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Reative Peech Roduction: College of Teacher Education and Arts

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Divine Word College of Vigan


Vigan City


At the end of this module, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
a. explain the connection of these speeches to other macro skills and their
contextual situations; and
b. perform creative speech productions with proper verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies in relation to English language teaching activities

Given the chance to speak in public for 5 minutes, how will you express your thoughts
on this quote?

Credits: https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/louise-hay-affirmations-love.html

To make a speech more interesting and effective, here are some points to consider:

1. A good speaker has a well-structured and sign posted speech: It is organized and easily
followed with clear transitions and message.
2. A good speaker sounds like ‘organized conversations’: his piece is meant to invoke the
image of a speaker in a natural way.
3. A good speech has a purpose: the piece is clear to the audience and to which the speaker
4. A good speaker is active and not passive. It does not speak in a monotonous tone.
5. A good speaker works to create immediacy (sense of connection) with the audience.

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Divine Word College of Vigan
Vigan City

A. Types of Speech Delivery

1. Impromptu Speaking: involves delivering a message on the spur of the moment
(say a few words)
2. Extemporaneous Speaking: consist of delivering a speech in a conversational
fashion using notes. This is the style most speeches call for.
3. Manuscript Speaking: consists of reading a fully scripted speech. It is useful when
a message needs to be delivered in precise words.
4. Memorized speaking: consists of reciting a scripted speech from memory.
Memorization allows the speaker to be free of notes.

B. Argumentation: is a persuasive speech in which the speaker attempts to persuade his

audience to alter their viewpoints on a particular issue.

C. Debate: an organized argument or contest of ideas in which the participants discuss a

topic from two opposing sides.

D. Speeches for Special Occasion

 Eulogy: a speech is given at a funeral or memorial service to honor the deceased.
 Introduction a speech given to introduce a speaker to an audience.
 Toast: a speech given honoring a person or group
 Giving/ Accepting an Award: a speech given to bestow an honor or received an
 Commencement: a speech given at graduation

E. Declamation: a speech that requires students to deliver in public and perform an excerpt
of that speech to an audience.
F. Monologue: is a speech given by a single character in a story. In drama, it is the
vocalization or verbalization of a character’s thoughts.

G. Reader’s theater is a strategy for developing reading fluency. It involves children in

oral reading through reading parts in scripts.

Why use reader’s theater?

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Divine Word College of Vigan
Vigan City

a. It promotes fluency.
b. It helps readers learn to read aloud with expression.
c. It helps build reading confidence.

How to use reader’s theater:

a. Choose a story that can be divided into parts or character.
b. Assign reading parts to each child.
c. Ask students to read their scripts orally for practice.
d. Have students read assigned parts to the audience.

H. Chamber Theater: a form of technique where literary works are adapted to a certain
platform such as the stage while using majority of its part within a minimal and
suggestive setting.

Now, it is your turn to check on your understanding of this unit. Take note, this will be
graded and recorded.

Let’s practice public speaking. You will be given a link for our Google Meeting for
your impromptu speaking activity.

You will be graded based on Confidence, Use of Public Speaking Elements,

Gestures/Bodily Actions, and Language Mechanics.

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