Fastener EurAsia Magazine 74
Fastener EurAsia Magazine 74
Fastener EurAsia Magazine 74
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SINCE 1973
Is anti-dumping the
right decision?
he European Union
announced that it
has launched an anti-
President & Editor-in-Chief
In Europe, there is a need for high quality and high quantity
fasteners for sectors such as automotive, aviation and
defense industry. European importers alone supply more
[email protected] dumping investigation than 130,000 different fasteners and fixings. It employs
into industrial fasteners more than 44,000 employees and its total annual turnover
f ro m C h i n a . T h i s is over 10,000 million Euros. When we consider all sectors,
was done while the world was struggling with the Covid manufacturers and suppliers, the number is quite high.
19 outbreak on the one hand, and on the other hand,
while it was preparing for a Christmas holiday. In fact, an Germany and Italy are the countries with the highest
investigation was initiated against importing companies production capacity of fasteners in Europe. Turkey is the
and associations without any involvement in the decision 3rd country with high capacity with the machinery capable
and without preparation. Importers and global suppliers of producing special and standard products. Investments
in the EU were given a few days to submit information to have been made in this sector in recent years in countries
the investigation. such as Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Czechia and Slovakia.
With low cost, proximity to logistics, quality production
Shipping was hampered by the shortage of containers, capacity and Customs Union agreement, Turkey stands
and this was giving the European supply chain a difficult out to be an alternative to China. Poland is a country that
time. The announcement of the investigation had a can become an alternative over time.
negative impact on the supply fueling the raw material
and container price increases. Currently, European suppliers are not prepared for this
anti-dumping. Therefore, this may not be the right time
The European Commission imposed an anti-dumping for investigation. At least, the opinions of the relevant
tax of around 85% in 2009 on fasteners from China. The companies and associations should be taken. Despite the
WTO and the EU's own Court of Justice had decided that cost increases in China in recent years, there is no country
these measures were illegal and the EU had to abolish the that can be a direct alternative to China in terms of price
measures completely. and product variety. However, the recent container price
increases, pandemic problem, flight disruptions showed
This anti-dumping may seem to benefit many us the following: "You have to produce to meet your own
manufacturing firms. However, European Union countries needs, if you cannot produce it, you should supply it from
have been supplying fasteners based on imports for many the nearest possible sources, alternative suppliers should
years. Considering that European fastener manufacturers be ready at all times."
have not invested or expanded their production for a long
time, how will the demand be met?
Atotech Group
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Int. Fastener, Machining, Spring and Equipments Magazine
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EU anti-dumping
The European Commission announced an anti-dumping
investigation into imports of certain iron or steel fasteners in
the People’s Republic of China
Notice of initiation of an anti-dumping The complainant claimed that it is not appropriate to use
domestic prices and costs in the PRC, due to the existence
proceeding concerning imports of significant distortions within the meaning of point (b) of
of certain iron or steel fasteners Article 2(6a) of the basic Regulation.
To substantiate the allegations of significant distortions,
originating in the People’s Republic of the complainant relied on the information contained in
China the ‘Commission Staff Working Document on Significant
Distortions in the Economy of the PRC’ dated 20 December
2017 (the ‘Commission Report’) describing the specific
Having determined, after informing the Member
States, that the complaint has been lodged by or on
behalf of the Union industry and that there is sufficient
evidence to justify the initiation of a proceeding, the
Commission hereby initiates an investigation pursuant
to Article 5 of the basic Regulation.
The investigation will determine whether the product
under investigation originating in the country concerned
is being dumped and whether the dumped imports have
caused injury to the Union industry.
If the conclusions are affirmative, the investigation
will examine whether the imposition of measures would
not be against the Union interest under Article 21 of the
basic Regulation.
Regulation 2018/825 of the European Parliament
and of the Council, which entered into force on 8
June 2018 (TDI Modernisation package), introduced
significant changes to the timetable and deadlines
previously applicable in anti-dumping proceedings.
The time-limits for interested parties to come forward,
in particular at the early stage of investigations, are
continues to
invest in the
latest high
International fastener specialist TR VIC spa, part of the
Trifast plc group of companies, has made a substantial
investment in the very latest fastening machinery in
response to increasing and evolving requirements from
European customers. The high precision Carlo Salvi cold
automated packaging and labelling machine, a heat
former is the newest addition to its growing portfolio of
treatment line, a high quality pointing machine and
machinery, which further increases manufacturing capacity
laboratory equipment including a high class Keyence
for high level applications within automotive, household
microscope. All of these upgrades have resulted in a sharp
appliances and electrical sectors in Europe.
rise in productivity, in some cases doubling output in half
the time.
High-tech cold forming capability The company has grown considerably by expanding
The advanced Carlo Salvi 1 Die 2 Blow Header provides its workforce, customer base, improving processes and
the highest productivity in cold forming and has been technologies whilst also achieving quality accreditations,
specially developed and designed for the production of most recently the IATF 16949 during the Covid-19
screw blanks as well as solid parts at high speed up to pandemic. It has been business as usual these last few
190 parts per minute. Complementing TR’s application months and TR VIC is responding to the evolving market
engineering expertise, this high-tech header machine by continuing to invest in the company and in newer, faster
enables the technical precision and versatility required in equipment to the benefit of customers.
manufacturing fasteners for evolving applications across Karol Gregorczyk, Director of Sales and Operations at
several different industries into which TR supplies. TR VIC in Italy, said: “Machine capability is an area we are
continually reviewing as part of our on-going improvement
of operational efficiencies. With our on-site manufacturing
Investment and responding to changing we can add real value to our customers by developing
markets bespoke products – our new machine is a boost to our
Since its acquisition in 2014, TR VIC has invested already impressive manufacturing credentials.
significantly in manufacturing equipment, including an “We understand that investment is critical to thrive and
that is why we are committed to the continued growth and
development of our production capabilities and competitive
position. The sectors we work in are extremely demanding
requiring a combination of precision, speed and quality
that only the most advanced machining techniques can
Marco Pizzi, Chief Operating Officer at Carlo Salvi
commented: “We are pleased to support TR VIC in their
continued investment in cold forging machinery, supplying
modern/plug-in machines. Great collaboration between
Carlo Salvi and TR VIC allowed fast commissioning and
the machinery being up and running within 48 hours from
Special Screws
Fastenal Fined
$650K Over
Fees at
Completion of
Optimas for
Strong Growth
in 2021 and
GmbH takes KG. The company from Wuppertal with eleven employees has
been successfully selling stainless steel fasteners for seven
The long-standing employee and authorized signatory
Sebastian Ovenhausen will take over the management of
NORMTEC will continue to exist as an independent company
at its previous location in Wuppertal and will continue to operate
as part of Lederer GmbH.
Operating result
According to preliminary calculations, the operating
result of the Würth Group clearly remained at previous
year’s level with EUR 770 million (2019: EUR 770
In spite of the COVID-19 crisis, we did not reduce
staff—on the contrary: The number of employees
rose by 453, from 78,686 to a new high of 79,139
in 2020. In Germany, the number of employees
amounts to 24,514, corresponding to an increase of
0.7 percent. The Group currently has 33,176 sales
force employees on the payroll.
The economic forecasts are cautiously optimistic.
Also in the second lockdown, German economy is
standing strong, but the volatile situation does not
allow for a clear forecast. Friedmann is pinning his
hopes on the global changes as a whole.
"Vaccinations have begun globally. On 20 January,
the new president takes office in the United States.
This gives hope that important trade relations will
be revived and crucial alliances resumed, displacing
uncertainty and unrest. This should help the global
economy regain momentum, which is already
indicated by the positive economic outlook by leading
economic institutions."
Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Managing Board of
the Würth Group
“This order shows that our products can high water pressure, will support the electricity and fiber
be used even under difficult weather optic supply to the offshore fish farm system. The customer
conditions,” said Dr. Michael Schneider, has already installed the hose clamps underwater.
CEO of NORMA Group. “Our hose clamps ABA Original SMO are made of SMO 254 material. SMO
will be used in the North Sea and 254 is an austenitic stainless steel that doesn’t rust and
contribute to the supply of electricity and provides maximum resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion
fiber optic technology. We are particularly and various types of stress corrosion. ABA Original SMO
pleased that we are further expanding a are therefore used especially in extremely demanding
partnership with the customer that has environments, such as sea water plants and plants in the
existed for more than 25 years with this chemical and food processing industries, as well as in
order.” shipbuilding.
1911 1911
TSE - ISO TS EN ISO 9001:2015
MARKET Ideally situated to serve Europe’s west and
east, north and south, Slovenia does not only
Area:20,273 sq km have excellent communication and transport
Population:2 million infrastructure, high-quality services and the
functioning public administration and the financial
Capital:Ljubljana system, but has people with long business and
Currency:euro (€) personal links in the Western Balkans. Goods are
moved quickly and reliable, clearance procedures
International membership : EU, NATO, OECD are efficient and once goods enter Slovenia via
road, rail, air or see, they are at the doorstep of
the EU market with 500 million consumers and
many more in Europe’s east and southeast.
partners –no significant adverse impact is expected as the BMW, Daimler, VW, as well as MAN, and Ford in Germany
local exporters are building their presence in high-growth account for some 40% of car component exports, followed
emerging markets.Trade between Slovenia and other EU by France, Italy, Austria, the UK, and the USA. Reliability
member states is based on free movement of goods. Trade of the vehicles that roll off the assembly lines of Renault,
is carried out without customs control, customs duties, PSA, Brosse; Lombardini, Landini, Fiat and Magna Steyr
quantitative restrictions or any other measures. gives credit also to suppliers from Slovenia.
The product composition of merchandise trade, Revoz owned by the French Renault remains Slovenia’s only
still dominated by semi-finished and intermediate car manufacturer and the number one Slovenian exporter,
manufacturing goods, is shifting gradually towards final, employing around 2,000 people.
consumer goods. The shares of textiles, clothing and steel The Automotive Cluster of Slovenia (ACS) is the hub
in merchandise exports are declining slightly, while those for Slovenian automotive suppliers in metal processing,
of automotive products, electronics and pharmaceuticals mechanical, electrical and electronics, chemical, rubber,
are increasing. textile and transport equipment industries as well as
partners from RTD institutions and support services.
Number of companies: 280 MACHINING & METALWORKING
Number of employees: 17,451 Number of companies: 3,280
Revenues (in €): 4.4 billion Number of employees: 62,652
Key export markets: Austria, Croatia, Hungary, France, Revenues (in €): 9.3 billion
Germany, Italy, Mexico, Romania, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA Key export markets: Australia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Rep.,
Source: AJPES, 2020 France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands,
Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA
Source: AJPES, 2020
Key products:
Vehicles and auto parts
Metal fittings and components
Cast and fabricated metal elements
Water turbines and pumps
Various metal products
Metal tools
Truck lifts
Key products: HVAC systems
Seats and seat components
Components and materials for interior furnishing
Car body parts
Components for braking systems
Mechanical and electric/electronic components for engines
Exterior equipment and body lighting equipment
Exhaust systems
Engine and gearbox components
Steering system components
Drive components
Other systems and components
Manufacturing spot welding equipment The companies working in the metal forming and metal
Tooling for automotive industry fabrication industry co-operate in clusters, professional
Research, testing and other development activities associations, universities, research institutes, supporting
fundamental and applied research that address
Many leading players in the automotive industry set technological barriers facing the industry. Designers and
up operating partnerships with Slovenian firms in the manufacturers of tools have been at the forefront of the
electronic control unit (ECU) development area: software industry providing a platform for toolmaking companies
coding, hardware design, the design and testing of entire with CAD/CAM/CAE designed and manufactured tooling.
assemblies and other electrical integration tasks such as Other companies benefit from comprehensive hi-tech
CAD modelling are offshore to Slovenia. solutions to increase productivity and speed delivery.
Slovenia’s automotive industry generates one tenth of These are large, as well as medium and small enterprises,
the country’s GDP and accounts for 12.5% of its exports well-known in the EU working to specifications of leading
of goods. Slovenian companies have achieved compliance manufacturers in the automotive and aviation industry
with all EU green and safety requirements and supply the (Audi, Benteler, BMW, Chrysler, Alfa, Magna, Mercedes,
international industry leaders. German carmakers Audi, PSA Group, VW), and non-metal industry sectors such as
household appliances and IT.
Exported Exported Exported Exported Exported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported
Importers value in value in value in value in value in Exporters value in value in value in value in value in
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 59,775 66,889 70,151 88,472 82,763 Total 78,138 81,312 94,431 113,254 109,553
Germany 25,687 27,823 27,704 33,501 32,033 Germany 28,136 30,032 32,182 36,474 34,581
Austria 18,033 20,529 22,410 28,865 24,858 Italy 8,698 11,736 14,446 14,951 14,698
Italy 3,382 3,778 4,004 5,130 5,022 France 11,547 5,553 9,415 12,033 11,012
Hungary 1,627 2,248 2,639 3,774 3,161 China 3,140 3,768 5,105 7,896 9,073
Croatia 1,321 1,279 1,672 2,207 2,261 Austria 5,995 5,373 5,249 6,427 6,729
USA 2,595 1,227 2,089 2,965 2,088 Taiwan 4,761 4,316 5,575 6,833 6,087
Serbia 1,232 1,498 1,404 1,401 1,723 Croatia 1,723 3,482 2,321 2,490 2,078
Czechia 619 1,176 1,329 1,761 1,584 USA 1,191 1,297 1,432 2,188 1,904
Slovakia 870 1,253 764 968 1,364 Poland 1,074 1,770 1,389 1,833 1,864
Global IATF
O ptimas Solutions, a global industrial manufacturer/
distributor and service provider, announced it has
completed IATF Certification for its worldwide operations
by adding its center of excellence in Pune, India, and new
distribution sites in Mexicali, Mexico, and Lockbourne,
OH, placing it at a level of quality assurance certification
unmatched in the fastener industry.
IATF Certification comes from the International
Automotive Task Force and represents the highest level of
quality assurance in the automotive industry and beyond.
This coupled with the company’s annual achievement of
ISO 9001 certification is a high-water mark for Optimas as
the first time all its global operations have achieved these
levels of certification.
“As a team, our entire organization around the globe has
worked very hard to achieve the IATF certification, which
represents best in class quality management systems
for both manufacturing and distribution, engineering,
and supply chain management. This is meaningful to our
customers as they expect the highest level of quality from
Optimas,” said Gabriela Gallegos, Optimas Vice President
of Quality. “Less than 15 percent of suppliers in industrial
markets have achieved IATF certification and we are very
proud to be part of that elite group.”
According to Optimas CEO Marc Strandquist, this
achievement opens more doors for securing new business
and working at new levels with existing customers. “We
are one of very few fastener suppliers and manufacturers
that have IATF registration, which is well recognized
outside of the automotive industry as a premiere level of
quality assurance in the business world,” he said. “Our
Manufacturing Solutions strategy announced last August
is once again paying off for our customers and suppliers
In 1999, IATF aimed to harmonize the different
assessment and certification systems worldwide in
the supply chain for the automotive sector with its first
edition of ISO/TS 16949 standards. The IATF 16949
standard provides guidance and tools for companies and
organizations who want to ensure that their products
consistently meet customer requirements, and that quality
and customer satisfaction are consistently improved. The
IATF 16949 standard is a supplemental standard and
is used in conjunction with the ISO standards and is a
common set of techniques and methods for common
product and process development for automotive
manufacturing worldwide. The standards are often used
outside the automotive industry and is a testament to
their high level of applicability across other manufacturing
According to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification
(KISC), the machinery industry refers to five types of
businesses: general machinery, electrical machinery,
precision machinery, transport machinery, and metal
products (fabricated metal).
Korea’s machinery industry has maintained price
competitiveness, and an ecosystem connecting related
industries, such as automobiles, aviation, shipbuilding,
The sales of the Korean automotive parts industry in 2019 semiconductors, and displays, is well established.
reached USD 65.4 billion (KRW 76.1 trillion), up 6.5% YoY. Korea ranks 3rd in the global semiconductor market,
Thanks to the growth of front industries, the sales of the 6th in precision equipment production and 7th in exports.
automotive parts industry has grown continuously by 2.9% It is expected that the expansion of smart factories—one
every year on average, starting from USD 51.8 billion (KRW of Korea’s key industries—will help strengthen production
58.8 trillion) in 2010. capacity of the manufacturing system.
OEM accounts for the highest proportion at 66.5%, Korea’s robot density (the number of robots per 10,000
followed by exports at 28.8%, and AS parts at 4.7%. human workers) is the 2nd highest in the world, and Korea
The proportion of automotive parts out of all exports in has introduced the 4th largest number of industrial robots
2019 reached 4.2%, and the surplus in balance of trade in the world.
was also as high as USD 17.1 billion, Export items include The machinery industry, out of all manufacturing
other automotive parts, transmissions, frame parts, and industries, ranked 6th in terms of production, 1st in terms
brake parts. of the number of companies, 3rd in terms of the number
of employees, and 4th in terms of added-value.
Source: Statistics Korea, Korea International Trade Association
The average annual export growth over the past five years
from 2014 to 2019 was 3.0%, and the average annual
AEROSPACE trade balance growth was 15.6%.
The Korean aerospace industry has continued its growth The export of semiconductors, in particular, recorded
since 2017. In 2019, the production of the aerospace USD 5.24 billion, up 9.4% YoY.
industry reached USD 2.8 billion, up 8% YoY. Growth in the
areas of airframes, engine parts, space, and unmanned
vehicles have been singled out as having contributed to
As the global cargo volume increased following the rapid
the increase in production and export compared to the
economic growth of China in the early 2000s, the Korean
previous year.
shipbuilding industry showed continuous growth.
Boeing, the world’s largest private aerospace company,
Among the big three shipbuilding countries (Korea, China,
has established the Boeing Korea Engineering and
and Japan), Korea has shown a competitive advantage by
Technology Center in Seoul, the largest of its kind, and has
receiving orders of ships with high added-value (extra-large
been conducting research on next-generation aerospace
tankers, container ships, LNG carriers).
In its MRO center in Yeongcheon Hi-tech Park in Daegu-
Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone, Boeing has been testing
and repairing avionics parts, such as for the F-15K.
IAT, a joint venture between Korean Air and UTC from the
US, has opened an aircraft engine MRO center in Yeongjong
Exported Exported Exported Exported Exported Imported Imported Imported Imported Imported
Importers value in value in value in value in value in Exporters value in value in value in value in value in
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Total 753,576 902,444 858,265 908,524 880,053 Total 592,040 493,884 513,028 544,545 530,587
USA 189,468 196,124 173,657 189,270 189,519 China 187,909 174,516 190,181 200,391 192,645
China 157,869 239,592 193,100 166,294 131,012 USA 137,405 111,736 129,414 137,394 147,126
India 35,640 59,947 73,096 76,953 86,181 Germany 34,795 30,281 34,267 39,639 35,100
Japan 46,817 47,332 47,221 52,106 70,809 Japan 26,656 44,048 33,562 36,421 29,602
Mexico 24,769 39,997 50,037 58,351 63,435 Taiwan 28,353 27,210 33,240 33,506 28,499
Vietnam 36,520 38,162 38,889 38,375 44,528 France 13,256 14,349 17,121 16,268 16,241
Czechia 27,407 26,933 34,282 39,769 35,354 Thailand 613 1,464 5,886 7,309 10,796
Slovakia 26,397 24,854 25,134 26,244 24,746 Italy 8,801 5,797 6,431 7,777 9,027
Slovenia 17,982 20,213 20,524 22,349 20,603 United 74,668 29,719 7,474 12,508 7,889
Thailand 9,122 11,477 12,660 13,861 20,181
Switzerland 7,061 5,094 5,983 7,586 6,385
Brazil 11,463 11,715 17,162 18,201 20,116
Finland 191 174 292 168 5,332
Poland 7,876 9,601 12,833 18,554 19,600
India 2,556 2,999 4,292 5,807 5,324
Turkey 15,314 15,318 16,069 15,454 17,975
Vietnam 3,873 3,931 4,814 3,515 5,011
Russian 8,676 9,938 13,860 15,901 13,362
Federation Malaysia 8,364 5,744 3,270 6,924 4,677
Germany 9,179 8,584 11,389 16,871 12,177 Sweden 3,800 4,258 6,260 3,782 3,139
Uzbekistan 3,671 4,230 5,067 10,805 11,210 Philippines 5,204 3,902 3,923 3,454 2,953
Canada 10,143 13,955 16,129 10,841 8,388 Mexico 952 2,176 2,647 2,997 2,914
Malaysia 6,919 8,478 7,539 7,269 8,201 Canada 3,024 2,661 2,664 2,352 2,323
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A DÖRKEN zinc flake system has been approved by General Motors
for the GMW 14083 specification
Construction Automation
Solution to Help
Tackle Productivity,
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Shortage Challenges on
Welding Studs
and RIVST80
Sergio Milatias
Editor, Revista do Parafuso
(The Fastener Brazil Magazine)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Association of Refrigeration Industry Businesspeople
By Shun Otsuki
President § Editor in Chief
KINSAN Fastener News,
[email protected]
Agosto/August Gennaio-Agosto/January-August
Unità Unità Var % Unità Unità Var %
%2 %2 Units Units % Chg %2 %2 Units Units % Chg
2020 2019 2020 2019 20/19 2020 2019 2020 2019 20/19
VW Group 25,5 27,7 225.520 297.512 -24,2 25,9 25,0 1.880.042 2.710.676 -30,6
VOLKSWAGEN 11,0 12,1 97.442 129.580 -24,8 11,3 11,4 821.279 1.232.568 -33,4
SKODA 5,7 5,4 50.103 58.069 -13,7 5,5 4,8 402.178 524.939 -23,4
AUDI 4,9 5,6 43.218 60.012 -28,0 5,1 5,0 370.080 537.246 -31,1
SEAT 3,3 4,0 29.071 43.054 -32,5 3,3 3,4 237.646 363.183 -34,6
PORSCHE 0,6 0,6 5.293 6.325 -16,3 0,6 0,4 45.475 48.528 -6,3
OTHERS2 0,0 0,0 393 472 -16,7 0,0 0,0 3.384 4.212 -19,7
PSA Group 13,9 14,1 123.143 151.948 -19,0 14,5 16,1 1.056.164 1.747.847 -39,6
PEUGEOT 6,1 5,4 53.900 57.578 -6,4 6,2 6,1 451.407 664.992 -32,1
OPEL/VAUXHALL 3,8 4,9 33.448 52.660 -36,5 4,0 5,5 294.252 600.555 -51,0
CITROEN 3,8 3,6 33.377 38.805 -14,0 3,9 4,2 283.478 450.584 -37,1
DS 0,3 0,3 2.418 2.905 -16,8 0,4 0,3 27.027 31.716 -14,8
RENAULT Group 10,0 10,7 88.562 114.649 -22,8 10,3 10,6 751.187 1.146.319 -34,5
RENAULT 6,1 5,7 53.989 61.574 -12,3 6,9 6,7 501.070 722.924 -30,7
DACIA 3,9 4,8 34.112 51.680 -34,0 3,4 3,8 247.581 416.197 -40,5
LADA 0,0 0,1 382 905 -57,8 0,0 0,0 1.742 3.682 -52,7
ALPINE 0,0 0,0 79 490 -83,9 0,0 0,0 794 3.516 -77,4
BMW Group 7,1 5,5 62.767 59.032 +6,3 7,0 6,2 511.358 674.005 -24,1
BMW 5,7 4,4 50.615 46.964 +7,8 5,6 5,0 409.586 537.554 -23,8
MINI 1,4 1,1 12.152 12.068 +0,7 1,4 1,3 101.772 136.451 -25,4
HYUNDAI Group 8,3 6,6 73.391 71.045 +3,3 7,1 6,6 518.852 715.202 -27,5
KIA 4,1 2,8 35.920 30.261 +18,7 3,6 3,1 259.442 338.889 -23,4
HYUNDAI 4,2 3,8 37.471 40.784 -8,1 3,6 3,5 259.410 376.313 -31,1
DAIMLER 6,8 6,8 59.939 72.603 -17,4 6,2 6,0 448.610 647.805 -30,7
MERCEDES 6,5 5,6 57.892 60.468 -4,3 6,0 5,3 437.360 576.723 -24,2
SMART 0,2 1,1 2.047 12.135 -83,1 0,2 0,7 11.250 71.082 -84,2
TOYOTA Group 5,8 5,1 51.320 54.309 -5,5 5,8 5,0 421.705 540.256 -21,9
TOYOTA 5,5 4,7 48.578 50.783 -4,3 5,4 4,7 393.652 504.744 -22,0
LEXUS 0,3 0,3 2.742 3.526 -22,2 0,4 0,3 28.053 35.512 -21,0
FCA Group 5,7 5,1 50.585 54.318 -6,9 5,7 6,2 412.270 671.628 -38,6
FIAT 3,9 3,3 34.212 35.389 -3,3 4,1 4,3 294.608 467.219 -36,9
JEEP 1,2 1,2 10.950 12.418 -11,8 1,0 1,1 69.950 120.431 -41,9
LANCIA/CHRYSLER 0,3 0,2 2.262 2.520 -10,2 0,3 0,4 24.725 41.650 -40,6
ALFA ROMEO 0,3 0,3 2.845 3.421 -16,8 0,3 0,3 20.412 37.235 -45,2
OTHERS3 0,0 0,1 316 570 -44,6 0,0 0,0 2.575 5.093 -49,4
FORD 5,9 5,6 52.232 60.065 -13,0 5,5 6,0 401.722 651.470 -38,3
NISSAN 2,2 2,2 19.893 23.905 -16,8 2,4 2,5 176.522 272.826 -35,3
VOLVO CAR CORP. 1,9 1,6 16.549 16.902 -2,1 2,3 2,0 168.558 217.497 -22,5
JAGUAR LAND ROVER Group 0,9 0,9 7.895 9.178 -14,0 1,3 1,4 92.530 148.360 -37,6
LAND ROVER 0,6 0,6 5.491 5.922 -7,3 0,9 0,9 65.737 96.645 -32,0
JAGUAR 0,3 0,3 2.404 3.256 -26,2 0,4 0,5 26.793 51.715 -48,2
MAZDA 1,2 1,4 10.840 14.860 -27,1 1,2 1,5 85.088 157.527 -46,0
MITSUBISHI 0,8 1,1 7.478 11.341 -34,1 1,0 1,0 72.934 104.209 -30,0
HONDA 0,7 0,7 6.302 8.052 -21,7 0,7 0,8 47.913 83.844 -42,9
Andreas Stern
“Not only does the
new NC714 give us an
additional forming stage,
it also provides a range
of technical benefits,”
said Andreas Stern,
design engineer at Arnold
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Turkey’s First
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Küresel Fuar
Endüstrisi Birliği
Küresel Fuar
Endüstrisi Birliği M-C
The Global TSE - ISO
Association of the Üye Kurulufl / Member TS EN ISO 9001:2015
Üye Kuruluş
Tüyap Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi / Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Cumhuriyet Mah. Eski Hadımköy Yolu Cad. 9/5, 34500 Büyükçekmece - ‹stanbul / Turkey Tel / Phone: +90 212 867 11 00 - 867 12 00 Faks / Fax: +90 212 886 66 98
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Daimler AG
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Tar es 1 - 4 NİSAN / APRIL 2021
Ye Dat
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Organizatör / Organiser
Hyve Build Fuarcılık A.Ş. | Tic. Sic. No: 758423 | Mersis No: 0947046442400015
Bolts • Nuts • Studs
Industrial Bolting
2. Cold forging of M5x40 bolts determined for bolts having perpendicularly propagated
M5x40 bolts were cold forged using DIN 1.5535 medium fracture (Figure 3(b)).
carbon steel billets in NORM Fasteners Co. on a machine
having 40 tones maximum load capacity. Technical drawing
and forming steps of the bolt are shown in Figure 1(a) and
(b), respectively. Forming operation starts with heading
and reduction of the cross-sectional area of the work-
piece in the first station. Here, the initial diameter of the
work-piece, 4.7 mm, was reduced to 4.33 mm in shaft Figure 3. Comparison of CAD models and damaged bolts with (a)
inclined and (b) perpendicular fractures through flange.
section. In the following station, pre-forming of the head
was conducted. The final shape of the head and socket
are given in 3rd station. Fracture was generated on the bolt 3. Numerical models
head during forming of the socket in this station. Numerical models of each forging station of M5 bolt
were prepared in SIMUFACT FORMING commercial finite
element software. Forging simulations were carried out
using coupled thermo-mechanical analysis method. Figure
4 shows the models of the stations.
Figure 4. Numerical models of the forging stations of M5 bolts; (a) 1st, (b)
2nd and (c) 3rd stations.
(b) forging steps of M5x40 bolt.
Numerical models consisted of moving and stationary
dies and work-piece. Moving die was attached to the
Macro-analysis were conducted on damaged bolts and they defined press and stationary die was constrained in all
were categorized into two different groups according to directions and rotations. Both dies were modeled as
fracture propagation paths. Fracture was initiated on the rigid. Work-piece was modeled as plastic material and
corner of T25 socket and propagated through the flange elastic deformations were ignored due to prolonged CPU
with an inclination angle changing between 52° and 57° calculation times. Elastic deformations have negligible
or advanced perpendicularly as depicted in Figure 2(a) effects on the deformation of the material in a pure bulk
and (b), respectively. forming operation like forging. Flow curves of DIN 1.5535
dependent on strain rates and temperatures chancing
between 1-50 s-1 and 20-400 °C were defined to the
software. Cockroft-Latham (CL) damage model was used
in the numerical models. CL model formulation is given as;
D=� max
de (1)
Figure 2. Fracture types on M5 bolts; (a) Inclined and (b) straight frac-
where, D, σmax, and are CL damage value, maximum
CAD model and pictures of damaged bolts were principle stress, equivalent stress and equivalent plastic
compared to determine any deviation from the designed strain, respectively. In numerical models, it was assumed
geometry as shown in Figure 3 for both fracture types. that fracture forms when CL damage value reaches
Geometrical analysis showed that center point of the unity. The first two stations were modeled as 2D due
socket was deviated from the design geometry between to axisymmetric condition while 3rd forging station was
0.4 and 0.8 mm for bolts having inclined fracture as modeled as 3D. The FE mesh distributions of work-piece
shown in Figure 3(a). On the other hand, no deviation was in 2D and 3D models are shown in Figure 5(a) and (b),
s*= (2)
Here, σ , σh and σ are stress triaxiality, hydrostatic and
equivalent stress, respectively. Hydrostatic stress is known
to improve ductility of the material and responsible of
triggering fracture evolution due to its tensile nature. When
Figure 5. Finite element mesh distributions of work-piece at (a) 2D and stress triaxiality reaches to positive values, failure strain of
(b) 3D simulations.
the material starts to decrease. Because of that, fracture
may happen at lower failure strains.
A set of simulations were also conducted by deviating the
Figure 7 shows stress triaxiality distribution in 3rd station
punch as 0.4 and 0.8 mm to investigate effects of punch
at varying punch stroke. With increment of the punch into
deviation on fracture evolution.
the part, stress triaxiality values reaches positive maximum
values, ~0.7, on the corners of the socket which is shown
4. Results and discussions with arrows at 1.8 mm punch stroke. When forming of
4.1. Numerical modeling under perfect forging conditions socket was completed, stress triaxiality dropped negative
values after 3 mm punch stroke. This result showed
On this section, numerical results of forging operation that maximum tensile stresses were generated on the
under perfect forming conditions (punch was not deviated) head near socket corners and any raw material defect or
were presented. Effective plastic strain distribution on deviation from proper forming conditions may lead failures
the parts at different forging stations are shown in Figure on these areas.
6(a). In all stations, effective plastic strain was seen to be
localized on the head section and maximum plastic strain
was determined to be approximately 3.4 on the socket
section of the bolt in 3rd station. There is no severe and
localized plastic strain that may cause failure was detected
on the fracture locus. CAD and simulation model of the part
in 3rd station were compared in Figure 6(b). As shown in
the figure, both geometry were seen to match with each
other in all directions.