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Grand Forks Drought Management Plan

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City of Grand Forks

Drought Management and Demand Reduction Plan

Table of Contents
I. Introduction 3

II. Water Supply 4

A. Current Water Supplies
1. Red River
2. Red Lake River
3. Reservoir Storage
B. Alternate Supplies
C. Permits
1. North Dakota and Minnesota
D. Water Law and Reservoir Operations
1. North Dakota (Red River of the North and Lake Ashtabula)
2. Minnesota (Red Lake River)

III. Water Shortage Definitions and Indicators 9

IV. Drought Levels - Monitoring 10

V. Demand Reduction Policies -Drought Conditions 13

VI. Demand Reduction Policies -Insufficient or Failing Infrastructure 19

VII. Plan Implementation Procedures 22

VII References 27

Appendix A - Water Permits for City of Grand Forks

Appendix B – Lake Ashtabula Water Storage
Appendix C - Description of Drought Indicators/Tables of Streamflows/Reservoir
Levels/Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
Appendix D - Drought Advisory Committee
Appendix E - Public Education and Conservation Practices
Appendix F - User Agreements Pertaining to Water Demand Reduction
Appendix G - Map Stream Flow Gauge Locations N.D. & Minnesota
Appendix H - Sample Press Releases



2.1 Red River of the North Reservoir Storage 4

2.2 Red Lake River Reservoir Storage 5

2.3 Grand Forks Water Supply Alternatives 6

2.4 Permit Summary 6

2.5 Red River Water Permit Seniority 7

City of Grand Forks
Drought Management and Demand Reduction Plan
I. Introduction

A sufficient water supply is fundamental to the growth, development, and on-going vitality of the
City of Grand Forks. Currently two challenges are facing the City of Grand Forks in terms of
maintaining a sufficient water supply for its customers. The first challenge is associated with the
possibility of a drought that results in source water shortages. A drought is defined as a normal,
recurring feature of nature that results in water shortages affecting municipal, industrial,
recreational, and environmental sectors. The water needs of the residential, commercial, and
industrial users are met with surface water from the Red and Red Lake Rivers. Under normal
conditions, surplus quantities are available in both rivers. In part, the goal of this document is to
plan for drought conditions and anticipate drought events to improve the City of Grand Forks
Water Utility’s ability to address and minimize impacts to the users.

The second challenge facing the City of Grand Forks is related to the treatment capacity of the
Grand Forks Water Treatment Plant (GFWTP), which is a 16.5 million gallon per day (MGD)
facility. This capacity has been exceeded in the past, and as the community continues to grow
and the existing GFWTP continues to age, the possibility that a failure at the plant or water
demands might exceed production becomes increasingly likely. This document will also provide
a plan for addressing an infrastructure production shortage and improve the City of Grand Forks
Water Utility’s ability to address and minimize the impacts of this possibility to its users as well.

The Grand Forks Water Utility Drought Management and Demand Reduction Plan will compile
information that will be used to determine the appropriate triggers and appropriate water
demand reduction measures leading up to and during drought conditions. In addition, triggers
and water demand reduction measures will also be identified for implementation during a
shortage of treated water due to failed or insufficient infrastructure. The following outlines
criteria to be included in the plan as the basis for establishing operating parameters:

• Definition of available water supplies

• Discussion of treatment and storage capacities in the Grand Forks system
• Definition of water users and demand patterns for the City of Grand Forks
• Drought indicators
• Demand reduction measures for drought as well as insufficient or failing infrastructure
• Plan implementation procedures



The City of Grand Forks relies upon two rivers, the Red River of the North and the Red Lake
River, to supply its residential, commercial, and industrial water demands. Water stored in Lake
Ashtabula behind Baldhill Dam at Valley City, North Dakota is also available to the City of
Grand Forks, via releases into the Red River drainage basin. Information for this discussion was
taken from the Draft 50-Year Water Quantity and Needs Survey1, prepared by Advanced
Engineering and Environmental Services (AE2S) in 1994.

A.1 Red River of the North

The Red River of the North originates where the Ottertail River and the Bois de Sioux combine
near Wahpeton and flows north into Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. The contributing
drainage area of the Grand Forks gauging station on the Red River of the North is 26,300 square

The discharge at the Grand Forks gauging station is monitored after the Red Lake River has
joined the Red River and after the Grand Forks water treatment plant has withdrawn the water
required to supply the City’s demand. Prior to the mid 1900’s, the flow pattern of the Red River
was very unpredictable. The highest and lowest annual mean flows prior to construction of
reservoirs were 7580 cubic feet per second (cfs) in 1950 and 244 cfs in 1934, respectively.
Three reservoirs, built during the 1940’s and early 1950’s, have altered the flow of the Red River
of the North. These reservoirs include Lake Traverse, Lake Ashtabula, and Orwell Lake. Since
the construction of the reservoirs, the flow in the Red River has been maintained to minimize the
extreme high and low flow fluctuations to the extent possible. The storage of each of these
reservoirs and the year that construction was completed are presented in Table 2.1.

Storage (acre-ft)
Lake Ashtabula Orwell Lake Traverse Lake
Top of Flood Level 70,700 14,100 249,500
Top of Flood Control Level 70,700 14,100 112,500
Top of Conservation Pool 28,000 7,550 ------
Top of Buffer (1/2) 1,200 1,000 112,500
Minimum Conservation Pool 1,200 210 112,500
Year Constructed 1951 1941 1953


A low-head dam at Riverside Park in Grand Forks pools water on the Red River of the North.
The dam was reconstructed in 1991 by the North Dakota State Water Commission (NDSWC)
and creates a consistent reservoir pool and provides storage volume during low-flow conditions.

A.2 Red Lake River

The Red Lake River originates at the Red Lake on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Beltrami
County, Minnesota and flows southwest into the Red River at Grand Forks. The contributing
drainage area for the Red Lake River is 5,750 square miles. Flow in the Red Lake River is
controlled by the discharge from Red Lake via an outlet structure operated by the Army Corps of
Engineers. There is also a low-head dam located on the Red Lake River near the outflow into
the Red River of the North. Like its counterpart on the Red River, the low-head dam creates a
consistent pool for withdrawing water through the Grand Forks intake and provides limited
storage volume during extreme low-flow conditions.

Condition Elevation (feet) Storage (acre-feet)

Top of Flood Control Level 1,176.4 2,510,000
Top of Conservation Poola 1,174.0 1,810,000
Top of Bufferb (1/2) -------- 1,386,500
Minimum Conservation Pool 1,171.0 963,000
Bottom Level of Control 1,169.6 570,000
Year Constructed 1952
Drawdown of conservation pool begins in November and ends in March at a level of 1,667,500 acre-feet to provide 842,500 acre-feet of storage
for flood control.
The storage between the top of buffer and the bottom level of control can only be used to meet the basic withdrawal requirements and not the
much higher desired flows needed to maintain sanitary and aesthetic in-stream conditions.


A.3 Reservoir Storage

Baldhill Dam on Lake Ashtabula at Valley City, North Dakota was constructed during the early
1950’s. The purpose of the dam is to control the amount of discharge from Lake Ashtabula,
thereby, reducing flooding during periods of high-flow and providing stored water for permitted
users during periods of low-flow. The City of Grand Forks maintains an allocation of 20,023
acre-ft of water behind Bald Hill Dam having contributed financially to the original construction
and subsequent improvements.


Alternative water supplies, such as additional surface water sources, groundwater and
wastewater treatment return flows have been considered as a source of water to meet the City’s
needs. The Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District studied each of the alternatives included
in Table 2.3.2 This report concluded that none of the surface water sources would be a viable
alternative. Of the aquifers in the area, the Elk Valley Aquifer located to the west of Grand
Forks would have the most potential, although this aquifer has reached its maximum permitted
withdrawal. This finding has been confirmed by the most recent study done by the United States
Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District in the Draft
Environmental Impact Statement, Red River Valley Water Needs Assessment.3

Alternative Type Name of Alternative
Surface Water: Turtle River
English Coulee
Aquifers: Elk Valley Aquifer
Inkster Aquifer
Fordville Aquifer
Beach Ridge Aquifer
Dakota Aquifer
Wastewater Treatment Lagoons: Grand Forks Wastewater Treatment Lagoons
Other area Wastewater Treatment Lagoons



The NDSWC has authority over the allocation of water in North Dakota, while the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has a similar role in Minnesota. Table 2.4 summarizes
the water permits held by the City of Grand Forks through these two agencies. Copies of the
permits can be found in Appendix A.


835 Red River of the North 33,600 acre-ft/yr
835A Lake Ashtabula 20,023 acre-ft/yr
4354 Red River behind Riverside Dam 0 acre-ft/yr
63-449 Red Lake River 10,500 acre-ft/yr


The City of Grand Forks has two permits issued by the NDSWC for water withdrawals. Permit
#835 allows the City of Grand Forks to withdraw 33,600 acre-ft of water annually from the Red
River of the North to be utilized for municipal use at a withdrawal rate not to exceed 33,600
gallons per minute (gpm).

Permit 835A allocates 20,023 acre-ft of water annually from the storage in Lake Ashtabula for
use by the City of Grand Forks. This water would be released into the Sheyenne River Basin and
flow into the Red River of the North near Fargo, North Dakota.

The City of Grand Forks also has been issued a separate permit by the NDSWC for storage
behind the Riverside low-head dam on the Red River of the North in Grand Forks. Permit #4354
sets aside 5250 acre-ft of water for storage, out of which 422 acre-ft will be used annually for
evaporation losses. This storage allocation, however, does not authorize additional withdrawals
from the Red River.

The City also has one permit issued by the Minnesota DNR. Permit #63-0449 allocates 10,500
acre-ft of water annually from the Red Lake River at a withdrawal rate not to exceed 17,400


D.1 Red River of the North

North Dakota water law is based upon the prior appropriation doctrine, commonly described as,
“first in time, first in right”. If there is inadequate water available from a source to satisfy all
existing water rights, the user who holds the longest standing water right would have first
right to the available water. The City of Grand Forks ranks seventh on the list of appropriated


1 454 Larry Brown 26.1 acre-ft
2 617 Thelma Olson 2 acre-ft
3 669 City of Drayton 5100 acre-ft
4 749 City of Fargo 109,500 acre-ft
5 788 Steve Orr 1 acre-ft
6 196 Fargo Country Club 65 acre-ft
7 835 City of Grand Forks 33,600 acre-ft


D.2 Lake Ashtabula (Appendix B)

The City of Grand Forks acquired 20,023 acre-ft of storage behind the Baldhill Dam at Valley
City, North Dakota in 1960. To date, this allocation has never been utilized by the City of Grand

The NDSWC controls water appropriations within the State of North Dakota, while the Corps of
Engineers controls the Bald Hill Dam. Should the city desire to use water stored behind Baldhill
Dam, a request would have to be submitted to the NDSWC, who in turn would request a release
from the Corps of Engineers. Within the jurisdiction of the Lake Agassiz Water Authority
(LAWA), an updated operations plan is being discussed (LAWA Board of Directors June 20,
2006, meeting packet).4

D.3 Red Lake River

Discharges from the Red Lake are regulated in accordance with a treaty with the Red Lake Band
of Chippewa Indians. When the level of the Red Lake is between 1173.5 and 1172 feet, the
outflow is regulated not to exceed 50,000 acre-ft annually which equates to 69 cfs. When the
lake level is below 1171 feet, the maximum release from the reservoir is 15 cfs and the minimum
is 5 cfs as specified in the treaty. With estimated channel losses of 15 cfs between the Red Lake
discharge point and the City of East Grand Forks, flows would be expected to decrease

significantly or cease from the point of release to the point of withdrawal at Grand Forks under
low-flow conditions.

The main function of the Red Lake Dam is to stabilize flows within the Red Lake River and to
meet the municipal needs of East Grand Forks and Grand Forks. The MN DNR has
communicated that, under emergency conditions, water could be released into the Red Lake
River to meet municipal needs by the order of the Corps of Engineers.

Riparian water rights, or eastern water law, state that the owner of land containing a natural
stream or abutting a stream is entitled to receive the full natural flow of the stream without
change in quality or quantity. The riparian owner is protected against the diversion of water
except for domestic purposes upstream from his property and from the diversion of excess
floodwaters toward his property. During drought conditions, under eastern water law, all users
along the Red Lake River would be limited to withdrawals deemed essential for domestic use in
an effort to ensure an adequate water supply.


Drought Definition:

A drought has been defined as a normal, recurring feature of nature that results when
precipitation is deficient over an extended period of time and an ensuing water shortage occurs.
A drought can have significant impacts on municipal, industrial, recreational, and environmental
sectors of a region. It can be short-term or extended and caused by seasonal or multi-year
weather conditions. In a drought, the City of Grand Forks would not only face challenges
associated with an insufficient quantity of water, but water quality challenges would need to be

Infrastructure Water Shortage Definition:

An infrastructure water shortage is defined as a supply deficiency due to water supply system
structural failure, or insufficient infrastructure to treat and deliver potable water to the end users
of the community. The criteria established in Section VI of this document would apply to water
shortages caused by system failures.

Drought Indicators:

During a drought emergency, the severity of the event evolves over time and therefore presents
the opportunity to develop and implement appropriate measures before the situation worsens.
Several indicators are available to monitor and assess the severity of a drought, or drought level.
For continuity of monitoring in the Red River watershed, the format used in Fargo’s Drought
Management Plan5 has been adapted to include areas immediately upstream of Grand Forks.
As established in the City of Fargo’s Drought Management Plan, the same indicators will be
used in Grand Forks to monitor conditions that may impact the quantity and quality of water
available to the City. These include the Standardized Precipitation Index (SDI), the Palmer
Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Streamflow Conditions, and Reservoir Storage. A description
taken from Fargo’s plan has been included in Appendix C.

Infrastructure Water Shortage Indicators:

In the event of infrastructure failure, a water shortage event is much less predictable than under
drought conditions. However, optimizing operations, maintenance, and proactive planning can
minimize potential problems at the treatment facility. The Grand Forks water treatment staff is
diligent and committed to identifying areas of potential infrastructure failure and incorporating
corrective measures into emergency planning to minimize impacts to the community. Mitigating
these situations is becoming increasingly difficult as portions of the GFWTP are over 50-years
old. By reviewing water usage trends over time it is expected that water demands will begin to
increase to levels greater than the GFWTP production capacity. When water use in the
community begins to surpass predefined production capacity limits, implementation of demand
reduction strategies would be required.


One goal of a drought management plan is to establish the criteria for action at each stage of
shortage. Criteria must have the least negative impact possible on the end users and the
economy, share hardships equitably, and maximize all available benefits from the limited supply.
Criteria are used to minimize impacts from drought delaying the need for more restrictive levels
of water use. In addition, the plan must be flexible, allowing the water utility to react quickly,
implementing appropriate restrictions early, and make allowances for different types of use and
the needs of different users.

The format for this plan is based on a variation of a plan format provided by the American
Waterworks Association in their Drought Management Handbook.6 The classification scheme is
modeled after the National Weather Service’s Watch/Warning Program. Five levels of drought
have been identified for the purpose of assessing, communicating, and responding to drought
conditions. The drought levels are progressive based on continuation and/or worsening of
drought conditions. Likewise, as drought conditions improve, the drought levels retreat
progressively as the drought criteria for the level are no longer met.

Following is a description of the drought levels to be used by the City of Grand Forks Drought
Management and Demand Reduction Plan. Drought response efforts for each drought level are
discussed in more detail in Section V – Drought Reduction Policies. Appendix C provides
copies of Drought Management spreadsheets defining triggers for establishing drought phases as
defined in this section.

• Phase 1 – Normal Conditions: When the water supply for the City of Grand Forks is
not in a drought condition. Normal conditions are depicted by adequate water supply and
acceptable water quality in the areas upstream in the drainage area. Normal conditions are
defined by the following indices:

Index Value

SPI -0.99 and higher

PDSI -1.99 and higher

Stream Flow Flow is greater than 65% exceedence monthly flow

duration value.

Reservoir Levels Normal Operation for Baldhill Dam, Orwell Dam, and
Lake Traverse.

• Phase 2 – Drought Advisory: This level of response is initiated by an early indication

of developing drought conditions and a possible supply shortage. It is characterized by
lower than normal precipitation and declining streamflows. Indicators show that possible
water shortages may occur if conditions continue. A Drought Advisory Committee
(DAC) will be activated when a Drought Advisory is adopted. A definition of the DAC

is included in Appendix D. At the Phase 2 - Drought Advisory level, drought monitoring
will increase, and the DAC will be notified of the potential for a more severe condition as
defined by a Phase 3 - Drought Watch. Voluntary conservation measures are
recommended and general press announcements are developed. The response goal for a
Drought Advisory is a 5-10% annual equivalent demand reduction. A Drought Advisory
is defined by the following conditions:

Index Value

SPI -1.o to –1.49

PDSI -2.0 to –2.9

Stream Flow Flow is between the 65% and 75% exceedence monthly
flow duration values.

Reservoir Levels Runoff is insufficient to maintain the conservation pool

levels for Baldhill Dam, Orwell Dam, and Lake

• Phase 3 – Drought Watch: This level of response is initiated as drought conditions

worsen and there is a continued deterioration in water quantities and water quality.
Indicators show that possible water shortages will occur if conditions continue. The DAC
will begin meeting on a regular basis and determine when conditions warrant a change to
a Drought Watch condition. Under a watch condition, there will be regular
communications with the North Dakota State Water Commission (NDSWC), U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (US ACOE) and North Dakota State Climatologist regarding water
availability and overall drought conditions. Increased public information and voluntary
reduction of water use for commercial and residential users will be encouraged. The
response goal is a 10-20% demand reduction in water use. A Drought Watch is defined
by the following conditions:

Index Value

SPI -1.5 to –1.99

PDSI -3.0 to –3.9

Stream Flow Flow is between the 75% and 90% exceedence monthly
flow duration values.

Reservoir Levels Conditions indicate Baldhill Dam, Orwell Dam, and Lake
Traverse will be drawn down to their maximum drawdown
(minimum pool) levels. Runoff projections into the
reservoirs are low.

• Phase 4 – Drought Warning: This level of response is initiated when conditions
indicate a severe situation and the possibility that a Drought Emergency may be
necessary. Water supplies are insufficient to meet all demands. Mandatory measures are
developed to reduce water use and protect public and vital health, economic, and
environmental interests. A Drought Warning is effective upon declaration by the DAC. A
press strategy is implemented to keep the media and public informed about the situation.
The DAC continues to coordinate response efforts with the NDSWC, US ACOE, and the
North Dakota State Climatologist. The response goal for a Drought Warning is a 20-30%
demand reduction. A Drought Warning is defined by the following conditions:

Index Value

SPI -2.0 and below

PDSI -4.0 and below

Stream Flow Flow is between the 90% and 95% exceedence monthly
flow duration values.

Reservoir Levels Baldhill Dam, Orwell Dam, and Lake Traverse have been
drawn down to their maximum drawdown (minimum pool)
levels. Runoff projections remain low.

• Phase 5 – Drought Emergency: This level of response is initiated when water supplies
are so limited that failure of the supply system is imminent. Severe water supply or water
quality problems exist and highest priority water needs are not being met. Water
rationing is initiated and industrial and some commercial uses are curtailed. Supplies for
essential health and safety related uses are reserved. A Drought Emergency is effective
upon declaration by the DAC with input from NDSWC, US ACOE, and the North
Dakota State Climatologist. The response goal for a Drought Emergency is a 30% or
more demand reduction. A Drought Emergency is defined by the following conditions:

Index Value

SPI -2.0 and below

PDSI -4.0 and below

Stream Flow Flow is less than 95% exceedence monthly duration values.

Reservoir Levels Baldhill Dam, Orwell Dam, and Lake Traverse have been
drawn down to their maximum drawdown (minimum pool)
levels. Runoff projections remain low.


A drought declaration triggers a number of program responses. All on-going demand reduction
efforts will receive additional emphasis. The level of drought response will vary depending on
the level of the drought. Generally, measures placed in effect at lower response level will remain
in effect at more stringent response levels, and additional measures or actions added. Demand
reduction goals were discussed briefly in Section IV – Drought Level. This Section contains a
more detailed discussion of drought response and contains drought response efforts for each
drought phase. This list is not definitive, and other items may be added, as appropriate. Demand
reduction policies would also be used in response to infrastructure failures.

• Phase 1 – Normal Conditions: This phase is active unless a formal drought declaration
or an infrastructure driven need is established. Public education programs will emphasize
conservation practices that need to be incorporated into our daily water use. These
practices are outlined in Appendix E. The City of Grand Forks will address enforcement
of all existing city ordinances that influence water use or misuse.

Voluntary Sprinkling Recommendations:

1. Recommend sprinkling between hours of 4 am to 11 am twice a week.
2. Follow recommendations outlined in Appendix E.

• Phase 2 – Drought Advisory: The Phase 2 – Drought Advisory triggers activation of

the DAC and a more intensive monitoring review of climatic conditions, river flows, and
reservoir levels. The water utility will implement a public information program to
provide customers with an understanding of the state of the water shortage conditions and
the need for voluntary action to be initiated.

Grand Forks Water Department staff will direct their resources to enforcement of all
existing city ordinances that influence water use or misuse. City departments will assist
the utility in their efficiency efforts. Other demand reduction measures are as follows:

Water Use Demand Reduction Elements of Drought Advisory Actions

Essential Uses: Fire fighting and medical uses – no restrictions.

Water Department: Mandatory system conservation.

Other City Departments: Mandatory implementation of individual department response

efforts for targeted 5-10% reduction in water use.

Residential: Voluntary reduction of use by compliance with outdoor watering

schedule as designated. Calls and reminders of the policy will be
used to remind consumers of the drought advisory condition.

Voluntary residential and commercial sprinkling policy:
1. Odd numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Monday and
Thursday between hours of 4 am to 11 am (limited to twice a
2. Even numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Tuesday and
Friday between hours of 4 am to 11 am (limited to twice a

Commercial: Voluntary reduction of use by compliance with designated outdoor

use schedule, plumbing retrofit, employee awareness, and water
use planning.

Industrial: Voluntary reduction of use by compliance with designated outdoor

use schedule, plumbing retrofit, employee awareness, and water
use planning.

Landscape Watering: Voluntary reduction of use by compliance with designated

outdoor watering schedule.

Golf Courses: Voluntary compliance with designated golf course irrigation

schedule established by the Water Department for golf courses
(Lincoln, Ray Richards and Grand Forks Air Force Base (GFAFB)
Golf Course. Water Department to notify golf courses and request
reduced golf course watering in compliance with the reduced
watering schedule and to avoid water waste.

Vegetable Gardens: Voluntary compliance with designated watering schedule.

Other Outdoor Uses: Allowing water to run off into a street, alley, right-of-way, gutter
or drain, or failure to repair a controllable leak is prohibited. These
are perception issues and are defined as “waste.” Hoses should
not be used to clean hard surfaced areas except to alleviate health
or fire hazards. It is highly recommended that hoses used for
washing vehicles of any kind, or any other uses, must have positive
shut off valves.

Construction: Voluntary compliance with designated watering schedule.

• Phase 3 – Drought Watch: Upon declaration by the DAC of a Phase 3 – Drought

Watch, some drought response elements will become mandatory and will be enforced.
If and when the Water Department becomes aware of any water misuse, the Department
has the authority to take action, including installation of flow reduction devices,
rationing, or other mandatory measures up to and including disconnection of service.
The Department also has the authority to take other enforcement actions as necessary to
assure compliance with the required water use reduction. Demand reduction measures
are as follows:

Water Use Elements of Drought Watch Actions

Essential Uses: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

Water Department: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory. Intensify public education

programs. Expansion of leak detection and repair
program and mandatory operational demand reduction by
department personnel.

Other City Departments: Mandatory implementation of individual department response

efforts for targeted 10-20% reduction in water use.

Residential: Mandatory reduction in water use from compliance with outdoor

designated water use schedule for targeted 10-20% reduction in
water use.

Mandatory residential and commercial sprinkling policy:

1. Odd numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Monday and
Thursday between hours of 4 am to 11 am (limited to twice a
2. Even numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Tuesday and
Friday between hours of 4 am to 11 am (limited to twice a
week). Violators will be issued written warnings.

Commercial: Mandatory reduction of use by 10-20%. Includes reduction

achieved in voluntary outdoor water use restrictions and plumbing
retrofits. Restaurants asked to serve water to customers only on
request. Display public notice.

Industrial: Motivate voluntary reduction of use by 10-20%. Includes

reduction achieved in voluntary outdoor water use

Landscape Watering: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

Golf Courses: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

Vegetable Gardens: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

Other Outdoor Uses: Washing of hard surfaces is prohibited, except washing to alleviate
health or fire hazards. Washing personal and commercial vehicles
is limited to the assigned watering day with hand-held hose with a
positive shut-off valve, bucket, or commercial washers.

Construction: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

• Phase 4 – Drought Warning: The DAC may declare a Phase 4 – Drought
Warning when a supply insufficiency has occurred, and Phase 3 water use
reduction measures and other water supply augmentation measures will be
insufficient to meet water demands in the service area without further restrictions.
Upon implementation by the Water Department, mandatory water use reduction
programs will be implemented and the appropriate surcharge or surcharges will be
recalculated and applied to increase demand reduction and to meet the increased
regulation and enforcement expenses (Level 2 Demand Reduction). Demand
reduction measures are as follows:

Water Use Elements of Drought Warning Actions

Essential Uses: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory.

Water Department: Same as Phase 3 – Drought Advisory, plus increased surcharges to

meet escalated drought expenses and to motivate increased
demand reduction. Surcharges may be uniform or selective in
nature, in keeping with the drought ordinance.

Other City Departments: Mandatory implementation of individual department response

efforts for targeted 20-30% reduction in water use.

Residential: Mandatory restriction on outdoor water use in compliance with

schedule designated by the Water Department. Increased emphasis
on voluntary changes in water use behavior. Warnings and fines
will be issued.

Mandatory Restrictions:
1. No lawn watering – essential home use only.
2. No personal car washing or outdoor water use – essential
home use only.

Commercial: Mandatory restriction of outdoor water use. Mandatory re-

evaluation of all water use processes to gain maximum
resource efficiency. Continue employee awareness. May ask
for voluntary shut down of some operations. Restaurants to
withhold water service to tables, except upon request. Display
public notice.

Industrial: Mandatory restriction of outdoor water use, as in residential

and commercial. Mandatory re-evaluation of all water use
processes to gain maximum resource efficiency. Continue
employee awareness. Ask for voluntary shut down of
some operations or a 5% reduction in water use.

Landscape Watering: A mandatory restriction on lawn watering consistent with those
limits set for residential water use will be applied. New
installation to be discouraged during drought.

Vegetable Gardens: Mandatory compliance with designated outdoor watering


Other Outdoor Uses: Same as Phase 3 – Drought Watch. Personal and

commercial vehicles only to be washed at a commercial

Construction: A water service connection for new construction to be approved

only if low flow fixtures and appliances are used for indoor
plumbing. Construction water for consolidation of backfill, dust
control, or other uses would be reviewed by the Water Department
on an individual basis. Fire hydrant use for construction water to
be prohibited. Existing permittees shall be subject to random audit
and time of day restrictions. Violations of restrictions shall result
in loss of permit and possible fines.

• Phase 5 – Drought Emergency: The DAC shall initiate a Phase 5 – Drought

Emergency when Phase 4 supply and use reduction programs are insufficient to
stay within available water demands. In addition to any other remedy available,
the Department is authorized to implement surcharges for water use other than
those approved by the DAC. Goal is to reduce demand to match available
supplies. Phase 5 programs will be terminated when supplies return to Phase 4
levels (Drought Warning). Demand reduction measures are as follows:

Water Use Elements of Drought Emergency Actions

Essential Uses: Same as Phase 2 – Drought Advisory. Uses are subject to review
and re-evaluation of criticality.

Water Department: Implementation of all measures and increased surveillance of

compliance with water restrictions.

Other City Departments: Mandatory 30 percent decrease in water consumption.

Departments subject to water use auditing and potential; loss of
connection for violations.

Residential: Ban on outdoor water use. Will ask for voluntary shut down of
some operations. Will require compliance and enforce shutdown
with limited hours of outdoor water use.

Mandatory Restrictions:
1. No lawn watering – essential home use only.
2. No personal car washing or outdoor water use – essential
home use only.

Commercial: Ban on outdoor water use. May ask for voluntary shut down of
some operations and require limited hours of use.

Industrial: Ban on outdoor water use, as in residential and commercial.

Mandatory re-evaluation of all water use processes and/or
exemptions to gain maximum resource efficiency. Continue
employee awareness. May ask for voluntary shut down of some
operations. May require and enforce shutdowns or limit hours of
use. Goal of 5- 10% reduction by major industrial users.

Landscape Watering: A mandatory restriction on lawn watering

consistent with those limits set for residential water use will be applied.
No golf course watering will be allowed using treated water. Enforcement
will be issued. New landscape installation to be banned.

Vegetable Gardens: Mandatory compliance with designated outdoor watering


Other Outdoor Uses: Same as Phase 3 – Drought Watch. Personal and commercial
vehicles would only be washed at a commercial facility. All water
waste would be avoided.
Construction: A water service connection for new construction will not be
approved. Fire hydrant use for construction water will be



Activation Triggers for Insufficient Infrastructure:

Activated when:
Plant production is operating at 11,460 GPM = 16.5 MGD, 100% design capacity, and
operations staff are unable to fill overhead storage to 50-60% or greater. Peak high
service demand exceeds plant production by 1500 GPM, or 13,000 GPM (peak usually
occurs at 5-10 PM).

Activation Triggers for Infrastructure Failure:

Activated when:
Infrastructure failure warrants a 15% reduction in water demand due to failure of one
softening basin, 1-2 filters, or a condition calling for reduction in pretreatment flows.
Plant production is limited to 9,720 GPM = 14.0 MGD = 85% design capacity and unable
to fill overhead storage to 50-60% or greater. Peak high service demand exceeds plant
production by 2000 GPM, or 11,720 GPM (peak usually occurs at 5-10 PM).

City Departments: Elements of Demand Reduction

No restrictions on essential uses (Fire and Medical) other City Departments are notified
and asked to minimize water use for non-essential functions.

Residential, Commercial, and Golf Courses: Elements of Demand Reduction (Summer):

Voluntary Sprinkling Restrictions: Warnings issued

1. Odd numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Monday and Thursday between hours of 4
am to 11 am (limited to twice a week).
2. Even numbered houses – limit sprinkling to Tuesday and Friday between hours of 4
am to 11 am (limited to twice a week).
3. Golf courses asked to follow same sprinkling schedule as residential users.

Residential and Commercial: Elements of Demand Reduction (Winter):

Residential and commercial users notified of the need to curtail water use form 5 – 10
PM during peak demand.

Industrial, Institutional, and Consecutive Users: Elements of Demand Reduction:

During summer months industrial users will be asked to follow outside water use
restrictions and may be asked to curtail water use by decreasing production based on the
nature of the request and time required to address infrastructure insufficiencies or failure.


Activation Triggers for Insufficient Infrastructure:

Activated when:
Plant production is sustained and 15% reduction fails to relieve the strain on plant
production. WTP is operating at 11,460 GPM = 16.5 MGD, 100% design capacity and
operations staff are unable to fill overhead storage to 40-50% or greater. Peak high
service demand exceeds plant production by 2000 GPM, or 12,460 GPM (peak usually
occurs at 5-10 PM).

Activation Triggers for Infrastructure Failure:

Activated when:
Infrastructure failure warrants a 33% reduction in water demand due to failure of two
softening basins, 2-4 filters, or a one-third of pretreatment flows. Plant production is
limited to 9,720 GPM = 14.0 MGD = 85% design capacity and unable to fill overhead
storage to 50-60% or greater. Peak high service demand exceeds plant production by
2000 GPM, or 11,720 GPM (peak usually occurs at 5-10 PM).

City Departments: Elements of Demand Reduction

No restrictions on essential uses (Fire and Medical) other City Departments are notified
and asked to minimize water use for non-essential functions

Residential, Commercial, and Golf Courses: Elements of Demand Reduction:

Eliminate all outdoor water use. Residential users notified of the need to curtail water use
from 5 – 10 PM during peak demand.

Industrial, Institutional, and Consecutive Users: Elements of Water Demand Reduction:

Notification to major water users (UND, Altru, Simplot, GFAFB) of the condition and
request a 10- 20% reduction in water demand. Request may vary with the ability to
return failed components to service. During summer months, industrial, institutional and
consecutive users will be asked to eliminate all outdoor water use. Utility will work with
individual industrial users to curtail water use by decreasing production and or closing
portions of the facility. Institutional users will be asked to conserve when conservation
does not have a direct affect on health and well being of residents (hospital, eldercare).

Emergency response measures:

Activation of GF-EGF Water Transfer Station: As outlined in station procedure manual.

Contact vendors of package plants and or the ND National Guard for supplemental water
treatment equipment and mobilize to Grand Forks.

INFRASTRUCTURE EMERGENCY: Activated when a major portion of the

infrastructure is damaged and or fails.

Mandatory Restrictions: Warnings/Fines will be issued.

Residential, Commercial, and Golf Courses: Elements of Demand Reduction:

Eliminate all outdoor water use. Residential and commercial users notified of the need to
curtail water use from 5 – 10 PM during peak demand.

Industrial, Institutional, and Consecutive User Water Demand

Notification to major water users (UND, Altru, Simplot, GFAFB) of the condition and
request a 50% reduction in water demand. Request may vary with the ability to return failed
components to service. During summer months, industrial, institutional and consecutive users
will be asked to follow outside water use restrictions. Utility will work with individual
industrial users to curtail water use by decreasing production and or closing portions of the
facility. Institutional users will be asked to conserve when conservation does not have a
direct affect on health and well being of residents (hospital, elder care).

Emergency response measures:

Activation of GF-EGF Water Transfer Station: As outlined in station procedure manual.

Contact vendors of package plants and or the ND National Guard for supplemental water
treatment equipment and mobilize to Grand Forks.


A. Procedure and Chain of Command


1. Water Utility Superintendent monitors drought parameters and notifies Director of

Public Works, Director of Public Works notifies City Administrator who notifies the
Mayor. (If a person in the chain of command is unavailable, contact the person next
up the chain). DAC is advised of drought status. For infrastructure driven
implementation, the plant operator initiates implementation procedures.
2. When approval received through chain of command, Plant Superintendent (or in his/
her absence the operator in charge of shift) will telephone the info center to contact
radio and television stations and the GF Herald to notify them of activation the
Drought Watch and each subsequent phases and demand reduction status.
3. Mayor’s office will issue Press Release to all media on their contact list.



City Administrator

Director of Public City Engineer Public Health



Street Sanitation Water Utility Wastewater Treatment
Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent

Supervisor Supervisor Lab Support

Water Distribution Water Treatment
Distribution Plant

Service Workers Operations Staff

B. Contact Information


Title Name Phone: Work Home

Public Safety Answering Operator 911
Mayor Michael Brown 746-2607 775-0930

City Administrator Todd Feland 787-3750 701-740-0739

Emergency Management Kari Goelz 780-8213 701-330-7229
Director of Public Works Todd Feland 738-8747 772-1139
Cell 701-740-0739
Water Utility Superintendent John Goetz 746-2595 218-791-2252

Public Health Dept. Debbie Swanson 787-8100 701-739-2901

Mayor’s Office/Info Center – Notification of Media


Title Name Phone: Work Home

Mayor Steve Gander 218-773-2483 701-741-2912
Civil Defense Dir./ Gary Larson 218-773-2403 701-739-1834
Fire Chief
Supt. Water Treatment Brian Johnson 218-773-1511 701-739-0293

Supt. Water Distribution Jeff Olson 218-773-0515 218-779-0070

General Mgr./Water & Keith Mykleseth 773-1163 701-779-3262

Light Department


North Dakota Department of Health – Greg Wavra 701-328-5210

Minnesota Department of Health - Todd Johnson 218-308-2110

Cell # 1-218-766-7520

VERIFIED 09/25/2018

C. Enforcement Policy for Drought/Demand Reduction Plan

Watering Restrictions

Time-of-Day Watering Ordinance

Annually, April 1 – September 30
No sprinkler usage from 11 am to 6 pm

Watering during our hot, windy spring and summer days can cause over half of your water to
miss its mark due to evaporation and wind drift! Research shows that the best time to water is in
the early morning between midnight and sunrise, when humidity is high but temperatures and
wind speed are low. If morning watering isn’t practical for you, try watering in the evening. If
you were watering during the daytime before, you’ll find you are now able to water less while
keeping your plants healthy and attractive.

Time-of-day provisions do not apply to the following circumstances:

1. Using drip irrigation, bubblers, hand watering, or other systems that do not propel water
through the air;
2. Outdoor irrigation necessary for the establishment of newly sodded lawns and
landscaping within the first 30 days of planting or watering of newly seeded turf within
the first year of planting (subject to verification);
3. Irrigation necessary for one day only where treatment with an application of chemicals
requires immediate watering to preserve an existing landscape or to establish a new
landscape (subject to verification);
4. Water used to control dust or compact soil;
5. Visually-supervised operation of watering systems for short periods of time to check
system condition and effectiveness.

Enforcement of Watering Restrictions

1. Call from the public or water utility service worker.

2. Water waste is observed and documented by water distribution staff.
3. A call is placed to water billing contact for a specific address (verbal warning).
4. Failure to comply following verbal warning: a notice-of-violation will be mailed to the
water billing address. This is a second warning. Failure to comply after the second
warning will result in a fee of $20.00 per drought response billing process.
5. A customer may contact the water distribution department to ask questions or arrange to
view the documentation.
6. A customer who has received a notice-of-violation may contest the fee assessment by
filing a written request for a hearing with the Mayor.
7. The Mayor must receive the request within seven days of the notice-of-violation (see
“How do I contest the fee assessment?”).

8. If the fee assessment is not contested or if the fee assessment is upheld by the Hearing
Officer, the fee is billed based on the drought response billing process. Water waste fees
must be paid like any other charges on the water bill.
Enforcement Fee Schedule.

1st violation - Verbal Warning – follow-up monitoring (2-week period)

2nd violation - 2nd Warning (written) – follow-up monitoring (2-week period)

3rd violation - $50.00 - bill issued 6 weeks after date of first violation

4th violation - $100.00 – bill issued 8 weeks after first violation (Certified Notification)

5th violation Water Shut Off - at 10 weeks of no response


1. Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., Draft 50-Year Water Quantity
and Needs Study for City of Grand Forks, ND, August, 1994.

2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Urban
Water Resources Study, Water Supply Appendix, July 1981.

3. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Dakota Area Office, Executive Summary Draft

Environmental Impact Statement Red River Valley Water Supply Project,
December, 2005.

4. Lake Agassiz Water Authority Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, June 20, 2006.

5. Houston Engineering, City of Fargo, Drought Management Plan, December, 2002.

6. American Water Works Association, Manual M52, Water Conservation Programs – A

Planning Manual, May, 2005.


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