Test 1
Test 1
about Russia at
the travel agent's.
A leaflet В pamphlet С brochure D prospectus
1. Fill in the missing word.
1. Mary has always been the center of attention at 4 The cruise was cancelled due to the B.....sea.
parties, A calm В rough С open D dark
2. Helen offered to pick me up from the airport. 5 Ann loves to B.......every new fashion.
3. Chocolate is popular with youngsters.
A start В follow С sit D pass
4. As I made my way through the bazaar, I noticed a
wonderful aroma of spices in the air. 6 What was your first C......... of the new Maths
5 Jim likes to keep up with current affairs by teacher? Was she nice?
reading different newspapers. A look В view С impression D sight
6 The quiet little village is on the west coast 7 The road was blocked so we had to take an
of Ireland. alternative B.......via Arlington Avenue.
7 The older she gets, the more difficult she A road В route С street D lane
8 They were taken aback by the news of the 8 Mrs Smith was a rather old-fashioned woman
accident. with A beliefs.
9 He goes to work on foot as it's only two A conventional С imaginative
blocks away from his house. В adventurous D immature
10 Jane was late for her appointment after being held up 9 The minister was in the public A......... after the
in a traffic jam. scandal was exposed.
11. You had better get going if you want to catch A eye В service С interest D light
the train on time.
12. She smiled and said hello in a very warm and 10 Bill is on a business B.....to Mexico.
Friendly manner.......... A travel В trip С journey D voyage
13. Lyn had to take a taxi because her car broke down
in the middle of the street. 3. Complete the second sentence using the word
14. Coca Cola is one of the most famous brand names in bold. Use two to five words including the
in the world. word given. Do not change the word given.
15. This shirt suits the trousers nicely.
16. He is addicted to video games.
1 She couldn't concentrate on her work because
17. Do you have to go so soon? I was hoping of the noise.
you'd stay for dinner. so It was so noisy that she couldn't
18. Red Square is in the center of Moscow. concentrate on her work.
19. I couldn't believe how the children took to 2 It's easy for Sam to speak in public.
the new babysitter. difficulty Sam has no difficulty speaking in
20. It's getting late, we'd better hit the road now. public.
3 They will ask to see your passport at the
show You will be asked to show your
passport at the airport.
4 Getting cheap tickets to London is harder than I
2. Circle the correct item.
It's a film about a famous C........who discovered not Getting cheap tickets to London is not
an island no one had ever travelled to before . so easily than I thought.
A pilgrim В sightseer С explorer D backpacker 5 You'd better take an aspirin if you've got
Our boss is very D.......; she's always calm and you I think you should take an aspirin.......
relaxed. if you've got headache.
A self-centred С down-to-earth
В easy-going D level-headed
4. Fill in the correct word derived from the 3 A: It's all your fault that we're late!
word in bold. B: a What exactly is the problem?
b I'm so sorry!
1 Why does he insist on being so
4 A: That's absolutely delicious!
childish.........in front of visitors? CHILD B: a Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
2 The local authorities organised a week b Well, I don't believe it.
Of cultural............events. CULTURE 5 A: How do you like it?
3 She grew up in luxurious surroundings B: a Thanks for saying so.
and never had to worry about a thing. b I think it's brilliant.
4 They tiptoed carefully......across the -... .
hall so as not to wake the others. CARE Reading
5 The environmental organization. 8. You are going to read a magazine article
was established in 1984. ORGANISE about cartography, the study of maps. Seven
paragraphs have been removed from the
article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the
5. Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one
put a tick (√). If it has a word that should not be extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
there, write this word on the line. There is an example at the beginning (0).