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Reading and Writing Skills Quarter 4 - Module 7:: Determining Textual Evidence

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Reading and Writing Skills

Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Determining Textual Evidence
Reading and Writing Skills – Grade 11
Quarter 4 – Module 7: Determining Textual Evidence
First Edition, 2020

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Reading and Writing
Quarter 4 – Module 7:
Determining Textual Evidence
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in
each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.
Thank you.

Let Us Learn
This module will discuss topic on textual evidence, and claim of value.
It will lead you to determine the requirements in establishing claims, and it
will help you to recognize or analyze claims implicitly or explicitly in textual
In this lesson, you are expected to determine textual evidence to
validate assertions and counterclaims made about a text read (EN11/12RWS-

Let Us Try
Part I- Directions: Read each item carefully then choose the letter that best
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is opinion, idea, or assertion?

A. claim
B. value
C. action
D. evidence

2. It is a characteristic of good claims EXCEPT?

A. illogical
B. specific and focused
C. interesting and engaging
D. argumentative and debatable

3. It is an idea that is directly stated.

A. argument
B. thesis statement
C. explicit information
D. implicit information

A. It is understood but indirectly stated.

B. thesis statement
C. explicit information
D. implicit information

4. Which question below would be considered explicit?

A. Who is considered a real prince?
B. What did the prince feel about the princess?

C. How would you compare Prince Liam from Prince Kian?
D. Why did Prince Liam give his trust to Prince Kian?

5. It is a claim that asserts some things are more or less desirable than
others. It requires the use of standards of evaluation, presentation of
advantages or moral of standards used.
A. claim of fact
B. claim of value
C. claim of cause
D. claim of policy

6. A claim of value involves ________.

A. judgment
B. outcomes
C. prediction
D. circumstances

7. Claim of value involves “taste” in art, literature, music, film, food, etc.
A. True
B. False

8. Which of the phrases below is commonly used in claim of value?

A. it is better to….
B. it is wrong to….
C. is more beautiful than…
D. all the above

9. Which statement is an example of claim of value?

A. The oldest known disease in the world is Covid-19.
B. We should embrace the positivity of “New Normal” instead of
keeping ourselves in a negative mindset.
C. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected educational system
D. The Identification System or ID card system in the
Philippines should be implemented.
10. Philippines will be the number one English speaking country.

a. Claim of facts c. Claim of policy

b. Claim of value d. none of the above

11. It is define as the details given by the author to support his/her

a. Evidence c. policy
b. Claim d. counterclaim

Let Us Study

To better evaluate the author’s argument, you should be able to

determine the evidence from the text. This will allow you to validate the
assertions of the author and your own counterclaims as a response to a
reading. But first, let me give some definitions of concept you will encounter
in this lesson.
Evidence is defined as the details given by the author to support his/her
claim. The evidence provided by the author substantiates the text.
Evidence can include the following:
▪ Facts and statistics (objectively validated information on your subject)
▪ Opinion from experts (leading authorities on a topic, such as
▪ Personal anecdotes (objectively considered)
To help you determine evidence from text, here are some questions for your
• What questions can you ask about the claims?
• Which details in the text answer your questions?
• What are the most important details in the paragraph?
• What is each one’s relationship to the claim?
• How does the given detail reinforce the claim?
• What details do you find interesting? Why?
• What are some claims that do not seem to have support? What kinds
of support could they be provided with?
• What are some details that you find questionable? Why do you think
• Are some details outdated, inaccurate, exaggerated, or taken out of
• Are the sources reliable?
Below are the following characteristics of good evidence.

relevant to the specific and

central point concrete

or typical

Identifying Claims

Claim according to del Gandio (2008) is an arguable statement-an idea

that a rhetor (that is, a speaker or writer) asks an audience to accept. It is an
opinion, idea or assertions. Therefore, a claim is a statement or a discourse.
It deals with a search for agreement. The wish is that the audience will agree
with the statement.

The word claim comes from the Latin word clamare, which means “to
cry out, shout.”

In the study of claims, you need to consider the characteristics of good

claims. The following are:

1. A claim should be logical.

2. A claim should be specific and focused.
3. A claim should be interesting and engaging.
4. A claim should be argumentative and debatable.

Further, to support your claim and refute opposing arguments, your

appeals will typically fall into one of three categories: reason, emotion, and

1. Appeals to Reason – These include facts, evidence, surveys, and

specific examples. In most cases, if an appeal to reason cannot be seen
and measured, it will not be considered reasonable and, therefore,

2. Appeals to Emotion –These consist of stories and anecdotes that

trigger an emotional response in a reader. While emotional appeals can
sometimes seem manipulative or overused, they can be surprisingly
effective even when a readership presents as grounded in logic and
postmodern skepticism.

3. Appeals to Character –These rely on your ability to show your

audience that you are a person of sound, moral judgment and solid
reputation, and, therefore, your audience should believe the claims
you have made.

3 Types of Claim
Claims of Fact

Claims of Value

Claims of Policy

Claims of Fact

A claim of fact makes an assertion about something that can be proved or

disproved with factual evidence. It needs, instead, to focus on an assertion
which uses facts to back it up, but for which the evidence might still be

A claim of fact makes an assertion about something that can be proved or

disproved with factual evidence. However, keep in mind the basic quality of
claims, that they have to be debatable, and offer an assertion about an issue.
So a claim of fact for a logical argument cannot simply consist of a statistic or
proven fact.

Claims of Value

Claims of value are value judgment made based on morals, standards, and
norms. Claims of Value require the use of standards of evaluation,
presentation of advantages or moral of standards used, used of examples to
concretize abstractions, and use of credible authority/experts for support. It
attempts to prove that some things are more or less desirable than others. It
expresses approval or disapproval or taste and morality. It involves judgment.

KEYWORDS: good, better, well, useful, kind, etc.

Two general areas in which people most often disagree about matters
of value:

1. Aesthetics- study of beauty and fine arts

2. Morality-value claims about morality express judgments about
the rightness or wrongness of conduct or belief

Question of value include:

o Is it good or bad?
o Is it right or wrong?
o How moral or immoral?
o Of what worth is it?
o Who says so?
o Is it ethical or unethical?

The following are the proof requires in the claim of value.

1. Establish standards of evaluation.

2. Note the priority of the value in this instance.
3. Establish the advantage of your standards.
4. Use examples to clarify abstract values.
5. Use credible authorities for support.

Phrases that are commonly used in claim of value
1. it is better to….
2. it is wrong to….
3. is more beautiful than…
4. it is unethical that…..


1. Honesty is the best policy.

2. Killing animals for sports is wrong.
3. It is unethical to bring home office supplies.
4. Requiring community service for high school will produce more
community-aware graduates.
5. It is better to work for a living than to live for your work

Claims of Policy

A claim of policy argues that certain conditions should exist, or that

something should or should not be done, in order to solve a problem.

Sample claims of policy:

➢ The city’s board of education should institute an honors program not

only for high school students, but for elementary and junior high school
students as well.
➢ Just as smoking ads have been banned in order to decrease the urge to
engage in an unhealthy behavior, soda ads should be banned for the
same reason.

No matter the type of claim, you will usually combine many types of support
for that claim in order to write a logical argument, including facts, case
studies, reasons, personal interviews, and more, as appropriate.

Let Us Practice
You are almost done with this module. I am sure you have learned a lot from
your readings on this module. For you to understand better the lesson on
this module, try to answer the following consist of Activity 1.1 and Activity
1.2. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1.1 Direction: Read and understand each statement below. Identify and
write FACT if the statement shows claim of value and write BLUFF if is not.

_____1. Obesity can cause heart disease.

______2. Playing online games is wasteful activity.
______3. Basketball is more exciting than volleyball.

______4. He destroyed the property of his neighbor.
______5. Research activity needs to be parts of the curriculum.
______6. Students should always wear complete uniform in school.
______7. Sometimes God put us in the dark to show that He is the light.
______8. Covid-19 virus threatens many lives.
______9. A clean environment creates a happy and peaceful society.
_____10. Mall goers should wear their face mask and face shield anywhere
in the mall.
1.2 Direction: To strengthen your understanding of types of claims, take this
nine question self-test. See if you can identify which type of claim the
statement is making, then check the answer.
1. Vaping can lead to increased blood pressure, lung disease, and
insulin resistance.
2. The basic keys to success are perseverance and discipline.
3. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media is a risk
factor for violent behaviors.
4. The Career Support Network is an excellent resource for people
who are considering a mid-life career change.
5. To ensure that graduates are competitive for top jobs in their
fields, the college must put additional resources into its career
services office and internship programs.
6. Although the International Astronomical Union announced that
Pluto is not actually a planet, experts disagree on what
characteristics define a planet.
7. Increased investments in solar power will benefit national
security by reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
8. Parents should not only be aware of how their children are using
social media, but also understand the potential positive and
negative impacts of social media use.
9. Advances in computer modeling have made it possible to create
completely new types of architectural structures.

Let Us Practice More

You can practice some more, for you to be able to understand more your
lesson on this module. Answer the following activities that follows.
Activity 1.1- Eh -Value
Direction: For each of the following topics, provide a claim of value and
identify it’s category (reason, emotion and character).

Issue/Topic Claim of Value

1. Social media

2. Bullying

3. Poverty

4. Corruption

5. Love

Activity 1.2-Just Mine

Direction: Before you begin to your learning journey, accomplish first the K-
W-L chart given below. Write what you already know about Claim Value. Write
it below the WHAT I ALREADY KNOW column. Then, write the things you want
to know below the WHAT I WANT TO KNOW column in the form of questions.
And WRITE WHAT I HAVE LEARNED in the last column.



What I already Know What I Want to Know What I have Learned

Let Us Remember
You are almost done with this lesson on your module. Have you
answered all the activities in this module? Now, try to answer additional
activities below and write them in a separate sheet of paper.
Activity: My Top 3

Direction: In Venn diagram below give the similarities and differences

between the three categories of claim value (reason, emotion and character).

Let Us Assess

As you are near to finishing this module, try to assess if you have learned
something on this module by answering this activity below.
Part I-Direction: Put a check mark (√) in your answer sheet if the statement
shows a claim of value.
1. It is better to be feared than love.
2. Women are more effective multi-taskers than men.
3. Democracy is superior to any other form of government.
4. The punishment for drunk driving should be an automatic loss of
license, jail time, and community service hours.
5. It’s more fun in the Philippines.

Part II-Direction: Write X if the claim of value statement expresses explicitly

and M if it is implicitly expressed.

1. Trust not even the wall.

2. Cheating in sports is wrong.
3. A family that prays together stays together.
4. Animal testing is cruel and morally wrong.
5. Evil things will happen if good men do nothing.
6. Smoking is dangerous to one’s health.
7. Following health protocol is very important.
8. Planting vegetables is better than planting flowers.
9. Faith is victory.
10. Fetal tissue research is wrong.

Part III-Direction: Identify each statement below, taken from or inspired by

the previous text, as a claim of fact, value or policy, briefly explain your

1. National Strength can only be built on character.

2. The Filipinos of the past became strong-willed, earnest, and
adventurous by necessity: They have to brave the seas, clear the
forest, and erect towns and cities upon wilderness in order to
establish communities.
3. To ensure the accomplishment of this task of national spiritual
reconstruction, we shall formulate and adopt a social code that can be
explained in the schools, preached from the pulpits, and taught in the
streets and plazas, and in the remotest corners of our land.

4. Teachers are in the best position to inculcate this social code in the
youth because they are in the most contact with them during their
formative years at school.
5. The Government face numerous problems today.

Let Us Enhance
Activity: Consider This!
Direction: Find and read an article in a newspaper or magazine. Choose
information which indicates claim of value. Then, identify the phrases which
has a characteristic of good claim can you consider from the text.


Explicit or Implicit Information



Let Us Reflect
Activity: U-complete me!
Direction: Based on your understanding, fill in the table below.

Claim of Value It is ….. It’s not…..

Let us Practice Let us try
Let us Assess 1. BLUFF Part I
2. FACT 1. A 6. B
1. √
2. 3. FACT 2. A 7. A
3. √
4. BLUFF 3. C 8. A
5. √ 5. BLUFF 4. D 9. D
Part- II 6. BLUFF 5. A 10. B
1. X 7. FACT Part II-
2. M
3. X 8. BLUFF 11. except-not including
4. X
9. FACT 12.accept-to accept or take
5. M
6. X 10. BLUFF 13. diary-a book in which
7. X you write your personal
8. X experiences
9. M
14.dairy-a farm that
10. M produces milk
16.deceased-no longer living
19. explicit -clear
20. implicit-understood
Answer Key

Gabelo, N et. Al (2016) Reading-Writing: The Effective Connection for Senior

High School. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI

F. Torres St., Davao City

Telefax: (082) 291-1665, (082) 221-6147

Email Address: [email protected]

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