NS World View (NSDAP Team, Royal Hawk)

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National-Socialist Worldview

Education Booklett


1. Politics
2. Race
3. Volk & Youth
4. State & Culture
5. Leadership over Democracy
6. Sozialism over liberalism
7. Nationalism
8. Warrior Spirit
9. National Community
10. Anticapitalism
11. Judaism
12. Our Leader Adolf Hitler
Chapter 1 - Politics
A: Party

• A party is a group of people with the same political view.

• You can become a party comrade by signing up, but you

can only become a National Socialist by changing your mind
after an urgent appeal to your own heart!

• The National Socialist idea has its organizational seat in

the party. The party represents the political view, political
conscience and political will.

• We do not want to fall into the mistake of thinking that

one day you will become a National Socialist and then
remain so forever: the National Socialist is only someone
who is constantly committed to the idea, serves it and
campaigns for it.
B: Movement

• A movement is an ideological group that represents and

spreads a new idea in a forward pushing way, ready to
make sacrifices for its victory.

• We created a completely new movement that had to build

a new community from the outset, regardless of the
phenomena of decay in our society.

• The main characteristic of the current party state is

materialism. The most important feature of the National
Socialist movement, however, is idealism. Materialism is the
selfish pursuit of personal enjoyment only. Idealism is the
selfless pursuit of a high goal.

• The materialist sees the meaning of life in material

enjoyment. The idealist, on the other hand, sees the meaning
of life in a higher task. He refuses some comfort, some
private pleasure. For this he finds strict rules, struggle and

• This is the most powerful thing our movement is to create:

for these broad, searching and erring masses a new belief
that will give their life a meaning, in this time of confusion.
A new idea on which they rely, so that they will at least find
a place somewhere to rest their heart at.
• The future of a movement is determined by fanaticism,
indeed the intolerance with which its followers represent it
as the only one who is right, against other structures or ideas
of a similar kind.
C: Worldview

• Worldview is the view of the meaning of life on this earth.

• Political parties are inclined to compromise, worldviews


• National Socialism is intolerant as a worldview, it

proclaims its unconditional correctness in relation to all
other political currents.

• The worldview is intolerant, and cannot be content with

the role of a "party among others", but imperatively
demands its own, exclusive and complete recognition, as
well as the complete change of all public life according to
their views.

• While the program of an normal political party is the

recipe for a healthy next election outcome, the program of a
world view means the formulation of a declaration of war
against an existing order, against an existing state, in short
against an existing world view in general.

• Decay and rebirth of a people do not depend on bad or

good economic programs, but on the weakness or strength
of a worldview that this people has.
• The strenght of every world view, as the embodiment of
an idea in this world lies in religious fanaticism, in which it
intolerates everything else, fanatically convinced of its own
right. If an idea is right in itself, and so equipped to take up
the fight on this earth, it is invincible and any persecution
will only lead to its inner strengthening.
D: Revolution

• We National Socialists are revolutionaries. To be

revolutionary means to have a new idea and to fight for it.

• The reactionary wants the old, while the revolutionary

strives for the new.

• Revolution is the revolution of a state that replaces an old

idea with a fundamentally different one. The main
characteristic of the revolution is not the bloody exterior, but
the inner-spiritual. Anyone who wants to build up something
new, must first remove everything thats old and rotten.

• A revolution will only be justified if it ultimately serves the

better self-preservation of a people.

• We are Rebels not against the nation, not even against the
state in itself, but rebels against a form of government that we
believed has to lead to the demise of our own people.

• The appropriate education of the people will take many


• Changing the form of government externally is easy.

Transforming a people internally can only succeed if a certain
development process has more or less done itself.
Chapter 2 - Race
• Race is a group of people with the same physical and
psychological inheritance.

• The belief in the value of blood and in the value of the

Germanic race is the prerequisite for the National Socialist

• The German Reich is supposed to enclose all Germans as a

state, with the task of not only collecting and maintaining the
most valuable stocks of original racial elements from this
people, but slowly and safely leading them up to a dominant

• We have to make a clear distinction between the state as a

vessel and the race as content. This container only makes sense
if it can preserve and protect the contents, otherwise it is

• However, all events in world history are only an expression

of the self-preservation instinct of the races, in good or bad

• The Germanic blood on this earth is gradually approaching

its exhaustion, unless we get up and free ourselves!

• Marriage, too, cannot be an end in itself, but must serve the

one greater goal, the multiplication and preservation of the
race. That is the only meaning and their task.
• The National Socialist concept of race and the racial
knowledge on which it is based do not lead to a contempt or
underestimation of other peoples, but rather to the realization
of the task at hand, the appropriate preservation of life and the
maintenance of life of one's own people.

• Those who are not physically and mentally healthy and

worthy must not perpetuate their suffering in a child's body.
The national state has to do the most enormous educational
work here.

• Prevention of the multiplication of hereditary and inferior

people is necessary under all circumstances.

• Taken in bulk, there will only be a healthy, powerful mind,

in a healthy and powerful body.
Chapter 3 - Volk & Youth
• People (Nation) is a community of people with the same
origin, language, culture, history, place of residence and the
same political will. The state is an organization whose
purpose is the preservation of the people.

• What we have to fight for is to ensure the existence and

multiplication of our people, to nourish their children and
keep their blood clean, the freedom and independence of the
fatherland to which our people can fulfill the mission
assigned to them by the creator of the universe. Every
thought and every idea, every teaching and all knowledge
have to serve this purpose. From this point of view
everything has to be checked and used or rejected according
to its expediency. So no theory can freeze to deadly doctrine,
since everything has only to serve life.

• We want to raise a tough Volk that is strong, reliable,

loyal, obedient and decent, so that we don't have to be
ashamed of our people before history.

• Every German boy, every German girl: they must be

imbued with the sacred sense of duty to become
representatives of our people!

• A soft and torn youth cannot become the heir of the

coming Germany.
• Above all, however, the young, healthy boy should also
learn to take punches. Of course, this may seem wild in the
eyes of today's intellectuals. But the ethnic state does not
have the task of raising a colony of peaceful aesthetes and
physical degenerates. He does not see his ideal of humanity
in the respectable philistine or the virtuous old maid, but in
the defiant embodiment of masculine strength and in
women who are able to give birth to real men again.

• What is still necessary is a change in our upbringing: we

are suffering from an over-education today. We used to only
value knowledge. The intellectuals mostly are enemies of the
deed. What we need is instinct and will.

• It is necessary for everyone to achieve physical fitness

through regular physical exercises.

• The school has to free up infinitely more time in a folk

state for physical exercise.

• The boy who does not find the way to where the fate of his
people is ultimately represented in the good sense, who is
now only studying philosophy and sitting behind his books
or crouching behind the stove at home, is not a German boy!

• The reverence for the great men of our people must once
again be imprinted on the German youth as a sacred legacy.
• The goal of female upbringing has to be the mother to

• The woman also has her battlefield: with every child she
gives birth to the nation, she fights her struggle for the

• The return that National Socialism gives women for their

work is that they raise men again, real men who are decent,
who stand up, who are brave, who are loving and honorfull.
Chapter 4 - State & Culture
A: State

• The state is a means to an end. Its purpose is to maintain

and promote a community of physically and mentally
similar living beings. This preservation itself includes the
racial existence, and thus allows the free development of
all the powers slumbering in this race.

• The goodness of a state cannot be assessed according to

the cultural level or the importance of that state in the rest of
the world, but only according to the degree of goodness of
this institution for the people concerned.

• The state is not an economic organization, but a folk

organism. The aim and purpose of the state is to give a
people the nutrition and power they deserve.

• Party, state, army, economy and administration are all

only means to an end. The purpose is to preserve the race.

• A state authority has the right to demand respect and

protection only if it corresponds to the interests of a people,
or at least does not harm it.

• State authority as an end in itself cannot exist, since in this

case any tyranny in this world would be unassailable and
• If a people's population is led to doom by the means of
governmental authority, then the rebellion of every member
of such a people is not only a right but a duty.

• For us, the army is the representative and actual

expression of a nation's power to defend its interests

• National Socialism is conservative and at the same time

revolutionary. Eternal values must be preserved, changeable
values are subject to change.

• That is why National Socialism advocates the preservation

of the race, the maintenance of marriage and family, the
purification and cleaning of art and culture, the upholding
of the terms honor, freedom, loyalty, bravery, duty etc., and
the preservation of the Christian Religion as the basis of our
B: Art & Culture

• It is the task of art to be an expression of this defining

zeitgeist. Blood and race will again become the source of
artistic intuition.

• It is up to the state leadership to prevent a people from

being driven into the arms of spiritual madness.

• The buildings are signs of the nature of a people for all


• The tasks of building among us are determined by

education for the community, political training, increasing
the zest for life and vitality, the dignified representation of
the state, people and their achievements.

• The buildings of a time are stone souvenirs for the distant

future. Basically, that's a nice thing, if the architecture is as
dead and life-negative as in the democratic republic - tragic.

• The modern German cities are no longer places of culture,

but only accumulations of people.

• How truly pitiful the relationship between state and

private buildings has become today. If the fate of Rome hit
Berlin, the descendants as the most impressive buildings of
our time could one day admire the department stores of …
… some Jews and the hotels of some societies as a
characteristic expression of the culture of our age. Compare
the nasty disparity that in a city like even Berlin there is
between the buildings of the state and those of finance and

• Our large cities today have no monuments that dominate

the entire cityscape, which could somehow be addressed as
landmarks of our time and age. But this was the case in the
cities of antiquity, since almost every one had a special
monument of pride. The characteristic of the ancient city did
not lie in the private buildings, but in the monuments of the
general public, which seemed not intended for the moment
but for eternity.

• It is impossible to give a people a strong inner pride if the

large buildings of the general public do not rise significantly
above the works, which more or less owe their creation and
maintenance to the capitalist interests of individuals.

• Humanity would degenerate, culture would recede when

the fear of continuing to maintain a usable genetic and
cultural heritage, only because decadent or racially alien
elements in their intellectual anarchism or their origin-
related rejection preferred to burn down all past
• The struggle against the traditions of our cultural life,
against the forms of expression of our traditional artistic
work, which has been increasing more and more in recent
decades, was nothing other than the rebellion of an
internally and externally incomprehensible and alien to
these racially determined cultural values, Unfortunately,
however, slowly the big word leading subhumanity, and
its Jewish intellectual leadership.

• It is no wonder that every politically heroic age

immediately seeks a bridge to a no less heroic past in its art.
The Greeks and Romans suddenly become so close to the
Germanic tribes because they all have their roots in a single
race, and therefore the immortal achievements of the old
peoples always exert an attractive effect on their racially
related descendants.

• We will discover and promote the artists who can give the
cultural stamp of the Germanic race on the state of the
German people.

• Whoever is only looking for the new for the sake of the
new, gets lost too easily in the field of foolishness, since the
stupidest, is of course all the easier to be the really newest,
since not everyone in the earlier ages has been allowed to
offend the environment through the things born in his sick
• The entire educational system, theater, film, literature,
press, radio, they all have to serve the preservation of the
eternal values living in the nature of our race.
Chapter 5 - Leader over Democracy
• Democracy is the teaching of equality of all people and the
ability of all people to govern themselves. Since direct
popular rule is impracticable, one chose indirect popular
rule or parliamentarianism. Parliamentarism is the principle
of the election of representatives who decide by majority

• The mental errors are obvious because it is untrue that all

people are the same. The people are different. Neither the
individual people in a country are the same, and certainly
not the different races. There are always differences in the
individual's talent, intelligence and strength. If everyone has
the same right, you push the brave and the wise to the same
level as the lazy and stupid. It is also untrue that the best
and most efficient always win a vote. Most of the time the
most irresponsible, whoever promises the most has the
greatest chance of getting into parliament. The
parliamentarians also never represented the entire national
community, but mostly a specific class or group. This made
uniform, purposeful governance impossible.

• Democratic heresy flatters the masses. Everyone prefers to

command rather than obey. That is why democracy was
popular, but the idea of leadership was unpopular. It is a
mistake to believe that the people are doing well under
"popular rule". On the contrary! Practice has shown that
parliamentary democracy leads to the downfall of the …
… people. A people can only experience an ascent if there is
a leader at their head. Men make history!

• I do not believe in the future of the German nation as long as

its interests are represented by twenty or thirty parties,
alliances, associations, groups and associations.

• The majority can never replace the man. It is not only always
a representative of stupidity, but also of cowardice. As little
as a hundred hollow heads make a wise man, so little does a
heroic decision come from a hundred cowards.

• Leadership is the management of an organization by an

outstanding man. The guiding principle is based on the
concept of inequality. There are clever and stupid,
hardworking and lazy, good and bad. The individual
peoples and races are different, and the individual people
within a people are also different. Every comrade is rated
according to his performance for the people. Whoever
achieves and sacrifices a lot should stand higher than he
who does little and sacrifices nothing.

• The National Socialist leadership concept is based on a

targeted selection based on blood value, character and
ability. This results in a ranking. The whole people build up
organically like a pyramid. The most capable and brilliant of
the people, who has prevailed through his outstanding
achievements, is at the head of the people: he is the leader.
• Everything great in this world, all inventions and all cultural
achievements were created by personalities. Democracy is a
degeneration of dying peoples, as you could see from
Greece, Rome and others. In contrast, all rising peoples are
always led by strong personalities.

• There are advisors at every man's side, a man alone makes

the decision. The person cannot be replaced.

• It is not the mass that invents and not the majority that
organizes or thinks, but in everything only the individual,
the person.
Chapter 6 - Liberalism or Socialism
• Liberalism is the notion that the individual embodies the
most important value, not the community (the people),
which is only a sum of individuals. Liberalism demands
freedom of the individual from the whole. Individuals
should "develop" as freely as possible. Limits only exist
where the freedom of other individuals is threatened,
but not where the entire people are endangered. "Every
man for himself".

• The peoples perish in liberalism.

• The last logical consequence of liberalism is anarchy, the

realization of the principles "everyone can do what they
want" and "whatever you like is allowed“. The false
freedom of the individual leads to cultural decay. We
represent socialism against this pernicious teaching.

• Socialism is the view that the community (the people)

embodies the most important value; the individual is a
member of the people and has to stand up for his

• The liberalist only thinks of the "I"; the socialist, on the

other hand, refers to the "we".

• You are nothing, your people are everything!

• The most important socialist principle is: public benefit
before self-interest. There is legitimate self-interest, but
this must always be less important than the good of the
entire people. If everyone cares only for themselves,
then ultimately the people will perish, and each
individual with the people. But if everyone stands up for
the community, then the people thrive and with it every
individual as a member of this community.

• We do not say to the rich: "You give it to the poor", but

we say: "German people, help yourself! Everyone should
help! Whether poor or rich, everyone should think: there
is someone else who is poorer than me and I want to
help that person, as a comrade! ”

• In the end, all fluctuations can be endured, all strokes of

fate can be overcome if there is a healthy peasantry.

• The National Socialist employer must know that the

happiness and satisfaction of its employees is a
prerequisite for the existence and development of its
own economic size.

• The more everyone does for his people, the bigger he is

as a personality.
• The message we brought to the German people is
masculine, and the socialism we preach is a socialism of
heroism, a soldierly socialism. This socialism feels
connected to the whole people.

• Socialism is another word for sacrifice.

• It is not the lifespan of the individual person that counts,

but the lifespan of the German people!

• "Germany has to live and if we have to die." Socialism is

always is connected with the heroic thought.

• Every comrade, even the poorest, is a piece of Germany,

love him as yourself!
Chapter 7 - Nationalism

• Internationalism or nationalism:
internationalism is the commitment to humanity. The
differences between peoples are denied or presented as
immaterial. All peoples are said to be the same. The
internationalism of modern history was born in the
French Revolution in 1789.

• When peoples no longer have creative power, they

become international.

• Our nationalism has nothing to do with excessive hatred

of all other peoples (which is called chauvinism). On the
contrary, only if we stand up for Germany, we can also
respect a member of another people who works as a
nationalist for his own people.

• The national government is ready to give every foreign

people a hand for sincere understanding and friendship
that is willing to fundamentally close the sad past.

• We do not want to subjugate foreign peoples, but we

want to stand up for our homeland, which we do not let
go down in decay.

• The German people have no other wish but to live in

peace and friendship with the other peoples.
• You never serve humanity if you betray your own
country, but only if you stand up for the well-being of
your own national community.

• We are not driven by hate for other peoples, but by love

for the German people.

• The question of the nationalization of a people is

primarily a question of creating healthy social
conditions, as the foundation of a nationalist educational
opportunity for the individual.

• Because only those who get to know the cultural,

economic, but above all the political size of their own
country through education and school can and will also
gain that inner pride of being a member of such a

• And I can only fight for something that I love, only love
what I respect and only respect what I know at least.
Chapter 8 - Warrior spirit

• Nothing that is big in this world has been given to man

for free. Everything of value has to be fought for, even
the uprising of a people does not become reality easily,
it also has to be achieved by struggle.

• If necessary, the real man stands alone for the truth!

• If you are not ready to fight for your life, destiny has
already determined your end.

• We Germans do not need to fall on our knees and beg a

god for mercy and help in our dire situation, only our
deeds are our prayer!

• From the very first day, the young movement was of the
opinion that its idea was to be represented spiritually,
but that the protection of this representation had to be
secured by brute means if necessary.

• When the strength to fight for one's own health (of a

people) is no longer available, the right to live in this
world of struggle ends.

• The people at all times see the ruthless attack on an

adversary as proof of their own right, and they feel that
refraining from annihilating the other is an insecurity …
… regarding their own right, if not a sign of their own

• The masses are only a part of nature, and their feelings

do not understand the mutual handshake of people who
claim to want opposites. What she desires is the victory
of the fittest and the annihilation of the weak or his
unconditional submission.

• The movement must fundamentally educate its

members in such a way that they do not see something
casually raised in the struggle, but that which they
themselves strive for. You therefore dont have to fear
the enmity of the opponents, but to feel it as a
prerequisite for your own right to exist. They have to
long for the hatred of the enemies of our people, not to
shy away from them. The expression of this hatred also
includes lies and slander.

• Here too lies a mission of the National Socialist

movement. It has to teach our people to look beyond
the smallest things, not to split themselves into
trivialities, but never to forget that the goal for which we
have to fight today is the existence of our people and
the only enemy, that we have to hit, is this enemy who
robs us our existence.

• An institution that is not determined to protect itself

with all weapons practically gives up. Every halftone is …
… the visible sign of inner decay, which the outer
breakdown must and will follow sooner or later.

• Peoples are not liberated by doing nothing, but by


• Followers of our movement should not have any weak

points, they should be mentally and physically strong.

• All true strength shows its intrinsic value in enduring

setbacks. Every weakling can take sunshine. Only when it
rains and storms do the tough characters show up.

• When disasters come, it only becomes clear whether

real men are at the top.

• We want to conquer the nation with the spirit, but with

the fist we want to tame anyone who dares to rape the
spirit through terror.

• We always want to be determined, ready at any time

when it is necessary to die, never willing to surrender!

• Call for sacrifice and courage, bravery, loyalty, faith and

heroism, and the part of the people who calls these
virtues their own will come to you. This was the factor
that made history at all times.
• Always before God and the world the stronger one has
the right to enforce his will.

• If you want to win in this world, you have to dare.

• Every fight must be fought out. It is better that it comes

earlier than later. And the safest is still the one who is
most confident in the fight right from the start.

• Resistance oft he enemy is not there to surrender to it,

but to be broken.

• If you want to live, you fight, and if you don't want to

fight in this world of eternal struggle, you don't deserve

• You are not begging for a right! You fight for a right! The
right was still worthless unless the power stood behind
the right.

• Who insults Germany, insults you and your dead, give

him a taste of your fist!

• The National Socialist, who recognized his opponents,

never let go of his attack until they finally collapsed.
Chapter 9 - National community
Class struggle or national community:
• Class struggle is the struggle within a people between
different classes. Class is a group of people with the
same economic conditions. The class is a materialistic
unit. A distinction is made between people according to
their property.

• One of the boldest program items of the National

Socialist movement is: to release the nation, which has
so far been divided into classes, from its disunity, and to
melt it together into a single body.

• Above all, I think it is impossible for a people to survive

the tough times of today's world crises if they are torn
apart into classes inside.

• National Socialism is therefore a fanatical and relentless

enemy of every class division.

• Peasants, burgois and workers must become a German

people again!

• The confession should be binding for us: it is our will that

workers, citizens and proletarians, republicans and
monarchists, Catholics and Protestants, employees and
civil servants, workers and employers, all of which will
become a German people again!
• Life inevitably divides us into many groups and
professions. The task of the political and spiritual
education of the nation is to overcome this division

• However, the power of a people is nothing other than

the unanimity and the self-connected solidarity of the

• If we want to exist as a community, we have to

overcome the divide!

• If necessary, the national state will have to cope with the

mischief of disregarding physical activity even through
centuries of upbringing. Basically, he will not have to
evaluate the individual according to the type of work,
but according to the form and quality of the work.

• All working persons are united in our party. The farmer

marches next to the student, the factory worker next to-
… the official. All fighters of the movement wear the
same brown shirt as a dress of honor. All encompasses
the insoluble bond of camaraderie.

• Work is not the curse, but the blessing of man. To

consider work as inferior when it gets the individuals
hands dirty is a jewish, not a german thought.
• So it is not what the individual works, but how the
individual works that determines their reputation in the
community. All work, if done properly and honorfull has
to be honored and valued.
Chapter 10 - Anticapitalism
• Capitalism is the rule of money over work. Capitalism
has its roots in materialism and liberalism. The pursuit of
profit becomes the highest, the sole goal. The
consequence of capitalism is always and in any case the
oppression and exploitation of the economically weak by
a handful of large capitalists. These big capitalists joined
together in huge corporations and trusts to assert their
rule. Gold reigned, work was enslaved.

• All left and right parties were in the service of capitalism.

• The struggle against capitalism is not the struggle against

capital. There will always be capital, i.e. saved labor
income, but not a system of control of capital over labor.

• We basically differentiate between creative and and

criminal capital. The creative capital is tied to the
ground, the criminal capital is unbound, rootless. The
creative capital serves the people, is "national", the
criminal capital, on the other hand, wants to rule the
people, it is "international".

• The state is not the plantation of foreign capital

interests! Capital is not the mistress of the state, but
• The easy formula that the people are not there for the
economy and the economy is not there for the capital,
but that the capital is there for the economy, and that
the economy must serve the people.

• Loan capital was an instrument of enslavement; it

increased more and more through interest. It increased
even when the economy was doing badly. Loan capital
grew steadily and gradually dominated the entire
economy. All workers were put in debt and bonded to
interest. The worker did not get his full income, the
farmer was ruined by mortgage interest, the
entrepreneur was dependent on his financier, even the
state was interest-bearing on the capital and had to
squeeze enormous taxes out of the people in order to be
able to meet its obligations. Most of the large companies
were converted into public limited companies. The
whole nation was subject to high finance not only in
terms of foreign policy but also internally

• We want to remove the state in which the entire people

in all of their classes are paying tribute and interest to a
small layer of large capitalists. Interest must not exceed
economic output, it must be reasonable.
• Every usury must be prevented. The task of the economy
is not the unrestricted profit, but the need coverage.

• Capital must never rule over a state. It has to be his

Chapter 11 - Judaism
• The Jew has not yet founded a culture, but has
destroyed hundreds.

• Jews has always been a people with certain racial

idiosyncrasies, and never (only) a religion, only ist will to
progress made it search for a means early on that could
dissipate the unpleasant attention regarding its racial
attributes. But which means would have been more
expedient and at the same time harmless than the
insertion of the borrowed term of the religious

• Because in fact the Mosaic religion is nothing more than

a teaching of the preservation of the Jewish race.

• It was a heavy burden that Judaism received in my eyes

when I got to know its work in the press, in art, literature
and theater.

• The fact that nine tenths of all literary filth, artistic trash
and theatrical nonsense can be attributed to the debt
account of a people (Jews) that is barely a 1% of all the
inhabitants in the country could not be simply denied, it
was a fact.
• Despite all apparent intellectual characteristics, the
Jewish people are nevertheless without any true culture,
but especially without their own. Because what kind of
false culture the Jew has today is the goods of other
peoples that have mostly already been spoiled under his

• In this modesty, which is inherent in him, the Jew

screams his merits into the rest of the world until it
really begins to believe in it. Anyone who does not
believe in it is bitterly wrong. In a short time he starts to
turn things around as if he had been wronged at all and
not the other way around. Stupid people believe this and
cannot help but feel bad for the poor "unfortunate"

• To strengthen his political position, the Jew tries to

break down the racial and civic barriers that initially
restrict him at every turn. For this purpose, he fights
with all his own tenacity for religious tolerance, and in
Freemasonry, which has completely fallen to him, he has
an excellent instrument for both defending and pushing
through his goals.

• The Aryans see work as the basis for the maintenance of

the national community among themselves, the Jew as a
means for the exploitation of other peoples.
• It is a rootless international clique that races peoples
against each other, that does not want them to come to
rest. These are the people who are at home everywhere
and nowhere (Jews).

• Jews see all non jews as „goyim“, which means human

cattle. In the eyes oft he jew, all non jews are only made
to serve his people as slaves.

• There are only two options: either victory for the Aryan
side or their annihilation and victory for the Jew
Chapter 12 - Our Leader
• The National Socialist worldview is Adolf Hitler's
worldview. The leader created the idea. Without him
there would be no National Socialism. His whole life has
been struggle, deprivation, service, sacrifice and deed.
The National Socialist worldview grew in this heroic life.
It was not fought at the desk, but was fought for in Adolf
Hitler himself. It is not a dead letter, not a gray theory,
but a the eternal rules of life on earth.

• The Leader created the swastika flag for the idea. This
proud flag flutters in front of us. It is our sacred symbol.
It embodies the power of our faith. A fighter of Adolf
Hitler never loses his flag, even if it also costs his own
life! The leader shaped the idea. Nobody else than Adolf
Hitler has constantly deepened and expanded the
National Socialist worldview. He created a new,
comprehensive world view and for the first time gave
the German people a unified political will and belief. He
grew with his ever increasing tasks, and with him his
worldview: National Socialism.

• The leader led the idea to victory. Out of nowhere he

created the largest and most stable movement as a
combat instrument of his worldview and led it through
the fiercest struggle to victory.
• No one else was as committed to the uprising of the
German people as Adolf Hitler.

• In thousands of years, his name will still shine in bright

letters of a future-oriented, ready-to-fight German
youth. His worldview was created for eternity and will be
our guiding principle for all time.

• You who carry the swastika flags, banners and standards

and march behind them, be aware that you are fighting
for the greatest idea that has been fought for in
Germany for 1000 years and do not forget who gave you
the symbol for the idea: Hitler!

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