Air Handling Units: Technical Catalog
Air Handling Units: Technical Catalog
Air Handling Units: Technical Catalog
1.AIR CONDITIONING 2.3.8 Filters
1.1 Purpose and Fields of Applicat on or Air Conditioning 2.3.9 Dampers
1.1.1 Comfort air conditioning 2.3.10 Mixing Chambers
1.1.2 Industrial Air Conditioning 2.3.11 Silencers
1.2 Classification of Air Conditioning Systems and Acoustic Insulation
1.2.1 Central Systems
1.2.2 Local Systems 2.3.12 Humidification
1.3 Air Conditioning System Elements Humidifying Chamber
1.3.1 Water Cooling Group (Chiller) Air Washer Adiabatic Humidifying Chamber
1.3.2 Boiler Humidifiers Humidifiers
2.AIR HANDLING UNIT Electrode Steam Humidifiers
2.1 Air Handling Unit Performance Standards Design Evaluation
2.1.1 Mechanical Strength Recommendations for Humidifiers
2.1.2 Air Leakage from the Body 2.4 Configurations and Application Areas
2.1.3 Filter Bypass Leakage 2.5 Free Cooling
2.1.4 Thermal Conductivity
2.1.5 Thermal Bridging Factor 3.PSYCHROMETRY
2.2 Carcase and Panel Structures of HSK Air 3.1 Properties of Moist Air
3.1.1 Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT)
3.Handling Units 3.1.2 Wet Bulb Temperature (WBT)
2.2.1 BLUELINE Aluminum Carcase Air Handling Unit 3.1.3 Dew Point Temperature (Saturation Temperature)
2.2.2 FLEXLINE Steel Carcase Air Handling Unit 3.1.4 Relative Humidity
2.2.3 HIJYENLINE Steel Carcase Hygienic Air Handling Unit 3.1.5 Specific Humidity (w) Positive Pressure Door Application 3.1.6 Specific Volume (v) Air Sterilization with the Ultraviolet Method 3.1.7 Density (d)
2.3 Elements Making Up the Air Handling Unit 3.1.8 Sensible Heat
2.3.1 Fans 3.1.9 Latent Heat
2.3.2 Motors 3.1.10 Total Heat (Enthalpy) (h)
2.3.3 Frequency Converter 3.2 Processes that are performed on psychrometric chart
2.3.4 EC (Electronically Commutated) Motor Fans 3.2.1 Sensible Heating process
2.3.5 Heating - Cooling Coils 3.2.2 Sensible Cooling Process Constructive Properties of Coils 3.2.3 Cooling and Dehumidification Coil Capacity Selection Monogram Testing of Coils 4.AUTOMATION SYSTEMS Cleaning Coils 4.1 Field Elements Measures Against Freezing 4.1.1 Motorized Flow Control Valves Freeze-free thermostat 4.1.2 Damper Motors (Normal – Spring Return) Condensation Pans 4.2 Sensor Elements Drainage System 4.2.1 Heat Sensor Drop Eliminator 4.2.2 Humidity Sensor Expansion (DX) Coils 4.2.3 Pressure Sensor
2.3.6 Electrical Heaters
2.3.7 Heat Recovery Systems 5.OUR DISTINCTIONS Plate Heat Exchanger 5.1 Air Handling Unit Testing And Performance Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Unit Measurement Room Horseshoe Heat Recovery Unit 5.2 “AIRWARE” Air Handling Unit Selection Software Rotor Type Heat Recovery Unit 5.3 Frame Drill® Technology Double Rotor Air Handling Units Temperature and Enthalpy Efficiency in Heat 6. CERTIFICATES
Recovery Units
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için havan›n flartland›r›lmas›na “konfor amaçl› iklimlendirme” denir. Konfor iklimlendirmesi do¤ru yap›lm›fl ortamlarda yafla-
yan insanlar, daha az yorulur, daha az hastalan›r ve daha yüksek ifl verimi ile çal›fl›rlar.
a) Air Temperature
It is quite important that ambient temperature be maintai-
ned at the desired level regardless of the outdoor tempera-
ture. Though the range changes somewhat in winter and
summer conditions, people are comfortable in the approxi-
mate temperature range 21-26°C. According to ISO 7730,
these values are specified as 20-24°C in the heating season,
and 23-26°C in the cooling season, both at 50% relative hu-
midity. The air conditioning system used should be capable
of cooling the indoor environment 6-7°C lower than the
outdoor temperature in the summer.
b) Relative Humidity
Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the water vapour
in the air to the maximum amount of water vapour that can
exist in the air at the same temperature. Relative humidity
Air Conditioning Procedures has a significant effect on comfort. The relative humidity
range desired for comfort is roughly 35-60%.
1.1 Purpose and Fields of Application or
Air Conditioning C) Cleanness
Air conditioning is done for comfort or industrial purposes. Removal of foreign materials like dust and microbes from
the air is quite important for human health. In recent years, tral boiler system. The comfort conditioning of spaces is ac-
many diseases have been diagnosed that result from conta- hieved by thermostat.
minated or low quality indoor air. Thus, one of the conditi-
ons expected from air conditioning equipment is to receive c) Air-Water Systems
the outdoor air by filtration and removing dust, dirt and mic- Air and water systems employ the process of cooling or hea-
robes. ting spaces in a way that will also meet people’s fresh air re-
quirement, by transferring clean air that is conditioned in a
d) Air Velocity central unit or water that is cooled in a central cooling gro-
The air movement velocity varies with the temperature and up to fan coil units.
the conditions of use of the space. In spaces such as mee-
ting rooms and offices where high mobility operations are 1.2.2 Local Systems
not conducted, the air velocity should be 0.15 m/s for coo- a. Packaged Units
ling and 0.3 m/s for heating. In spaces of higher activity such These are units which contain all equipment within a single
as shopping centers, the air movement velocity can be in- body, that are capable of heating, cooling, and dehumidifi-
creased a little more and conditioned between the values of cation and that allow for command control.
0.2-0.35 m/s. - Floor Standing
- Floor Type
1.1.2-Industrial Air Conditioning - Ceiling Mounted
Industrial production required that appropriate environmen- - Window Type
tal conditions be created. In order to store the manufactu-
red products, these conditions must be such that they pre- b. Split Type Air Conditioners
serve the structure of the product. While conditioning indus- These are units that consist of two parts -an internal and ex-
trial spaces, and creating conditions where products will be ternal unit-, which are capable of heating, cooling and de-
manufactured and stored, the conditions required for the humidification and which allow command control.
health and maximum efficiency of the working staff are ta- - Wall Mounted
ken into consideration and these conditions are optimized. - Ceiling Mounted
- Window Mounted
1.2 Classification of Air Conditioning Systems - Floor Type
- Floor Standing
1.2.1 Central Systems - Duct Type
These systems are used primarily for the conditioning of lar- - Concealed Duct Type
ger buildings. Air handling units, air ducts, vents and/or fan
coil units etc. constitute the system components. Heating- 1.3 Air Conditioning System Elements
cooling-ventilation and humidity control is achieved by circu- Elements which constitute the system that conditions a spa-
lating water, air or coolant within the tubes and ducts of the ce are the boiler, the water cooling group (chiller), the air
system. Central systems can be classified in three main gro- handling unit, ducts and installation elements. Selection of
ups; these elements to be compatible with each other has an im-
pact on the overall performance of the system.
a) All-Air Systems
These are systems where air is used as heat transfer fluid. The following factors should be considered in the selection
These systems provide sensible and latent cooling by trans- of air conditioning systems:
ferring air conditioned by cooling-de-humidification proces- - Initial investment cost
ses to the living space through ducts and provide heating by - Comfort conditions
conditioning heated air and transferring it to the living spa- - Noise
ce through ducts. - Aesthetics
- Operating cost
b) All-Water Systems - Ease of installation
The living space is heated or cooled by fan coil units places - Energy expenditure
in each living space. The cold water required for cooling is - Ease of operation
transferred to the installation by pumps from a central coo-
ling group (a chiller), while the hot water required for hea-
ting is transferred to the installation by pumps from the cen-
i) Liquid Separator The second factor is the “amount of average heat” genera-
It prevents the liquid coolant coming from the system to en- ted on unit heating surface. The larger this value is, the
ter the compressor and in time evaporates this liquid and gi- smaller the boiler in the same capacity is.
ves it to the system.
The third factor is “pressure drop” in boilers on the gas si-
j) Adjustment Devices de. This value should be as low as possible.
- Fixed pressure return valve
- Evaporator pressure regulator Consequently, a truly good boiler is one which has high
- Liquid injection valve thermal efficiency, whose heating surface has been selected
- Liquid injection valve optimally and which has low pressure loss.
- Water temperature adjustment valve
Types of Hot Water Boilers
k) Operational Devices Many different types of hot water boilers are available for
- Thermostat application. Hot water boilers are grouped in the following
- Low pressure ?cut-out switch manner according to the type of burning chamber and ge-
- Capacity control pressurestats neral form:
- Various solenoid valves
- Outlet line check valve a) Cast Iron Boilers: They are used in hot water and low
- Stop valves pressure steam generation.
a) Steam boilers with blast burner
l) Safety Devices b) Steam boilers with atmospheric burner
- Low and high pressurestat
- Safety valve b) Steel Boilers
- Oil pressurestat c) Semi-cylindrical Steel Boilers
- Freeze-free thermostat d) Cylindrical steel boilers
e) Radiant type steel boilers
m) Indicators f) Special boilers manufactured for natural gas
- Manometers
- Thermometers
Air handling units condition indoor air with their heating, to perform these tests, a model box bearing similar design
cooling, humidification and de-humidification functions. properties to the air handling unit is manufactured and tests
Furthermore, air handling units supply the fresh air require- are performed on this model box.
ment of the environment with filtered air.
The unit casing, is among the major elements of the air
2.1 Air Handling Unit Performance Standards handling unit. For comparability of unit casings with respect
Up until the 1970’s air handling units were expected to pro- to quality, classes have been developed and test methods
vide a determined temperature or humidity, yet with today’s have been declared for each specified criterion.
developing technology the changing concept of comfort has
led to a new approach to air handling units. In line with the The properties sought in air handling unit casings are the
needs of our age, air handling units are expected to have ot- following:
her features than temperature and humidity adjustment. For - Low thermal conductivity coefficient
this reason, many detailed studies have been conducted in - Low heat bridging
recent years with respect to elements used in air handling - Low sound permeability
units and standards have been developed by independent - Low air leakage
organizations. - Capability to bear air handling unit elements and with
There are two European Standards (EN) in existence that stand the positive and negative pressures created within
classify the construction properties and equipment perfor- the unit
mance figures of air handling units. - For its materials to be environmentally friendly, hygienic
and have the desired fire rating
EN 1886 - That rain or snow does not permeate units that are
“Air handling units - Mechanical Performance” places outdoors
Relative Bending Test - conducted at 1000 Pa pressure and 2.1.4 Thermal Conductivity
under vacuum (prEN 1886) The temperature and humidity of the air within the casing
Relative Fan Pressure Test - conducted at 2500 Pa pressure should be different from the outside air. To save energy, he-
and under vacuum (prEN 1886) at transfer between the unit’s internal air and the outside air
should be reduced. In other words, thermal resistance of the
Casing Strength EN 1886
air handling unit casing should be increased. High thermal
Strength Maximum Relative Resistant to Maximum
resistance of the casing is important not only in terms of he-
Class Curvature Operating Pressure of
at loss, but also in terms of condensation that may occur on
mm/m Fan
the unit casing. If the casing has low thermal resistance, the
D1 4 Yes
temperature on the surface of the casing can drop below
D2 10 Yes
dew point temperature. This causes condensation on the
D3 Not required Yes
unit surface. Especially in highly humid environments, the
2.1.2 Air Leakage from the Body dew point is very close to ambient temperature. Small tem-
Air leakage tests are performed in the following manner de- perature drops on the unit surface lead to condensation on
pending on the construction and nominal operating condi- the surface. This is especially common in tropical climates.
tions of the air handling unit: However, depending on the humidity within the unit, con-
- All cells operating under vacuum at 400 Pa negative densation can also occur on the interior surface of the ca-
pressure sing. Condensation on unit surfaces leads to an increaser in
- For systems with an operating pressure less than 700 Pa, heat loss on the casing as well as expediting corrosion and
the test is conducted at 700 Pa; while in cases with unhygienic conditions.
higher operating pressures, the test is conducted under Since more than 90% of the unit casing surfaces consist of
operating pressure. panels, low heat conduction coefficient in panels means that
The permitted leakage amounts are determined with res- the thermal connectivity coefficient of the unit casing will be
pect to the class of filter used in the cell being tested. low as well. Panels used in HSK air handling units consist of
an interior sheet, an exterior sheet, and insulating material.
Casing Air Leakage EN 1886
The insulating material is places in pieces between the interi-
Leakage Maximum Filter
or and exterior sheets. Since interior and exterior sheet thick-
Class Leakage (-400 Pa) Class
L x s-1 x m-2 (EN 779) nesses used for panels are much less then the thickness of
L1 0,15 Better than F9 the insulating, sheet thickness does not have much effect on
L2 0,44 F8-F9 the thermal conductivity coefficient of the panel.
L3 1,32 G1-G7 Polyurethane foam or rockwool is used as insulating materi-
al for HSK air handling units.
Casing Air Leakage EN 1886
Leakage Maximum a) Heat Conduction Equation
Class Leakage (-700 Pa)
The heat conduction equation has been found as a result of
experimental observation. Though it was discovered initially
L1 0,22
L2 0,63 by Biot, it was named after the French physicist and mathe-
L3 1,90 matician Joseph Fourier, and came to be known as Fourier’s
2.1.3 Filter Bypass Leakage dT
Q = - kA
Filter bypass leakage pertains to the amount of unfiltered air
that passes through the filter cell. Unfiltered air flow, is the Q = Heat Flow (W)
sum of air leaking from the edges of the filter casing without
passing through the filtering element and the air escaping K = Heat transfer coefficient (W/mK)
from the panels into the vacuum cell succeeding the filter cell.
Filter bypass leakage tests are conducted under a pressure A = Area (m2)
differential of 400 Pa on the filter section. The following tab-
le shows the acceptable leakage rates (%k) of the design air dT = Temperature Differential (K)
flow by class of filter.
dx = Thickness (m)
Maximum permissible filter bypass leakage EN 1886
Unit Filter Class G1-F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
Bypass Leakage Factor k (%) 6 4 2 1 0.5
There is a significant temperature difference between the air Heat Conduction Coefficient (U) EN 1886
inside the air handling unit and the ambient temperature. Class Heat Conduction Panel Risk of
This temperature difference causes thermal conduction. In Coefficient Quality Condensation
order to minimise the value of thermal conduction, i.e. the W/m2K
heat loss from the unit surface, 48 mm thick rockwool insu- T1 U≤0.5 Highest Very Low
lation with a density of 52 kg/m2 and heat conduction coef- T2 0.5<U≤1.0 High Low
ficient of 0.036 (W/mK) is used inside the panel. The heat T3 1.0<U≤1.4 Medium Medium
conduction coefficient of the 1 mm thick sheet material T4 1.4<U≤2.0 Low High
constituting the panel is 46 (W/mK). T5 Not required Very Low Highest
The profiles making up the
carcase structure are manu-
factured from extruded alumi-
num material. Nylon-6 plastic
containing 30% glass wool is
used as gusset members. Cor-
ner fish plates from galvanized
sheet are mounted for extra
strength and load bearing.
The sandwich panel is insulated with 25 mm thick polyuret-
hane heat and sound insulation with a B2 fire rating, and its
interior and exterior surfaces are manufactured from galva-
nized sheet material. Sheet thicknesses can be selected bet-
ween 0.8 mm and 1.2 mm as desired. The exterior surface
is galvanized sheet coated with an epoxy prime and final co-
at and covered with protective plastic film. HSK patented
hermetic, double sealed design allows panels to lock onto
the carcase without requiring screw connections.
BL-02 800 600 800 600 800 300 300 700 900 500 500 900 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 800 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-03 900 700 900 700 800 300 300 700 900 500 500 900 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 900 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-05 1100 900 1100 900 900 300 300 700 900 700 700 1100 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1100 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-07 1300 900 1100 900 900 300 300 700 900 700 700 1100 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1300 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-09 1300 1100 1100 900 900 300 300 700 900 700 700 1300 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1300 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-11 1500 1100 1300 1100 900 300 300 700 900 700 700 1300 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1300 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-13 1700 1100 1300 1100 900 300 300 700 900 700 700 1300 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1300 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-16 1700 1300 1300 1100 1100 300 300 700 900 900 900 1500 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1750 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-18 1900 1300 1300 1100 1100 300 300 700 900 900 900 1500 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1750 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-20 2100 1300 1300 1100 1100 300 300 700 900 900 900 1500 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1750 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-23 2100 1500 1500 1300 1300 300 300 700 900 900 900 1750 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1950 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-26 2300 1500 1750 1750 1550 300 300 700 900 900 900 1750 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 1950 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-33 2500 1700 1750 1750 1750 300 300 700 900 1100 1100 1950 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 2150 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-37 2500 1900 1750 1750 1750 300 300 700 900 1100 1100 2150 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 2550 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-41 2500 2100 1750 1740 1750 300 300 700 900 1300 1300 2350 1300 13001500 1100 1300 1500 2550 700 940 900 900 1300 1750 13001300 900 300
BL-45 2610 2140 1740 1740 1740 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2410 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-50 2910 2140 1740 1740 1740 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2410 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-57 3310 2140 1940 1940 1940 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2410 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-65 3710 2140 2140 2140 2140 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2410 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-75 3910 2340 2140 2140 2140 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2610 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-88 4510 2340 2210 2210 2210 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2610 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
BL-100 5180 2340 2210 2210 2210 340 340 740 940 1410 1410 2610 1340 14101540 1140 1340 1540 2540 740 940 940 940 1340 1790 13401340 940 300
Galvanized steel box profiles 22 mm thick,
with dimensions of 30x30 - 30x60 are
used to increase the rigidity of the carcase Interior and exterior surface material: Interior and exterior
and to assemble the panels. Profile con- surface sheets have been manufactured from galvanized
nections are made with gusset cast alumi- steel sheet. The exterior sheet surface is coated with 5 μ
num gusset elements. Panel connections epoxy prime coat, a 20 μ polyester furnace paint top coat
to the carcase are made with protective with colour code RAL 7035 and plastic film over the paint.
covers, and screws that are protected Interior and exterior sheet thicknesses can be selected wit-
from corrosion. Special hermetic seals are used on assembly hin the range 0.8 - 1.2 mm depending on requirements and
surfaces between the panels and the profile. In order to ke- place of use.
ep the velocity on the filters to a minimum, the filter cross- Profile material: Corner profiles from ABS material (Acrylo-
section has dimensions that allow it to cover the air flow nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) with a high thermal resistance and
cross-section completely. A new filter casing design has be- PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) edge profiles are used between the
en developed to allow easy service access to filters and to interior and exterior sheets. Profile
provide a high level of impermeability. materials can withstand temperatu-
res of up to 80°C.
Panel Structure
Panel thickness: 50 mm Lack of Thermal Bridging
Insulation material: Rock wool with a fire rating of A1, of va- HSK designers continue and advan-
rious densities ce their efforts by prioritizing energy
efficiency. The R&D work conducted with this purpose have ling unit production, enabling units to be manufactured
led to the “Panel-Carcase connection” which prevents ther- from standard parts and thus easily assembled at the instal-
mal bridging by preventing metal to metal contact. lation site or out of the factory.
Thermal bridging is an undesired condition which increases Its advantages are:
the unit’s heat loss and consequently lowers its energy effi- - Modularity
ciency. Since this increases the probability of condensation - Quality standardization
as well, it causes reduction in the useful life of the unit due - Zero defect production
to microbiological propagation and corrosive effects. - Convenience of transport
- Rapid delivery
Design Properties and Advantages - Air handling units that can be assembled on site
- High thermal and mechanical attributes with Eurovent
certification Today, the delivery time for Air Handling Units is around 8-
- The face section of the unit is manufactured proportionally 10 weeks. Customer satisfaction surveys we, as HSK have
to multiples of 306, depending on the unit’s filter conducted have revealed that customers wish this time to be
dimensions. Thus a modular structure is obtained and 2-4 weeks. Until now this wish was deemed impossible con-
filter bypass leakage is minimized. sidering all processes from the procurement of main materi-
- As a result of HSK designers’ energy efficiency oriented als such as coils, fans, to production, painting and assembly
efforts, panel-carcase connections which prevent thermal of panels. Parts could not be stocked beforehand since con-
bridging by preventing metal to metal contact are used in nection points were not known in advance. With the Frame
Flexline air handling units. Drill technology, the main body of the air handling unit can
be manufactured in advance with very precise positioning,
Frame Drill Technology stocked and thus delivered in a very short period of time.
A new milestone toward the sustainable development of Since coils, fans, and other equipment have been standardi-
HSK’s quality and the increase of its competitive power has zed in Quickline air handling units which have been develo-
been the Frame Drill technology developed by the HSK R&D ped as a reflection of this production philosophy and which
tem and patented by HSK. Developed in 2007, the Flame bear the properties of Flexline designs, allowing deliveries up
Drill technology has been a new production method, busi- to 20,000 m3/h in 2 weeks.
ness model which increases assembly precision in air hand-
2.2.3 HIJYENLINE Steel Carcase Hygienic Air Handling Unit Profile material: Corner profiles from ABS material (Acrylo-
The unit has been designed by HSK R&D department to fa- nitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) with a high thermal resistance and
cilitate air conditioning with healthy, fresh and clean air. The PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) edge profiles are used between the
basic logic in its design, is to form a structure which does not interior and exterior sheets. Profile materials can withstand
allow dirt accumulation, which is clean and whose cleanli- temperatures of up to 80°C.
ness can be controlled. Hijyenline air handling unit conforms
to VDI6022-1, VDI 6022-3, DIN 1946-4, EN 13053 hygiene Lack of Thermal Bridging
standards and has TÜV-NORD, DIN1946-4 EN1751 VDI Panel-carcase connection without
hygiene certification. heat bridging, developed specially
for hygiene applications.
Operating ranges of HSK air handling units Thus the conditioned air is prevented from escaping through
- Fresh air inlet: -25 °C to 60 °C the lock. The effect of positive pressure totally eliminates the
- Exhaust air outlet: 0 °C to 80 °C possibility of air leaks.
- Maximum operating pressure/temperature of Furthermore, the guide lever can be easily removed without
heating/cooling groups: 13 bar / 110 °C removing the lock and upon demand, an additional lever
- Minimum operating temperature of heating/cooling can be mounted to allow service doors to open from within
groups: 5 °C the air handling unit.
Extreme conditions: Along with interior air temperature Air Sterilization with the Ultraviolet Method
and humidity, outdoor conditions are also quite important in Light which has a wavelength that is shorter than visible
terms of condensation control. The control of condensation light, but longer than X-rays is called “ultraviolet” light.
limits should not be overlooked.
This special light which is used as disinfectant is called “low
Operating voltage: 220-440 VAC / 1-3 Phase / 50-60 Hz wavelength light" or “UV-C” light. This wavelength falls in
the UV-C band which is between 200 nm (nanometers) and
Notes: 280 nm.
It is important that the information on the model plate and
within the user manual should be taken into consideration. Air used in air handling units is cleaned with filtering sys-
If there is risk of freezing, freeze protection and antifreeze tems. The coarse dust and particles in the air are captured
should be used for heating and cooling groups. with filters. Micro-organisms which are suspended in air and
can not be captured by regular filter systems, i.e. bacteria,
Condensation limits: The following diagrams demonstra- viruses, moulds and funguses which threaten the health of
te the ambient conditions required for the onset of conden- humans, have their effect on personnel working in indoor
sation in Flexline, Hijyenline, and Blueline air handling units. spaces and on the product being manufactured. This leads
to many financial losses. Positive Pressure Door Application
Positive pressure or negative pressure occurs within the air Ultraviolet (UV) systems prevent all these microbiological
handling unit, depending on the position of the fan. Since problems. UV rays allow air sterilization.
in scroll case fans, exhaust occurs at the fan cell outlet, po-
sitive pressure occurs in all cells coming after the fan cell. UV rays also neutralize bacteria which cause unwanted odo-
And fans without scroll cases, exhaust occurs inside the fan urs in the environment. UV air sterilization is a biological pu-
cell, positive pressure occurs in the fan cell and all cells co- rification.
ming after the fan cell.
- UV-C emitters radiate light with a wavelength of
In cells where positive pressure occurs, the service door is ma- 235.7 nm (nanometers).
nufactured to open inwards and the door is positioned to sit - This wavelength acts on the building blocks of
on the aluminium frame on the outside to prevent air leaks. micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses, funguses,
Liquid seal is applied on the front connections of door locks yeast, mould, and mould spores, preventing them from
and sealing elements are found below the precision screw. propagating and causing them to die.
Positive pressure door application Ultraviolet air sterilization within the air handling unit
- It eliminates 99.9% of air borne micro-organisms. may be used from the outside for connecting to the duct-
- It prevents air borne transmission of contagious diseases. work are also available as an option. The connection of the
- UV-C disinfected air minimizes SBS (Sick Building fan to another cell is made by a diffuser. The basic purpose
Syndrome) related complaints, which are respiratory of the diffuser is to distribute the air flow in the subsequent
tract, mucous tissue and muscle pains. cell evenly within the cell. Fanlar›n ünite gövdesinden lastik
- International studies (Lancet) have shown that UV-C izolatörlerle veya yayl› titreflim izolatörleri ile izole edilmesiy-
disinfected air reduces work loss in collective work le, titreflimin gövdeye aktar›lmas› önlenmektedir. Spring vib-
environments by an average of 40%. ration isolators can also be used upon demand.
- Its conformance to the VDI 6022 (Association of German
Engineers) norms in addition to the 1946-6 norm
implemented in hospitals brings about an improvement EFFICIENCY AREA OF APPLICATION
in hygiene standards.
- It provides air disinfection without using chemical It is the most efficient of cen- General ventilation/air
trifugal fans. conditioning
products and harming human health or nature.
- It uses UV-C emitting lamps which do not produce Best operating conditions are Mostly for larger systems
ozone gas. Profile 40-50% of maximum air (for all pressures)
- Areas of use: Hospitals (intensive care, operating room, blade flow.
While forward curved fans are preferred for units within the
Higher pressure characteristic Primarily high pressure industrial
low pressure range, forward curved or reverse curved fans as compared to profile and applications for transporting
can both be used for units within the medium and high backward inclined fans materials in industry.
pressure ranges. In addition to these, Aerofil fans are com-
Fan should not be operated in the Sometimes coated with a special
monly preferred due to their efficiency and low noise level
Radial region where the curve breaks material, the wheel is easily
operation. Depending on design conditions Plug (without blade to the left of maximum pressure cleaned on site.
scroll case, single inlet, direct coupled) fans can also be used.
The power rises continuously. Not suited for ventilation/air
This should be taken into conditioning.
Fans used in HSK air handling units are manufactured from gal-
consideration while selecting
vanized sheet metal. Forward and backward curved fans are a motor.
statically balanced according to the ISO 1940-G6.3 standard. Mostly very low pressure
Flexible connection is used between the fan exhaust and the ventilation/air conditioning
unit body to dampen vibrations. Flexible connections which
The fan should be operated at
the right of maximum pressure.
- And the 3rd law indicates the effects of fan size, flow and Fan Performance Comparisons
gas density on speed, pressure and power. The following figure shows and compares performance va-
lues for backward curved rare blade fans, forward inclined
dense blade fans and with Aerofil blade fans. Fans with a
wheel diameter of 40 cm was selected for comparison and
operating points were determined.
Fan Selection
System requirements influencing fan selection are air quan-
tity, static pressure, non-standard air density, noise level or
use of the fan’s operating environment, as well as properti-
es of the useable area and load. If these requirements are
known, the point which determines the selection of an fan
to be used for air conditioning purposes, is the cheapness of
the combination of capacity and build class, and its efficient
operation at an acceptable noise level. Backward Curved Rare Blade
Spring Isolators You can see the summary of the protection class in
Due to their exceedingly long useful life the following table.
and suitability for collapse, steel springs
A Protection Against Solid Objects B Protection Against Liquids
are isolators which are also used for fan
applications. In outdoor applications or 0 No Protection No Protection
applications located in corrosive environ- Against objects with Against dripping
ments, extra protection is achieved with a diameter of more water
than 50 mm (the
coating and paint. Open spring isolators back of a hand)
are attached to the base or fan by nuts on the top and bottom Against objects with Against water
covers. Springs in an application are selected to have the same a diameter of more dripping from vertical
2 than 12.5 mm to an angle of 15°.
collapse distance, in order to provide a fixed balance. Frequ-
(a finger)
ency of the vibration source is also important in the selection
of springs. In an application containing more than one vibrati- Against objects with Against water
on source, calculations should be based on the source with the a diameter of more spraying (0.07 l/min)
3 than 2.5 mm (hand from vertical to
lower frequency. A system capable of isolating low frequency
tool) an angle of 60°.
vibrations can also isolate high frequency vibrations.
Against objects with Against water
2.3.2 Motors a diameter of more spraying (0.07 l/min)
guard. Belts and wheels are in compliance with the DIN 2215
standard. Data regarding the protection, energy efficiency and Against being
isolation classes of motors have been listed below. submerged in water
8 at the specified
IP Protection Class Number
When you purchase any protective box, you see an “IP”
number indicating the protection class on the box. The pro- Efficiency Class
tection class number is indicated with the letters IP and a Efficiency classes pertaining to fan motors used in HSK air
two digit number (IP AB). The first digit (A) indicates protec- handling units are as follows. HSK recommends that its cus-
tion against solids and dust, while the second digit (B) indi- tomers select EFF1 energy class motors which are energy ef-
cates protection against liquids. ficient and thus save energy.
Insulation Class Air handling systems rarely need maximum design flow. Fre-
Insulation class indicates the motor’s ability to resist ageing and quency converter alters the rpm of the fan motor in air
failure do to heat. Below is a table regarding these classes. handling units, adjusting the system air flow. In this way,
while the required amount of fresh air is supplied, a high le-
Insulation Maximum Operating Operating Life at the
vel of energy is saved. The following figure shows that 90%
Class Temperature Specified
of the fan’s operation occurs at 70% rpm.
Temperature (h)
A 105°C 20000
Energy Efficiency in Frequency Converter Systems
B 130°C 20000
The relationship between pressure, air flow, rpm and power
F 155°C 20000
is expressed through “relationship laws”. These laws can be
H 180°C 20000
used for both radial and axial fans. These laws indicate that
In the preceding table, operating life expectancies in a specifi- air flow is directly proportional to fan rpm, while pressure is
ed temperature have been given for each class. The following directly proportional to the square of rpm.
table indicates the variation in motor life expectancy as a func-
tion of variation in the maximum operating temperature.
Insulation Specified Actual Operating
Class Maximum Maximum Life at the
Operating Operating Specified
Temperature Temperature Temperature (h)
B 130°C 120 40000
F 155°C 155 20000
H 180°C 190 10000
The (smart plug-and-play) product equipped with an Comparison of Efficiency According to Fan Speed Con-
EC motors, details distinguishing it from other pro- trol Types:
ducts on the market, advantages for the manufactu-
rer and end user:
2.3.5 Heating – Cooling Coils Cooling coils on the other hand need a larger number of rows
and can usually contain up to 8 rows. Since ¢Tm (average lo-
garithmic temperature differential) is high in heating coils, fa-
ir results can be obtained with fewer rows. (assuming
90°C/70°C water conditions and -3°C/+36°C air conditions).
Lines and spacing in coils used in HSK air handling units are
usually between 2.1-3.2 mm.
Number of rows is among the most important factors influ-
encing pressure drop. This value should also be taken into
consideration for coil selection.
Number of Circuits
This is the required number of intakes for the coolant to cir-
Coils are selected by the “Airware Air Handling Unit Selecti- culate within the coil at a specific pressure drop and flow
on Software” from cold water, hot water, steam and direct range. If the number of circuits increases while all other fac-
expansion types, to provide optimum performance conditi- tors remain the same, water flow decreases, capacity dec-
ons. In accordance with system requirements, copper tube- reases, water side pressure drop decreases. The opposite
aluminum fin or steel tube-steel fin coils are used in HSK air happens if the number of circuits is reduced.
handling units. While copper tubes up to 2 bar pressure is
used in steam applications, the use of steel tubing is requi- Number of Passes
red for higher pressure steam applications. Standard tube The number off passes, is the number of tubes which a cir-
diameters used are 3/8”, 1/2” and 5/8”. In aluminum finned cuit travels from the inlet point to the outlet point. Unless
designs, fins are coated with epoxy, providing high corrosi- otherwise specified, number of passes should be an even
on resistance. number in water coils. The inlet number is also an even
number so the inlet collector and outlet collectors face the
Number of Rows same direction.
While designing in a specified fin geometry, care should be
taken with the number of rows of the coil, which has an im-
pact on the design efficiency.
If the number of rows is increased while other factors rema-
in the same capacity increases, surface area increases, air si-
de pressure drop increases, the demand for water flow and
consequently the water speed increases. The opposite hap-
pens if the number of rows is reduced.
As a general rule, capacity obtained from unit surface area Figure 3.4. Intake - Discharge Directions According to Odd
drops as the number of rows increases, rendering the coil or Even Numbered Passes in Water Side Coil
less efficient. So, if a 2 row coil is converted to 4 coils, it do- To achieve a more efficient heat transfer, counter-current
es not provide 2 times the capacity. Thus, the lowest possib- flow should be maintained between the water and air sides.
le number of rows should be used in order to increase effi- Offset fins are also more efficient than straight fins. Conse-
ciency. quently, offset fin alignment and counter-current design are
Heating coils are usually designed as having 1 pr 2 rows. preferred in HSK air handling units. Testing of Coils should be directed to the plant’s independent drainage faci-
Unless otherwise specified, all coils can be tested after as- lity. It is recommended that a drains system be installed for
sembly, by immersion into a water filled pool under a pres- multiple outlet drain pans. The “H” measurement must al-
sure of 20 kg/cm2. Testing can also be performed under a ways be larger than the minimum and maximum pressure
pressure of 30 kg/cm2 upon demand. generated by the fan.
- The fact that the malfunctioning unit does not effect ot-
her units, since the system is not centralized,
- The lack of energy losses in coolant tubes, which is an is-
sue in traditional systems,
- The fact that it has a longer useful life than traditional units,
- Low noise level.
structure of the heat recovery unit. Heat recovery units can The enclosed circulation system allows the process to occur
be divided in 2 general categories: even when the outdoor air and exhaust air are at long dis-
- Recuperative Systems tances to each other. Air currents do not have to come to-
- Regenerative Systems gether, but additional energy to facilitate the circuit is nee-
ded. This is the electrical power required to operate the
a) Recuperative Systems pump that facilitates the circuit. The amount of recovered
The air that transfers heat, makes the transfer in a specific heat can be easily regulated by controlling the flow of wa-
area. The air expelled with outdoor air, is separated in this ter. The system can be shot
area with a heat transfer layer. Air flow can be parallel or co- down.
unter-current. If humid air is below dew point temperature,
condensation will occur and lead to latent heat transfer. Plate Heat Exchanger
Matter transfer will not occur unless there is a leak. These Operating on the recuperative
systems have risk of freezing and heat is not transferred by principle, these are aluminum
a carrier. Air currents should converge on at least one point or steel plate heat recovery sys-
in the area. It is not possible to turn of heat transfer. Outdo- tems. The system operates on
or air our exhaust air should be bypassed for control of he- the counter-current principle.
at transfer. Fresh air and exhaust air pass
through two separate layers.
Plates are designed to facilitate
maximum heat transfer and
should provide a minimum of
60% heat recovery to meet the
condition of being economical.
There is a drop eliminator at
the air exhaust side. The heat recovery cell includes a bypass
damper to control air flow and prevent freezing. There is a
stainless steel condensation pan on the exhaust side and the
b) Regenerative Systems
Heat is transferred via air passing over two interconnected HSK Heat Recovery Air Handling Unit Using Plate
coils. One of the coils is at the side of outdoor air and the Type Heat Exchanger
other at the side of exhaust air and these are connected with
tubing. The fluid facilitating heat transfer circulates within
these tubes. Chemically treated water is usually used as flu-
id. Antifreeze is added if necessary. The fluid facilitating he-
at transfer circulates within the system with the aid of a
pump. The flow in this system is regulated with valves. If the
air exhaust from the system falls below the dew point, con-
densation occurs. This leads to an additional latent heat
transfer. There is risk of frosting.
drainage pipe (stainless steel) of this pan is hermetically ex- Rotor Type Heat Recovery Unit
tended outside the unit. It is hygienically important to mo- Operates on the regenerative principle. It consists of a circu-
unt a filter outside the filter on the intake side and before lar aluminum mass containing pores to allow the passage of
the heat recovery coil on the exhaust side. air. Heat recovery is achieved with the turning of the rotor.
The heat and temperature of the exhaust air is transferred to Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Unit the rotor blades with the turning motion of the heat exchan-
ger rotor. The transferred moisture and heat energy is pas-
sed on to fresh air by the continued rotation. In addition to
heat transfer conducted during the winter, it is also possib-
le to save energy and conduct dehumidification with the sa-
me unit in the summer. The heat wheel is usually comman-
ded by speed control. Heat recovery ratio usually varies bet-
ween 60-80% in rotor heat recovery systems. Heat recovery
which occurs below this range is not economical.
Operates on the regenerative principle. In this system, coo-
lant is used to transfer heat and the unit operates on the The use of heat recovery units
principle of the coolant vaporizing upon meeting the system - Reduces the annual heat (chill) consumption.
return air and rising within the tube and then transferring its - Reduces the peak heating (cooling) power.
heat to cold air and condensing back into liquid. The system
can operate in the -30°C and 55°C temperature range wit- Computation of Heat Recovery and Unit Efficiency:
hout any problems. The heat recovery cell includes a bypass In cases where condensation and humidity transfer does not
damper to control air flow. The heating pipe can be used occur, the heat (chill) gain (Q, kW) will be equal to the sen-
horizontally side by side or vertically stacked. Horizontal sible heat exchange of fresh air.
types can be designed to conduct heat recovery also in sum- Here m is the mass flow (kg/s) of the fresh air passing thro-
mer conditions when required.
A drop eliminator is mounted on the exhaust side. There is
a stainless steel condensation pan and the drainage pipe
(stainless steel) of this pan is hermetically extended outside ugh the heat recovery unit, Cp is the specific heat of fresh
the unit. Mounting a filter before the heat recovery coil is re- air (kJ/ kg-K), Tçth and Tgth are the exhaust and intake tem-
commended to prevent contamination. peratures (°C) of fresh air respectively. Horseshoe Heat Recovery Unit In chill recovery applications where the temperature diffe-
This is a sort of heat type heat rential between exhaust and fresh air and the relative humi-
recovery unit. It is used in pla- dity of fresh air are high, a portion of the humidity within
ces where relative humidity and fresh air condenses in the heat recovery unit. In this case, the
outdoor temperature are high. chill gain of fresh air is calculated as a function of enthalpy
In this system, the cooling coil is (h, kj/kg) between the unit intake and exhaust.
placed within the unit between
the precooling and reheating
sections of the horseshoe heat
recovery unit. The warm and
moist air is cooled by passing it
through the precooling coil
first. Then the air passing thro-
ugh the cooling coil also passes
through the reheat coil, and
conditioned to the desired tem-
perature and relative humidity. The system does not conta-
in any moving parts. The process is achieved with the ther-
mal energy carried by the coolant which flows naturally wit-
hin the horseshoe heat recovery system due to the tempera-
ture differential. Double Rotor Air Handling Units In case the system has been equipped with a double rotor
heat recovery system, 185 kW of cooling power is required.
Temperature, relative humidity and specific humidity values
on each point has been indicated on the following figure.
HSK filter cells are distinguished for their design which redu-
ces filter pass pressure losses by minimizing the rate on the
filter. To this end, cell dimensions are designed in proporti-
The equation indicated above for heat efficiency provides on to filter dimensions. The special spring clip casing design
valid results in terms of unit efficiency for conditions not in- provides a high level of impermeability. This feature which is
volving condensation. However in cases where condensati- particularly important for HSK Hijyenline air handling units,
on occurs on the fresh air side of the heat recovery unit or prevents microbiological proliferation. In addition to these
where humidity transfer occurs on the unit, heat efficiency features, filter cells have been designed to facilitate easy ma-
is insufficient in indicating unit efficiency. For such cases, the intenance thanks to their wide filter covers and spring clip
enthalpic efficiency expression is used, which is calculated as filter casings. Differential pressurestats for measuring filter
a function of fresh intake and exhaust air enthalpies and the occupancy can also be used as an option.
enthalpy of the exhaust air entering the heat recovery unit. In HSK air handling units, various filtering options are appli-
ed and optimum options are offered depending on the pla-
Enthalpic efficiency is expressed as follows, similarly to heat ce of use and upon requirements.
hçth: Enthalpy of fresh air exiting the heat recovery unit Filter Classes
Particle Examples of Filter Examples of
Size Particle Classes Applications
Larger than μm Insects, textile fibres G1 For simple applications (for example for
and hair G2 insect protection in compact devices)
Coarse dust fil- Dost, suspended ash, G3 Pre and ambient air filter for civil protec-
ter for particles pollen, spores, cement G4 tion facilities; paint spraying cabin air
hgth: Enthalpy of fresh air entering the heat recovery unit dust G5 exhausts and kitchen exhausts etc.;
contaminant protection for air condi-
Enthalpy of exhaust air entering the heat recovery unit
tioners and compact units (e.g. window
type air conditioners, ventilators); pre fil-
Pressure Drop: ter for filter classes between F6 and F8
The fan power required to accommodate the pressure drop Fine dust filter Pollens, cement dust, Outdoor air filter for places with low
for particles particles causing dust F5 demands (e.g. factory hangars, storage
between 1-10 settling and stains, areas, garages)
μm bacteria and microbes F5 Pre and ambient air filtration for venti-
on host particles F6 lating stations; final filter in air condition-
in the heat recovery unit is calculated with the equation: F7 ing installations for shopping malls,
offices and some manufacturing ven-
ues, pre filter for filter classes between
P stands for fan power (W), F9 and H11
Vdebi stands for unit flow rate (m3/s),
ΔP stands for the pressure drop within the unit (Pa) and Fine dust filter Oil fume and agglom- F7 Final filters in air conditioning installations
for particles erated soot; tobacco F8 for offices, manufacturing venues, com-
hfan stands for fan efficiency.
between 1 -10 smoke, metal oxide F9 mand centers, hospitals, data processing
The coefficient “2” is used to calculate the total power of μm smoke centers; pre filter and active carbon for fil-
the outdoor exhaust and fresh air sides. ter classes between H11 and H13
Floating Microbes, bacteria, H10 Final filter for environments such as lab-
substance filter viruses, tobacco H11 oratories, pharmacological manufactur-
2.3.8 Filters for particles smoke, metal oxide H12 ing venues, food manufacturing venues
The basic function of filter cells is to prevent the accumula- smaller than smoke H11 Final filter for clean spaces of classes
tion of dust on the internal surfaces of coils and panels, ex- 1 μm 100.000 or 10.000
Oil fumes, soot and H12 Final filter for clean spaces of classes
tending the efficient lifetime of the air handling unit. Dust
radioactive materials H13 10.000 or 100, final filter in civil protec-
accumulation is an unwanted condition which reduces the that are in the process tion facilities, exhaust air filter in core
heat transfer efficiency of coils. Additionally, use of high par- of being generated technology facilities
ticle efficiency filters is required for environments where the
Aerosols H14 Final filter for clean spaces of classes 10
air must be kept free of air-borne harmful micro organisms
H15 or 1
(pharmacological production facilities, operating rooms, cle- H16
an rooms, microchip production facilities). Separation of Kitchen exhaust filters, Active Exhaust filters bound by environmental
For this reason, various filter classes with the ability to filter materials that harmful airborne Carbon protection regulations, all environments
are harmful materials, smog, com- Filters where harmful gases exist
particles of various diameters have been developed.
when inhaled bustion gas, solvent
fumes, food odours,
foul odours
Panel Filter: Shown below is the Flow Rate-Pressure Drop graph for the
Manufactured in G3 and standard dimension filter module.
G4 classes, these filters are
produced from high quality
galvanized steel, PVC or fib-
reglass material. The decisi-
ve point in the design of
these filters which have a
gravimetric efficiency of 85
- 95%, is creating a corru-
gated structure and hence
a larger filtering surface. Panel filters which can withstand
temperatures of up to 180°C are used in HSK air handling
units for pre-filtration to lengthen the useful life of higher
particle efficiency filters. Their being washable is a significant
advantage which lowers their operational and maintenance
costs and which make them popular. Shown below is the
Flow Rate-Pressure Drop graph for the standard dimension
filter module.
re, in cases where the contact time is increased by lowering cause system contamination and serious health problems.
flow rate, active carbon filters operate more efficiently. - Filters should not be loaded more than the manufactu-
Another point which should be taken into consideration in rer’s recommendation.
carbon filter selection is that they are 10-20% more adsorp- - High efficiency filtering and filters which are used in a full
tive when loaded to 50% of their total capacity. Shown be- state increase operational costs of fans.
low is the Flow Rate-Pressure Drop graph for the standard - During fan selection, the average pressure calculated
dimension filter module. with respect to the completely full and completely empty
Filter selections which take all these filter properties into state of fans should be used. In fan selections based on
consideration increase useful life and lower maintenance- only completely empty or completely full state pressure
operational costs. losses, system will either be incapable of producing the
desired pressure, or produce excessive pressure, dama-
ging equipment.
- The possibility of freezing on the filter should not be ig-
nored. Freeze-free coils should be used in cases where
the risk of freezing is high.
Filter frames:
- Standard frames
These are designed with the purpose of placing bag filters,
rigid filters, and active carbon filters in the system in a way
that prevents leaks. They are manufactured from galvanized
HSK’s recommendations regarding filter selection have been steel or stainless steel.
summarized below.
There are three locking depths (25 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm).
HSK’s Recommendations for Filter Selection Filters are fixed on the frame with expanded polyurethane
- Low efficiency pre-filtration before high efficiency filtrati- seal placed between the filter and frame and spring clips
on is important for lengthening filter lifetimes. used to tighten this seal. Filter cells can be designed to allow
- Pressure drop should be measured by using manometers maintenance from the fresh air side and from the dusty side
after filter cells. Filter occupancy ratio should be determi- and service doors of the required sizes are added to the cells
ned in this way and filter replacement should be made by as a standard.
taking this value into consideration.
- Care must be taken to ensure that air does not bypass the - Quick assembly frames
filter. Do not forget that a filter is only as good as the These are designed for similar purposes as standard frames,
quality of its transfer connections. yet filters are fixed on the frame with steel fortified, profile
- Dust capturing capacities should be taken into considera- seals. A reinforced fibreglass lever arm and press plate sys-
tion while comparing filters. tem is used for tightening. The locking depth is 25 mm. De-
- HEPA filters should not be placed within the air handling pending on design, filters can be replaced only from the
unit. In cases requiring the use of HEPA filters, the place- fresh air side.
ment of filters inside the duct or on diffusers will lead to
better results in terms of operating efficiency.
- Filters should be placed as far from humidifier cells as
possible. Since contact of water droplets on the filters in-
creases the probability of microbial propagation, it may
2.3.9 Dampers to 45° opening of the damper and fan selection is made ac-
Dampers are equipment cording to this figure.
which allow flow rate ad-
justment by altering the Dampers have been designed to operate at 2000 Pa diffe-
air passage cross-section rential pressure up to 1 meter blade lengths. Operating tem-
by its blades rotating on peratures vary between -20 °C and 120 °C, while the maxi-
horizontal pins. These are mum permitted air flow rate is 15 m/s.
used in air mixing and he-
at recovery units, for the The closed state of dampers has a critical importance for the
purpose of handling the system. During damper opening adjustment made manually
precise flow rate adjust- while the unit is in operation, the system will overload if the
ment in an economical damper is completely closed. In this case, the probability of
fashion. damage to panels and equipment is quite high. To prevent
They are manufactured this from happening, a manometer should be used which
form aluminum as a standard. Their blades which move in senses system pressure and sends signals to the control sys-
opposite directions allow precise adjustment of the air flow tem. In this way the fan can be stopped instantly and the da-
rate. Blades are designed to offer no resistance to air flow mage to the system be prevented.
and attached to the frame with hidden gear bearings and
bushings. Thanks to the hidden gear design, moving parts 2.3.10 Mixing Chambers
are protected from dust and dirt, which enables a long life The two-way mixing chamber is used in cases where fresh air
for the damper. Furthermore, special hermetic seals are mo- is mixed with return air. The basic goal here is to minimize
unted on blades. There is a mechanism lever on air mixing energy consumption by taking advantage of the heating/coo-
applications as a standard. A cast aluminum flap lever is ling ability of the return air. In this system, fresh air is only re-
used for adjusting the position of the damper. Additionally, quired to supply the air change rate needed for comfort.
damper opening control is handled with a servo motor con-
trolled by the automated system in air handling units com- Damper openings can be control-
manded by an automatic control system. led manually or by servo motor,
but the main issue which requires
Dampers are attached to attention is to provide the air mix-
the system with 40 mm ture rate needed for the system.
unperforated flanges. Thus dampers are designed to al-
The main purpose here is low synchronous control.
to achieve a high level of
impermeability. The three-way mixing chamber
has been designed for similar pur-
The pressure loss graph poses. However, this system inclu-
by blade spacing and air des a fan for return air and while
speed is as follows. Du- the desired portion of return air is given back to the system,
ring design damper pressure loss is calculated with respect the remainder can be exhausted.
Dampers used on both types of mixing chambers have op- Table 1 - Pressure drop analysis for a nominal
posing blades and have been designed to allow them to be silencer cell.
controlled individually. Damper Total pressure Decrease in the Frontal
While setting dimensions of fresh air dampers in mixing drop generated pressure drop surface
chambers, the dimensions are determined to allow operati- in the damper generated in the drawing
on with100% fresh air as required by the free-cooling sys- cell damper cell
tem which can be used in transitional seasons. (Pa) (%)
ted with glass tissue with a fire rating of A2. In very dusty or Table 1: SOUND PRESSURE
humid environments, the use of porous galvanized steel pla- dB μPa
tes is recommended. The porous plate is also required to 0 20
provide the specifications of the hygienic air conditioner. For 14 100
this purpose, this application is a standard for Hijyenline air 34 1000
handling units. Furthermore, sharp corners are avoided wit- 54 10000
hin the silencer cell in air handling unit applications, to faci- 74 100000
litate cleaning. 94 1000000
Ventilation and air conditioning systems should not be used 114 10000000
unless their silencers are up to acceptable specifications. 134 100000000
Acoustic block should be controlled throughout the applica-
tion, and replaced or properly repaired if needed. The following table indicates the state by which the human
ear perceived a change occurring in the sound level. Sound and Acoustic Insulation
Tablo 2
The principle of comparing the level of a sound source pla-
Change in Sound Change in the Loudness of
ced within the air handling unit to that of one at a specified
Level (dB) Perceived Sound
distance outside the unit is called “acoustic insulation.”
3 Barely sensible
Sounds can be classified according to their intensity, or in ot-
5 Perceptibly different
her words their loudness. This is the pressure level of the so-
10 Two fold
und and measured in ”decibels" (dB). The louder the sound
20 Four fold
is the higher the decibel value of sound pressure is.
Sound power is the measurement in Watts of power issued
from sound sources such as machines or devices. Sound po- Transition from sound power to sound pressure:
wer varies according to operating conditions (rotational spe-
ed, load carried, etc.) of the sound sources (machine, etc.). It
is not influenced by the conditions it is in. Sound pressure on
the other hand, varies according to the distance from the so-
und source, the angular position and the acoustic properties
SPL = Sound Pressure Level dB (Reference level 2x10-5 Pa)
of its environment. For this reason, the most significant para-
SWL = Sound Power Level dB (Reference level 10-12 W)
meter by which sound sources should be monitored for da-
mage and unwanted effects is "sound pressure" which also r = Distance to sound source (m)
includes environmental conditions. Sound pressure levels are Q⍜ = Orientation factor (Depends on the position of the so-
measured for specific values between 125 Hz and 8 kHz. und source)
Rc = Room coefficient (Depends on the room area, materials
Range of Sound Pressure used in room's construction and on the materials within the
20 μPa has been accepted as the lowest sound level which room)
can be heard by the average person and for this reason, it is Before and after the noise measurement, the background
called the hearing threshold. 100 Pa on the other hand is a noise in the environment must also be measured. If the dif-
very high level which causes pain, and for this reason it is ference between the measured levels and the background
called the pain threshold. noise is more than 10 dB no action is required, if it is less
In this way, the linear scale which comprises extends to very than 10 dB background noise should be eliminated and if it
large numbers over a vast range is transformed into a simp- is leas than 3 dB, a reliable measurement can not be taken.
ler scale which begins at the hearing threshold (0 dB) and
ends at the pain threshold (130 dB). The condition where more than one sound level
exists together:
dB(A) is a unit used for sound evaluation particularly empha- While two sound levels generate sound energy, they also
sizing the medium and high frequencies to which the hu- contribute to the sound pressure level on points that are
man ear is most sensitive. The dB(A) unit used commonly in away from the sources.
sound dampening and sound control, has to do with a sub- If both sources generate the same level of energy, and the-
jective evaluation of the loudness of sound. re is a point which is equidistant from both sources, the so-
und intensity at this point will be twice the sound intensity
that a single source would create on that point. Since sound
intensity is directly proportional to the square of sound pres- - The floor on which the machine will be mounted and its
sure, doubling sound intensity will cause a 3 dB increase in so- position,
und pressure. For example, in case two 50 dB sources are - The desired insulation efficiency,
working the total sound pressure level will be 53 dB. Depen- - Acceptable permeability during resonance,
ding on number of sources, the sound pressure (depending - Cost limitations.
on sound intensity) will cause an increase of 6 dB in the pre- After the selected insulation buffers are mounted, care should
sence of 4 sources and 9 dB in the presence of 8 sources. be taken to ensure that the natural frequency of the system is
sufficiently removed from the drive frequency. The desirable ra-
Taking the Average of Sound Values tio of the drive frequency to natural frequency is at least 2.5.
The averages of sound pressure levels can be calculated with
the following formula: Sample Problem:
A 4 kW electrical motor which is located on an upper floor
of a steel constructed building drives an air fan. The total
mass of the motor and fan is 252 kg and the fan operates
at 1460 rpm. Select the suitable insulating elements for this
system which will be set on six insulating elements with neg-
ligible dampening. Vibration
Vibration can be defined as the oscillation around the balance Solution:
point of a parameter defining motion in mechanical systems. The recommended steps for the selection of proper insula-
The solution in vibration insulation is to place a flexible con- ting elements are applied.
nection of the appropriate propertied between the object 1. Determining the load on a single insulating element (Wi):
which is the vibration source and the object which needs to
be insulated from vibration.
- When applied correctly vibration dampers:
- Carry static loads.
- Connect machine elements. 2. Calculating the drive frequency (f):
- Control dynamic loads and movements.
- Store mechanical energy and release it in a controlled fashion.
- Dampens mechanical energy and converts it into heat.
- Controls free vibrations.
3. Calculating the force permeability (T.R):
The preliminary data which should be known before selec- Table 1 – Insulation Efficiency Values
ting dampening elements:
- Type of machine to which dampening will be applied,
- Mass of the unit or machine,
- Approximate position of the centre of mass,
- Number and position of vibration buffers,
- Operational speed and drive mechanism of the machine,
- Frequency of the drive force causing vibration.
Useful preliminary information:
- Connection details of insulation buffers,
- Operating conditions,
From Table 1, the figure V = 90% is read for a 4 kW motor The catalogue of a firm manufacturing these types of ele-
placed on an upper floor of a light steel constructed buil- ments can be used to select the suitable vibration damper.
ding. It is usually recommended that the load bearing capacities of
the selected dampening elements not be exceeded. Since
the actual load exerted on a damper is 411.6 N, it is seen
that type A elements with a load bearing capacity of 533.8
4. Calculating the natural frequency of the system (fn): N can bear the required load and that the static collapse will
It is taken as ‘ = 0 assuming no dampening, and calculated be slightly above the collapse calculated as 4.66 mm. This is
because the spring coefficient of these elements (84 N/mm)
is slightly lower than that is needed (87.62 N/mm).
6. Calculation of spring coefficients (k): Using the insulation efficiency diagram provided in Figure 1,
the projected insulation efficiency is calculated as V = 0.87.
Hence we can say that if Type A insulating elements are
used, drive forces will be dampened 87% as they are trans-
ferred to the floor.
2.3.12 Humidification Porous and durable fibre pads which have been manufactu-
The humidification unit is used to control the relative humi- red with a special process are wet and the water is made to
dity of the ambient air by increasing the absolute humidity mix into the air by vaporization from the core surface. This
of air in the air handling unit. Various types of humidifiers design provided excellent contact between air and water,
can be used in HSK air handling units according to the app- ensuring optimal water distribution and minimal water con-
lication type. sumption. Collector and distribution elements can be easily
mounted and dismounted. The humidifier unit and other
The selection of the humidifier is determined by the parame- components can be easily removed through the side panel.
ters listed below: Thick galvanized steel construction renders the unit sturdy
a) Humidity ratio to be added and durable. The full isolation prevents condensation on the
b) Procurement of water that can be used or is conditioned. panel’s exterior surface, and hence rusting. The entire cham-
c) Control tolerance of the site that will have its humidity ber is constructed as water proof and sealing is achieved
controlled. with silicone.
Following table summarizes the affect of relative humidity of Circulation pumps have been mounted within the unit and
the ambient air on human health. Humidity settings can be their connections have been made. The standard pump is
adjusted precisely through the humidification units of the 220 V or 380 V/50 Hz.
HSK air handling units. The water container is manufactured from galvanized steel,
with welded connections (stainless steel containers can be
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Health Problems Spray Air Washer Adiabatic Humidifying
ASHRAE Recomm Chamber:
Safety Margin Spray air washer humidifiers consist of a single row of spray
Microbiological humidifiers placed on a standard 1540 water proof frame in
Propegation all models. 2 parallel row and 2 traverse rows of spray nozz-
les can be implemented upon demand. The saturation effi-
There are two main types of adiabatic humidification. Water ciency is between 70-95%.
is pumped from a container to a collector and then spread
over cellulose based humidification cartridges as a thin film in Drop retainers are manufactured from polypropylene mate-
one of types. In other type, on the other hand, it is sprayed di- rial or optionally from stainless steel material. Polypropylene
rectly into the air flow that is passing through the air handling drop retainers are manufactured in two different forms. At
unit. This type of humidifiers has relatively low efficiency and air speeds between 2.5-4 m/s, a separator which has a smo-
limited control. Water conditioning should be performed and other surface stopping the water from drifting off the fin is
care should be taken for disinfection to minimize the risk of used. At air speeds between 4-6 m/s, the rough texture of
microbial infection in this type of humidifying. the surface is designed to retain the water even at these spe-
eds. The entire chamber is constructed as water proof and Adiabatic Humidifying Chamber sealing is achieved with silicone.
Water tank; 100, 200 or 300 mm thick core; water distribu-
tion collector; pipe distribution system; circulation pump; Water container connections are gas sealed. The check val-
water filter; check valve; float valve; filling and drainage con- ve, water filter, and float valve are standard pieces of the
nections; service access, and sight glass. A very high satura- system. The pump is mounted outside the unit, but pipe
tion efficiency can be achieved with three core types: connections are not made. Pipe connections should be ma-
de on the field. The standard pump is supplied by electricity
Standard at 220 V / 3 phase/ 50 Hz. The water container manufactu-
Core Thickness : 100 mm red from thick galvanized steel (stainless steel containers can
Humidity ratio : Up to 60% be supplied), welded and protected by butiminous paint.
Humidity Generation: 6 g/h water evaporates per 1 kg of dry air. The interior distribution pipes, spray banks and nozzles are
manufactured from PVC material, and easily dismounted
Optional and serviced. Inner cones of spray nozzles are stainless ste-
Core Thickness : 200 mm el. In outdoor units, electrical resistances can be added to
Humidity ratio : Up to 85% the water container to prevent freezing.
Humidity Generation: 8 g/h water evaporates per 1 kg of dry air. Ultrasonic Humidifiers am supply and condense drainage are controlled by the con-
Ultrasonic humidifiers work by mechanically breaking down trol system that was installed in the facility. In the alternati-
the tiny particulates of water droplets that can easily be ab- ve design on the other hand, steam cylinder and all controls
sorbed by the air. Stulz branded ultrasonic humidifiers that are built-in as a package. Humidifiers of this type have a ca-
are manufactured by the German technology are used in pacity range that can be used in sites requiring varying ca-
HSK air handling units. Stulz ultrasonic humidifiers trans- pacities.
form a 220v main power supply to a voltage of 48V by using
a built-in transformer. Immersed Electrode Steam Humidifiers
An alternative current of 48V and 50 Hz is rectified by pas- Immersed electrode steam humidifiers contain following
- Steam cylinder, electrodes, stainless steel steam distribu-
tors, condense drainage, water level control, components
measuring and controlling the electrical conductivity.
- Much quicker boiling is ensured in the immersed electrode
steam humidifiers when compared to the systems with
electrical resistance.
First of the designs uses current steam supply, and the ste-
The design in Figure 3 is an air handling unit operating with In addition to those applications, new units such as humidif-
mixed air. S1 in this figure shows the mixing chamber. This ying chamber, electrical heater chamber, and silencer can be
chamber determines how much of the intake air from the added to the unit upon system requirements and customer
system is to be exhausted and how much to be added to the request.
mixed air by working together with the dampers on it. The-
se dampers can be controlled through servo motors gover- 2.5 Free Cooling
ned by the automation system upon request. This allows There are situations that the temperatures of the air that is
comfort conditions to be ensured through minimum energy required for the ambient and of the outdoor environment is
savings. very approximate to each other during seasonal transitions.
Therefore during these periods, air handling units are desig-
ned in a way to provide free cooling. Free cooling is impor-
tant for substantial energy savings.
Psychrometric chart
w = (Ps /Psd)x100
3.2 Processes that are performed on psychrometric red to supply for the coil.
01: Sensible heat The air entering into the heating coil at 2°C in conditions 1.
02: Heating and Humidification
03: Humidification Enthalpy: h1 = 12,5 kJ/kg (dry air)
04: Cooling and Humidification Specific humidity: W1 = 4,25 g (moist) / kg (dry air)
05: Sensible Cooling Specific volume: v1 = 0,785 m3/kg (dry air)
06: Cooling and Dehumidification
07: Dehumidification The air going out of the heating coil at 40°C in conditions 2.
08: Chemical Dehumidification
Enthalpy: h2 = 51.4 kJ/kg (dry air)
3.2.1 Sensible Heating process Specific humidity: W1 = W2 = 4,25 g (moist) / kg (dry air)
In the event that moist air is heated without a gain or loss of
moist, this process is called sensible heating. Dry air mass in the system:
ma= 3000 / 0,785 = 3822 kg (dry air) / h
Hot water coils, steam coils, electrical heaters or heat pumps
are used to increase the amount of sensible heat of air in an q1= ma (h1-h2) It is calculated through the formula of the
air handling unit. amount of heat that is being supplied to the system in cons-
tant regime.
To give an example, if we perform the sensible heating pro- q1 = 3822 (51,4 -12,5) = 148676 kJ/h = 41,3 kW
cess through a heating coil, specific humidity and dew point
values of the intake and outlet air from and to the coil will 3.2.2 Sensible Cooling Process
remain unchanged while dry and wet bulb temperatures will The cooling process of the moist air without a gain or loss of
rise during the sensible heating process. The reason why moist is called sensible cooling. Specific humidity and dew
specific humidity remains unchanged is the fact that water point temperature values of the air getting into and out of
vapor and the amount of dry air in moist air does not during the coil during sensible cooling remain constant.
the heating process.
The air entering into the unit is passed over a cooling coil in
EXAMPLE: (Sensible heating of the moist air) air handling units during the cooling process. The air that
Saturated air at 3000 m3/h flow rate and 2°C temperature passes over the cooling coil cools off by transferring its heat
is heated up to 40°C through sensible heating with the help to the liquid that is passing through the tubes. The heated
of a heating coil. Find out the amount of heat that is requi- water that obtains the heat of the air while passing over the
coil is cooled in the water chiller and sent back to the coil Enthalpy: h2 = 29.5 kJ/kg (dry air)
with the help of a pump. Specific humidity: W2 = 7,6 g (moisture) / kg (dry air).
The process of cooling of the air in sensible cooling continu- It can be found from the chart through the properties of the
es to the dew point temperature at the latest; i.e. when the moist air at 101.325 kPa = 12.01 kJ/kg (water).
air is cooled down to the dew point temperature, that is cal-
led sensible cooling. If the cooling process is continued be- Dry air mass in the system
low the dew point temperature, this is called simultaneously ma= 17,000 / 0.877 = 19,834 kg (dry air) / h
cooling and dehumidification.
Formulae for cooling the moist air:
3.2.3 Simultaneous Cooling and Dehumidification ma h1 = ma h2 + q2 + mw hw2
Unlike sensible cooling, moist air that goes into the cooling ma W1 = ma W2 + mw
coil is cooled down below the dew point and water vapor in mw = ma ( W1 - W2 )
the air is condensed. Therefore there is both sensible heat q2 = ma ((h1 - h2) - (W1 - W2) hw2, through energy and
and latent heat transfer. mass equations;
q2 = 19834 (64,3 - 29,5) - (0,0133 - 0,0076) 42,01) =
EXAMPLE (Sensible cooling of the moist air) 675000 kJ/h = 187 kW
Moist air with 17,000 m3/h and 50% relative humidity at is calculated.
30°C dry bulb temperature is being passed over a cooling
coil until it becomes saturated at 10°C. Calculate the cooling
capacity that is required for this process to be conducted.
It is based on information exchange of the computer and the
field personnel. Digital or analog data retrieved from the field
elements such as sensing elements (sensors) that were built in Scheduled Operation
the installations and the systems throughout the building, val- The systems will be run and stopped according to a specific
ve and damper motors, on/off control devices and electric time table (daily, weekly, holiday).
motor control panels are evaluated by the microprocessors. Energy consumption will be reduced since the systems can
Having been evaluated as the software prescribed, these in- be run and stopped when required.
formation allows controlling field control elements such as Due to the fact that the uncontrolled operations can be mo-
damper, valve motor, and devices such as pump and fan. nitored and stored in the memory of the computer, it will
Field computers (microprocessors) that are placed where sys- help identifying when and by whom the operations are per-
tems are densely placed transmit any kind of information formed without the knowledge of the automation system.
and control signal received from and sent to the field.
A central computer evaluates the building-wide situation Reduces Energy Costs
and transmits the results to the user simultaneously through Energy costs such as fuel and electricity are minimized thro-
a monitor and a printer. ugh the following automatic control software:
• Actual/set value controls (PID);
BENEFITS OF BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS • Outdoor temperature compensation control;
Since troubles in the installations and systems are promptly • Rapid heating;
spotted, device life is extended; discontents that might arise • Night-time Air Conditioning;
from malfunctions are removed swiftly. Among other bene- • Optimal Start up - Stopping
fits are;
Reduces Mistakes
Provides Information The operation will be facilitated through central control of
All types of information that can be produced during the the systems; therefore mistakes arising from negligence will
operation periods of all controlled systems can be monitored be minimized.
Reduces Staff devices in the system can be start up following a specific se-
Due to the fact that the processes regarding the operation, quence in order for the power system not to be overloaded
stopping, supervision and control of the devices are perfor- due to the heavy current they draw.
med automatically, the number of personnel will be reduced.
Uninterrupted Service through Protective Maintenance DEPRECIATION
Periodic maintenance schedules can be prepared by accu-
mulating the operating hours of the devices.
Efficiency and life cycle of the devices and the systems will
be increased by performing periodic maintenance works
(lubrication, cleaning, changing filters, etc).
Deficiencies will be remedied through keeping the statistics
of malfunctions.
Protective maintenance schedule can be determined by in-
terpreting periodic maintenance and malfunction statistics
together, therefore uninterrupted service can be provided
through the precautions that will be taken.
Number of personnel for maintenance works will also be reduced.
Studies conducted show that the building automation sys-
tem pays for itself in 2.5 years through energy, maintenan-
ce and personnel savings.
Comfort requirements are not exchanged for this savings
under no circumstances at all.
• Business Centers
• Banks
• Hotels
Extends the Life of the Device • Hospitals
Minimizing the mistakes of the enterprise, removing possible • Factories (Pharmaceutical, Textile, Food, Tobacco, etc)
mistakes by identifying them as soon as possible will increase
the long term availability of the system (system life). Automatic Control;
Since the malfunctions will be noticed promptly and can be HSK control systems, in line with
responded, the efficiency of repair and maintenance personnel the requirements of people and
will be increased and number of personnel will be reduced. products, provides entire software,
Additionally, malfunctions can be stopped before skipping hardware, engineering and soluti-
to other devices. on services including turnkey ins-
tallation of the air conditioning
Ensures the Same Operating Hours in Devices with systems, cabling, production and assembly of MCC + DDC
Redundancy panels and programming in hospitals, shopping centers, fac-
Same amount of operation time can be ensured through sequ- tories, energy plants and anyplace where people live in.
ential operation in devices with redundancy (pump, boiler, etc).
Given today's conditions, a building automation system is a
Quick Monitoring must in modern facilities to create a safe and comfortable
Temperature and humidity values that are desired to reach environment using less labour and less energy. Temperatu-
through redundant air handling units in your system will be re, pressure, flow, humidity and air quality controls are per-
constantly monitored therefore the new desired set values formed easily through automation systems. This also allows
can be provided quickly. the creation of desired production and comfort conditions.
HSK automatic control systems include software and hard-
Sequential Activation ware solutions for automation of the ventilation systems
During the reloading process in the event that the power that are applied in new and modern as well as current buil-
outage and resumption of power is occurred, high power dings.
M : Flow rate (L/S)
KVs : Flow rate that the valve will pass when
open at full load (100%) under differential pressure
of 1 bar.
ΔPa : Differential pressure on the valve (kPa). This value
should normally be equal of greater than differential
The purpose of the automatic control systems is automating the pressure of the section the flow rate of which is
monitoring, operation and control processes regarding the ven- changed in the system.
tilation devices in the building for energy savings. It also beco- Q : Thermal load (kw).
mes easy for the system to integrate with the current BMS sys- ΔT : Temperature differential of the heating fluid between
tems through open protocols such s KNX, Lon, Bacnet, Mod- inlet and outlet of the load.
bus. Given today's conditions, an automatic control system is a
must in buildings and production areas to create a safe and Formulae:
comfortable environment using less labour and less energy. Kv : M x 36 / √ ΔPa,
Through Flexline and Quickline air handling units as HSK, we M = Q / 4,18x ΔT
provide advanced technology and turnkey automatic control
system solutions. We provide wide range of solutions in the In case the flow rate is not known, it can be calculated from
systems we install from the most extreme field equipments thermal load and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid.
to software. The valve with the closest KVs value to the calculated Kv va-
lue is selected.
Smart and Economic; The pressure that is exerted the automatic control valve
Air flows, temperatures, energy improvements and opera- must be selected equal to or greater than the pressure exer-
ting periods can be controlled in an automatic control sys- ted the load the flow rate of which is changed.
tem. This is standard for the entire Quickline series HSK air In the event that the pressures that are exerted on devices in
control units. In practical terms, all the functions we can the system the following values can be used for prediction.
think of for air control units are available in the system and For precise calculation however, one should use the data
waiting to be activated. Additionally, they have various ener- from the manufacturers.
gy saving functions. These functions are rapid cooling, den-
sity corrected air flow and climate related air flow. All set- Air handler valves: 5 - 20 kPa
tings and readings can be monitored and changed by ente- Fan-coil valves: 5 - 20 kPa
ring user ID and password on user friendly LCD terminals Central heating system boiler valve: 1,5 - 4 kPa
when required.
The control system is in conformity with all the communica- Example: Calculation of heating and cooling automatic con-
tion standards (TCP/IP, EIA 485 and EIA 232). Communicati- trol valves to be installed on an air handling unit with 40 kW
on modules can be used to communicate with KNX, LON, heating coil power and 50 kW cooling coil power.
Bacnet and Modbus. Pressure drop of 10 kPa in heating and 15 kPa in cooling is
Control devices of the Quickline series air handling units ha- acceptable.
ve built-in web communication function to connect with the
network. All you need is an ordinary computer with the net- There exist differential pressures of 70-90°C in heating and
work connection. 7-12°C in cooling.
Electronic and mechanic components of Quickline operate For heating valve: M = 40 / 4,18 x 20 = 0,478 L/S
compatibly since the control equipment is integrated and its Kv = 0,478 x 36 / 3,1622 = 5,44
software is tailor-made. This also allows you to be one step
ahead of control systems that were manufactured by using Selected valve is DN20, PN16, KVs is 6.3
standard components. For cooling valve: M = 50 / 4,18 x 5 = 2,392
HSK automatic control systems have substantially lower Kv = 2,392 x 36 / 3,873 = 22,23
costs when compared to the conventional control compo-
nents, and planning, preparation, programming, structuring Selected valve is DN40, PN16, KVs is 25.0
and assembly of the control systems.
4.1.2 Damper Motors (Normal -Spring Return) c) Outdoor type: It is used to measure the outside tempe-
a) Normal: Air flow is used to control the control dampers in rature.
heating-cooling and ventilation systems.
b) Spring return: Air flow that has a safety function in hea- d) Freeze-free thermostat: It is used to protect the hea-
ting-cooling and ventilation systems is used to control the ting coils in the heating-cooling-ventilation systems against
control dampers (e.g. freeze protection, smoke control, the risk of freezing.
a) Duct type humidity sensor: It is used to measure the indo- a) Differential pressure switch: It is used to sense the dirti-
or humidity and temperature in Heating-Cooling-Ventilation ness of the air filters and determine whether the fans are
systems. operating properly or receiving "belt breakage” warning.
a) Room type humidity sensor: It is used to measure the b) Differential pressure sensor: It is mainly used to adjust
indoor humidity and temperature in Heating-Cooling-Venti- flow rates of the fans and monitor the filter dirtiness in a
lation systems. sensitive way.
This type of test room was established for the first time
5. OUR DISTINCTIONS among the air conditioning manufacturing industry and uni-
versity and research institutions in Turkey. HSK has made sig-
5.1 AIR HANDLING UNIT TESTING AND PERFORMANCE nificant progress towards becoming a world renowned brand
MEASUREMENT ROOM through facility and equipment modernization to provide bet-
In order to be able to measure the performances of air hand- ter and more quality products and services for its customers.
ling units when they are still at the manufacturing area and Having been established with the meticulous work of HSK
manufacture them according to the international standards, R&D department that lasted one year, this test room was built
HSK has put the “Air Handling Unit Testing and Performan- in conformity with the American AMCA / ASHRAE Standards.
ce Measurement Room” into service in 2000.
The measurements that are performed in the test room ac-
cording to the AMCA / ASHRAE standards are combined in
three groups:
Special software for the Air Handling Unit Testing and Per-
formance Measurement Room that is developed for labora-
tories is selected in compliance with data collection devices,
measurement sensors and computer-aided testing system
that is independent of ambient conditions.
5.2 “AIRWARE” AIR HANDLING UNIT SELECTION torque transmission, the most appropriate motor and the
SOFTWARE optimal belt-wheel selection becomes possible, and coordi-
nates of the flanges can be determined in a very flexible
manner in the software. Airware also allows the design of
double deck air handling units as a separate model, and it
takes into consideration both winter and summer operating
conditions when selecting the heat recovery exchanger or
rotor. Airware selection software provides an important re-
source for production department by identifying raw mate-
rials and semi finished goods in the product tree.
A new milestone toward the sustainable development of Today, the delivery time for Air Handling Units is around 8-
HSK’s quality and the increase of its competitive power has 10 weeks. Customer satisfaction surveys we, as HSK have
been the Frame Drill technology developed by the HSK R&D conducted have revealed that customers wish this time to be
tem and patented by HSK. 2-4 weeks. Until now this wish was deemed impossible con-
The FlameDrill® technology has been a new production sidering all processes from the procurement of main materi-
method, business model which increases assembly precision als such as coils, fans, to production, painting and assembly
in air handling unit production, enabling units to be manu- of panels. Parts could not be stocked beforehand since con-
factured from standard parts and thus easily assembled at nection points were not known in advance. With the Fra-
the installation site or out of the factory. meDrill technology, the main body of the air handling unit
can be manufactured in advance with very precise positio-
Its advantages are: ning, stocked and thus delivered in a very short period of ti-
• Modularity me. Since coils, fans, and other equipment have been stan-
• Quality standardization dardized in Quickline air handling units which have been de-
• Zero defect production veloped as a reflection of this production philosophy and
• Convenience of transport which bear the properties of Flexline air handling units, allo-
• Rapid delivery wing deliveries up to 20,000 m3/h in as soon as 2 weeks.
• Air handling units that can be assembled on site
All manufacturing processes for our products that are being GOST Certificate is a safety standard that was set by the
manufactured in our factory are performed by ISO 9001 Russian Authority in charge of standardization, certification
Quality Management System procedures. and metrology. As per these standards, products entering
• ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate the Russian market have to bear the GOST-R mark.
• ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate
• OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety
Management System Certificate
“Conformite Europeene” (CE) is a certification that refers to HSK branded air handling units have been awarded the Eu-
the minimum safety requirements regarding the use of a rovent certificate following the tests performed in TÜV labo-
product. HSK ensures its products conforming the CE requ- ratories in Germany in 2001. It is identified that the HSK Air
irements. Handling Units that were awarded Eurovent Certified Per-
formance logo have successfully met the prescribed perfor-
mance values in EN 1886.
Ankara Region Headquarters : Çetin Emeç Bulvarı 1324. Sokak ( Eski 7. Cad. )
30/C Öveçler / ANKARA
Phone : (0312 ) 472 50 01
Fax : (0312 ) 472 50 98
E-mail : [email protected]