the studs
can be done following an outline, by means of a centering
Weight of welder: 13 Kg - Weight of gun: 0,7 Kg.


R ivit Srl based in Bologna (Italy) is known in Italy as a
leader in the production and distribution of fastening
systems and tools for assembly and sheet metal working.
“Our Machinery is available throughout
Europe and the United States”
Born in 1973, in its forty-five years of experience it
has been developing a wide range of products for the
industry (blind rivets, rivet nuts, self-clinching, welding • BOLT POINTERS & SHAVERS
studs, blind bolts, latches, cage nuts, spring clips) and • BOLT THREADERS & TRIMMERS
related tools for their installation. • COLD HEADERS • FOUR SLIDES
The Rivit capacitor discharge welding studs are used • NAIL HEADERS • NUT FORMERS
to create joints between the bearing piece and the part
to be fastened, such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum,
brass surfaces.
Thanks to the Rivit welding studs, the outer surface
on which the application has been performed, remains
smooth to safeguard aesthetics.
The range of welding studs is made of resistant and
watertight fastenings.
The application is very easy as it does not require
accessibility from both sides of the sheet as the products
can be blind placed.
The studs can be welded onto plates of the same
material. You can choose among threaded studs,
internal thread tapped studs, 1 or 2 contact fastons
and insulation nails, and they come in steel, AISI304 Visit Us Online for Our Complete Inventory,
stainless steel, aluminum, brass. Latest Additions and To Join Our Mailing List
For the installation of the welding studs, we strongly . . .
recommend the use of the RIVST80, capacitor discharge
studwelding tool, for studs up to M8. Being completely HARITON MACHINERY CO., INC.
electronic it is not subject to any kind of wear, and it Headquarters & Warehouse
810 Union Ave. • Bridgeport, CT 06607
automatically stabilizes the variations of the line voltage. • e-mail: [email protected]
• phone: 203.367.6777 • fax: 203.367.6339



Vanta™ iX In-Line XRF

Analyzer Automates
Material Analysis
and Alloy ID
100% inspection on the
manufacturing line

T he new Vanta iX in-line X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

analyzer automates material analysis and alloy ID on
the manufacturing line, delivering instant results for real-
alloy and metal grades—including light elements. It brings
the same high-count rate and stability as the rest of the
Vanta series.
time process monitoring and 100% inspection. Designed to
operate 24/7, the analyzer streamlines quality inspections
for metal fabrication and geo processing.
Intelligent Integration
The Vanta iX analyzer is easy to install in manufacturing
Metal fabrication requires 24/7 process control to verify
environments—use the mounting holes on each side to
that products are being manufactured using the correct
mount the analyzer onto robotics and other systems.
alloy to avoid costly material mix-ups. The Vanta iX analyzer
provides clear material and grade ID in seconds, so metal
fabricators can demonstrate that their products are 100% Modern Data Transfer
tested and verified. The instrument can deliver pass/fail Easily control the analyzer with either the Vanta Connect
results or full material chemistry. API or a PLC and discrete wire.
For geological processing and mining, the analyzer
enables core scanning and on-belt analysis with real-time
results to monitor process variability and ensure ore grade Rugged for the Manufacturing Line
consistency. Built to endure the high levels of vibration, electromagnetic
and acoustical noise, dust and moisture of production
facilities, the analyzer is vibration tested (MIL-STD-810G),
Powerful Processing IP54 rated and designed to operate from –10 °C to 50 °C
With a silicon drift detector (SDD) and Olympus’ proven (14 °F to 122 °F) with continuous testing.
Axon Technology™, the analyzer can test a wide range of



New Debris Resistant Rotary

Latch From Southco Offers
Concealed Latching And Remote

S outhco Asia Ltd., a subsidiary of Southco Inc., a leading

global provider of engineered access solutions such
as locks, latches, captive fasteners, electronic access
solutions and hinges/ positioning technology, has
expanded its successful R4 Rotary Latch series with a new
debris resistant version that offers enhanced performance
for medium-duty applications. Southco's R4-75 Rotary
Latch offers an integrated mounting bracket to simplify
installation and features a concealed rotary mechanism,
to protect against dirt and debris, for improved durability
in applications where remote actuation is required.
The R4-75 Rotary Latch with Debris Resistant Design
offers a compact solution for applications that require
concealed mounting and remote actuation of a door or
R4-75 Rotary
panel. An in-line trigger and external rotor feature provide
robust latching for interior or exterior enclosures and Latch for Debris
compartments, making it an ideal choice for the Off- Resistant
Highway, Truck and Bus & Coach applications. Latching
Constructed in corrosion-resistant steel, the R4-75
Rotary Latch with Debris Resistant Design provides durable
performance in high vibration environments, and protects
against exposure to dust and dirt. Two-stage engagement
protects against false latching, providing secure and
positive latching at low closing forces with push-to-close
convenience. panels on buses and motor coaches. The R4-75 Rotary
Global Product Manager Cindy Bart adds, "Southco's R4- Latch with Debris Resistant Design provides secure, hidden
75 Rotary Latch with Debris Resistant Design provides new latching and remote actuation, while also simplifying the
levels of design flexibility to OEMs, particularly for exterior installation process."



Sergio Milatias
Editor, Revista do Parafuso
(The Fastener Brazil Magazine)
[email protected]

ZwickRoell: 10 years in Brazil

The Germany manufacturer of materials testing
machines celebrated with all cares needed

A pril 22, 2020 marked the 520th anniversary of the Discovery

of Brazil, the same day that was precisely on that date that the
ZwickRoell Group completed ten years of opening its subsidiary in this
South American country.
However, is almost unnecessary to remember the reason that led
the company to postpone its commemorative event, which ended up
taking place just on last November 26, in Campinas City, SP, home of
ZwickRoell local subsidiary.
“In an evaluation with grades between 1 and 10, I consider a grade
7, which could be much better, but our start was a little difficult,
especially since we spent the first two year operating in a joint venture
formed with a local company. But it was in solo activity that we
improved the results, especially in the last three years”, commented
Gustavo Videira, the Brazilian Managing Director.
Global leader in machinery and technology for material testing and
quality control - with a history that begins in 1854 - individually Zwick
and Roell are companies in the same segment and country, Germany,
which have joined together since the 1990s.

The Âncora founder died

A fter many years as the founder and owner of
R. Simioni store and fastener distributor, in
São Paulo State Capital, Roberto Simione and
Renato, his son, founded the Âncora Fastening
Systems, a Brazilian company that combine
activities as manufacturer and importer of
fastener. Since then, the company installed in
Vinhedo town, SP, have getting fast expansion,
mainly on construction sector, operating currently
with more than 200 employees on 25 thousand
m² of area, with 7 thousand m² only for the




K orea has the 12th largest economy in the world,

with a value of USD 1.6 trillion. Korea’s economic
fundamentals are solid, with its trade volume having
Korea is the 7th largest exporter in the world. Exports
from Korea are led by the manufacturing industry,
reached USD 1 trillion for three consecutive years, ranking and major items of export include semiconductors,
8th in the world, and with the 9th largest foreign exchange automobiles, automobile parts, oil products, and displays.
reserves in the world. Since the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, exports of
The country’s economy is stable and capable of consumer goods, medicine, and medical supplies have
supporting continuous business operation and growth. surged. Korea International Trade Association (KITA) said
Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 pharmaceutical exports as of September in 2020 stood
growth outlook of Korea was among the highest of OECD at over USD746 million, a 93.6% jump year-over-year. The
member countries. figure surpassed USD 700 billion mark for the first time.
Korea ranks the 2nd in the “2020 Bloomberg Innovation
Index”, topping the list for seven consecutive years in Asia.
The country is among the top 5 in the categories of R&D AUTOMOTIVE PARTS
Intensity, Manufacturing Value-added, High-tech Density, The auto industry ecosystem that has been created
and Researcher Concentration. Its infrastructure for based upon Korea’s experience of manufacturing over four
innovation is a primary reason that a number of global million cars annually works as a foundation for continuous
companies have been investing in Korea. growth of the automotive parts industry.
Korea possesses optimal logistics infrastructure As an IT powerhouse, Korea has capabilities to respond
connecting it with major countries and cities around the to making smart cars, which leads to high expectation for
world. continuous growth in the future.
Located between China and Japan, it is the center of Eight Korean companies were included in the 2019 Top
aviation and maritime logistics connecting the Asia-Pacific 100 Automotive Parts Companies Ranking list (based on
region as well as Eurasia and the Americas. sales).
Furthermore, it has the potential to establish a land- The total sales of those eight companies was USD 57
based route penetrating the Eurasian continent. billion, accounting for 6.8% of all 100 automotive parts

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By Shun Otsuki
President § Editor in Chief
KINSAN Fastener News,
[email protected]

Daiichi Kogyo develops SSOO

nut PLUS that does not loosen by
embedding in plastic

D aiichi Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Shizuoka Prefecture) released

"SSOO Nut PLUS", which is an improved version of
"SSOO Nut" for plastic inserts that supports high torque,
in September 2020. It supports not only the conventional
outsert method of embedding by hot press fitting after
plastic molding, but also the insert method of embedding
during plastic injection molding. It will be sold to the
automobile industry, where the adoption of plastic parts
is advancing due to weight reduction.
The "SSOO nut" is an outsert type insert nut (outsert
nut) that has a unique octagonal shape that exhibits high
torque resistance, does not run idle when tightened after
embedding, and protects plastic parts by not loosening.
The "SSOO nut" through which the female thread penetrates
does not support the insert method of embedding during
injection molding, but the newly developed "SSOO
nut PLUS" has a thin horizontal cap attached and the
plastic enters the inside of the nut. By preventing this, it
corresponds to the insert method. Since it also supports
the conventional outsert method, it can be used properly
according to the user's design.
The "SSOO nut" through which the female thread
penetrates does not support the insert method of
embedding during injection molding, but the newly
developed "SSOO nut PLUS" has a thin horizontal cap
attached and the plastic enters the inside of the nut. By
preventing this, it corresponds to the insert method. Since
it also supports the conventional outsert method, it can be
used properly according to the user's design.
Utilizing the technology of the bag nut, which is a
representative product of the company, the thin horizontal
cap was welded. When using cold heading for cap nuts, it is
necessary to secure a cap thickness of at least 2 mm, but a The company released "SSOO Bolt" in July 2020. It is the
cap thickness of 0.5 mm has been achieved by welding. By company's first insert bolt for resin that supports high
securing a long effective screw part with low dimensions, torque, and has the feature of protecting resin products
they can meet the needs of making plastic parts as thin without idling even with high tightening torque like the
as possible by saving space. "SSOO nut". JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 67


HIOS 50th Anniversary, Entering the

digital age with "INTRTORQUE"

H IOS (Tokyo) celebrated its 50th anniversary this year.

In the era of automation and IoT, the "digitalization
of fastening system" that President Katsuyuki Totsu has
pursued for half a century is finally in full swing.
"Screw crazy father". Behind the words that President
Totsu calls himself, the pride of pursuing the conclusion
more than anyone else is hidden. The series of screw
tightening movements seems to be simple movements,
but he says that it is a "drama made up of various
In 1968, he developed the "Totsu screw" with a guide
on the minus screw and an electric screwdriver to replace
the pneumatic type that had been the mainstream until
now, and established the Totsu Research Institute, the
predecessor of the company. The world's first developed
current-controlled screwdriver has shifted screw tightening
from an ambiguous human sense to numerically precise
work for mass production of industrial products.
The system that combines "Totsu screw", "Totsu plastic
screw" to improve the come-out developed after that, a
dedicated bit, and an electric screwdriver that tightens
it is a system that is famous in Japan such as watches,
electric appliances, automobiles, and game machine
makers. Accepted by major manufacturers, you can still
see "HIOS" orange drivers on the assembly lines of each
Now that automation and IoT
are the keywords, the fastening
system that integrates President
Totsu's idea of "digitalization
o f s c r ew t i g h te n i n g " i s
"INTRTORQUE" that enables work on the bit side, which guides the tip of the bit to the center
by collaborative robots. of the screw and inserts a convex part to prevent wobbling
"INTRTORQUE" is a fastener in the recess of Hexarobula that prevents come out.
with a guide called a super point Since the robot can be tightened only in the direction of
rotation, the robot can be miniaturized without the need for
thrust. A bit with a super point that has excellent fitting and
stability prevents the line from stopping without dropping
the screw even if it is right next to it.
And the latest electric screwdriver "BLG-BC2" sends the
conclusion data to the server in real time. Traceability is
made possible by leaving a history of each screw tightening
The cost-cutting effect created by introducing a fastening
system that combines these screws, bits, screwdrivers, and
robots is "an order of magnitude higher than the effect of
desperately lowering the unit price of a single screw," says
President Totsu.
From this, President Totsu says, "If we rationalize the
technology, screws can find great added value, not cost."



OSG completes "NEO Shinshiro


O SG (Aichi) has completed all the renewal work of the

"NEO Shinshiro Factory" and has begun efforts toward
the realization of "ultra-high-mix low-volume production"
production of standard products and special products.
As the digitization of production information, they will
visualize the processing, share information such as the
that makes full use of digital technology. operating rate, production schedule, production status,
In May of 2020, the Shinshiro Factory, which is one of the and number of flows for each processing machine, and
mother factories, was renewed and operated as the "NEO analyze the collected data.
Shinshiro Factory". This is the first large-scale renewal of In the digitization of quality information, the processed
a domestic mother factory in about 30 years. products are centrally managed by the server as quality
The factory produces carbide drills, carbide taps, high- information of the measured values for both the assigned
speed drills, and high-speed end mills, producing 5400 material and the processing history to ensure traceability.
types and 7700 lots of tools per month. With about 600 Regarding the digitization of equipment maintenance
people, it has a monthly production capacity of 6000 types, information, in order to maintain high quality and high
8000 lots, and more than 700,000 pieces. According to efficiency production in each process, equipment
the company's guess, this factory is the only factory in the maintenance information was digitized and a predictive
world that is producing such "ultra-high-mix low-volume maintenance system was established.
In order to work on "ultra-high-mix low-volume
production", they tried to "visualize the process" by
thoroughly digitizing. In order to increase the equipment
utilization rate, they have implemented "outer setup"
to collectively manage grindstones, jigs and tools, and
programs. On the other hand, with an emphasis on human
power, they are promoting digitalization as a tool on the
premise that people are the center.
They are particular about "ultra-high-mix low-volume
production" because they think that it is a production
system that can be established in Japan as well. In the case
of high-mix small-lot production, their goal is to have the
strongest competitiveness in the world, even if it is a mixed

Shinjo manufactures and sells

German "Flowform" in Japan
S hinjo Manufacturing (Osaka) will start
manufacturing "Flowform", a product
of Arnold Umfomtechnic GmbH & Co.KG in
male screw roll-molded screw," which is used
by automobile manufacturers in Europe, the
United States, China, and other parts of the
Germany, in the spring of 2021. body, shock towers, and battery packs for
Arnold, a longtime partner of Shinjo, electric vehicles.
developed "Flowform" in 2008, which is a Its features are (1) no pilot hole required,
technology for joining different materials (2) construction from one side is possible, (3)
necessary for reducing the weight of adhesive can be used together, (4) removable,
automobiles. and (5) different materials can be joined.
Recent changes in the environment In 2019, the company signed a license
have greatly influenced the background agreement with Arnold for the manufacture
of development. CO2 emissions from the and sale of "Flowform" in Japan, and moved
transportation sector, including automobiles, to prepare production facilities for the start of
account for 20% of total emissions, and CO2 production in Japan. In January 2020, They
reduction has become a major issue for the ordered a special rolling machine, which is the
automobile industry. core of manufacturing, from Germany.
Although the weight reduction of automobiles Domestic production of "Flowform" is a major
was effective in reducing CO2, there was initiative that enables a stable supply to users
a problem with the technology for joining in Japan. Domestic sales will be carried out
different materials, and Arnold developed together with Miwa Kohan (Aich), a brother
"Flowform" to solve this problem. company of the company.
The "Flowform" technology is a "self-piercing


Turkey, UK Sign Free Trade Deal

T urkey and the UK have sealed a free trade agreement
on December 29.
Turkey's Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan and her British
counterpart Liz Truss inked the agreement on a video call.
"This is a historic day for Turkish-UK relations," Minister
Pekcan said in her speech. “This agreement will be
the biggest guarantee of the development of our trade
between Turkey and the United Kingdom in the coming
period. It will guarantee that our companies can export
easily and smoothly to the UK in the sectors where we are
competitive," she added. Minister Pekcan also stated that
the trade volume between the two countries hits USD 15.1
billion in the January-November period. Kingdom for a long time despite uncertainties in the
Pivoting to Brexit's transitional period, Minister Pekcan negotiations between the EU and the UK.
said Turkey continued negotiations with the United The agreement will take effect on January 1, 2021.



What is the future for

the car?
by Marco A. Guerritore
Editor in Chief of Italian Fasteners magazine Marco A.
The car-bolt is atavistic. Editor in Chief of
Italian Fasteners
The car cannot exist without bolts and, conversely, the
bolt owes its technical evolution to the progress of the car’s [email protected]
design dynamics over time.
The car industry is very important for the fastener
industry both in terms of consumption – an average of
about 20 kg of fasteners are used in each vehicle – and
the quality of the product. Most of the fasteners used in
car manufacturing are special, therefore, technologically
Today, however, the car industry is going through a period
of great uncertainty. The logical question is therefore:
“What is the future of the automotive sector?”
Many scenarios are opening up and all of them are
The first scenario is the one associated with Covid-19,
which is proving to be more detrimental than the 2008-
2009 crisis where the market lost 15% and returned
to positive territory the following year. Today, due to the
pandemic, the European car market is collapsing.
The real effects of Covid-19 are however highlighted by
the negative percentages of car sales in the most critical
period of the pandemic, i.e. in April 2020, compared to the
same period in 2019. The percentages of some European
countries are shown below: In the first eight months of 2020, total registrations
amounted to 809,655 units, a decrease of 38.9%
compared to the volumes of the same period in 2019.
Belgium - 90.1% The analysis of the Italian car market by fuel type is very
France - 72.2% interesting, again according to the data released by ANFIA.
Germany - 61.1% Cumulatively, since the beginning of 2020, the share of
Italy - 97.6% new diesel cars is 35%, with registrations down by 48.5%,
Netherlands - 53.0% while the share of petrol cars stands at 42% with volumes
Poland - 67.1% down by 42% in the January-August period.
UK - 97.3% Alternative fuel cars accounted for 23% of total
Spain - 95.6% An analysis of the distribution registrations, down by 4%.
Sweden - 35.7% in the decline of sales in
Switzerland - 67.2% European countries shows
that they are more consistent
in countries where “confinement” has been harsher.
In his report, the President of ANFIA (Italian Association of
the Automotive Industry) Paolo Scudieri, points out that in
the first eight months of 2020 the European car market
lost 2.67 million units.
In August, a month with traditionally low volumes, the
decline in registrations was again more significant (-17.6%),
although not at the levels of previous months (June closed
at -24%).
The ANIA bulletin states that total registrations in Italy
for the month of July amounted to 113,653 units (-10.9%),
while volumes in August amounted to 88,801 units (-0.4%).



In particular, gas-fuelled cars decreased by 41% while

registrations of electric cars (BEV – Battery Electric
Vehicle) grew by 106%, plug-in hybrids by 200%, and non-
rechargeable petrol hybrids by 30% and non-rechargeable
diesel hybrids by 78%.
Electric vehicles, as a whole, accounted for 14% of the
market in the period between January and August 2020.
In addition to the market trends, it must be noted that
with the advent of the pandemic, the notion of mobility is
also changing.
Due to the danger of catching the virus, especially in
large cities, more and more people prefer to use private
cars instead of public transport. This choice should
therefore lead to a surge in the car market. On the other
hand, however, it must be considered that, especially in
large cities, the deterrent to use passenger cars is the in choosing the right one.
chronic lack of parking and difficulty of circulation. There are so many questions: diesel or petrol? Petrol or
Unfortunately, in recent years many Italian cities have hybrid? Hybrid or electric? Electric or is it better to wait for
developed without any consideration of the existence of hydrogen?
the car. In short, there are many questions that embarrass,
Furthermore, the high concentration of cars causes disorient and demotivate potential buyers who could,
another drawback i.e. air pollution. This should not only especially if they live in a city, opt for alternative solutions
make the authorities more responsible, but also large such as any form of “car sharing”.
companies. They should speed up the implementation A great incentive for the car of the future should come
of their sustainability programmes in order to meet the from improvements in automatic driving.
expectations of consumers. Needless to say, people’s The car industry is making a great effort by investing a
sensitivities and behaviours can change radically and very lot of money in research aimed at completely resolving the
quickly under the influence of events. problem within a reasonable time period.
“We have witnessed the forceful emergence of a concept At present there are 5 levels of autonomous driving.
that is not directly linked to the pandemic, but that derives It starts from the first level which consists, above all,
from an idea of wellbeing and the common good in which of electronic driving assistance with the use of radar and
air quality, especially in large cities, is now considered a various sensors, and ends with the fifth level where the
priority and no longer just a niche for convinced ecologists,” car is able to move independently in any direction and in
emphasises sociologist Franco Morace. all conditions.
“This is especially true among the younger generations, The vast majority of cars sold today have level one
who already show a disaffection towards private cars and and level two driving systems, therefore with partial
instead push for new forms of urban micro-mobility. For autonomy. Moving to higher levels of autonomous driving
them, the car continues to be a mysterious object and is not a simple matter; large investments in design
certainly no longer an object of desire.” and experimentation are required, but the progress of
According to the sociologist Morace, the social concept automatic driving will certainly lead to a great revolution
of the car is gradually changing in the minds of consumers. in the use and perhaps in the very concept of the car.
The car as a symbol of social status is beginning to Automatic driving combined with innovative concepts of
fade, especially among the new generations, it is losing eco-friendly motorisation could be the catalyst to give new
its importance due to a change of mentality because it is life to a sector that has been showing signs of advanced
less and less the object of desire. ageing for some time.
Furthermore, what currently dampens the enthusiasm of The entire and important sector of components will also
those who are about to buy a new car is the great difficulty be involved in this phase of renewal, which in 2019 had
a turnover of about 170 billion euros and employed more
than three hundred thousand people.
And within the context of car components, the fastener
holds one of the places of honour and must therefore play
its role with the usual swiftness and ability
In order to be ready to face future events, fastener
manufacturers will have to bring to the table: inventiveness,
courage, initiative, professionalism and above all financial
Consequently, the collaboration between the bolt and
the car will be as strong as in the past, even during the




dati provvisori/provisional data

Agosto/August Gennaio-Agosto/January-August
Unità Unità Var % Unità Unità Var %
%2 %2 Units Units % Chg %2 %2 Units Units % Chg
2020 2019 2020 2019 20/19 2020 2019 2020 2019 20/19
VW Group 25,5 27,7 225.520 297.512 -24,2 25,9 25,0 1.880.042 2.710.676 -30,6
VOLKSWAGEN 11,0 12,1 97.442 129.580 -24,8 11,3 11,4 821.279 1.232.568 -33,4
SKODA 5,7 5,4 50.103 58.069 -13,7 5,5 4,8 402.178 524.939 -23,4
AUDI 4,9 5,6 43.218 60.012 -28,0 5,1 5,0 370.080 537.246 -31,1
SEAT 3,3 4,0 29.071 43.054 -32,5 3,3 3,4 237.646 363.183 -34,6
PORSCHE 0,6 0,6 5.293 6.325 -16,3 0,6 0,4 45.475 48.528 -6,3
OTHERS2 0,0 0,0 393 472 -16,7 0,0 0,0 3.384 4.212 -19,7
PSA Group 13,9 14,1 123.143 151.948 -19,0 14,5 16,1 1.056.164 1.747.847 -39,6
PEUGEOT 6,1 5,4 53.900 57.578 -6,4 6,2 6,1 451.407 664.992 -32,1
OPEL/VAUXHALL 3,8 4,9 33.448 52.660 -36,5 4,0 5,5 294.252 600.555 -51,0
CITROEN 3,8 3,6 33.377 38.805 -14,0 3,9 4,2 283.478 450.584 -37,1
DS 0,3 0,3 2.418 2.905 -16,8 0,4 0,3 27.027 31.716 -14,8
RENAULT Group 10,0 10,7 88.562 114.649 -22,8 10,3 10,6 751.187 1.146.319 -34,5
RENAULT 6,1 5,7 53.989 61.574 -12,3 6,9 6,7 501.070 722.924 -30,7
DACIA 3,9 4,8 34.112 51.680 -34,0 3,4 3,8 247.581 416.197 -40,5
LADA 0,0 0,1 382 905 -57,8 0,0 0,0 1.742 3.682 -52,7
ALPINE 0,0 0,0 79 490 -83,9 0,0 0,0 794 3.516 -77,4
BMW Group 7,1 5,5 62.767 59.032 +6,3 7,0 6,2 511.358 674.005 -24,1
BMW 5,7 4,4 50.615 46.964 +7,8 5,6 5,0 409.586 537.554 -23,8
MINI 1,4 1,1 12.152 12.068 +0,7 1,4 1,3 101.772 136.451 -25,4
HYUNDAI Group 8,3 6,6 73.391 71.045 +3,3 7,1 6,6 518.852 715.202 -27,5
KIA 4,1 2,8 35.920 30.261 +18,7 3,6 3,1 259.442 338.889 -23,4
HYUNDAI 4,2 3,8 37.471 40.784 -8,1 3,6 3,5 259.410 376.313 -31,1
DAIMLER 6,8 6,8 59.939 72.603 -17,4 6,2 6,0 448.610 647.805 -30,7
MERCEDES 6,5 5,6 57.892 60.468 -4,3 6,0 5,3 437.360 576.723 -24,2
SMART 0,2 1,1 2.047 12.135 -83,1 0,2 0,7 11.250 71.082 -84,2
TOYOTA Group 5,8 5,1 51.320 54.309 -5,5 5,8 5,0 421.705 540.256 -21,9
TOYOTA 5,5 4,7 48.578 50.783 -4,3 5,4 4,7 393.652 504.744 -22,0
LEXUS 0,3 0,3 2.742 3.526 -22,2 0,4 0,3 28.053 35.512 -21,0
FCA Group 5,7 5,1 50.585 54.318 -6,9 5,7 6,2 412.270 671.628 -38,6
FIAT 3,9 3,3 34.212 35.389 -3,3 4,1 4,3 294.608 467.219 -36,9
JEEP 1,2 1,2 10.950 12.418 -11,8 1,0 1,1 69.950 120.431 -41,9
LANCIA/CHRYSLER 0,3 0,2 2.262 2.520 -10,2 0,3 0,4 24.725 41.650 -40,6
ALFA ROMEO 0,3 0,3 2.845 3.421 -16,8 0,3 0,3 20.412 37.235 -45,2
OTHERS3 0,0 0,1 316 570 -44,6 0,0 0,0 2.575 5.093 -49,4
FORD 5,9 5,6 52.232 60.065 -13,0 5,5 6,0 401.722 651.470 -38,3
NISSAN 2,2 2,2 19.893 23.905 -16,8 2,4 2,5 176.522 272.826 -35,3
VOLVO CAR CORP. 1,9 1,6 16.549 16.902 -2,1 2,3 2,0 168.558 217.497 -22,5
JAGUAR LAND ROVER Group 0,9 0,9 7.895 9.178 -14,0 1,3 1,4 92.530 148.360 -37,6
LAND ROVER 0,6 0,6 5.491 5.922 -7,3 0,9 0,9 65.737 96.645 -32,0
JAGUAR 0,3 0,3 2.404 3.256 -26,2 0,4 0,5 26.793 51.715 -48,2
MAZDA 1,2 1,4 10.840 14.860 -27,1 1,2 1,5 85.088 157.527 -46,0
MITSUBISHI 0,8 1,1 7.478 11.341 -34,1 1,0 1,0 72.934 104.209 -30,0
HONDA 0,7 0,7 6.302 8.052 -21,7 0,7 0,8 47.913 83.844 -42,9


ACEA estimation based on total by market - 2Includes Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti - 3Includes Dodge and Maserati





dati provvisori/provisional data
Agosto/August % Chg Gennaio-Agosto/ % Chg
2020 2019 2019 2020 2019 2019
AUSTRIA 20.906 29.888 -30,1 158.477 237.225 -33,2
BELGIUM 36.387 47.936 -24,1 297.524 403.534 -26,3
BULGARIA 1.918 2.929 -34,5 15.206 24.372 -37,6
CROATIA 2.601 3.404 -23,6 25.151 47.825 -47,4
CYPRUS 729 639 +14,1 6.699 8.509 -21,3
CZECH REPUBLIC 16.611 25.026 -33,6 131.410 175.340 -25,1
DENMARK 17.608 18.692 -5,8 124.974 157.625 -20,7
ESTONIA 1.461 2.534 -42,3 12.603 18.893 -33,3
FINLAND 8.485 9.994 -15,1 64.976 79.494 -18,3
FRANCE 103.631 129.257 -19,8 998.409 1.467.924 -32,0
GERMANY 251.044 313.748 -20,0 1.776.604 2.495.536 -28,8
GREECE 6.853 9.594 -28,6 52.939 86.873 -39,1
HUNGARY 10.924 15.617 -30,1 78.645 105.443 -25,4
IRELAND 4.859 5.088 -4,5 78.889 110.527 -28,6
ITALY 88.801 89.184 -0,4 809.655 1.325.704 -38,9
LATVIA 1.113 1.627 -31,6 9.181 12.827 -28,4
LITHUANIA 3.397 3.665 -7,3 23.578 30.564 -22,9
LUXEMBOURG 3.671 3.811 -3,7 29.973 39.730 -24,6
NETHERLANDS 26.461 33.724 -21,5 219.129 293.043 -25,2
POLAND 34.707 48.107 -27,9 256.954 375.504 -31,6
PORTUGAL 12.417 12.435 -0,1 92.474 159.466 -42,0
ROMANIA 11.157 23.177 -51,9 73.723 118.003 -37,5
SLOVAKIA 6.980 10.051 -30,6 49.257 71.569 -31,2
SLOVENIA 4.357 5.006 -13,0 38.791 52.086 -25,5
SPAIN 66.925 74.424 -10,1 524.706 883.540 -40,6
SWEDEN 25.522 29.477 -13,4 173.925 221.016 -21,3
769.525 949.034 -18,9 6.123.852 9.002.172 -32,0
EU142 673.570 807.252 -16,6 5.402.654 7.961.237 -32,1
EU123 95.955 141.782 -32,3 721.198 1.040.935 -30,7
ICELAND 581 803 -27,6 6.254 9.116 -31,4
NORWAY 10.802 12.073 -10,5 79.798 99.460 -19,8
SWITZERLAND 16.260 19.437 -16,3 142.102 202.091 -29,7
EFTA 27.643 32.313 -14,5 228.154 310.667 -26,6
UNITED KINGDOM 87.226 92.573 -5,8 915.615 1.519.016 -39,7
884.394 1.073.920 -17,6 7.267.621 10.831.855 -32,9
(EU + EFTA + UK)
788.439 932.138 -15,4 6.546.423 9.790.920 -33,1
(EU14 + EFTA + UK)


Data for Malta n.a. - 2Member States before the 2004 enlargement
Member States having joined the EU since 2004 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 75


SPIROL Introduces Split Seam

Extra Clearance Compression
CL600 Aluminum and CL601 Headed Aluminum Compression
Limiters, and the CL800 Brass and CL801 Headed Brass
Compression Limiters


manufacturer of a diverse line of engineered components
for fastening, joining and assembly including: Coiled
Spring Pins, Slotted Spring Pins, Solid Pins, Disc Springs,
Alignment Dowels and Bushings, Spacers, Compression
Limiters, Threaded Inserts for Plastics, Precision Shims,
Pin and Insert Installation equipment. SPIROL can be
found on 4 continents within the following 12 countries:
Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, England, France,
Germany, Mexico, Poland, South Korea, Spain, and the
United States. Since 1948, SPIROL has been providing
technical expertise in fastening, joining and assembly
to the world's leading manufacturers.


S PIROL introduces the new CL220 Split Seam – Extra

Clearance Compression Limiter to their expansive
product offering. This post-mold installed Compression

Limiter has a flexible diameter to accommodate wide

hole tolerances, while the seam is designed to prevent NYLON FASTENERS
interlocking in the free state.
The spring force generated during installation provides
self-retention of the Limiter within the plastic assembly.
Once installed, the CL220 provides a minimum clearance
of 1mm over the bolt diameter; 0.5mm greater clearance
than provided by SPIROL’s CL200 Split Seam Compression
The larger inner diameter (ID) also accommodates the
protective coating of ArmorGalv®, a zinc alloy thermal
diffusion coating that provides up to 1000+ hours of salt
spray protection for highly corrosive applications such as
marine, automotive, mining and industrial manufacturing.
The benefits of ArmorGalv® include that there are no
insignificant surfaces on the Limiter and the entire ID
receives full coating and protection.
SPIROL offers a variety of formed and machined ®
Compression Limiters to accommodate different
compressive loads, positional tolerances and installation
methods. Standard formed Compression Limiters include:
Series CL200 Split Seam, CL220 Split Seam – Extra
Clearance, CL350 Split Seam – Heavy Wall, CL400 Split BÜLTE GmbH - Kunststofferzeugnisse
D 59348 Lüdinghausen - Germany
Seam - Oval, CL460 Molded-In - Oval and the Series CL500 Te l : ( + 4 9 ) 0 2 5 9 1 / 9 1 9 4 - 0
Molded-In designs. Standard machined options include: Fax: (+4 9) 02591/ 9194-34
[email protected] -



New system technology

represents a boost in the
advance of science
Each additional forming stage enables increased complexity
in the manufacture of functional parts. Likewise, servo
technology is opening up fresh manufacturing possibilities.
To be able to offer a wider range of parts Arnold
Umformtechnik has invested in new pressing technology.

F astener manufacturers too need the advantage of

standing out from the crowd on the market. So the
decision by Arnold Umformtechnik GmbH & Co to acquire
two new 7-stage servo presses from Nedschroef Machinery
was very firmly a strategic one. On the new machinery, the
company can now manufacture more complex functional
parts and high-quality products.
“Not only does the new NC714 give us an additional
forming stage, it also provides a range of technical benefits.
Its cutting quality ensures a better initial state for the
forming process. And with the shorter feed length, we can
now manufacture shorter parts,” said Andreas Stern, listing
some of the benefits. He has worked as a design engineer
at Arnold Umformtechnik for six years, designing parts for Arnold Umformtechnik can now make complex components and precision
the 5, 6, and now the new 7-stage press. He was also parts in stainless steel and copper on the new Nedschroef servo press.
involved in the procurement process for the machine.
Tobias Kraus, who works with Stern, explained further: replaced by a roller unit. Which means that for example,
“Previous machines worked with a flywheel drive. With we can manufacture threads, knurls, small recesses or
the full servo drive, we now have a completely new drive other simple shapes. Ultimately this gives cost advantages
technology at our disposal. The machine can run at any because we can omit work processes.
speed, without the need to build up power beforehand. The machine, which possesses a total pressing force of
Correspondingly, the machine also achieves its full pressing 1,100 kN, is equipped with an integral inductive preheat
force at any speed.” system. This makes it possible to manufacture complex
formed parts in stainless steel. The die cooling/heating
The machine’s features provide process system is also an advantage when producing stainless
steel formed parts. It has a positive effect on tool service
flexibility life because tools wear much faster when working with
The servo technology makes it possible for the process to
stainless steel than they do with steel.
run at a speed individually adapted to the part in question.
Moreover, the transfer system ensures an easy transition
to the next forming stage. The aim was to expand the range of
The high-speed cutting system operates at 10 m/s. manufacturable parts.
That ensures that the severed wire suffers barely any For Arnold Umformtechnik the new press also represents
deformation, and achieves an even volume distribution a stronger position on the market. “Previously, we had to
for the forming process that follows. With the high volume decline certain components; now we can produce stainless
constancy and the good cutting quality, we can produce steel formed parts, for example. And with the sequential
short lengths. forming options, we are gaining a better understanding
Another feature of the press is the capacity to reduce the of forming in terms of the setup process. Likewise, the
seven stages to six. In this situation, the seventh stage is simulation facility means that we are better able to check



Andreas Stern
“Not only does the
new NC714 give us an
additional forming stage,
it also provides a range
of technical benefits,”
said Andreas Stern,
design engineer at Arnold

offering a price advantage. Last but not least there are

countless options for implementing complex component
assemblies for specific applications and customer
For example, we can produce complex steel parts and
stainless steel parts, copper contact pins and bushes,
The 7-stage machine possesses a total pressing force of 1,100 kN and is stainless steel double-flanged bushes, wheel axles,
equipped with an integral inductive preheat system.
knurled hollow parts, precision press-fit elements, as well
as drawing parts indicating a certain amount of complexity.
feasibility” explained Tobias Kraus. Besides the normal range of parts that Arnold
With the versatile lubrication options, the press will also Umformtechnik makes for customers in the automotive
be processing special materials. Arnold Umformtechnik sector and its suppliers, the intention is that the new
is focusing on stainless steel formed parts and copper machinery should now be focused on the electromobility
formed parts - both becoming increasingly significant in sector. “At the experts’ forum to which we invited customers
the emobility sector. “And with the gentle removal process and prospective customers, we explained the expanded
from the Nedschroef NC714, we can even manufacture opportunities that the machines represent. Our customers
impact-point-sensitive parts. Moreover, with the high have taken up the offer. We have already processed a large
volume constancy provided by the high-speed cutting, we number of new orders on the Nedschroef presses,” said
can manufacture short parts and transport-critical parts,” Andreas Stern.
said Andreas Stern.
Producing complex component assemblies for specific
applications New generation of machines opens up
new market potential
The decision to acquire the new technology was a step-
by-step process. And at the machine development stage,
it was important for Arnold Umformtechnik to be able to
bring their own ideas of the machine’s design to the table,
for example, the facility to separate parts. “Our cooperative
work with the machine’s manufacture was marked by trust
and a concerted exchange of engineering knowledge. Any
of the usual start-up difficulties were mostly resolved
quickly and successfully. Moreover, we are in constant
touch with the manufacturer who provides good support.,”
said Stern.
The 7-stage press offers countless options for implementing complex Arnold’s set-up technicians also needed to rethink
component assemblies for specific applications and customer their procedures. This was because, compared to a
specifications conventional press, the setup procedure was considerably
more complicated. The machine also operates with more
The two new systems have been in use at the fasteners technically sophisticated software. So it was very much a
manufacturer - based in Forchtenberg in south-west challenge - for machine manufacturer and user both. But
Germany - since April 2018. And the company’s experience with the new technology and the advancement, it means
of the Nedschroef press has been excellent. that the Forchtenberg fastener manufacturer is now well
“Any errors during the forming process are picked up equipped for future challenges.
more quickly so that the machine switches off before a tool Tobias Kraus “With the full servo drive we
is damaged. For example, the machine detects when a part now have completely new drive technology
has not been correctly placed and immediately stops,” said at our disposal. The machine can run at
Stern. And during setup trials for an initial manufacturing any speed, without the need to build up
power beforehand. The machine also
run, the reject system would quickly detect any imperfectly correspondingly achieves its full pressing
adjusted tools. Readjusting fine-tunes the process ready force at any speed,” explained Tobias
for series production. Kraus, also a design engineer at Arnold
And the new system technology has another benefit.
Parts which previously were made on an accurate but
Copy: Annedore Bose-Munde
larger press can now be produced on the new press, Images: Arnold Umformtechnik JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 79

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∠ 挀漀洀瀀愀渀礀 氀漀最漀
∠ 挀漀洀瀀愀渀礀 瀀爀漀漀氀攀 
∠ 氀椀猀琀椀渀最 漀昀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀
∠ 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀 椀洀愀最攀猀
∠ 昀愀挀椀氀椀琀礀 椀洀愀最攀猀
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䘀愀猀琀攀渀 琀漀 一攀眀 䴀愀爀欀攀琀猀



Turkey’s First
EV Battery
Factory to be
Completed in

T he construction of a battery assembly plant for electric

vehicles (EV) was commenced by Ford Otosan, a leading
global automotive producer based in Kocaeli province,
Ford Otosan General Manager Haydar Yenigün attended
a virtual meeting, where he briefed attendees on the
construction process of their new factory. “As Ford Otosan,
we are taking our mission of electric car production and
investment in our Kocaeli plant one step further with
the 'Battery Assembly Factory'. We will be the first fully
integrated electric car production facility," acknowledged
Yenigün. He expects the construction of the new plant to
be concluded in 2022.
Yenigün further highlighted the fact that Ford Otosan
is currently Europe's largest production base, ranking
among the biggest investors in Turkey. Ford Otosan's total
investment volume in Turkey stands at USD 3.08 billion,
of which USD 67.5 million was poured into the production
of electric cars.
On a side note, the EV battery assembly factory of
Ford Otosan was granted to benefit from the project-
based incentives provided by the Ministry of Industry and
Technology on December 4. The fixed investment amount
was announced to be TRY 20.5 billion and the due date
of the investment is 6 years. Unless the investment is not
concluded in the given time, the Ministry will allow the
company additionally half of the initial period of time for
the project to be finalized.


Maden Mining
Türkiye Turkey
2 0 2 1

TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015


Büyükçekmece, ‹stanbul / Turkey



China Remains
Most Important
Pillar of Global
Car Industry

T he three major German carmakers Volkswagen, BMW

and Daimler benefited to an "above-average extent"
from the market recovery in China as their Q3 sales in
China increased by nine percent compared to last year,
EY noted.
The Chinese market once again proved to be the "most
important pillar" of the global automotive industry and of
German manufacturers in particular, according to a report
published by global consulting firm Ernst & Young (EY).
China's share of global sales by German carmakers
in the third quarter (Q3) climbed from 35.7 percent to
39.2 percent year-on-year, according to EY. During the first
COVID-19 wave in the second quarter, 51 percent of all
new cars by German carmakers were sold to customers
in China.
The three major German carmakers Volkswagen, BMW
and Daimler benefited to an "above-average extent" from
the market recovery in China as their Q3 sales in China
increased by nine percent compared to last year, EY noted.
At the same time, sales of German carmakers in Western
Europe fell by four percent and were even down 14 percent
in the United States, according to the EY report.
Following a massive slump in global revenues as well
as unit sales in the second quarter due to the COVID-19
crisis, businesses of the 17 analyzed automotive groups
worldwide were "considerably better" in the third quarter,
the EY report said.
Revenues of the analyzed automotive groups rose by 53
percent compared with the previous quarter, while new
vehicle unit sales climbed by 46 percent, according to the
Compared to the previous year, however, global car
manufacturers still had not reached the previous year's
level, the report found. In terms of revenues and sales,
the analyzed car manufacturers were five percent below
pre-crisis levels.

Source: Xinhua


22. Uluslararası Pencere, Panjur, Cephe Sistemleri ve
Aksesuarları, Profil, Üretim Teknolojileri ve Makineleri, Yalıtım
Malzemeleri, Hammadde ve Tamamlayıcı Ürünler Fuarı
22nd International Window, Window Shade, Facade Systems and
Accessories, Profile, Production Technologies and Machinery, Insulation
Materials, Raw Materials and Auxiliary Products Fair •

Küresel Fuar
Endüstrisi Birliği


Association of the
Exhibition Industry



Alüminyum Profil, Gölgelendirme,

Cephe Sistemleri ve Koruma ve Kapatma
Aksesuarları Sistemleri
Aluminium Profile, Shading, Protection
Facade Systems and and Closing
Accessories Systems

11. Uluslararası Cam Ürünleri ve Uygulamaları,

Üretim - İşleme Teknolojileri ve Makineleri,
Tamamlayıcı Ürün ve Kimyasalları Fuarı
11th International Glass Products and Applications,
Production-Processing Technologies and Machineries,
Auxiliary Products and Chemicals Fair •

13. Uluslararası Kapı, Kepenk, Kilit, Panel,

Pano, Bölme Sistem ve Aksesuarları Fuarı
13th International Door, Shutter, Lock, Panel,
Board, Partition Systems and Accessories Fair

3- 6 Kasım / November 2021 •

Küresel Fuar
Endüstrisi Birliği M-C
The Global TSE - ISO
Association of the Üye Kurulufl / Member TS EN ISO 9001:2015
Üye Kuruluş

Tüyap Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi / Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Cumhuriyet Mah. Eski Hadımköy Yolu Cad. 9/5, 34500 Büyükçekmece - ‹stanbul / Turkey Tel / Phone: +90 212 867 11 00 - 867 12 00 Faks / Fax: +90 212 886 66 98
E-posta / E-mail: Yurtiçi Sat›fl / Domestic Sales: [email protected] Yurtd›fl› Sat›fl / Overseas Sales: [email protected] Yurtd›fl› Fuarlar / Overseas Fairs: [email protected]
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Büyükçekmece, ‹stanbul / Turkey

Daimler AG
to Establish
Hub in

G erman multinational automotive corporation,

Daimler AG, plans on expanding the responsibility
of the Global IT Solution Delivery Center (SDC) in
Daimler announced that its SDC in Istanbul will
establish the Daimler Mobility Global Technology Hub
in 2021, which will become a software development
base for Daimler Mobility and provide global services.
Mercedes-Benz Automotive Executive Board Member
and Global IT SDC Director Vidin Engindeniz expressed
that "Daimler AG's faith and confidence in Turkey is
increasing every year."
Engindeniz underlined the fact that SDC is positioned
not only for the automotive industry, but also as an
important software development and innovation
center. “Daimler Mobility Global Technology Hub will be
the first technology hub in the world to serve globally,"
she added.
Daimler Global IT SDC is already undertaking a
critical role in global cyber security operations carried
out under Daimler since 2013. The center serves more
than 40 countries from Germany to Japan in the fields
of SAP (Systems Analysis and Program Development)
and rollout.




n i
Tar es 1 - 4 NİSAN / APRIL 2021
Ye Dat
N e w

Organizatör / Organiser

Hyve Build Fuarcılık A.Ş. | Tic. Sic. No: 758423 | Mersis No: 0947046442400015
Bolts • Nuts • Studs

Hyundai Sockets • Washers

Motors to Bent Bolts • Specials
Raise Stake
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Over 150 Material Grades

S outh Korean automotive manufacturer Hyundai

Motor Company has applied to the Turkish
Over 25 Coatings and Platings
Competition Authority to buy Kibar Holding's equity
interest in Hyundai Assan Otomotiv. Over 300 Machines
Hyundai Motors currently holds a 70 percent
share in Izmit-based Hyundai Assan Otomotiv with 10,000 Ton Inventory
the Turkish group Kibar Holding taking ownership of
the outstanding 30 percent equity share. With this Future Stock Programs
acquisition, Hyundai Motors will turn its Turkey factory
to a wholly-owned subsidiary.
Hyundai Assan Otomotiv manufactures over
We Service All Quantities
Serving Distributors Worldwide
230,000 units of the i10 and i20 models annually,
with its output bound for export to 40+ countries. Its
total workforce comprises 2,500 employees. [email protected]



Passing on Positive Information and

Consolidating Confidence of the
Industry, International Fastener Show
China 2020 Rounded off Successfully

International Fastener Show China 2020 (IFS China 2020)

was grandly closed on November 5, 2020 at Shanghai
World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. IFS China
2020 covered a total display area of 38,000 sqm. 615
well-known fastener enterprises worldwide (1,683 standard
booths) showcased fastener manufacturing machinery,
molds and consumables, design, technology and services,
standard fasteners, industry-specific fasteners, stamping
parts and lathe parts, raw materials and e-commerce. The
three-day show attracted trade visitors from 26 countries
and regions. The number of visits reached 25256.
In recent years, the fastener industry in China has
been developing rapidly, and the output, sales volume Xingtai Iron and Steel Corp., Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide
and nationalization degree have been continuously showcased fastener equipment, molds, stamping parts,
improved. In 2019, the overall market size of China's materials and consumables.
fasteners reached 140.2 billion yuan. Although affected Hall 2 for fasteners gathered famous enterprises
by multiple negative factors at home and abroad this year, including Changshu Standard Parts, China Aviation Industry
the "new infrastructure" trillion-level market, acceleration Standard Parts, Aerospace Precision, Aozhan Industrial,
of intelligent manufacturing, digital transformation, Jinshang Technology, Shangbiao Group, Handan Meijianli,
opening of the new pattern of "re-domestic sales" and Shandong Tengda, K.FA, Eagle Metalware, Zhejiang
"dual circulation" have all injected more vigor into China's Quanyou, Morgan Hardware, Hunan Bygold, Jiaxing
fastener industry. Yuxing, Guangdong Hignsun, Shanghai High Strength,
Mr. Kangsheng Xue, President of the China Fastener Tianjin Enbang, ALFIRSTE, Zhejiang Qunzhan, Hangzhou
Industry Association of China General Machine Yougongpin, Ningbo Luoxing, Jiashan Yongxin, Jiashan
Components Industry Association remarked that, “We Chaoyi , Ningbo Dongxin, Anhui Ningguo Dongbo, Ningbo
hope IFS China would be an opportunity to keep pace with Zhongli, TSLG, Ningbo Jinli, Jiangsu Xingchangjiang,
the fastener industry, fully demonstrating new changes Shanghai Nanshi, NINGBO NANLUO, Zhejiang Zhapu,
and demands in the Chinese market of fasteners, making Sonec, Handan Tedun, Jiaxing Reegu, LeeSheng, Beijing
widely public new technologies, products and models of Jinzhaobo, BOITO, Zhejiang Sanlin, Meishan CRRC,
enterprises concerned, passing on positive information of STL, Wuhu Sanlian, 3 Star, Hebei Puyang, Koking, Cixi
the market and offering an authoritative and professional Zhencheng, Zhejiang Rising.
platform to commercial representatives on technological On the first day of the exhibition, the two-day 32nd
sharing, information exchanges and business cooperation. National Fastener Economic, Trade and Technology
In this way, we could consolidate confidence and resolve Conference was opened. At the meeting, Mr. Kangsheng
to the fastener market amid complicated situations.” Xue, President of the China Fastener Industry Association
In spite of the special background this year, IFS China of China General Machine Components Industry
2020 still remained the scale of the previous sessions. Association made a report on the current situation and
In Hall 1 for machinery, fastener materials, molds and the development trend of the fastener industry, discussing
consumption goods, Ningbo Sijin, Carlo Salvi, Ningbo on the market, development, manufacturing reform, and
Haixing, Shanghai Chunzu, SACMA, Aerospace, National future of the fastener industry. Professor Qiang Zhu, famous
Machinery, Zhejiang Jinggu, Zhejiang Dongrui, Jiangsu international finance scholar and PhD supervisor of Fudan
Qunfeng, Nedschroef, Shanghai YuanTuo, Marposs, University, made a speech on the topic of “China's Current
Dujiangyan Beyond, Hebei Guozhi, Gwolian, Zhejiang Economic Situation and Fiscal and Financial Policies”.
Yeswin, Tainan Chinchang, SUMON, Jianshan Aolike, In addition, new technology and product release
Jiashan San Yung, Kunshan Quanying, Shanghai RENLE, conference and 2020 Mysteel National Industrial Wire and
Dongguan RKE, Openex, Wenzhou Gongyou, Wenzhou Fastener Industry Chain Summit Forum were held during
Zhongxin, Kunshan Taiho, Taicang Minghao, Ningbo the show, covering topics such as digital factory in fastener
Henghui, Dongguan Donglong, Ecoclean, Zhejiang industry, tightening technics and tools and digitalization of
Jiancai, Ga Sin Lik Tin, Ansteel Group, Ma Steel, Bao Steel, the sales process


Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2021 postponed:

9th International Exhibition for the
Fastener and Fixing Industry will take
place from 9 – 11 November 2021 in
Stuttgart, Germany

M ack-Brooks Exhibitions has announced the

postponement of Fastener Fair Stuttgart, which was
scheduled to take place at the Stuttgart Exhibition Grounds
to November. Based on
the current international
developments due to
in Germany from 18 to 20 May 2021. The next Fastener the Covid-19 pandemic,
Fair Stuttgart, 9th International Exhibition for the Fastener covering further lockdown
and Fixing Industry, will run from 9 – 11 November 2021. and travel restrictions, we
This decision was taken in light of the ongoing Covid-19 believe that it is the most
pandemic and following conversations with all exhibitors responsible decision at this stage to postpone. This early
and visitors that have taken place over the past weeks and announcement will hopefully allow time for the impact of
months. Uncertainties around continued travel restrictions COVID-19 across the world to stabilise and when safe to
were also a contributing factor to this decision due to the do so, ensure that the event can continue its critical role
truly international character of the Fastener Fair Stuttgart in bringing the global fastener and fixing industry together
show. again.”
Speaking about the announcement, Liljana Goszdziewski, Subsequently, Mack-Brooks Exhibitions has announced
Portfolio Director of Fastener Fair Stuttgart, on behalf of that Fastener Fair Italy, scheduled to take place during the
the organiser Mack-Brooks Exhibitions said: “Following same dates in November, will be postponed due to the
extensive conversations with all participants we have overlap of both shows in terms of exhibitors and visitors.
come to the decision to postpone Fastener Fair Stuttgart

Fastener Fair Mexico 2021 will be

held in October
R eed Exhibitions Mexico, organizer of
Fastener Fair Mexico, announced that
the event scheduled for June 29 and 30,
and protocols, hand in hand with international
experts. We are confident that we will be able to
have our face-to-face meetings in a framework of
has been postponed to October 13 and 14, security and tranquility for all
2021 at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City. Fastener Fair Mexico is part of a renowned
This decision has been made based on the international portfolio dedicated to fastening
evolution of the current health conditions. and fixing technologies, with a platform to build
Commenting on the announcement, successful business relationships between
Javier Garcia, Show Director stated: manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and
“Due to the current health scenario, we have made the users. “We know how important it is to keep the industry
decision to move Fastener Fair Mexico to October. With going; therefore, we will be offering different digital
the vaccination schedule announced by the Mexican activities throughout the year, such as conferences,
Government, feedback from our industry partners, and summits, product demos and virtual business meetings
predictions about a return to some kind of normality in that will help to reactivate business across the industry”
the second half of the year we feel that postponing to García said.
October is best possible course of action. We are hopeful Reed Exhibitions would like to thank all the exhibitors,
that this decision will offer a more productive business partners, attendees, suppliers, media, and staff. “Their
atmosphere to achieve high quality results, in a more trust and support drives us to build an even more robust
secure environment.” business experience. Fastener Fair Mexico 2021 will be
The director also highlighted that the health and safety the quality event that the industry needs to keep moving
of all those who participate at the event is the number one forward” concluded García.
priority: “We are working on safety and hygiene measures



Fastener Fair Usa Postponed

To November 2021
F astener Fair USA, the
only exhibition in the
United States dedicated
industry and provides real insight into industry trends
and key information about the latest developments in
this sector. The exhibition is the international platform for
to the full fastener supply manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and suppliers of
chain, announced today the fastener and fixing technology.
decision to postpone the Additionally, Fastener Fair USA launched Connector365
show scheduled for June in May of 2020. Connector365 is a year-round online
22-24, 2021. The event platform, a repository of thought-leadership, and industry
has been rescheduled expertise. The platform can be used to search the show
for November 8-10, 2021 directory of leading suppliers, stay up to date on fastener
(Conference: November 8 | Expo Hall: November 9-10) industry news, and hear the latest from our industry
at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, Ohio. partners.
“After extensive consultation and ongoing monitoring of “In the coming months, Fastener Fair USA will feature
the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made this decision with more 365 digital promotional opportunities and a
the wellbeing of all our customers and partners as our significantly enhanced Connector365 platform for
highest priority,” said Marie Brown, Group Vice President, attendees and industry professionals,” said Bob Chiricosta,
Reed Exhibitions. “We are developing additional channels Event Director, Fastener Fair USA.
and digital tools to complement the live event in order Fastener Fair USA is held in Cleveland, Ohio, one of the
to serve the industry, support our loyal exhibitors, and to largest manufacturing hubs in North America. Combining a
ensure our attendees have access to find the solutions comprehensive display of industry innovation with technical
they need.” conference sessions, demonstrations, and opportunities
Fastener Fair USA covers all areas of the fastener to connect with peers and industry experts.

Numerical Investigation of Cold

Forging and Failure Evolution of
DIN 1.5535 Alloy M5x40 Bolts
Cenk Kılıçaslan1*, Umut İnce1
Norm Fasteners R&D Center, Norm Fasteners Co., A.O.S.B., İzmir, Turkey.

Abstract literature survey on ductile fracture mechanisms can be

In this paper, cold forging and fracture of DIN 1.5535 found in the study of Cao [1]. In numerical simulations of
M5x40 bolts were investigated experimentally and metal forming operations, mathematical damage models
numerically. Thermo-mechanical simulations of forging are used to predict the failure. Most frequently used
operations were prepared in SIMUFACT FORMING finite models can be listed as Cockroft-Latham [2], Lemaitre
element software. Failure evolution on simulated parts [3] and Johnson-Cook [4] failure models. Cockroft-Latham
was predicted by using Cockroft-Latham damage criteria. damage model is based on maximum principle stress and
Forging experiments showed that fracture propagated in it is widely used to predict the evolution and the location
straight or inclined directions though flange of the bolt. of macro-fractures. Lemaitre model is a micro-mechanical
Numerical models and experiments revealed that punch model having ability to predict void formation and growth.
deviation during forging was responsible of inclined cracks Johnson-Cook model considers the effects of strain,
while straight cracks were related to raw material defect. strain rate and temperature, however determination of
It was also shown that damage model results should model parameters are complex. More information about
be also coupled with stress triaxiality to understand the damage modeling in metal forming can be found in work
mechanism of fracture evolution. of Saanouni et al. [5]. In the literature, there are many
Keywords: Cold forging; crack; fracture; simulation; researches using these models in numerical simulations
numerical of metal forming. Samolyk et al. [6] investigated fracture
generation on aluminum alloy work-piece during orbital
forging using numerical simulations conducted on DEFORM
1. Introduction finite element software. Cockroft-Latham model was used
Nowadays, almost all manufacturing processes are as a damage criteria. During forming, radially propagated
coupled with computer simulations to eliminate problems cracks were seen on the surface of the parts. Maximum
related to design of products, tools or dies without damage was seen to occur on the locations of cracks on
conducting any trial and error tests. Commercially the simulated parts. Bariani et al. [7] modified Xue and
developed simulation softwares having thermo-mechanical Wierzbicky damage model with a linear damage law and
nonlinear finite element (FE) codes allow engineers to they compared the results to Oyane damage model results
determine possible failures before manufacturing the on cold forging of C35 Torx socket screw. In contrast to
product. Especially in forming operations of metals, high Oyane damage models, the modified damage model
failure prediction capability of FE softwares has been was seen to be able to predict the exact locations of
utilized by many engineers and researchers. This capability fracture and the time in which material fails. Boyer et al.
greatly effects manufacturing costs by extinguishing [8] modified Rice and Tracey damage model to include
improper design of tools or dies. the effect of shear stress to predict void formation in the
Cold forging is a net-shape forming method which ductile metals. New damage model was seen to increase
allows designers to create parts with high production the accuracy of fracture evolution prediction.
rates and good mechanical properties. Due to severe Despite there have been quite many studies about failure
plastic deformation, high strain rates and lower material evolution in metal forming processes in the literature,
temperature in contrast to warm or hot forging operations, researches on industrial applications of these models
forming limit of the material can be exceeded during cold like multi-stage forging are quite rare. Motivated by this
forging. Therefore, damage and ductile fracture may occur fact, cold forging and fracture evolution of DIN 1.5535
on the product. Ductile fracture is associated with evolution alloy M5x40 bolts were investigated experimentally and
of micro voids in the matrix of the material. Process begins numerically. In the first part of the study, damaged bolts
with the creation of a free surface generated by a particle were examined and fracture locus on the bolts were
that may be an inclusion or a second phase. A micro void determined. After that, simulations of the multi-forging
forms around that particle. Under tensile stress, the void operation of M5 bolts were prepared in commercial FE
starts to extend and associate with neighboring micro voids. code SIMUFACT FORMING with Cockroft-Latham damage
After a critical void volume, material loses its capability to model. Lastly, numerical and experimental findings were
carry load and intergranular fracture happens. Detailed compared.



2. Cold forging of M5x40 bolts determined for bolts having perpendicularly propagated
M5x40 bolts were cold forged using DIN 1.5535 medium fracture (Figure 3(b)).
carbon steel billets in NORM Fasteners Co. on a machine
having 40 tones maximum load capacity. Technical drawing
and forming steps of the bolt are shown in Figure 1(a) and
(b), respectively. Forming operation starts with heading
and reduction of the cross-sectional area of the work-
piece in the first station. Here, the initial diameter of the
work-piece, 4.7 mm, was reduced to 4.33 mm in shaft Figure 3. Comparison of CAD models and damaged bolts with (a)
inclined and (b) perpendicular fractures through flange.
section. In the following station, pre-forming of the head
was conducted. The final shape of the head and socket
are given in 3rd station. Fracture was generated on the bolt 3. Numerical models
head during forming of the socket in this station. Numerical models of each forging station of M5 bolt
were prepared in SIMUFACT FORMING commercial finite
element software. Forging simulations were carried out
using coupled thermo-mechanical analysis method. Figure
4 shows the models of the stations.

Figure 1. (a) Technical drawing and

Figure 4. Numerical models of the forging stations of M5 bolts; (a) 1st, (b)
2nd and (c) 3rd stations.
(b) forging steps of M5x40 bolt.
Numerical models consisted of moving and stationary
dies and work-piece. Moving die was attached to the
Macro-analysis were conducted on damaged bolts and they defined press and stationary die was constrained in all
were categorized into two different groups according to directions and rotations. Both dies were modeled as
fracture propagation paths. Fracture was initiated on the rigid. Work-piece was modeled as plastic material and
corner of T25 socket and propagated through the flange elastic deformations were ignored due to prolonged CPU
with an inclination angle changing between 52° and 57° calculation times. Elastic deformations have negligible
or advanced perpendicularly as depicted in Figure 2(a) effects on the deformation of the material in a pure bulk
and (b), respectively. forming operation like forging. Flow curves of DIN 1.5535
dependent on strain rates and temperatures chancing
between 1-50 s-1 and 20-400 °C were defined to the
software. Cockroft-Latham (CL) damage model was used
in the numerical models. CL model formulation is given as;

D=� max
de (1)
Figure 2. Fracture types on M5 bolts; (a) Inclined and (b) straight frac-
where, D, σmax, and are CL damage value, maximum
CAD model and pictures of damaged bolts were principle stress, equivalent stress and equivalent plastic
compared to determine any deviation from the designed strain, respectively. In numerical models, it was assumed
geometry as shown in Figure 3 for both fracture types. that fracture forms when CL damage value reaches
Geometrical analysis showed that center point of the unity. The first two stations were modeled as 2D due
socket was deviated from the design geometry between to axisymmetric condition while 3rd forging station was
0.4 and 0.8 mm for bolts having inclined fracture as modeled as 3D. The FE mesh distributions of work-piece
shown in Figure 3(a). On the other hand, no deviation was in 2D and 3D models are shown in Figure 5(a) and (b), JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 93


respectively. In 2D simulations approximately 2600

numbers of quad-elements were used while 38000
numbers of hexahedral elements were defined for parts
in 3D simulations. In 3rd station, socket and final head
geometry of the bolt is formed and plastic deformation
is localized on the head section of the bolt. To decrease
CPU time, the head section of the bolt was meshed with
smaller elements while the rest of the bolt was meshed
with coarser elements as shown in Figure 5(b). (b) comparison of CAD model to simulation result.

s*= (2)
Here, σ , σh and σ are stress triaxiality, hydrostatic and
equivalent stress, respectively. Hydrostatic stress is known
to improve ductility of the material and responsible of
triggering fracture evolution due to its tensile nature. When
Figure 5. Finite element mesh distributions of work-piece at (a) 2D and stress triaxiality reaches to positive values, failure strain of
(b) 3D simulations.
the material starts to decrease. Because of that, fracture
may happen at lower failure strains.
A set of simulations were also conducted by deviating the
Figure 7 shows stress triaxiality distribution in 3rd station
punch as 0.4 and 0.8 mm to investigate effects of punch
at varying punch stroke. With increment of the punch into
deviation on fracture evolution.
the part, stress triaxiality values reaches positive maximum
values, ~0.7, on the corners of the socket which is shown
4. Results and discussions with arrows at 1.8 mm punch stroke. When forming of
4.1. Numerical modeling under perfect forging conditions socket was completed, stress triaxiality dropped negative
values after 3 mm punch stroke. This result showed
On this section, numerical results of forging operation that maximum tensile stresses were generated on the
under perfect forming conditions (punch was not deviated) head near socket corners and any raw material defect or
were presented. Effective plastic strain distribution on deviation from proper forming conditions may lead failures
the parts at different forging stations are shown in Figure on these areas.
6(a). In all stations, effective plastic strain was seen to be
localized on the head section and maximum plastic strain
was determined to be approximately 3.4 on the socket
section of the bolt in 3rd station. There is no severe and
localized plastic strain that may cause failure was detected
on the fracture locus. CAD and simulation model of the part
in 3rd station were compared in Figure 6(b). As shown in
the figure, both geometry were seen to match with each
other in all directions.

Figure 7. Distribution of stress triaxiality on the part in 3rd station

at varying punch strokes.

Cockroft-Latham damage value distribution in 3rd station is

given in Figure 8. As seen from the figure, maximum damage
value was seen to be 0.56 which indicates that no failure
is present on this station. Same as the stress triaxiality,
Figure 6. (a) Effective plastic strain distribution and maximum damage value first appeared on the corners of
socket, then distributed outer part of the head and flange.
Following numerical studies were focused on the
forming of the part in 3rd station to investigate the reasons
of the fracture. In addition to plastic strain distribution,
determining stress triaxiality distribution is also necessary
to predict the damage evolution in metals [9]. Stress
triaxiality is defined as following;
Figure 8. Distribution of Cockroft-Latham damage value on the part in
3rd station at varying punch strokes.



According to above mentioned results, no fracture was

expected on the bolts under perfect forging conditions.
As depicted in the study of Zhang and Thomas [10], non-
metallic oxide inclusions or sliver defects (defects on the
material surface which are parallel to rolling direction)
are responsible of fractures on the parts manufactured
by metal forming operations. Motivated by this, damaged
bolts which have perpendicularly propagated fracture were
etched and examined by using stereo zoom microscope.
As shown in Figure 9, longitudinal surface defects were
determined on the parts. During heading and socket
forming, this defect triggered fracture initiation and caused
to form an opening crack on the head.

(c) variation of damage value on fracture locus.

element software, and reasons of fracture initiation in

forging operation were revealed by examining mechanical
variables like stress triaxiality and distribution of Cockroft-
Figure 9. Sliver defect on etched bolts having straight fracture. Latham damage values. According to numerical and
experimental findings, following conclusions were drawn;
4.2. Numerical modeling considering punch deviation Numerical models of forging operation showed that
Figure 10(a) and (b) shows CL damage value distribution fracture evolution was related to raw material defect or
on the bolts in 3rd station for punch deviations of 0.4 and improper forging operation.
0.8 mm. By increasing punch deviation, damage value Analysis of bolts having straight fracture showed that
was seen to increase on both socket corners and flange. bolts have sliver defect on their surface. Sliver defect was
This may be attributed to decrease in the volume of the seen to lead crack opening and straight propagation of the
material in the direction of punch deviation which leads to fracture.
increase in stress in a narrow area. High tensile stress on Numerical analysis proved that punch deviation during
this area triggered the evolution and coalescence of voids forging in 3rd station caused inclined fracture evolution on
leading a macro shear fracture. CL damage values were the bolt.
also gathered on these areas that experienced maximum For better prediction of fracture in metal forging and
damage and presented in Figure 10(c) for both punch better understanding of failure mechanism, damage model
deviations. As seen from the figure, maximum damage results should be coupled with stress triaxiality.
value was determined as 0.81 and 0.98 for 0.4 and 0.8
mm punch deviation, respectively. These results proved
that deviation of the punch has a great influence on
1. Cao, T.S., Models for ductile damage and fracture prediction in cold
fracture initiation. bulk metal forming processes: a review. International Journal of Material
Forming, 2015.
2. Cockroft, M.G. and D.J. Latham, Ductile and workability of metals. Journal
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3. Lemaitre, J., A continuous damage mechanics model for ductile fracture.
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4. GR, J. and C. WH, Fracture chracteristics of 3 metals subjected to various
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5. Saanouni, K., K. Nesnas, and Y. Hammi, Damage Modeling in Metal
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6. Samołyk, G., J. Tomczak, and J. Bartnicki, Cold Forming of AlCu4MgSi
Alloy by Orbital Forging. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2012. 57(1).
7. Bariani, P.F., et al., Ductile fracture prediction in cold forging process
chains. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2011. 60(1): p. 287-290.
8. Boyer, J.-C., E. Vidal-Sallé, and C. Staub, A shear stress dependent ductile
Figure 10. Distribution of Cockroft-Latham damage value at punch deviation
of (a) 0.4 and (b) 0.8 mm, and (c) variation of damage value on fracture locus. damage model. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2002. 121(1):
p. 87-93.
9. Mirone, G. and D. Corallo, A local viewpoint for evaluating the influence
5. Conclusions of stress triaxiality and Lode angle on ductile failure and hardening.
In this paper, cold forging and fracture of DIN 1.5535 International Journal of Plasticity, 2010. 26(3): p. 348-371.
10. Zhang, L. and B.G. Thomas, Evaluation and control of steel
M5x40 bolts were investigated experimentally and
cleanliness—review, in Proceedings of the 85th Steelmaking
numerically. Thermo-mechanical simulations of forging Conference. 2002: Warrendale, PA. p. 431-452.
operations were prepared in SIMUFACT FORMING finite JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021| FASTENER EURASIA MAGAZINE | 95

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