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Test 1

The document provides a summary of a magazine article about cartography, the study of maps. It discusses how maps have evolved over time from hand-drawn maps to mass-produced printed maps, allowing for more standardized and widespread distribution. The development of cartography is highlighted, from early mapmakers like Ptolemy addressing the challenges of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface, to advances like the printing press enabling identical copies of maps. The article also notes how maps have become more familiar and commonplace in modern times, with most people able to recognize countries and outline their own nation, though this level of geographic knowledge was not always the case and resulted from the efforts of explorers over thousands of years.

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272 views11 pages

Test 1

The document provides a summary of a magazine article about cartography, the study of maps. It discusses how maps have evolved over time from hand-drawn maps to mass-produced printed maps, allowing for more standardized and widespread distribution. The development of cartography is highlighted, from early mapmakers like Ptolemy addressing the challenges of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface, to advances like the printing press enabling identical copies of maps. The article also notes how maps have become more familiar and commonplace in modern times, with most people able to recognize countries and outline their own nation, though this level of geographic knowledge was not always the case and resulted from the efforts of explorers over thousands of years.

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3 I picked up a great travel C.......

about Russia at
the travel agent's.
A leaflet В pamphlet С brochure D prospectus
1. Fill in the missing word.
1. Mary has always been the center of attention at 4 The cruise was cancelled due to the B.....sea.
parties, A calm В rough С open D dark
2. Helen offered to pick me up from the airport. 5 Ann loves to B.......every new fashion.
3. Chocolate is popular with youngsters.
A start В follow С sit D pass
4. As I made my way through the bazaar, I noticed a
wonderful aroma of spices in the air. 6 What was your first C......... of the new Maths
5 Jim likes to keep up with current affairs by teacher? Was she nice?
reading different newspapers. A look В view С impression D sight
6 The quiet little village is on the west coast 7 The road was blocked so we had to take an
of Ireland. alternative B.......via Arlington Avenue.
7 The older she gets, the more difficult she A road В route С street D lane
8 They were taken aback by the news of the 8 Mrs Smith was a rather old-fashioned woman
accident. with A beliefs.
9 He goes to work on foot as it's only two A conventional С imaginative
blocks away from his house. В adventurous D immature
10 Jane was late for her appointment after being held up 9 The minister was in the public A......... after the
in a traffic jam. scandal was exposed.
11. You had better get going if you want to catch A eye В service С interest D light
the train on time.
12. She smiled and said hello in a very warm and 10 Bill is on a business B.....to Mexico.
Friendly manner.......... A travel В trip С journey D voyage
13. Lyn had to take a taxi because her car broke down
in the middle of the street. 3. Complete the second sentence using the word
14. Coca Cola is one of the most famous brand names in bold. Use two to five words including the
in the world. word given. Do not change the word given.
15. This shirt suits the trousers nicely.
16. He is addicted to video games.
1 She couldn't concentrate on her work because
17. Do you have to go so soon? I was hoping of the noise.
you'd stay for dinner. so It was so noisy that she couldn't
18. Red Square is in the center of Moscow. concentrate on her work.
19. I couldn't believe how the children took to 2 It's easy for Sam to speak in public.
the new babysitter. difficulty Sam has no difficulty speaking in
20. It's getting late, we'd better hit the road now. public.
3 They will ask to see your passport at the
show You will be asked to show your
passport at the airport.
4 Getting cheap tickets to London is harder than I
2. Circle the correct item.
It's a film about a famous C........who discovered not Getting cheap tickets to London is not
an island no one had ever travelled to before . so easily than I thought.
A pilgrim В sightseer С explorer D backpacker 5 You'd better take an aspirin if you've got
Our boss is very D.......; she's always calm and you I think you should take an aspirin.......
relaxed. if you've got headache.
A self-centred С down-to-earth
В easy-going D level-headed
4. Fill in the correct word derived from the 3 A: It's all your fault that we're late!
word in bold. B: a What exactly is the problem?
b I'm so sorry!
1 Why does he insist on being so
4 A: That's absolutely delicious!
childish.........in front of visitors? CHILD B: a Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
2 The local authorities organised a week b Well, I don't believe it.
Of cultural............events. CULTURE 5 A: How do you like it?
3 She grew up in luxurious surroundings B: a Thanks for saying so.
and never had to worry about a thing. b I think it's brilliant.
4 They tiptoed carefully......across the -... .
hall so as not to wake the others. CARE Reading
5 The environmental organization. 8. You are going to read a magazine article
was established in 1984. ORGANISE about cartography, the study of maps. Seven
paragraphs have been removed from the
article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the
5. Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one
put a tick (√). If it has a word that should not be extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
there, write this word on the line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Mapping the Past and the Present

1 The cause of this strange disease When Jeremy Dale started to study cartography,
is not been known. been
he discovered that there was more
2 I think the film must have been
to maps than he had realised.
shot in Ireland. V
3 The idea is that money will make Maps are so common today that many of us recognise the
you the happier and more successful. shape of familiar countries like Africa, Italy or the USA.
the And most of us could quite easily draw the outline of our
4 She goes to the cinema twice as country with some degree of accuracy. But this was not
more often as most people I know. always the case. In order to become so familiar with the
twice world we live in, it has taken thousands of brave explorers.
5 The film got such very good reviews
that it became a great success. very
I have been fascinated by maps for as long as I can
6. Complete the dialogue. remember. Even as a young child, I would spend hours
turning the pages of our worn-out old atlas of the world. So
A: Why1) don’t you....................get tickets for the
when my local college announced that it was running a
concert tonight?
cartography course, I decided to revive an old interest.
B: To 2) be frank..............................I don't fancy it.
1 _____________________D________________________
I'm 3) not in the...................mood for live music. Ptolemy understood the problem of representing the earth,
A: OK, how 4) about going.............to the theatre? which is a sphere, on a flat surface. This is difficult but
B: That 5)’s OK. It’s..................a good idea to me. extremely important. Imagine, for instance, if you saw a map
of your country which was the wrong shape, or only half as
big as it should be.
7. Circle the correct response. 2. _______________________A_____________________
The invention of the printing press in 1450 meant that
1 A: Guess what? Jim is in town.
maps could be widely distributed and everyone would
В: а I kind of like it.
have the same copy. Until this point, each map would
b No, really?
have been hand made - and as a result, no two were
2 A: I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wonder if you
could do something about that noise.
B: a It's about time you did something, isn't it?
b I'm terribly sorry about that! I'll see to it as
soon as possible.
exactly the same. By this time, more people could as England and North Africa could not easily have been
read, so they were more likely to buy maps. controlled from Rome without the use of maps. But for
3. ______________G____________________ the really interesting time in map-making history, we
Obviously by the nineteenth century, we knew so move forward to the Middle Ages.
much more about population, education, crime, B...And in case you are tempted to think that these were
disease and other things that this information could tricks that mapmakers got up to in the past, think again.
now be included in specially designed maps. In an Many satellite maps are retouched with colour to show
interesting use of mapping, a famous 1855 map of green vegetation or blue rivers. The time of day and the
London marked the sites where people had died from time of year plays a part, too. Think about it. If you
cholera. make a map in winter, there will be a lot more snow in
4. _________________C__________________ certain areas, and a lot less in others.
The first lesson was interesting, then, but the second C...Thanks to the accuracy of this map, it soon became
one was absolutely fascinating, as it focused on the
clear that a large number of deaths had happened very
way some maps distort the truth. Did you know, for
close to one particular water pump. This not only led
example, that many maps over the years have shown
directly to the closing of the pump, but also to an
certain countries to be much bigger or smaller than
understanding of how the disease is spread by water.
D...The first lesson was amazing. The course started
are in reality?
with a brief history. We were told about the earliest
5. _____________________F_______________
maps, one of which is from Babylonia and was made on
You can easily see how people could get the wrong
idea from maps, believing that one country is very a clay tablet about 4,500 years ago. Then, around 2,000
advanced, with tremendous road systems, extensive years ago, the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy changed
rail networks and huge modern cities. The country the way we thought about the world.
next door, however, would have none of these things E...Maps can be made in stone, in the sand, even in the
marked on the map - even if it was more advanced! earth. Early maps were made on animal skins. Very
often, there were colourful pictures on them to make
6._____________B___________________________ them look more attractive.
F...In some cases, this is accidental but in others, it has
been done on purpose. What happens is that trie country
Which goes to show that with maps, which produces the map shows their own land to be
as with most things, you should much bigger than it is, while neighbouring countries are
look very carefully and not believe shown to be small and unimportant.
all you see. As for me, I'm very G...Even more people bought maps after the discovery
much looking forward to lesson of America in 1492. In fact, new lands were being
three. I'll let you know! what I find discovered all the time and our knowledge of the world
out. grew rapidly. Africa and Asia, as well as the Americas,
now began to interest people, and maps satisfied our
curiosity about the world.
H. Imagine, for example, setting out on a sea voyage

not knowing what, if anything, you would find. But to

make a map, you need more than just bravery. It has
taken the world's greatest thinkers, scientists,
mathematicians and geographers to put all this
information together and make sense of it.

A Around the same time as Ptolemy, the Roman Empire

found that maps were extremely useful. Places as far apart
Listening Obviously, in these two pictures people are keen on
their hobbies. In the picture A woman is
9 ' You will hear five peopie talking about problems considering her collection of stamps, unless
they faced while travelling.For questions 1-5, match of course I am mistaken, and judging by the
the events (A-F) to the people talking about them. picture she has a huge collection, maybe she
There is one extra letter which you do not need to collects more than one decade, finding rare
use. stamps at auctions. In the picture B, a man is
playing golf. This is not just a game where
A He was forgetful. you need to roll balls, this is a highly
В Не made a wrong decision. Speaker 1_D_ intelligent game where it is necessary to
С Не got to the wrong place. Speaker 2_B_ think, to measure impact the force of impact
D He was treated badly. Speaker 3_F_ your and not to rush. It’s impossible to single
E He didn't take safety precautions. Speaker 4_A_ out hobby here, because these are hobbies
F He was involved in a frightening from completely different categories. As for
incident. Speaker 5_E_ me, I would prefer golf, I like outdoor

Speaking b. What do you do in your

10. Answer the following questions.
leisure time?
1 How do you usually travel to work / school? Unfortunately, I have little
leisure time. Therefore, when it
appears, I walk in the forest or just in
I usually go to work five days a week.
the park, read books, and watch
movies and TV shows, meet with
2 What do you like most about the place you live?
friends and sometimes just lie on the
sofa and do nothing.
Frankly speaking I love my hometown. It is small but it
has a lot of trees, forest zones, parks. The city is clean
and beautiful. There are many old houses in my city,
and all of them are preserved in their original form.
3 What does your neighbourhood look like?
My neighbourhood is near the city center. There is a
developed infrastructure, for example, a bus station, a
railway station, many shops, a shopping center, schools,
kindergartens, and of course blocks of apartments. .
4 Can you tell us a few things about your family?
My family is not so big, in particular mother, father,
brother and me. My mother and father are pensioners.
My brother is a programmer. He has his own family. I
have my own family too.

11 a. Look at the following two pictures showing

different hobbies. Compare and contrast the two
pictures, saying which hobby you think is more
с Look at the following two pictures showing people and if you want to get acceptance of people
with unconventional appearances. Compare and around, you need to follow the requirements
contrast the two pictures, saying why you think of modern life, because it is unlikely that at
first glance someone understands what is
each person has chosen their style.
inside the person.

Nowadays, people have the right to dress as they want

and if ten years ago someone paid attention to this,
criticized and called shocking, now people around
are unlikely to place too much emphasis on who is
wearing what. In the picture A young punk girl
looks very extraordinary! The hairstyle is
especially attracting attention; on the one hand it is
frightening, and on the other, it’s interesting how
she sleeps with her hairstyle on a pillow, because
she’s unlikely to create it every day anew. Her
clothes is not so unusual, as so many teenagers
dress. Perhaps this girl chose such a style in
clothing and appearance as a manifestation of her
simple form of behavior in the family, where she is
not accepted, her interests are not taken into
account. Maybe she just doesn’t have enough
attention, and with such an appearance she gets it
so much that it compensates for the lack. In any
case, this form is good for adolescents, but not for
adults. In adulthood this may indicate that the
person has some psychological problems. In the
picture B, the man looks like in the 19th century.
Of course, he does not attract attention as much as
the girl in picture A, but still looks unusual in the
21st century. The man is over the age of 40, and we
can assume that he is tired of the hustle and bustle
of modern life, so dressing like this, he wants to
slow down in the modern world.

d. Is it right to judge people from their


In my opinion, you cannot judge people by their

appearance. Although it is customary in our society,

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