Error in Tense
Error in Tense
Error in Tense
In each of the following paragraphs,
paragraphs, some of the sentences contain errors in verb tense
tense.. Write out
the correct form of any verb that is used incorrectly.
Hands Up!
"all vending machine and reach in to get a candy bar. #hen the machine catch
his hand, he pull out his pistol and shoot the machine twice. The second shot
%r. Theodore &unnet, of Oxford, 'ngland, run amok in his house in &ecember of
()*$. "e ripped the telephone from the wall, thrown a television set and a tape+
stairs, and torn the plumbing out of the bath. "e oer this explanation for his
Late Bloomers
2ome very remarkable adults are known to have experience 3uite unremarkable
childhoods. 'nglish author 4.5. Chesterton, for instance, could not read until the
age of eight, and he usually 6nish at the bottom of his class. /f we could opened
your head, one of his teachers remark, we would not 6nd any brain but only a
lump of fat.
fat. Cheste
n eventu
y become
become a succes
sfull noveli
st. 2imila
Thomas 'dison was label a dunce by one of his teachers, and young 7ames
Mona Lisa
9eonardo da :inci;s %ona 9isa is the most famous portrait in the history of
painting. 9eonardo took four years to complete the painting- he begun work in
(!1 and 6nish in (<!*. %ona =or %adonna 9isa 4herardini> was from a noble
family in ?aples, and 9eonardo may have paint her on commission from her
husband. 9eonardo is said to have entertain %ona 9isa with six musicians. "e
install a musical fountain where the water play on small glass spheres, and he
give %ona a puppy and a white Persian cat to play with. 9eonardo did what he
could to keep %ona smiling during the long hours she sit for him. @ut it is not
only %ona;s mysterious smile that has impress anyone who has ever view the
Hard Luck
B bank teller
telle r in
i n /taly was Ailted
Ail ted by his girlfriend
girl friend and decide the only thing left to
do was kill himself. "e stolen a car with the idea of crashing it, but the car
broken down. "e steal another one, but it was too slow, and he barely dent a
fender when he crashed the car into a tree. The police arrive and charge the
man with auto theft. #hile being 3uestioned, he stab himself in the chest with a
dagger. uick action by the police oDcers saved the man;s life. On the way to
his cell, he Aumped out through a third+story window. B snowdrift broken his fall.
B Audge suspends the man;s sentence, saying, /;m sure fate still has something
1. Hands Up!
. Late Bloomers
7. ona Lisa
5. Hard Luck