Alvin C. Samonte Yahoo Inc Case Study Analysis
Alvin C. Samonte Yahoo Inc Case Study Analysis
Alvin C. Samonte Yahoo Inc Case Study Analysis
Strategic Management 1
Case Study on
Yahoo! Inc.
Submitted to:
Mr. Meynard Jowell F. Bitas, PhD
Submitted by:
Alvin C. Samonte
In Partial Fulfilment of
the requirements for the Degree of
Masters in Business Administration
• Due to aggressive cost cutting, Yahoo! allowed to post a 7%
increase in profit.
5.a. To increase the revenue of Yahoo! Inc. by introducing an effective
marketing strategy for communities of users, advertisers, and
A. Company Background
• On 1994, the two founders of Yahoo!, David Filo and Jerry Yang,
were PhD candidates in electrical engineering at Stanford
University, started this company in a campus trailer as a way to
keep track of their personal interests on the internet.
• Eventually, Jerry and David’s lists became too long and unwieldy,
and they broke them out into categories. When the categories
became too full, they developed subcategories and the core
concept behind Yahoo! was born.
• The website started out as “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World
Wide Web” but eventually received a new moniker with the help of
a dictionary.
• Its stock rose to the high of $120 in 2000 but for most of 2009 has
been trading under $14.
B. Situation Analysis
A. Political Factors
• Geopolitics causes economic backdrop, although,
internet-related businesses have held up better that non digital
counterparts, they have still suffered from macroeconomic malaise.
B. Economic Factors
• Unemployment – this caused the deceleration in online
spending growth.
C. Social Factors
• Changing behaviours of consumers.
• Demographics
D. Technology Factors
• Recent technological developments by Yahoo! Inc.
E. Environment Factors
• Waste management in Technology sector
• Attitudes toward and support for renewable energy
F. Legal Factors
• Discrimination law
• Employment law
• Data Protection
2. Industry Analysis
• Potential Entrants – High, due to stronger and more
innovative competitors like Google
• Within Internet base service, Yahoo! has several revenue
generated segments such as Search, Display Related,
Classified, Referrals / Lead Generation and Email.
• Microsoft has tried to acquire Yahoo! twice for the last three
• Consumers are spending more of their time online
• Constant technology changes causes difficulty to be up-to-date all
the time
Introduce lean management that can reduce cost by 5 percent.
• Will be able to reduce waste activities
• Improving productivity & efficiency
• Smarter process (pull system)
• Better use of resources
• The Problem of Inventory
• Difficult to Change Over
• High Implementation Cost
• The Temptation to Over-Structure
Market development in countries like China and India with billions of
• Gaining new customers in huge foreign countries
• Company Growth
• Increase revenue
• Risky
• Costly
Develop a mobile application that offers the Yahoo! Inc. Products and
• Take advantage of a high growing mobile ad spending and customer’s
choice of using more mobile devices to access internet.
• Capture large segment of customers using mobile phone anywhere in the
• Easy access to information.
• Mobile application requires update more frequent compared to websites.
ACA 3: Develop a mobile application that offers the Yahoo! Inc. Products
and Services.
• Personalization
A mobile app allows users to set preferences based on their interest. Apps
provide customized content to users depending on their preferences,
searches and location. Websites provide large amount of information
which is not personalized.
Any kind of personalization can help increase conversion rate.
• Freedom in designing
Mobile apps allow you to customize its appearance, usage and layout
while websites depend on browsers to perform primary functions. An app
is more flexible and offer functions like swipe, drag, tap, hold and more.
This kind of functionality provides a positive experience for users.
• Increased Security
Mobile apps easily integrate with existing security systems to ensure the
high levels of security. Within mobile devices, you can safely access,
modify and share data.
The benefits of a mobile app are far more extensive than that of mobile
websites as they provide an easier, faster way for users to access
information on a more secure platform.
No. Activities Person/ Objective Timeline
1 Hire highly HR To identify consumer’s needs and 2 weeks
qualified behavior.
employees To develop appropriate applications
(display, content, easiness to use,
customer support.
Run efficient marketing campaigns
Run data mining of the whole
database and isolate the mobile
segment to further analyze
behavior of internet use and most
of all analyze spending behavior to
capitalize on core competencies
(search tool, display and search
advertizing, e-commerce) and to
match supply with demand
2 Planning Developers This involves dividing up the list of 1 week
Phase tasks to be implemented during the
current iteration. Each task needs
clearly defined requirements. Once
these requirements are understood
by developers, they will often
estimate the time needed to
complete each task, so that the
tasks can be evenly distributed to
ensure a balanced workload during
the sprint.
Developers also begin planning
their approach to solving their
assigned problems during this
phase. Skilled software developers
find ways to intelligently reuse code
throughout an application. This is
especially important for
implementing styles and shared
functionality. If a design needs to
be changed (believe me, something
will change), you don’t want to have
to go and update code in numerous
places. Instead, well designed
software can be changed in select
places to make these sorts of
sweeping changes.
3 Development The development team will begin 3 months
Phase implementing the styles and
functionality of your app. As they
are completed, they are assigned
back to a project manager or QA
tester for review. Good project
managers are able to fully optimize
developer workloads during this
process by properly redistributing
assignments throughout the sprint.
It is important that your
development team fully understand
the goals of the application as a
whole and for the specific feature
they are working on. Nobody is
more in-tune with that particular
feature than the assigned
developer. They should understand
the intent of the requirements. If
something starts to not make
sense, it is often developers who
will be the first to let you know.
4 Testing Phase Developers Most testing should be performed 1 week
by non-developers or at least
people who are not app’s primary
developer. This will help ensure a
more genuine testing experience.
There are several types of testing
that should occur during each
sprint. These typically include the
Functional Testing - Testing to
ensure the feature works as
described in the requirements.
Usually, a QA team will have a test
plan with a list of actions and the
desired app behavior.
Usability Testing - Testing to
ensure the feature is user-friendly
and is as intuitive as possible.
Often it is helpful to bring in new
testers for a “first-use” experience
during this step.
Performance Testing - The app
might work perfectly, but if it takes
20 seconds to display a simple list,
nobody is going to use it.
Performance testing is typically
more important in later sprints, but
keep an eye on the app’s
responsiveness as you move along.
Fit and Finish Testing - Designers
should review each feature and
ensure that their vision was
implemented as described in the
design. This is another reason why
having one agency for both design
and development is so beneficial.
Regression Testing - QA teams will
have a list of tests to perform at the
end of each sprint, which will
include tests from previous sprints.
Device-Specific Testing - Make
sure to try out the app on numerous
screen sizes and OS versions.
7 Focus Groups Focus groups involve conducting
an interview with a tester or group
of testers who have never seen the
app before and conduct an
interview. We want to understand
who these testers are, how they
learn about new apps, and if they
use similar apps already. Try to get
some background info out of them
before even getting into the
product. Next, let the testers begin
using the app. They should not be
coached during this process.
Instead, let them use the app as if
they had just found it in the app
store. See how they use the app,
and look for common frustrations.
10 Deployment Marketing Deploring the mobile app to the 1 week
and IT world