Zenda Chapter 3
Zenda Chapter 3
Zenda Chapter 3
Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
Chapter 3
A Merry Evening with a Distant Relative سهرة سعيدة مع قريب من بعيد
• Johann’s generosity disarmed Rassendyll’s Prejudice:
كرم يوهان أزال تحامل راسندل ضده
- Rassendyll might not be prejudiced against متحامل ضدthe duke's keeper
(Johann) because he disliked his complexion.
- Even if Rassendyll had been prejudiced against Johann, Johann’s most
civil مهذبand obliging كريمconduct تصرف/ سلوكnext morning would have
disarmed هدأhim.
- Johann told Rassendyll that a sister of his who had married a well-to-do
tradesman تاجر ثرىand lived in the capital, had invited him to occupy a
room in her house. He had gladly accepted, but now found that his
duties would not permit of his absence. واجباته لن تسمح له بالغياب عن زندا
- Johann begged توسل لRassendyll to take his place. Rassendyll accepted
his offer without a moment's hesitation. بدون تردد
- Johann went off to telegraph to his sister, while Rassendyll packed up
and prepared to take the next train.
- But Rassendyll still hankered after تشوق إلىthe forest and the hunting
lodge, and when the younger daughter of the inn’s owner told him that
he could, by walking ten miles or so through the forest, hit the railway at
a roadside station, he decided to send his luggage أمتعتهdirect to the
address which Johann had given, take his walk, and follow to Strelsau
- Johann had gone off and was not aware of the change in Rassendyll’s
plans. رحل يوهان دون أن يعلم بتغيير خطة راسندل
- As its only effect was to delay Rassendyll’s arrival at Johann’s sister's for
a few hours, there was no reason for troubling to inform Johann of it.
Doubtless the good lady (Johann’s sister) would waste no anxiety on
Rassendyll’s account. ال شك أن أخت يوهان لن تقلق بشأن تأخر راسندل
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
- He was enchanted with مفتون ب/ مسحورthe place, and, finding a felled
tree-trunk جذع شجرة مقطوع, propped سندhis back against it, and
stretching his legs out gave himself up to undisturbed
contemplation تأمل هادىءof the solemn beauty جمال مهيبof the woods
and to the comfort of a good cigar. And when the cigar was finished
and had had inhaled استنشقas much beauty as he could, he went off
into the most delightful sleep, regardless of his train to Strelsau and
of the fast-waning afternoon. فترة ظهيرة سريعة من كثرة الجمال بالغابة
- To remember a train in such a spot would have been rank sacrilege.
تدنيس للمقدسات
▪ A pleasant dream: حلم جميل
- Rassendyll fell to dreaming that he was married to the Princess Flavia
and dwelt عاشواin the Castle of Zenda, and beguiled لهىwhole days with
his love in the glades of the forest — فى أرجاء الغابةwhich made a very
pleasant dream.
- He was just impressing يطبعa fervent kiss قبلة حارةon the charming lips
of the princess, when he heard (and the voice seemed at first a part of
the dream) someone exclaim يصيح, in rough strident حادtones: "Why,
the devil's in it! Shave him, and he'd be the King!"
- The idea seemed whimsical غير منطقية/ غريبةenough for a dream: by the
sacrifice of التضحية بhis heavy moustache and carefully pointed
imperial لحية, he was to be transformed into a monarch! يتحول إلى ملك
▪ Realizing that what he heard was not part of the dream,
Rassendyll awoke:
- Rassendyll was about to kiss the princess again, when he arrived (very
reluctantly ) بترددat the conclusion استتنتاجthat I was awake.
- He opened his eyes, and found two men regarding him يتفحصونهwith
much curiosity. بفضول كبير
- Both wore shooting costumes مالبس صيدand carried guns.
▪ Sapt:
- One was rather short and very stoutly built قوى البنية, with a big bullet-
shaped head برأس كبير مدبب, a bristly grey moustache شارب رمادى خشن,
and small pale blue eyes, a trifle bloodshot. عينين زرقاوين محمرتين قليال
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
▪ Fritz:
- The other was a slender نحيلyoung fellow, of middle height, dark in
complexion ذو بشرة داكنة, and bearing himself with grace and distinction.
تبدو عليه رغد العيش والتميز
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
- Bewildered مرتبكا/ مذهوال, the King asked Sapt who that gentleman was.
- Rassendyll was about to answer, when Colonel Sapt stepped between
the King and him, and began to talk to his Majesty in a low growl. تذمر
- The King towered over Sapt, and, as he listened, his eyes now and again
sought Rassendyll’s.
- Rassendyll looked at the King long and carefully.
- The King burst into the merriest fit of irrepressible laughter ضحك ال يقاوم.
Then he cried, "Well met, cousin!"
- He stepped up to Rassendyll, clapping him on the back, and laughing
still. "You must forgive me if I was taken aback فوجئت. A man doesn't
expect to see double شبيههat this time of day, eh, Fritz?"
- "I must pray pardon سامحنى, sire, for my presumption وقاحة," said
Rassendyll. "I trust it will not forfeit ينتقص منyour Majesty's favour." قدر
- "By Heaven! you'll always enjoy the King's countenance وجه الملك," the
King laughed, "whether I like it or not; and, sir, I shall very gladly add to
it what services I can. Where are you travelling to?"
- Rassendyll replied, "To Strelsau, sire—to the coronation."
▪ A happy-go-lucky King and wise friends:
- "Fritz, Fritz!" the King cried, "a thousand crowns ألف من العملةfor a sight
of brother Michael's face when he sees a pair of us!"
- "Seriously," observed Fritz von Tarlenheim, "I question Mr. Rassendyll's
wisdom أشك فى حكمة السيد راسندلin visiting Strelsau just now."
- The King lit a cigarette and asked Sapt’s opinion.
- Sapt supported Fritz’s opinion.
▪ A generous King:
- Rassendyll told the King that he would leave Ruritania that day.
- The King refused and insisted that Rassendyll would dine with him that
- Reminding the King of the coronation, Fritz told the King that they
would dine sparingly يتعشون باعتدالthat night.
- The King replied negatively, "Not we—with our new cousin for a guest!"
- Fritz shrugged his shoulders. هز فريتز كتفيه
- The King asked Rassendyll about his first name, to which Rassendyll
replied it was his Majesty’s.
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
- The King said that showed the Rassendylls weren’t ashamed of مستعرين
منthe Elphbergs. (Why should they be ashamed?)
- The King asked Rassendyll to accompany يصطحبhim to the hunting
lodge كوخ الصيدwhere he was staying then. (Whose hunting
lodge was it?)
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
the guard of honour تشريفةto fetch يحضرthe King at eight, and then they
would all ride together to the station.
- The happy-go-lucky King ) الملك المتساهل (ضاربها طبنجة هههههsaid it was very
civil of his brother to ask the honour for his regiment.
- Fritz gave up his attempts at persuasion: from persuading, he fell to
being persuaded, and soon they were all full of wine.
- The King began talking of what he would do in the future, old Sapt of
what he had done in the past, Fritz of some beautiful girl or other, and
Rassendyll of the wonderful merits فضلof the Elphberg dynasty. ساللة
- At last the King set down his glass, leant back in his chair, and said he
had drunk enough.
• Black Michael’s wicked plan:
- Josef came and set before the King a marvellous رائعold wicker-covered
flagon. إبريق (زجاجة خمر) قديم مغطى بالخوص
- Josef told the King that Duke of Strelsau bade him أمرهset that wine
before the King, when the King was weary of فرغ منall other wines, and
pray the King to drink, for the love that he bore his brother.
- The bottle was opened, and Josef filled the King's glass.
- The King tasted it. Then, with a solemnity باحتفاليةborn of the hour and
his own condition, he looked round on us: "Gentlemen, my friends—
Rudolf, my cousin ('tis a scandalous story قصة مخزية, Rudolf, on my
honour!), everything is yours to the half of Ruritania. But ask me not for
a single drop of this divine bottle مقدسة/ زجاجة إلهية, which I will drink to
the health of that—that sly knaveالوغد الماكر, my brother, Black Michael."
- And the King seized the bottle and turned it over his mouth, and
drained شربها للنهايةit and flung it طرحها أرضاfrom him, and laid his head
on his arms on the table.
➢ Questions:
1- Rassendyll thought Johann disliked his complexion, so Rassendyll might be
prejudiced against him. However, Johann’s civil and obliging conduct
disarmed Rassendyll. Explain.
2- Rassendyll didn’t like to tell people about his plans, for which he had his
own reasons. Explain.
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
3- Rassendyll decided to change his plans and walk to the station on his way
to Strelsau. How did this affect the rest of the story?
4- Describe the castle of Zenda. What role did it play in the novel?
5- Describe the forest in Zenda. What role did it play in the novel?
6- Describe the hunting lodge. What role did it play in the novel?
7- The castle of Zenda was an ideal residence. Comment.
8- In the novel the Prisoner of Zenda, Rassendyll changed his plans more than
once, which had great consequences. Explain.
9- Fate played an important role in the novel the Prisoner of Zenda. Illustrate.
10- Rassendyll loved Princess Flavia before meeting her. Explain.
11- Three newly acquainted men in the forest were brethren of the sword.
12- Who were the two men that awoke Rassendyll in the forest. Why were
they astonished? How did their characters reveal themselves to Rassendyll
from the beginning?
13- Rassendyll could judge a person by their appearance. Explain.
14- Had Rassendyll realized what a very plainly written pedigree he carried
about with him, he should have thought long before he visited Ruritania.
15- Although the two Rudolfs were like almost identical twins, there were
some minor distinctions. Illustrate.
16- Why were the two Rudolfs astonished when they met?
17- Why did the two Rudolfs apologize to each other?
18- The happy-go-lucky character of the King was a mixed blessing. Explain.
19- During Rassendyll’s journey from Burlesdon to the hunting lodge,
Rassendyll met some people. Describe each person he met briefly.
20- Why did the King think the Rassendylls weren’t ashamed of the
The Prisoner of Zenda Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh
Chapter 3 01021566627
21- Describe the King’s character, based on what happened on the night of the
22- What was Black Michael’s wicked plan? How did the King help him
achieve his plan?