In The Lahore High Court, Lahore: Crl. Misc. No.9464-B/2021
In The Lahore High Court, Lahore: Crl. Misc. No.9464-B/2021
In The Lahore High Court, Lahore: Crl. Misc. No.9464-B/2021
S. No. of order/ Date of order/ Order with signature of Judge, and that of
proceeding. proceeding parties or counsel, where necessary.
In the judgment reported as Muhammad Shafi vs. The State and another
(2020 P Cr. L J 1530), this Court has already observed that in such
like cases it is for the learned trial Court to hold at the trial that whether
the evidence adduced by the prosecution would bring the case of
accused within the ambit of Section 322 PPC or otherwise; no
punishment of any period, except the payment of Diyat, has been
provided under Section 322 PPC and no express provision of law exists
to show that punishment of Diyat attracts the prohibitory clause of
Section 497 Cr.P.C. Furthermore, in the case of Israr Hussain Shah vs.
The State and 2 others (2020 P Cr. L J 1164), this Court has held that
if a provision can be interpreted in two different manners then the one
which favours the accused is to be adopted; an accused handed down
guilty verdict under Section 322 PPC can only be kept in confinement,
if he makes a default to pay the Diyat amount as is evident from
Section 331 PPC. The Hon‟ble Supreme Court of Pakistan in the
dictum reported as Shah Hussain vs. The State (PLD 2009 SC 460) has
held that after the use of word “shall” for the word “may” in Section
382-B Cr.P.C, at the time of passing the sentence it is mandatory for
the trial Court to take into consideration the pre-sentence custody
period of the accused.