Mall On 2000
Mall On 2000
Mall On 2000
Context: It is well recognized that the presence of a fore- (n = 52), lichen planus (n = 39), seborrheic dermatitis
skin predisposes to penile carcinoma and sexually trans- (n = 29), and Zoon balanitis (n = 27). Less common di-
mitted infections. We have investigated the relationship agnoses included squamous cell carcinoma (n = 4), bow-
between the presence or absence of the foreskin and pe- enoid papulosis (n = 3), and Bowen disease (n = 3). The
nile dermatoses. age-adjusted odds ratio for all penile skin diseases asso-
ciated with presence of the foreskin was 3.24 (95% con-
Objective: To determine whether there is an associa- fidence interval, 2.26-4.64). All patients with Zoon bala-
tion between circumcision and penile dermatoses. nitis, bowenoid papulosis, and nonspecific balanoposthitis
were uncircumcised. Lichen sclerosus was diagnosed in
Design: A retrospective case control study of patients only 1 circumcised patient. Most patients with psoria-
attending the department of dermatology with genital skin sis, lichen planus, and seborrheic eczema (72%, 69%, and
conditions. 72%, respectively) were uncircumcised at presentation.
The majority of men with penile infections (84%) were
Subjects: The study population consisted of 357 male uncircumcised.
patients referred for diagnosis and management of geni-
tal skin disease. The control population consisted of 305 Conclusions: Most cases of inflammatory dermatoses
male patients without genital skin disease attending the were diagnosed in uncircumcised men, suggesting that
general dermatology clinics over a 4-month period. circumcision protects against inflammatory dermato-
ses. The presence of the foreskin may promote inflam-
Main Outcome Measures: The relationship between cir- mation by a köebnerization phenomenon, or the pres-
cumcision and the presence or absence of skin disease in- ence of infectious agents, as yet unidentified, may
volving the penis was investigated. The rate of circumcision induce inflammation. The data suggest that circumcision
inthegeneral male dermatology population was determined. prevents or protects against common infective penile
Results: The most common diagnoses were psoriasis
(n = 94), penile infections (n = 58), lichen sclerosus Arch Dermatol. 2000;136:350-354
T IS WELL RECOGNIZED that the association between circumcision and pe-
presence of a foreskin predis- nile dermatoses, we analyzed the clinical
poses to penile carcinoma1,2 and data derived from 357 patients who pre-
sexually acquired infection (in- sented with penile skin disease.
cluding genital herpes, candidia-
sis, gonorrhea, syphilis, and human pap- RESULTS
illomavirus [HPV] infection),3 but the
From the Departments of dermatology of the penis has attracted A total of 357 patients were studied.
Dermatology (Drs Mallon, scant specific attention compared with that Seven patients had more than 1 diagno-
Fearfield, and Bunker), of the vulva.4 A specific clinic was started sis: 6 had 2 diagnoses and 1 had 3 (for a
Genitourinary Medicine in our institution in 1993 for the assess- total of 365 diagnoses in the 357 men).
(Dr Hawkins), Urology
(Dr Dinneen), Histopathology
ment and research of penile dermatoses. Of 305 men without genital skin disease
(Dr Francis), and Public Health The clinic is attended by a dermatologist attending the general dermatology clin-
(Dr Newson), Imperial College (C.B.), a genitourinary physician, ie, a phy- ics, 146 (47.8%) were circumcised. The
School of Medicine, Chelsea & sician who specializes in sexually trans- mean age of the subjects was 41.9 years
Westminster Hospital, London, mitted diseases (D.H.), and a urologist (age range, 4-93 years): 46.1 years (range,
England. (M.D.). To determine whether there is an 8-97 years) for controls (Table 1), 44.0
*NA indicates that the OR was too high or too low to be measured; ref, reference value.
†Human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus, molluscum, and candidiasis.
was aged 78 years at presentation and had been circum- mosis and recurrent balanitis,10,11 but the literature is
cised at the age of 3 years. poor in defining causes for these nonspecific indica-
The majority of men with penile infections (84%) tions. In the past, both the British Medical Association12
were uncircumcised. Thirty-eight patients had HPV and the American Academy of Pediatrics13 have dis-
infection, and of these 29 (77%) were uncircumcised. couraged routine circumcision of the newborn. The
Nine patients had mollusca, and of these 8 (88%) were British General Medical Council has issued guidelines
uncircumcised. Eight patients had herpes simplex on standards of practice for physicians who are asked to
virus infection and 3 patients had candidal balanitis, perform circumcision.14
and all 8 patients with these 2 infections were uncir- We have investigated how the presence or absence
cumcised. of the foreskin relates to development of penile derma-
Most patients with psoriasis, lichen planus, and toses. The deep fold that is formed by the junction of
seborrheic eczema (72%, 69%, and 72%, respectively) the foreskin and the penis proximal to the the coronal
were uncircumcised. Atopic eczema and lichen simplex sulcus is subject to maceration from epithelial debris
were equally common in uncircumcised and circum- and glandular secretions, and is a common site of infec-
cised patients. All patients with idiopathic penile edema tion.15 Moreover, the presence of the foreskin alters the
were circumcised. appearance of dermatoses that are easily recognized at
other sites, sometimes rendering diagnosis difficult. For
COMMENT example, a plaque of psoriasis on exposed glans is easily
recognized but loses its characteristic scale when it is
Circumcision is most frequently performed for reli- covered by the prepuce.
gious or tribal reasons, and it is thought that approxi- The spectrum of penile dermatoses seen in our
mately one sixth of the world’s male population is cir- study was similar to that reported from a genitourinary
cumcised.7 There is a large reported variation between medicine clinic.16 In the majority of patients, a postive
the rate of circumcision in the United Kingdom and clinical diagnosis was obtained from formal conven-
that in the United States: in the United Kingdom, the tional dermatological assessment, and a biopsy was not
cumulative rate of circumcision for boys by the age of required. Our experience is that most dermatoses of the
15 years is reported to be almost 7%,8 while in the male genitalia are amenable to clinical diagnosis
United States the rate of circumcision among newborns obtained on the classic grounds of a complete history
is approximately 60%.9 We were surprised by the high and physical examination and that penile biopsies do
rate of circumcision in our control population, al- not need to be performed routinely.17 Many patients
though we could find no data on the prevalence of cir- with inflammatory penile dermatoses have extragenital
cumcision in the adult population of the United King- cutaneous signs, and a complete examination is essen-
dom for comparison. In the Jewish community, tial to achieve a firm clinical diagnosis. Patients with
circumcision is a religious ritual and is usually per- genital skin disease present to general practitioners or
formed on the eighth day of life. Religious circumcision to other specialists, such as those in genitourinary
is also practiced by Muslims between the ages of 4 and medicine and urology, who may have less experience in
13 years.7 Medically, circumcision is performed for phi- the diagnosis of cutaneous disease. In the genitourinary