Feven Thesis Bdu-1
Feven Thesis Bdu-1
Feven Thesis Bdu-1
JUNE, 2020
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Advisor Signature
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Examiner Signature
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I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work and all the sources of materials
used for the thesis have been duly acknowledged.
Signature: ________________________
First I would like to praise the almighty God who strength me in every difficult journey of my
life, he always change the impossible to possible, without the helping of him I could not stand in
my strength. I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor Dr. Jemal Mohamed for his
important suggestions and comments in the process of development of this thesis. I am indebted
to thank my, brothers and sisters especially to D/r Tsigemariam Dilnessa who encouraged and
helped me to be a better person, to my brother Zinaw Dilnessa, who encouraged and supported
me to study. Special thanks goes to people who gave me materials, and to all my informants who
given me important Information. Last but not the least, I am thankful for Bizoyehu Tadese,
Amenadab Aragaw and all Amhara Radio news Room staffs, which made everything possible to
complete my MA.
This thesis conducted to investigate Amhara Radio news concerning development journalism
coverage and practice in the news stories After the Reformation (After D/R Abbey Ahmed
Appointed). The main objectives of the research is to assess the coverage and practices of
development news stories: in Amhara radio news program the research answered the
following questions, to what extent does Amhara radio present its news referring to the
principles of development journalism? How developmental journalism practiced in Amara
radio news stories? What are the focuses of AR development news stories? What are the
major challenges, if any, that affect the practice of development journalism in Amhara radio.
In order to achieve the research objectives the researcher used both qualitative and
quantitative methods of the study. To measure the quantity of the news the researcher used
six months of Amhara Radio news from February 8/2019 – July, 31/2019 and to study How
DJ practiced in AR news room the researcher used in-depth interviews of Amhara Radio
news room journalists both editors and reporters. The study build up on Murthy, (2011)
models of development journalism. The study revealed that even if the medium guidelines
like editorial policy put that the medium reporting type is development journalism; there is
huge gap in practicing development journalism in the news room due to different reasons; the
reasons are time constraints, professional constraints, government control and lack of assets.
The finding of the research revealed that Amhara radio journalists practicing developmental
journalism rather than development journalism. AR news are narrative and positive,
Narrowed in their area of coverage, one sided which usually promote government success; all
this news behaviors are more likely approximate to developmental journalism than
development journalism. Knowledge gap, striving for Deadline (Time constraints),
government influence and asset constraints have the bottle neck to practice Development
Journalism in Amhara Radio News Room. The researcher forwards the following Main
points to tackle challenges of DJ in AR news room; Minimize Development achievement
news, Give professional training, the administration higher authorities should lift their hands
from Amhara radio news coverage, AR should equip necessary journalistic equipment’s such
as field car, and AR should give emphasis for DJ.
2.4.2. The Opposing Paradigm: Dependency.....................................................................................13
2.4.3. The Emerging Paradigm: Participation....................................................................................14
2.5. Development Communication theory.............................................................................................15
Major Features of Development Communication Theory..................................................................15
2.6 The Roles of Development journalism............................................................................................16
2.7. Radio..............................................................................................................................................17
2.8. History of Radio Journalism in Ethiopia.........................................................................................18
2.9 Factors Affecting Journalists News Selection..................................................................................19
2.10 Theoretical framework...................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................21
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................21
3.1. Research Design.............................................................................................................................21
3.2 Content Analysis.............................................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Content analysis........................................................................................................................22
3.2.2 Content analysis of Quantitative Data.......................................................................................22
3.2.3 Unit of Analysis......................................................................................................................23
3.2.4 Categories of content analysis...................................................................................................23
3.2.5 Qualitative method....................................................................................................................24
3.2.4 in depth Interview.....................................................................................................................25
3.3 Data Sources....................................................................................................................................25
3.4 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques......................................................................26
3.4.1 Population of the Study.............................................................................................................26
3.4.2. Sample Size and Sampling Techniques...................................................................................26
3.5 Data Collecting Instruments............................................................................................................27
3.6. Data Analysis Techniques..............................................................................................................27
3.5.1 Quantitative content analysis....................................................................................................27
3.5.2 Qualitative methods..................................................................................................................28
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................29
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS...........................................................................................29
4.1 Quantitative content analysis...........................................................................................................29
4.1.1 The Coverage of Amhara Radio six months Development news by themes category...............29
4.1.2 Amhara Radio six months development news by category of news sources.............................32
4.1.3 Six months AR news by development news-by-news type category........................................36
4.1.4 Six Months of Amhara Radio Development news by actors category......................................37
4.1.5 Six Months of Amhara Radio Development news quantity Analysis in DJ point of view........39
4.1. 6. Are Amhara Radio Six months Development News incorporate in development journalism
perspective or developmental journalism...........................................................................................46
4.2 Qualitative data analysis..................................................................................................................47
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................53
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................53
5.1 Summery.........................................................................................................................................53
5.1.1 Government source news..........................................................................................................53
5.1.2 Limited time frame...................................................................................................................53
5.1.3 Narrow Areas of coverage and specific developmental issues..................................................54
5.1.4 Event oriented news..................................................................................................................54
5.1.5 Event oriented and narrative.....................................................................................................54
5.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................55
5.3 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................56
Lists of Appendix......................................................................................................................................61
Appendix 1 a code book for content analysis........................................................................................61
Appendix 2: evaluating consistency and reliability...............................................................................63
Appendix 3 Lists of In-depth interview respondent...............................................................................64
Appendix 4- In depth interview guidelines (Questioners)......................................................................64
Table 1. Amhara Radio development news by them category..................................................................30
Table 2 six months broadcasted news of AR by Sources of news category...............................................33
Figure 1, the news in category of themes Notes- there is no any news report to ecology, pop.planning, and
literacy; where NI=national integration, Pop.planning =population planning, HR=human rights.............29
Figure 4, six months of Amhara Radio development news by event type news by percentage..................41
1.1 Background of the study
News, stories are considered as the reflection of reality and hence, what is being reported in news
stories positively or negatively affects the lives of the peoples. Melkote and Murthy guaranteed
that development journalism is extremely dedicated for the general public interest. In the times,
to a much bigger extent than ever before, the mass communication media have progressively
more become fundamental to each aspect of human lives. With the large power of the electronic
media, improved by the highly developed computer and satellite technology, media have
understood key place within the economic, political, and socio-cultural actions of a society,
building media vital to governments and therefore the public, mainly in an exceedingly
democratic political surroundings where government power comes from the people. Most
importantly, in under developed world, where greater a part of the citizenry undergo from
unattractive socioeconomic and political circumstances, the media have extended and called
engines of improvement (Melkote, Steeves 2001 and Murthy,2006).
Therefore, Media whoever its holder is estimated to figure for the expansion of the developing
nation for greatest attention of the general public. Development journalism is that the promoting
of improvement procedures instead of events; development news covers the entire range of
socio-economic and cultural growth; in its action, development journalism isn't unusual from
analytical reporting. A development journalist must seriously observe, assess and report the
importance of a development venture to national and native needs, the excellence between its
impacts on community as claimed by the government officers and it really is.
As Ogan (1982: 10) recognized development journalism is that the important assessment,
evaluation and reporting of the importance, performance and impact of development programs
by a mass media autonomous of the govt. Fair (1988) analyzed that development journalism
news is associated to the first, secondary or tertiary wants of a country’s people; news that
pleased the requirements of a country’s people and contributed to self-sufficiency; and news that
associated to development or to social, economic or political problems.
Even though such analyses of the concept, western researchers like Righter, (1979) argue, as
development journalism could be a simple tool of state to encourage their philosophy.
Nevertheless, in favor of development scholars like Aggrewal (1978) disproved the examination
of western researchers as, western scholars were of the sight that development journalism and
developmental journalism and there was a universal propensity within the western media to
mystify development journalism with developmental journalism. Aggarwal distinguished that
Western critics had incorrectly equated development-oriented news with government-controlled
news. He argued that the event news hit concerned reporting on the importance of a development
venture of national and native needs; the excellence between an intended scheme and its real
accomplishment; and therefore the distinction between its impact on community as claimed by
government officers and its real impact (Agrawal (1978).
Ethiopia state media philosophy is development journalism regarding the important practice of
development journalism in Ethiopia. Various researchers like Tilahun, (2017) and Ahmed,
(2017) indicate that there had many shortcomings in Ethiopia normally and within the study area
Amhara Region specifically. “ there's polarization radio media in Amhara where it contradicts
the event efforts of the government and therefore the government media frequently cover
positive news about its actions” (Ahmed, 2017).
According to (Tilahun, 2017) Different scholars agree with the siding nature of media in
Ethiopia. There is polarization of media where the private media often negates the development
efforts of the government and the government media mostly cover favorable news about its
activities though whomever its owner expected to work for the development of the developing
nation for best interest of the public.
Among variety of mass communication mediums, Radio is a crucial technology that serves the
people within the developing countries. (UNESCO, 2018, p.1). ‘‘Radios are all told places, with
a minimum of 75% of households in under developed countries having contact to a radio.’’
Members of the relatives like spouse or partner and youngsters listen mutually. Due to this the
researcher believed studying Amhara Radio news coverage and practice concerning development
journalism; is crucial to figure out how the media is practicing in helping the development
process of the society.
Thus, this research focused on the evaluating the coverage and practices of development
journalism in AR news stories.
Throughout history, Ethiopian media exposed for organizational need reporting journalism
challenges. Skjerdal,(2011) researched on the realm of developmental journalism in Ethiopia, his
finding indicates that in 2008 Ethiopian authorities presented a draft policy document, which
established reporting development journalism because the official reporting style for the state
media and journalist should play a full of life role to the media. The study focused on the
Ethiopian development journalism policy in light of other recognized development models. The
study also uses comprehensive interviews with journalist within the Ethiopian state media and
the way the policy has been receive within the newsroom. The conclusion part also addressed
that the journalists are favorable towards development journalism as knowledgeable framework
but they're challenged when they attempt to convert the framework in to actual media practice
the issues are three fold:- There is not clear understanding about development journalism and
there's doubt wither developmental journalism is suitable for Ethiopian context and practice, the
political inclination of the state media; and a scarcity of participation by the general public by .
Despite that, the researcher inform us the mere facts of investigative reporting recognized by
documented policy because it will help development reporting in two cases :- one ,development
journalism will fail if the political atmosphere isn't conducive to national progress and two,
development journalism has tendency manipulated by government propaganda.
In addition, other research works indicate that government within the name of development
journalism manipulates state media and also the state media’s are the tools for mere government
propaganda. Government media reports development stories very highly from events. This
makes them to not report critically the impacts, the challenges of development processes deeply.
That’s why the gov’t media, development news becomes shallow and top down persuasion, and
trapped in one side story telling. thanks to this the gov’t media lost their power and mandate of
participating the grass root people in development process and remain because the mouth pieces
of the chief body officials. They cover every bit of Development issue news deploying their
reports on the spot where the projects are going down and include the voices of all the
stakeholders and also the grassroots. (Tilahun, 2017)
Both research works indicated that government in the name of development journalism
manipulates state media and the government media’s are the tools for mere government
As per Adem, there is additionally same issue in Amhara Radio, There are issues in arrival of the
nearby news in Amhara radio station in showing its group of spectators expecting of them.
Advancement news are deficient in its importance to the people groups' lives when all is said in
done. The quality or profundity of the news is not reasonable. The wellsprings of the news are
comparative and they don't offer spot to people groups' voice and don't give legitimate
consideration of issues what the individuals think and examine as respects. In this manner, the
Amhara Radio station does not give enough accentuation for the networks that they should serve
appropriately for which they authorized to render benefits in the wireless transmissions (Adem,
Therefore, this study has worthwhile to have a serious look at the content of the media, to
Evaluate the Amhara Radio the coverage and practice of AR news programs in developmental
journalism point of view which partially fills literature gap under the study area.
According to Nigere, Ethiopia state media development journalism practitioners report socio
economic, peace and stability issues very well however there is limitations in revealing
maladministration and corruption. In regarding to approaches of reporting also his finding
indicated that it is top down and government sources success oriented stories than investigating
problems of development. 85 % of DJ journalist sources are from government. His finding
indicate that challenges of DJ are professional constraints such as lack of confidences, socio
economic constraints such as poverty and lack of asset ,political influences such as government
interference and western media style influences(Nigeri, 2013). There is not recent research in the
practices of DJ After the reformation,the newly Prime Minster D/R Abiy Ahmed apponted so
that this research has fill the research gap and it adds knowledge in the research area.
c) What are the major challenges, if any, that affect the practice of development
journalism in Amhara radio?
This study aims at assessing the coverage and practice of development news stories in Amhara
radio. It assessed the frequency, proportion and bases of development news. Additionally, it
assessed limitations and possible ways to strengthen the existing practice and efforts, which
contributes in development process. It is an important to offer a clear perspective on the
conditions, limitations and opportunities for development practices in the Amhara Radio. Thus
allowing for a better understanding of the extent to which such practice could play a role in
democracy building and good governance development. It provides some light for those who
want to conduct further research in related areas and media governing bodies at different level,
mostly Amhara Mass Media Agency, may use the result of the findings and its recommendation
as an input for further decision making in any measures taken in strengthening the application of
development reporting.
The scope of this study divided into geographical and conceptual scopes. Geographically, the
study is limited to Amhara Mass Media Agency. Conceptually, the scope of study also focuses
on the coverage and practices of development news stories: in Amhara radio news stories with
the only specific reference to news stories covered by using the medium of the Regional Official
Language; and of course, the mother tongue for the majority of the populace of the Region.
Amharic programs in the boundary of Amhara radio 6:00 PM evening news (ዜና መጽሄት)
coverage. Therefore, content analysis must start with the selection and narrowing down of the
types of coverage to be analyzed (Anderson, 1987). This shows that studying the whole and bulk
of contents cannot achieve at the same time in a convenient manner and it becomes
uncontrollable data to analyze all.
Thus, the researcher selected a specific period in Amhara Radio news contents to narrow down
and to make the sample size manageable. Therefore, a six months news program that is from
February 8/2019 – July, 30/2019 (Yekatit, Migabit, Miyaziya, Ginbot, Sine and Hamile) from
this period the researcher will select the data within one week differences purposively. In
addition, the researcher will conduct an in-depth interview with four journalists and two editors.
This research focus on assessing the news content and coverage’s of Amhara radio in line with
development journalism. To achieve this goal mainly quantitative content analysis employed,
additionally an in-depth interview with editors and journalist conducted to get depth and
exclusive information
In conducting this study, due to time and financial constraints, the researcher has not examine the
programs of the medium. Therefore, the findings of the study might not be general. News aired
during the research time used as samples for the study. In addition, lack of research budget and
time constraints are another limitation since the researcher has self-sponsored and part time
Chapter one describes the background of the study, a statement of the problem, the general and
specific objectives, contribution of the study, and scope of the study. Chapter two illustrates
literatures which constitute the theoretical, empirical and conceptual framework of the study. The
third chapter employees to present the research methodology which covers the research design,
population and sample size, sampling techniques, data collection methods and tools, data
analysis techniques. The fourth chapter explains the analysis and discussion of major findings.
Finally, chapter five briefly expresses conclusions, recommendations, limitations and directions
for future study.
This chapter reviews various literatures concerning the development journalism. The term
“development journalism” is five decades old. But if the degree of educational research was the
lone measure of its reach and impact, then one may erroneously conclude that this field of
journalism has hardly had any reach and impact in the slightest degree. There’s a paucity of
scholarly studies for a genre that has proliferated across three continents and was once touted
because the new journalism for Third World countries (Yvonne, 2019).
Existing literature points to 2 main patterns. One sees scholars pitted against one another on what
development journalism is and must be. The reason: diverse, even opposing, variations of this
genre of journalism have emerged in keeping with social, political, economic, and cultural
variations during a country or region. The initial ideals of development journalism, which needs
independent, critical evaluation of the method of development, are replaced by justifications for
a state-controlled media in authoritarian states being befell as development journalism. That
explains the second pattern: studies tend to diverge instead of converge on the concept of
development journalism. Over the years, calls are made to standardize the notion of development
journalism or, failing that, to revamp the complete concept. Until that happens, scholars
embarking on the study of development journalism have to bear in mind the various approaches
and practices, and avoid cherry-picking components that may distort findings. The approaches
range from development journalists as willing partners of state (statist) to watchdogs
(investigative) and from interventionist (participatory or emancipatory) to guardians of
transparency. Within the range are more variants or combinations. The brilliant side is that
there's agreement on a number of the essentials for development journalism: emphasis on the
method of development to achieve social change (Yvonne, 2019).
to the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) which substituted the agenda of
millennium development goals (MDGs). (MDGs) were mostly focused on poverty reduction and
centered on supporting those MDG lead to a more human centered and environment preservation
approach (UN, 2015). This is often consequently, contains a large indefinite amount more
influential element which is feasible to be favored by practitioners surrounded by the event the
people remarkably in international development agencies. Reduction of poverty objectives
normally and therefore the MDGs particularly, nowadays play a key function within the
philosophy of the international agencies (Todaro and Smith, 2009).
The key characteristic of MDG is that being attentive on the outcomes of change in order that it's
a relatively short-term viewpoint, labeled it as ‘a historical’. It is to some extent difficult to
several of the more academic members of the event the people because it assumes a group of
(fundamentally bureaucratic or government) goals or objectives which cannot be shared by many
of those who are evidently benefiting from development (Geremew, 2014). There’s a
paternalistic guess on what's good for people’s welfare supported a group of general values and
characteristics. It raises the question of ‘ownership’ not so an excellent deal within the
framework of governments or of states but more within the framework of peoples, and therefore
the underprivileged particularly. There’s a terror that this temporary and influential view of
development loses the dream of societal transformation that Todaro and Smith, (2009)
highlighted, and divides the commencement of development from socio-economic formation,
social relations and politics which is why SDGs substitute MDGS (UN, 2015). In general,
multiplicities of definition debates and comprises a universal agreement on the view that
‘development’ includes continuous ‘change’ in a very diversity of aspects of human situation.
The extent of development are very diverse, including social, economic, political, legal and
institutional structures, technology in various forms(including the physical or natural sciences,
engineering and communications), the environment, religion, the humanities and culture (Serves,
1999). As, F Kirchmeier, (2006). Describes development social, economic, and political process
which ends up in an increasing rise within the supposed standard of living for rising proportion
of a population. Such a meaning suggests that an enlarged standard of living engages a political
and human process moreover as an economic one; that an increase within the standard of living
must be increasing instead of just temporary; which it's to be significant enough to be supposed
by an increasing numbers in population. Geremew (2014) also confirmed, it's complicated to
state development within one definition. The complicatedness of trying to symbolize all
achievable criteria in a straightforward definition of development are vast, and a way of avoiding
this difficulty is essentially to explain the distinctiveness of less developed economies. Todaro
and Smith (2009) noted, low developed economies are described by low level of living, reflected
in such indicators as low income, high inequalities, poor health and inadequate education, low
levels of productivity, high rate of increase and dependency burden, high and rising levels of
unemployment, substantial dependence on agricultural production and first export products, the
prevalence of deficient markets and limited information, dominance, dependence and
vulnerability, in negotiation . According to Seers (1979), the principle of development is to
attenuate poverty, inequality, and unemployment. For Sen (1987), development absorbs reducing
deficiency or expansion choice that represents a multidimensional sight of poverty which has
hunger, illiteracy, illness and poor health, powerlessness, voice lessees, insecurity, humiliation,
and a not have access to basic infrastructure ( Nyerere ,1974).
The Ethiopian government announced the forest and transformation plan as a national
development focus: As a technique of transformation towards the recognition of Ethiopia’s
dream of becoming lower middle-income country by 2025. The forest and Transformation Plan
(GTPII) marked on Sect oral Policies, Strategies & programs, lessons drawn from the
accomplishment of the first GTP, the post-2015 sustainable development goals (SDGs). This has
also taken into consideration global & regional economic circumstances with direct or indirect
bearings on the Ethiopian economy. (MoFED,2015:16). The overarching purpose of the forest
and Transformation Plan (GTP II) is that the popularity of Ethiopia’s vision of becoming a lower
middle-income country by 2025. Therefore, GTP II intended to appreciate an annual average real
GDP rate of growth of 11 percent within constant macroeconomic situation while at the identical
time following aggressive actions towards rapid industrialization and structural
(MoFED,2015:17). Hence, the Ethiopian government development strategies and also the plan
itself is economic centered, all sector growth realization, infrastructure focused, human
development concerned, comprehensive and participatory, interfering, and promoting
environment conservation and sustainability.
2.3 Origin of Development Journalism
As Ogan (1982:8), explained that the concept of development journalism was began in
Philippines and was developed into a regular doctrine within the 1960s across Asia and also the
geographical region. The theoretical foundation of development journalism relies greatly on
development communication theories. As most scholars agreed in 1968, a not for profit
organization, the Thomson Foundation sponsored a course called The Economic Writers'
Training Course. The Course Chair, Alan Chalkley was the primary to form the term
"development journalist" (Ogan 1982:11). Operating with the Philippine Press Institute, Chalkley
and Erskine Childers began to perform development oriented seminar to support the Philippine
journalists to report more development news. Chalkley Cited in (ibid, p.7) gave details that a
journalist's main task was to notify and provides his or her readers the facts. His or her secondary
duty was to interpret, to place the facts in their structure and, where likely, to draw conclusions.
Chalkley added that the third duty of the event journalist was to positively encourage facts of
economic life and to interpret those facts, to open eyes of readers to the likely development
In 1968, the Press Foundation of Asia (PFA) was created with funding from the Ford Foundation
to encourage development journalism. This founded Depth-News, an acronym for development,
economic and population news. The PFA entreated journalists to put in writing technical and
scientific articles in easy to acknowledge terms for the normal people. The working guidelines of
the PFA declared that the “ Radio media are encouraged to be development aware, to distribute
the maximum amount information as likely about the potentials of a rustic and also the hard
works being completed to perform these potentials and to support the general public to involve in
these efforts” (Ogan ,1982). Therefore, the origin of Development Journalism is from the East
Asia, and that we can understand here it's a brand new look and orientation of underdeveloped
nation media and journalists towards the role of journalism for national development unlike the
western (developed) world watchdog journalism or other journalism like communist,
authoritative press.
2.4 Development approaches
The concept of development journalism, mainly within the African framework, can be argued
with relevance the chronological evolution of the idea of development communication,
particularly the three historical paradigms Banda (2007) . As he stated, the primary paradigm is
that the “modernization” paradigm. This paradigm comprised the time from 1945 to 1965 and
stressed the transfer of the technology and socio-political culture of modernity from the
developed North to the Third World. It found its consistent expression in Everett M. Rogers’s
‘diffusion of innovations’ viewpoint” (p. 155). The second paradigm is that the “dependency-
dissociation paradigm. This come up with connected the elevation of the aspirations of the newly
independent nations of the Third World for political, economic, and cultural self-determination
and an ideological isolation from Western kinds of modernization'' (Banda, (2007)). during this
paradigm Banda asserted that ,the underdeveloped countries , African similarly as Asian newly
independent states, had taken many initiatives ,such as the establishment of the non-aligned
movement, which favored to not be dragged to the conflict between the west and also the former
USSR, similarly because the establishment of Pan-African news organization (PANA), which
was recognized by the association of the African Union, so as to depict the notice of the
international news to the voice of Africa and African peoples.
The African circumstances were dissatisfied on how the west press and news agencies cover the
events of Africa and African people. They protest about the vast amount of negative news
published or broadcast about African in major news corporations within the West. During this
context, some African leaders have used the concept of “revolutionary theory of press” in 1960s.
As Banda, cited, the Nkrumah of Ghana “expressed this theory in 1963 during the second
discussion of African journalist. He notified them that the “the truly African revolutionary press”
be presented so as to place and shift our ground-breaking purpose, and establish a progressive
political and financial system upon our continent. The third paradigm is “emancipator
journalism”. This said because the “multiplicity” or “another development paradigm” (Banda,
(2007). Basically put, it intended participatory journalism. This paradigm believes cultural
identity of locals.
2.4.1. The dominant paradigm; Modernization theory
This old paradigm, came to existence soon after World War II. The name “dominant paradigm”
is given because of its all-encompassing impact on most aspects of development. The vital idea
of this old paradigm was to solve development problems by “modernizing” underdeveloped
countries advising them how to be effective by subsequent in the footsteps of more developed
countries (Worsley as cited in Mefalopulos, 2009). Furthermore, development was connected
with economic growth, and communication was allied with the dissemination of information and
messages from the west to the third world nations aimed at modernizing “backward” countries.
As implied by the dominant paradigm, the people in third world nations were seen as ignorant,
backward, and immersed in barbaric culture which is a bottle neck for their developments.
Putting mass media at the center and using top down approach, it was believed to directly impose
the west’s ideology in the name of “modernizing the under developed”.
As indicated by Mefalopulos, within the 1960s strong opposition to the modernization paradigm
led to the birth of dependency paradigm which is rooted in a very political-economic point of
view. The proponents of the dominant paradigm, neglecting external social, historical, and
economic factors, blame the victims. The dominant paradigm is additionally blamed of being
very Western-centric, refusing or neglecting any alternative route to development (Mefalopulos,
2009).Even though dependency theorists emphasized the importance of the link between
communication and culture, communication remained as linear, top down (from the government
officials and power holders to the mass) and hence, wasn't rooted from the underside. the precise
for a more balanced and equitable exchange of communication, which was found by seventy
seven poor nations, then, led for the birth of a replacement world information and
communication order (NWICO). it had been aimed to return true the “many voice one world”
vision by making information flow both from the west to the assemblage and from the
assemblage to the west too. This was planned to prevent a technique information result only the
west to the underdeveloped. The plan was however; unsuccessful thanks to the indirect influence
of America. The dependency theory, then began to lose its acceptance due to the failure of the
choice economic models proposed by its proponents.
According to McPhail (as cited in Tufte and Mefalopulos 2009), participatory communication
first appeared during 1950s when Paulo Frere was working to empower the Brazilian people
from their oppressive conditions. The center of participatory communication was dialogical
communication. As illustrated within the dominant paradigm, development was considered as
economic empowerment which may be a paralyzed hold it ignores the human aspect. The
communication approach was also top down both within the dominant and therefore the
dependency paradigms. The following failure of dominant paradigm’s promise and therefore the
dependency theorist’s ineffective alternative model, the globe experienced participatory
paradigm to fill the most important gap in realizing inclusive development and horizontal
communication (Tufte and Mefalopulos, 2009). The main focus of participatory model is culture
and indigenous knowledge while political-economic dimension given little attention. Community
participation and horizontal communication are its key elements (Tufte and Mefalopulos, 2009).
2.5. Development Communication
The most important functions are establishing conducive environments for assessing risks and
opportunities; disseminate information; induce behavior and social change. (Genaro V. Ong,
1973-1978) notice, we'd like a complete human development approach, whether or not our
immediate goal may well be economic development. The latter, of course, isn't the tip in itself,
but only a way to enable kith and kin to measure more humanly. For a person could also be rich
and still live sort of a pig. Economic development doesn't help him.
• Development roles and objectives
• To help people
• No manipulation or propaganda
• Generates genuine response from the audience
• Used to develop critical consciousness
• Self-responsibility and self-determination
• Two way communication flow
• Uses development communication tools
Developmental communication theory promotes freedom of expression and two way
communication approach.
The roles of development journalism are: to stimulate the audience to actively work together in
development and, to defend the wellbeing of these concerned (Tshabangu,2013). Domatob and
Hall (1983 in Wimmer and Wolf 2005) stated that by its name, development journalism
identifies the fact of underdevelopment, that development could be a suitable social goal which
media have a contribution to make towards it; that's the media are estimated to aggressively
follow this role.
The main features of development journalism are the planned and active role in vital for change.
This is often geared towards organizing the people for countrywide development. Development
journalism is progression oriented coverage of development issues: that's development
journalism "is not reporting about events, but processes, and not reporting about personalities but
issues". (Wimmer and Wolf, 2005,p.11). As Ahmed (2016), explained that the media worked as
expansion of state policies of economic, social, and cultural development. African theorists also
described that development journalism meant, above all, nation-building, establishment of
national awareness, and agreement. The task of development journalism was to stimulate citizens
to the new cultural imagery of loyalty, nationhood, proud a viable degree of ‘we feeling’,
consistency across tribal, racial, regional, religious, and linguistic loyalties.
Development journalism also involves that the media should contribute to national development
goals, notify citizens of appropriate governmental policies, introduce national leaders, foster
political stability, and promote national integration and education , modernized the argument of
development journalism when he noted that: Because aggregation nations are recently
developing, they have time to develop their foundation. During this opening period of
development, steadiness and unity must be sought; criticism must be reduced and therefore the
public faith in government organizations and policies must be encouraged. Media should help,
per this guided press concept, by pressure positive, development-inspired news, by ignoring
negative societal or oppositionist distinctiveness and behind governmental ideologies and plans.
2.7. Radio
Radio plays a crucial role in disseminating information, like newspaper, television and other
mass media. Nevertheless, even over other media radio is powerful enough to disseminate the
data without limited boundaries. Radio is differ from the other mass media because of its speed,
and low costs (McLeish 2005). He also pointed that radio has expanded into an almost
widespread medium of communication. It covers most of the planet on short waves linking the
continents in a very fraction of a second. Radio as a medium of education, excels with concepts
yet as facts. It’s a capability with any subject that may be discussed, taking the learner (listener)
at a predetermined pace through a given body of information.” (ibid 2005: 9).
According to McLeish (2005) for the rationale that of its comparatively low cost and since it
doesn't needs the education level of literacy, radio is principally well matched to satisfy the
requirements of the poor and underprivileged. It implies that amongst those who cannot have
enough money the worth of other media, like TV and newspapers, and uneducated those who
often sleep in the rural areas, radio will be used at huge. Yoon (2004) also confirmed the
importance of radio. Radio is one amongst the foremost vital instruments wont to support
‘modernization’ to the people. The possible of radio is definitely very great. This may cover a
good range of areas and reach more people than any other media. Radio is cost-effective and thus
the foremost useful medium for developing countries, like Ethiopia generally and in Amhara
particular where an outsized a part of citizens sleep in rural areas and are illiterate.
2.8. History of Radio Journalism in Ethiopia
As explained by Gartley, (1974), the primary regional station in Ethiopia was installed in 1933;
during an agreement signed with an Italian Company. The Italians handed over the putting in
place, but recovered it soon following the Italian attack of Ethiopia in 1936. He summit that
radio emission broadcasting was resuming in 1941 then within the successive years Radio
Ethiopia operated from three locations –Addis Ababa, Harar and Asmara was broadcast in six
languages. Consistent with his presentation the globe federation of Lutheran Church broadcaster,
Radio Voice of the Gospel aired religious and entertaining materials at the time.
Gartley, explained that Radio Ethiopia, which now has both national and external services
broadcast its programs in eight vernacular languages (English, French and Arabic).Radio Fana in
its radio emission and radio emission programs putting news and various educational and
entertaining programs which has the reach of everywhere the country. Educational Media
Agency owned by Ministry of education broadcasts educational programs in additional than 15
languages and within the English is given for top school students on big cities which have access
round the country. Gartley also indicated that before 1991, there have been no regional broadcast
media and still now there's no station. However, there are now quite three regional radio stations.
These include the regional station located in Bahirdar ,SNN regional station located in Awasa
Demtse Woyane station based in Mekele. According to Skjerdal (2008), conflicting professional
responsibilities among government journalists in Ethiopia Paper presented at the IAMCR
congress, Stockholm, Sweden, July 24, 2007. The foremost media institutions in Ethiopia have
always been state-owned. ERTA was established during Emperor Haileselase Selassie’s reign
and dates back to 1935 on the radio side and 1964 on the tv side. It sustained to be actively used
because the official broadcaster by the communist Dergu regime 1974–1991. The current
editorial policy from 2005 (only in Amharic) states that it's a government media institution, and
its primary function is to serve the public. ‘Serving the public’ is additionally a key phrase within
the editorial policies of Ethiopian press agency (ENA) and Ethiopian Herald. Established in
1942, ENA claims to be the oldest news organization still operating in geographical region. It’s a
serious source of knowledge for the Ethiopian government media, but also for foreign media
outlets through exchange agreements, like Reuters and AFP. Ethiopian Herald is that the
government’s English medium newspaper and is printed daily in 9,930 copies (Ministry of
knowledge, April 2008). It scarcely circulated outside the capital city of Ethiopia, but is
distributed to for example foreign embassies and is per se thought to succeed in many decision-
makers and stakeholders.
According to Schudson (1996), notes three approaches on the assembly of stories. The first is
that the economic science viewpoint, which relates news production to problems with political
and economic structure and control. It means news tends to reflect the views of the political elite,
or of the massive corporations that own major media organizations. The second approach
involves the influence of the social system of the journalistic process. “The story of journalism,
on a day-to-day basis,” According to Schudson, “it is the story of the communication of reporters
and bureaucrats”. To explain in different way, “The world is bureaucratically organized for
journalists”. This approach also encompasses the role of PR in shaping the news agenda by
making potential stories simply available to journalists. Variety of adherents to the
organizational perspective also challenge that the individual values and social backgrounds of
journalists character the news product, whether in political bias or coverage of underrepresented
groups. While the social organizational perspective highlights personal relations, the third
approach, a cultural view, stresses cultural and symbolic aspects. It’s when news stories are
framed in cultural stereotypes. This can be apparent that the way these perspectives reflected
within the production of stories can affect the contents of stories
McManus (1994), state that the give the past ten years to a ‘market-driven journalism’ has
basically changed the daily role of journalists in making the news. The changes are characterized
by a gradual and growing lack of editorial independence within media organizations. A study
within the year 2001, by the Pew center for the people and also the press and Columbia
Journalism Review, reinforces this view. The study, which surveyed almost 300 journalists
within the U. S., found that four out of ten journalists purposely avoid or soften stories to
preserve the interests of their press association (Associated Press, 2000)
(Ibn) describes how some journalists resolve the contrast between what they may do and what
they most frequently interact conveying the primary with the romantic qualities of a heroic but
insufferable dream. He says that while it's likely for journalism to induce positive changes in
humanity, political and economic realities strictly define the potential of journalists. From this
viewpoint, it'd be yet unfair responsible journalists for looking forward to prepackaged
information. This is evident that the majority journalists scheme under economic, institutional
and organizational constraints which require them to continuously churn out besides many
stories for publication.
The focus of this chapter is to discuss the research methodology, data gathering techniques;
sampling method and data analysis techniques.
The research design is a comprehensive plan for data collection in an empirical research project.
It establishes the blueprint for gathering, measurement and analysis of data. A set of methods and
procedures describes research variables. Therefore, design indicates the outlines what the
investigator should achieve from analyzing the final analysis of the data (Kothari , 2003).
A research design is a logical duty undertaken to ensure that the evidence collected enables one
to answer questions or to test theories with lest ambiguity possible. It maximizes the chance of
drawing correct underlying inferences from data collected (Sekaran, 2003).
The contemporary international studies show that the developments news is measured
quantitatively because quantitative analysis presents the quantitative measure of ascertaining the
coverage given to development news (Murthy, 1998).
This study will examine the coverage of development news in AR quantitatively. Additionally
Qualitative method has employed to study the how the media practice development reporting
qualitative studies results in understanding the media approach to development (Murthy, 1998)
pa. 93 .the aim of the researcher is to analyze the media news coverage and content towards
development reporting the coverage the researcher employed content analysis and used
qualitative methods to investigate the practices of development journalism in news .since it is the
research has employed both quantitative and quantitative method design.
The researcher uses quantitative approach for analyzing numerical data collected from 6 months
daily news that can reported in tables, graphs and charts stating the proportion and the trends of
events and occurrences.
While qualitative research approach uses to analysis the data collected from key informants in
depth interview to get detailed and comprehensive information that is in line with different
research questions (Creswell, 1994).
According to Wimmer and Dominick (2011), describing patterns or trends in media portrayals of
content analysis used for this research, because it is a method that can show how characteristics
of development issue coverage varies when the content of the news varies by the sources, the
Actors of development, the theme ,nature of the development stories covered.
Amhara Radio development news is universe of the analysis. The analysis focuses on the period
from February 8/ 2019 to July 31 2019 (6 months period) Because it is the recent year and this
may reduce, if happens, the lack of recorded audio data kept in the agency’s archive.
Analyzing all development stories covered by all Amhara Radio news all the time would
hundred percent represent the population of the study. However, it cannot be applicable.
Therefore, the research needs appropriate samples bounded in time and space. Purposive
selection of development news of Amhara Radio are selected to conduct the research. The
sample period is from February 8/ 2019 to July 31 2019 (6 months) and is conceptualized as a
complete inventory count in this period.
Analyzing all development stories covered by all Amhara Radio all the time they are established
would hundred percent represent the population of the study. But, it cannot be applicable. So the
research needs appropriate samples bounded in time and space. Purposive selection of
development news of one media outlet selected to conduct the research. The sample period is
from February 8/ 2019 to July 31/ 2019 (6 month’s period) and is conceptualized as a complete
inventory count in this period. Because of the largeness of development, news that can be
produced in a day is expected up to 1 radio news development news stories. Therefore, the study
will use 60 development news stories from the total contents of news stories (Gunter, 2000).
3.2.3 Unit of Analysis
The analyst incorporated development issue news in the ‘zenamitsehit’ news bundles. Not to be
investigated are features, programs, documentaries and any advertorial content. The exploration
doesn't likewise incorporate news which its center isn't Ethiopian individual’s social, economic
or political development. That implies any news cannot be code except if it is Ethiopian people
development issue news.
All class frameworks should be totally unrelated, comprehensive, and solid. A classification
framework is totally unrelated if a unit of examination can be put in one and only one
classification. In the event that the analyst finds that specific units fall at the same time into two
classifications, at that point the meanings of those classes must be update (Wimmer and
Dominick, 2011).
The researcher done categorization based on Murthy development news principles which are
Actor category, theme category, news type’s category and sources of news category.
The researcher initially prepared the code book and coding guidelines for two coders (Zinaw
Dilnessa and Amenadab Aragaw). The two coders originally discussed on the coding guidance
cautiously and coded Amhara radio Media development news. In this way, to code contents of
every one of chose development news only, substance has coded under the accompanying classes
as characterized beneath:
1. Actor Category : This alludes the body who is credited as the reason for the achievement or
disappointment of development in the investigated development news : It could be
government entertainers (Prime minster, clergymen and executives, President, public
relation officer and communication officers, Government Authorities, minsters and offices
commissions other state on-screen characters) OR non-state/government (Multinational
companies, NGOs ,Political Parties, Individuals, Private business, Other non-
state/government on-screen characters)
2. Sector class: This alludes to the focal thought, message or principle focal point of the news.
The significant subjects of the accounts identified with the development news coverage were
coded as Generally (Economic advancement, Social advancement, political advancement) ,
OR explicitly (Agriculture ,Industry ,transport and communications , Energy, Human
rights , Education ,Health , Literacy , population planning and Others ).
3. Source Category: refers to from which the medium get the information. This alludes who
delivers the first story. The source could be one of the accompanying classes: official
statement and public statement or another sort of source.
I. Does the news item emphasize development process rather than events?
II. Does the item contain content critical of development projects ,plans, policies, problems or
III. Does the item discuss the relevance of development projects, plans, policies, problems or
issues to national regional or local needs
IV. Does the item provide contextual or background information about development projects
,plans problems or issues
V. Does the item speculate about the future in relation to development needs
VI. Does the item discuss the impact of projects, plans, policies, problems or issues on the
5. The nature of the news category; refers to wither the news developmental journalism or
development journalism, The developmental journalism holds only success stories, event
type ,top down approach reporting, government source news to the reverse development
journalism holds analytical ,interpretive, development process reporting approach.
The qualitative method is an essential in order to explore factors, which lead media institutions
and practitioners towards manipulating development story's contents towards a certain coverage
characteristics. Exploring what factors led the reporters and the editors or the medium towards
that kind of coverage would only be explore through qualitative method. Therefore, explain how
development stories are covered and exploring what are the factors towards that coverage gives
full information and evidences about the practice of development journalism in Amhara Radio.
Accordingly, to explore social, economic and political factors that hinder the coverage of
development news, content analysis is not sufficient. There is a need to collect qualitative data
through In-depth interview to explore the reason behind in covering development news in a
certain way.
According to Jensen and Nicholas (2002) interview has a number of advantages. One is that it
can cover variety views on a given subject. This could be done either by interviewing different
informants in order to get diversified opinions or by preparing interview questions that cover
over a wide area of subjects. Interview can also be useful as leading to new perspectives and
generating questions for later inquiries.
For the purpose of this study, an in-depth interview has used to complement the data gained
through quantitative content analysis from those selected news contents so as to verify the reason
(challenges) that led journalists and the medium towards that nature of development issue
coverage or practice.
The 5 key informants for the in-depth interview are purposely selected based on their relevance
for the study until data saturates. This are Editors and reporters of the Amhara Radio.
The tools of this research for collecting data are primary and secondary sources. The rational for
choosing both sources is ample sources of evidence essentially rated more highly to insure the
quality and credibility of the study. The most essential advantage offered by using multiple
sources of confirmation is the development of converging lines of inquiry (Yin, 2003). The news
source items that collected for analysis from the radio that broadcasted in the particular study
period are use as research instrument in order to examine as a primary data what kind of news
sources are used and patterns and frequencies of attributions in the news. To enrich the data
gathering method, document analysis is an indispensable instrument. It has combined with other
research techniques to confirm or explain the research results (Manning, 2001). The study
procures data from an individual in-depth interview with the editors, and journalists of the
Amhara Radio. Books, Journals and websites taken as secondary sources of the study.
Amhara radio has selected as a subject of the research for the reason that it reaches much
audience due to the nature of radio especially it is accessible and addressed to farmers and
remote area marginalized groups.
Amhara radio has hence chosen as a subject of study purposely owing to the facts
aforementioned about its potential strengths. The study population of subjects wills daily evening
news 6:00 PM evening news (ሰዐቱን ከኛጋር). To get in-depth information about the subject the
researcher taken an in-depth interview with journalists and editors, the population daily
evening news from which quantitative content analysis and journalists and editors of the
newsroom of Amhara Mass Media Agency radio.
As it has depicted above, the study population subjected to daily evening news of Amhara radio.
With regard to content analysis, it will rarely either possible or desirable to analyze all media
coverage of subjects, areas, or issues. It is something difficult to analyze the whole contents of
media, which is massive volumes of text, sound, and images. For practical reasons, therefore,
content analysis must start with the selection and narrowing down of the types of coverage to be
analyzed (Anderson, 1987). This shows that studying the whole and bulk of contents could not
achieve at the same time in a convenient manner and it becomes uncontrollable data to analyze
Thus, the researcher has selected a specific period in AR news contents to narrow down and to
make the sample size manageable. Therefore, six months news program that is from February
8/2019 – July, 31/2019 (Yikatit,Migabit, Miyaziya ,Ginbot,Sine and Hamile) has selected
purposively. This because, the recent year and this may reduce, the lack of recorded audio data
kept in the agency’s archive. Accordingly, in order to make the study more specific, manageable
and result oriented, the researcher has taken the data within one week different in each sample
starting at the beginning of the first week, which is a total of 60 days. Thus, 6:00 PM evening
transmitted time news will choose as a sample with the assumption that this time is appropriate
for audiences to listen the program especially farmers can follow since it is prime time news .
In addition, an in-depth interview has conducted with 3 journalists and 2 editors to get depth
information regarding development media practices in the newsroom, the perceptions of
practitioners regarding development journalism and their challenges while practicing
development journalism, overall interests and know how about the editorial policies and the
government’s policies and strategies towards development issues.
To gather the necessary information for the study, the researcher applied document analysis
(content analysis) methods and in-depth interview methods.
As explained above, the study has employed quantitative content analysis and in-depth interview
to conduct the research. The researcher collected 6 months news items of Amhara Radio for
quantitative content analysis, and has purposely selected editors and reporters for in-depth
interview for qualitative data.
According to Wimmer and Dominick (2011) content analysis have five main purposes
describing patterns or trends in media portrayals, testing hypotheses about the policies or aims of
media producers, comparing media content with the real world, assessing the representation of
particular groups in society, drawing inferences about media effects. The researcher takes the
consideration of the five purposes listed above justifies the necessity of content analysis for this
Quantitative data analysis method employed using document analysis or quantitative content
analysis. The collected data analyzed quantitatively by inserting each category of the findings
from content analysis. All category systems should be mutually exclusive, exhaustive, and
reliable if a unit of analysis can place in one and only one category. If the researcher discovers
that certain units fall simultaneously into two categories, then the definitions of those categories
must revised Wimmer and Dominick , (2011).166).
Therefore, in order to code contents of each of selected development news exclusively, contents
will be code under the categories and the categories has defined very carefully.
The qualitative method is an important in order to explore the perception and behaviors of
practitioners towards development stories, give deep, and detail information about challenges of
to practice development reporting in the newsroom. Exploring what factors led the reporters and
the editors towards that kind of coverage would only be exploring through qualitative method.
Therefore, explaining how development stories are covered and exploring what are the factors
towards that coverage gives full information and evidences about the practice of DJ AR
newsrooms has defined using qualitative methods of data analysis. Data obtained from in- depth
interview, has analyzed word-by-word using thematic analysis.
4.1 Quantitative content analysis
4.1.1 The Coverage of Amhara Radio six months Development news by themes category
The analysis taken from six months broadcasted news, for convenient sake the analysis done
on two first weeks each month.
Figure 1, the news in category of themes Notes- , pop.planning, and literacy; where
NI=national integration, Pop.planning =population planning, HR=human rights
According to the chart number 1, with regard to allocation of airtime to development themes
Amhara Radio gave larger airtime to Industry news, which is 21% and Ecological
developmental issues ecology 23 % than the other issues. They give little or no time for basic
issues such as HR, family planning and housing that are 0%, 0% and 1% respectively.
According Murthy development journalists should give enough space for every sectors of
development. (Murthy, 1998).
AR is increasingly agreeable to agriculture, education, ecology and industry sub areas, and deny
inclusion for parts like HR, population planning and, housing as indicated by Table 1 and figure
1 Figure 1 . Give primary focus to agriculture appears to be very valid for a nation like Ethiopia
where agribusiness is the spine and the primary wellspring of the country’s economy. This
particular part chooses the development of each other fragment and accordingly, the national
economy. The district tilted by the Ethiopian little scale rancher established 95% of the whole
zone under rustic used and these agrarians are accountable for more than 90 % of the complete
nation ranch yield . AR gives more concentration to ecology and industry more in light of the
fact that new prime minster contemporary plan is towards environmental protection and industry
than other development issues because of planting tree campaign starts by the Prime minster
almost ¼ of AR news are about planting tree (environmental report, 23%) as indicated by Table
1 and Figure 1. Indeed, even the editorial policy of AR says the journalist should work in
accordance with approaches and techniques of the administration .AR editorial policy
accentuation the journalist should work to help government activities. This shows AR is loyal to
its masters of belief system and wellspring of account as indicated by Table 1 and Figure 1. The
opposite side significance is their development motivation is not Public intrigue situated and
publication opportunity has undermined in media responsibility for government because of
ideology factors.
4.1.2 Amhara Radio six months development news by category of news sources
Based on the Graph 2, Amhara Radio primary news sources are Government higher officials.
People from grass roots are also significant sources. Scholars expressed that development news
casting fundamentally centers national coverage, but journalist and media experts chiefly give
coverage for improvement motivation close to urban locales. The urbanized feature of
development media and the shortage of adequate transportation to cover remote zones have
provoked the moderate allotment of development news coverage. Improvement news coverage
expects journalist to head out to provincial territories to interface with individuals influenced and
in the process picking up and colossal scope of advancement dreams furthermore, 'how to' bits of
information (Galtung and Vincent 1992 ). Dixit,(1993) in (Tshabangu, 2013),former Regional
Director for Asia-Pacific of the Inter Press Service (IPS) made an internal suggestion to his staff
that advancement news-casting wasn't workable in every way that really matters while sitting in
one's extravagant and cooled office. He included that development reporting methods travel and
was not possible medium-term on one of those abrupt cut off times. Freier (2001) examined that
extending urbanization have provoked an under depiction of the commonplace zones in news
coverage. At least half of AR sources should be from grass roots nevertheless as indicated by
Figure 2, almost more than half from government mouth. According to Murthy, (2000) Multiple
sources are the high quality of development journalism than making it from government and
bureaucrat however majority sources of AR news are from government as indicated by Table 2.
Table 2 and Figure 2 shows there is critical problem in sources of AR news either it is internal
or external factors is the cause of the limitations . As indicated by Table 2, there is zero
information from Elites which might have high contribution for development contribution in
political economic and social sectors. The case of the Elites is the worst as indicated by Table 2
and Figure 2,there is no any news from Elites Regarding to source it is not only the journalists
low commitment to get information from multiple sources the challenges of access to get
information is hinder to make multiple sources for news Gezihagne reported the same idea
regarding to challenges of DJ journalist’s. from which conducted from state journalists
interview, “ experts are not likewise OK with media for dread that their supervisors censure them
or make some move against them, the journalists remark. Experts typically avoid giving
information or converse with journalists since they accept that lone PR officials are qualified for
giving data. They relate this issue to proclamation No. 590/2008 of Freedom of the Mass Media
and Access to Information that engages PR officials to give open data than any other individual
in the open segment. nevertheles, the PR officials have neither profound information on issues
nor do they give composed information about the issues since the supervisor in then organization
or in any part doesn't give full benefit to the PRS to engage the progression of data uninhibitedly
and autonomously (FGD, December 2017)” (Gezihagne, 2019). Skjejerdal finding also give
strength to my analysis as so he indicated there is chalenges to get news sources for Ethiopian
state media, as indicated by Table and Figure 2 there is critical proble in AR DJ news sources,
“Experts and ordinary people are not volunter to give information the researcher got the
information from personal interview which will prsent in the next sub units of the topic , the
habit of giving information for media are very low ,the soccity fear to give information specialy
when the news is complaing government” (Skjerdal, 2011). He argues that a lack of
participation by the public is among the main chalenges of of development journalism in state
media.this constraints indicated by Table 2 and Figure 2 AR news sources are 85 from
Development reporting should worry about individuals what's more, it must motivate them to
understand what's to come is in their participation" (Gasp and Kumar) . however as indicated by
Table 2 grass roots news sources are below the average which supposed to be atleast the average
sources. Gezahign in his personal interview with EBC journalist indicated the socity loss
credibility in its media, “ The socity would prefer not to address the media”. AR news editor
also inform the researcher the same idea as people restrict themselves to give information
specially when the issue are burning like corruption and maladministration of officials(personal
interview with AR editor).
Jemal contends that in Ethiopia radio station is chiefly utilized as a device of propaganda as
opposed to as a device for development and this the obstruction and compromises parts of the
development of the communicate framework. That is the reason DJ, practice has accused for
advancing political motivation rather than individuals' inclinations. Development has frequently
worn as a reason for different government interests (Jemal, 2013). Gasp and Kumar contended,
"Promoting tyrant press under the affection of the development…is not development reporting.
Fundamentally, development news casting must give people a voice to express elective dreams
of society. However, the majority sources are government protocols.
Even lack of sources is one challenges of AR to practice DJ effectively, the commitment of the
journalist should win this challenge. Among world records of best and committed journalist
Massoud Ansaristory can teach us a lot about challenges could not stop the committed journalist
to be a voice for voiceless. Massoud Ansari is Correspondent for News line, Pakistan and he won
Lorenzo Natali Prize for Asia and the Pacific 2003 Developing Asia Journalism Award 2005
Kurt Schork Award in International Journalism 2006. He exposed Pakistan traces the maze of
corruption among the NGOs assigned to oversee the repatriation of Afghan refugees. He said
“You generally gather the data with a dedication, which at no stage will their names will spilled
to ensure their identities”. So using unnamed sources is nice technique to report complex nature
crimes and high corruption revealing reports.
In Africa government manipulating the media in the name of DJ the finding of (SIMIYU, 2015)
indicate that there is the same problem in Kenya state media. In Kenya, there are two types of
reporting style in state media, the first sort of development news casting is analytical journalism;
the journalist looks at proposed government ventures to improve conditions in the nation,
investigations whether they will be powerful. At last, the journalist may think of proposed
arrangements and activities in the piece recommending manners by analyses whether or not they
will be effective. Often this sort of news coverage energizes an agreeable exertion between
residents of the country and the outside world. The second sort can walk a meager line, On the
one hand, government cooperation in broad communications can help get significant data spread
all through the country. Governments can help to teach their citizens and enroll cooperation on
significant development ventures, at the same time government can utilize its forces to hoard
important data from people in general by directing to the media on what data to pass and what to
retain. In this way, journalist exertion to report reasonably, completely and freely can be
hampered this type of reporting expose the media to be mouth of the government which
minimize the role of the media in exposing maladministration and corruption among the
government practitioners.
The Same challenge is prominent hinders of AR DJ news coverage there is one type of reporting
top to down approach or cooperation with the government as indicated by Table 2 and Figure 2.
As indicated by chart three, in two sorts of reporting – process and occasions the pattern in
Amhara Radio is to concentrate on occasions rather than process. Since development is a
process, it requires a consistent report and understanding of the subjects. Most of Amhara Radio,
news’s’ is event oriented than process oriented news it is the indication they are practicing
developmental journalism rather than development In two kinds of reporting process and even
the pattern in AR news is to concentrate on occasions rather than process. Since development is a
procedure, it requires a consistent report and promotion of subjects. The reporting of non-official
activities in rustic improvement, instructive changes, and negative behavior pattern annihilation,
etc is less broad than the inside and out revealing of the executions of legitimate development
programs. According to Ogan (1980) development news-casting has been utilized in a way like
that of analytical announcing. Seen as such, the job of the development journalist is to look at the
current development projects and tasks of an administration, contrast the planned projects and its
genuine execution, and report any watched weaknesses. However, AR news mostly is positive
and narrative, government accomplishment news as indicated by Figure.
4.1.4 Six Months of Amhara Radio Development news by actors category
From 707-broadcasted development, news’s all event oriented news types attribute government
for life improvements. Instead of showing the gap in implementing development projects, the
news depended on development success stories in this success stories the main actors are
government. The contributions of private sectors and other actors has ignored in the news.
in view of the credit given to the on-screen actor category for who causes the advancement
achievement, the AR news covers substantially more examples of overcoming adversity which
are executed by the administration body than the development achievement brought about by on-
screen actor other than the legislature.
As indicated by Table 3, AR reports development stories exceptionally events. This makes them
not to report the effects, the genuine difficulties of development forms profoundly. That is the
reason the AR news gets shallow and top down influence, and caught in one side narrating. Due
to this AR lost its capacity and command of taking, part the grass root individuals being
developed process and stay as the mouth bits of the official body authorities. They spread limited
quantity of DIN sending their reports on the spot where the activities are occurring and
incorporate the voices of the considerable number of the grassroots. As the above table (mix of
point and wellspring of improvement issue announcing) shows AR, as it has been said is
occasion situated, this makes them to here consistently examples of overcoming adversity from
the proprietors in any event, when they got the opportunity to report from the spot(development
venture area). In any case, they are caught in mindfulness creation and advancing the
achievement of the undertaking, passing up on their opportunity of announcing the effects and
what needs improvement. However AR majority news are event oriented as indicated by Table 3,
which have limitations of crossing checking, following up and researching the development
projects. The foundation of DJ news coverage unmistakably shows that not at all like
conventional news coverage which just targets revealing the news, while development reporting
has a mission to satisfy. Rather than featuring spot news or occasions, DJ journalist should invest
more energy and endeavors on covering process news. This is regular because both national
advancement and network rejuvenation and reintegration are forms. To cover process news,
journalists need to gather data over progressively expanded timeframe and do some examination.
They have occupied with, what has known as 'commercial journalism'. To work superbly,
development journalist need to extend their mindset. They need to comprehend the development
procedure, give data or information accommodating to the improvement, and take a gander at the
procedure fundamentally and discover the issues. They need to raise the cognizance of the
individuals about national development and activate individuals to take an interest in the
development process however as indicated by Figure 3 AR process news types are only 15%
which is below the average of six months broadcasted news.
4.1.5 Six Months of Amhara Radio Development news quantity Analysis in DJ point of
Almost all news lacks concrete information it does not lead from beginning to its end ,what was
the strength, what was the challenges what helps for the success does not show in the news most
news focused on the success that accomplish by the government. While 23% of news
environmental protection news the main actors are government, people in this regard are
supportive of government plans in this case people are objects of government plans instead of
being subject of development plans. As indicated by Figure 1, 21 %, news are agriculture news.
it is the most strength of AR news giving priority for 80% of population depend on agriculture
and the country major economy source and the government major development plan however
agriculture news are not they ought to be the news are merely advocacy not more than PR and
communication officers report. According to Murthy (2000) In DJ point of view development
news should be nationalize and internationalized development issues.
Since development considered as, an answer for social issues when all said in done, development
news casting shall not restricted to provincial territories. Development news ought to allude to
the necessities of individuals which may differ from district to area however ought to incorporate
the essential, auxiliary and tertiary needs. Since process news types are 15% as indicated by
Figure 3, most news have research limitations.
Also analyzing our region agriculture with other regions, showing all the process of agriculture
activities, follow up news on success and failures of agriculture activities, exposing the sector
activities comparing to other nations, AR news ought to be. however the news are seasonal
reports of agriculture bureau as indicated by Table above the same as other news Agriculture
news are event oriented news. There are many shortcomings while reporting agriculture news the
news only not mere than advocacy. However, agriculture news needs continues process of
farming and harvesting .AR news lacks to show international models of farming, models of
farmers, improved traditional farming system compare and contrasting Ethiopia farming system
with Africa and other nations, all in all it lacks nationalized the issue and presenting concrete
information which encourage in DJ. Process oriented news’s’ are below the average almost in
every months as indicated by Figure 4 Agriculture news of AR is 20% of the total event oriented
broadcasted news.
Figure 4, six months of Amhara Radio development news by event type news by
Figure 4, event type broadcasted development news of AR by percentage. Notes- there is no
any news report to ecology, pop.planning, and literacy; where NI=national integration,
Pop.planning =population planning,HR=human rights
In addition, Agriculture news of AR lacks in giving coverage for the improvements of bad
working habits among farmers, as indicated by Figure 5 it is 37 % of the total positive type
development news of AR, which needs critical change. In our country, farmers suffer in different
kinds of bad working habit, which needs continue report to change it. however AR agriculture
news are from top down from government to people the news presents the farmer as passive
receivers of change instead of seeing them as an actors of the change. According to Banda
(2006:6) the journalist should present people as an agent or subjects of development the
journalist should present people as an agents of change and development.
Figure 5, six months Broadcasted AR news negative development news type by percentage
Notes- there is no any news report to ecology, pop.planning, and literacy; where NI=national
integration, Pop.planning =population planning, HR=human rights
AR agriculture news lacks to show the sector fail stories, concerning to this issue the researcher
got the information from AR news room editor as follows “ for instance, whenever you go
countryside or remote area of the country branches of agriculture bureau employee gather in their
office for only filling their attendance paper otherwise they are not helping farmers. the
employee always open their office sign their attendance and back to the nearest city because
nobody wants to stay there, they might have reasons why they are not staying there however
agriculture experts are not helping them in practical. The worst side of this has, agriculture
experts gathered for press release and for news making and it is obvious hearing the information
from this experts the undone, as done the unaccomplished as accomplished”. As indicated by
Figure 4, in this kind of AR news, we usually heard agriculture product is growing year by year
while the fact on earth is negatively different. The country is still famous famine country in the
world. In this and that we raised the question where are those high production AR news came
from? According to (Aggrawal, 1978). Development, news casting is the utilization of every
single journalistic expertise to report development forms in a fascinating manner. It might
require high aptitudes and difficult work yet the award of this sort of news coverage can be huge.
However, AR agriculture news are unattractive in their nature of structure report of PR officials
as indicated by Figure 5, they are restricted to positive news.
Regarding to industry news it is the second primary interests of AR as indicated by Table 1 and
Figure 1, wither it is intentionally or not. however, the quality of the news has subjected to
developmental news than DJ because the same as Agriculture news the news are not show the
change and developments of industry from where to where as indicated by Figure 4 24 % of the
whole event type news are investment new. Simply they are narrative of PR and higher official
news or/and communication officers. The main ideas of news are almost all announcing the
opining of factory in the country and in the region, their job opportunity capacity and so on.
There is no analysis the impact strength and weakness of the project for the country. In the
industry sector there is no analysis of projects, there is any investigation in maladministration
and so on as indicated by Figure 5, 11% of the broadcasted positive news covered by investment
news, it is the tendency investment news have not researched and crosschecked. nevertheless
drawbacks in the industry sectors are dozens .there is not any news which investigate or analyses
the impacts of Mali administration and corruption in the industry sector Ethiopia is the 114 least
degenerate countries out of 175 nations, as indicated by the 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index
detailed by Transparency International. The accompanying actualities show that defilement in
Ethiopia is basic which needs estimations to control it.
Concerning Ethiopia, the across the board indication of debasement is the standard that the state
is working as an integral part of its super arrangement of legislative issues. In the contemporary
Ethiopia, 'debasement prospers… as foundations are feeble and as the standard of law and formal
principles are not thoroughly watched; as the political support is overflowing and as the common
society come up short on the way to create open weight' (Abebe, 2004, p. 5). Referred to by
(Asfaw, 2013) .Comprehensively, the huge reasons for political defilement in Ethiopia are 'poor
administration, absence of responsibility and Transparency, low degree of fair culture and
convention, absence of resident interest, absence of clear guideline and approval, low
institutional control, extraordinary neediness and disparity, destructive social practices,
centralization of power and assets (Asfaw, 2013). Hence, it is process type and negative news
ought to be at least 50% however, it below the average as indicated by Figure 3 it is 15% of the
six months news.
There have been worries that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam had created without
aggressive offering and the nature of the ecological evaluation was inadequate concerning
.Ethiopia's extractive ventures, particularly the mining division, are a hotbed for debasement;
state-possessed boring organizations profit by political preference, though privately owned
businesses face high market-section obstructions (World Bank, 2012). However, there is no
single news regarding energy as indicated by figure 1. There is a high danger of debasement in
Ethiopia's property organization. Organizations report that property rights have inadequately
secured in Ethiopia. Half of all organizations hope to give endowments while applying for a
construction license, 33% of Ethiopians report having offered bribe to a land organization
official. Negligible debasement and land getting is normal in the land organization division.
There is a high danger of debasement when managing Ethiopia's traditions organization. To sum
up there is pervasive the corruption in investment sector is pervasive however no news
conducted by AR which investigate and exposed it while 21% the news are investment news.
Investment news are second larger coverage of AR news however no follow up or analysis report
in AR news while the fact needs it to get permission from officials investors suffer a lot and most
of the flee the region because of maladministration however no report conducted in the area of
maladministration and corruption exposing. While investment area is critically in pervasive
corruption, no report covered. There is corruption network from kebele to regional level, which
needs the interference of journalist to stop it by exposing the corruption however, news of AR
lacks exposing hinders of investment in their investment news as indicated by Figure 4,
investment news cover 24 % of event-oriented news it is almost 1/4 of six months broadcasted
event type news.
However, AR investment news’s are a mere PR, communication officers and government
officials saying it is hard to say they are practicing DJ instead it is nearest to developmental
reporting or regular news as the data show by figure 5 indicates 11% of positive news are
investment news.
National integration news also are not analytical they are narratives of how the government try to
settle contemporary ongoing crisis between ethnical difference all NI news are depended on
government sources. However, NI news needs to be analytical and investigative, the news
should incorporate the question how crisis happened repeatedly, and the cause may be
unemployment of youth generation or something like that. Instead of identifying the root cause
of the problem NI news are top down approach information from government to people, no
analytical no investigation which in DJ point of view encouraged to do so as the data indicated
by Figure 4 19% of event type news are NI from the total six months broadcasted news.
www.international.gc.ca reports few years ago Ethiopia known as peaceful and welcoming
people” Ethiopians come from different ethnic, family background, life style, education and
work experience and individuals have their unique characteristics. However most Ethiopians are
very welcoming, friendly, generous and respectful and expect the same in return. In certain
cases, Ethiopians will go out of their way to please or entertain others, including strangers.”
Nevertheless, why all NI problems happen at this time the media should conduct this kind of
question however, NI news are top down approach in AR news from government to people. with
rising population year to year Ethiopia counts 109.2 million from 22.2 million people in 1960
population planning news are zero from month to month. The absence of transparency by
governments, especially in discharging dependable data about their exercises, has singled as the
wellspring of debasement and the foe of development. As indicated by Romano, journalists who
report on development are to work "as the watchmen of transparency".
Health and education news are better than other themes in AR reporting style, most of health
reports are from grass roots source and a little bit process type news, AR news try to present the
society interest in health and education reports. Nevertheless, AR education and health news are
much better in their news reporting which counts the sum of 15 % process type news as the data
by figure 4 indicated. Nevertheless, DJ requires unpredictable capacity of the journalist James
explained DJ needs sound knowledge of the journalist. “As a journalist one must have wider
knowledge of different topics so that when he or she writes articles his coverage is in-depth.”
Fair conceptualizes 'development news coverage' as revealing that identifies with the essential,
optional and tertiary needs of a nation's populace. She depicts it as news that fulfills the
requirements of a nation's populace and improves independence, for example news that identifies
with advancement or to social, economic or political issues. Johan Galtung and Richard Vincent
indicated the journalist undertaking is to unwind the strings of the improvement dramatization
that occur both in the inside and on the outskirts, select them from the unpredictable trap of
connections, hold them up in the daylight, and exhibit the associations with pursuers, audience
members and watchers.
4.1. 6. Are Amhara Radio Six months Development News incorporate in development
journalism perspective or developmental journalism
While we evaluating the news based on Murthy (2000) categorization of journalism the news are
more likely developmental journalism than development journalism
1. The news focus are specific (see diagram 1, news by categorizations of news by themes),the
news give emphasis for some issues for industry ,Agriculture and ecology, AR ignored other
basic issues such as HR, employment, pop.planing and housing
2. 85% of news are positive and narrative (see diagram 3 )
4. 85% of AR news are to support government actions and plan(see diagram 1) which are
narrow in its area of coverage
5. Most news are positive actions of the government ,the news does not critically investigate
government programs ,projects , policies and strategies
6. The period of news are limited, (see also diagram 1) the news are event oriented they does
not show projects from begging to its end one.
However according to Murthy the news should show the following qualities to be they have
incorporated in development journalism point of view.
1. The news focus is all developmental issues rather than specific developmental
2. The level of the news should be national than tan region
3. The style of the news should be investigative, critical, analytical negative news
than positive and narrative
4.2 Qualitative data analysis
Challenges of DJ in AR
Editors and Journalists perspective towards development news reporting
The researcher conducted in-depth interview with AR newsroom journalists and Editors. The
respondents are Five, among five respondents two respondents answered as they practicing DJ in
some points and three of them answered, as we are not practicing DJ at all. In addition, for the
question Does AR prefer event or process type news all respondent answered, they preferred
event type news. For the question why AR news is event type news, editors and reporters
answered different answers.
The editor answered,” The influence of our boss is high because our bosses work to please
government officials. So directly they accept government agenda which is usually covers the
whole part of news programs then we will not have air time and man power to report process
type and fail news, also whenever the journalist try to cover fail projects our bosses reject it and
discourage the journalists. Editor in-chief and managers prefer us to cover positive news usually
directly and indirectly the journalists discouraged by our bosses”. (Informant 3, December 18,
Reporters of AR answered for the question does AR practicing DJ well. As follows “Always
trying our bests to educate the farmers, even the audience called us unattractive medium because
we always try to educate farmers. Our focusing point is educating and creates awareness
“(Informant 1, December 19, 2019). In this view the researcher, understand that there is
misunderstanding among the journalists towards DJ; misconception DJ as only mere promotion
of Agriculture development. The reporter answered as we are working to bring change the
farmers by promoting agricultural development and environmental protection. In this perception
the researcher, recognize AR news journalists perception towards DJ is mere agricultural
development news. The content analysis of the news also indicated the same result AR news
programs give priority to Agriculture and environmental protection by ignoring human
development such as HR., family planning and housing.
Another respondent who works for almost four years in AR newsroom answered as “we are not
practicing DJ at all “. “The medium does not give attention wither DJ is practicing or not there is
not obligatory work environment wither we practicing DJ or not neither given to great deal for
DJ in our medium” she said, “We are not practicing DJ at all”. “neither the medium as a medium
nor a journalist as a journalist .for this shortcoming the medium is responsible on because the
medium has not any regulation mechanism to control wither the DJ is practicing in the news
room or not .Neither the medium encourage us to practice DJ.” According to the respondent
there is also lack of practical training for DJ and they confuse how they practicing DJ (Informant
2, December 18, 2019).
The previous respondent who works for about 7 years as a journalist informs the researcher as
follows, “AR has great gap in reporting process type and fail news. Because we tied with news
deadline .the medium give emphasis for news numbers than news quality .if you produced more
news you appreciated and get promotion wither the news are well furnished in DJ point of view
or not anybody cares about it”(Informant 1, December 18,2019)
He added that shortage of vehicles are also hinder to produce process type news for instance we
have not transport service we use public transport it is hard for us to go in remote area to cover
the uncover news ,the time given to us also always short we need to get back as fast as we can .
We usually pushed to pick events in front of us. We challenged to stay on the right place and dig
deep information .we always are in hurry for deadlines and avoid money shortage while we were
on the fieldwork. We always challenged that is why we prefer we usually pick events as news.
(Informant 1, December 18, 2019). However, development news coverage as recommended by
Austin (1997), in Banda incorporates the guideline of development journalist as analytical
In the examination interviews, Editors says they like to be 'erring on the side of caution' when
covering issues. They center on occasion type development news, which limit time and exertion.
Moreover, the medium see the positive picture working of the country as a significant piece of
their obligation.
As indicated by Woinshet Getachew who are over 10 years experienced editor the medium
should cover every day government exercises which won't permit broadcast appointment and
labor for basic and procedure arranged news type (Informant 4, December 19,2019).
As indicated by talked with reporters the medium journalists censored by their chief and self-
control .he educated the editor there is enormous expert impact in covering bombed government
extends .the journalist refers to a story he did as in the medium 'Tiret 'corporate debasement as he
guaranteed the news ought to be secured before numerous years back . The molded is a similar
yesterday and today, there is an equivalent test significantly after the new prime minster
delegated constantly higher authorities controlled the medium. We cannot openly cover
government-bombed ventures. The journalist included there is time and assets deficiency in
covering process situated news type. (Informant 5 December 19, 2019)
Male editor who worked for about four years in AR newsroom said that there is also a
knowledge gap among development journalism practitioners .most of us came from teaching
discipline I for instance, came from foreign language discipline I was teaching in secondary
school I train journalism from my coworkers. In some conditions, AMMA hired journalism
professionals. Whenever professional different occurs Sometimes we crashed because as much
as cares for principles they slowed in their news outcomes yet we editors strive to cover the air
time and always crash with our reporters so that our trend is fast as much as you can we usually
do not worry about principles of journalism. We editors strive to fill air time because our boss
demand it from us Besides, as I said earlier there is knowledge gap since we came from different
disciplines. However, our organization and the medium too will change gradually because most
of us joined Bahirdar University to study media and communication I hope it will help us to
bring change in our practice of development journalism, I hope it will bring dynamic change
within short period. So far, for the question is AR newsroom practicing development journalism
he answered not exactly but us trying our best to practice it because our bosses (team leader to
general manager) oriented us in the earlier time of joining the organization. Nevertheless there is
knowledge gap in practicing DJ the editor said that I doubt even if our boss knowing DJ very
well. Our bosses oriented us DJ is supporting government development programs supporting
government programs even the editorial policy said that. However, we have not knowledge to
expose government when it fails to accomplish promised development programs; we notice
exposing government fail is watchdog role western journalism type. We assume development
journalism is government success story all the time (Informant 3, December 18,109).
Female Reporter who works for about 5 years in Amhara radio news room answered for the
question do you practicing DJ very well? She said I think we are practicing DJ however there is
not check list to verify wither we practicing it or not I think we are practicing it there is no detail
guideline for how we should work DJ. For the question among the two reporting style which one
is trend of AR news room? She answered as most of our news are event oriented ,sometimes we
discuss in peer group discussion we must prefer process type report also we take training several
times when we trying to change in practice there are many challenges that prevent us to do
process type reporter. Our primary challenges are our editors and media managers, she said most
of the time the reporter got the agenda from media managers and editors that is usually press
release and ceremonial events we could not work our planned work. She said that they monthly
plan their accounts and get discussions over contributions to the arrangement. However what
they do is other than the reporters planed agenda which came from government higher officials
and arranged by editorial groups (from team leader to general manager) together and conveyed to
them by the news segment coordinator (Informant 2, December 18, 2019).
Journalists in Amhara radio have different point of view regarding development journalism some
see development journalism as a mere promotion of Agriculture advancement and some have
knowledge gap regarding how DJ works and some journalist’s earmarks of being very much
aware of the development news coverage. Most journalists in AR have not gone to courses and
preparing where they realize what the strategy implies for every day news coverage practice. As
reporter of Amhara Radio medium, the editors and journalist’s has constantly recognized that, a
significant piece of their capacity is to help national advancement and development (Informant 1,
December 18).
The editors accuse journalists in covering positive and process type Development news since
they have not commitment of doing it. Nevertheless, the Editor conceded there is time and asset
lack in covering process situated development news type. In any case, scarcely any journalists '
who have duty to do so including in this sort of news report.
The medium journalist underline positive and occasion situated news from government everyday
Work confine them to cover the general public intrigue. According to Editor the medium Editor
illuminate the journalists he sense struggle between being proficient media laborer and
effectively advancing harmony simultaneously .The editorial concedes that there are times when
she has counsel’s senior authorities. As indicated by this Editor, if we have commitment and
knowledge we can win our boss, journalist’s low duty has more prominent impact than authentic
restriction and asset lack (Informant 4, December 18, 2019). Likewise, the ten purposes of
development news coverage principle proposed by Galtung and Vincent (1992) perceive
development news casting is basic and insightful in nature.
The editor also informs that in addition to our boss influence to report positive news the
commitment of the journalist is low to report challenging news, which is the root cause for not
reporting process type and fail news. According to editor low trend of society to give information
also hinder to report fail news especially in maladministration and corruptions.
All in all both Editor, Reporters and Chief editors agree on the point AR news room is not
reporting process type and fail news, the causes are internal and external. Aggarwala,(1978) also
plot that except if the administration supports or demonstrate readiness to rehearse insightful
revealing, it is hard to the journalist not to be a mouth piece for government publicity, let alone
to be an analytical journalist and assume the watch dog job of the press. "This way to deal with
development news coverage would likewise necessitate that legislatures bolster a press
framework which will be so transparently basic”.
5.1 Summery
Even if 2008 Ethiopian draft policy announced the Ethiopian state media journalism deemed to
be development journalism and the Guidelines of the medium (AR) like editorial policy put that
the medium journalism type is development journalism; there is huge gap in practicing
development journalism in the news room due to different reasons; the reasons are time
constraints, professional constraints, government control and lack of assets.
news behaviors are more likely approximate to developmental journalism than development
AR development achievement report situated. They are hesitant to give coverage for effects of
the advancement negative exhibitions, which needs improvement. The particular idea of
advancement which the AR give center are not process situated rather they are a day based
occasions, by which sort out for influences (propaganda). This implies AR news is not
fundamentally reporting positive and negative development stories in a process situated base.
AR editors and reporters confess that they get the news agenda from their boss and their boss
receive the agenda from their higher officials that means AR news stories selected by
government higher officials not from society needs neither in researched manner simply the
stories are the wishes of the government .The government give emphasis to specific segments of
development in specific time framed (in limited time frame) like planting trees the segments are
short time projects which are the behavior of developmental journalism reporting style .
AR deny coverage for parts like human rights, literacy, population planning, ecology and
democracy. This means, AR taking agendas from the government. Since all the sub-areas have
arranged by the legislature of Ethiopia who formally call itself developmental and democrat and
its advancement needs are industry, agriculture, education and health. Development journalism
supposed to have broad area of coverage and give focus for all developmental issues. Mostly AR
news are government agriculture, health, education campaigns it is more likely developmental
reporting news not DJ news.
5.2 Conclusion
They give little or no airtime for basic issues such as, HR, family planning and housing.
The news’s lacks in-depth –it lacks to show the development process.
• The news are not considering the development commitment of non-state entertainers (like
global partnerships, privately owned businesses, people, metro affiliations, NGO's e.t.c) in
national improvement process and the same the administration body DINC they center
around the non-state on-screen characters development disappointment. This implies they are
not participative and comprehensive.
• The medium news are occasion situated and one way (one side) tubes for passing
government data to people in general. The news’s are less basic in this way lack the
watchdog role.
Since most of Amhara Radio, news’s’ is event oriented than process oriented news it is the
indication they are practicing developmental journalism rather than development journalism.
5.3 Recommendation
The above end shows Amhara radio newsroom is problematic in applying development news
casting. To improve the scene practice of news reporting practically equivalent to the expert
measures the accompanying suggestions are given: The newsroom:
1) Should diminish its administration development achievement issue news and give
reasonable inclusion for development issue news accomplishment of non-state on-screen
characters (like Private business running from little scale to global enterprises, grass root
people and networks ,municipal affiliations and resistance gatherings), to work decently on
the advancement status of the country. What's more, ought to be basic on the improvement
disappointment of both state and non-state on-screen character to discover arrangements and
uncover defilements through partaking the grassroots.
2) AR Should support process and diminishing profoundly the occasion based announcing of
development issues. Journalists ought to effectively taking an interest in the national
development process and report in a procedure-situated way from the spot, where the
development reports is handy on (grassroots).
3) The administration higher authorities should lift their hands from Amhara radio news
coverage. Unquestionably, the chain that made the administration media top managerial
staff drove by the correspondence undertaking pastors, and the pitifully media board
meeting seat by the administration correspondence issues ought to be cut off, and Amhara
radio must be free and autonomous open adjusting organizations by canceling 'basic' and
'self' control.
4) During crucial circumstances such as, (open distress and highly sensitive situation), the AR
ought to uncommonly inspire journalist who report in perilous conditions.
7) AR newsroom should give emphasis to furnish news in DJ point of view than the numbers
of the news
8) AR newsroom should give emphasis for DJ guidelines and principles and should organize
periodical training for news reporters and editors.
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Lists of Appendix
Appendix 1 a code book for content analysis
Development journalism practice in Amhara Radio news
Key interest
How do Amhara Radio report the points of development when Actors and
nature of the story differed?
Content analysis of Amhara Radio News, the analysis period focuses on from
February 8/2019 to July 30/2019.
Coder’s duty
If you don't mind read the codebook cautiously, particularly the clarifications and models
given for a large portion of the classifications. Regardless of whether things appear glaringly
evident or protracted, if it's not too much trouble take the time and have a decent take a
gander at the definitions.
The analyst needs to incorporate any independent development issue news in the news pages
or news bundles .Not to be dissected are articles, include documentaries, programs and any
advertorial content. If you don't mind remember the key intrigue and the exploration
inquiries of this overview and choose, if a news covers the study's point or not (for example
try not to code the news which its center isn't Ethiopian people social, economic or political
Development news themes- When the news contain two or more themes code the most
focused and first stated specific theme only)
Content coding
Industry 150
Ecology 170
NI 120
Agriculture 125
Education 45
Health 49
Literacy 0
HR 3
Pop. Planning 0
Housing 6
Energy 0
Elites 0
Private sectors 0
Amhara Radio Development news type category – the news reporting style, process or
Actors - The type of the body who is attributed as the cause of the development success or
Positive or negative type news - the focus of the news success development news or fail
development news.
Applying the bury coder reliability the researcher proposed by Holsti (1969) referred to in
Wimmer and Dominick (2006), which recommended a strategy for processing inactive coder
dependability by ascertaining a coefficient reliability. It is determined by isolating the
quantity of stories put in a similar classification by partitioning the quantity of units coded.
The analyst previously prepared the codebook and coding guidelines for two coders. The two
coders originally examined on the coding guidance cautiously and coded Amhara Mass
Media development news to check bury coder reliabilities.
R = ______________
Where M is the quantity of coding choices, on which the coder concur, and N is the all-out
number of coding choices made by the coder. In this way, the coders made a decision about
an example of 109 news tales about development issues and chose 100 of the classes, and
settled on fluctuated choices in five categorizations. R=2M/N1+N2
R= 2(100)
_____= 0.91
At the point when this coefficient was changed to rate the coders choice is 91% reliable, so as
(Wimmer and Dominick, 2006) expressed, if reliability surpasses 80 % coding is reliable.
Anonyms source News Reporter Informant 5 I
Anonyms source News Editor Informant 3
3. What are the significant difficulties you and your media are looking in practicing DJ?
5. Why Amhara Radio news does consistently is short falling in applying basic news coverage
with a focal point of investigation?