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Group 4 Leader: Kabigting, Elizer M. Members: Hipolito, Abigail G. Holgado, Anna Carmela S. Gozon, Grace

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Leader: Kabigting, Elizer M.

Members: Hipolito, Abigail G.

Holgado, Anna Carmela S.

Gozon, Grace

Activity and Analysis:

Let us say this artwork below is what you saw:

Critique the work based on the following. Write your answers on the spaces provided.

1. Formal qualities simply enumerate the elements that you see: the quality of lines, shapes, colors, etc.
- These lines are being employed to the painting such as; diagonal lines, horizontal lines, vertical lines
and zigzag lines. When it comes to the shape, the painting have a pyramid or triangular shapes, it
also employed rectangel, circle and square. The color being embroidered are primary colors which
are red, green, yellow, orange, black, gray and white.

2. Subject matter: What is the artist tackling about? Can you see any representational forms? If none, what do
you think is the main subject matter?

- The artist tacles about building communication, trust, equality and unity. Because as you can see
they lifted the net trap with each other at full hands, no one ever doubt if they're going to fail or
succedd as long as they're all believed on the each other's abilities and strength. The representational
form of the painting speaks more on about realism, because it is true to life happenings, it has a
comprehensive detail about everyday occurrences and it deploys the message of giving importance
of the social class in the society and its own plot.
3. Composition: Consider the arrangement of objects, people, or elements. What is most prominent? Who or
what is on the foreground, midground, and background?

- The most prominent are the lines and shaped that formed a vision and image of a net that show a
movement through a image of hand harvesting of fish using it,as well the images of the hand feet
limbs that symbolizes a human presence in the painting. Every color that have been used has
explanation, like the color of the sun which is red which symbolizes the energy that every person
needs and has every day, while the colors yellow and orange are shown to symbolize sunshine and
happy life, and the cheerfulness.And the colors of human limbs,arms,feet images screaming
simplicity and some black shadowed and obscure shows despair and struggle. The background of
the painting is the sun because it is above every objective,conveying the view that the sun is setting
in a distant scene and seems far from the midground and foreground object. The foreground or the
main point are the images of the hands taking the fish with a net which is emphasized as the subject
and emphasizing it over and over again and some mirror images made of a lines,shapes colour to
show more the paintings movements that made it perfect, noticeable and it is the eyecatcher and
almost seems near from the viewer. The composition of the painting by each element showed will
easily determined that it is a person lifestyle and it is fishing.While the midground seem in-between
the foreground and background,it was under the backgrounds horizontal lines that seems as island
that colored into a brightest color of yellow and orange,into darker color in the foreground. And it is
the part of painting where we will see and notice some details, and shapes of net are smaller and the
lines are thinner and smaller image of human are seen and showed.

4. Technique: Looking at the technique and manner of painting and composition, how is it related to the artist’s

- The artist objective is prosperity of "fisherman" and it is really showed in painting,men with their
hand hovering their nets to harvest fish. Artist objectives to his work is to showcase fishermen in
their daily life's, specifies the duality of hope, and struggle of profession as small group of subject
fine details illustrate human figure working together to pulled nets by their limbs. Artist objective
defines each lines objects And the spaces between each objects that he created to give different feels
to other. The tone of line,shapes and colours are dominant because of the artist objective.The
techniques, manner of painting and composition are the artist main goal that's why it was made. The
painting was created by artist with his goal, he put his goal to the artwork which the painting really
done well which is his objectives is to show the feeling of movement that creates point of interest
and dynamic look, colours, shapes and lines to create people or objects different values rises to each,
to create shadow and the real message and goal of his artwork. It means that artist objectives and
technique,and manners
composition etc about painting that needed,without artist objectives the painting is nothing, and
there is no tecniques,composition or any painting manner without any artist goal.

5. Content: What do you think the artwork is all about after carefully examining its parts? What story, what
message, and what argument is the artist trying to tell?

- Carefully analyzing and observing each part of the art, there are various subjects such as the fishes,
presence of nets and people that links us to the idea that the painting is all about Fishermen. The
Philippines, being surrounded by several bodies of water, thus made up of islands, one of the main
sources of living among its people is fishing. Fishing is not as easy as it seems. In the art itself, the
people hold each other’s hand while catching fish which greatly shows empathy and unity among
them. It conveys that they care for each other despite struggling to catch food or make money that is
enough for them to survive for another day. Hardships or struggles are always an inevitable part of
earning money or just a part of our daily lives. Since then, some Filipinos have experienced poverty
and have been struggling a lot to provide for themselves or for their family, but despite having a
hard time, they remain optimistic and resilient. It's true that “there is always a rainbow after every
storm.” In spite of every difficulty, there will always be hope and that is something that pushes us to
keep going.

6. Analysis: Further dig into the artist’s intention in terms of the relationship of each part to the whole. Keep
asking why, and try to answer them based on the visual clues. Research further if needed, especially if there is
historical connection.

- There’s no doubt that art is very beautiful and you will see the hardwork of the artist in creating that
art. But what really is the message of the art? Why did he express his art using dynamic cubic-like
works in the subject matter? And lastly what is his inspiration towards creating that art? I think the
artist wants to express his feelings and emotions upon creating his art, by the way he painted it. But,
what is really the message of the painting? I think he wants to express his gratitude to the fishermen
by appreciating their hardwork and constancy, using the creative process that in order to succeed in
life, you will encounter many trials, a lot of hardships, and struggles. But you must not give up like
the fishermen, because everything is a process that leads you to become successful and in the end, it
will help you to become stronger. The second one is why did express his art using cubic-
expressionism? Ang Kiokuk is known in choosing dynamic or disturbing subject matter, but I think
he has another reason why did he chose that kind of way in creating the “the fishermen” and it’s
because the art is a representation of himself. He make the painting that way, because he wants us to
know that like with his painting that is very dynamic and hard to understand at first, it’s the same
with the fisherman’s life, that it’s not as easy as we think, he also wanted us to appreciate the
fisherman’s struggle as we appreciate his work of art. And lastly, his inspiration in creating that art.
Obviously his inspiration are the fishermen, because of their hard work , he wants to tell the world
using his painting, that in life there are a lot of things we need to consider and appreciate even the
smallest thing, because eventually it will lead us to success. Not every day is a good harvest, there
are times that they catches a lot, there are times they catches few, and there are times no catches at
all, but it doesn’t matter, as long as you are trying and giving your best everytime, that is the most
important thing, because you may have the talent, but what makes people succeed in life is the
hardwork and, the passion towards the thing they want to achieve in life. And one day, you will
realize that all the things you encounter are the ones that helps you achieve your goals in life.

7. Your own criticism about the work: provide a coherent and convincing judgment about the work.

- The Fishermen (1993) by Ang Kiokuk is originated in Davao Region 1 in Philippines. The artwork
reflects the duality of hope and the struggle of the profession as two figures struggle to haul a net
full of fish. The piece is about the fishermen hovering their nets in the morning to harvest the fishes.
The material used in the painting is oil and canvas and the dominant elements in the artwork are
shape and colors. The artwork is made in a cubist-expressionism style. The interpretation of this art
implified the struggles of the fishermen in their daily life. At first glance, it’s hard to understand the
piece and kept asking why the art is made in a cubist style, is there a reason why it is created that
way? I think since it’s easy to create an art about fishermen, but the artist decided to create an
cubist-expressionism style inorder for the viewers to appreciate the struggles of the fishermen in his
art, all the hardship they encountered and their emotions was put in the art he created and makes it
beautiful and a meaningful art at the same time. In conclusion, i can say that the art is wonderfully
created in a way that it is not just an art, but a meaningful art. You will see the effort, the passion of
the artist towards the art. He make it in a sense that in order to create an art you must possess the
most important thing, that is the motivation to inspire people and i can say that he successfully
created a master piece since he did not just show his emotion towards the art but also the emotions
of the fishermen he created in his art.

Many of us like entertainment and social media. It is flamboyant, noisy and easily catches our attention. We
often just take in the information and news they provide without sitting through them and realigning what we
have heard or seen with our values as a person. In the discipline of art criticism, what did it teach you about the
act of looking? Should you just accept what is placed before you? Why do you think it is better to counter-
check every judgment or thought that comes into our heads, not just in art, but also in everyday life? Write
down your thoughts:

- Currently, we obtain information, news, and entertainment from a variety of sources, including
television, newspapers, and other media but we commonly use social media because it's very
convenient in a way that you can search and look for data in just a click. Despite its ease of use, it
has one downfall: it is prone to false information. Not all websites are trustworthy sources of
knowledge. Relating it to the art of looking, artists express their thoughts and emotions through their
art -- it’s what they implicitly present to us. By just merely looking at it, we won’t be able to
determine what message the artist wants to tell. For example, the art is abstract, it’s very hard to
understand. We often come up with a lot of ideas about it. We have no idea which one is valid,
that’s why we observe and gather facts in order for us to fully understand and appreciate what the art
is all about. It’s like diving into the deep ocean wherein you have no idea what’s underneath unless
you dive deeper. Also, you won’t appreciate what’s placed before you if you're clueless or if you’re
overthinking things.

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