NS World View (NSDAP Team, Royal Hawk)
NS World View (NSDAP Team, Royal Hawk)
NS World View (NSDAP Team, Royal Hawk)
Education Booklett
1. Politics
2. Race
3. Volk & Youth
4. State & Culture
5. Leadership over Democracy
6. Sozialism over liberalism
7. Nationalism
8. Warrior Spirit
9. National Community
10. Anticapitalism
11. Judaism
12. Our Leader Adolf Hitler
Chapter 1 - Politics
A: Party
• We are Rebels not against the nation, not even against the
state in itself, but rebels against a form of government that we
believed has to lead to the demise of our own people.
• The boy who does not find the way to where the fate of his
people is ultimately represented in the good sense, who is
now only studying philosophy and sitting behind his books
or crouching behind the stove at home, is not a German boy!
• The reverence for the great men of our people must once
again be imprinted on the German youth as a sacred legacy.
• The goal of female upbringing has to be the mother to
• The woman also has her battlefield: with every child she
gives birth to the nation, she fights her struggle for the
• We will discover and promote the artists who can give the
cultural stamp of the Germanic race on the state of the
German people.
• Whoever is only looking for the new for the sake of the
new, gets lost too easily in the field of foolishness, since the
stupidest, is of course all the easier to be the really newest,
since not everyone in the earlier ages has been allowed to
offend the environment through the things born in his sick
• The entire educational system, theater, film, literature,
press, radio, they all have to serve the preservation of the
eternal values living in the nature of our race.
Chapter 5 - Leader over Democracy
• Democracy is the teaching of equality of all people and the
ability of all people to govern themselves. Since direct
popular rule is impracticable, one chose indirect popular
rule or parliamentarianism. Parliamentarism is the principle
of the election of representatives who decide by majority
• The majority can never replace the man. It is not only always
a representative of stupidity, but also of cowardice. As little
as a hundred hollow heads make a wise man, so little does a
heroic decision come from a hundred cowards.
• It is not the mass that invents and not the majority that
organizes or thinks, but in everything only the individual,
the person.
Chapter 6 - Liberalism or Socialism
• Liberalism is the notion that the individual embodies the
most important value, not the community (the people),
which is only a sum of individuals. Liberalism demands
freedom of the individual from the whole. Individuals
should "develop" as freely as possible. Limits only exist
where the freedom of other individuals is threatened,
but not where the entire people are endangered. "Every
man for himself".
• Internationalism or nationalism:
internationalism is the commitment to humanity. The
differences between peoples are denied or presented as
immaterial. All peoples are said to be the same. The
internationalism of modern history was born in the
French Revolution in 1789.
• And I can only fight for something that I love, only love
what I respect and only respect what I know at least.
Chapter 8 - Warrior spirit
• If you are not ready to fight for your life, destiny has
already determined your end.
• From the very first day, the young movement was of the
opinion that its idea was to be represented spiritually,
but that the protection of this representation had to be
secured by brute means if necessary.
• You are not begging for a right! You fight for a right! The
right was still worthless unless the power stood behind
the right.
• The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash
and theatrical nonsense can be attributed to the debt
account of a people (Jews) that is barely a 1% of all the
inhabitants in the country could not be simply denied, it
was a fact.
• Despite all apparent intellectual characteristics, the
Jewish people are nevertheless without any true culture,
but especially without their own. Because what kind of
false culture the Jew has today is the goods of other
peoples that have mostly already been spoiled under his
• There are only two options: either victory for the Aryan
side or their annihilation and victory for the Jew
Chapter 12 - Our Leader
• The National Socialist worldview is Adolf Hitler's
worldview. The leader created the idea. Without him
there would be no National Socialism. His whole life has
been struggle, deprivation, service, sacrifice and deed.
The National Socialist worldview grew in this heroic life.
It was not fought at the desk, but was fought for in Adolf
Hitler himself. It is not a dead letter, not a gray theory,
but a the eternal rules of life on earth.
• The Leader created the swastika flag for the idea. This
proud flag flutters in front of us. It is our sacred symbol.
It embodies the power of our faith. A fighter of Adolf
Hitler never loses his flag, even if it also costs his own
life! The leader shaped the idea. Nobody else than Adolf
Hitler has constantly deepened and expanded the
National Socialist worldview. He created a new,
comprehensive world view and for the first time gave
the German people a unified political will and belief. He
grew with his ever increasing tasks, and with him his
worldview: National Socialism.