E M II: Synchronous Machine

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Synchronous Machine

Prepared By:
Er. Prabin Gautam
Baisakh, 2078
In an actual power system there will be two or more alternator running in
parallel. So that required number of alternators can be connected to the
system according to consumer demand.
The process of connecting two alternators in parallel is known as
In an interconnected system, many numbers of alternator at various stations

Er. Prabin Gautam

will be connected in parallel through bus bars at station and transmission
lines. In such a system an alternator will be synchronized to an infinite bus
bar on which many number of alternators had been already connected.
An infinite bus bar is the bus bar whose terminal voltage and frequency is
independent and constant with the load.
For proper synchronization of two alternator or synchronization an
alternator to infinite bus bar, the following conditions have to be satisfied.
i. The terminal voltage of both alternators should be equal
ii. The frequency of induced voltages of both alternators must be equal
iii. The wave form of emf generated by the both alternator should be in phase.
iv. % impedance of both alternators should be same
v. Phase sequence of both alternators must be same

Before an alternator is synchronized with other

alternator for the first time, its phase sequence must be
checked to determine that is has same phase sequence as
that of the older alternator.
The phase sequence can be checked by a phase sequence

Er. Prabin Gautam

It is small three phase induction motor that rotates in
one direction for one phase and in other direction for
another phase sequence.
If the motor rotates in the same direction with both voltages of
two generators (G1 and G2) when connected separately then it
is clear that both alternators have same phase sequence.

The figure shows the
connection diagram for
synchronization of two
alternators G1&G2.

Er. Prabin Gautam

G1 is already running &
G2 is another alternator
required to connect in
parallel with G1.
Voltmeter measures
the G1’s bus voltage as
well as G2’s.
L1, L2, L3 are three
placed physically in triangular form .
These lamps are called synchronizing lamps.
L1 is connected across R1 & R2, L2 is connected between Y1&B24
and L3 is connected between B1 & Y2 as shown in fig.
The incoming alternator (G2) is rotated by its prime
mover approximately up to its synchronous speed
keeping the CB-2 open.
The excitation of G2 is adjusted so that the voltage
generated by incoming generator as measured by
voltmeter is match to the main bus bar voltage.

Er. Prabin Gautam

The synchronization lamps are used to make sure that the
voltage generated by G2 is in phase with bus bar voltage
and the frequency of G2 is in phase with bus bar voltage and
the frequency of incoming alternator is same as that of the
bus bar frequency.
Phasor diagram for same frequency
R1 , R2
(i.e. same speed) of both alternator
is as shown.
Since no potential difference exists
between phasor R1 & R2, the lamp
L1 is dark but L2 and L3 become 5
bright and we have to connect CB-2. B1, B2 3 Y1 , Y 2
For speed of G2 > G1: 1 R1

Phasor diagram shows that three lamps

becomes dark one after another in
anticlockwise direction (in sequence L2L3L1) 2

then the speed of G2 is controlled by

B1 3 Y1
governor operation to operate both

Er. Prabin Gautam

generator in same frequency.
R1 R2
For speed of G2 < G1: 1

Phasor diagram shows that lamps become

dark one after another in clockwise
direction (in sequence L3L2L1) then the B2
speed of G2 is to be increased by governor in
same frequency or in parallel operation. B1 3 Y1


When number of alternators are interconnected forming a system

which may be treated as an infinite bus.
Infinite bus bar is one which keeps constant voltage and frequency although
the load varies. Thus it may behave like a voltage source with zero internal
impedance and infinite rotational inertia.
Any alternator switched on to or off, the infinite bus does not cause any

Er. Prabin Gautam

change in the voltage and frequency of the system.
The characteristics of a synchronous generator on infinite bus bars
are quite different from those when it is connected to another
alternator and both are in parallel.
When two alternators are connected in parallel, we have seen that a change
in the excitation changes the terminal voltage and p.f. is determined by load.
However change in excitation for an alternator connected to infinite bus bar
will not change the terminal voltage but the power factor only is affected,
whereas the power developed by an alternator depends only on mechanical
power input.

Consider generators G1, G2, G3……Gn connected to an infinite bus as shown in the figure:
Let, V be the terminal voltage of the bus,
E be the induced emf of each generator,
ZS is the synchronous impedance of each generator,
n is the number of generators in parallel
From voltage equation V= 𝐸 − 𝐼 𝑍𝑆_𝑒𝑞 ...........(i)

Er. Prabin Gautam

Since n number of generators are connecting into the bus, 𝑍𝑆_𝑒𝑞 =
Generally infinite number of generators are assumed to be connected connected with a bus ( infinite bus),
hence n → ∞ (very large)
So that, 𝑍𝑆_𝑒𝑞 → 0
And hence from equation (i): V = 𝐸
This equation indicates voltage remains constant at infinite bus regardless of other
connection ( generating station or load) into it.

Let, J be the moment of inertia of each alternator. The total moment of inertia of all n
alternators is given as:
= J +J+J..........+J (n number)= n J
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑇𝑎 𝑇𝑎
Acceleration of alternator = = =
𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎 𝐽 𝑛𝐽
If the value of n is very large, nJ is also very large. 8
Therefore, acceleration → 0, and the speed is constant
This shows that the frequency of the infinite bus remains constant.

Let us consider the alternator with synchronous reactance XS to infinite

bus bar as shown in figure.
Case I: torque is constant (i.e. Like No load)
At the point of synchronization, Ea and VØ

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are almost in same phase and equal in
magnitude. So that no current flows
towards infinite bus & hence generator
doesn’t deliver power to the infinite bus.
𝐸𝑎 𝑉∅
Also power generated, 𝑃 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿 since 𝛿 ≅ 0
The voltage across XS : 𝐸 x= 𝐸 a- 𝑉 Ø = 0
The phasor diagram of Ea and VØ is as shown, this is termed as
floating condition of generator.

Increase the excitation: Over excitation

As If increases → flux Ø increases

so that Ea = k Øω increases
There will be current through Xs
𝐸𝑎 −𝑉∅

Er. Prabin Gautam

Also, 𝐸 x= 𝐸 a- 𝑉 Ø
Since 𝐸𝑎 > 𝑉∅ , Ex→ +ve

Drawing phasor diagram:

As current Ia lags voltage across XS. Ea
Here current Ia lags Ea by 900, that means Ia
Generator itself operates at lagging power factor.
At the over excitation :
 The generator sees infinite bus as inductive (lagging) load.
 Generator supplies reactive power to the infinite bus.
Decrease the excitation: Under excitation

As If decreases → flux Ø decreases

so that Ea = k Øω decreases
There will be current through Xs
𝐸𝑎 −𝑉∅

Er. Prabin Gautam

Also, 𝐸 x= 𝐸 a- 𝑉 Ø
Since 𝐸𝑎 < 𝑉∅ , Ex→ -ve
Drawing phasor diagram:
As current Ia lags voltage across XS. Ex VØ
Here current Ia leads Ea by 900, that means
Generator itself operates at leading power factor.
At the under excitation :
 The generator sees infinite bus as capacitive (leading) load.
 Generator consumes reactive power from the infinite bus.
Case II: torque is varying (i.e. Like on load)
At Synchronization Ea and VØ are in phase and hence no load/torque
angle between them as shown.
But when load on the generator decreases, VØ
that means accelerating torque increases.
In this condition value of Ea will not change
rather the phasor of Ea shifts as,

Er. Prabin Gautam

Since power input will be constant,
Pin= constant, while adjusting excitation
i.e. Pgen= constant
And we know, Ea= kØω which will change with flux change.
𝐸𝑎 𝑉∅
As Pgen is constant, i.e. 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿 is to be constant.
VØ is constant as it is connected to infinite bus, XS is standard constant value
for a machine
That means for Pgen to be constant, 𝐸𝑎 S𝑖𝑛𝛿 = k
Also, Pgen= VØ IaCosØ, from here IaCosØ = k
Since 𝐸𝑎 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛿 = constant,
For under excited condition ( i.e. Ea< VØ), the phasor of Ea aligns
as indicated by Ea1 in figure.

Er. Prabin Gautam

For this condition Ia leads VØ by some angle 𝛳.

Also, IaCosØ = constant, for varying excitation and corresponding
current. (further decrease in excitation leads to further lead by
current to VØ. 13
For over excitation condition (i.e. Ea >VØ) the phasor of Ea aligns
as indicated by Ea2 in figure.

Er. Prabin Gautam


For this condition Ia lags VØ by some angle 𝛳.

Also, IaCosØ = constant, for varying excitation and corresponding
current. (further increase in excitation leads to further lag by
current to VØ.
Combining both cases of excitation:

Er. Prabin Gautam



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